xt7dfn10rw7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10rw7q/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1996-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1996 text GLSO News, August 1996 1996 1996-08 2019 true xt7dfn10rw7q section xt7dfn10rw7q //‘y
a G L S o N E W S
, Kgflflfiky
SPONSORS: WE HAVE MET by Margaret Christopher Cartwright Peter: p]tayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
THE ENEMY AND HE IS One of the most popular biblical Elizabeth: bee@mis.net
reprinted from the Washington Feminist Faxnet. quotations used to denounce the gay and Tammy: sappho@mis.net
Republican presidential nominee Bob lesbian lifestyle is Leviticul 18:22 and 20215 g
Dole dumped wife #1 who nursed him through They state “YOU shall not lie With a male 215 laws given to Israel ”i the Old Testament.
near-fatal WWHwounds. Rep. Enid Greene (R— with a woman; it is an abomination." This Galatians 3:22—25 says Elm that. Jesus never
HT) is divorcingloe Waldholtz, who is accused QUOEG 1195 SOEEEY in the HOEEHGSS Code Of said anything condemning homosexual rela-
falsifying campaign finance reports and other Leviticus, a ritual manual for Israel’s priests. tIonshIps, bUt 531d a'great deal about love.
shenanigans. House Speaker Newt Gingrich The 11162111ng can OHEY be interpreted With justice, mercy and falthf Come see US! We
(R‘GA) asked for a divorce While wife #1 was consideration of the historical and cultural talk about tlnngs hke [hls at church. V
hospitalized after cancer surgery (has also context of the ancient Hebrew people. Israel,
admitted to having adulterous affairs in the chosen 3-8 the people OfGOd were 10 flVOid the ., ’ " ‘~ ‘ ‘ ' . ’; ‘
backs 0f automobiles), Rep Bob Barr (R—GA) practices of other peoples and gods, , CALENDAR, CHANGES
has been married three times, was caught Hebrew F€ligi0n remained in Beginning thlsmonthr
licking Whipped cream from the chests of two competition with the surrounding Canaanites Peter Taylor, y» ouresteemed
buxom women who worshiped the multiple gods of their editbr, f’lstaklpgovertho
Rep Wes Cooley (R—OR) allegedly fertility cults. The Canaanites idol worship responsrbthttesofmamtanung
:oncealelzp his wzddilEg date so his wife cpluld feattudred bgth tfemale andZISane (prostitutiolna: thenewslettercaieridatxf
eep c0 ecting ene its as a veteran’s wi ow noe 1n eu eronomy : you can 00 . 'y j 7 -. j ‘
Rep Bob Doman (R—CA) has been the subject of this 0116 up... it’s WOFth it!) This repeatedly andPlegiiiooiSEfjxhtfiemmg
four divorce actions from his wife, claiming threatened lsrael’s loyalty to God. The Hebrew i 1:1,, .3’ , ya;
spousal abuser word for a male prostitute is “gadesh” which accurate“ If anything needs a
Herewith a couple of reflections on these iS miStfémsluted Change" _0I.¢,1f.iyou 'Weutd‘dik¢5~ to
data: it’s so sad that all of these stalwart as “sodomite” in some versions of the Bible. sub'mlt anewhstmg, contest
defenders of a moral society have had such An abomination is what God found to be Peter at 273-‘58450f‘eémaii'iftifil
rotten matrimonial luck. And to think it’s all unclean, disloyal or unjust. Several Hebrew at p3tay100@ukccukyedu
the fault of queers in loving, committed rela— words were so translated, and the one found ' " I ' ’ ' ' V “‘5',” f
tionships of ten, twenty, thirty or more years! in Leviticus “toevah” iS usually associated ' I ’ ' E L” .14. 7’5“”
With the current shortage of family values in With idolatry as it is in Ezekiel, where it occurs
this country and these gay and lesbian couples many times. Given the strong association of
. consuming the entire available supply, what‘sa “IOVRh” With idolatry and the Canaanite i " ’ " ‘ ’ ’ E
politician to do when there simply are no practice of cult prostitution, one can only E l
morals left to buy? Clearly there’s a need for a deduce that the scripture is condemning male E GLSO Sponsor of the Month
government study to quantify the scope of pfOStitUtiOh. it does not refer to loving, E E
this problem. Now Mr. Hyde can speculate that responsible homosexual relationships. E PC ga S U S Tl’a VCl E
when Barney and Herb fell in love it destroyed T0 COHCEUdei we are “Oi bound by the E E
continued on page 2 ‘E """‘ " "

 W2? from thefront page you must also remember Ottr Beloved
/ the established connubial bliss of a dozen other Presidentpwho can’t seetn to keep his pants
égfeftgsfa representatives, but does anyone really *know* Zipped, elthee I mean, he ObV‘OUS that
f%§“§%g§f§% the exact number? Perhaps it isn'tasmany as gay/lesbian couples‘that stay together in
égrayggyg/a; twelve, or possibly the problem is worse than COthhhtted relationships for 10: 20, even 30
”3”,;éggefffié? feared and it's twenty? Where is the data? years or longer. have Shhltt‘r’ used UP all the
ggffa’wfi Without any supporting evidence whatsoever, morality there 15, and 1t 15 also. obvrous that
y , fa K5" it's far too early to be drafting legislation. politicians are the last 0“ the het for getting
l . Lexingsg‘gfgfi Perhaps Sen. Coats and his cronies are what‘s leftover.
: ‘22? right that our commitments tear the moral Carbon copies to my room mate, who
l 7 fabric of the nation. if this is true, it would seem thinks the 511“ rises and sets on Bill Clinton,
I GLSO News that we lesbigay people now have a duty to the and “W lover. who is so far to the right he
Published Monthly by the nation to relinquish our exclusive hold on the makes RUSh Limbaugh 100k liberal.
national supplies of morality. In short we must
} Lexington Gay/ Lesbian surrender our family values and learn to lead
l Services Organization dissolute lives so there will be some moral Stghedi
l [10. Box 1 1 471 principles left over for those straights who now . .
l Lexington KY 40575 have none at all and very desperately need RICk Drown 3th Sink@bbs.yab.c0mv
’ them. Once we turn over the regulation of all
. marriage to Congress, a plan for more 1995 STONI-IWALL AWARD
l Editor: equitable distribution of this precious resource WINNER - HARRY HAY
Peter Taylor can be devised. For example, there might be Before there was StOneWflllt there was
“morality stamps” which could be issued only Harry Hay.
Layout Editor: to heterosexual couples who pledged to In 1950, when just being suspected of
Tammy D. Strong regularly procreate. being homosexual could cost you your 10b, your
Graphics: But wait a minute! What if moral home, your insurance, Henry Harry Hay
behavior is not a limited commodity as these gathered four of his friends In great secrecy to
Elizabeth A' Gilliam politicians believe, but a “choice”? If so, then form the Mattachine SOCietYi “to discover who
there really need be no rationing of virtue; it’s homosexuals were, where they had come from,
6150 Annual Dues and actually not our marital fidelity to our partners how they served species survival, and to
Newsletter; $15 that forces the sponsors of DOMA to embrace transform their self—image from a negative to a
Dues and Newsletter for lifestyles of infidelity and cruelty to theirs; its positive one." It would be another 19 years
really not our steadfast support of one another before the Stonewall Rebelhon in New York
Couples: $20 in the face of persecution and prejudice that WOU1d drive the gay rights movement fOIWHFd
compels the thrice-married Mr. Barr to lick and into the national consciousnessbutthe idea
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO whip cream from an entertainers soutien— of gay organizing had taken root.
News are those of the authors and don’t necessarily gorge. The new group named after European
represent those of the GLSO Board of Directors: And who knows? If these politicians dance rituals knows as “les Mattachines”
becorizbgllffigegeOlgeéiosngeénflfig”12:16:11: sincerely worked at it, with enough practice at performed in Medieval and Renaissance France
full name and address of the author. The staff choosing might they not develop sufficient by fraternities of masked clerics for peasant
reserves the right to edit submissions and ads to morality themselves to elect “Qt to be bigots? communities. Hay, a long—time radical labor ‘
meet publishing requirements, aswell as the right (Then again, that might be genetic, W3 organizer ‘ as well 35 a sometime actor, labor-
to reject any submissions. Gilbert once remarked, “Some people are born school teacher and wartime systems engineer -
Placement of advertising in GLSO News sneering.” lcan name afew of that kind, and had the talent andcompellingrhetoricto inspire
denotes neitheraperson’s sexual orientation nora so can you.) the formation of Mattachirre societies
business’ cusmmet Pt9tetehce~ What an Excellent comeback! However, .
contmued on page 10
GLSO News Page 2

 The GLSO Sponsor of the Month for
‘ August 1996
TRAVE L , I N c .
3 606-253-1644
53 800-228-4337
if: - West of Rose — Between High and Maxwell
: 1% Oftic/eet sales are donated t0 the GLSO upon request

 POP, CANDY, AND SCUM .. abuse of her when she was a child. By high which prompted her to physically attack
IT’S THE WONDERFUL school age,shc was an admitted lesbian. At him.
the University of Maryland she was a student She also realized that in her
WORLD OF WARHOL in psychology. Her main focus asagradiiate excitement over the publishing dealt, she
mmribum d by John Shelton student was proving that women are had signed away all the European rights to
Bang! Bang! Bang! Daylight. A naturally superior to men. She claimed her work. Convinced by her own paranoia
leather-clad Mickey lies writhing on the “men are a biological accident. The Y that Warhol had set her up in both the TV
floor in pain from gunshot wounds. The chromosome is Simply an incomplete X.." fiasco and the publishing deal, she went to
camera pans up to show Goofy, in drag, She went on to say that'while the female of his office. and shot him. .
holding a smoking gun. A voice from off— the speCies (a term which she despised) is While Solanis paranOia . and
frame is heard pleading, “Goofy, there’s the unable to reproduce itself, sc1ence must narcissism are pushed to the surface in the
elevator. Take it. Just take it!” Moments work to find away to make this possible. movie, her lesbianism is seemingly played
later, the goofy gunslinger is out on the The result of this research produced the down. She does come on to a female coed
streetconfessing to reporters. No, this isn't a SCUM Manifesto. SCUM stands for the early on in the film, is referred to as a
review of the latest Disney cart oon, it‘s the Society for Cutting Up Men. Valerie began lesbian. and even refers to herself as “a
opening scene of the a new bio—pic called I peddling her Manifesto on the streets of New butch dy‘ke”, but that's about it. Her
SHOT ANDY WARHOI.—which is only slightly York City in 1966, supporting herself With behaVior indicates the contrary. She spends
less animated. ' prostitution and panhandling. She most of her time turning tricks for men she
In real life, the shootist in this stumbled across Andy Warhol's studio. the despises. She has no female friends. Most of
stranger-than-pulp—fiction scenario is the Factory almost by accident. Then,she began her friends are drag queens, transvestites
notorious lesbian /feminist Valerie Solanis. to harass the artist about producing a play and transgendered males. In fact of one can
Her victim: Famed pop artist Andy Warhol. shed written called UP YOUR ASS. take her SCUM philosophy to an extreme,
The setting is New York City, I968. Dick Warhol liked some of the play's dialog these are men tryingto make Lip for nature’s
Nixon is about to become president whilst and considered using some of it in one of his mistake: the fact that they are incomplete
psychadelics are the candy of choice to a movies, but he was discouraged by his females.
' generation of so called “kids" protesting the entourage. He did give her ascreen test and What makes I SAW a must—see is its
Vietnam War. then a part in one of his movies I , A MAN performances. Lili Taylor’s portrayal of
In the midst of this wonderful time, (the title of which could have incited her to Valeria Solanis is always over the top and it
one of the nation's foremost pop icons, Andy violence). Incredibly, she was offered a tends to be a bit overbearing. There are
Warhol, is nearly assassinated by one of the publishing deal for her manifesto. Valerie times when you’d swear it’s really Gilbert
comm/is most radical feminists, Valerie Solanis had achieved her IS—minutes of Gottfried in drag! Jarred Harris on the other
Solanis. fame, but she wasn‘t satisfied. Next she hand, is Andy Warhol.
Given the era, one may be prompted to appeared on a talk show on which the host Nearly every book, movie or
ask Sol anis: Why Andy and not Dick? Then verbally attacked her for her lesbianism, continued on page 9
the movie might have been called SEE DICK '
RUN (not to be confused with the popular
children’s book of the same name). While
the film never clearly explains Solanis’ ' ‘ ' ' I ~ 'g.’
motive, it does offer a compelling insight w E WA 0 G
into the lives of two of the twentieth ‘
century’s most fascinating figures.
To better understand Solanis’ motives,
a brief history lesson may be in order (Take A s A v o I. u N T E E n
notes,apop-quiz mayfollow). Solanis is an ca“ Mal), at 266_5904
angry woman with angst towards men. Her
feeling may have stemmed from her father’s
GLSO News Page 4

 k \ , ,
Z \Y\\%@% .The GLSO Board decided
,‘E , , \\ Q“ \ ‘ that lit order to achieve true ,
1 \ %?\ financral stability it would seek a sponsor _
'0 , \ \\\%\) \\ for the costs of the newsletter for one month,
(1 \\\§\’ \\ and use its other advertising income for a number of '
‘3 ‘\\% \ \ other ongoing projects. , , '
fE ‘ For more information, please call Mary at 266-5904.
E:- The GLSO News is proud to announce our
Let supporters so far for 1996:
H: Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist .......................255—4964 ‘
f: Scorsone and Ransdell, Attorneys at Law .......................255-5766 E
te Craig Hudson, for the Catholic group Dignity iE
1s Kentucky Wranglers EE
0E Terry.............255—5469 . E
f: Bill.t...............278-8023 E
er Lexington Men’s Chorus 231—0900
01‘ Front Runners 254—6850
9 Russell Beam Bookkeeping & Tax Services .....................266-2903 E
Unitarian Universalist Church 2564 Clays Mill Road ......223-1448
seeking a diverse congregation: Sunday worship 10:45
Metropolitan Christian Church 271—1407
Elizabeth 8v Tammy Gilliam~Strong
Pegasus Travel................................................................253~1644
Pegasus Travel donates I % of your ticket costs to GLSO
— ——_——GLSONewsPage5

 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday \ I .
1 2 3 - ,',,-,
8:00 pm: 7:30 pm 9,00 a m c ‘n' '5’ J I "6’
, ' ' ‘ o a .l '
,M: HIV/AIDS Support Group Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners . 9 ~ . ‘
gnwww WMMMWfl ‘1 4:00 p.111. ‘ I
‘1 1 WWW”? Ebony Male Meeting '
n 1 7"‘“'”“‘""” 1
Lflmr}, . , ,
1 \ 1
_//1 1 , 1 RESTAURANT
4 5 6 7 / ,./ 1 15:21 / /1 9 10 557 S. Limestone
11:30 a.m. 8:00 pm 12:00 . _ ,2-» a.“ 8:00 p.m., ‘1 7:30 pm. 9:00 am. _
Metropolitan Comm Church Race for the Cure Meeting GZSLeSbian AA fl/fl/ 6:00 :zAIDS “PW-£49m“? “\me S/upp/on Gréup .2. Gay/ Lesbian AA Frontrunners(Woodland Park) LEXI n gton , KY
4:00 pm. (Palomar Clubhouse) 7:30 pm. // Frontrunnersflv 3] d Park) 3
Kentucky Wranglers Mtg. Gay/Lesbian AA/l , 72007171}! “KM“‘M \\ < 25 3-001 4
7:00 pm. / / / Métropolltapcomm Church \\ g \\
Gay/Lesbian AA If // 8:00 p.121. / “\1 \‘1 1‘
,n’ 1" fGay/Lesl/ian AA ‘3 ‘\_ ‘1‘
. 1 1 12:00 pm. \\. ‘~ \ 1‘ 5 8:00 p.115. 2 7:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. ' b/ b b /( I, f
11:15:51: ”(ii-curt Meeting Gay /Lesbian AA \_\ 220/3113? Supbgffifoup [fl )l/IV/AIDS import Group Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners(Woodland Park) 5 er V, n 9 U 8 er r y U C W ea
Metropolitan Comm Church 7230 gag/Lesbian AA\ ,\ ‘**--~»~-E§%mer5(w°°d‘a‘2f/P?rk / // .
7:00 pm. 7‘00 [3.111. W ' / 99 b d ll Id
Gay/Labia“ AA \\ Metropolitan Comm Church // GLSO News Deadllne p an C 0 (65, e f e n e I C 0 r n 0 ,
“"n 1000 pm. “My/NAN ~/’ 1 I] / fl
GaylLéesbianAA i 5’00”“ ome e 35,
18 19 20 211 ; 22 23 24 and much more
11:30 am. 12:00 pm. H IAIDS .uppm Gm“ :1 3:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 a.m. ...
Metropolitan Comm Church Gay/Lesbian AA _ . ‘ . p.m1 1._._,_WM1W.§ : InlIV/AIDS Support Group Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners(Woodland Park)
7‘00 P~m- 7‘00 p‘m' . . i FrommnnersWoodland Park) 1
Gan/Lenbnnnnn 7:30 5311151111 ”“8“” 1‘3”“? 710111.111. Wednesday is
7:00 pm. Gay/Lesbian M M - Metro-ohtarrt‘onm} Church E :,,-,_: . l N' h
Dignity 8:30 p.m. 8"" P-m 1 1
Rainbow Bowling League Gay/ sbian M E ¥ Internatlona g t
Southland Lanes
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Imperial Court Meeting 12:00 pm. ‘ HIV/AIDS Support Group 8:00 pm. 7:30 pm. . 9:00 am. Breads and desserts
11:30 am. Gay/Lesbian AA 6:00 p. m. HIV/AIDS Support Group Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners(Woodland Park) . . .
Metropolitan Comm Church 7:30 gig/Lesbian AA Frontrunners(Woodland Park) b a he d d a l ly Ill 0 ll r k l t C he II
7:00 pm: 8:30 . . 7:00 pm. .
Gay /Lesbian AA gnbow Bowling League 800 Sigropolitan Comm Church
(sonnnnnnnnnnnn ‘ gag/115111111 FREE EVENING PARKING.

N a m e ( s) __________________________.___________
Add ress __________________________________________
City, State, le’ _________________________________
__$15 Membership and Newsletter
_____$20 Couple Membership and Newsletter
____l do not wish for my name to be added to the Community
Mailing List used exclusively by and for Kentucky
Gay/Lesbian organizations.
Please become a member: help support and
build our community and receive your
newsletter by mail!
MAIL TO: GLSO Newsletter, 17.0. Box '
11471, Lexington, KY 40575

 from page «1 cannot be ignored. Mary Harron, director and arranged by chorus member Brian
documentary on the artist shows that he and co—writer of the film has faithfully Throckmorton,“Whatlf."
really was the subdued, soft—spoken, shy, recaptured that era. Her‘s is a film that Concerts were held in the Tampa Bay
kind— in a word cool persona that Harris transcends time. It’s issues ring as true Performing Arts Center to packed houses all
recreates. What Valerie doesn’tunderstand is today as they did then. Pop-quiztornorrow week long. Over 5000 chorus members,
that the same genuine interest that Andy Class dismissed! V including several area choruses from Lousiville,
shows in her is the same that he showed to Cincinnati and Indianapolis performed music
everyone. LEXINGTON MEN'S CHORUS ranging from opera, to gospel to contemporary.
it is easy for people to take advantage PERFORMS AT WORLD ARTS Several Lexintonian‘s were surprised to
of his generosity or mistake his withdrawn FESTIVAL find pictures of themselves on the front page of
manner as snobbery. This is what makes The Lexington Men‘s Chorus recently the TampaTimes on Monday morning havinga
him vulnerable, especially to a high—strung retumed from Tampa, Florida where they partic— “gay old time" during the pride march. V
personality like Solanis. During Valerie’s ipated in the World’s Largest lesbian and Gay
campaign 0f harassing Warhol, she is [Old Performing Arts Festival. The festival was
second hand, that she is no longer welcome produced by Gay and 1 £51m“ Association of
at the Factory; she has been “excommuni— Choruses (GALA Choruses). Singers from North (MGR 0f the month
cated" she is told. This PF0V€S [0 he hearsay. America, Europe and Australia representing 110
when Andy SEES her later, just minutes l')€f01‘€ choruses appeared during the week long EVEHI, .
the near—fatal shooting, he is a cordial and which lasted from July 7.14. Movre mogul Samuel
trusting Of her 35 W91: The week started off with a Pride march Goldwyn, debating Whether to
He never felt threatened bl" the crazy, through downtown 'l‘ampa, followed by the buy The Children’s Hour by
drugged-out people With whom he opening ceremonies. Harvey Fierstein was the Lima” Hellman.
SUFFOUthd hhhSElf- He filmed them 35 they master of ceremonies and the keynote speaker
were and made them “stars" This wasn’t was Maya Angelou, the poet and author. The Samuel Goldwyn: Maybe we
. . . . , . . . ' . should buy it?
EXPlOImUOH, 1i W215 AHdYS accurate flhlhii’ i0 mayor of Tampa welcomed everyone despite
capture people 115 they are, 35 straightfor— the actions of several anti—gay organizations Merritt Hulburd: Forget it. Mr.
wardly as he might capture a bottle of that tried to sabotage the event. Goldwyn. ”,5 about lesbians.
ketchup or a can of soup on a silkscreen. He The Iexington Chorus was represented by
had an uncanny ability to make the ordinary thirty voices and twenty support staff. Two Samuel Goldwyn: Don’t worry
seem extraordinary and vice versa. concerts were performed on Monday afternoon to about that. We’ll make them
The most memorable character to avery appreciative audience, High points of the Americans
come out of the Factory ensemble is Candy performance included “My old Kentucky
Darling. Candy was a beautiful ho)’ “ho Home”, ”Down in the Valley”(written in Harlan
worked hard at being a Chelsea Girl. She is County) andanoriginal work written, composed
played by Stephen Dorff. Candy is a
character who will haunt you after seeing A l) . d . , l d . i . K + if Cl l
the film. By the end ofthe film we learn that 're YOU (2mg rscrimlna G 090”" In en ”C y UQ O YOUr
Candy died in 19.75' from cancer, caused by $€XUOl orieniolion?
illegal hormone inlectrons used to try and
change his sex.
According to various sources, Warhol Reporl H Now
was never the same after the shooting. He
. understandably became less trusting Of Call lhe GLSD Discrimination Projecl, and help lo pul our discriminalion on the books.
Thus ended an era of a generation 276_5383
whose influence on popular culture simply
_ GLSO News Page 9

 $3 iits ? . (44 542’s“:- 5 5%.: 4\4 iii '1“ 31:3» 4:24 4:44.» “ 4361 4 l 2-- ‘.v.41.’-.‘vfi?‘l' est-es.s:-.~.--».-.:-s=: a: -"»‘.."'X°5’ifz‘~> ‘ZS‘e‘sW/utéfifiism-12$” ‘ {ix-‘2 ”4’34 4" 3”?5§"4{‘-3"47;>’”’ ”v
MOP-m- Group is open Moth gay and lesbian at a 4 M 4,
Whale 255-7206 01‘ Lam 2762683 V 3.. % " .334 b
Ameeting to plan the benefitfor the Race *2 */ ‘" .9 ' g“;
for the Cure, afundraismg event that benefits , H 4 see. _; j ,3: n
breast cancer research, will be held at the r E s? a 4.. § 4.4,:
, ”’ e“; 12-
Palomar Clubhouse on August 51h. at 7:30 .i '- . 33-? f~4w 3,“, *1 §
pm. Everyone is welcome. For more .3“ 44. 334% ”4.; £434 ' "r {4% - 444 a
infomation. call 253-7722. 7 . 42» 4. 4.4 - .- _ _ . - . . .. .4 . 4 3... C
Rainbow Bowling League will be C3 lflg P Ellis 01' EVGI'Y Part 0 YOUI‘ L e. tl
or anizin its Fall/Winter Lea ue on Tuesda . . ,
g g g . . y We understand that long distance is being able to call home when you’re away 9
August 20th at 8:30 pm. The meeting Wlll be . 3 . . . . .
h 1 d S hl dL 20 S hl dD . on busmess. lts being able to keep in close touch \nth neighbors that moved ,1
e at out an anes, 5 out an rive. away. It’s being able to call relatives overseas. It’s being able to run your
Bowhng Will start at 8:45 p.444 C311 Sean at business. And with Excel, it‘s being able to do all these while saving up to 30%, a
255-7379 fOF more IHfOTmaUOH- 50% and even 65% on your callsi ‘
Watch for more information on League For more information on residential, small business, incoming 800 and
‘ kick—off patty. V international long distance services, call today. y
from page 2 h
throughout the United States. —"‘4‘4::s-E"44'4'—:
. — - - — -
Hay was bom 1n Englmd and Came to TELEcotuuNICATI: 3
America at an early age- He had learned Native 130% and 50% savings based on Facul‘s [drilled standard. domestic rules. (15% san‘ngs based on Excel miffed standard. inlemalional m5.
American survival skills and cowboy crafts as a
2.131144%: While"; §@f?633¥50r§anlz;‘;°‘tl Carrie Straub, MR ..........606.235.5462 Gina Baker, MR . . . . . . . . 606.289.8305
“reinpmé 113036; :13; 3:“: tailgate“: Denise Peskar, MR, AC .......606.233.3462 Karen Stormbringer. . . . . 606.252.5009
p 1 l C . . . .
em zed Trainer Lee Stormbrm er. . . . . . . 606.277. 365
function of natural forces. . . We say ourselves as { f } g 9
spiritually left—handed, as a cultural minority.”
In the years following the Stonewall
Rebellion man dl b' 0‘ Read '
, y gay an es ran groups sprang x 10
up; Mattachine societies were superceded. Hay &:3‘ “03, $2 5
believed gay people have a capacity for newer
levels ofconsciousness and in 1979 he issueda O o O Female—Orlented Cards
call for “A Spiritual Gathering of Radical o .
Fairies.” He invited them to “tear off the ugly 0 Mary Sowurner Crone
green frog skin of conformity you have wrapped 2 66 5 9 O 4
yourself in to get by, and find the beautiful Faerie 4
Prince underneath.” v
GLSO News Page 10

 69 6" he
6 a? 6? 1’6 36mm
69“”. Q3 vfii'e me, when they talk about me because if they’re God bless their little hearts) forebearers.
Hi! I am writing you today for your talking about me, they're leaving someone else And another thing, just because I may
opinion in relation to an article I read in the alone. joke about how swishy you are doesn’t mean I
Pride issue of the G.I..S.0. Newsletter, (by the I’ve done my damnedest for the whole won‘t defend your right to be who you are to
way, not particularly the most appropriate time community to keep them talking about moi the rest of the world. It is truly like a family -
to run such an article, in my humble opinion, and y’all owe me a great debt of gratitude Ican talk about you all I want but God help
but nevertheless...). because over the years a lot of tongues have anyone outside the family who says anything
Anyway, this individual seemed very wagged in this direction. about MY sister.
upset with the Lesbigay community and as 21 But more to the point, we were wrongly Lastly, I would address Mr. Maines and
matter of fact describes it as being a “failure.” scastigated in that article. The writer stated, all of you that said Amen when they read‘what
Although I have seen and heard the same “Tell me, please, how can one expect to be he had to say. Ihave heard your argument for
petty talk when I've been ”out on the town," I welcomed as an integral part of the ‘normal' eons and it doesn’t hold water. I challenge any
don’t know that I can agree with labeling the society if we can’t even accept our fellow of you to tell me you haven’t heard the same
community asbeingafailure because of it. lesbigay peers.” anywhere else. There are a lot of positive
What do you think? Have we failed or is First, I must question his definition of things happening in the community right
there still hope? “normal” society. Normal is a relative term, or now. So get over your holier—than-thou selves
S r g 11 e d , better yet there is NO SUCH THING as nomial. and become a part of them. We need everyone
(Cay A. Rope Has he never been to a straight bar or to pulling in the same direction. Imay snicker
church or to any other place where straights when you wear brown shoes with your tux as
‘Deav K0196, (may Gos bless their little hearts) gather? you accept the Wasson Award, but I‘ll be
, ‘ If he had, he should realize they are just standing and applauding with a tear in my eye
You W your sweet. bippy theres hope. as vicious in their comments about how fat just the same.
; Yours [My has engaged in the petty talk that that dress makes Mary look, or do you see that
‘ Mr. Maines describes but more often than not hussy Fred is with. L a W, at? d k i g a e s ,
been the object ofsuch derision. . _ In this respect, we are “normal”; we Gee-6m Was
However, I consrder It a pUth servrce learned this behavior from our straight (may
D i girlf-
. of Lexrngton
“Come pray with us and make life-long friends”
Dignity meets the first and third Sunday of
each month at 7:00 p.m.
Call Don at 299-4458 for further information.
— GLSO News Page 1 i

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Layout (Tammy) 225-3955 G/L AA (Charlie) 2244067
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AGLF: NKU (Pat) 5725604 (Bill)i..m....i,.i.....i.....,.........278-8023
B'GLAD‘ Centre College (Mkal)“"""'“""“"""""""“"""""‘258'5352 Lexington Men‘s Chorus (Shelby) 2310090
GUESS: EKU (hell) 6225816 Louisville Youth Group(502) 655-1302
Morehead State (Angela) 7852950 Names Project, Lexington (Katie)....1......H.“...,i.....,.....i.i.,.i...272-2588
UK Lambda (Juhen) below10pm...,.m.,i.,.......i....,.i.........n..n..,....,272-7252 Newcomers Group 006) 2754432
. / Pegasus Trave12551644
Jessamme County88541‘i‘) Rainbow Bowling League (Shawn) 2557579
Lexmgton-Fayette county'"""""“"""'"""‘“'""""‘""""“"""288'2457 RISC (Mike) 2255151
Madison County 7257512 (lack) 2728354
Woodford County8754541 The Women’s Chorus (Connie)i11.....i,..11.....,..i.,i.....u,........i.....276-2554
AIDS “om“ 2317245 Dignity [Catholic] (Don) 7994458
AIDS Volunteers of Lexmgtonm“.,..4,.11...n.“.,...,.......n.,.i..,..i;78-74?4 Episcopal Diocese AIDS Ministry (Steve) ..,...i..m.,...,,........253‘1782
AVOL Legal Advocacy Program 2787 )4 Honesty [Southern Baptist] (Eddie)”.11.......i,..i,.,i(502)657-7609
Health Dermem “IV support ”0ng 7 7 (Dorothy) W......i.i.w(502) 4585392
(Pamdfigfz Interweave [Unitarian] (Davina)...,...i,..i,..,.W.W..4....i.......i.271-6174
HIV/15:12:12 fl) lPt(502)5::_1354 MCC-Elizabethtown (C21111\)(502) 459-6075
ega roiec — 2 _ . 7 _
HIV-Education Youth Group.i,,.....1.1......i.,...i...i,.....,.i.,...i.,.u.278-7494 E2: Lexingtfin (Rex) (50%;; £222
HIV Support (Somerset),......i.....m.“W,....4....i,..i..,..i.............679-7578 _ OlllSVl e “ ‘ _
678-5814 MCC—Paducah(502) 441-2307
Thursday HIV+/AIDS Support Group RainboWind-(Pflgan) (Sarah) 252-7675
(Hospice of the Bluegrass) 2765344 RainboWind@aol.com
To add or update a directory page listing. [please
contact Tatum at 2253953 ,
800-347-TEEN For a mailing address update,
7p-midnight Thurs. is. Fri. contact Peter at 213-5845
GLSO News Page 12