xt7dfn10s222 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10s222/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-10-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1987 1987 1987-10-01 2020 true xt7dfn10s222 section xt7dfn10s222  










Some say “yes,” some “no," in greek
alcohol issue. SEE PAGE 4.




Brother against brother in UK
game Saturday. SEE PAGE 2.




Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCl. No. 34

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Thursday October 1 , 1987







Ulysses S. Davis was assisted into the car yesterday after the trial.
Yesterday was the second day of the trial.

Editorial Editor

Ulysses S. Davis testified in
court yesterday that he didn‘t
shoot with the intent to harm
anyone at any point during his
confrontation with police last

Davis. a former UK custodial
worker. held police at bay from
the Peterson Service Building for
more than 11 hours on Dec. 10.
1986. while armed with a rifle,
shotgun, artillery simulator. sa-
murai sword, dagger and gre-

Davis fired more than 100 shots
during the ordeal. injuring two

Judge James Keller of Fayette
County Circuit Court heard testi-
mony Tuesday and yesterday
from Lexington and UK officers
saying they had thought Davis
was firing at them.

Davis is charged with two
counts of second degree assault.
three counts of attempted mur-
der, wanton endangerment in the

first degree and unlawful impris-
onment in the first degree.

Davis is pleading temporary in
sanity to the charges. Yesterday
was the second day of the trial.
with a verdict expected today.

UK Officer Henry (‘lay Huff
testified 'Diesday that Davis
“fired at my head." Huff said he
could hear the bullet “buzz“ by
his ear.

But. when asked if he fired at
Huff. Davis responded “No. I
didn't . . . I believe he is totally

Davis went on to say that he
never shot at any police officers
— “I did not shoot at them. I shot
over them.“ he said.

“If I‘m wrong and I make a
mistake. I‘ll live up to it , that's
today. that's tomorrow.” he said.

William Higgins. Davis' former
superviser at UK. testified 'I‘ues-
day that Davis pointed a shotgun
at him and “fired one shot." hit-
ting Iliggins in the leg. Davis
said he did not shoot at Iliggins.

Davis later testified during
crossexamination by Common»

Davis testifies that he didn’t shoot at police

wealth Attorney Ray Larson that
his gun might have gone off in
the hay when he saw Higgins. but
he didn‘t remember.

Davis said he was sure he
didn't fire at anyone intentional-

James C. Latimer. a Lexington
police officer trained as a hos-
tage negotiator. testified that he
spoke to Davis over the phone
during the 11-hour standoff.

Those conversations were
taped and part of the initial ex-
change was played to the jury
yesterday .

About halfway through the
playing of the tape. Davis re-
quested and was granted permis-
sion to leave the court room dur—
ing the playing of the tape,

(in the tapes Davrs said that
four men on his work crew had
"been trying to kill me for some
reason ever since I've been tat

Davis testified that he was
upset with the men for the way
they treated him. Davis said they

had considered the treatment
”some kind of initiation process "

This treatment. along with nu-
merous other circumstances. If]
eluding being fired from [K for
fighting with a fellow employee.
losing his apartment and being
broke. was more than Dans said
he could handle-

“A man can only take so
much." Davis said on llll‘ tape
“I got more problems than lndi
ans got cowboys "

Davis informed Latimer sevc
ral times throughout the corner
sation that he was not going to
harm Richard Briscoc. superin-
tendent of the FR servrces dea
partment. who he was holding
hostage at the time.

But Davis said he would shoot
anyone who tried to challenge

Davis held Briscoe hostage for
more than two hours before vol-
untarily letting him go

"I just want you to know lil‘lS'
coe will be safe he‘ll sec
Christmas. he's not ont- of the

\t‘t‘ I)\\ I‘. l) 1.x ‘-


Committee favors
condom proposal

By (‘.A. DUANE BONll-‘ER
Associate Editor

A resolution calling for the distri-
bution of condoms in the basement
of six UK dormitories passed
through an SGA committee last
night and is now cleared for a vote
on the senate floor.

The Student Government Associa-
tion‘s campus relations committee
favorably passed the resolution and
will now be voted on by the senate
floor at its Oct. 7 meeting.

Although the resolution was
passed by a 5-1 margin with one sen-
ator abstaining. it was hotly debated
for more than 1': hours by commit-
tee members. SGA senators and stu-

Most who opposed the resolution
doubted whether a majority of the
student body was behind the pr0p0~
sal. Several committee members
said they thought a poll was needed
to prove that students did indeed
support the resolution.

“Personally, I don‘t think it has a
prayer on the senate floor without
student polling.“ committee mem-
ber and Senator at Large Ken Payne

But President Cyndi Weaver told
the committee that polling the stu-
dents would cost too much. take too
long and make more of a “media
issue“ out of it.

Senator at Large David Botkins. a
member of the committee and chair-
man of the Sexual Safety and
Awareness Task Force that made
the proposal, said an informal sur-
vey he had conducted “among his
consituents" indicated that students
were in favor of the resolution.

“If I didn‘t think there were
enough students who felt strongly
about this I would have backed off it
a long time ago," he said.

One individual Botkins pointed to
was Haggin Hall Director David

“He feels that the time has come
for this to be done." Botkins said.
“When a hall director comes out and
says something on the record . . . to
me that‘s an indication of how peo-
ple feel."

But one member said student sup-
port shouldn‘t be the basis for the
SGA's decision.

Sean Lohman of the Freshman
Representative Council told the
committee that SGA should not be
worried about what its constituents
think. but what is in the best interest
of the students' health.

“If this thing can save just one
person's life from AIDS (acquired
immune defienciency syndrome).
then this is worth it," he said.

Committee member Rosanne Pal-
ermo, a senator from the college of
dentistry, said by passing the resolu-
tion does not “force anyone to do

“We’re offering the use of these
machines, we‘re not forcing anyone
to do anything." she said.

Senator at Large David Moore
told the committee he was opposed
to the resolution because it makes it
takes away the responsibility from
having sex.

“If they're not responsible enough
to go to the store. then they‘re not
going to be responsible about sex.“
he said.

Weaver responded to Moore by
saying “we can say what (studentst
ought to do. but it doesn‘t work that

Moore also questioned how the UK
administration stands on the issue.

Weaver said she has spoken with
several administrators and although
some of them have “mixed feelings“
about the issue, none of them had
rejected the idea.

In fact, Weaver said “someone
high" in the administration told her
that SGA should quit talking about
the issue and “just do it." Weaver
did not name the administrator.

Democrats deny hiring
a private investigator

Associated Press

FRANKFORT —— The chairman of
the state Democratic Party says he
has no idea who hired a private de-
tective to investigate the back-
ground of the son of John Harper,
the Republican candidate for gover-

Danny Briscoe says what he does

know is that neither the party nor its
candidate for governor. Wallace Wil-
kinson, hired detective Donald Pow-
ers of Lawrenceburg.

“He‘s not working for this cam-
paign or this headquarters." said
Briscoe. who is also Wilkimon‘s

campaign manager. “We didn‘t hire

him. ‘ ‘


ticle about Ulysses S. Davis in yes-
terday's Kernel contained some in-

Richard Brbcoe, superintendent
of the UK service: department, tea-

tified in Fayette Circuit Court.

Due to an editor's error. the arti-
cle about the SURE. hotline in the
Sept. 29 Kernel omitted the tele
phone number. The number is 252-


(A “I t


Shirt shopping

.(t " t

Paul Broderick. a UK graduate in horticulture. looks at the shirts
and sweats in the Complex/Commons Sundry Shop yesterday

afternoon. The shop carries clothes as well as many personal

articles needed by students.




CAE holds reception
for scholarship students

Staff Writer

Collegians for Academic Excel-
lence held a reception yesterday for
new freshman and transfer students
who received UK scholarships dur-
ing their high school senior year.

”CAE was formed to give students
the opportunity to have more of a di-
rect impact on what the University
is doing and to help the University
in its recruiting." said Bill Swinford,
CAE president.

About 200 students were honored
at the reception on Patterson Office
Tower's 18th floor. Several faculty
members attended. including UK
President David Roselle. Academic
Affairs Chancellor Don Sands, Chan-
cellor for Student Affairs James
Radar and several deans.

Among the merit-based schol-
arships given to the students were
the Commonwealth. Presidential.
Validictorian and Singletary schol-

111s Academic Excellence Com-
mittee formed the organization four

years ago for academic achievers.
Its purpose is to promote and recruit
high academic achievers and pro-
mote UK‘s image. said Lynn Zarem~
ba. CAE campus liaison director.

Students can join the organization
during the annual CAE membership
drive in the spring. Applications are
taken in March. Students must have
a minimum grade point average of
3.0 in the first semester of their
freshman year and will then go
through an interviewing process
with the officers.

Swinford said there are about 85
CAE members this year. an in
crease from the nearly 65 members
last year.

“This is attributed to the accom-
plishments of the organization and
the willingness to help make the
University stronger.“ Swinford said.

New members don‘t have to be

“CAE is open to anyone that‘s
been on UK‘s main campus at least
one aemeater.“said Swinford. “they
(students) have a better feel of
what‘s going on.“


Activities planned in November in-
clude a Beat Tennessee Weak where
members sell sweatshirts to raise
money for the academic excellence
fund. CAE will also sponsor a 315l-
ness and Economics phones-thou.

In January. the admission's office
phone-a-thon is scheduled for four
nights. Zaremba said CAE members
call prospective high school students
and answer any questions they may
have about UK.

still to be

Staff reports

There are still a number of events
left during homecoming week

w The Student Activities Board
has destgnated today as
“Blue/White Day " Students are en-
couraged to wear their latest I'K
fashions in support of the football

At 7:30 pm. students will parade
through campis to Commonwealth
Stadium. where the annual "Wildcat
Roar“ will occur.

The pep rally will include a “Yell
Like Hell“ contest and a laser~light
show. UK coach Jerry Claiborne.
the UK team and varsity cheerlead-
ers will be present.

w House displays will be judged
at 8 am. tomorrow. The displays
are supposed to incorporate the
“Magical Kingdom" theme to be
considered in the contest.

The “Big Blue Boogie" will be
from an pm. Friday in downtown
Lexington's streets.


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. October 1. 1007

Friendly foes

Linemen will have similar genes but not uniforms on the gridiron

Staff Writer

It will be brother against brother
in Saturday's homecoming football
game between Kentucky and Ohio
University in Commonwealth Stadi-

The game will not only pit two
cats —— Wildcats and Bobcats —
against each other, but two Myers’
— UK‘s Brad and OU‘s Brian.

Brad. a senior center. stands fr
foot—2. 271 pounds. He is 18 months
older than brother Brian. a 6-2 soph-
omore guard who hasn‘t had Brad‘s
two extra years in the weight room
to put more bulk on his 250-pound

The two brothers won't meet each
other face-to-face on the field. since
both play on their respective offen~
sive lines.

However. that doesn't lessen this
game‘s importance to Brad and

“Ever since it‘s been on the sched-
ule. we‘ve been going at it verbally.
talking about how it‘s going to be
bragging rights for the rest of our
lives." Brad said. “Since this is my
last season. I won‘t get the chance
to play against him again.“

Brad admitted that the game will
be unusual since he will be playing
against Brian, his teammate back in
1983 at Miamisburg (Ohio) High

“I think it‘ll be weird when I run
out on the field and we’re getting all
geared up for the game. then I see
my brother on the opposing team.“
Brad said.

“We played high school football
and baseball together on the same

team. It‘s just weird that we‘re
playing against each other now. "

Brad won't be the only one with
that “weird" feeling Saturday. Don
and Bev Myers. parents of the
brothers. may be mixed up the

“I don‘t know how I'm going to
react." Mr. Myers said. ”I guess I'll
just root for the team that has the
ball. I think I'm going to move out
of my seats and go sit in the end
zone so the people around me won't
think I'm an idiot.

“I just hope the best team wins.
It‘s going to be quite an experi-
ence." added the elder Myers. an
All-State center at Miamisburg in
the late 196th.

The game will also mean a change
of attire for the Myers’. who are
usually clad in blue when they make
the trip down to Lexington.

Freshman runner Bushallow
fills shoes, meets expectations

Contributing Writer

When a good team loses a star
athlete. a coach hopes someone else
can emerge and step into the spot-

Freshman Denise Bushallow has
done just that for the UK cross coun-
try team this fall. Among the fallen.
she has emerged as Coach Dan Web-
er's top runner.

An injury ended Kim Hawkins'
season and the All-American Lisa
Braiding may be redshirted. Two
other top runners, Patricia Padorno
and Sherry Hoover. may also have
their years ended soon by the injury
The abundance of injuries has left
the spotlight shining on Bushallow.
And she‘s stepped right into it.

The freshman from Auburn. N.Y.,
has been the first Lady Cat to cross
the finish line at both the Kentucky
and the Vanderbilt invitationals. She
placed 10th at the UK meet and fin-
ished second at Vandy Saturday.


Although Bushallow is pleased
with her performance so far. she is
not satisfied.

”I‘m not going to let it go to my
head." she said. “Right now I‘m
just worried about going out and
running good."

Weber isn‘t really surprised with
Bushallow‘s emergence. He ex-
pected it after recruiting her.

“She‘s a top runner." he said.
“The only advantage the other girls
have on Denise is experience."

One hurdle Bushallow is trying to
get over now is the change from
high school to the tougher competi-
tion at the college level. However.
she has already shown she is mak—
ing the transition easier than most.

“I enjoy the change and the com-
petition." Bushallow said. “Although
I do miss not being able to win all
the time." ' '

Bushallow says every meet at the
collegiate level is like a national


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Mr. Myers says he will wear an
0U hat when the Bobcats have the
ball and a UK hat when the Wildcats
have the ball. Mrs. Myers will wear
a sweater that is blue on one side
and green (Ohio University's colors
are kelly green and white) on the

Brad said he called Brian Tuesday
night to talk lightheartedly about the

Brad said he and Brian are close
friends. but a sibling rivalry used to

“Right now. we‘re very close.“
Brad said. “But when we were
young. we fought about three or four
times a day. I think that was be-
cause of the competitiveness in both
of us.“

You can bet that old competitive
fire will be revived once again come
game time Saturday.


meet for her because of the competi- ,

tion. Even practice is more intense.

“In high school we had to run
longer. but now we have to run fas-

Only running competitively for
four years, Bushallow feels her
strongest asset is her ability to kick
in strong at the end of a race. That
is why she enjoys the longer races in
cross country more than the short
ones on the track.

It looks as though someone has
stepped to the front for the women.
But Weber doesn‘t expect her to
fade to the back when his other top
runners finally return.

“Her ability and potential are as
good as anyone’s.“ he said.

Although she is still feeling her
way through her freshman year,
Bushallow’s main concern is im-
proving every time she goes out.

“I‘m leI worried about doing my
best,"she said.


Editor in Chief
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Editorial Editor

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Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor

Advertising Manager
Production Manager


Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the
academic year and weekly during the summer session

Third-class postage paid at Lexington. KY 4051 t Mailed sub-
scription rates are $1 5 per semester and $30 per year.

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534
Buckman Street. Shepherdsville. KY 40165

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Ker-
nel, Room 026 Journalism Building. University of Kentucky. LexA
ington.KY 40506-0042 Phone (606)257-2871

Dan Hassert

Jay Blanton

C.A. Duane Bonifer
Karen Phillips
Thomas J. Sullivan
Clay Owen

Erik Reece

Todd Jones

Jim White

Paula Anderson
Linda Collins
Scott Ward






4‘ I moro couarssv‘ux sponrsmnou
UK freshman Dennis Bushallow has finished 10th in the Kentucky
relays and second in the Vanderbilt Invitational this season.

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor


deny all

Associated Press

KNOXVILLE. Tenn. — Tennes-
see Athletic Director Doug Dick-
ey and Coach Johnny Majors on
Tuesday denied charges in the
November issue of Sport mag-
azine that they covered up im-
proper payments to Volunteers'
football players.

Former player Tim McGee.
now a wide receiver with the
NFL’s Cincinnati Bengals, said
he was misquoted as sayirg he
received cash payments from
boosters and that coaches knew
of the widespread practice.

“I did not say that." McGee
said. “They (the interviewers)
said they'd heard a lot of players
got $100 handshakes after the
game and I said I had too. I
meant I’d heard about it too.‘

Dickey, reacting to the article's
claim that players sold tickets for
up to $2.000 a year and that
coaches knew about it. said the
university was standing by last
year‘s investigation which con-
cluded there was no pattern of
ticket abuse.

Majors proclaimed his inno-
cence of a cover-up in a tersely
worded statement before his
weekly talk with sportswriters
and broadcasters covering the
10th-ranked Vols. who meet Cali~
fomia Saturday.

“I will make one statement and
one statement only in regard to
the Sport magazine article." Ma—
jors said. “To the extent the arti-
cle suggests I knowingly partici-
pated in or had knowledge of
violations. or attempted to cover
up such violations, it is untrue.“


Dickey said a four-man investi-
gating committee, which last
year spent six months probing al-
legations of boosters giving extra
benefits to players. “w uld comb
the article for new’ rges that
needed addressing. " “ ‘





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 Kentucky Kernel. Thursday,0ctober1,1ur — 3



Guitar bizarre

Jazz guitarist Pat Metheny embraces sultry tones on ‘Still Life’ while Rush ponders social mores on ‘Hold Your Fire’

Staff Critic

Pat Metheny
Geffen Recent

Pat Metheny’s latest effort Still
Life (Talking) offers more of his
melodic style and some extensions
of previors experimentation. And al-
though it has shortcomings, it also
proves Metheny, with the help of pi-
anist/co—writer Lyle Mays, can still
be a creative force in modern jazz.

Here we have one of the most cel-
ebrated jazz guitarists of the ’80s
Metheny has not only won acclaim
in jazz polls all over the world for
his guitar playing in the last seven
or eight years but also has estab
lished himself as a renowned teach-
er and creative mind in modern and
be-bop jazz.

His innovative use of the guitar
synthesizer has been partly respon-
sible for taking the instrument from
relative obscurity into every-day
knowledge. Metheny’s intricate use
of his instniment to provide colors
and textures has brought the guitar
into a fresh and exciting new era.

Metheny progresses album by
album into a highly unrestricted and
creative sound one step ahead of
other artists in the modern realms
of jazz.

Unfortunately, Still Life (Talking)
doesn’t show much of a progression
of the Metheny and Mays sound, but
proves to be a settling period in


‘Still Life (Talking)'
marks a relaxing point

in Metheny’s career,
and although it makes

a few disappointing
statements, proves
worthy of Metheny’s

which previous ideas are expanded,
some good, some faltering.

One of these ideas is Metheny’s
use of the human voice as an instru-
ment and not just a medium for re-
laying lyrics.

On First Circle, released in ’84,
this voice was used with success in
providing background textures and
very occasionally used to provide
the melody line, but on Still Life,

this technique is overused. Four of
the seven tracks feature the method
to convey the melody and only two
tracks make use of its textural col-
ors in a background seme.

The solos on “Talk," complements
of Mays, are very solid and the
rhythms beneath are worthy of
Metheny’s style, but the melody
line, with its airy voice color, stifle
the remainder of the piece.

0n the other hand, Metheny and
Mays show excellent use of their
composing skills to produce pieces
such as “Minuno” and “Third

In “Third Wind" especially, Meth—
eny and Mays use a progression of
vividly different sections to carry
the listener from a modern feel, to a
Latin feel, into a percussion African
feel, and back to modern.

Metheny’s flair for sensual melod-
ic phrases are felt in the ballad, “In
Her Family," and in “Distance."
Mays is given a chance to further
develop his cinematic style.

Perhaps the best thing this album
offers is “Last Train Home.“ This
track is the only piece on Still Life
that conveys a picture worthy of the
album title‘s concept. Its melody,
colored with a guitar synth setting,
has become a Metheny trademark.
Its driving percussion, mimicking
the sounds of a train, paint a lonely
image of an old passenger train
slowly but assuredly moving into a

Still Life (Talking) marks a relax-
ing point in Metheny's career, and
although it makes a few disappoint-
ing statements, proves worthy of
Metheny’s reputation.


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By ROB scxc
Staff Critic

Mercury lPolyGram) Records

The opening song states. “Tough
times demand tough talk demand
tough hearts demand tough songs
demand." Tough songs follow on
Hold Your Fire, the new album from
Canada‘s super trio, Rush.

Neil Peart‘s lyrics have become
more concise and down-toearth
while providing some insightful so-
cial commentary. Peart usually
comments on social changes in the
face of technological advances but
he expands to explore human emo-

Vocalist Geddy Lee is joined by
'Til Tuesday‘s Aimee Mann on
“Time Stand Still,“ and her voice
accentuates Lee‘s. It‘s a reflective
song (“I let my past go too fast/No






time to pause") which, with the aid
of Mann‘s vocals, hints at vulnerabi-
lity (“Let my defenses down. all
those wounds I can’t get unwound“ ),

Mann‘s vocals might have been
better utilized on “Open Secrets,"
which deals with a ruptured
relationship. The protagonist real-
izes that his refusal to reveal his
feelings to his mate has caused the
rift. He eventually realizes that “the
things that were concealing will
never let us grow. "

“Second Nature“ comments on
the changing mores of society as a
result of “progress that has no pa-
tience" and “too many captains
steering us wrong." Lines like, “It’s
hard to take the blame/To fight the
fire while we’re feeding the flames."
get a little too preachy.

“Mission" emphasizes the impor-
tance of being able to dream. They
help stem the onslaught of cynicism
and keep the drive to succeed going
for “we each pay a fabulous price
for our visions of paradise. but a spi-
rit with a vision is a dream with a

“Turn the Page" points out socie-
ty‘s apathy to face the realities of

Erik Reece
Arts Ecfitor

the world that appear daily in the
news I It's just the age we disen-
gage. we turn the page"). Peart
blames the misinformation given to
us by names in the news because
“how can anybody be enlightened,
truth is after all so poorly lit."

“Tai Shan" is a throwback to the
epic, mysterious songs that charac-
terized Rush's songs in the ‘70s. It is
relevant to the album, though. as it
places the complexities of modern
civilization into perspective with the
simplicities of a primitive one.

Rush scents to have arrived at the
musical plateau it has been gradual.
ly moving toward. Pearl can always
be counted on to deliver a stellar
performance behind the drums. Lee
and guitarist Alex Lifeson have fi-
nally achieved a perfect medium be-
tween their respective instruments.
Although his solos are now more
sporadic, Lifeson‘s steady guitar
work is always present. comple—
menting Lee's quirky bass and syn-

The group now faces the danger of
becoming formulaic. Pearl‘s song-
writing is taking a new direction but
some of the songs sound vaguely
similar to the previors albums. The
synthesizer riff in “Prime Mover“ is
lifted directly from Power Window's
"Grand Designs “

It‘s hard to imagine Rush becom-
ing another stagnant. arena-rock
band like Loverboy. but then again.
it seems that everybody wants a hit
these days.



3g; :1 :1













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At its regular meeting on September 14.

1987. the Unrversrty Senate adopted the

following revised policy on Incomplete (I) Grades effective for grades issued for the
Fall Semester 1987 and thereafter:

Senate Rule V, Section 1.3.2

A grade of I must be replaced by a regular final grade not later than 12 months
from the end of the academic term in which the I grade was awarded or prior to
the Student‘s graduation. whichever oc0urs first In the event the grade of I IS
not replaced by a regular final letter grade within the allowable period. the Unr-
versity Registrar shall change the I grade to a grade of E on the student's per-
manent academic record and adjust the student‘s grade pornt standing accord
ingly. A graduate who had an I grade on ms or her academic record at the time
of graduation (and which grade was subsequently changed to an E by the Reg-
istrar) may be allowed a maximum of 12 months followrng the end of the term in
which the course was taken to satisfactorily complete the course and receive

the grade change.

For each I grade assigned, the instructor shall complete an appropriate file re-
cord on a standard form provided by the University Registrar. which shall include

the following

a the name of the student;

b the course number and bows of credit:

c. semester and year of enrollment;

d signature of the instructor:

e. a brief statement of the reasonls) for recording the incomplete.

1. specific instructions on how alternate grades on the work to be com-
pleted will affect the final grade;

9. the specific time requirement (not to exceed 12 months) set by the
instructor for the removal of the I grade and consequences of not removrng the I

grade; and

h signature of the student, if feasible.

The instructor shall provrde a completed copy of this record to the student. the
department chairman, the dean of the college in which the student is enrolled.
the dean of the college offering the course. and University Registrar at the time

the I grade rs reported.

The term ”student“ in this context excludes only students enrolled in the Grad-
uate School and the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry

l grades awarded for the 8~week Summer Session for 1987 and all previous aca-
demic terms are subject to the previous I grade policy published on page 52 of the
University Bulletin Under the two-year time limit of this rule. I grades earned prior to the
Fall Semester of 1985 cannot be replaced by regular final grades.


 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. October 1. 1007

Bill should be OK’d

so America will stop

supporting gulf war

The Reagan administration’s re-flagging of Kuwaiti
ships under the Stars and Stripes has been a controversial
topic in Congress, but Tuesday there was finally a piece of
legislation that at least all the current members in the US.

Senate could agree