xt7dfn10rx9f_12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10rx9f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10rx9f/data/2009ms132.0165.dao.xml Rogier, Clarence J., 1912-1998 0.35 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 2009ms132.0165 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Clarence J. Rogier letters Correspondence. Family. Farm life Prisoners of war -- Germany World War, 1939-1945. World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Italy World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Africa, North. Clarence J. Rogier letters to family text Clarence J. Rogier letters to family 2019 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10rx9f/data/2009ms132.0165/Box_243/Folder_12/Multipage257.pdf 1945 1945 1945 section  xt7dfn10rx9f_12 xt7dfn10rx9f 38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10rx9f/data/2009ms132.0165/Box_243/Folder_12/243_12_0001.jpg 2200 1618 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10rx9f/data/2009ms132.0165/Box_243/Folder_12/243_12_0001_tb.jpg https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10rx9f/data/2009ms132.0165/Box_243/Folder_12/243_12_0001_ftb.jpg Kriegsgefangenenpost [Prisoner of war mail] [Postmark]
Postkarte [postcard]
An [To] Mr, Mrs. Eugene Rogier
Gebuehrenfrei! [Toll-free!]
Absender [Sender]: 
Vor- und Zuname [First and last name]:
P.V.T. Clarence J. Rogier
Gefanenennummer [Prison number]: 92671
Lager-Bezeichnung [Warehouse designation]:
M.-Stammlager II B.
Deutchsland [Germany] (Allemagne) [Germany]
Empfangsort [Place of receipt]: Bandon
Strasse [Street]: Indiana
Land [Country]: U.S. Americe
Landesteil [Part of country] (Provinz [Province] usw.)

 [Pre-printed header, upper left corner "War Department Official Business U.S. V Mail"] [Pre-printed header, upper right corner "Penalty for Private use to avoid payment of postage, $300."] [Blue circle, right side of envelope "Postage Paid 19 Oct 1944"] [Purple ink stamp, center of envelope "NO RECORD APO 129 Date 22 OCT 1944"] [Black ink stamp with image of hand pointing over top of purple stamp and blue circle "Return to Sender"] [Written in pencil on left side of envelope "A"] [Written in pen, lower right side of envelope "Missing 11/15/44 JPBoskin Lt 60 Inf"] [Bottom of envelope, written in purple pencil "60 Inf Regt"]

Embarkation Army Post Office
V-mail Section
New York, N.Y.
Official Business
Penalty for Private Use to Avoid Payment of Postage, $300
[Postmark] U.S. Postal Service No. 1 1944
The inclosed V-mail letter
is returned because it was
undeliverable at the address
shown or to which forwarded.

 Geprueft [checked] Stalag XII A 35 a
Dear mother, Father and Brother.
How are you all by this time. I am just
fine at this writing. On the last
letter I wroat to you I dated it
Sep. 6 but it shoult have ben Oct. 6.
My head is getting along fine it
hort a little where the cut
was. I went to mass last sunday
it was a German prist. I hope you
get my letter this one make 3 letter
I write to you. I do not no
much to write about so i will
close for this time love to you all
from your son and Brother.

Kriegesgefanginen post
[sideways printing] 1183 CENSOR
Mr, Mrs. Eugene Rogier


 Nov. 22 - 1944
Dear, Mother, Father and Brother.
How are you all? I hope you
are all O.K. I am just fine
at this writing. How are you geting [sic] along whit [sic]
the work? O. K. I hope.
This make four letter since
I am a prisoner of 
war and I hope you get
then all right I will tell
you some of the things that
I said  will you please 
have my paper send home 
but leafe [sic] it in my mane [sic]
Clarence J. Rogier.  Bandon, Ind.
Will you please tell all 
of my uncle and aunt that
I can not write to then [sic] and 
allso [sic] all of my cousins. I wish 
you all a mary [sic] Xmas and a 
happy new yeah. Write when
you can. Love to you all 
from your son Clarence.

[stamp in purple ink] Par Avion
[red postage stamp of Adolph Hitler]
Empfangsort: BANDON
[stamp in purple ink] Stalag II B
Landesteil (Provinz usw.)
[printed upside down]
Vor- und Zuname:  P.V.T. CLARENCE J. ROGIER
Gefangenennummer: 92671
Lager - Bezeichnung:  
[stamp in purple ink] Staleg II B   Postal II
Deufschland (Allemagne)

 Fostoria, Ohio
Oct. 27, 1944,
Dearest Aunt Uncle & cousins,
How are you all by now. everyone is
O.K. up here. And we are both working
And kids are just fine. We sure
were shocked to hear the news of
Clarence being missing. We do pray
And hoping to hear good news from
him. We got a letter from Emma saying
that you got word that Clarence was
killed in Germany [faded] then we
got another letter saying you dident
just know what to think saying he
was missing so we still have hope
Sure is to bad, but dearies pray is
all we can do. How is Uncle Eugene
is his leg so sore yet. hope it is getting
better. does he suffer a lot.
How is my Dad, is he getting along
alright. who cuts all of youre hair.
Willie. You get right down and
write me a big letter. And tell
me all the news for I want to
know all about Clarence.

How is Willie coming with the crops
How much wheat did you sow.
Do you yet sell cream. Well Aunt
Mary our life is all together
different up here. I and Laurence
work's out and Jean & Baby stays
home but I'm here with Suzanne
a lot see I and Laurence leaves here
about 2 or 3 and gets home at 12.
so the other two goes to school and
we make lots of money. Our barrel
soon will be full. You ought to see
Suzanne. she is so darn fat and
real cute. We sure like Ohio.
I see Johnie Grace & baby most
every day. they have a cute little
girl too. of course I work at
Johnies place. I see him and work
with him every day. Willie I sure
can make good gravy now. ha.
You know I always liked to cook
and now I am where I have to
cook. And do I like beer. boy.
I can drink all the beer I want.
but I cant drink much.

Wish you all could come up and
see our new home. We sure
have a lovely home here about
4 miles from town. Laurence
bought us a ford V.G. and looks
good, And runs good seems funny
to get in our own car and
go to work. takes about ten minutes
to drive to work. the weather is real
nice so far, only had a few light
frosts. How is the weather back
there is all my pretty flowers frozen
down Big Minnie wrote about my
garden and flowers being so pretty
after I moved away. Do you ever
see Margaret and babies. Wonder why
Lula don't Ans my letter. she had better
answer. I wonder if Pa got my letter
Emma dident say. Docs Emma come
over oftener now. is she mean yet ha.
Aunt Mary I sure have nice things-
in my house up here. new curtains
new rugs 2 new stoves, and
all different furniture real cute
Wish you could see my cook stove

 Kriegsgefangenenlager [Prisoner of war camp] Datum [Date]: nov-26-1944
Dear mother, Father and Brother.
How are you all? I am just fine.
I am just writing you a few
line to wish you all a merry
smax and a heppy new year
I hope you get this befor smax.
From your son Clarence.

A real cute little white & black stove
we burn coal in both stoves
we have a large kitchen, a small bed room
And small living room down stairs
And two bed rooms up stairs
We have every cann filled that we've
opened with Apples. And lost of apples
picked. Our Basement is full.
We bought us some laying hens and
by moving my young chicks, we have
fried chicken. And eggs. Our pullets
really growed a lot. Well guess I
had better quite now. As I don't
know anything els to write about
so write Willie real soon. and 
let us know all about Clarence
hoping you get good news from him
The Kids all say Hello.
Lots and lots of Love
Your Niece and Cousin
and Kids.
Tell Dad Hello. 
tell him I am O.K.
and getting a big
beer belly
Wish he
was here with us.

 Mrs Lawrence Doogs [?]
Fostoria Ohio
R #.3.
[postage stamp: Fostoria, Oct 27, 4 pm, 1944, Ohio)
Mr & Mrs Eugene Rogier
Bandon, Indl.
Perry Co.


 Fostora [sic] Oho [sic]
Mo 17
Dear Sister & family
how are you we
are all are all ok
got here Saturday
we ware [sic]  tired but
are rested up had lot
of work the Girles 
got there houre all
strieght [sic] up they have
a nice home i learn
to cook on the gass [sic]
stove it didnt take
long i soon cought [sic] 
on well Mary have
you herd from Clar
ence i hope he is 
alive we here fron
the boys

 we come pars heriet
from Loretta she don't
look so good so 
when you right 
let me no all the 
nurse      Love to
all from 

Mrs. Jerome Cassidy
846 N. Country Line
Fostoria Ohio.
NOV 17
12 M
Mrs. Eugene Rogier

 Magnet, Id
Dec. 4 - 44
Dear Aunt & Uncle,
Guess you will 
be surprised to
get a letter from me.
but i think of you
all so much. How
are you all? We
are all well. and 
working hard very
day. Did you ever
hear any more
from Clarence
since he was reported
missing? Sure 
hope you will
hear soon. I got

 [Upper left corner, underlined "2"] a letter from Durward today He is in France we have been pretty lucky so far. we get a letter every week. He was asking about Clarence the other day. I sure wish this war would end soon. It sure has caused a lot of worry. I wanted to see Clarence so bad when he was home on a furlough we have a car

 [Upper left corner "3"] but no driver. One of the girls drives to church but I dont like to go over those hills with her driving. We sure have been having some pretty cold weather. I sure dread winter. Write sometimes as I would love to hear from you Mrs. Willard Cassidy

 Mrs. W. Cassidy
Magnet. Ind
[partially printed postmark] 1944 IND
[postage stamp purple ink] Win the War 3¢ United States Postage
Mr & Mrs. Eugene Rogier

 Prisoner of War Camp [illegible writing on line on left side of card] (No. of Camp only; as may be directed by the Commandant of the Camp.) Date Nov. 7-1944 I have been taken prisoner of war in German. I am in good health - slightly wounded (cancel accordingly). We will be transported from here to another Camp within the next few days. Please don't write until I give new address. Kindest regards Christian Name and Surname: Clarence J. Rogier Rank: P.V.T. Detachment: U.S.A A.F. (No further details. - Clear legible writing.)

 ["45" circled at top of letter] Dec. 4 - 1944. Dear Mother, Father and Brother. How are you all by this time. I am just fine at this writing. The red cross is helping me out a lout. Go and see the red cross and see what you can sent to me and how you can sent it I would like for you to sent me some pipe tobacco it may be a long time be fore I get it. How is every think arong Bandon now I hope there is no one sick. How is the wather back home I hope you are haveing good wather now. I jest I will close for this time until when you can. Love to you all from your son Clarence.

 ["45" circled at top of letter, in pencil] Kriegsgefangenenpost [black ink stamp on right side of envelope "08.12.44-18"] An Mr.Mrs. Eugene Rogier [purple ink stamp "Stalag IIB 11 geprüft."] Empfangsort: Bandon Straße: [blank line] Kreis: Indiana Land: U.S. of America Landesteil (Provinz usw.) Gebührenfreil [upside-down "Absender: Vor- und Zuname" P.V.T. Clarence J. Rogier Gefangenennummer: 92671 Lager-Bezeichnung: Stalag IIB Deutschland (Allemagne)"]

 Dec 18 - 1944 Dear, Mother, Father and Brother. How are you all by this time? I an just fine at this writing. How is the wather back home now? the wather here is pettry cold now. I think that I am going to have a pettry good box from the red cross for xmas. How is every body arong Bandon I hope they are all O.K. and hope there is none sick of you all. Do you here from August verye often I hope you do. I gest it take a long time for my letter to get home. I gest I will close for this time. write when you can. Love to you all from your son and Brother. Clarence.

 Kriegs[tear in center of word]enenpost [blank ink stamp on right side of envelope "27.12.44 -18"] [black ink stamp of left side of envelope "11046 U.S. CENSOR"] An Mr. Mrs. Eugene Rogier Empfangsort: Bandon Straße: [blank line] Kreis: Indiana Land: U.S. of America Landesteil (Provinz usw.) [purple ink stamp "Stalag IIB [illegible]"] Gebührenfreil [upside-down "Absender: Vor- und Zuname: P.V.T. Clarence J. Rogier Gefangenennummer: 92671 Lager-Bezeichnung: Stalag IIB Deutschland (Allemagne)"]

 Fostaria Ohio
New Year's eve.
Dearest Cousin Uncle & Aunt.
Hello every body. How is every one: We are
all O.K. And working every day. today is 
Sunday. And Laurence is working all day
he had to go to work at 7 this morning and
has to work till 11 tonight Will make around 
18 dollars today. I never do work Sundays'
Im always glad when sunday comes so
I can be home with Suzanne. Sheldon
and Erma Jean are gone to church. I 
missed church  this morning as Laurence 
went on to work and the kids has to  [illegible]
their way home they can always come with
some of the neighbors. We have neighbors
[close?] and I can't even remember their names
How is the weather down there. have you 
had much snow.  We sure have lots of
snow. And it is raining today and the 
roads are Icy.  We sure had some cold
weather but it , as the 
Kids keep good fire and the house is 
always good and warm when we get home
at 12. Suzanne don't have any cold. And

 I only wish you could see her. she gros
a lot. And I keep her dressed in little
Unionalls. And does she look cute.
she talks about all of youse down there.
she says when she gets big she will go
to Bandon and see tiney and little Marjorie.
How is Pa. and How did everything go Xmas.
We had a very nice Christmas and Old Santa 
was pretty good. Have you seen Margaret
or any of the folks out there.  [For?] Jean
[reather?] wrote to Margaret all about Grace's 
operation and about her  mother dieing. [sic]
Grace is much better now, but has to
stay in a while yet. Johnny sure didn't have 
a very Merry Christmas he has more troubles
than any one, and still he can take those 
big laughs as usual. his little girls is a 
dandy. And so sweet. Tell Pa he should 
see little Marlene. she gets in everything
she takes Johnie's shoes off and hits on 
every thing and Johnie sits their and laughs.
How is Uncle Eugene's let did he ever get 
that wooden leg. I bet this winter seems 
long to him, as he can't get out side
or go to the barn to feed the horses

have you heard any more from Clarence
Im still in hopes that you will get
better news from him do you still
write to [Gussie?] I hear from him
quiet [sic]often. And am I glad to het his letters
Suzanne recieved [sice] a package from Margaret
As you know [Gussie?] is her God father.
Have you all butchered yet. And some one 
wrote and told me that Evelyn [Goffiner?]
helped you out a lot. I sure am glad
she does. As I know you always kneed [sic] help
We had butchered a 4 hundred lb hog. and Jean
took care of it all. As I work and don't 
do much at home. I only play with Suzanne
I haven't got a scratch from Lula yet
And I would like to know what is rong. [sic]
Henry had the Mumps. And I hope he is
better.. Surelly [sic] he could write me a line or two 
the girls could write. I didn't even get
a Xmas card.  looks like Lula could write
all the other sisters to.  We're not seen
any of the Cassidys  sence [sic] they moved up here
Laurence says first chance he gets we
are going to visit them.  I seen Edgar
Cssidy in Johnies place yesterday.

Aunt Mary. Are you quilting any this winter.
does Rachel quilt so much I got a 
letter from her but  she didn't say
How is Sarah Goffinet & [Guss?]. I haven't 
heard a word from them sence [sic] we are here
Willie how is [Emma?], is she so mean yet
does she ever come over. she may come in the spring, and get plants or ripe tomatoes ha
Did she get Pa's house cleaned for Xmas.
did any of the kids come at Pa's Xmas
Willie don't you think this is enough
questions to answer. ha You had better ans
these questionscause no one el. will.
got a big letter from Gertrude at Xmas she
had lots of News and Russel also.
Well folks I have to close. Now ans
real soon. And don't forget  we are
very much in love with our Ohio home
the kids all say Hello. and wishing
you all a happy New Year's.
Tell Dad Hello and 
happy New Year.
Your Cousins & Niece 
[Minnie?] Laurence
and Family

 M [Doogs?] Fostoria. R#.3. Ohio [Black ink stamp, upper center of envelope "Fostoria Ohio Jan 4 230 AM 1945"] [Two brown  1 1/2 cent Martha Washington postage stamps in upper right corner] Mr + Mrs Eugene Rogier Bandon, Indiana Perry. co.

 [Black ink stamp, upper left corner "20a GEPRÜFT Stalag KII A"] Kriegsgefangenenpost Postkarte An Mrs. Mary A. Rogier Empfangsort: [directly below word in small print "town"] Bandon Land: [directly below word in small print "country"] U.S.A. Landesteil: [directly below word in small print "(Provinz usw.) county"] Ind. Gebührenfreil [written in pencil "92671"] [black ink stamp in bottom center of card "11877 U.S. CENSOR"]

 [Black ink stamp, upper left corner "GEPRÜFT STALAG XII A 35 a"] Sep 6.-1944. Dear Mother, Father and Brother. How are you all by this time I hope you are all O.K. I am just at this writing. I am a prisoner of war in Garman. I have two little cut on my head but it doze not hirt very much I am up and around all day long taking cair of some other boys that can not walk. I get some very good eats I get all I wont to eat. I am in a nice warm plase and in the dry. The wather is nice here so for. You can tell all my uncle and aunt where I am and what happen to me and also all my cousin for I do not think that I will be able to write to them if I can

 write to then I will. So do not worry to much about me I an not heart very bad I think that I was lucky to get out like I did whit only two little bunp on my head. I gest that I will close for this time. write when you can I will do the same. Love to you all. From your son and Brother. Clarence

 [Black ink stamp, upper left corner "GEPRÜFT STALAG XII A 35 a"] Kriegsgefangenenpost [black ink stamp, upper right corner "ERFURT 11.1.45. 19-20 4 C"] Mr, Mrs. Eugene Rogier Bandon Ind. U.S.A. [on left side of envelope, sideways "10992 U.S. CENSOR"]

 Mr. Clarence J. Rogier P.V.T. [tape on right side of envelope "EXAMINED BY [large gap] EXAMIN"]

 P.V.T. Clarence J. Rogier 35479885 Co. E. Inf. A.P.O. 15426 ℅ Postmaster N.Y. N.Y. Eugene Rogier (Sender's Name) Bandon (Sender's Address) Ind. Oct 9 - 1944 (Date) [black ink stamp over addresses "[?st] BASE POST OFF INITIALS [blank line]"] Dear Son and Brother How are you by this time we are all well at this writing. i never got no letter from you for two week i guess you ant go much time to write. the weather is not very good here we are [word crossed out] having to much rain. we never saw nothing yet it been to wet to sow we are half done cutting corn we sold for $8.80 worth of cream last week we milk four cow. we dont get very many Eggs 6 and 7 a day they are 36 [US symbol for cent] a dozen. i think we will sell them two heifers we would ^have to many to feed this winter. i will close dad is about the same. i hope to here from you soon write when you can i hope you get some of my letter by this time from Eugene Rogier