xt7dfn10q03h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10q03h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1940-03-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  5, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  5, 1940 1940 1940-03-05 2013 true xt7dfn10q03h section xt7dfn10q03h besi uopy AvaiiaDie

Fhe Kentucky Kernel

The World
Whirls On
The Finnish loan bill passed the
House last week by a comfortable
margin and went back to the Senate to have some amendments adjusted before its passage. Thus ends
one of the most controversial questions of the present Congressional
session to give or not to give aid
to a belligerent nation.
Probably the only instance in
mhtch the loan bill was brought
before the public for any length of
time was at last month's meeting
of the American Youth Congress in
Washington. The Congress took the
isolationist stand of strict "hands
oft Europe" policy. Whether they
were truly isolationist at heart or
whether they opposed the Finnish
loan because it affronted Communist
Russ a some observers wondered.
Anyway, they were against the loan,
and they came into the capital
firmly opposed to its passage.
, Marching down Pennsylvania avenue, 5000 strong, they shouted that
the war was "imperialism on the
rampage," demanded that the government ab'de by the new neutrality bill which forbids the extension
of credit to belligerent nations. The
Youth Congress delegates also asked
for the appropriation of $500,000,000
to aid indigent youths of teen age
and early twenties.
When they arrived at the White
House for a message from President
Roosevelt, Congress members expected some kind of statement regarding the loan bill, for it was he
who urged its passage in the first
place. The President didn't avoid
the issue in the least.
Calling their denouncement
Finnish relief "the silliest thought
I have heard advanced in the
years of my life," Mr. Roosevelt
told them to go home and think
things over before raising so much
agitation about a question which
they could hardly understand. As
for their appropriation bill, he
stated that the NY A was doing all
in its power to aid poor youths and
sked them not "to expect Utopia




Fourth Hour

G onvocation

Experiences In East
To Be Judd' s Topic
Missionary, Traveler,
Doctor To Speak
Three Times


5, 1940




All dating and breaking for
the sweater session this after-


Assembly In Gym


Leap Year
Sweater Swing
Set For Today

Set For 11:00


noon will be done by women.
Grant Lewis, house committee
chairman, announced.
Leap Year session will be held
in the Union ballroom from
4 till 5:45 p. m. and no admission will be charged. Women can bring a date or come
stag, and men can come without a date. Elmer McCord and
his orchestra will furnish the


Standing Committee



From College To Be




Climaxing a typical Horatio Alger "from rags to riches" climb, a
courageous, underdog team of Kentucky Wildcats retained Its Southeastern conference basketball title
opporStudents will have three
verdict over
with a smashing
6, 7
tunities to hear Di. Walter Judd,
the Georgia Bulldogs in the final
doctor, missionary, world traveler,
round of the annual loop tournatwo-hoThirteen sponsors for the Uniand lecturer on Chinese-Japanement Saturday night in Knoxville. at After abordered on discussion that
bitterness, the
versity ROTC unit will be elected
affairs, it was announced yesterday.
Snubbed by the experts who figarts and sciences college faculty
by advanced military students WedAt 8 p. m. today in Memorial hall
ured this simply wasn't Kentucky's
nesday and Thursday from a list
Doctor Judd will tell students, facyear the Cats rolled over Vander-bi- lt voted yesterday, by a setting of 39
up a
of 30 candidates, three from each
ulty and townspeople Just what he
and Tennessee before the final to 35, to adopt a plan
sorority and six Independents.
has seen of the Chinese-Japanemarch through Georgia for their permanent college committee
Positions to be filled by the 13
conflict during his 10 years in the
lourth conference championship In policy.
The measure, which was drawn
sponsors chosen are one honorary
seven years. The Bulldogs, in gainFar East.
ing the final round, had chewed up and submitted last week by a
colonel for the regiment, three
Tomorrow noon at the Maxwell
tempo, ary committee on the imhonorary
Auburn, Mississippi and Alabama.
Street Presbyterian church, he will
lieutenant colonels for
From the very start of the game provement of teaching, also prospeak on the same topic to members
the battalions, and nine honorary
captains for the companies.
it was apparent to the vest pocket vides for the establishment of policy
of the University Pitkin club and,
sized crowd of less than 600 that commitees In each of the college
Selection of the honorary colonel
concluding his two-da- y
visit. Doctor
Kentucky was not to be halted In departments, whose duty it shall be
and lieutenant colonels will be
Judd will again speak in Memorial
its drive for the crown. Georgia to determine for recommendation
made from the group elected at
hall at 8 p. m. Wednesday.
presented a big, aggressive team to the Dean, all matters of depart
4:30 p. m., March 15, in Room 203.
Reviewers who have heard Docthat fought with all the tenacity of mental appointments, promotions,
Alumni hall. Lieut. Col. Howard
tor Judd have been very enthusias
its canine namesake, but while its removals, and salaries.
Annual spring pledging exercises Donnelly head of the military detic about both his great supply of
offense blazed with
The plan is based upon a policy will be conducted by Tau Beta Pi. partment, announced.
facts and his interesting style of
handed shots, the defense couldn't program employed for the past sev engineering fraternity at an all- - en
Only three of last year's sponpresentation. Dr. Harry Emerson
handed shots, and defense couldnt eral years by Oberlin college, Ober-li- gineering assembly at 10 a. m., Frt sors are candidates for
Fosdick says: "impressive and mov- llSWHHIMMHaMMIWMMMMM
have stopped a clock with a sledge
They are Kappa Kappa Gamma Peg
The system had been day, in Memorial hall.
ing." Col. George C. Cook, U. S.
highly recommended to UK faculArmy, said: "information . . . now
Mrs. George Edwin Smith of the Tallman. Chi Omega Do Ann Young,
Climax of the three
Time after time Kentucky worked ty members by Oberlin's Dean
will review and Independent Margaret Abel.
vital to America." Vincent O'Brien
day SAE convention will
through the leaky Georgia defense Wittke when he was at the Univer English department book, "Key
Other candidates are Mary BryMaxwell Anderson's
wrote In the Chicago Dally News:
be a dance Saturday
The delegates then listened to
for easy crip shots at the basket. sity last May to address a convo Largo." John Russell, president of son. Annette Klingholz, and Barcomes
John L. Lewis, who a few days be- "Doctor Judd us are with facts with
night at the Union for Meanwhile, the Cats threw up a cation group.
the fraternity will preside and ac- bara Rehm, Alpha Gamma Delta;
jacket defense that kept most of
fore had broken with the President which few of
which Jimmy James and
The teaching improvement commembers will tap the pledges Natalie Dye. Mary June Hoskins, and
and the administration and had Taken from "America's Town
the shots by the Bulldogs from the mittee, which was chairmaned by tivethe Initiation services.
Marcia Willing. Alpha Xi Delta;
his orchestra will play.
land of Gone With the Wind off Dr. Huntley Dupre, consisted of
declared that any attempt at a Meeting of the Air" and condensed
Requirements for membership in Jean Jackson and Caroline Conant,
The dance will be the onbalance and wild.
third term would be met with com- for February's issue of Reader's DiProf. E. J. Asher, Dean Sarah
freternity are that pledges must Chi Omega; Jean Harpring. Mary
ly fraternity formla of
plete failure. Lewis spoke with all gest, Doctor Judd writes on the
The victory further emphasized Blanding, Dr. Alfred Brauer, Prof. the in
of the BelL and Lida Belle Howe, Delta
the monopoly Coach Adolph Rupp Alexander Capurso, Dr. L, W. Co Junior the or the upper
the warmth and affability at his topic. "Let's Stop Arming Congress
Delta Delta.
holds on Southern basketball. In hen, and Prof. Alberta Server.
command; this was an opportunity He declares that the next
of the senior class.
Betty Wells Roberts, Annette
the nine years that he has headed
to make political capital of the will be faced with a critical quesThe following regulations were Tau Beta PI, oldest campus hon- Arends. and Louise Ewan. Kappa
the Cat cage empire, Rupp's teams proposed:
million votes which the Youth tion of deciding whether America's
orary, will present Jack Spratt's or- Delta; Margaret Trent and Elinor
influence in the Far East is to be
have won five conference championCongress claims.
1) The professors, associate pro chestra, which is currently appearRounsavall, Kappa Kappa Gamma:
for law and order or for aggression.
ships; four in the Southeastern and
Stating that his United Mine
may determine the
one in the Southern conference. In fessors, and assistant professors of ing at the Graystone ballroom in Letha Hicks, Dorothy Vaughn, and
Workers were with them in their This decision
each department constitute the Dayton, Ohio, at its annual St. Pat- Mary Lee Roberts, Zeta Tau Alpha;
regular season play Kentucky, in committee on policy of
future of the United States in the
proposal of a fund to aid underthe depart rick's day Engineers' ball. Saturday, Gean Tye, Patty Stem, and Vir
that time, has won 1S7 games and
privileged youths. Lewis encouraged Pacific, he wrote.
ginia Rich. Delta Zeta; and Peggy
dropped but 35 for a winning per- ment, with the head of the depart March 18 In the Union ballroom.
(them by promising that youth and
ment as chairman The committee
Tickets at 75 cents, may now be Denny,
centage of .817.
labor would some day, by continued
shall meet at least once a month. obtained at the Union information Jean Marie McConnell. Dorothy
Leading the Kentucky
bring about social
2) The committee on policy of each desk or from members of the fraNeal, and Helen Stephenson, Inde
against Georgia with 12 points each,
legislation of practical benefit. As
were Keith Farnsley and Captain department shall
for the loan Mil, Lewis said that
a. Organize the program and
Inaugurated at the University in
"Mickey" Rouse, two of the most
Mary Louise Weisenberger, Perthis mas a clever attempt to avoid
teaching methods of the depart- 1902 as its first honorary organiza- shing
to exhibit
Rifles sponsor, and Jane
In an order Issued Saturday, brilliant performers tourney. A their ment after a general evamination tion, the fraternity now has 69 acthe neutrality U.w, that its very
and Blade
Lieut. Col. Howard Donnelly named wares during the
passage would defeat the President
by all members of the department tive chapters. It was founded at sponsor, are not eligible for elec17 members of the advanced ROTC behind in the point parade came on questions arising in connection
if he attempted a third term.
Lehigh university in 1885.
tion but will be given positions on
classes for the position of sergeant Waller White and Marion Cluggish, with these problems.
with 11 and 10, respectively.
the staff of the honorary colonel.
in the University military forces.
b. Deliberate on the recommenguard
For Rouse,
order, issued by Colonel Don selection, and Cluggish, who re dations of the department to the
"The History of Pioneer LexingLOUISVILLE The Salt river rose
by Charles R. Sta- nelly and signed by Major George ceived well deserved honorable men
dean of the college concerning apiut of its banks near Tayiorsville ton.
promotions, removals
following Saturday's torrential rains ples is now being featured in the N. Randolph, listed the following tion, the bout concluded three years pointments,
sergeants: C. of varsity service, since both will and salaries.
in that section, and forced nearly display case on the second floor of appointments: master Hickey; techKatherine Best, former Kernel
c. Deliberate on the formulation
the library in an exhibit arranged L. Combs and J. P.
1.000 people out of their homes. Anwalk the diploma plank in June.
Kentucky started the game fast cf the annual report of the depart staff member, has been appointed Speaker Will Represent UK
other instance of "flash floods" by Miss Margaret Tuttle. Librarian. nical sergeants: H. H. Curtis, G. S.
New York editor of the Woman's
Mr. Staples, who recently spoke at Lawrence, and W. L. Robards; staff and after seven minutes of play ment to the dean.
which are peculiarly frequent in
In Interstate
sergeants: W B. Bell, B. J. Butler, held a 15-- 5 lead as Farnsley, White
of Look magazine, biKentucky, the Taylorsville rise is the Union coffee hour, is the super3) A committee on policy of the division
predicted to reach its crest today visor of safety on the Southern rail- and R. N. Gaines; first sergeants: and Cluggish set the pace. Ernie college shall be constituted as fol- weekly pictorial publication.
D. P. Maloney, R. V. Allen, S. L. Chatham connected
for Georgia lows: The dean of the college as appointment is effective March 26.
and fall rapidly in the early part of road.
Graduated from the University in
Traveling about on his railroad Stephenson, J. K. French, E. H. and then hit with a foul shot. chairman, not more than three
Martin Snyder, arts and sciences
the week. The cause of these "fia.li
1929, Miss Best for the past several
Davis, J. S. Cole, W. P. Reid, R. H. Farnsley and Chatham traded field members appointed by
floods," authorities say is the
work, the author gathered a quanthe dean years has been on the editorial staff sophomore, won first place in the
goals. Dan Kii kland. Bulldog cen from the faculty at his discretion,
Kentucky intercollegiate oratorical
of river banks and water tity of information from old resi- Cloud, and T. C. Jackson.
All of the above men had pre- ter, batted In a rebound shot, but and nine members elected by bal- of Stage, a theatrical magazine.
contest Saturday night at Centre
sheds in the head waters of the dents in this section. He made
The Woman's division will be a college. The subject of his speech
notes on all these interviews, and viously held the rank of cadet ser- Combs hit with a foul.
swiftly flowing Kentucky rivers.
lot of the college faculty from each
geants. They received specific asToward the end of the first half of the following four "generically-related- " new section of the magazine. It was "The Social Stomach."
As yet no casualties have been placed them in his manuscript,
will be devoted to personal items,
Snyder will represent Kentucky In
signments to definite organizations the Bulldogs managed to find the
reported. All residents having tele- which is included In the exhibit.
groups of departments, as
theater, night clubs, and social the interstate contest to be held
phone communications were warned
The notes were placed on small which will be effective on April 10, range with a series of wild one follows: literature, philosophy and the
at Augustana college.
handed shots that cut the lead to the arts, 3 members; social studies, pictures.
by operators late Saturday night. cards, with the source of informa- 1940.
Rock Island, 111. Other states to be
at intermission.
giving them time to remove them- tion and other references noted.
2 members;
physical sciences, 2
represented in this contest are MinKirkland opened the final half members; biological sciences, 2 memselves and most of their belongings One of these brief sketches reads,
nesota, Nebraska. Missouri. Kansas,
with a field goal but Huber and bers.
to a zone of safety.
"A Militia Pig pig joined army
Illinois, Michigan. Indiana. PennRouse immediately retaliated for
LONDON A press release from volunteers near HarrodNburg and
The elections shall be held at the
Return of or information as to sylvania, and West Virginia.
Kentucky and the fire works had October meeting of
the Admiralty stated that a British followed troops to Lake Erie; it rethe college fac the whereabouts of machine gun
started again. Kirkland again broke ulty, except that an election shall
liner was bombed by a Nazi plane turned with the survivors to Ken
parts stolen at the Military ball,
President Frank L. McVey is in away to score, and once again be held
Sunday, killing 108 persons. .Almost tucky. Finally was sent to Governor
next meeting after February 17, will be strictly confiat
Rouse dropped in a long loo per. The the adoption the
simultaneously, German sea war- Shelby's inn in Lincoln county, Baton Rouge, La., this week conferof this regulation. The dential. Lloyd Ramsey, captain of
fare all over the North Sea and where it passed the rest of its days ring with other national education lead stood at 7 as Killian and members shall be elected for a per- Scabbard and Blade, reiterates.
The University German club will
leaders as a member of the commisChatham burned the net with long iod of two years, except one memin peace."
Atlantic Ocean were intensified.
The parts, a sight leaf and other meet at 7:30 p. m.. Thursday, at the
Other notes tell of hemp manu- sion appointed by the American shots.
ber elected from each group at the mechanism of a Browning machine home of Ellen Jay and Ida Schoene,
Despite the frantic efforts of the
facture, location of slavegals, and Council of Education to discussPLEDED TO CHI DELTA PHI
are valued at approxi- 238 Rose street. Helen Reichenbach
plans for the reorganization of Loui- Bulldogs, the Cats were in front to first election (determined by lot) gun,
other historical subjects.
siana State university. The corn- - stay and the game ended with Ken- shall serve until October, 1940, and mately $26. They may be returned is in charge of the social program.
Th. i.r rirawinoe nf th
Rita Sue Laslie, arts and sciences
the remainder shall serve until Oct- to Ramsey or the Kernel office.
Members may bring guests.
re- - tucky substitutes on the floor.
sophomore of West Point, and Betty illustrations in the book, one of the mission was appointed at the
ober, 1941. This will mean that the
m regent.
m lne a"
Dunn, commerce sophomore of Lex- loe stockade of 1781. and a man of 1
terms of two members from the
Doctor and Mrs. McVey, who later
of 1791 are shown
ington, were pledged to Xi chapter the town lay-ofirst group will expire in October,
joined him, will be guests of honor
Recorded music of Larry Clin- 1941.
of Chi Delta Phi, honorary literary with the notes.
The committee shall meet at
The book itself deals with the per at a dinner given by the recently ton and his orchestra will be fea- least monthly.
sorority. Friday in the Union buildiod from the establishment of the organized University of Kentucky tured on the Modern Music concert
4) The committee on policy of
blockhouse in 1799 to the end of Alumni club of Louisiana Thursday this afternoon at 3:30 in the Carnight. Doctor McVey will be the negie Music room of the Union the college shall
the pioneer period in this section
a. Study the problems and policy
principal speaker.
about 1806.
of the college and make recommenTreating the material in strict
A prominent Bluegrass horseman battles to barn rings. Among the
chronological order. Mr. Staples'
dations periodicaly to the college and sportsman, John E. Madden, champions pictured are John L. Sulfaculty resulting from such study.
work omits all military campaigns
who will be guest speaker at the
J. Corbett, and Tomb. Deliberate with the dean on Union coffee hour at 4 p. m.. Thurs- livan. James
and confines itself to the aspects
my Burns.
of the social and economic life in
the formulation of the annual re- day, in the Music room, reflects his
Mr. Madden will discuss "Highport of the college to the President interests in his art collection.
this section.
lights and Transition Periods in
of the University.
About 150 pictures from Mr. Mad-den- 's Sporting Prints" during the coffee
"Wliat subjects would you like
c. Deliberate with the dean on
"Our Town," by Thornton Wilder,
large collection of prints are hour. He will
the exhibit to
to have discussed at the student-facult- y
Mrs. George E. Smith. English inthe budgetary requirements of the now on display in the Music room. illustrate his talk.
forums now being conducted structor, will review "Family Por- will open for a week's run at 8:30
college with the object of securing Many of these were handed down
p. m. Monday, March 11 at the
Mr. Madden is a native of Lexingby the International
Relations trait" at a meeting of the Brvan
adequate staff and faculty for ef- from his father, who also was a ton, born in the Phoenix hotel, and
Guignol theater. The play broke all
Station chapter of D.A.R. at 2:30
fective teaching.
sporting print hobbyist.
was educated in the East, graduatpmvVednesdayn Phoenix hotel. , wHtmg and yet won the Pulitzer
d. Deliberate with the dean on
The theme of the exhibit is British ing from Princeton in 1917. While
Donald Lail, A & S freshman
The interior of McVey hall is bethere he was a member of the track
the recommendations of the dean sport, including foxhunting,
"Should national defense be inand swimming teams.
horseracing, polo,
It Introduced a "sceneryless" set ing painted for the first time in its to the President of the University
creased at the expense of relief
As a sprinter, broad jmper. and
promoboxing, sprinting, ana
and imaginary props. It varied in 14 years of existence.
time within the act Itself. The authMezzotints, aquatints, pho- high jumper, he was invited to comVaughan Drake. Engineering junWhen the building was erected in tions, removals, and salaries.
or, Wilder, is a professor at the 1926, only the stairways and rest
protraits, lithographs, pete in the
ior "Methods of class work which
prototypes, and stereotypes are used games at Pershing stadium in Paris,
University of Chicago. He produced rooms were given a coat of paint.
would make courses more interestas illustrations of 19th century art. but the war prevented the games.
the play last summer, playing the Now, the entire interior is being
seven years he was general utilDean Lyle Croft announces
part of Stage Manager.
One group of pictures captures For manager
Rena Peden. Education senior
of the New York Aththat all freshmen and sophoStage Manager, the leading charthe tragedy of man's conquest of letic club.
"How to get jobs when you gradOther changes have been made
mores desiring to enter the
acter, J. b. Faulconer, is a home in various buildings of the UniverThe Union activities committee the horse showing in seven stages
Some of the prints in the exhibit
teaching profession, are rephilosopher, who talks to the audi- sity. University High school, which will honor the College of Educa- the process of domestication from
Carolyn Elliott. Commerce sophare rare and some worthless, Mr.
quested to be present at a
ence and explains the play.
was built in 1930, is receiving its tion at 8 p. m. Thursday in the the wild animal to the broken down Madden said. He will use both
omore "Optional class attendance."
meeting at 3 p. m., Thursday
"Our Town" concerns daily life, first coat of paint. The interior is Bluegrass room. Students, faculty, nag.
John Hinkle, A & S freshman
kinds in his lecture to point out
in the auditorium, Education
loving, marrying, and dying, in a being painted with varied colors to and staff of the college are invited
The foxhunting pictures ako por- how a trained eye can determine
"Third term for presidents."
small town in New Hampshire from relieve the monotony of a single to attend.
tray various changes in the sport whether a print is original or a reMary Bryson. Education senior
Dean Croft asks that all
1899 to 1915.
color scheme.
In accordance with the commit- from the mad scramble to lead the issue and how allegedly valuable
"Having so much of the curriculum
those unable to attend please
The costumes will carry out the
required by departments for grad
The business office of the Uni- tee's plan of honoring one college chase in early times through the pictures are sometimes fakes, Mr.
report immediately to the
time element, with Mrs. E. F.
versity has doubled its floor space each week, this will make the fifth Victorian period "when Emily Post Madden explained.
personnel office, Room 4, AdMrs. E. S. Good, and Mrs. in the Administration building, and college recognized, the other four is master of fox hountis in EngThe exhibit will be open to the
Bill Traber. A & S freshman
ministration building.
Charles Knapp, faculty wives, fur- the offices have been completely being law, agriculture, commerce, land."
"Compulsory Washerman tests for
public from 4 to 6 p. m., tcday and
nishing many of tiie period c!at!es. p.'iioi ateU.
Boxing is carried from open-fiel- d
and engineering.

Formal recognition will be paid
members of Kentucky's Southeastern conference championship basketball team with a special convocation at 11 a. m. today in Alumni
At the request of Suky and the
Kernel, all fourth hour classes will
be dismissed for the meeting, it
was announced yesterday afternoon
by Dean Paul P. Boyd, acting in the
absence of President Frank L. Mc-

Thirteen To Be Chosen
By Committee





If it is possible Governor Keen
Johnson will attend the celebration
and head the list of speakers. However, since the state legislature is
in its closing days, pressing business
may make it impossible for the Gov
ernor to shower his bouquets on
the titled-Ca- ts
in person.
Athletic Director Bemie Shively
will preside over the meeting and
will introduce Dr. W. D. Funkhouser.
executive secretary of the conference, and T. Ward Havely. mayor


Engineers Will Pledge
At Assembly Friday


of Lexington. Coach Adolph Rupp.
the old tournament monopolist, will
be introduced and he in turn w'l
present the personnel of the team
that brought Kentucky its fourth
conference title in seven seasons.
Kentucky's "Best Band in Dixie"
will be present to huff and puff for
the occasion and sweatered Suky
members and cheer leaders will lead
the vocal demonstrations. Latest
word from the music front stated
that the band would also parade
downtown, weather permitting.

one-eigh- th

one-four- th



Chemist To Speak
On Crime Detection


Prof. J. H. Mathews, head of the
department of chemistry, at th--

Advanced Students

Library Exhibits
Story Behind

University of Wisconsin, will
Alpha Chi Sigma, national
professional chemistry fraternity, at
7:30 p. m.. Wednesday, in Room
201. Kastle hall. His topic will be
"Scientific Crime Detection."
Professor Mathews will show, by
means of lantern slides, how certain
murder mysteries have been solved
and the identity of the criminal
established, fraternity officials said.
Alpha Chi Sigma has invited civic
leaders in the vicinity of Lexington
to attend this lecture which is also
open to the general public.

Staples' Book

Alumna Appointed
To Staff Of 'Look' Snyder Triumphs


In Oratorical Meet



"Woman's Place is in the Home"
is the subject of a talk by Prof.
Eduardo Hernandez, assistant professor of Romance languages, to the
members Of the Dutch Lunrh rlnh at
noon. Friday, at the Maxwell Street

Tesoytenan cnurcn.


25-2- 6,


Parts Still Missing

McVey Is Attending

Meet In Louisiana

German Club To Meet


Freshman Advisory committee.




Sport Prints Reflect Interests
Of Bluegrass Horse Owner


What They Think

Wilder's 'Sceneryless' Play

To Open At Guignol Monday


McVey Hall Having

Inner Face Lifted

Lower Class
Future Teachers
Asked To Meet



Union Plans To Fete
College Of Education



Called To Honor Winning Wildcats

Georgia Licked ARTS, SCIENCES
In Finals,







p. m.. Room 204.
Dance committee. 5 p. m.. Room


Theta Sigma Phi,



p. m.. Rovm


Sweater session, 6 p. m.. Blue-graroom.
, Activities committee, 4 p. m..
Room 122.
Cwens. 5 p. m.. Room 205.
Madden exhibit of sporting prints.
p. m.. Music room.
Modern Music Concert. 3:30 p. m..
Music room.
Independent association, 7:30 p
m.. Room 204.
Music committee. 6 p. m.. Room





Music committee.


p. m.. Room


Alpha Sigma Phi.
p. m .
Room 204.
SuKy. 6 p. m.. Room 204.
Madden exhibit, 6 p. m.. Mu.-i-c
Afternoon Interlude,
p. m
throughout building. Two free tickets to local theater to be given
away. Original composition by Ernest Abramsou, "You Plus I" ot
"I'm Glad I Found You Out ' wiil
be featured.



Coffee hour. 4 p. m.. Music room.
John E. Madden, speaker
College entertainment night. 8
p. m.. Bluegrass room. College of
Education to be honored.
Women's Administrative council.
5 p. m.. Room 127.
WAA ba&ketball, 5 p. m.. Women's gym.
WAA rifle practice,
p. ra
Women's gym.
(Continued ca Pass Faux)



� Tilt

fage lwo




!. N



f R N I.


goat. If we stumble over a chair
in the dark, we tire likely to kick
the chair instead of blaming our- ' selves.
It gives us a chanre for an
emotional outburst which releases
our pent-u- p
In America, we storm at the par
ty in power and turn it out of of- fiee at the next election. Since a
ovdictatorship cannot be so y
erthrown, unhappy feelings must be
placed upon snme lesser object of
disfavor. . .
First cf all. he is a small minor- ity. consequently it is safe to heap

First It Was Sherman,
Then It Was Rupp . . .

Clearing ffouse carried a discussion of the
problem before the vacation and the item of
April 12 which explained that calendars are
planned a veat in advance. Student opinion in
the form of letters and additional jtotitions would
lie needed io convince calendar-plannerof the
desirability ol a spring vacation at Faster for
this vear. Hut the vacaiion had already passed,
grained, and. as confirmed
an extra dav had
prost rast inaiors. the students forgot alxiut the
whole thing.
The l!Mll calendar tame tint with vacation
And now. with
dates again falling at kF.A-time- .
Faster approaching, there arises once more that
plea lor a return to the old order.
It m.iv Ik' a lauli of the students for not settling
the matter last vear. It mav lie that most students
and l.ituliv members would rather see the dates
coincided wilh KF. A. Hut. bv all means, lei some-tin- e
or some group (the legislature?) weigh both
sides of the question. Let il sample opinion, and
il the majority favor a return to Faster vacaiion
as 'Flit kiRMi Iwlicvcs
then let ns have an
Faster, not a kFA. vacaiion.






Intercollegiate Prcsa Association
Lexington Bomrd of Commrrrc







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C oUete Puklithert Represent stir
MaoiAOM Ave.
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Editor-in-C.hir- f

fiusin'ss Manager
Managing Editor

I'atricm Hwiiton

Adolph And The Boys
Lug: Home The Salt Pork .Again
Willi pardonable pride and a tug on the
we point to the fan that kcntiit Lv's W'ild-a- i
li.ivr uon the Southeastern ronforence basket ktll i rown lor the serond time in as manv
carv It also marked the fourth lime in the past
sewn tries that the Cats have lugged home the
proeilial salt jiork. Artnallv. then, the victnrv
was nothing new.
There are three lartors. however, whieh make
I hi
kiRMi feel that this vear's triumph is





We Must See No
Evil, Hear No Evil







out that for nearly a thousand
if he h