xt7dfn10pj75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10pj75/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1929-06-jun1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-06-jun1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-06-jun1. 1929 1929-06-jun1. 2011 true xt7dfn10pj75 section xt7dfn10pj75 

    Minates of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Saturday, June 1,

     A joint mieeting of the Board of Trustees and the Executive
Committee of the University of Kentucky met in President 1ic-
Vey's office at the University at 11:00 o'clock, Saturday
monning, June 1, 1929.   The followving members were present:
From the Executive Committee; Judge R. C. Stoll, Mr. James
Park, Mr. Joe B. Andrews, Mr. R. G. Gordon; from the Board
of Trustees; Judge R. C. Stoll, Mr. R. G. Gordon, Mr. Louis
Hillenmeyer, Mr. E. B. W7ebb, Mr. James Park, Mr. Joe B. Andrews,
and    71 1. J. Webb.

     1. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the Executive
Coimzittee for May 22, 19,29, at which there was no quorum,
were read and adopted as the minutes of the Executive Commit-
tee at this meeting.

     2. ReDort of the Business Agent.   The report of the"Bus-
iness Agent was received and read and ordered incorporated
in t'e Minutes.   The report was as follows:

                                            EXHIBIT t1Bu

Statement of Income and


-- Month of April


General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation
  State Appro.-New Ed.Bldg.
  Vocational Education Bd.
  Special Agri. Appro.
  State Tax
  Int. on Liberty Bonds
  Int. on Endowment Bonds
  Student Fees
  Student Fees - Sum. Sch.
  Student Fees - Un, H.S.
  Student Fees - Univ. Exten.

  3,471. 50

 7,080.57   18,086.21
42,357.44  899,087.09
   850.00    1,700.00
   827.95  117,677.14
    29.00    3,500.50
 2,386.97   22,994.72


To Date



  Miscellaneous Receipts
  Goneral Ed. Bd. New Ed.Bldg.
  Rent al s
  Summer School - St. Appro.
  Men' s Dormitory
                     Total 1

  Instruction              58
  Adm, Exp. & Maintenance  21
  Additions & Betterments  19
                   Total   99

  Excess of Income over
      Expenditures         17

Patterson Hall Income
  Board                      5
  Miscellaneous Receipts
  Room Rent - Summer School
                   Total    5

21 , 952. 10
  2,037. 50
  6 ,841. 35

35 528.e0 7

5,074. 53

1 , 585.15
z6, 154.75

   1,447.19  23,399. 29
              1 ,652.40
     190O.00  2,227.50
             10 000 00
      58.80   6 900Q15
  55,227.92 1,226,730.52

72,725.91  659,949.25
13,093.25  225,225.46
46,344. 54  242,517.06
L32,163.70 1,127,691.77

(7s1935.78)  99,0038.e7F

1.6,477.00  68,062.1,
    11.15       277.50
  16,488.15  7243032.9
16,488. 15  72. 642. 90

  Expense                   45,634.05
  Additions & Betterments      577.13
                    Total   46,211.18
  Excess of Income over Ex-
    penditures               9,943.57

General Fund Income       1a227,657. 35
General Fund Expenditures 1,041,739.25

  Excess of General
  Auad Income over Expend.  185,918.10

Excess of Expenditures
over Receipts for Gen-
eral Ledger Accounts

   588. 95


141,734. 82

  54 , 616. 22.
  1 ,166.OF
  55. 782 .,r;



(70,018.75) 115,899.35


Excess oL Receipts over Ex-
penditures for the f iscal
year to date - General
Fund                     136,688.04

(66.6s.73)    69 999.I

3,330,02  052900.04)



Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for the
  fiscal year to date -
  General Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1928, -
  General Fund
  Cash in Bank Aptil 30, 1.929 -
  General Fund

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund         1,556.90
  ..Student Notes Paid       5,995.68
            Total. Receipts  7,552.58




  962. 10
1 ,103. 54

8 ,656. 12

  Student Notes

Total  6,879.50

Excess of Receipts over


(295.46)  _377.62

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
  year to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
  Trust Fund
Cash in Bank April 30, 1929 -
  Trust Fund




Experiment Station Income
Hatch - Federal Appro.   11,250.00
Milk & Butter - Cash Rec. 1,789.57
Beef Cattle Sales         6,018.91
  Dairy Cattle Sales        1,633.83
  Sheep Sales                 983.86
  Swine Sales               2,425.86
  Poultry Sales             1,777.89
  Farm Produce Sales        3,769.99
  Horticultural Sales       1,828.20
  Seed Test                    53.00
  Rentals                   31194.83
  Miscellaneous            10,113.15
  Fertilizer - Fees        20,882.75
  Public Service - State
  Appropriat ion          14,666.66
  Public Service - Mis-
  cellaneous                  16.55
  Feeding Stuffs - Fees    49,887.32
  Adams - Federal Appro.   11, 250.00
  Serum - Sales             3,670.45

3,750.00  15,000.00
1,342.56   13,132.13
  182.36    1,960.25
  384.94    4,154.93
    6,25    1,834.45
  149467    3,344.50
1,200.00   11,313,15
L59716.25  362599.00

1 a 833. 33



54 ,158. 39
1 ,500,00

1 ,399.00

8 9278.50




Serum - Virus Sales
       - Live Stock Sales
       - Supply Sales
       - .Miscellaneous
State Appropriation
Creamery - License Fees
   if    -Testers Lic,
         -Glassware Test.
   I     4-Miscellaneous
 Robinson - State Appro.
 W..Ky. - State Appro.
 Purnell - Fed. Appro.
 St. Appro.-Patt. Farm
 Nursery Inspect ion -
 Nursery Inspect ion -
   State Appropriation
 Cream Grading
 Cooperative Poultry
 Abortion Test

6,667. 50

20, 000.00



196 769.34

   34 50


14 ,107.41


   70.00    1,515.00

   176.68    1,910.33
   125.00    3,400900
  170.25      170.25
55,281.58  352,050.92

Experiment Station Exp.
Expense                  273,540.01
Additions & Betterments    6,577.03
               Total      280,117,04
 Excess of Income over
   Expenditures            i6,652.30
 Excess of Income over Ex-
   penditures for the fiscal
   year to date - Experiment
   Stat ion
 Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
   Experiment Station
 Cash in Bank April 30, 1929 -
   lkperiment Station




443244. 84




Extension Division Income
Federal Smith-Lever       152,241.30
Federal Supplementary      54,B42.56
Federal Capper-Ketcham     20,000. 00
State Smith-Lever          23,390.04
County and Other            3,110.85
                  Total    253,384.75


152,241. 30
35 184.18



Excess of Expenditures
  over Income

27 5G4, 86  298,087.66_

(17.198.05) (12.716. 72) (29.914.77)



Excess of Expenditures
over Income for the
fiscal year to date -
Extension Division
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
Extension Division
Cash in Bank April 30, 1929 -
Extension Division



( 29, 873. 29)

General Fund Income
Trust Fund Income
Exp. Station Income
Ext. Division Income

General Fund Exp.
Trust Fund Exp.
Exp. Sta. Expend.
Extension Div. Expend.


1, 592. 866. 59

 14, 788. 14
141 927.23


    1, 698.34
  268,172. 8
1 2921  295. 57

  298,2 087.66
1,789,844. 31

Ezcess of Income over
Expenditure s




Excess of Expenditures
over Receipts for General
Ledger Accounts

Student Loan Fund - Notes


3,330.02    (45,900.04)

(456.32)   (387.90)

Excess of Receipots over
Expend, for the fiscal
year to date - Combined
Fund                     1363815.37

Excess of Receipts over
Expenditures for the fiscal
year to date - Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on Hand July
1, 1928   Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on Hand April
30, 1929, - Combined Fund





9826947. .



Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income
and Expenditures as "Excess of Expenditures
over Receipts for General Ledger Accounts
$45,900.04. "

                                 Debit     Credit

Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Advance

Sundry Accounts

Notes Payable



36 ,040.47








     3. Quarterly Report of the President.  President I.HcVey
made his regular   quarterly report which, in substance, was
as follows:

     Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees:

          I shall make a brief oral report covering a number
     of matters in rrogress at the University of KentuckyT at
     the present time as follows:

          (a) Candidates for Degrees.  I am presenting herewith
     the names of 508 candidates for degrees. These candidates
     have been duly approved by the University faculty and cer-
     tified to by the Registrar of the University.

          (b) Attendance. The attendance at the University
    during the year was 2,661 in regular session.   Including
    summer school and University extension, the total atten-
    dance will approximate 5,400.   There are thirty-five
    states represented in the student body.

         (c) Graduate Work. During the year we have had
    507 students enrolled for graduate work.   Approximately
    200 of these were enrolled during the regular year and
    the others during the summer session.   There are at.Pres-
    ent seven candidates for the doctor's degree,

         (d) Work in Anthropology and.d.rchaeology.  Consider-
    able work in the field of Anthropology and Archaeology
    has been done in the State during the year by Doctor
    Funkhouser and Professor Webb.   A beginning in the de-
    velopment of that field has been made and a very interest-
    ing lot of material collected.   The material collected
    is in the nature of Indian skeletons and artifacts -- all
    of the Pre-Columbian period.   It is planned to continue
    this work during the summer and a small appropriation
    has been made in the budget for that purpose.

         (e) Agricultural Experiment Stations. The Sub-exper-
    iment Stations for the development of agriculture, located
    at Princeton and Quicksand, Kentucky, are making consid-
    erable progress.   I visited the one at Princeton about
    a month ago.   The one at Princeton has about six hundred
    acres of land.   A part of the land was very much deplet-
    ed and worn out but has been reclaimed and now there
    are 491 different experiment plots carried out in the
    Station.   There is a marked interest in the community
    in the work of the Station and already results are be-
    coming apparent in the adjacent counties.   The Station
    at Quicksand is making good progress and has forest lands



rapidly growing and it is estimated that the timber is worth
around 100 ,000..'

     (f) Radio Connections.  The University has established
commercial connection with the Courier-Journal and Louisville
Times for a remote control radio station and radio broadcast-
ing is carried on from this Station at 12:45 to 1:00 p. m.
daily for five days a week.  The station is used three days
by the College of Agriculture and two days by the general
University faculty.   In addition to this, a University pro-
gram is given on Wednesday evening of each week.  Consider-
able interest has been developed in the use of the radio.

     (g) Building Program. The present building program of
tbhe University is nearing completion.  The buildings erect-
ed or provided for consist of a Recitation Building, a
Teacher-Training building for the College of Education, Dairy
Products building, Memorial building, two dormitories for
men, and a University Library.  The Dairy Products Building
and Teacher-Training building are under construction.  The
Recitation building has been completed.  The Memorial build-
ing has been completed and the contract for the Library
building has been letj    The Recitation building, known as
McVey Hall, was built from funds saved from income.  The
Education building is being built from an appropriation of
J.50,000 from the Legislature and $150,000 from the General
Education Board of New York City.  The Dairy Products
building was built from an appropriation of ;150,000 from
the Legislature.  The residence halls, or dormitories, for
men are being built on the amortization plan under an act
of the Legislature at its last session.  The buildings are
being erected by the Security Trust Company.   The Memorial
building was built by subscriptions given by citizens
of the Stat3.  The subscription plan started in 1919. The
Library building is being started on funds saved from the
regular income of the University.  When completed, the build-
ing will cost approximately $800,000 and will house about
1,250,000 volumes.  One-half of the building is being con-
structed at the present time.

     (h) Future Needs.  The future needs of the University
consist o:)     A plant for the Engineering College.  The
college is crowded and the building is inadequate to the
needs of the college.   (2) We need a building for Biolog-
ical Sciences to house the sciences of Botany, Zoology and
Bacteriology.   For this purpose we should have a new build-
ing with modern laboratories.  (3) In a short time we shall
need a newt recitation building.  (4) We need badly at the
present time a student activity building.   In addition to
this we should have an armory, domestic science building and
an administration building.   The offices are crowded and
the administration building is old and inadequate to the
needs of the University. These buildings should certainly


  'e provided as soon as funds can be r.nade available.  Thae
  building program is nor under way.

       (i) Increase in Library Equipment,  Another very in-m
  portant need of the University is more library equipment.
  We now have approximately one hundred thousand volumes in
  the library and this number should be rapidly increased
  and adequate facilities made for graduate work0k  We need
  especially books in the fields of History, Economics, Po-
  litical Science, Literature and Philosophy.

       Our Law Library has been considerably bettered in -'tle
  last two years and it now numbers about t7.-elfe thousand
  volumes,   When it is rerniembered that the Harvard University
  Law School has a library of 300,000 volumes, the inadequacy
  of our law library becomes apparent.

       (j)  Johnston Laboratorv.  Percy H. Johnston has given
  to the College of Engineering a gift of $10,000 for 'the
  installation of a l aVboratory for certain investigations to
  be carried on.   Mr. Johnston has promised to give an ad-
  ditional $15,000 and he says that hle will make available
  this donation in the near future.   Mr. Johnston is a native
  Kentuckian and president of the Chemical National Bank of
  Now York City.

       (k) Club Room. A club room has been provided in Mc-
 Vey Hall for members of the faculty of the University.   It
 is the plan to make this club room available to all mem.^bers
 of the University stafff, including clerks and stenographers.
 We expect to charge rie-lbers a fee of $6.00 to provide books
 and magazines and an attendant for the club room.   It should
 serve as a place where the University faculty may become
 better acquainted and come more in contact with each other.

       This brief report contains all I have to present to
  the Board at the present time.   There are various other
  items which will be presented in one course of this fleeting.

     4. Granting of Degrees.   President MoVey presented the
following list of candidates for degrees which, on motion,
duly seconded and carried, were authorized to be granted:




Candidatez for the Degree of 3a~chelor of Arts

Mary Julia Ader
Gertrude Frances Anderson
Edward O'Hara Asher
Alvan Raymond Auxier
Kaatherine Pressley Best
Alex Black
Ches'ter Matison Blanton
George Lawrence Bolard
John Gibson Boone
Mary Withers Bowm.nan
John Reid Brown
Irene Bruinmnette
Claire Buys
Jane Ann Carlton
Homer Carpenter Carrier
James William Chapman
Sarah Fenley Clarke
Thor.as Crider Cochran
Andrew Butler Colley
Etta Marie Colliver
Frederick James Conn, Jr.
Eloise Kirtley Conner
JoseDhine Patricia Cotten
Anna Isabll Craig
Alma Ircne Crowder
Earl Bastin Cummnins
Howell Jeffries Davis
Elsie Lee Dishon
Slayden Wade Douthitt
Josephine Agnes Doyle
Louisa Lawrence Dudley
William Eugene Durbeck, Jr.
Martin Marshall Durrett, II
TEdward Dunavent DuVal
Nell Marguerite Easley
Virginia Margaret Eatherly
Bernice Maude Edwards
Hugh. Broimn Ellis
Dudley Dutton England
Margaret Clara Erl
Roy Eversole
Roy Leonard Featherstone
William Harold Floyd
Garnett Mtilton Frye
Leeomo Galliher
Florenoe;Slaughter Geary
Elizabeth Woodson Gibbs
Margaret Ellis Gooch
Elmer Gilb
Cahherine E. Gillis

Ben Green
Charlotte Catherine Greif
William Donald Grote
Annabel Hall
Theodore Hudson Hardwick
Charles William Headley
William Lucien Heizer, Jr.
Alexander Polk Harrington
Jar.mes Raymond Hester
Chas. Wi.n. Honaker
Roscoc F. Hornsby
Henrietta Howell
Lon Roy Kavanaugh
Ernestine Kercheval
Leida Ethel17wyn Keyes
Mary Ann Keyes
Mildred Geneva Kidd
Mary Marjorie Kir.bell
Minerva Sidney Lambert
Lydia Perrine Lathnam
Richard Croake Lewis
Annie May McFarland
Mary Sue McFarland
Katharine G. McGinnis
Coleman Egb1ert Marshall
Mary Lewis Marvin
John Wootten Meredith
Chas. Hart Hiller
Martha Elizabeth Miniha.n
Ellen Ruth Moffitt
Olivia Moss Perkins
Frances C. Phelps
Lawrence Ferdinand Potts
Helvina H. Pumphrey
Mary Catherine Redmond
Frank Owsley Richardson
Ballard Frank Robbins
Lydia Florence Roberts
Woodfin E. Rogers, Jr.
William Harmon Ross
Elizabeth Sampson
Mary Elizabeth Sanders
Bess Mae Sanford
Marion Jack Sce
Frank Kash Sewell
Mitchell Shapo
Robert Erisley Sharon


Maryr Jeffelrron Shrnamro
Virginia Burgess Sharp
Holen 1:argucrite Shelton
Cynthia Hn.ammond Snith
Gladys Nell Smith
21arjorie Snith
Nell Spradlin
Younger Alexander Staton
Jessio 1 arie Sun
Orville Lowell Swearingen
Ann Caywood Talbott
Marg arot Porter Thompson
Louise Dudley Tiley
Sudic Bthel Tilton
Jean Robertson Todd
i.sa.bel Frances Smith

Job Darbin Turncr
uIiary F. Von Grunigen
Zrima Lyle Walters
Sara Louise Warwick
3onnie Dale Welch
Ray Heqpshill Wesley
Ann Lorine Willia m-s
Lucy Ray Williaais
HWubert Tiornan Willis
Gladys Lortxon Wilson
Margaret Elizaebeth Wilson
Clara Tastman 'iltse
Elizabeth Clark Wood
Ja1es Ned Wort en
Betsy Bockner Worth
David M1arion Young

       Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Irvin Louia Allen                  Malcolm Harold Filson
William Earl Bach                  Jane Alleen Owsley
Robert Henry Baker                 Carl Pigman
William Marvin Baker               Bennett Toy Sandefur
                   William Morgan Zopff

       Candidates f or the Degree of Bachelor of Science
                     in Industrial Chemistry

Fred Neville Hendon

               Jennings Chalraer Lam'o
Lombard Squires

     Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Edith Harie Fuller

                    COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE

     Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Arman Chapman Berry
Samuel Clifford Bohanan
Kenneth Arthur Brabant
Wesley Roy Brooks

Blumie White Fortenbery
Buis Taft Inman
samuel Lauderdale Isbell
George Clark Letton



Robert Klair Calfee
William Alexander Campbell
Louis Taylor Daughtrey
Encil Dean
Penrose Thomas Ecton
Robert Lee Eddleman
James Hughes Evans

John Sigsbee Loyd
Frank Grant Maddox
Bell G. Moore
James Frederick Moore
James Shirley Shropshire
Robert Winn White
Troll Young

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
                 in Home Economics

May Berry
Bernice Kerr Bonar
Harriet Louise Broaddus
Virginia Katherine Cochran
Dora May Duncan
Louise Hughes Dyer
Nell Farmer
Margaret Howard.'Faulconer
Lottie Sanders Featherstone
Virginia Belle Featherstone
Fronia Jane Fox

Elizabeth Graddy
Louetta Leaf Greeno
Monte LaVerne Holt
Virginia Howard
Jane Stanford Lewis
Frances Eleanor Peck
Wilma Frances Robinson
Frances Miller Stallard
Virginia Sharp Ward
Kathryn Selbert Weitzel
Susan Elizabeth Wells


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                 Civil Engineering

Grant S`.one Bell
John Calvert Boston
Earl Franklin Cecil
Glenn Clifford Cook
Thomas William Elam
Warren Thomas Ellis

Russell Woodburn

Bion Lyle Humber
William Shelby Kinney
Henry Jacob Lichtefeld.Jr.
Janes Garland Martin
Ernest Iiles Newman ,
Melvin Lee Nollau

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                Mechanical Engineering

Samuel Wilson Anderson
Lawrence Edward Ballard
George Williams Barnes
John Philip Boston
Richard Ward Bozeman
Ewel Butler Cornett

Richard Joseph Frauile
Harold Valentine Fried
Charles Winston Gill
Everett Thomas Borbandt
David Andrew Hemphill
Herman Stanley Hergott



Robert Oliver Daopper               Albert Sidney Johnson
Claude William Daniel               Thomas Alexander Kendall
1Robert Clyde Darsie                Jess Cox Laughlin
Fred IMarion Fister, Jr.            John Thomas Ligon
John Coffman Lindley                Harold Andrew Thornburg
Luther Lowry Massie                  Quentin John Treadway
Jam-es Warren May                    Louis Joseph Wachs
Edwarcd Duncan.oore                 William Walter
Jarmes Patrick Mullaney              Wendell Singloton Warnock
Evere"t Stum Quisenberry            George Adanm Weisenberger
Flancry Orville Terrill              Noble Winburn West
                    James Dimmitt Willianson

       Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
                   in Metallurgica. Engineering

Kenneth Blanton Baker
David Howard Beetem

Claire Henry Dees
Carl Boeing Rex

                  COLLEGE OF LAW

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

Robert Boone Bird
James Clay Burnette
Henry Clay Cox
Charles Louis Daniel
Axel Robert Ernberg
Theodore A. Johnson
Williaml Campbell Scott

J. W. Jones
John Prentiss La,.ir
John Emerson HlcG-urk
Robert Lee Moss
George Calvin Robbins
Edwin Osgood Ross
Chester DeForest Silvers

                 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Axts in

Janes Robert Abner
Ora Lo.-iier Adams
Clara Estelle Aufmwasser
Virginia Mae Baker
Tlla Duke Barber
Mary Paulinr3 Beard
Josephine Wood Beck
Hazel Dale Boono
Ruth Hall Brown
Hobart Cornelius Burnette

Helen Katherine Hall
Martha Rose Hall
Varina Da.vis Hanna
Oliver Wa rren Henderson
Elizabeth Beatrice Henry
Jesse Hobart Holland
Mary Julia Hunt
Edith Mae Jackson
Vester Aubrey Jackson
Joseph Rankin Ki.mbrough



Willie Vilcy Carr
Jessie Mrarie Clements
Catherine Cecilia Clynes
Margaret Kathleen Cochran
Pearl Virginia Davis
Elizabeth Van Meter Day
Utha Blackburn Deen
Kathryn Louise Dillon
Mary Laura Duncan
Maude Tippett Elder
Whitney Tyler Evans
Mildred McCormick Forsythe
Delmas G. Gish
John Wesley Graybeal
Leon Morrell Morris
Martha Iiaye Neal
Minnie Day Nickell
Mary Alex O'Hara
James Ewart Ownbey
Jane Pauline Patterson
Lella Irene Payton
Mary Juliette Phillips
Paul Reed
Dora Alice Shields
Lucile Reno Short

Carol nVirginia Latta
Fayette Caldwell Laws
Sara Rebecca Levy
Louise Lowery
Mary Belle Lowery
Mamie Teresa Lyon
John Thompson McCabe
Annie May McCauley
Helen Virginia McKenney
Kattie Mott McNeill
Mary Joe McNeill
Carrie M1arie Maiden
Mary Willie Prater Mills
Cornelius Calmes Smith
Ethel Belle Smith
Meredith Arnold Smith
Doris Ewing Spillman
Katherine Lucile Thompson
James Earl Walker
Sarah Wray West
Lorena Williams
Ollie Tye Williams
Ruth Link Williams
Thomas Oldham Williams


      Candidates for the Degree of
Clifford Meyer Abraham
Sylvan Armplias Belt
Harold Hicks Bennett
Edward Huddleston Bishop
Woodward Daniel Bowling
Thorms David Boyd
John Wallace Bratcher
John William Brock
Dauris Clyde Carpenter
William Cecil Chrisman
Williar. Peyton Crouch
Benn Perry Davis
W.Valter ?rancis Drake
William Rudy Ferguson
James Edward Gates
Austin Taylor Graves
Jean Paul TW.rnecke

Ferdinand AloysuL

Bachelor of Science in

  Ellerslie F. Hartzog, Jr.
  Silas Willian. Hearne
  Roger Ervin Laufer, Jr.
  Albert Russell Laughlin,Jr.
  Charles Prestorn Luckett
  Earl Campbell May
  William McKenley Mays
  Jack Savage Minor
  John Buford Nichols
  Hayden Thor~ns Ogden,Jr.
  Robert John Rohde
  Alf Davis Rufer
  Forrest Charles Seaman
  Emma Jane Stevens
  Robert Anthony Sweetser
  David Lloyd Walker,Jr. 128.
  Robert Harrison Warren
Ls Wieriann



               GRADUATE SCHOOL

Candidates for the Degree of Haster of Arts

Marylcona Bishop
Gnar Ornan Bryant
Jazes Willian Cammack, Jr,
Thomas Dionysius Clark
Helen Loraine Connell
Wayne Wilburn Garnett
2ueenie, Morrow Grable
Martin Thonas Gregory
Arthur Harry Larson
Samuel Harrison McQuire

Ernest Roy Miller
John Stapp Mitchell
Delos Eddie Nooe
Thelma S. Robertson
Mary Agnes Robison
Ellen Scott
James William Singer
Merrell Rodman Sullivan
Milford Edwin Terrass
Samuel Walker

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science

Robert Black, Jr.                    Hugh Leavell Houston
Juanita Curry Boynton                George Rohr Kingsley
Bruce Davis Caulkins                 Cyrus Aubrey Poole
                   William Edward Spicer

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
              in Airiculture

Elmer James Kilpatrick

John Lester Miller

Llewellyn Humphreys May

            Candidates for the Degree of Civil Engineer

                     William Frances Marshall
                     Andrew George Yankey

          Candidates for the Degree of Electrical Engineer

Sprigg  Case Ebbert                  Roy Miller Hukle
Llewellyn Coons Hardesty             William G. Kefauver
                Kobert Rpynierson.Smith



            Candidates for the Degree of Mechanical
Joseph Harrison Bailey               John Alfred Needy
Frank Bogard                         Thomas Bryan Propps
John Winston Coleman, Jr.            Dell Mack Ramsey
                     Eugene Newton Winkler

            Candidates for the Degree of Metallurgical

                      William Louis Maschmeyer
                      William Kendall Smith

              Candidates for the Degree of Mining Eng-

                       August Adolph Bablitz, Jr.
                       Charles Frederick Wood

     5.  Storm Water Sewer on City Dump.   President McVey pre-
sented a communication from Mr. M. J. Crutcher, superintendent
of buildings and grounds, regarding the storm water sewer in
Scovell Park, a necessity for which has arisen since the Uni-
versity has started the erection of a building on that site.
The matter was discussed and a motion was made, seconded and
carried that a committee be appointed to discuss the matter
with the city authorities.   The Chair appointed President Mc-
Vey, Mr. Crutcher and Mr. Park.

     .  Workmen's Compensation Insurance,   President McVey
presented to the Board a communication from the American Mutual
Liability Insurance Company of Boston, Massachusetts, making
a proposition by which the University would be able to save
some twenty-two per cent on Workmen's Compensation insurance.
The matter was referred to the President with power to act.

     7. Group Insurance on Employees. President McVey stated
to the Board that it has beei customary with the University
when a member of the faculty dies to continue to pay the salary
to the widow or husband for the remainder of the year.    He
stated that it might be more uniformly just for the institution
to carry a blanket group insurance policy on each member of
the faculty to be paid to his estate in case of death.    The
matter was discussed and referred to the President with the
request that further information be furnished.



     8. Fire Escapes.  The Board received a roport from the
superintendent of buildings and grounds on fire escapes, in-
dicating that suitable fire escapes on University buildings
Fill cbst between $4,000 or $5,000.   The matter was discussed
and a motion was made, seconded and carried authorizing the
installation of suitable fire escapes on University buildings.
The program of installation is to be carried out by the sup-
erintendent of buildings under the direction of the Presthnt,
and after careful study of plans has been made.

     9. Alumni Election.  Attention of the Board was called to
the Alumni election which takes place biennially to elect a
merinber of the Board of Trustees to represent the Alumni under
the law and under the rules prescribed by the Board.   The
Secretary was authorized to prepare forms for the election in
accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Board.

     10,  Publication of Monograph.   The Monograph committee
recommended the publication of a bulletin by Doctor Funkhouser
and Professor Webb entitled, "The Williams' Site in Christian
County", at a cost of approximately $200.  A motion was made,
seconded and carried authorizing the publication of the bulle-

     11. University Publications to be Sent to the Board, A
motion  was made, seconded and carried that all publications
issued by the University, of any kind.. whatever, be mailed to
the Board of Trustees of the University.   The responsibility
for the mailing of such publications rests with the department
which is responsible for having the publication put out.'

     12. A~pointments, Reappointments, Promotions and Increases
in Salaries.  President McVey presented to the Board the list
of appointments, reappointments, promotions, and increases in
salary as follows, which, on motion duly seconded and carried,
was approved;

     Appointment of Miss Josephine Darlington, graduate assist-
ant in Botany, at $600.

    Appointment of Miss Lenore Wilson, instructor in Music at

     Appointment of Mr. John Kuiper, associate professor of
Philosophy, at $3200.



    Appointment of Mar. A. I. Lands, instructor in Anatomy
and Physiology, at $2,000.

    Appointmcnt of Mr. Charles W. Shull, instructor in Polit-
ical Science, at $2,000.

     Appointment of Miss Rebecca Averill, instructor in Phys-
ical Education, at $1,800.

     Appointment of Mrs. George Smith, instructor in English,
at $1,700.

     Appointment of Mir. Robert Shannon, instructor in English,
at $1,600.

     Appointment of Miss Sallie Pence, instructor in Mathemat-
ics, at $1,800.

     Appointment of Air. Wayne W,. Garnett, instructor in Math-
ematics, at $1,5