xt7dfn10pj4d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10pj4d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1959-10-oct16-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1959-10-oct16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1959-10-oct16-ec. 1959 1959-10-oct16-ec. 2011 true xt7dfn10pj4d section xt7dfn10pj4d 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the University
of Kentucky, October 16, 1959.

        The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in the Pres-
ident' s Office on the campus of the University at 9:40 a. m., CST ( 10:40 CDT),
Friday, October 16, 1959, with the following members present: R. P. Hobson,
Chairman; Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, J. Stephen Watkins, Wood Hannah, Sr., and
Harper Gatton.  President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson
were present.

        A. Approval of Minutes.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Execu-
tive Committee of August 14, 1959, were approved as published.

        B. Treasurer' s Report.

        The interim financial report for the three-months period ended Septem-
ber 30, 1959, was made.  The Current General Fund operations for the period
reflect income for educational and general purposes in the amount of $6, 947, 533. 02,
or 48. 7% of the budget estimate of $14, 264, 613. 10. The expenditures and encum-
brances amounted to $3, 532, 132. 90. This represents 24. 9% of the total Current
General Fund appropriations of $14,187, 211. 45.

        The balance sheets were examined and, Committee members being
advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the financial report was
received and ordered filed.

        C. Purchases Approved.

        Mr. Peterson reported purchases made from April 1, 1959, to and in-
cluding June 30, 1959, and from July 1, 1959, through September 30, 1959. These
purchases represented merchandise, supplies, materials and other items for the
use and benefit of the University of Kentucky and were evidenced by the following

        S. D. Orders -Inclusive 72-85
        State Requisitions -Inclusive 970-1263
        Emergencies, State        -Inclusive 612-821
        Special Orders ----------------    Inclusive 5644-6799
        Job Order Vouchers ---------I--- inclusive 10569-11009
        Stores Vouchers   -     -Inclusive 612-1141
        Vouchers     -      -Inclusive 17129-19334
        Order by letters --   --------------- Inclusive 1095-1161
        Athletic Orders  ---     -Inclusive 112-165


Emergency Purchase Orders          Inclusive

Stores Material Requisitions ----     Inclusive
Food Storage Center Orders-inclusive
Requests for Quotations -.-inclusive

S.D. Orders --------------------- Tnclusive
State Requisitions ------------------ Inclusive
Emergencies, State ----------------- Inclusive
Speciat Orders --------------------Inclusive
Job Order Vouchers ----------------Inclusive
Stores Vouchers ----------------- inclusive
Vouchers ----------------------- Inclusive
Order by Letters       -- Inclusive
Athletic Orders  ----     -     ---inclusive
Emergency Purchase Orders ------- inclusive

Stores Material Requisitions -      inclusive

Food Storage Center Orders --       inclusive
Requests for Quotations ------------- inclusive

B 1307-1842

1142- 1915
LI- L503
14136- 15000
1-3 586

        Mr. Peterson advised that the documents were available for inspection
by members of the Executive Committee. He stated that all purchases had been
made in accordance with approved policy of the Board of Trustees and applied
against appropriated funds. He requested ratification and approval.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the purchases made as
represented by the documents listed and referred to above were ratified, authorized
and approved.

        D. Contract with Kentucky Department of Economic Development Approved.

        Mr. Peterson reported Agreement between the Kentucky Department of
Economic Development and the University of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment
Station. The contract provides that the Experiment Station will use its organiza-
tion, personnel and facilities to assist in obtaining information on methods and
feasibility of prevention, treatment and control of the important infections and
parasitic disease problems which cause the greatest economic loss to the sheep
industry in the State. The contract also provides that the Experiment Station
shall make a published report of its findings and that the Department of Economic
Development will pay the cost of the research work in the sum of $5,000 for the
fiscal year 1959-60.

        Members of the Executive Committee being advised, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the contract was approved and authorized executed.




         E. Contract with. . .he Kentuclc-v Deu- rlment of Economic Development

         Mr. Peterson subm:..ted contract between t~he Kentucky Department of
Economic Development and the Ynivcrsity o! Kentucky Agriculluraj. Experiment
Station.  The contract: provides that the S:A-'ton wi!l make certain tests concern-
ing methods, costs and feasibiIiy of .nex-perS:r heat. ng and ventilating systems
for plastic greenhouses.  The Economic De.;copmert Board will provide the
sum of $3,400 to pay the cost of tlhe Droject which wll include cost of constructing
the greenhouses to be covered wi'h plast c mnterials and the installation of
necessary heating and ventila.ing systems.  The S-t.r.-on shlall ma-ke a report
of its findings.

         The Executive Committee being advised, upon motion duly made, second-
ed and carried, the contra.ct was a.uthor zed approved and executed.

         F. Contract with. -he Kentuckv Dena-rnment of Economic Development

        Mr. Peterson subm.t-ted contrac': be-ween the Kentucky Dena.rtment of
Economic Development and the Univers..tv of Kentucky Agr.cultural Experiment
Station.  The contract provides that th.e Star .i4on will use its organizat-on, person-
nel and facilities to continue the study of ch.-.irges in size and composition of
tobacco and cigarettes throughout 'he Un'.ed St.a.r.es and make certain reports to
the Department on its findings., The Depa.rtmer' of Econoi mic Development
agrees to provide the sum of $4, o00 .o pray for the personnel Involved, facilities
used, and equipment and travel expenses.  The Department of Economic Develop-
ment is willing to ext.end the existing contra.ct a.nd provide azn additional $1, 000
to the Station for continuing th.e stu.dv.

        The Executive Commit'tee. be.ng advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried2 a-pproved th.e extens4..or of the existing contract and authorized
same executed.

        G. Contracts with Sigma C-i and A.lpia. Gaimma Rh.o Fraternities Ap-

        Mr. Peterson submitted two contracts between the TU'niversity of Ken-
tucky and the Memorial Association of Si'gma. Chi Fraternity and the Alpha Garnma
Rho Building and Realty Company, bothl of Lex.ngtorn, Ky,  These contracts pro-
vide that the Memorial Association of Sigma Ch.i Fr.ternity and Alpha Gamma
Rho Building and Realty Company a-.va-ve agreed to purchase tracts of land on which
houses may be built for each of the fraternities and that each hLas transferred
to the University the triact of land on which. a. residence unit will be built. These
contracts further provide that t~he. University undertake, through the issuance
of revenue bonds, to construct these residence units for the Memorial Associa-
tion of Sigma Chi Fra.ternity and the Alpha Gamma Rho Building and Realty
Company.   Agreements further provi.de for certain lease arrangements, all in
keeping with the previoustv estabblished pol:;cies of l.he Board of Trustees, and
this approval is to bring before th.e Executive Committee again notification of
the agreements and arr3.ngemeros be'ng made with the corporations, and to place
of record these agreemenms.



         Committee members being advised and familiar with the programs con-
cerning each corporation, and being advised of the contents of the agreements,
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract with Memorial As-
sociation of Sigma Chi Fraternity, a. Kentucky corporation of Lexington, Ky.
and the contract with Alpha Gamma Rho Building and Realty Company, a cor-
poration of Lexington, Ky. , were approved and authorized executed.

        H. Contracts between the University of Kentucky and the Bohmer Flying
Service Approved.

        Mr. Peterson submitted contract between Bohmer Flying Service to
furnish flying service to Army ROTC cadets under provisions of a contract that
the University has with the Federal government. *The contract properly protects
the University against all damage and liability, as bonds are required. Mr.
Peterson stated that this was in reality a continuation of a. contract that existed
during the preceding academic school year. He recommended its approval.

        Mr. Peterson also submitted contract for flying service with Bohmer
Flying Service to train Air Force ROTC cadets. He stated that the flight train-
ing program had been approved by the Federal government and this is a continu-
ation of an existing program conducted during the preceding academic school
year. He stated that the contract provided proper protection to the University
against damage and liability, as bonds are required.

        Executive Committee members being advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the contracts with. the Bohmer Flying Service for flight
training for Army ROTC cadets, and flight training for Air Force ROTC cadets,
were authorized and approved.

        I. Injuries.

        Mr. Peterson reported the following injuries:

        Robert Richard, an employee of the Agricultural ExDeriment Station.
        This accident occurred o959, in the Horticulture Farm
Greenhouse.  Mr. Richard hit his left thumb with a hammer, while constructing
a partition in the greenhouse.  The thumb was dressed and x-rayed at the Uni-
versity Health Service.  The Health Service has rendered a charge of $3. 00
for the x-ray.

        W. M. Long, an employee of the Agricultural Experiment Station.
        This accident occurred on August 25, 1959, on the Experiment-Station
Fa rm. Mr. Long stepped in a hole and turned his ankle as he got off a tractor.
He reported to the University Health Service where he was given a shot and an
x-ray was taken. A charge of $3. 00 has been rendered by the Health Service.

        Rov D. Ga-bhar,, employee of the Division of Maintenance and O erations.
           is accident occurred on August20 a1959, in the Service Building
(truck garage). A falling angle iron struck hirn on the right side of the head.
He was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital Emergency Room, as the Dispen-
sary was closed, and treated by Dr. Thompson R. Bryant.  Dr. Bryant has



billed the University in the amount of $13. 00 for one hospital visit and two
office calls. A statement has also been received from Hubbard and Curry, Inc.
druggists, in the amount of $5. 95 for medical supplies for Mr. Gabhart, which
he purchased at the direction of Dr. Bryant. Good Samaritan Hospital submits
a bill for $6. 35, $5. 00 for use of the Emergency Room and $1. 35 for drugs.

        Mr. Peterson recommended that the charges incident to injuries of
Robert Richard, W. M. Long and Roy D. Gabhart be paid, with the under-
standing that the University does not admit negligence or liability in each case
and that it does not set a precedent in each case by authorization of the payment
of these bills.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the bills as listed above,
incident to injuries received by Robert Richard, W. M. Long and Roy D. Gab-
hart, were ordered paid, with the understanding that the University does not
admit negligence or liability in each case and that it does not set a precedent in
each case by payment of these bills.

        J. Authorization for Disposal of Surplus Property.

        Mr. Peterson submitted a list of wood chests, hat racks, tables and
desks, homemade telephone booths, chicken brooders and combination wardrobes,
etc. , all of which have been declared surplus to the needs of the various depart-
ments. He also submitted request that an upright piano acquired through pur-
chase of a house at 333 Clifton Avenue, which had been offered to the Department
of Music and declined, be disposed of.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Vice President,
Business Administration, was authorized to dispose of the surplus equipment,
at the best price available.

        K. Investments Authorized.

        Mr. Peterson submitted requests that $60, 000 Agency and Loan money
be invested with the General Motors Acceptance Corporation on a six-months
basis at 4-7/8% interest; and that $40, 000 of Cooper Foundation money be invest-
ed with General Motors Acceptance Corporation for a period of ninety days at
4-1/2% interest. He also requested permission to make short-term invest-
ments of operating funds that could be invested prior to need of these operating
funds for the current fiscal year.

        The members, being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, approved the investments as listed and authorized other investments
made for short periods of time, as long as the monies were available for
meeting operating expenses,



         L. Purchase of House and Lot at Z56 College View Avenue and House
and Lot at 187 Montmullin Street.

         Mr. Peterson reported availability of house and lot at 256 College View
Avenue. This house and lot are located on the south side of College View where
the University is developing a parking lot. The house needs to be removed in
order to expand the parking facilities.  This property is available for purchase
for a consideration of $8, 600. 00.

        Mr. Peterson also reported that a house and lot at 187 Montmullin
Street, owned by D. Y. Dunn, of Lexington, was available for purchase.  The
lot is 40' x 100' . The house has been partly destroyed by fire.  It is available
for purchase at $Z, 500. 00.  On a square foot basis, this is worth the money.

        Mr, Peterson and President Dickey recommended that these properties
be acquired.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the property at 256 College
View Avenue was authorized purchased for the sum of $8,600. 00 and the property
at 187 Montmullin Street was authorized purchased for $2, 500. 00.

        M. New Parking Areas Prepared.

        Mr. Peterson reported that a contract had been let to blacktop the park-
ing area on the southwest corner of the intersection of Rose Street and Washington
Avenue. He advised that this will enable the area to be marked off, and a more
orderly parking arrangement to be made, which will accommodate more cars,

        He also reported an extension of the parking area north of White Hall
which will accommodate 48 additional cars and make it more convenient for the
use of the old parking area adjacent.  He further reported the razing of the
Little Commons building and advised that this area will be temporarily used for
parking until the University is in a position to construct a College of Commerce
building on this site.

        N. Enrollment Reported.

        President Dickey reported a. total enrollment in the University of 10, 133
students. He said that this enrollment was broken down as follows: On campus,
7,391; In two-year centers, 1,097; In extension classes, 1,017; In evening
classes, 628.

        0. Graduate Faculty Appointments Approved.

        President Dickey concurred in the recommendation of Dr. Herman E.
Spivey, Dean of the Graduate School, that Associate Professor Paul G. Sears,
of the Department of Chemistry, be reinstated to the Graduate Faculty.  He stated
that Professor Sears was on the Graduate Faculty in 1957 when he resigned in
order to work as a research chemist for the Monsanto Chemical Company. After
two yearst employment with the chemical company, Professor Sears has returned



to employment at the University.

         President Dickey also concurred in the recommendation that Professor
 Ellis V. Brown, of the Department of Chemistry, and Professor Richard S.
 Schweet, Professor of Biochemistry in the Medical Center, be appointed to the
 Graduate Faculty.  He stated that Professor Brown has a distinguished teaching
 and research record, as well as holding eight scientific patents of the United
 States and three from Great Britain. He stated, also, that Dr. Schweet has,
 for the past six or more years, been teaching advanced work in biochemistry
 at the California Institute of Technology and carrying on research at the City
 of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, California.  Since 1957 he has been chief of
 the Cardiac Chemistry Section in the Department of Biochemistry at this Center,
 directing the work of post-doctoral fellows and supervising pre-doctoral work
 for a Ph. D. candidate at the University of Southern California.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Professor Ellis V. Brown
of the Department of Chemistry, and Dr. Richard S. Schweet, Professor of Bio-
chemistry, were appointed to the Graduate Faculty.

        P. Professors Appointed to Various Ranks in Indonesia.

        Professor Dickey recommended new staff members assigned to ICA
Contracts W-688 and W-699, as follows:

        Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia

        Frank Boxall, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, for one

        Gilbert Church, Associate Professor of Zoology, for two years;

        Joseph Lintz, Jr. , Associate Professor of Paleontology, for a period
of two years;

        Dolores Ann Landrum, Technical Secretary, for a two-year period.

        University of Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia

        Harry H. Bailey, Associate Professor of Agronomy, for a two-year

        Cernyw K. Kline, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering,
for a two-year period;

        Theodore C. Schwan, Professor of Chemistry, for a two-year appoint-

        It was noted that some of the two-year appointments recommended will
exceed the length of contract effectiveness, expiration dates being June 30, 1961



and July 2, 1961.  Therefore, it is understood that these recommendations are
for two-year periods or termination of the contracts, and the two-year periods
are merely effective if the contracts are renewed.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in; all two-year appointments are subject to the
expiration date of the contracts, and the University does not intend to bind itself
to these appointees for a period longer than the University has contractual re-
lationship with the Indonesian Government.

        Q. Philip Alan Beals' Employment Approved.

        President Dickey reported that Philip Alan Beals, an undergraduate re-
search assistant, is the son of Dr. Wendell E. Beals, and is being employed
for a period of ten months. Upon the request of Dr. F. L. Yost, President
Dickey recommended that the rule be waived.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the employment of Philip
Alan Beals was authorized.

        R. Dr. Ernest McDaniel Approved to Do Outside Work.

        President Dickey reported a request from Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain that
Dr. Ernest McDaniel be permitted to serve as regional coordinator for the na-
tional survey of aptitude and ability among high school students. He stated that
this would not require an undue amount of time and would not seriously interfere
with Dr. McDaniel' s duties. Doctor Chamberlain stated that he was concurring
in the recommendation of Dr. Charles F. Elton, Dean of Admissions.

        President Dickey recommended that the request be granted, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, Dr. Ernest McDaniel was granted per-
mission to serve as coordinator for the regional survey.

        S. Free Fees to Miss Anahid Tashjian Approved.

        President Dickey reported that Miss Tashjian has been named as re-
cipient of an international scholarship for 1959-60, given by the American Home
Economics Association,  These scholarships are cooperative between the
American Home Economics Association and invited colleges and universities.
The Association provides $750. 00 in cash and the cooperating institution agrees
to provide $500. 00 or its equivalent in board and room and remission of fees
and tuition. The A. H. E. A, has asked the School of Home Economics at the
University of Kentucky to cooperate this year by accepting Miss Tashjian for
graduate work leading to the degree of Master of Science in Home Economics.
She has been accepted by the Registrar and by the Graduate School at the Uni-
versity for graduate work, The School of Home Economics is providing room
and board at the rate of $160. 00 per semester in one of our home management



        President Dickey stated that the request was for waiver of University
fees. He so recommended, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the request was granted.

        T. Budget for the Gifted Student Program Approved.

        President Dickey briefly informed the members of the Committee con-
cerning a Gifted Student Program initiated a.t the University, effective October
1, 1959. He submitted a budget for the nine months remaining of the fiscal
year, which amounted to $6, 000. 00, and recommended that this amount be ap-
propriated from unappropriated surplus of the General University Budget.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee
concurred in the recommendation of the President.

        U. Dr. Stephen Diachun Appointed Director, Gifted Student Program.

        Pre sident Dickey stated he desired to recommend the appointment of
Dr. Stephen Diachun as Director of the Gifted Student Program. Upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, Dr. Stephen Diachun was appointed Director
of the Gifted Student Program at the University of Kentucky.

        V. Report of Dr. J. W. Martin,

        President Dickey read the report of Professor J. W. Martin concerning
the amount of time devoted to outside work with departments of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky.  Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was
received and ordered filed.

        W. Resolution on Death of Ova Ellis Boggs.

        President Dickey submitted Resolution on the death of Mr. Ova Ellis
Boggs, Area Agent in Rural Development at Morehead, Ky.


                      the Death of Mr. Ova Ellis Boggs

        Mr. Ova Ellis Boggs, Area Agent in Rural Development,was fatally
   injured in an automobile accident in Johnson County, Kentucky on June
   23, 1959. He died one day later at the Paintsville Hospital from mul-
   tiple fractures of legs, arms, concussion and injured kidney.



     At the time of the accident he was riding with Mr. Cla-ude Christian,
County Agricultural Agent of Johnson Cowity, who was also seriously
injured.  Their car was hit by a trailer truck which jackknifed on a curve
in the road during a rain storm.

     Mr. Boggs was born on a mountain farm in Lawrence County, Ken-
tucky. After attending a rural grade school he completed high school
at Blamle, Kentucky. Having to walk a number of miles, he had to leave
home in the morning before daylight and return after dark. After grad-
uating from high school hle enrolled at Morehead State College where he
did such a good job and manifested such interest in agriculture that
Professor Henry Hagan arranged for his transfer to the University of
Kentucky.  He received his B.S. degree in Agriculture in June 1952.
He later did graduate work at both the University of Kentucky and More-
head State College.  While in college he became a member of FarmHouse
and Alpha Zeta Fra-ternit;les.

     Upon graduation from the 'Jniversity of Kentucky Mr. Boggs became
assistant agricultural. agent in Morgan and later Pike County. He became
county agricultural agent Uin Floyd County April 1, 1953 and served there
until transferred to Morehead as Area Extension Agent in Rural Develop-
ment on February 1, 1957.  This job in Rural Development was a new
and difficult assignment covering A 2 counties and involved work with lay
and agency people at countv, area and state levels.  On this job he showed
excellent leadership ability and proved to be a friend and adviser to all
with whom he worked,.

     Mr. Boggs was intensely interested not only in Rural Development but
all phases of extension work.  He was a. member of Ep silon Sigma Phi
professional fraternity and wa.s continually working to improve his own
effectiveness, He ha.d the interest of the whole University in mind and
never lost an opportunity to boost its Drogra.nL

     He was both aggressive and at the same time very patient and under-
standing with the agents and other people with whom he worked. He was
truly loyal. to the University and did much to buoy up the spirit and support
of many others. He never thougYt of the hours involved but merely the
job to be done and during all his ten years with the University he was
helping his brothers and sisters with needed finance to obtain a college

     't can trulv be said that. his life and determination to overcome hard-
ships will be an inspiration to Extension workers and all others who knew

    Therefore, be it resolved that these resolutions be approved by the Execu-
tive Couitilittee  as an expression of its high regard for Mr. Ova Ellis
Boggs and be it further resolved that they be spread upon the minutes
of this meeting and that a. copy be sent his wife and parents.



       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Resolution was
received and authorized spread upon the minutes, and a copy was ordered sent
to Mr. Boggs' wife and parents.

       X. Resolution Authorizing Sale of Certain Securities Approved.

       President Dickey stated the University, from time to time, received
certificates representing stocks, bonds and other securities and that certain
clearances were necessary.  He recommended that the following Resolution
be authorized and approved:

      RESOLVED, that the President .   ... Frank .G.. Dirckey.

      Vice-President, .    l. F.rark. I.. Peterson...... the Treasurer
        .Frarik.-D..Peterson....  or an), of them, be and they are hereby
      authorized to sell, assign and indorse for transfer, certificates

      representing stocks, bonds or other securities now registered or

      hereafter registered in the name of this corporation.

             I.... rank D.. Peter.s.can .... Secretary of

       .Univer.s.ity .odf.Kentucky ...... incorporated under the laws of the
         (Name of Corporation)

      State of Kentucky hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy

      of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Cor-

      poration at a meeting duly held the sixteenth day of October, 1959

      at which a quorum was present and voting, and that the same has

      not been repealed or amended and. remains in full force and effect

      and does not conflict with the By-Laws of said Corporation.

      Dated October 23, 1959

                                (Officers Named in Above Resolution
                                     Should Not Sign Here)

         SEAL      )    VERIFIED:.................................


         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the above Resolution
as recommended was authorized and approved.

        Y. Gifts.

                       From: The Hebrew Culture Foundation, Inc. , New
                                     York.-- -$2, 000. 00.

        President Dickey reported that the University was in receipt of check
for $2, 000. 00 from The Hebrew Culture Foundation, Inc. , to be used in paying
an instructor in the Department of Ancient Languages and Literature who will
teach Arabic and Hebrew. He expressed his appreciation of this generous gift
and recommended that it be accepted, and, upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the Executive Committee concurred in the recommendation of the
President and requested him to write a letter of appreciation to the Foundation.

                       From: International Business Machines Corporation,
                                     Lexington, Ky. - -$700. 00.

        President Dickey reported that International Business Machines Cor-
poration had given to the University their check for $700. 00 to be used to
cover the costs of printing the catalog, Graphics ' 59. He recommended that
the check be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, it
was ordered accepted, and the President was requested to thank officials of
International Business Machines Corporation responsible for the gift.

                       From: E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Wilming-
                                     ton, Delaware -- $750. 00.

        The President presented check of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Com-
pany in the amount of $750. 00, given as a grant-in-aid for a study of the efficiency
of utilization of urea by growing dairy heifers. He stated that the check is only
a part of the continued interest and support shown by this Company in providing
funds for research in an important field, and recommended that it be accepted.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered accepted,
and the President was requested to thank the donors.

                       From: Producers Live Stock Marketing Association,
                                     Louisville, Ky. --$2,665. 12.

        President Dickey reported receipt of check for $2, 665. 12 from Producers
Live Stock Marketing Association, to be used in sheep research work at the Agri-
cultural Experiment Station. He recommended acceptance of the grant, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered accepted
and the President was requested to write a letter of appreciation for the same.



                        From: Smith Kline & French Laboratories, Philadelphia,
                                     Pa. --.-$5, 000. 00.

        The President presented check for $5, 000. 00 from Smith Kline & French
Laboratories to be used for research work in the Animal Husbandry Department
of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics. He recommended that the
gift be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check
was ordered accepted, and the President was requested to thank officials of the

                       From: Mr. Arthur M. Bettman, Covington, Ky. --$162. 00.

        President Dickey reported that Mr. Arthur M. Bettman had given to the
University his check for $162. 00, to be used in support of the scholarship fund at
the Northern Center. He recommended that this be accepted, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee so ordered, and re-
quested him to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Bettman.

                       From: The Moeschl-Edwards Corrugating Company,
                                     Cincinnati, Ohio--$162. 00.

        President Dickey reported receipt of check for $162. 00 from The
Moeschl-Edwards Corrugating Company, to be added to the scholarship fund at
the Northern Center and recommended that the check be accepted.  Upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the gift was ordered accepted, and the Presi-
dent was requested to write a letter acknowledging same.

                       From: The Union Light, Heat and Power Company,
                                     Covington, Ky. --$50