xt7dfn10pj8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10pj8r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1877-02-jun13. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1877-02-jun13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1877-02-jun13. 1877 1877-02-jun13. 2011 true xt7dfn10pj8r section xt7dfn10pj8r 


    Curator Givens now moved that the board now elect ii. J. White
a Curator, amended on motion of Curator Tibbs to also elect Tho.
Lunnell, T. 3. Swiney and James Zl. Graves and the question being
taken they were elected Curators.

    Curator Bowman roved that the subjects of further elections be
referred to the Committee on nominations e

  I nstruction
  to Cormitte-
  on conination.

  .R-*eport of

to Regent ' s


of the

    Curator Ricketts moved that the said Commnittee on Nominations
also take into condideration the propriety of electing any other
Curators at this meeting or reducing the number of Curators maximum
number referred in the Charter the present number accepted by Cura-
tor Blowman and adopted.

    :-e*ent Bowmnan now commenced the reading of his report, when
Curator Steele objected to his proceedings on the ground that he
was no longer Regent, The Chair decided that the Regent was only
suspended until the meeting of the board of Curators and consequent-
ly had a right to read his report, from which decision Curator L-'.L.
illiams appealed the vote being taken the decision of the chair
was sustained, the vote 20 to 4 to sustain the decision.

    CGrator Jno. A.  dt'illiams moved that Cormittee of five be appoint-
ed to take into consideration the different items in the report of
Regent Bownan and report thereon which motion was adopted.

    The Chair appointed under the foregoing resolution to constitute
the Cormzittee.

     Curators   Sno. A. Willis
                Tho. Tiunnell
                R. R. Sloan
                X. A. J. Lee
                G. W. Givens

    Treasurer Goodloe now read his report.
    Curator Bowrman moved that the report of the Treasurer be the
Comimittee to which his report as Regent had been referred .
    . hich Twas accordingly done.
    Adjourned until tomorrow morning 9 o'clock.

Wednesday 13th, 1877.

report of the
Exec. Com.
read co~m.unica-
tions from
Professors .

    The Board met at 9 o'clock pursuant to adjournment President
Bishop in the chair. Twenty-one members being present prayer was
offered by Presid-nt Graham.  The Secretary then proceeded to read
,.e proceedings of7 the Executive Committee during which time a com-
Lunication was received from Professor R. Leter and also one from
Professor D. -eter and also one from Professor H.H. W-4hite, Jno. H.
Seville, A. I'd illigan, Robert Craham, and J. i. Lc~arvey, both
of Which were refered to the Committee appointed yesterday to take
into consideration the report of Regent Bowman.

mrThe minutes of the morning session were read and approved


r;iinutes read 



Report of
the Flec.

Reports of
the TVresid-
ing Officers.

of the

Report of
Exec. Corg.
to a Special

      The Board met at 2 o'clock pursuant to adjournment a quorum
being present the Secretary proceeded to rear the proceedings of
executive .Ordnittee and con1ciudect when Curator Iithers commenced
reading the reports of the Presiding officers of the different
colleges. Curator Bowman objected and stated that the Curator
had no right to read these reports.

      Curator Tibbs moved that reports be returned to the different
officers and that they make their repcrts to Regent Bowman.

      Curator Gano moved that the reports be turned to Curator Bowman
and that he as Curator read the reports, for the information of the

      The Chair decided that the Charter required that the Presiding
officers of the Colleges to report to the Regent.

      Finally it was decided that the reports be returned to the authors
by them sent to Regent Bowman.

      legent Bowman moved that the report of the executive Committee
be refered to the CornAttee to whom his reports was refered on yester-
day.  Curator white moved that the report be refered to Special Com-
mittee of five which was adopted 14 to 16.

       Committee under this resolution is as follows

Curators White, Gano, Shirley, Kinnaird and Tibbs.

from IProf.

      Curator Sloan presented a letter addressed to him by P-rofessor
Perrin on the subject of his notes against the University. Curator
Jno. Aug. Williams also presented a letter addressed to him by the
same, both of which communications were laid on the table.

      The board then after prayer by Curator Munnell adjourned.until
tomorrow morning 9 o'clock.

  Session of
  June 14,


officers tc
notes, papers,
docwnents &e.

      The Board met pursuant to adjournment, prayer being offered by
Brother Grubbs. The roll being called the following Curators answered
to their names. R* M. Bishop, Pres. in the Chair, J. B. Bowman, Jno.
G. Allen, And. Steele, Joseph Fgiasson, D. S. doodloe,  I. L, Ailliams,
A. In.  derndon, -. C. Ricketts, B. B. CGroom, Jno. Shackelford, Z.i'.
Smith, J. PT . 4Lrbitt, R.R. Sloan, t. ril. -ithers, Bnos Campbell, Z. K.
Shirley, Jno. A. Williams, `I. a. Rogers, James IG. Kinnaird, A. M. Barnes
J. A. Lee, PR. E. cano, T. P. Gibbs, Geo. C. Castleman, R. J. White,
S. K. .Graves, Tho. L1unnell.

      The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
      Curator Tibbs offered the following resolution.   Resolved that
ail officers, agents or parties having in their possession any notes,
papers, documents or exidences of debt belonging to the University be
required to produce them to this board this afternoon at 2 o'clock for
the motion of the board adopted