xt7dfn10rz3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10rz3g/data/mets.xml Colorado Blackwell, Gordon United States. Works Progress Administration. 1936 ii, 11 leaves; 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:13/2-13 books English Washington, D.C.: Works Progress Administration, Social Research Division This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Colorado Works Progress Administration Publications Unemployed -- Colorado -- Kit Carson County Survey of Unemployable Cases Transferred from Federal Care to State and Local Care in Two Colorado Counties: Study Made in November 1935, Covering June and July Closings text Survey of Unemployable Cases Transferred from Federal Care to State and Local Care in Two Colorado Counties: Study Made in November 1935, Covering June and July Closings 1936 1936 2019 true xt7dfn10rz3g section xt7dfn10rz3g [1—me'fiwwwmz» —%Wmm4:zm;::mmififiT:—;J'7 :w V 7 V‘: :T‘tJ'V' <"' ;‘»1:-:‘— ‘ Vr—r: A'an; »- 77 > \
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Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator '
ii Cmg'ringtcn Gill Howard B. Myers, Director
Assistant Administrator .' SocialWResez-chh Division»
‘ ‘1 . . . .
. mum a WWW ’ '
(Study made in November 1935 covering June and July closings)
February 4, 1936 Series II, No. 13 }

 ,,.n. r
_ 821{
V V Preface ‘
During October and Nevember 1935, a in south Dakota and Kit Carson and
series of special inquiries was con— Weld Counties in Colorado. ‘
ducted in a group of western and
southwestern states to study the These communities were selected not
condition of cases 010sed from the for the purpose of giving a picture
relief-rolls in anticipation of the of conditions prevailing generally '
Works Program and in accordance with in the United States, but because '
the policy of transferring unemploy— they showed. clearly certain kinds of ‘
able cases from Federal to state and problems. Their value in giving
local care. This group of studies direction to future administrative
was planned to supplement the infor~ policy is increased by the fact that
mation obtained froniearlier inquir— they display diverse conditions. Two
ies into the results ofladministra— of the studies—~those in Colorado
tive ClOSingS in Georgia; . and Arkansas—~cover only unemploye
able cases and hence throw light
The second series of studies was upon the. problems confronting the ~
carried out in much the same manner state and local agencies that are
as the Georgia studies. Background assuming the care of such cases. The
information on each community was two South Dakota inquiries, include
secured from relief agency officials ing only employable cases, yield ‘
and from citizens familiar with.the‘ information upon the significance of .
problems of relief. Family interé harvesting work as a means of re~
views were conducted in order to ducing the relief rolls and upon the
secure primary data bearing on then problems involved_in the development
family composition, the occupational of a comprehensive program to meet
experience of the workers. and. the the needs of these people.
economic status of each household
for comparable periods before and In the two Colorado counties chosen,
after the closings. the proportion of administrative
closings was consistent with that
Both urban and_ rural communities sh0wn in other parts of the state. V
were covered by field.surveys. The These counties had previously been
cities chosen were Sioux Falls,South selected as 'representative of two
Dakota, and Little Rock, Arkansas;' rural areas of the state. Kit Carson
the rural areas included Custer, Which was heavily affected by
Corson, Hand,and Hutchinson Counties drought, is chiefly devoted to the
__ ____ raising of winter wheat. Sugar beets
l] See Research Bulletins Series II are the chief agricultural product
_ . No. 8; Series 1, No. 11; and C~19. of Weld County.
' Prepared by
Gordon Blackwell
under the supervision of
A. Ross Eckler, Chief, ‘
3 ._5 .j; .,_, ‘ Special Inquiries Section . V _ . g

 ' ..,‘
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2 —-i—- ‘ 821 8 g
' This study of the status of 72 for poultry or livestock, and for 3
, rural cases classified as unemploy; such families garden produce and
, able which were removed from Federal poultry and dairy products were im~
relief in Kit Carson and Weld coun~ _portant items of food.
ties, Colorado,in June and July 1935 1
revealed that these cases fared ApprOXimately two thirds of the .
almost as well from an economi: preperty owners in the sample owed }
point of view, under state and local real estate mortgages; these aver~ ‘
care as when receiving E.R.A. assis— aged nearly $1,500 in amount.Further— ,
tance. Under the E.R.A. the average more, almost three fourths of all .
” amount of aid granted for the last cases owed short term debts, aver—
full month of relief was $17.44 for aging $209. Debts for farm operating .
the 63 cases eventually transferred expenses, delinquent taxes, and back i
to local care, while for a later interest accounted for two thirds of
month the average grant from state the short term debts. Medical bills i
and county funds for the same cases were also important, and grocery
' was $16.46. Moreover, after removal bills, while usually small in amount
from Federal rolls, the private in— were numerous.
come of these cases increased
slightly. Practically none of these fami~
' lies had any available resources.Few
Only 7 cases had ever received had life insurance in force. Most of
assistance from 'a welfare agency those with policies had borrowed on .
prior to application for Federal re— them to the limit. According to in~
lief. The 72 cases had received vestigations by E.R.A. case workers, ;
' Federal relief for an average of 16 there were no savings accounts, and
months each, half of them having very few relatives could be called
, come on the rolls before the middle upon for assistance. Almost all of V
of 1933. However, it was not until the families had exhausted their .
the nine months‘ period just prior available resources and it appeared
, to the administrative closings that certain that most of them would con—
as many as three fourths of the tinue to be dependent upon some form
cases were on relief continuously. of public assistance.
Slightly more than one fifth of The need for persons trained in '
the families reported some decrease administering aid has been recog—
in the amount of food consumed in nized by the state. In December 1935
: the post E.R.A. relief period as a well—organized and well staffed
compared with the E. R. A. relief state welfare agency was created to
period. Half of the cases were man- meet this need on a county basis.
aging to work a garden and to care
1 i

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1 ' 1
On the whole, it appears that the the increased needs of the present l
' transfer of unemployable cases from load throughout the winter, together
Federal to state and local care has with the needs of such additional
, been accomplished satisfactorily in cases as may be admitted to the
‘ Colorado, provided that; available rolls. g
funds prove sufficient to care for ‘
Note: The above conclusions with regard to the
adequacy of state and local care for unemploy— 1
able cases in Colorado are consistent with
_ those based upon unpublished data collected in
‘ . Denver, Colorado. Home interviews were not un~ - i
z ' dertaken in Denver itself, but information was V
gathered from local officials as to the success
‘ with which the transfer had been accomplished.
I Disbursements of relief funds after the trans~
fer in July 1935 continued to be made through
the Denver Bureau of Public Welfare, the same
agency which distributed E.R.A. funds. So far
‘ as the Bureau of Public Welfare was concerned,
the change involved chiefly a shift in the
‘ source of funds.Hence, the twenty—seven hundred
: unemployable cases which were transferred from
‘ E.E.A. relief to state and local relief experi— :
‘ enced no interruption of budgetary allowances. I
: Their average rcliof allowance under state and :
county funds in September was $20.76, an amount
representing only a.moderate decline from the
2 average of former E.E.A. grants.
‘ 1

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1 According to an administrative was 65 years of age or over. In 10
i order of July 1, 1985, all unemploye cases the head was a woman with one .
l able cases in Colorado were to be or more children 16 years of age or
f removed from Federal relief rolls younger. Finally in 17 cases the
‘ and to become the care of the COUDr head was under 65 years of age, but ‘

ties or municipalities. In June the was physically or mentally disabled. ‘
‘ number of unemployables receiving Six of the 72 cases could not be I
Federal relief was estimated at ap— called unemployable in the strict
; proximately 12,900i/. By the middle sense of the term, since there was
{ of July, according to figures re— one eligible worker in the family. ‘
i leased by the state E.R.A., 8,580 3
’ unemployables had been removed from All except seven 0f the 45 heads
I Federal relief rolls. By September in the aged group were recorded by 3
§ 30 very few cases which could be the E.R.A. as having some permangpt
1 classified as unemployable still re— disability other than old age ,
i ' mained under the care of the E.R.A. rheumatism occurring most frequently:
1 The findings of this survey substan— Three of the 10 mothers with depen—
_ tiate the belief that the transfer dent children had permanent disa—
» of most of the rural unemployable bilities. ‘
‘ cases from Federal relief to state
‘ and county care was accomplished The families were small,averaging
fairly successfully. 2.3 members. More than a third of
' the aged group and an even larger
‘ A fifty percent random sample, proportion of the disabled group
‘ consisting of 80 rural cases, was consisted of single—person cases.
I selected from the cases thus re—
moved from Federal relief rolls in Mothers with dependent children
‘ Kit Carson and Weld Counties during were much younger as a rule than the
June and July 1955. Through family heads of disabled cases, half of
‘ interviews, full information was ob~ Whom were over 55 years of age and
I tained for 72 cases which provide therefore usually too old for physi~ ’
- the basis for the findings reported cal cure or vocational rehabili—
in this study§/. tation. The average (median) age of
heads in the aged group was 68 years
QETEQfilEiQE” and _Qha§agteri§tigs In slightly more than half of the
of the Families. The cases included aged and disabled cases, husband and
in the survey fell into three dis“ wife were living together in the
tinct groups. There were 45 cases household.
. in which the head of the household
m_w___ _______ Less than half of these rural
I I/ From data on file in the Divi— cases lived in the open country, a
‘ sion of Social Research, Wbrks Prog—
‘ ress Administration. g/ Data en health of the families
1 3/ Five cases had moved mit of the were transcribed from E.R.A. case
1 county since the date of the adminis— records which had been filled out by
trative closing, one was deceased, case aides. It is not known whether
and no trace could be obtained of the records of disabilities were
the other two. based upon medical examinations in
all cases. »

 " 3
g u
‘ I
3 .
1 —2— 8218 "
proportion much smaller than in the E.R.A. direct and work relief ,
general relief population. Never— averaged $17.00 per case during the i
theless, out of every ten of these last month of Federal relief. Non—
: cases, the former occupationi/ of E.R.A. assistance, averaging $1.76,
‘ the head was reported as agriculture consisted in the main of Federal '
for seven; for two a non—agricultur— surplus commodities although an ce—
al occupation was recorded; while casional case was receiving aid from I
, one in ten had never had an occu— the county while still on the Fed~ I
pation (Table 1). Since a majority eral rolls.
, of the heads were formerly engaged
in agriculture, the figures on resi— During the post E.R.A.' relief
dence suggest that there has been a period, the average amount of noneE.
decided tendency for unemployable R.A. assistance, consisting princi-
cases to move into villages. pally of aid from state and county ,
funds (with a small amount of assis— I
Only seven of these unemployable tance from relatives), was $15.19. I
1 cases had ever received aid from a
welfare agency prior to Federal re— Income comparisonsare not great — '
lief. The 72 cases had received ly altered if the nine cases which
Federal relief for an average of were not transferred to state and 1
sixteen months each. Approximately county care are excluded. During the v
one half of the cases first came on last month of Federal relief, the 63
relief before the middle of 1933. cases which were transferred re~ ?
Early in the Federal relief program ceived from E.R.A. an average of 1
this particular group of families $17.44 each, while during the post ‘
tended to require only intermittent E.R.A. relief month they received an '
relief, but during each of the nine average of $16.46 from state and
months immediately prior to the 8dr county funds. ,
_ ministrative closings of June and
July more than three fourths of Both the number of cases having
these cases received relief. private income and the amount of ,
such income increased in the post
gpmparisqn_of Incomes during E.R. E.R.A. relief period. Even so, the
A. Relief_§eriod and_Post E.R.A. Re— private incomes demonstrated the in—
lief Period. The average monthly itiative and self—reliance of these
income of the 72 families was slight— cases rather than their ability to
1y lower in the post E.R.A. relief support themselves. half of the 18
period than in the E.R.A. relief cases having private employment oth~
period§/, declining from $20.15 to er than farm operation reported it
$18.54 (Table 2). to be of a seasonal nature. In only
____ __ _— ____ three instances was all of this em—
g? Former occupation was defined as ployment held before removal from
the occupation at which the head had relief. Sixteen of the aged and
1 been engaged for the longest period ____H»_W___w~“__v__u_w~___ .___H.
during his working years. ober 15 as the "post E.R.A.rolief
i/ Throughout this discussion the period." Monthly income here ex~
: last month of Federal relief is des— cludes the value of poultry, dairy,
ignated as the "E R.A. relief.periodfl and garden products produced and
and the period September 15 to Oct— consumed at home.

 n¢._nm ”unmannl_wlamwmwwnnnn:::j:a:fl an Hannah , rhu,,lunin_ g
—s— 8218 d
m ‘1
disabled cases attempted to farm in fresh vegetables during the post E. E
‘ 1935 but only four of them reported R.Afl relief period as during the E. j
1 a gross cash income of more than R.A. relief period. There appeared .
E $lOO from sale of crops and live— to have been little suffering up to 1
E stock3/. the time of the survey and less than i
i one tenth of the cases reported food '
. i Debts and Available Resources. as an immediate need. The generally '
? About two thirds of the 20 property adequate diet was partly due to the
g owners in the sample had their fact that approximately half of the
T places mortgaged;the mortgages aver~ cases were managing to work a small
i aged nearly $1,500. Furthermore, gardenand to care for a few chickens
g almost three fourths of all cases or livestock. I
i owed short term debts which averaged ‘ I
i $209 (Table 3). One third of the The 72 cases were distributed
i aggregate of these short term debts fairly evenly among the three rat—
i were for farm Operating expenses;and ings for housing conditions: good, ,
E delinquent taxes and interest ac— fair, and poor. Hence, the lack of I
E counted for another third. Debts for adequate housing was a serious prob— ,
i medical care also constituted an im— lem for some of the families.Slight—
i portant portion of the short term ly more than one fourth owned their
i debts. Grocery bills, while numerous homes, while about a third were pay—
: were usually small in amount. During ing cash rent and a third reported ‘
é the four or five months between the rent—free dwellings. Cases report~ .
3 date of the administrative closing ing free house rent were sometimes
i and the time of interview, 30 of the living with relatives, while a few }
f 72 cases had contracted debts aver~ were in dilapidated shacks. A fourth
1 aging $50. of the families had running water, i
; while a fifth had electricity.
: The heads of ll families had life ;
E insurance in force, but most of them Immediate Needs and Future Pros—
3 had borrowed to the limit on their pects. Almost three fifths of the
I policies. Investigations by E.R.A. cases reported immediate and defi~
‘ case workers revealed no savings ac— nite needs. More than a third were
counts. Relatives who might be in need of winter clothing. One in
1 called upon for assistance were few every six ‘reported inability to ob~
in number. It appeared that few tain adequate fuel as winter set in.
available resources existed which One in seven needed prompt medical
these families had not exhausted and care. Other needs reported less
that a large majority would continue frequently were food, furniture, and
to be dependent upon some form of bedding. Over half of the cases
public assistance. stated that they would be unable to
get through the winter on the amount
Living Conditiong. About eight of assistance being provided in Nov—
families out of every ten reported ember.
that their diet contained as much or ,
- more milk, staples, canned goods and In addition to these needs for
_~_ _ increased assistance on the part of
§/ Expected receipts from creps and the present relief load,the counties
livestock to be sold during the re- were faced also with the probability
mainder of the year were included in of a marked increase in' the number
gross income. of relief cases during the winter. ‘

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14- 8218 J
Many cases not aided by E.R.A. or participate under the provisions of g
- the counties in the summer or fall the Federal Social Security Act
[ of 1935 were expected to need assis— granting old age assistance. The
tance this winter. legislation granting aid to depen— 1
i dent children in their own homes has 3
I Despite the likelihood of an in— not been thus amended.
1 creasing burden during the winter I ‘
E months, which will result from in— A two percent state sales tax, in g
l creases both in the amount of assis— effect since March 1935, has been E
{ tance required per family and in the providing approximately $100,000 f
‘ number of needy families, county of— monthly to the counties and munici— !
ficials were certain that there palities to supplement existing 5
‘ would be no increase in local funds funds for old age assistance, {
1 above the November level. Though $195,000 monthlyto supplement county :
r allotments of state aid were larger and municipal poor funds for the 1
k in November than in September and care of cases not eligible for spee 3
! October, it was not certain that cial types of assistance, and $5,000 E
E funds would be available on the monthly for administrative expenses. E
1 larger scale throughout the winter. The amount. allocated for cases not E
1 With total needs likely to expand eligible for special types of assis— i
i and total funds unlikely to increase tance may be, and often is, used to 1
1 the prospect clearly is for a de— supplement pensions when such are l
i creased amount of financial assis— insufficient. These sales tax funds
E tance per case. are administered by a State Relief ,
; Committee which receives reports on i
g V The Care of Unemployables in the needs from the several local governr :
% State. The State of Colorado has had mental units and makes monthly allo— .
E legislation since 1913 granting aid cations of funds accordingly. 2
l to dependent children in their own ;
! homes. An Old Age Assistance Act was The Care of Unemployables in the E
\ enacted in 1927. Under the 1egis~ Two Counties. Old age assistance f
‘ lation granting aid to dependent and aid to dependent children in 1
: children, it was made mandatory upon their own homes are administered in 1
f the several counties to provide both Kit Carson and Weld Counties. ,
f funds. The responsibility for the Aid to dependent children is com— :
3 administration of these funds was paratively insignificant in the two ,
i placed solely on the counties. The counties because of lack of availa~
' setting up of an old age assistance ble county funds.
system was also made mandatory upon =
, all counties. The counties were The following summary of percent—

_ j reimbursed by the State on a popu— age changes in the number of cases 3
f lation basis for expenditures made on the various relief programs from E
j for old age assistance. January to October1935 shows clearly f
E the transfer of cases from Federal i
3 The Old Age Assistance Act has to state and local responsibility 5

been amended to permit the State to (see tables 4 and 5 for detailed 1
data). 3

' i


 v 8218 I
_ _5_ l
m Table A. Percentage Changes in the portion to the rise in the unemploy— g
Number of Cases Aided by the Various able load during July and subsequent 3
Relief Programs, January to October months. Old age assistance cases i
1935 fared relatively better than other :
WW typeS- 3
Type of Program Kit Carson Weld 3
County County Need for Service of Trained TPer— 3
sons. In Kit Carson County, as was ;
Federal Programé/ —20 ~40 true of most rural counties in 0019— i
E.R.A.(work and rado, assistance from county and E
direct relief) —51 —59 state funds has been administered by l
. the county commissioners, each being 3
State and County responsible for the particular dis— ?
Programs +86 +89 trict which he represents. As the I
State Old Age county commissioners have had their :
Pensions +57 +115 time occupied with duties other than }
» General Relief administration of relief, they have ;
to Unemployables +125 +64 seldom made any systematic investi— E
- gation of cases, and medical exam— ;
Total (duplications inations to determine employability ,
eliminated) +2 ~17 have been the exception rather than I
the rule. Commissioners have relied
—————————~———————-———————~_~———__——— chiefly upon their knowledge of the .
t a/ Includes E.R.A., Rural Rehabili— citizens of the county,and also upon g
tation, Rural Resettlement,and W.P.A. E.R.A. case records, and have un— '
' doubtedly done well considering the ,
, Without state aid, the counties difficulties with which they have ,
E would have been absolutely unable to been confronted. :
I assume the full burden transferred
I to them. In the two counties studied, In the absence of careful inves— 1
, this state aid, in the form of allo~ tigations, relatives with adequate
f cations for old age assistance and resources sometimes have been able ‘
1 for care of other cases, amounted to relieve themselves of legitimate 1
! between July and October to more responsibility by "railroading" nun— :
[ than four times the total, expended employable cases upon county or
g from county funds for relief pur— state care. Monthly grants have
l poses. Since the sales tax funds been based upon number in family,but
i have been available, local county beyond that, differentiation .among ,
l funds have decreased noticeably al— cases has not been frequent.
l though the relief load has been ris— ;
» 1 ing steadily. The total amount of Weld County is one of the 0010— i
E state aid allocated monthly to the rado counties in which there has 5
3 two counties, based on the total been a welfare organization with 1
5 number of cases aided, ranged during personnel qualified to handle the ‘
t the late summer and early fall of administration of relief from state ' f
f 1935 from $11 to $18 per case. and county funds. The county welfare .
: office functioned smoothly in co— :
1 Even with state aid from the operation with the E.R.A. office, L
§ sales tax,the total amount of availa— caring for needy cases not eligible .
‘ ble funds did not increase in pro— for Federal relief. Investigation ‘
, l

 8218 .

y; —6— l

‘ ,. I

; ’ :1

f of an application for assistance while all were transferred in Kit i

“ from the county includedzacquisition Carson County. ?
of past relief history from the E.R.

A. office, contact with applicant The need for persons trained in g

and a home visit, collateral con— administering aid has been recog~ i

‘ tacts, and occasional subsequent nized by the state. In December a

home visits if the client was ac— 1935, a well staffed state welfare fl

cepted. The adequacy of this in— agency was created,and it is planned 1

vestigation explains why some of the to place trained or experienced g

cases removed from relief in this social workers in most of the coun~ J

county were not able to effect the ties. a

transfer to state and county aid, %


‘ l







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i ;

i . i

 t 8318 p
’ Table 1. Distribution of Heads of 63 Unemployable Cases
; Removed from Federal Relief, by Former Occupationii/and Sex
F; 5
__________ 1»
Former Occupation Totalh/ Male Female j
Total 65 47 16 t
Agriculture g £58 , _5_
Farm Owner 1’? l4 3
Farm tenant 20 20 ~ 1
Farm laborer 6 4 2 i
: Non—Agriculture l_4 _9_ Q I
‘ White—collar 5 4 l I
Skilled 2 l l -
Semi—skilled Z l 2
Unskilled . 4 3 ‘ l i
No usual occupation 6 — z 6 ,
r3\ I 1
WWWe—H_+___m______w .
1 p a/ Former occupation was defined as the occupation at ‘
which the head had been engaged for the longest period 1
during his working years. y
' 3/ Information concerning former occupation of head was 3'
not ascertainable for 9 cases with female head. V
Q; i
" 8
. _ ;
3 I
i .
It i

 5 t
f 8218 (
~8— i
Ii ‘
gj ‘
I? Table 2. Distribution of 72 Unemployable Cases Removed from
ii Federal Relief, by Source of Income and by Amount of Income ‘
ii for the Last Month of E.R.A. Relief (June or July) and the
_3 Period September 15 to October 15
ff Number of Cases Receiving Specified Amounts
S Source of Income Total: all $40 and Average
.3 - amounts $0 $l—9 $10—19 $20—29 $50-39 over per caseh/
.m _._ .
EijdiLast Month of man.
jiRelief ' '
g Totalé/z all sources 72 “ 10! 28 24 8 2 $20'15
1?: I l
nan. relief 72 — ii! 37 21 3 - 17.002/
Non—E.R.A. assistanc 72 46 22‘ l 2 l — 1.76 ‘
fg Private income 72 57 10' 5 — —- ' — 1.39
1;? I I
iiSept. 15 — Oct. 15 i i t , '
{IT—“w." |
Totalg/z all sources 72 3 7% so 23 6 l 3 18.54
Non—E.R.A. assistanc 72 5 8! :56 20 2 1 15.1951/
3 Private income '72 50 15‘; 4 4 1 i, — 3.35
fl l
‘E/ The total nunmer of cases falling in a given class interval in this row does not ’
’% equal the sum of the corresponding frequencies in the two or three subordinate ‘
‘2 rows immediately below it because a case receiving a specified total income, j
*g e.g. $25.00, may receive $15.00 from E.R.A., $7.50 from Non~E.R.A., and $2.50
.g from private earnings, and hence will not be classified in the $20—29 class
1} interval in any of the subordinate rows.
iy/ Averages were based on 72 cases.
jQ/ The average amount of E.R.A. relief for the 63 cases eventually transferred to
_ ’} state and county care was $17.44.
;§/ The average amount of assistance from state and county funds for the 63 cases ‘
; transferred to state and county care was $16.46.

' 8218 E
r — g _ l
3 Table 3. Debts Other than Real Estate Mortgages of
"I 72 Unemployable Cases Removed from Federal Relief,
g Classified by Type of Debt
§ I Number of y Debts ._~_1 Average
. 3' Type of debt I cases Percent I debt
t reporting Amount of per case
i I debts total reporting
3: — W“— . .
g Total short term debtsfl/ ! 52 $10,869 100.0 $209
é Farm Operati7g loans and '
é eXpensesE 12 3,630 33.4 I 303
g Tax arrears ‘ 21 1,977 18.2 ' 94
5 Interest arrears 9 1,654 15.2 184
§ Medical 1 30 1,326 12.2 44
E Groceries I 28 920 ' 8.5 I 33
5 Rent . 9 t 242 2.2 l 27
1 Other 4 16 I 1,120 I 10.3 t 70
’ __.____ . ' l _______.________ .
g . a/ Includes $903 in debts contracted by 50 families since the ad—
; ministrative closing.
Q 3/ Includes feed and seed loans, chattel mortgages held by indiv—
g iduals, banks, supply merchants, etc., and farm Operating '
j expense debts not secured by chattels.
=3 . ,
r’i .

 Table he Number of Cases Aided by the Various Relief Programs (Federal, State and County) I
. _._______.__ill.Eijfifi’ifligiwfflifile—S’fllirfigo;313125133;.1293§Z§_1325_.~.________._1_.
__ __w_ '—*———r————‘*————*———-‘~—“
I Rural Re— I Rural Re- I General I County Aid to
Month I ERA (work habilita— I settle— I State I relief toI Dependent
I \ . , g ,_ I I I, , 01 I 1 011-711 .. Total 3/
1935 I a direct) tion ton I ment Ion I w.l.n. d Age unemp oyn 1.cren in I
rolls) rolls) ' Assistance ables E/ Their Own HomesI __
, V‘ n
:lt oarsgn I I I I” I / I-
January 1,007 . I 14/ - 02 I 1,16h
February I 971 I I 152 I 55 I I 1,159
v r I 9.! 5 I I I 151 I 29 I 1,109
11:51 758 178 I I I 160 I 71 I 1,108

- May 858 281 I I 165 I 56 1,072

June I 676 I 555 I I 1711 I 61 I 1,025
. . I ,

_ July I 5119 I I 511;. I I 210 . 78 I 1,1211
August, I 552 I 295 , I 222 I 152 I 25 I 1,1tI-I. I
September 520 276 I 7 229 I 150 I 51 1, 175 S

, October 195 I 276 I 59 I 250 I 1-58 I 51 1,192 1
Weid I I I I I I
t‘finuary I 5 , 189 I I I I 5.85 I 5 18 I 5 5, 695
February I 5,}138 I 1 I : I410 I 385 I 3 I 11, 036‘)
March 5, the . I I106 I 552 I 5 h, 021
I I I It: I I W
Inlay 5,1‘4 2 L | . I LIV 99 I 5 3, '37
June 2,128. I 1160 I I . 557 I 51111 I 5 I 5,2I10
July I 1,815 I I 150 I I 600 I 521 I 5 I 5,285
Auru‘st . 1,785 I I tho I 676 I 606 , 5 I 5,556
. O ,, l I
September 1,038 I I LEO I 211 772 I 331 I 3 I§,18h
October 1,521 I I 125 I 151; 826 , 521 I 5 I 5,056
________ ______I____.__L._____ I, i __._.1_ W-..___I_____.
a/ County funds, supplemented after July by funds from state sales tax; includes cash and commodity
'- outdoor relief, medical care, hospitalization, blind benefits, burials, etc. m
b/ Adjusted to eliminate duplications. It was necessary in some instances to use estimates by local 5
" officials as to the number of duplications between rural rehabilitation and ERA relief, general m
relief to unemployables and ERA relief, general relief to unemployables and old age pensions, etc.

 —11— 8218
‘Table 5. Number of Cases Aided by Federal and State and County Relief
Programs in Kit Carson and Weld Counties, Colorado,

, January — October l93§____~___

V ' Kit—Eerson Count’ l—__—~— Welgmggunty::::::_m__

fir Month State & State &

‘ 1935 Federalé/ Count é/ I Totaih/ redgr_a_1_%/ Count é/ Totalh_/__~

January 1,007 209 1,164 ! 3,189 706 3,695
February 971 205 1,139 3,438 798 4,036
March 945 180 1,109 3,448 761 4,021
April 934 231 1,108 3,376 779 4,002
May 1,060 221 1,072 3,191 791 3,837
June 1,003 235 1,023 2,488 884 3,240
July 863 288 ' 1,124 . 2,293 1,112 3,283
August 825 368 ; 1,184 2,223 1,248 3,336
September 796 I 379 1,175 I 2,068 1,281 3,184
October _ 804 j 388 1,192‘ g 1,907 1,333 3,056
y b/ Adjusted to eliminate duplications. -
i ‘



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