xt7dfn10q98d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10q98d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-07-07 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 7, 1989, no. 553 text The Green Bean, July 7, 1989, no. 553 1989 1989-07-07 2014 true xt7dfn10q98d section xt7dfn10q98d E '
Nusnher   July 7, 1989
iélaééé, 1_;~%.—¥r—;;€;%:£:·§Q2é;aa;;%       _»   ·,9. é és?    
i]QZ“he i`£onn·;;,il on ni.i;»;aiy Reson  has ann¤;>·’¤ngrams an/ai..LaLl.¤; to librarians; n%2L·;;h mi lj,   awazqeleci to librarians in the
coming `yaearx The Academic I.ik>r.;1re_an !·&anae_,emeni‘ .!nte;J·n l";.·:‘; ~caa L   senior aéiministratjtre   of at large and well-ruenatged research
librai_g o}.-s.e;n./ixxg and partirzikvaiq.in-gg in martaqgemeiaxit activities and special
assi`&.g,nmeni/;>.. l>ea<;iline for ag:·pl,.i¢;ai.,;<»;n; is OL1‘t<..f%‘·e_i lo, l 
The   he-   m;·og;i·am offers iin;»n1q;,ia,% s11M,~;>..·i. so i;.€1i·vidnal.s who wish to
u11de2ltz;& za · io';-¤a1;·<,:l1 or srzondnot anal·g&;iL;al studies pertiinent to library
oper·a‘Y,i-mg:     or in i}L1l.'i>il€ o?;2>\.·1* p1;·oiE¤;s;,,1 —lo‘> nal projects of
importanoaz. The p;;·ogi;·am is open to g;»1io.Eessi¤nal sliaff meixdiwers of academic,
— reseaitzly and ywzpi io librarienu Apgliazations are ;t:on.sidered three times each
year.   =.n-.t<,:l» if ¤_YJ»jliC>l)€:l` l, and L>ec:emL‘>ei ln
CLR ;,x·n;.ye;_.a_time n;eai·oh <§$;;ants ale :,E.;»e;’1=_n*;e¤i to sxn»j;·tn;·‘t research projects
p;·<>;go.—;;;··¥ Z<,i»i_n‘i ly ny librarians and mendx;3;·s oi the teaching faculty. Grant
deadlines anne; zlyiil. l and Dec;emL»e1i fl.,
CLR z¢oesea;:·..n Qglants are meant in v.le ;i1C.('.>lli;·`;>;¤`; E::§iJl.O£‘{ix`i.lOil or the issues and
qnesmi-·n·=,s nosed by a changing i_n,;x;=rr.zation atrnsuire, 2.=i.i;h sg,e<_;ieil attention to
the needs wl? faonlty and students and the seixvioes and responsibilities of
aoa»_1emi—;, .»n<.i 1. eseeuzwizh llbl_`nn·,.;e on }<»e>e¤;ai;·zl1 _'¤llJ;`é1li€c‘{~; {Lou. may write the
<.'on12;.?_a   wsa; nas.—,achnsei.ts A .—·‘ anne, rl}   _ w,;:an§n:j‘ton_ DCC 20036, or telephone
Linn     wise ‘/Q"/qc.
T1? N I tt f th U ° ’t
of K t k L°b '

   ez? ,.i<   , `,..,    i
U?ne obtiee et Management Resooroe; of tt; Aesoniation of neaearch Libraries
L will present a worhshoo "Managing the Learning ¥rocess“ August b~ll in Eugene,
Oregon, {Hue workshop will be devoted to the topics of learning theory and
practice) training design and deliverj, conduct ot learning events, and
evaluation and follow»upd The worksh·; hopes to provioe a conceptual
, framework fo; perticipants to facilitate ;:a{§ kn rurirg and nevelopment in ~
their home `;nlariesd For more intormati.n, “·-‘ get in tooth with OMS, 1527 New
Hang; ;re ttsnwn, N W,, Washington, GC 2@“?@; telegbene QU2 232~8656r
  ,·.i- ~ rs.; 1;;;     ri;   ig,     ,i,;>;i     <=
é§E§fg;;r; 3LtogL£¥;;;;g£g;g&;§ ,o&~irom, zhe has been very competent
nn? ynovleiqeehle when I have called
s,,g ne. Cor oomputer searches as
E5onn;e nxt, .‘,l u»ilectEon uevelopnnwu, g rr of pg sohelersnipi I have found
has bqih .nmny%~5irentini·nE women‘ , ns *wnx» »v ne more than competent,
Studies in Elm; wnllege nf arts ;nnE Miheuer; sh, has strong intellectual i
, Scieoues, th; nyyointment ie e ani sxhqiarij inslinations that
partwqre y;sUw me emaoie he; to unneretand academic A
ewniesrwnr; anti regniaxnnents ‘that go
V he;on£ were lihrayy management;
l g gEEg§fjgr; giggle _Eg;§g£§jrggi Qs ne, ~aes is tonsiderea for tenure
Q ang promotion daring the ensuing
¤ etaaenia gear, I will be taking a
Bér, Walirn reneivew the following ymeiirtns at another university.
letter iron by George Newell, Tnns, I nant to assure you of my
assoo§n&e gzwfesnor in the College of annnwxft of her and make clear that I
Emnm any will miss her commitment to and
» pyog;e,s in builaing a strong
Eautation Library, and, by extension,
I haw; huxn ni WN fo; six year; as a sw f~t¤lkn%wwC »-nmwnity within the
proies;o· :1 u ;=¥sn ninoation in thi *i$;f,» »¥ inn stionp
Coll;,;,t»; ·th»1etjrwz. own; tn,
V cou;s. ~ ;‘·»t Vwut ui those yearn - 4
hi2··i·é; Y ` { ’  { i·;.r>¤`a;,1y<; uf. ~=_»? Kimi; =:EQE;
Mary ·,»», jqri ~or or the nduoo ion ¤p*· hqweoéj received the following
IaLr¤,» Z V1. ve, ·~,, m». .rr· pas°»w,e© Halter ryvn Bauer Stith, Assistant
me in »»»j~ ve;-s yiiii. I i¤x:a;;* waeeyiwii wp; Public Services at the
resonifrs, sho aes tontpihntea in> my nsnioma {Later .‘.».s Libgarjz
work f, :nr Synbltjn ware, ns. tas;
has;w,yviL;%nm uffwti5 t» build a E wa; si on Uehe e few minutes to
stron . —M. Qian of toons ann ping; want out ui your branch
journvie rliéhnglish eonoatixnx and }4;.017¤ns_ ¤p»iLn"»¥xmn
liteaaaj i `.r. ;;;» and &;e¤yiog yn

 Si.nce Brad has been in charge of the supportive and helpful in all our
Biological Sciences Library, the dealings and it is such a wonderful
_ communication and cooperation between difference from previous BS
our two libraries has increased librarians that I really wanted to
tremendously. We are sharing monthly let you know.
reports, acquisitions lists, journal
titles on order files and maintaining <·
an excellent relationship in the
. areas of collection development, Kate Seago recently received the
interlibrary loan and reference following note from Martha
sexmicces. Brad has visited our Birchfield, librarian at Lexington
library and several of our staff have Community College:
also met with him at BS.
Thank you and Maggie Doutt for
Brad and I send e—mail back and forth helping me and Bonnie Reed with the
a~1e·;§sJ.y with relationship to faculty ‘/AB function. The session was most
recommended titles that overlap both helpful: you cleared up many problems
our   and we are trying to stay we could not solve just reading the
on top of the duplication problem manual. We do appreciate all the
with books and journals in our time you spent. (
liiiraries. He has been very
   ff§§.¤=}. Ii .0.-..N...A..-L_. _.RE..._.AD.....I NQ
"Z1]“wo new SPEC kits from ARL have just been received in the Reference
I ` Department: #153, "Use of Management Statistics" and #154, "Computerized
’ Online Bibliographic Searching." Other professional titles recently received
{ include:
$~2`r·ignt,   Curtis. Jesse Shera, Librarianship, aj1__d_ Infopmapigg Science. (
(_Q_ggasi;g.;E;1; Research Paper Number _5_)_. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University,
School of Library and Infomation Science, 1988). [Z720 .3527 W75 1988].
wright, Keith C. and Judith F. Davie. Library arg Informatiop Services gr
Enégigagggg Individuals. 3rd edition. (Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited,
1989). {2711.92 .H3 W74 1989.
11;‘qi.a, A'?4lf1€1“1S . Salary:
minimum. Deadline: August 20, 1989. $21,00U mi.I1iH&\.1I't\. Déadlillé:
B u s i n e s s R e f e r e n c e ifitstabliier LZ, 1989.
Librarian,University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa. Salary: $23,500 minimum.
Deadline: August 20, 1989.
Science and Engineering Reference  
Librarian, University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa. Salary: $23,500 minimum.
Deadline: August 20, 1989.  ties Librarian  
Menegraphia Cataloger,
northwestern University,
éé;=7anst.ti»x1. Salary: $23,000 —
QQQZONA  37,000. Deadline: September
1, 1989.
Catalog Librarian, Uni.versit;,~ of
Arizona, Tucson. Salary: $20,000
4 ` minimum. Deadline: August 15,, 1989.  
’ Slavic/Social Sciences i
C Cata10ger,University of Arizona,
1 Tucson. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Reference Librarian, Indiana
Deadline: August 15, 1989. University, Bloomington. Salary:
Congressional Archivist, Manuscript $22,575 minimum. Deadline: August 1,
Librarian, University of Arizona, 1989.
Tucson. Salary: $20,000 minimum.
Deadline: September 15, 1989.
Di,rer;t0r of the Library, _
Campbellsviile College. Salary: none
Public Services Librarian, California listed. Deadline: none listed.
State University, Northridge. Salary:
$33,158 — $58,164. Deadline: —
September 30, 1989.
Catalog Librarian, Stanford
University. Salary: $28,000  
$43,.100. Deadline: August 31, was. »i;`l»i,er Bib1ingr·a.pher / Head of
Selection Unit, National

 Library of Medicine, Bethesda. Salary: none listed.Deadline:
Salary: $$34,580 -$53,460. September 30, 1989.
. Deadline: July 31, 1989.
.. Director, Instructional Media Center,
. Head nf Bibliographic Control, University of Oregon, Eugene. Salary:
University of Missouri—Columbia.. $30,000 — $35,000. Deadline: August
Salary: $30,000 minimum. Deadline: 31, 1989.
September 30, 1989.
Hispanic/ Latin American Cataloger,
Circulation Librarian, Rutgers University of Pittsburgh. Salary:
University, New Brunswick. Salary: none listed. Deadline: August 18, _
none listed. Deadline: July 1, 1989. 1989.
J ‘ Music Cataleger, State Law Area Librarian,_McGill
' University of New York at Stony University, Montreal. Salary:
F Brook. Salary: $25,500 minimum. none listed. Deadline:
· Deadline: August 1, 1989. September 30, 1989.
Re   e it e n cr: e L i b r a r i a n ,, Information Services Librarian,
Bj.bl.$,Ogr£:1·1ph1C I1’1Str1.1C‘1§1.0I>., Vanderbilt University, Nashville.
Univeiisity of North Carolina, Salary: $21,000 minimum. Deadline:
Chaupel Hill. Salary: $19,000 July 10, 1989. _
minimum., Deadline: August 25,
Reference Librarian, Online &
CD~RO2ii Searchi.ng,Uni