xt7dfn10rw16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10rw16/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1910-11-17 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 11, November 17, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 11, November 17, 1910 1910 1910-11-17 2015 true xt7dfn10rw16 section xt7dfn10rw16  
  Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., NOVEMBER 17, 1910 No.11 X
’ R   b O Ad t`
• · went through for 25 yards. Painter Forward pass, Therkled to B. Shank-
was thrown for 5 yards' loss round lin, gained 5 yards. B. Shanklin punt-
·         left end. McCarthy made 5 Yards ed to St. Louis, 20 yards. St. Louis
,l y - round left end. Dockery punted to fumbled and recovered the ball. Mc-
*| Gaiser, who was downed on Ken- Carthy out and Zacker goes in. B.
h   tucky’s 35-yard line. Gaiser was hurt Shanklin went round left guard for 21
` Score: St. Louls, 9j `U. of `K.{ 0- ' ball going through tackle, proved St, and taken out. G. B. Shanklin takes yards. Shanklin lost 4 yards round
V *‘”‘“"‘ Louis' greatest gamer, and they his place at quarter. Threlkeld made mr; and Shgnklin failed to make
  To one who did not attend the game Worked this throughout the game, 1 yard through tackle. Shilnklln Dun? place kick again, Ball in play on 30-
t saudwiching in a forward or double ed to Dockery in midfield, who was yard line. Dockery punted but was
· glayed mt Saturday at Sp°"“m““ pass for sake or variety. The panting downed in his tracks. McCarthy blocked. The ball mma to st, Louis
. Mk' St' Louis' the above score does honors were about even, Dockery and makes 7 yards through right end. M0 :1-yard line. Webb blocked the kick.
not in the least   the battle   Shaukliu averaging   y8.I°dB. Coach Carthy IH3.d€ OHS yard HIOYB in the Pa,i[)t€I‘ l‘]'1Z1k€$. 3 yards ]‘0\_]nd  
was f¤¤g¤¤ them' ·I say bam°* bt Bender has developed a good team at same place. o field. Dockery punted from behind
E caum blows figured pmmmeutm We St. Louis University and the result of Ed. Stadtherr went through for the his goal to 40 yards. Giltner called
f IOSL and We should not be the Ones their game with Syracuse on Thanks- first down, but was penalized 5 yards Safe (·;m·}·,_ Snyder went in for Er.
  to afterwards talk about certain dB` giViI1g lB·W3.tCb€d with interest. The f0l‘ off-side. The ball is HOW OH KGB- hardy Giltngr was thrown for 3 1053
i mms that happened during uw sixty game Saturday has nothing to do with tucky’s 45—yard line. Dockery punted or 5 yards, Kentucky was penalized
g minutes °f play but a w°rd must bc the Southern championship race. It to Giltner on Kentucky’s 15-yard line, 10 yards for holding ghankliu punted
  Zzmshgled agilotxgg tgfsggzi thgtsttg; was played under Missouri conference who returned 5. Shanklin made 7 to painter gu 45.ya;-d ling,
  who did not have the Opportunity to rules, this accounting for the ball be- through center. Shanklin punted out Dockery punted 35 yards to Gilmer,
J just what did ha an and to ac- ing brought out on the 30·yard line for of bounds and the ball was brought who was downed in his tmcks_ Shank
‘ ggimt for that 9-0 82;% Our team scrimmage. The following is the game back and placed on Kentucky? 30- lin went through the line for 3 ym.ds_
_ ' in detail. yard line. Painter was thrown or a Shankun umm to Docker _ who ,.€_
1 §{§0,'{”§§“Q§’u§‘§‘;§,¤§'§ §{,‘,i‘{‘§§,‘¤;§§g Summary ` logs <>rd3fv¤r¤=- 1;<><>k;vCw¤;¤tjr<;Jl;¤;1<: turned 35py..rdS. Ball out if bound,.
combination, with the exception of I;. Shanklin kicked off to Dockery on ° t °° °r 14 YT 8* cdar IZ i t Putin play in midfield. Dockery made
mmm, they have ever gone up against. 10 yards and was downed by ‘C.amp_ round right end (102 it Yards} a T 6* mrwardpass to Painter, who made 45
They arrived in st, Lguig two hours bell on the 20~yard line. Painter makes zag thrgwu mu; it Bu d gc: :5 yards and was run out of bounds. Ball
mgm- and took up thgiy qua;-tem at 3 yards around left end. Staddtherr E) 3 wg Bi 1102 8;;- gsslifne SCE"? on K€nt¤0kY’S 10-Yard line. Painter
the Amgricau Hom; Friday evening makes 3 more round right end. Dock- S'L°“L0 $“3“°K’;mcky 0 · · went through for 5 yards. Painter
Capt. Webb and his men indulged in ery punted 25 yards to Giltner, who irostzrs gas in in *18;:8 of Dunlap failed to gain in same place. Time
very light, practice, kicking gud pggg- fllmbléd, and Shallklih I‘8COV€1'6d. Shankun fdcked to S2 Louis, 10-yaré Out. {HRH hllft. Bal] DOW on Ken-
ing the ball until late. After a good Shanklin punted to St. Louis' 25-yard Hue who returned to éolyard une Mc- t“"kY S 3‘Y8"d mw-
night's sleep they breakfasted late line, Dockery recovering. Stadtherr Carihy tried the Hue {ut fumbled and Painter failed to gain through left
and lounged around resting until the makes 10 ten through center. Stadd- K t ck r€c0v€r€d’ Shauklm glade end. Kentucky’s ball on their 3-yard
time for the game. Many Kentuek- therr makes 3 more in same place. wen urdy tm h (gamer Thmlkald line. A man out. Shanklin punted to
ians, or former Keutuckians, belong- Painter makes 3 round left end. St. { K ds b t°°g d f' I { 35-yard line, who returned 5 yards,
ing to the Kentucky Club, came Louis is penalized 15 yards for hold- um 6 ’ u recovere kot a' OBB 3 Dockery was thrown for a loss of 3
around to say "howdy," and give them ing. Staddtherr went through center 5 y°rd°‘ Shankuu ma esd E yar ; yards. Forward pass, Dockery to
their but wishes, for 5 yards. Painter was thrown for thmugh left guard' Seem) Own' Painter, gained 8 yards. Forward pass
St. Louis' superior weight told on a loss of 5 yards. Dockery punted 25 yards to gain' Shauklmf mage a {gr- failed to gain. Kentucky’s ball on
our men in the last quarter when yards and Threlkeld fumbled, St. Lou- Yard pass to Gilmer or "5 yar s' downs. Shanklin punted only 5 yards.
they went through our line at will. is recovering the ball. bhaukuu was thrown for} loss of 1 St. Louis failed to gain. Dockery tail-
rt might be sam here that me saints Dockery punted to Kentucky’s 40- "“’d· Tm bull “°“' °“ bt` L°“i“ w` ed to amp-kick from :10-yam use. Kes.
outweighed us 15 pounds to the man yard line to Shanklin, who fumbled, {ard mm First quarter up' Score' tucky going to kick out from :15-yard
and as Capt. Webb, after the game, but recovered. Shanklin made 20 bt' Louis 3’ Kentucky O' line. Shanklln punted 40 yards to
sald, "It was the fastest team I ever yards round left end. Threlkeld made Second Quarter. Dockery, who returned 10 yards. Zach-
·Dl8y€d against. They are every bit 5 through center, first down. Gaiser Watkins went thl‘0l1gh for 2 yards. erts made 2 yards through right
as heavy and about three times as carried round left end for 3 yards. Shanklin tried to drop kick, but miss- guard. Pall on Kentucky‘s 45—yard
fast as North Carolina." The work Shanklin punted to Dockery on St. ed. Ball brought to :10-yard line and line. Zacherts made :1 yards in same
of some of our team at times was I4ouls' 30—yard line, who was downed ou put in play. Dockery punted 35 yards plave. St. Louis penalized 15 yards
awfully poor, and many fumbles of the 215-yard line. Painter made 2 yards to Giltner, who returned 10. Erhart for holding. Glltner fumbled the punt
" punts and forward passes gained round left end. The Kentucky boys are was injured and ls still down. He had and St. Louis recovered ball. Painter
" much ground for our opponents. A doing flne. a nasty fall on his head. was thrown for a loss of :1 yards. For—
delayed pass, the man carrying the At this stage of the game Painter Watkins went through for 3 yards. ward pass, Dockery to Wagner, gained

 l _;;" '
2 rua 11»1.¤:.4 *·`  
ten Yafde- l70cke¥‘Y falled to d¥`0D· Fourth Quarter. Ask Your Grocer for- Tk ,
    klck from 35-yard line, which finished por-lrsry punted 25 yn;-ds to (llltner _`  
° the lllat half- out. of bounds. Ball on Kentucky`s 45-     ff _
  Mgggggg by Sgnlor Clan;. yard llfle. Threlkeld failed at center'. Don", Forget Hoe cake Mc.]    
FOR SAIIE_D,.ccs Suit in gccd ccndi_ Speaking for the whole crowd as- flcld. St. l.ouls‘ ball. Glltner hlts cen- Made By ;» W
t- _ F- h t bt- Gl semblcd here, we are all here and ter for 3 yards. Painter goes round _   _
(;:`b Oxgtc “I{_‘§f,,,f_ OKML; T; back of every play. Watch Dockery! Shanklin punted out of bounds in mid- Lexmrmn Rama Mills c°• »  
Ida l Boys, you are doing flne! left end for 10 yards. P. McGuire goes """ "—-"‘1`""' _  
° Thlrd qunrgsn round left end for 4 yards. The Ken- ' _;f;
  Shanklin kicks off to St. Louls' 4- tucky boys seem to be weakening M A I E C | l *·  
N"' l' ll" tl"' t° 8°° yard line, who return 30 yards. zachert just a little on line plays. Forward   I.·- I,
Rudolf L_ Roscnbgucf tried center, but failed to gain. Paint- pass. Dockery to Painter, nets 10 GOOD FURNITURE, `  
er failed to gain round left end. yards. Webb went through and ( _{I°
1 HE TA“·°R Dockery punted to Giltner, who return- threw Stadtherr for a 5-yard loss. OKYPOW, Wall Paper and 8l•°V”• It
-·for-— ed 10 yards. Zachert was hurt and Painter went around fight guard for    
g|,°t,.;cI gtum and pry clsnnlng taken out. Ball now in mldfleld. Mc- 12 yards, but the ball was called back _  
work` Gulre goes ln and Zachert taken out. and St. Louls penalized 15 yards for AI KI ADQOOK  
L·dI“• Garment. a gp,°l.lsy_ He was badly hurt and had to be car- holding. Ball on Kentucky’s 35-yard  
330 wnt short gt,·“t_ rled off the held. He hurt his bad an- line. Dockery tried for a drop-kick, OIGARS md TOBAUOO T
Fcycttc pho". 485I \_,x;n¤t°n_ Ky, kle again. Johnson goes through for but failed. The ball was put in play W]NS]_0W & g_ LIME I fg
5 yards. He goes ln at right half. John- on 30-yard line. Shanklin kicked to Lexington, _ _ _ _ xmtucw ·  
  son again tries for left end, but was Painter, who was downed ln mldfleld. ‘ I,
•Au ads tm. this wut colgmn penalized for crawling. Shanklin Dockery went through for 22 yards. I Q.-
snaund be addressed to ure Business vuuts 25 yards tc Painter. who was A fbrward bw failed- Webb *¢<=<>Ve*· BILLY BAILEY Y
Manager of The Idea, 136 Eggt Mu. downed in his tracks. Dockery made ing the ball. Kentucky penalized 10 .,Thc Tmm, Tut Satish-.,  
'cn_ Price tcu cena pct. count Hug 8 yards round left end. Painter on a yards for interfering with man catch- g
No less than twc mics ccccptcm double pass made 5 yards. McGuire lng the ball. STEAM. and DRY CLEANING. I
made 5 yards round left end, and was Painter gets through left end and 159 8 th II t I
  penalized 15 Y8.l‘d8 f0I‘ holding. g&lYl$ 20 Y8l`dB- Ball on K€lltuCkY’B ou es one ,
TEXT BOOKS Dockery punted 25 yards to Giltner, 5-Yard line. McGul!'e made 3 yards
` who returned 10 yards. Ball called round left end. Painter was thrown UNIVERSITY LUNCH STAND _
pENNAN1·gI pggrggg back and Kentucky penalized 5 yards for a loss of 2 Yards. The Kentucky First Class Lunch and .
for off-side. Dockery punted 40 yards, boys are putting up a desperate flght. Hot Meals
STATIONERY out of bounds. Ball now on Ken- Dockery tried to drop-kick from 15- AT ALL HQURS
tucky’s 40-yard line. B. Shanklin made yard line, but failed. Shanklin punted A. B. BARRETT
PRINTING 5 yards round left sud, snsnklln made to Painter, who returned 10 yards. Cor. S. Lime and Colfax Sts. j
5 yards round left guard. Threlkeld Forward pass. Dockery to Painter, for  
went over for first down. Johnson no gain. On an open fcfmatlcn. a EVERYTHING FOR TH! I
    & C0. failed to gain on a center plunge. The spread Play. Dockery played to B- KODAK! i,
Inccorpomted forward pass, Threlkeld to Shanklin, Shanklin, who fumbled, and St. Louis Developing and Printing. ..
nets 5 yards, but ball was returned made 15 Ya¥‘d¤· Staddtherf Went I .  
No. 152 West Main Street and St. Louis was penalized 10 yards through center f0!' ten Yards. Ball now   Photo supply °°• .;
for holding. Shanklin mts left guard on Kcntucky’¤ 8-yard line. McGuire °"" K"bY' T°“ °°“* S*°"° if
L°xl¤gt’°°• Ky' for 10 yards. Shanklin is hurt, but he was thrown for 2 yards loss. Painter   2*
' is game and sticks in the game. made 15 yards. Stadtherr went a
New Phone 621X Om Phone 6173 Johnson puts in for 5 yards, For- Kentucky’s 3-yard line. Painter went Am"'. ll'- Z
“r ward pass, Shanklin to Giltner, nets over for a touchdown. Dockery kick- ICE CREAM PARLOR  
  &   10 yards. First down, Dockery to ed goal. Score: St. 'cuis 9, Ken-  
PRlN'l'|’NG sraddrrsr, made 5 yards. Mcaurrs tucky 0. AND LUNCH STAND l gil
Rush Work a Specialty made 5 ygrdg round rlgnt snd_ pnlntsr Shanklin kicked over goal line. Wat- South Lime and Winslow Streets  
140-N6 South l-lM••t¤¤• hit center for 4 yards. Dockery gain- klns failed to gain round left end.   l  
Lexington, Kentucky. ed 2 yards round left end. The Ken. Shanklin gets away round left end FIT ?  
tucky boys are putting up a first class and makes 20 yards. Johnson failed J' J' ZGERALD I ’V
  game. to gall! through CBRKEI'. A f0!'WI.I'¢     .I
Dockery punted 45 yards to Giltner, Dans failed and St. Lours recovered steam and water Hcatmg I
AD  S who returns 10 yur-ds_ gnnnlrlln msdn the ball. It is getting dark and I can 209 W Sh It _ .
5 yards round right end. He had a hardly dlatlngulah the players. Paint- ` 0 ’ - l Lexmgmm Ky"  
good field, but stumbled and fell, er failed to gain round left end, and as    
. Shanklin punted 45 yards to Dockery, Decker? dropped back to make a Punt KINKEAD QOAI, QQMPANY l
      qrho returned 5 yaydg_ Forward DRBSI OH th€lI` 25·y3.Td HHS thé umpire blew   d    
Dockery to painter, who rumnlnm the whistle, ending the last half. The m  
Shanklin falling on the ball. Shanklin 6c°l`€¥ 9 to 0 l¤ faV¤¤` of St- Louis. N°• 157 N- Br°°*dwa*Y· l  
  N_ Limestone made   Y8.!'dS through the line. B. Lino-Up, RAILROAD YARD-—C. S. Freight Do-  
Shanklin made 3 yards round left end. Kentucky Position St. Louis pot, S. Broadway and Christy Sto fg
-—··· Shanklin seems to be all in, and John- Giltner R. E. Erhart ll
son punted 30 yards to Dockery, who Johnson R. T. Moran ,
N E . t returned 10 yards. Ball on St. Louis' Earl R. G. Schloemmer     ‘
CW qu1pmCn 35-yard line. Dockery punted out of Webb C. I-Iigley , A
bounds to Giltner to Kentucky's 40- Campbell L. G. Wagner EHANGE 8 GANDY KITUHEN t
yard une. Dunlap L. T. ·r. Stadtherr 119 South Upper Bt. ‘ "
A I Forward pass, Threlkeld to Johnson, Harrison L. E. Haley Lexington, . - - . Kgngucky
P acg {01* Ggntlgmcn gains 12 yards. B . Shanklin goes Galser Q. Dockery
through left end for 3 yards. The Watklnl L. H. McCa!‘tl1Y I--_.-_.
boys are fighting hard and both teams B. Shanklin R. H. Painter .
are playing a hard game. They are Threlkeld F. B. E. Stadtherr J' M   .
playing a rough game. Forward pass Referee. William, (Cornell). Um-
wc arc Friends Oi the University by Shanklin failed and McGuire got pire, Lowenthal, (Illinois.) 15 minute ·-
Le , G A _ (I the ball. St. Louis' ball on their 40- quarters.  
ls el aqualnle yard line. Quarter ended with score 3 Team average: Kentucky, 153.1
to 0 ln favor of St. Louis. pounds. St. Louis. 166.6 pounds. 805 Merrick Lodge Buildlm:.

 ' ` l
§   { T H E I D E A 3
·   -——·——-—e—— · ·- ~—· ——-·   — .—»——~·———— Line average: Kentucky, 162.8; come. Probably there will be some
N i St. Louis, 171.8. entings, so ¤ the l¤¤k<>¤t f¤¤· l¤<>¤¤ gates- fence ._i.........Y........
.·‘‘. ’ t° take the trip' for they ma ze t a panels, posts, board walks, brush and ,
  TABLEN, if we cam ladd our presence to the anything use with which We can P 
_ structive and that things can be elarn- make 3 Hm, Every fellow in School 222 W t M i
I   PENGILS and ed there that they "can’t learn at wants to have 3. Wooden box, gate. KODAK FIN_ISH;°;’NG an
' A school? "Coach" Hooper, with his
~, STATIONERY, or one ot the above enumered arti- AND PH0T08_
i, team and rooters, will leave for Chi- des spotted to bring down that night _
‘ ·· M d November 21 and will Bun} your Kodak trouble to D10.
2 W 11l also cash your checks °ag°i (2: ay• b bl tm t’h f HOW and bring it, too. We are going to
ti when they are good. Come in mma “ em pm °‘ Y 8 ° ` have a. big time that night in order
  ....1 we will certainly dl., the mg M°“d“Y· The   sad ¤·=¤¤·~=> ¤¤ .0 8.. .....6. up .0. . much bm. lAD'E$ & GENTUTMEN
`° best we can for you, this mp is that all Wh° g° wm miss one the bnext night. Don’t forget the It you want a. new pair ot shoes go
¤ Respectfully, the Central gam€· We are wry °°"y time and the place, and the girl. to the shoe deal-er. It you want your
· that the arrangements are ““°h· but Stoll Field, Wednesday night, 7:30 shoes repaired goto Honaker the |h0•
, if we can’t ad dour presence to the 0.c]0ck_ maker.
Lcxmgmn Drug C0- Z,T”t··$J§§'°QfZZ··t;`§§,.$?S{.?tL°cx;Z$§; __`—" U3 smh Mm-
. e
Comer Ma- & M defeat .0 .¤..t... W. will be with ¤·-¤<=¤¤ HELMETS ·=¤¤ M·~¤·—¤- "NUFF SAID-"
, ” .1]] mc, •  
Phoenix Howl Build. them in thmlght and sympaghy 2:6 Few mining engineering students   & CO.
> mg" hav'? alrfadv grgantged t° t Em E will have the opportunity held by Ken- H0 E H A DE CANDY
msu t te egmp 8 ° us a 9 an tucky State men of seein and being `
~ of each ham trained in the use of t‘he iraeger life . r Y
i'   Two tggmg arg       Saving apparatus, One Of   most im-        
._ pete for the ggddlg h0]‘SQ t[‘Qphy Qu- work.   apparatus is   to  
  · . ters the contest T“°Sday· N°v°mb°r mining inspectors by the United States
  22- This team is composed oi A· C· government, and as Prof. Norwood is •
  Bam A- J- Thaxwm Wm Col nS· G· the State Mining Inspector, four     :  
{ 114-H6 North Upper St' C- Routt and E- F- Worthington The Draeger helmets are given to the K. S.
' LEXINGTON. KY es ot fat stock on Saturday, November u0n_ These hglmgts are made so as
  26, COI1SiBtB of Ball, ROUUZ, W0rthlug· [0 be wgpn by mgu in mines, and 3_ Sup-
        c   ton, Wilson. H\1Sh€8 and Sand- ply of oxygen is pumped into them. A
2 g Y The saddle horse team has been pu]g0mg[»gr, or pesuscmmng pump, is
l Q; studying the best horses in and also part of me apparatus.
{ { Bl lou around Lexington ww have judge _ e    
= . L d T. J. Barr one of the assistant in- °
Z 1; horses in the b3l‘11S of such HIGH 88 spectors, recently lectured to the stu-
1   comfq;-gg, Messrs. Halley, Harbisou. Cohen. More- dents on. this apparatus. It was also •
l .. land, Roland, Wilson, Harris and Kel'?. shown to them by the president of the of Lexington
{ Q; shun On Saturday last Prof. Hooper and Draeger Helmet Co., in this country,
Q Pmow can this team went to Bourbon county to who was recently here. ...1.;...
ij the farms of A. G. Jones and Collins It is planned to show the helmet to
Q POR THE COLLEGE GIRL & Redmon. A number of high class the students in operation. For this
I   Hmdsomc Tailored suits Button horses were studied and good work purpose a. room is being fixed up with   B-  
if- ’ was done by the students in placing glass partitions. Behind these parti- ·
I   (nov"' md anything du Blu wmu tt the animals one over another. Mrs. tions the space will be tilleti with nox- Vocalist
it 8p0¢i91 ]I1’i¢0| Collin; had an 01d.fg_ghi0ngd country ious fumes in which the instructors
I   Thanksgiving dinner prepared, which will wear the helmet. Ln this  
~ '. . he students will e traiue n
_| was enjoyed more by the hungry stu also. t
1.* t•he use of the apparatus.
A J I-   dents than were the horses. The team d
-¤ · • will work hard this week and should At 0¤lY One other School in the    
X; be in good shape to Ente,. the contggh Ignite; States have these helmets been    
· This is the first year that our Agri- D ace ·
’ ' -—-———-•-¢•·———— · ·
1, [ CLARK Kmg f.E‘“""§` ."?`fg" *1““."'2I§§°‘l.“.'L{..§§ Thé Mathematics ..0...... .... The my HM   Shop ·¤ L·=·¤····¤¤···
ese ugn coness ‘ \'1P ,d ,sccialt.
` " - ' we are igreatly giabnditgiprgedt   Jack Wetiinesduit evening,. tNOV€ilHb€1‘ 1:1% a C Ompd §·ur§O%·SCH}C Proprietor
. i ’ . Davis gave nn in eres ing z
1 of exper ence an y t e ac a we lro · t
Inporter and Dea er m have so few students to pick from. instructive discourse OH the origin of  
CHINA CUT GLASS. SILVER BRASS compared with the larger agricultural numbers, principally. The society
colleges. However, we `wve hopes of meets twice each mouth to discuss P E E R I E S S
, AND PLATED WARE' winning {md will ut least give them such matters as would be of use and
the best we have and make a credltzr dirlicult to the student of mathemat-
LAMPS ELECTR0mERS’FANCY ble showing. ics. All engineering students should I A I I N D R Y
DISHES NOVELTYS &°‘ The Agricultural Socletv meets l·‘rl- nttend and are welcome to do so.
day night at 7 o’clock. The program ———————••-•·-—···· t , .
117 W MAIN N°w Ph°°° 985 is posted on the bulletin board ln the lf you Want to <`0l11¢‘ to ilw front.      
YOUR TRADE SOUOITED building. Every member be sure to join Prof. DoWuil1g`s !‘€8\1l8·1‘¤. W. C. Wll.SON, AUT.

4 T H E I D E A
E I E $(8tC   B   S i
Published €·v&,‘3» 'I`hu¥‘9dBy by The student body of State Vnlversity of Kentucky. g I
for the boneflt of the students. the faculty and nlumnne of that
THE IDEA is the official newspaper of the l*niv<·rsity, and is issued wekly %
during tho college year. Its chief object is to give the college news of Kentucky.
In nddltlon thc·r•·to it gives Items of interest c·oncvrlng· other universities and f
coll··ges in the l'nit¤·d States and Canada,. °
`   *
Enterrod at Lexington Post Offlceas second clam mall matter.   In newest designs and I
C { _ _ _ _ _ 8iZ¢S Bt p1'iC€S fI'0II1
it Iw,“w§I,EY ......... 9:.F.:.‘.‘.T¥¥‘.‘?1.?F’.‘?f’T.TT‘.?“‘?? ......... ,.Ss.m,,t Editor oem free mmm m all depart- ’
·_ ,_ , , ,· ...,...... . ....... ,. ............. . ......... . ....... Mm 1 Edl ,
E, L. mmm ........ . ..................... . ........ MSM Athfgrt,$C m§,‘£¥ mem ¤><¤<=r>¢,L¤w to graduates °f y
Kentucky H1gh Schools who are c  
S C_ EBBERT’ Business Manager DTBDBPG to €Dt€I` t G PGS man I
F. L. MARX, Asst. Busrness Manager. J. B. SAND1·]Rb, Asst. Adv. Mgr. Class. ‘
THEO. SLADE, Advertising Manager. W. A. LURI'l·.Y. Asst. Sub. Mgr. Each COllIllZ}’ in the State l_S•6I1- Now OH dlSpl3Y at
v. L. DOVVNING, subscription Mgr. E. J. xorm, Am. sub. Mgr. titled to send FREE of tuition, e
  ]]]3_tri(3u]3ti0n’ laboratory and- oth- ·
This iBS·U9 of The Idea wa. pre' The u€Xt. issue of The Idea   be er fees, Ono or more appointees. `
pared by the following members of prepared by the following members of Necessary expenses moderate. 8 Q ‘
The Idea. Stat: The Idea. Stall: F f ll . f t. d. { y
H. A- Bam). W. B. Hayes 0.r mu m orma 1;)I1 tregar mi H t
ts. w. Jacxsou. J. F. Brown agpggu d°S· t;°“"S°Sl° t S “ Y· °°° [ .
wm. c0111¤¤. W. H. Townsend ° ‘“;TA§IF;§“gp {VIQITE c
R. B. Shabinsky. W. C. Duncan ‘ AA t'. P ki nt -  
Miss Mattie Cary. Addie Dean C m];qcXi;;8;'O: KY A'
  A , ' • ·  
V `
It was announced in one of the St. play on the regular team. The fresh- The College Mall,8 Out- Z
Louis papers that the Kentucky Club men or St. Louis University are not DRINK fitters from Head y {
or that city would attend our game allowed to play on the regular team to Foot 5
with the University of St. Louis, and but the contract was drawn up be- ,
since then we have learned that the tween St. Louis and Coach Sweet- Th, mac. tho styhs camo [mm  
Kentucluans were 1n attendance in land to the effect that they could play   ,
large numbers to welcome our boys their first year men it we were al- #7
and show their regard for Kentucky. lowed to play our five year men. The     I H E   AQ
No doubt few of them were ever con- contract was approved, at the time, f
nected with our institution or perhaps by the athletic committee, but when I p ti
had even been more thas passingly it came time to select the men to go C ` 7HF COLLEGE MANIS STORE  
interested m 1t. Very likely they had to St. Louns there was a kick coming Ch". L sm". ,98 _ _ _ Mu"., 'i
lived ru various sections ·of the State from the faculty. To have played our C   f h G . eg
where the influence of the State Uni- five year man nt St. Louis would not a Or t e enulne    
versity is not felt as it is in Lexing- have hurt us in the Southern Associa- _  
ton. Yet they were loyal and true to tion, nor woud it have injured us in K f   ‘ & C  
the team that represented the State the State championship. But we did If You Wa t       0°  
institution ot their grand old native not play our flve year men and St. · D .»   ___,_,_ .  
soil. Their spirit is more than that Louis played three ot her first year Printed Itjattcr ` ,  
shown by us here. We love our great men, Silk, McCarthy and Zachrltz. _ ]__,EXlNG'I`()N'S I =,r
and glorious old   S. U." and tight The result was that we were defeated Whlch Compels A£t9IltlOI1· GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE i  
for her on every occasion, but they 9 to 0. We could have played "Cap," Xve k h , I ,26
manifested the spirit that pervades in the line which would have broken HOW W are you can get It "_‘ I Z:
the people of our whole common- up many of their plays. Our men COLLEGE COLORS i;
wealth'. played weTl and played hard. But THE IN  
This is the spirit of the true Ken- not to put in a man who was eligible Q1
tuckian wherever he may go and this to play and who would have, perhaps, • ,  
is the loyalty that gladdens the hearts saved the defeat, is a question that   &   C0•   \  
or us all. VVhen those ot us in other a. few of us with inferior judgment   y | ’v
states do so much out ot love for Ken- cannot understand.   ' ·’
. g e
tucky, ought we not to be exceedmgly ,
proud that we may call ourselves Ken- _     E '+
tugwns? I { in ht t b 1.ooK Fon THE ‘r•-1Amm· Fer c¤U¢8¢ Men.
et     tuCky’g ]·gg0u]•(;gg_ plete, but games have already been
-. ....._*.•....—- scheduled with some of the biggest —--
Le? I l EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. and best college teams of Ohio, lndi· F0
tl · v -——— ana and West Virginia. We also ex- OT BALL GOODS,
  Soft Hat8’ thee season 8 Upper lpe eplpepee °f Deen spew pect to take a nice trip up North. How-
`: Stylesv any shape and Pm? Nee lpe dffeeehethel Celleee ever, all the dates for the trip have not GYNINASIUIVI SUITS,
lt · is attain ng a stan ng w ch s ar b _
re Ou ml ht een settled upon. We hope to an
  Y g epeep el anything it hee ever held pe nounce the complete schedule in the SHOES,
  f8IICY fore. Recently the department has next issue et The tdee_ Se eeme eut_
  ` beep reeeghized by e°me ef lpe lelee get ln line and make your K on the BASKET BALL ..
tl $   universities of the East. We are glad basket ben teem_
  _ 2 , _ to know that through the efforts of the -1+,,... SUPPLIES,
  I department our graduates can now eu- UNION LITERARY SOCIETY.
it ter directly the graduate schools of The Union Literary Society met last BASE BALL GOODS,
  W d · Ou to Come some of the best universities and re- Saturday evening for a short business
  e e Wee       celve the master’s degree in one year. meeting, after which the members ad- and
  early- Bargains 1 e t ls We now hope to produce