xt7dfn10s044 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10s044/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-09-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 16, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 16, 1971 1971 1971-09-16 2020 true xt7dfn10s044 section xt7dfn10s044 H ' ' ' d f’ "
By GREG HARTMAN, Assistant Managing Editor '

Criticism 0f the University response to the BOIh Wendelsdorf and HOPSOH SUEECSWd “I am of the opinion that it won‘t Work." she ‘ '
housing commission proposals continued to grow extending hours in one or two dorms 35 an said. ”so I’d like to emphasize the necessity of a , .
this week. experiment. They said this would allow students study." -_ .. '

The deCISion of Vice l’reSident for Student to choose a dorm to fit their own life-styles while "1 think having “.30“ch m ”h. dorms b u good . '.j
Affairs Dr. RQbert Zumwmkle to put Off any mollifying PUth opinion. idea.” Hopson said. “I taught a seminar to some ' ’V
major change 111 open house regulations for the Zumwinkle’s response to the housing high school kids during the summer myself.” it’s 1 ' ' '
dorms came under especrally heavy fire from commission’s second major proposal, one of the best types of education going, so it‘sa -‘ ’
“fem leaders. . . experimentation with a “living-learning” concept shame W€ won’t be able to afford it.“ i '.

Student,Government,categorically-opposes 111,5, for restructuring dorm life, met with more mixed A more general CYitiCian 0f ZUHWIHHCK ' " 4
(2.3“;Vélllik133 Itngdlftlteev OgethlSIftaUOh POhCy, comments. responses to the housing commission‘s; proposals 1‘ i . '
sai resr en co en es or. came to . .. .-. .v . - . _-

“The ‘modified’ open housing regulations “This living-learning concept appeared Universirtyrgengi‘enAdliilsrdlrtyl ‘Cotriiriiiitdtlcigmn 01 tlu "1 ‘
adopted by Zumwinkle are more restrictive than throughout the entire commission report and I feel “All of the proposals Zumwinkle accepted were T} ' I
last year’s since they have closed loopholes which chfit ”11:15 1“ itself is atypsof life-style dorm.” said token gestures to disguise the fact that not much is g ' -
made the original policy a bit less represstve, iane 353‘» 5" housrng director. going to be done," she said. “It‘s disturbing that f
Wendelsdorf said. . . Naser said living-learning dorms, with their they can dig UP 3300.000 tO renoVate l’razee ”all. - .I ',

' Student . Government has ino”intention 0f proposed faculty residents and classes, should not but Che a 13Ck Of funds as reasons for not 3 1
shelvmg the issue Of open “Slum“: he addeg'. be set up hastily. Continued on Page 8, Col. 3 , '~ . I

“In his response to the housmg commrssron ‘. ' '.
proposals Zumwinkle said major changes were ‘
unlikely, while a survey showed 90 percent of the ‘ 1‘ i. , ~
students want liberalization of the rules,” said ,i I ,r ‘r' 5.13
A&S student senator Howell Hopson. ‘ 5 -. 1 .. i .'.

“It’s disturbing that a vice president for student ?' if; ’ :' fl ‘ . 7 _
affairs is more concerned with public relations 'i .-. fl ' _ .’ ,"'
than with student opinion on a matter of this " , .' ‘
sort,” he said. g

. W . e . t .1 ‘ . 57" If“; i-‘itif ..

aiv r deadline passed .
By RONALD MITCHELL, Kernel Staff Writer . -
Wednesday was the last day to obtain a waiver r"

from the 87 student health insurance fee. If you i

didn’t get one and don’t intend to pay up by Sept. i

30, you’ll be a delinquent, according to the Health 3 '. 7:

Service. and you’ll still be held responsible for the

bill, and as a bonus you won‘t be able to 5‘ -_

pre-register for next sumester. . . " .i 3

Students concerned with this and ()ther aspect an Independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky
of the mandatory insurance program met Thursda . s- . l _ if I _ , . . . , . . , _ . _
Wednesday with members of the Student Health I )' rcptcm xr )’ 9" LEXINGTON‘ I‘EXTl (1“ “hm, “ll- LXIH- \"- H i i
In outlining the reasons for the new program, . _' 5 '

John Dorson, a member of the committee, 1 he t lt 650 l

explained that all money paid into mandatory Part res u S l n 08 S . 3‘

A will be sent back to the health service to help 7

, finance their programs. Most of the Facility’s By DALE MATTHEWS, Assistant Managing Editor .'

Zirjggefvgluze giggiaglrerdatai‘u: Cgliiteldmihzarftirg The right of privacy may ultimately be reason.'Each student’s room is rented troni the

handling the insurance program will ieceive no responSIble for the Iirrecoverable loss .of $650 Umversrty and there. should beggranted to the "

money from Part A and very little, from Part B the worth of clothes and Jewelry in a UniverSity dorm. student the same rights of privacy to which

policy which covers students 12 months a year Monday night in an upper class reSIdence hall. :1 anyone not livmg in a dorm is entitled. LY

regardless of location. student whom we shall call Cindy (at this time the liven if such a search were conducted and a j ._
Dr. Frank Cascio Health Service director said real names cannot be used) left her room for gurlty party discovered. chances are the recovered ' ’4

the program was necessary because of increased approxrmately half an hour. When Cindy left. she goods would not be admissable as evrdcnce in '

usage of the Health Service facilities. According to asked those close by on her floor to keep an eye court because of illegal search and seizure. ._. , .

Cascio about 70 percent of all students went to on the telephonebecause She was expecting a call. Rights of mdrvrduals vs. rights Of "1310”“ -'.

the health service last year, and that a 10 percent Cindy lettileavmg the door open. . .. . hut what “how Cindy? She also has right. .

increase is expected this year. On this basis the $7 While talking to other residents. Cindy learned Cindy said she “wouldn’t want 50,”th tearing ..

figure was reached. there had been tWO thefts 1“ the dorm. When She through my room either. But look dl it from my _

Skip Althoff, another committee member, also returned to her room to put two dresses purchased Side.” 1"" 4
supported the program by saying that rising Monday afternoon 3W3)" she ”GUCCd they were Perhaps she should have been more cautiousand

hospital costs necessitated it. Without the new goge- .- h' C‘ d ‘l “k‘dl ) ‘1 .. locked her door. Although a valid point to be ".

. insurance action the quality of the health service uspecting hOl mg. ”1 Y t “if '1“ k Gill ‘9 conSidercd by all-other dorm residents. now ll 1‘ ..

would decline within several years. he said. see If Sh? had hung the (”6.5%, “ind Mimi“ after the ”a m find-V" “"N‘ 1".» '-

Quality of the service not withstanding. many forgotten Jb'OUt if- “ Wisxtllen 51““ {fall/I‘d th‘ two And Cindy has Ll very good Point. There must be ‘

students are still not paying the $7 fee. 500 Ilbgvhtlreslses and OLE Othi'crs IwertImis‘slinrg. n . d some balance between the countervailing rights oi , . _.._'

waivers were processed prior to the deadline and bill tle; 5C3 hllgllu t ddtf 18f hi“; ri H ”X J“ privacy and the investigation of crime. Both must . ,. .

the Health Service would not project how many 1 0 id ecn remove. rom .U. ress.r. be respected. ‘.

more would delinquent, . Irreplaceable Items mISSlng . _ ;.;..-.:.:.;.;.:.-.;.:.:.;.:.-.23.3.35.--..,-.;;.A.-_~g.;;--._..-..-,-.,-.;.:.;.:._.¢.¢~.2:3,; - -- 1 - . if .. : ' I

The Jewelry box itself was an expensrve gift. "1*":‘1‘='3*""*=**'*-“=3""' ~"i‘vvii'1'1‘1**'5“1*** . , '
containing such items as high school class rings and Commentary 1 . 7 i . r“
. I“; ; items from Europe and Mexrco which cannot be =:::;:.:;.;2;:;:-22:22:55.:.as::.-:.~:;:;:::::::::~-::.222222-:::::;::::::=:="2»r-:::::;:.-:;:;:;:::;:.-:;:;:::.:;:.al*sic-=5 .h,‘ - . - ‘
,- . . replaced. .. . ., .. .> . _ 4 .‘
_'5 ' The total value of the missing goods is $650. UK director of Safety and Security Joe Burch . . ' . ' _
-,. ' Since access to womens residence halls is told the Kernel there is a chance the goods may be , ‘ 4 ,.
somewhat limited, it was proposed that all the recovered if the community works together. ‘ . "
9 . rooms be searched for the stolen property. According to Burch. stolen items are sometimes . ' i
’ ' However such things cannot be done. recovered if there is a good description of them to 35
13;; x, . ' In this particular hall at least. 24 hours notice alert pawn shop owners and if others victimized by . ’ ’
.-,....., - must be given the residents before a room check thefts report them. , - '
‘ i > _ . can be made. Burch indicated crimes are often perpetrated by Z
- ' . This reporter is reminded of an incident last year the same individual many times and the solving of
when a plaque on the wall of a women’s dorm was one case may uncover the goods stolen in many ' :
- .. ' stolen and under the house mother’s orders. there other cases. One example Burch gave the Kernel " ._ "
! was an unannounced room check at midnight consisted of a case wherein the solving of one .v .
._ 3 simultaneously on all floors to rt’cover the plaque. crime uncovered 40 thefts by the same individual. 2“
M a. It was not found. Burch also cautioned students. faculty and staff ' _ 4
l .3" J. t: “ But times have changed and SUCh gestapo tactics members to EXCTClSC a llitlt‘ caution with their " h‘
' are no longer acceptable. Perhaps with good personal property and to lock doors when leaving. ' '
I : . .
.. n""‘~ 3.", .. V 't .
n~ a" ._ Court postpones abo rtwn suit . ~ .
,.. 2 f. (a. -.-'..,:":j' i, . fig.” ,. 3?.- ‘ t
f " {Us-:3 ' "0“ Nearly two years ago a local housewife sought a UK law professor Robert Sedler. acting as ‘ J
" 4%.; ’° .. legal abortion in Kentucky. Today she has a attorney for the plaintiffs. said he was prepared to ‘ ‘
{if} _; @( AK fourteen month old baby and is co-plaintiff in a present the entire case before the court. if was
“it? ' m a I”) J class action suit challenging Kentucky's abortion Sedlcr’s opinion that the appellate court meant for T 7 ;
. : ‘Wffiifi‘ ‘ . law and to determine if her constitutional rights the case to be heard Wednesday. .
if :02? . : ’ _ g were violated. .
J . . A hearing of the suit by a three Judge federal Michael Maloneystate’s attorney in the suit said - é .

' ’ t J" \. (g court in Lexington chnesday was put off after he thought Wednesday‘s hearing was on merely .i I" j. i
I»); g L _ the justices admitted they were not sure what the motion for dismissal and that the appellate court ~. ‘. '
l . ' hearing was supposed to involve. had meant only a three judge court could do that. .

"‘5 . “I say it with respect, but apparently we are all ‘ ‘ .
Gloria Singletary, wife of UK president, welcomes students’ wives confused as to why the Court of Appeals The judges decided to accept written testimony ’. .
who are members of the Dames Club during a meeting Wednesday empaneled this court." said US. Appellate Judge and arguments and said they would rule at .i later ‘ ‘-
7 night. (Staff photo by Phil Gardner.) Henry Brooks. date. “ '
, .

 ‘ 2—1isE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, Sept. I6. l97l //’/———————
C N B ' fs i
, gal” . P
* (M Cafeteria F 11 - ff -
. . - a anti-war 0 enswe .
W . oc
‘. . . - Lexington, Ky. l ' zoc
HOW 311116
“ - par
- ~; g OFFERS U.K. STUDENTS . . . - a J
. ‘ . . The Student Mobilization South Vietnamese elections and on all proposals including funds, use
j ‘ . W 0 Committee and the Lexington on the state of “political information and organization. 1
‘ . j . .' -. Peace Council met last night to prisoners" both here and in However, definite plans have not
. , L ,W' o Iscou n firm up plans for campus “end Vietnam. yet been finalized. .—
4 .. . :5 the war” activities which are to The march, which would be . 1
‘ . , . coincide with the National Fall held in conjunction with other H
W W L ‘W When You Dlne At Eastland Offensive to end the Vietnamese universities in the state, would 0n0r8 ,
'.W~ ' v . war. be a show of support for all
. . . W . .' _ Blue Boar cafeter|a The Lexington Peace Council draft resisters in the Federal r0 ram q
' -. .‘ . led off with an outline of local Youth Prison and those in other P g t:
' ~ ' .I '. All you do is present your "L0." Card to mi . ‘ pro‘ects includin the People’s enitentiaries around the . 2
. ‘. the Blue Boar Cashier. She will give you Q‘Gfi. ' lur '04 Pcajce Treaty 3 gmarch on the Eountry Casually warning FreShmeWn \
. 1 .- ' 10% Discount on your Lunch or Dinner : x '0 . . .‘ ’ ' , . . W . Honors students not to call them 5.
_ . , .. federal prison at Ashland. Ky. Plans are Indeflllltt. at this _ . “ .
. . . .- Check. At EastIand Blue Boar only. —— I. up“... 0. . . . Colloquim their English
_. . I. I I' This offer expires October 31 1971. '1~°"'\"'”“' ”a on OCt' 2’ and a prOposed “me the Counc1l sald because Of ~ " Dr Robert Evans 1:
'. - ' ' 9 ~ . ' anti-war advertisement in the the recent prison riots. A march “WOUWWrSe’d ' f the olic' ‘
‘ ‘ ’ I ' 1 ;l1:z:~::2:2:§:::::::::i:2:1:?:~.’-:.:~;-:-;-:-:.:-:-;;;-:-;L:2;2:2:.:::i:2:1:2:113:1:7:1:2:i-,L;-:-1.31.;2;::1;Z12;Z;1:1:2;Z:2:Z;1:2;Z:I:I;I:i;.12;Z:Z;£:111:I:I;2:2:1:2:‘-:2;1;1;Z:S:‘-:2:-;l;1:2:1:£:1;1;2:L:Z:Z:2:2:2;i:i:Z512:111:1:i:2:.;‘-:2:2:2;2:2:1;3:Z:Z:1:l:121:1:321333133: L e x ingt O n H erald - Le a d er ' by StUdentS might bring rep 18315 ‘4in dlne ' ,So_n:1e (2‘ the $41 1 les ;
' . According to the Peace Council against the inmates. the Council ‘1“ P‘OEL’mW‘We . Ostud m C01?“ 4
. ' i . l . . these activities are designed to said. progrdWmhln HR ‘d t8h en es __
' ‘ . ’ , ’1 focus attention on the upcoming There was extensive discussion last mg t' "T 5‘“ e recor :
,. . .‘ g, . .’ ................ .. . .. . .. m... enrollment oi 387 students in ;
. i W_ IWWW . W .W W A; B ‘ z 0 O O .00 00OOO00000O0900000000o.00¢.00.090090900090000... 0 O O E thc Honors program indlcated
91' -. I. EIO 75,1 L RBIKTHDAY ? 3 For occasrons when you have to wear clothes 3 that the program had reached an ‘
3 .‘ '4- 3 g , 3 “optimum maturity.” 2
1. -~ ' , “I F pout (a 14 01W E [W I g Dr. Evans announced that the :
W‘ - '. = E g program of offering 10 Honors é
' ~ . L -. O 9 O E g scholarships to Freshmen each ‘
_, . j ,J 'W @ @WS@ g E year has been continued by the
I . ~.. E E University. He said these /
: '1 ‘ .- ,1 , ' / 3 3 scholarships are part of the I
. , 3 . ' .1 ,' . ' '. , § ”5, E Honors recruitment program to K
- , '. g g bring more capable students to
- ' - ‘~ ~ I ‘1 ' 1 w .‘ ‘.'\"-"h~;--.; .---.:. var- -- - . ..,..... "Icing-vi" -.-.-.~.y.-. \z.‘.\'.".':.\@(:;.\;r.m}> _".'_k:.;.m:. ,.s;.~.- E 819 EUCLID AVE. — CH EVY CHASE E the univerSItY'
I 1' 1 I I V I" ‘1 ' 1 ’W$§¥§§§§§2Wfi§$§mififififi gQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. O...0.00QO‘OOOOOOOOOO0.0.00.0000...OOOOOOOQOOOQOO0.0000 O z ' (I
. .' -.- . W 1 W, -.-’.~.I.~<.- u-.-¢._,;._..,.:'.s_.:¢t‘-.~,. :-:-,~!>.::~: 2.42.142... . "”“nw Another new ICCI 1.11th111.
I W_ _, ’ '. program was announced by Dr. ._
W . " : John Greenway of the Honors W
.. _ _. .- W faculty. This program will draw
.W . W ‘. G ERI'I‘O FREEWMINSUN BONDED RAZOR up a list of individuals in high .
1 , i .. _ i' _ Am) 5 30mm] BLADES school who are interested in the .
.. L THE PROTEIN SETTING GEL . . . .......
. f -. ' AMERICA'S No.1 TONIC BuytheWilkinson W W _. W .. individuals would receive
W. . WW , .. ‘. W _ .' a: Bonded Razor Set information on the Honors
— W.W WW WW . 2" . " ‘ ’ WW at d . WJ11111111111111111111I111111111 program which they could pass
. ‘ -. “'2 an I’GCEIVO "F’ I '
" ' ». ~ ‘ ~ / 1.1.. W! i y... l, ‘2; on to other interested students
:- . ~ . '. - .- 52_OO . $11 1 IL in their high school. Dr. Green
le IW 'W ' . ‘ kiwi“? .. REFUND .i £295.1‘Z-lt WiW‘I said this Will improve on the
'W AW . . ’ = . '-- -.‘:s=z:::=:‘;-~7:33.751,“ ' W' : trom WILKINSONs ‘1‘ @ GEL I little publicity given to high
. W4 3,45,,“ s»... .W withWtWhe mail-in ionomuwm j school students through their
. a .~ M“; f;2§;i:§.°"°'°‘°“ SETT'NG GEL . " i: ON guidance counseorsl
.2}... j _. i j. _ Wig: You make. Regular and 1 $ BY
. " '3f . .. Super Hold _ er: -. — 1. 9 D Cl 1)
W ,. . ‘ W' W W . W.) .‘W M WW 272:115111:§;§:§:§:§::;§ $2.29 \ ‘4' ames u
. ;‘ W 20's $1.59 “While hubby studies the
W 'W-W «W One Of the gOOd .1 bored wife can get out once a
W_ L" .st W" h. week,” said Pat Gardner
- W 7'; . . t ll;gS you can do . i . '7 summing up the purpose of the
W - 3 . .. .W - 01° (“11'5le . UK Dames Club. Members mqut
. . . . . y FOR/1 [UVEL/Efl YUU/ if/..;1;: be Wives of the UK students and
W. . W.W‘ . W ‘ 'W .' -. ~49 . ' 7"," —=‘5 may participate in exercise
1 W'. . . .3 V 'W 1:19:45 .5] E programs, arts and crafts, and
1‘ .W -. ,‘ . ., ._ . HOUR . ‘ .. , ‘3; “"; bridge offered through the club
2‘ _W W . f . i. M $1.09 -_.. W. ,,_,;, ,5 during the year.
Enigylssgfep m. we... ,. . Q
. . ""5 rs -é ‘
. 1 1‘ 1. 1. 1‘ .1 1, Rest u ee No- oTING “1V ' 3 ,ngj '
' . . . ‘ ' - Take * 6 Eights: .. 1' HAIR sPnAv fig: 7' 11“ H‘fl'UCkg H‘ffl‘l
‘ I H 1 somlnex 81:: a? The Kentuckbf Kernel. University
W __ W _ . W : W . '. . . Aid . j W W Station. Unlversrty of Kentucky, Lex-
_ . ,; ; . W _ y ,W Amrtcl'SN0-1s‘”pmg -. .- 3 ONU 7°" mgton, Kentucky 40506. Second class
4 ;- ‘-.‘ t ' i . I i' m .14. .U‘cIs-l" .- if”? 83 : Iii/i311? {33:1 tiirilelgefiggitin'dxeptucg.
W. . WW_ .WW W, W W I $1.39 .WHWWWW-WWW_;...;;...;:;;:3:::..-W. ;W‘__,‘:‘WW: , C 98C gghpgésyeardexcept dholidafirtshrriiingxar;
'. . W W WW W, cm W W .W;,,’..,l‘,'“m}' , \ “1 session: an once unng e summer
,- ,- . . ; ' ' I mammlflogux ANTI-mm Published by the Board at Student
, . . . ‘. , __ . . , :f.‘ m . w. ¥ . M‘ .I.’ 6W Publications. UK Post Office Box 4986.
. W .. , . . .= smear“. v Begun as the Cadet in 1394 and
W _ . . . . '. . published continuously as the Kernel
. j’ . , W ' . . 16’: $1 .2551“, as directed Since 1915.
. WWW W W . . ,W . TH E Advertising published herein is in—
W . . '. W .' . tended to help the reader buy. Any
. -: W _ . . , —— false or misleading advertising should
_ . . _ ', .W . be reported to The Editors.
. ' ' I '. . ' .. .~ p‘éreac’iii‘ybiio’mii; $1ossio
, . .. W W . gaitgriahdgnaginggdilditor 257-1755
W, . ' y 'W _ - . age 1 or,
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, STYLE RINSE-all types 16 01. 79c §T_H_EBLADE ————————-——-
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- * . ' , Serviced by Edgar Sales, Inc. SOCIETY .

 THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL ’I‘hursrla). Sept. It». l97l -- .5 I V
UK f k t t k t t f I d ° F ll ' '
‘ By DEBBIE PHIPPS called “Indian Falls," is “scenic considered dangerous hCL‘ullSC 0l Memhers claimed a portion Several l‘AS members agreed ' - .1 .
Kernel Staff Writer and has abundant wildlife." hidden shoulders and curves of Salt River which runs through to Participate m \, 51‘1[t‘w1dg
The EnVironmental Awareness “This place could easily along the cliffs‘ edge, the Mercer (‘ounty has become conference on paper {Cc} cling to '
Society (EAS) Wednesday night become a state park,“ he said. l45-t‘0ot waterfall is a popular badly polluted with industrial be held today at the Agricultural .
heard Dr. Robert Kuehne, a UK According to Kuehne the picnic and camping site. Three and human sewage and dead Science auditorium on campus, .‘ V . '
zoology professor. suggest that waterfall is in danger of being youths, two of them UK fish. The society has notified [ilC A p p l r c a t ions in r l he , '
an EAS committee urge the state polluted by area picnickers. and students, have died in recent state Water Pollution (‘ontrol conference all made oi rec; cl: d ’ ‘ -' ‘ '
parks commissioner to purchase local farmers face a constant years after falling from slippery Commission of their evaluation newsprint were handed out .it ._ , . . V. -
a Jessamine County waterfall for struggle to keep the t‘alls’ area rocks near the waterfall, Kuehne or the situation. the meeting, , ,
use as a state park. free of trash. said. Jim Bruce, a staff member of —-—-——-—— ' ‘ '
Kuehne said the waterfall, Although the area is Roger Wesman. vice chairman the Lexington-Fayette (‘ounty 4") ’ . ‘
of EAS, said the organization Planning Commission. said plans V M”,- {fly/V" .. . . 7
' '———" would contact Host and the are being made to “,1.“th . .- 1 . ‘ . ,
The PertWillaby Papers state wide W855 [0 obtain ill-THO“ pollution control methods in use fine A: .‘ ,
on the preservation of the falls. Lexington sewage treatment mm , ‘
‘ by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg “1 “m” “S ”“0": Plan” I j . '.v j ,
‘4 Q #41 J ”in: Mrs" ””15” ”.4 55¢ , T ' i Q
9 ‘3: l :‘Vq'n/ VAC ////'” 53/4/01: ' Vi ‘4‘: 1X5 :jf: {KL/141 *7" bfw/ GOOd september thru December 1971 . I I I i i I, I
'3 , j“ ' 137 J (a; [A ’* ' p'mj" w j» ’ f’V fl Our Euclid Avenue Plant Only! 7 ' ,‘ ‘,
gr“ ‘;4 ,'/'l #11 r 1', ‘7’ ‘u/flz '_ / / A’L _§Lf "/5. f. M/K/E a); ‘ . ‘ ’ , ‘
:7 ll? - V we,“ JJ/rW/‘l’fi7‘ E’\“ .' ‘ _ , .V.
l4 A‘sl, ““7 5h " . 4) .«ii,\ A SA‘I ' .
5:91 if: 1 ~ F ,- ‘ i /’"« (3.37% “AVE '- ' ” : =
, (L . t v ! ‘ i ‘3, ‘\\:.§‘\J_:,- PAH, Er ~‘ , [A _ ~ ‘ ’ ," ~ ': _. .
. 1 “9 t l “F35! (a? flit/I _: ‘ _a;'.§'¥'!'/,$§ijrgig;-zisgzgzg:§," ‘ ,9 .. .‘f ' - ' - 't
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F s e ‘37:» I ~. ’ \ t w/ r / -.'-.-':::::::.-,°. ‘=- ~ . .
\6‘ \E, \o ~: , 2+~*;:;"‘\ ”a \\ . J 4' \.\ . V ‘k / -:.:'.".;:::53- “I . . » .‘ _ '.
US: ll / 13-55“ g; ,4“ Sat ‘ , 4 ‘. $31.54 2‘: '. " . '_,
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’. ’ . Iv'l L“"':-' I I. H I K H l S b .
,, - I'; 'V [',\'i\i»iksii\' ()l Kiixi‘ir'in The House PBPCalS a law A
- - - :2 i-si \inisnii) 1N9; LEXINGTON. KY. h Id 9 h d I
~ 3 ' ’ I",i,;',:;",.7;7;;-,7;7.77m7;7.:,“.,n."am“rm-‘f "Ninth.- (r. that S 011 11 t 3V9 passe
'j g _ »' g . ‘ WNVfiiiiiT-V‘im-s. Iii/mmin—tilde] ‘ The Hourse of Representatives is approval to whatever the Nixon cl
; :i. " ; . lainl ltrmxn. \lnnugni: lit/Ilt'f Jerry Lewis, Associate Editor usuallv a large. amorphous group Oil administration has wanted,
_ , A » .‘ l)-.i nl ,\ king. [iridium ,‘ll1l1(lL.'(”l' John Gray. Editorial Page Editor ' ‘ ‘ ' S t , reat SU rise Al
" , l.il!:t<‘ ll.llltl\. (-ii-u ll.iiiiii;iiiii, R.l(ll(‘l kiiiiiiit. l.ill(‘()lil R. Lewis lit. mOStly filCClCSS Inen WhO have bL‘Cil O 1 COIIICS JS 3 g . . IT)
" . : i. .. lLili \l.illll(‘\\\. .iiiil \\( mix \\ right. l\,\l\ltlHl .\lmmging Iirlitors noteworthy in recent years only for when the HOUSE? acts dCClSlvely on a l
- ' \!»'\i 'l‘lrtlit-i. S/Uwrl\ I{(lilor Don How, Carlo/mist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor providing their rubber-stamp controversial issue‘ as it did
, - '. ' .. W V K I V
.3 Tuesday. I
" ~ »- Kernel soapbox By “‘° “ml“‘mmg “we“ °f
‘ . k 356 to 49 the House Internal "
, Security Committee suffered its \
.1 ( .v AI' ' ‘ . . I n ‘ ) - - n
..‘ .-. A lternatwes to large lecture classes? “I“ We“ m memory as the House
1 _ V. ‘ -.. / repealed a 1950 law that could be -- .
‘3. 3 In the lxciitucky Kernel of September courses. but why do so few students take “educating"l known to our society. The used to put suspected subversives in ”g;
f -_‘.. . . .' ‘ I. 4. 10,]. Dr. James Hopkins of the advantage ofthem'? It is not very difficult basic method of lecturing has not detention camps without trial. 4
”NUS Department 15 quoted as saying to substitute an Upper division course for changed significantly since the middle “9’
3 . ~ 3 ”W lfll‘ée C1355“? such 35 ”1050 in a lower division survey course. but how ages and yet the possible methods of Although the law was never used, om
I i' ‘ Memorial Hall are “the only way we can many students even know they can do communicating between people have rumors had been rampant in radical .
1. .. .i. accommodate most of the Students this? How many students know about the changed drastically. Why doesn‘t the Circles in recent years that the ma
.‘ ' 3 3’ . wishing to enroll in the survey courses in By-Pass or C L E P exams” There seems in ' ' ‘ d J
.. ~ . - - - - - structor distribute his notes and let the
_ ». .. , .. . . . . _ Vii i l' ‘
. “15“"."- Assuming Ills“ DYZHOPkmS‘IS to be practically no effort expended on class time be used for discussions. g0 er meit p aimed to. round up
" e . . . , quoted correctly. I should like to raise anyone’s part to inform students ofthese questions. disagreements and if there are black and white militants and l
- ‘ . ,- some questions about his statements. alternatives. Sure. some of them are in none Of these, simply not have class? throw them in detention camps
.‘ , . '3 .» HOW many StUdemS in the survey the Catalog. but usually by the time a Surely there are better uses for Ph.D.’s Without trial. In 1969, Mike
_ . -~ '. _ .3: courses in History. or any other SUbjCCI student gets a copy of the Catalog at and 500 student’s time than to act as one Klonsky then head of SDS, .
- , - for that matter. are there from choice” Summer Orientation there is not enough ta ' ' i
-i . 3 . -- -3 . . ' pe recorder pldymg to 500 Other tape char ed on nati nal telev'si n that
- _ f 3 < 3» HOW many WOUld be there If It were "01 time to examine it before committing recorders. g 0 l- O .
5 3 . e" tor the (:eneral Studies requirements and one‘s self to a semester of survey courses » . . . the government was planning to do
. 2 '1 other rules of this type that. in effect. (the path advocated by most advisors). D" HOPkmS’ {10 ylou [filly billet]? in Just that.
- .. require students to take these courses? And what of the students that are still the Mentiorialgllal stale 0d fteadc ”lg t. or The move had it been made
. . _ ‘ . r a
. {1-} _3 . ..- How many students would SUbJCCt left in Memorial Hall or some ofthe other do you ee 0 iga-tehr) ti), ’e Sm“: "1’5 cm would not h v b H t,
3 -_ themselves to courses so large. that ifthe lecture halls on this campus? Are we you feel’stuck Mt ' It 15 t e atter, a 6 cm W] lou
: ‘. ‘ ‘ ,' T. . roll. were to be called. it would take the doing the best job possible to “educate” why dont you. do what some others are precedent. In 1942’ In What has to
g: -} ._ ‘ _ ‘r'. entire class hour? My guess is that the them. considering the resourses the domg and admit the problem eXIStS and be one Of the blackest marks on
I, ‘3. ,» number would be very small ind