xt7dbr8mgx5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mgx5w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-01-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 2008 2008 2008-01-29 2020 true xt7dbr8mgx5w section xt7dbr8mgx5w HELL FROZEN OVER: The Lexington lce Center can be a cold and

nasty place for opponents of the UK -hockey team



spouts, PAGE 3



JANUARY 29, 2008





Top diversity position filled; new VP wants open-door policy

By Jill um;


A little more than a year after the
search began. the president and provost
have selected UK‘s top diversity official.

Judy "JJ." Jackson of Vassar College
in Poughkeepsie. NY. will begin as the
vice president for institutional diversity
July 1. Jackson visited UK earlier this
month. and she said she knew she wanted
the job during her first day on campus.

sensed that at UK. that would
have ended my interest."

In her new role. Jackson will
be responsible for advising the
president and the provost on how
university decisions will affect
UK’s diversity goals. The posi-
tion will also include coordinat-
ing diversity efforts among stu-
dents. faculty. staff and adminis-

One challenge Jackson said she antic-


with college deans. department
heads and other university offi-
cials to see where different UK
programs are at in terms of di-

“A program like this is go-
ing to take years and. years. and
laying the groundwork is criti-
cally important." she said.

To begin looking at how stu—
dents see diversity at UK. Jack-

son said she would talk with student lead-

The number of UK students would
limit the amount of time she could spend
speaking one-on-one with them. Jackson
said, but she stressed that an open—door
policy with students is a must. and she
would look at what times she could set
aside that would be convenient for them.

Patrick Nally. a marketing and inte-
grated strategic communications junior.
said he hopes Jackson will sit down with
members of the UK community and
come up with long-term goals for diversi-

“Most of the time an institution will
hire someone at any level and say ‘OK.
our work is done.’ “ she said. “If I had

ipates is finding gaps between diversity
goals and policy in different programs on
campus. Jackson said she plans to meet

ty has collected.

ers and student affairs officials. as well as
look at data on diversity that the universi-

ty efforts when she arrives on campus.

See Jackson on page 6


Judge finds
liable for
UK death

By Alice Haymond


A Fayette County judge ruled
yesterday that Shane Ragland.
who pleaded guilty to second-de-
gree manslaughter in August. is li-
able for the death of former UK
football player Trent DiGiuro.

DiGiuro. a former offensive
lineman. died from a gunshot to
the head on July 17. 1994, while
celebrating his birthday on the
front porch of his Woodland Av-
enue home.

After the criminal case end-
ed in August with Ragland‘s
guilty plea. the DiGiuro family
resumed a civil suit that was ini-
tially filed in
2002 for darn-
ages against

T h e
DiGiuro fami-
ly submitted a
motion for
s u m m a r y
judgment on
Sept. 26. re-
questing that
they would not have to prove
Ragland‘s liability before moving
forward with the civil trial.

But Ragland's attorney.
Steve Romines. responded to the
DiGiuros‘ suit on Oct. 26. stat-
ing that his client‘s guilty plea
did not establish liability in
DiGiuro‘s death.

In that response. Romines
said the consequences of going to
trial played a role in Ragland‘s de-
cision to plead guilty and did not
necessarily prove his guilt.

However. the judge's ruling
yesterday allows the DiGiuro
family to continue the civil suit
trial and receive compensation
from Ragland without proving
his guilt.

The DiGiuros declined to
comment yesterday and referred
the Kernel to their attorney.
Thomas Conway.

“They‘re glad that it moved
forward." Conway said. “They’ve
been waiting awhile."

Romines could not be reached
yesterday to comment on the rul-

Ragland was convicted of
DiGiuro's murder in 2002 and
sentenced to 30 years in prison.
But the conviction was overturned
in 2004 when the State Supreme
Court ruled that prosecutors mis-
spoke in closing arguments.

The Supreme Court over-
turned the conviction again in
March 2006 and ordered a new
trial after research indicated that
bullet lead tests that connected
Ragland to the crime were unre-
liable in the original trial.

In exchange for the August
plea. prosecutors recommended
that Ragland serve an eight-year
sentence. Ragland received
credit for more than four and a
half years served in prison as
well as 14 months of home in-
carceration while he was out of
prison on bond. He finished his
sentence Aug. 30.

The jury trial for the civil suit
will begin during the summer.
Conway said. Because Ragland is
considered liable for DiGiuro‘s
death. he will have to pay dam-
ages. but the amount will not be
determined until the jury trial.


Classes explore UK Island,
use digital world for research

After leaving the WT. Young Library. a student could
make a quick trip back to Paris in 1900 or conduct theoreti»
cal fieldwork among millions of virtual characters across the
world using UK's recent purchase. a virtual island in Second


Second Life, which began in 2003. allows people to cre~
ate a virtual life by buying property. building landscapes and
structures. and inventing a character to explore the virtual
world and what other people have put into it.

"Research shows students learn better through play." said
political science professor Christopher Rice. who is using the

Second Life


By Katie Jo Cog




"She generated the
best kind of excitement
the kind where people
want to join her in
advancing diversity, not
justvvatch hersucceed

CAitor JonoAN

Search committee chair


in our classrooms. we‘re likely to see a major improvement."

Second Life is not just for programmers and gamers: it
has tremendous potential as a teaching and research plat-
form. Rice said.

Purchased in late November. UK Island is a virtual sim—
ulation of different aspects of the university‘s real—life cam-
pus. including a virtual mini Student Center with couches
where students‘ characters gather for meetings. The island
also has a W.T. Young Library with resources available.
identical simulations of signs around campus and cat paws
paved along the sidewalks between campus buildings.

“We tried to put in elements ol L'K." Rice said. “We
wanted the feel of UK. but we're not trying to replicate the


Students in Rice‘s class are creating virtual characters
called avatars to cxplorc the world of Second Life and ob—

serve environments other people are building. The) can cx—

virtual world this semester in his PS 545 American Political

Thought class. “


If we can start using this as a teaching tool

amine examplcs of their theoretical know ledgc in the "field."
or the rest of the virtual world. Ricc said.

See Virtual on page 6

Mayor: Supporting universities key to Lexington’s future

have made in 2007 to .ttltlrL‘\\
l.cxrngton\ human. economic.
physical and cultural needs,”

By Hayley Schlatkar


Lexington Mayor Jim New-
berry stressed the importance of
maintaining and expanding
higher education opportunities
in Lexington last night at the
State of the Merged Govem-
ment Address.

Institutions such as UK.
Transylvania University. and
Bluegrass Community and
Technical College must be sup-
ported to provide quality em~
ployees to Lexington business-
es and to maintain Lexington‘s
reputation as an educational
center. he said.

”We must jealously guard
that reputation so that the
young people here tonight will
have the opportunity to obtain a
quality education without hav-
ing to leave our community."
NeWberry said.

One step that Newberry‘s
office has taken is forming the
Bluegrass Business Develop-
ment Partnership. an effort in-
volving UK and Commerce
Lexington that seeks to change
the way jobs are brought to





Mayor Jim Newberry gave his second State of the Merged Government address yesterday at the Lexington
Opera House. Higher education will play an important part of the city's future, he said

“We have provided substan—
tially greater financial support
of our efforts to bring high
quality jobs to Lexington so
that our young people will be
able to find attractive. high-
paying jobs in our horse. health
care and high-tech industries

without having to leave [,exing
ton." Newberry said.

Newberry also highlighted
other accomplishments that
benefit UK students. including
work on paving roads and on
increasing the number of bike

Ncwberry said he was
pleased with the improvements
made around UK and the entirc
community. but looked forward
to taking more steps forward in

“Tonight we need to look
back at the progress which we

Newbcrr) said. “but we must
also look ahead. to maluatc
what else we must do to leave
our childrcn and future gcncra-
tions a better home than that
which was left to us by prior
generations oi lexingtonians,"

Ncwbcrry noted that Lim
Stcvc Bcshcar announced last
week his financial backing on
two of Lexmgton's top priori-
tics: improvements at the Ken-
tucky Horse Park and new run-
way construction at thc Blue
Grass Airport.

Those projects are impor»
tant for the upcoming 2010
World Equestrian (iamcs. New -
bcn'y said. which he anticipates
will have a positive impact on
the (‘cntral Kentucky region

“The World Equestrian
(iamcs provides Us with an un-
paralleled opportunity to show -
case our arts to the world."
Ncwbcrry said. “I know that we
will surprise many of our guests
with what remarkable arts and
cultural offerings we have to

Newsroom: 257-1915; Advertising: 257-2872


 PAGE 2 | Tuesday, January 2_9 2008























~ as... - ~ "
WI‘CCll your rooms-.Nol Will car.

g Horoscopes"

By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 7015 the easrest day, 0
the most cha/lengr'ng

Arias (March 21 - April 19) Today
is a 7 -w Pay the bills and figure out
how much money is left befOre you
accept a ritzy invitation, This one
could be too expensive. Find a less
costly way to have fun. Knowrng
you. that won't be hard.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is a 7 -. Stay out of a controversy
between others, if you possibly can
They’re not paying attention to you.
anyway. If you give them a lot of
room, you can go about your busi-

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is an 8 w A job turns out to be
more difficult than you expected
Reschedule errands and everything
else until Friday at best Between


now and then. scurry to keep up
Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 7 ~ You can express your love
lots of ways that don't require
words You do it all the time Hot
baked cookies, for example, fresh
from the oven You're irresistible
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
6 *7 Settle down and contemplate
what you've recently learned You're
running into contradictions and pos-
sibly some errors Give yourself time
and a quret space to sort all this
stuff out

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 w You're good at keeping up
with all the latest trends Do that
again, in the next day or two. Fle—
view and revise, especially work»
place procedures Create more time
for play

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct H) Today is
an 8 ., How Will you find the mon-
ey to do what you want to do7
Through lots of trial and error Don't
buy a lottery ticket Under these
conditions. that won't work
Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 --» Definitely watch your

Collision Center
ting all insurance claims.

170 enni- Drive (2 miles from

campus) 277‘ 1972

words Misunderstandings can hap-
pen in seconds, and take years to
correct. Be the strong, silent type.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 — Take care not to
gossip now, not even with close
friends If somebody doesn't want to
talk about something, don't push
Wait for a better time

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-
day is a 7 m Don't go bragging to
your friends, or anybody else. Talk-
ing about work in progress would be
counterproductive Wait and show
them the results,

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 7 -—~ For the next several
weeks, review old material. Sort
and file your paperwork, receipts
and whatever else You'll be in the
mood to tidy up communications.
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To-
day is a 7 ~77 You'd like to run away
from your dull routine, and avoid a
particularly difficult task That's not
a good idea. Everybody would no-



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your daily doseiofentertairlment, pop culture and fun [Ema ‘ 0'


Justin & Drew's
Jet-Set Romance!

1119 DiSI-l

When asked how he feels
about —having a woman as love—
ly as Drew -Ban'yniorc on his
arm. Justin Long joked to Us.
"My arm has never felt better!"
And she‘s not just a pretty face
to him, says Long: "l've always
really admired her work as an
actor." On January lb. after a
quick trip to New Orleans. the
duo of five months went all-in
for sortie fun in Las 'cgas. The
actress. 33. and Long. 2‘). hit
Hard Rock Hotel's Nobu for
dinner with pals. “They were
having a great time." says an on—
lookcr. And Barry-more is tight
with his family too: They later
partied with his «actor brother.
Christian long. :0, at the Pussy»
cat Dolls Lounge.

Chris Noth & Tara Wilson
Mr. Big Daddy!

Sex and the City star Chris
Noth. 53. and actress Tara Wil-
son are aglow since welcoming
7 pound. ltl ounce. sort Orion
Christopher on January l8,
"They are thrilled." his rep tells
Us. It seems the duo. who own
the teahousc Once lipon a Tea
Cup in Ontario. were busy with
last—minute prepping: ()n Janu—
ary l3. they nabbed a Bebe au
Lait nursing cover at the Boom
Boom Room gifting suite in

Emily Holds Tight to Dave

DCspitc a rumor of a split
that had him kissing Mary—Kate
Olsen. Brothers & Sisters stars
Dave Annable. 28. and Emily

VanCamp. 2!, are “solid." says
a source close to the couple of
nearly a year. “Dave would nev—
er kiss anyone else." Humor is
key to making it work. says the
pa! of the pair. who just fol«
lowed a Bahamas escape to the
Cove Atlantis resort with a trip
to the Sundance Film Festival.
“She thinks Dave is hilarious.
They ha\c a great time making
each other laugh."

Jon 8: Jennifer
He’s Madly in Love

Mad Men star Jon Hamm.
36. may have just nabbed a best
actor Golden Globe. but his real
prize is his love of nearly It)
years. actress Jennifer Westfeldt.
38. So he makes sure she knows
it. "You have to prioritize your
relationship and make time." the
actor. 36. tells Us ofhis secret to
romance. "We talk about it all
the time." And even with the
busy schedules that come with
success (she is on the ABC corn—
cdy Notes From the Underbel-
ly l. the two are determined to
stay low—key. "We take our dog
on hikes and have a lot of din-
ncrs out." says Westfeldt.
“Every night‘s a date night when
we‘re together."

George 8: Sarah
Perfect Together

George Clooney. 46, found a
gem in Sarah Larson. says his
Michael Clayton costar Tilda
Swinton. "i love her." Swinton
told Us at the January l5 NYC
bash for The National Board of

University of Kentucky Bands

Review of Motion Pictures.
“She's a beautiful girl. really
lovely. He seems pretty happy to
me.“ Clooney. who brought the
former Las Vegas cocktail wait-
ress as his date, told Us he is
keeping his Valentine‘s Day
plans for her top~secret. With
her at his side. he said. “l’m go-
ing to . . . then put his finger
to his lips in a “shh” gesture as
she looked on adoringly.

Atonement's James

Meet My Wife!

His steamy scenes with
Keira Knightley in Atonement
may have made James McAvoy
a heartthrob. but the Scottish ac—
tor. 28 (starring' in June‘s Want-
ed with Angelina Jolicl. says
credit for his success really be—
longs to “my missus" of a year.
British actress Anne~Marie Duff.
37. "She taught me how to re-
spect life and it took my career
to a whole new level."

Ali Shows Off Her Sparkler!

“i feel so blessed." Ali
Latter recently gushed to Us of
life with love of two years
Hayes MacArthur. And since the
Game Plan actor. 30. popped the
question in December —— with
an estimated 4—carat Asscher-cut
diamond W Larter‘s bliss has
only gotten better. The Heroes
star. 3!. says: “l'm totally in


' seeyoursef/Vin I 1K Bands!


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Matthew George
Asst. Sports Editor

Phone 2571915
mgeorgeOkykernel com

January 29, 2008
Page 3


Cats fans have plenty to watch
while waiting for weekend’s games

and lost 72-46. Thursday they‘ll play at No. 17
Georgia. Sunday they‘ll travel to Knoxville.
Tenn.. to play No. 2 Tennessee.

Three games in seven days against teams
with an average ranking of about nine. Good
thing UK is off to a great start in league play.

After going just 6-8 in non-conference play.
the ladies are 4-2 and in third place overall (in
Southeastern Conference women‘s hoops. the
conference isn‘t split up into the Eastern and
Western Division.)

Just like that stretch for the football team. it
will be important for the women‘s basketball
team to win one of the three games. Thursday's
game against Georgia will probably be the Cats'
best chance since they lost to Tennessee by 25
points at home 12 days ago.

n Friday. gymnastics. at LSU. When people
think about the SEC. usually football is the first
sport that comes to mind. That’s not to say the
SEC isn‘t excellent at football — just ask Ohio
State — it's just that the conference is probably
even more dominant in gymnastics.


As soon as the men‘s basketball team gets on
a roll and wins two straight games they get a
week off.
Yes, the Cats have it going now. They’ve
won consecutive games for the first time since
Nov. 27. and they‘ll have a
chance to get back over
.500 — a mark they
haven’t seen since Dec. 8
— this weekend at Geor-

But until then. and until
the undefeated Patriots
blow out the Giants in Su-
per Bowl XLII on Sunday,
UK fans are going to have
to find something to do
with their time.

Here’s a list of three
UK teams that have big

events this week that all UK
fans should keep track of:

Junior defense-
man Alex Robin
son calls for the
puck in a game
against Kenne-
saw State dur~
ing the weekend
of Oct. 19.


Not your typical club team

Rowdy fans make home—ice a cool place for UK









n Wednesday, women‘s tennis. versus
Louisville. It's exciting anytime U of L and UK
play each other. This tennis match should be no

UK is off to a 3-0 start and the Cats are up to
No. 34 in the national rankings. They are com—
ing off a 7-0 win over No. 23 Michigan. The
Cards are 1-1 on the year. and they just beat
Michigan State.

Last year. UK beat the Cards 6-1 at
Louisville. Most of that UK team is gone this
season — the Cats have three freshman. three
sophomores and no seniors — so it would be
worth seeing what the UK squad is going to look
like over the next few seasons.

n Thursday. women‘s basketball. at Georgia.
Remember when the UK football team had to play
South Carolina. Louisiana State and Florida this
year? At the time. each of those teams was ranked
in the top-12. The women‘s basketball team is up
against the same type of stretch right now.

On Sunday. the Cats played then-No. 9 LSU

Of the top 10 teams in last week's national

gymnastics rankings. five are from the SEC. The
top three teams are Florida. Georgia and Alabama.
LSU, UK‘s opponent on Friday night. is No. 5.

UK is 1-1 in the conference. but that could

change dramatically over the next few weeks.

Look at the run the gymnastics team has to

navigate through the rest of the season: last week
against No. 3 Alabama. No. 5 LSU on Friday.
then No. I Florida. No. 10 Arkansas and No. 2

And if that wasn't enough. the Cats then

play three straight nonuconfercncc matches
against No. 13 Nebraska. No. 14 Arizona and
No. 18 Ohio State.

If they can get a win or two out of that

gauntlet. then anything is possible.

Maybe even the Giants beating the Patriots
in the Super Bowl.
Jonathan Smith is a journalist): senior. E-

mail jsmr'th@kykernelr'mn.




Bradley, Patterson earn SEC honors

For the first time in school history. the UK
men’s basketball team swept both the South-
eastern Conference Player and Freshman of
the Week honors. Senior guard Ramel Bradley
was named SEC Player of the Week and for-
ward Patrick Patterson was named SEC Fresh—
man of the Week. the league office announced

Bradley. who was awarded SEC Player of
the Week honors for the first time in his career.
averaged 21.0 points. 8.0 rebounds and 4.5 as-
sists to lead the Cats to wins over No. 3 Ten-
nessee and South Carolina. Bradley saw his
streak of six straight games with 20 or more
points come to an end Tuesday as the senior

Patrick Pat~
terson, left,
and sopho-
more forward
Perry Steven-
son battle for
a rebound
South Caroli-
na on Satur-


guard scored 16 points against the Volunteers.
But Bradley was X-for-X from the free throw line
over the game‘s final 1:30 helping nail down the
72—66 win. The New York City native led all
scorers with 26 points in the 78-70 win over
South Carolina. and added 10 rebounds for his
second career double—double.

Patterson was named SEC Freshman of
the Week for the second time this season. The
forward averaged 21.0 points. 8.5 rebounds.
2.5 assists and 2.5 blocks last week to help
lead UK to its first back—to—back wins since
Nov. 27.

The announcement marked only the third
time a school has eamed both SEC Player and
Freshman of the Week honors. and the first
time since Tennessee did so on Dec. 25. 2006.



§y_Jon Hale

At first glance. freezing tem-
peratures. post-midnight start
times and a lack of funding
would seem to be enough to
doom a small club team.

So how does the UK hockey
team make the Lexington lce
Center a popular destination
long after most people have
gone to bed? Add a few hundred
college co-eds. a pinch of late-
night hysteria and a little Garry
Glitter music and allow ingredi-
ents to chill.

“It‘s a crowd like no other."
said Alex Robinson. a UK junior

The Cool Cats. who play in
the Southeast Conference of Di-
vision ll of the American Colle-
giate Hockey Association. swept
a pair of games from Ferris
State University over the week—
end to improve to 16-9-2 on the
season. Robinson said UK‘s suc—
cess has been due in large part
to the home—ice atmosphere at
the Lexington lcc Center.

"This crowd provides a huge
advantage for us.“ Robinson
said. “We can hear them chanti-
ng before the game from the
locker room. It gets everybody
pumped up."

Manager and announcer Jim
Hinkley stirs the crowd up dur-
ing games with an eclectic
soundtrack of rock ballads. Dur—
ing Saturday night‘s game. fans
heard the theme to the “Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles." "Ghost-
busters" and Lynyrd Skynyrd‘s

But no song gets the fans
going like Garry Glitter’s "Rock
and Roll Pan Two." The song is
played after every goal netted by
the home team.

The fans also add to the
home-ice advantage by berating
opposing teams. After each Cool
Cat score. fans break out into a
chorus of “you sucks" closing
out the song by yelling in unison
“we‘re gonna beat the f——— out of

The university provides
about 1 percent of the funding
needed to operate the team. ac-

cording to the UK hockey Web
site. As a club team. UK hockey
does not receive the funding
provided to more prominent var-
sity sports.

But that hasn't seemed to
slow the Cool Cats' progress.

Most of the team’s $65000-
plus budget comes from ticket
sales to those rowdy fans. as
well as sponsorships from local
businesses. Players also have to
pay a $750 registration fee each

Despite financial strains. the
Cool Cats have developed a rep»
utation for having competitive.
winning teams. which have won
at least 19 games in each of the
past three seasons.

“1 have traveled with the
team all over the country and I
can tell you this: Kentucky
hockey fans rule!" Hinkley
wrote in a letter to the fans
printed in the team‘s program.
“There are no other fans any-
where in the American Colle«
giate Hockey Association that
can hold a candle to you."

Robinson said UK doesn‘t
enjoy the same support when
they play away from home.

“On the road there is no
crowd." he said. "Just family.
friends and maybe 15 fans or so."

The Cool Cats have also at-
tracted a few celebrity fans.
Since the 1998-99 season. the
UK hockey team has produced a
schedule poster featuring a
prominent Kentucky beauty.
clad in only a UK hockey
sweater. The first poster. which
remains the most popular. fea-
tured actress Ashley Judd in a
No. 1 sweater.

Actressses Rebecca Gay-
heart and Leah Lail. models
Julie and Shawnie Costello.
Kylie Bax and Alison List. box-
ing announcer Amy Hayes. and
former-Miss USA Tara Conner
have since graced the annual
hockey poster.

Maybe it's the late-night
party atmosphere. Maybe it‘s
whatever the security guards are
looking for when they search
fans entering the arena. Maybe
it‘s those famous hockey
posters. Whatever the secret in—
gredient for success is. fans like
Robbie Brooks think the UK
hockey team has found it.

"I don‘t really know any-
thing about hockey. but the at-
mosphere at these games is just
electric." said Brooks. an agri-
culture biotechnology sopho-
more. “You can‘t help but get
caught up in it.”




Senior forward and team captain Mike Barnes battles fora laceroftaiter

a stoppage of play against the Owls



3W 0% Sit/“geld 74cm 1, fearéé/M/ulp 51 57a. L's/m mu 4:


The Campus Calendar it produced by the Office of Student Arriwtres, leadership & Invoivement Regritered Student Orqs and UK Dents (an rubmrt information for FREE only"? ON! W!“ PR/OP m the MONDAY ntornutrnw \ to armed'


to rest Yetta awn UK mam





ORobert C. May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series,
12:00 PM, UK Art Museum in
the Singletary Center for the

OSpades ACUI Qualifier
Tournament, 7:30 PM, UK
Student Center Cats Den
OCheap Seat Tuesdays - We
Own the Night, 8:00 PM,
Worsham Theater (Student

0Volunteering at the
Carnegie Center, 3:00 PM,
Carnegie Center

OSpade ACUI Qualifier
Tournament, 7:00 PM, UK
Student Center Cats Den
TION, 12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts


.; ORising concentrations of atmos-
’ pheric C02: Sources, conse<


quences and sequestration 1:30
PM Young Library Auditorium
0Agriculture Career Fair 1:00 PM
E.S. Goodbarn

UK Art Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

0Agriculture Career Fair 1:00 PM
E.S. Goodbarn

OUK Dodgeball Spring Tryouts
6:00 PM Alumni Gym

OPhoto Competition Entry
Deadline 8:00 AM Student
Activities Board Website
0Vo|unteering at the Carnegie
Center 3:00 PM Carnegie Center
0Robert C. May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series 12:00
PM UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
~Comedy Caravan 8:00 PM UK
Student Center Cats Den
-Volunteer w/ Beaumont Buddies
4:00 PM Beaumont Middle

' OTeam Trivia 8:00 PM UK Student

Center Cats Den

. - Internship Essentials 3:30 PM

‘ James W. Stuckert Career Center
~CCO Board of Directors Meeting
i 5:00 PM 106 Student Center

: cProf Series Workshop:

. Traditional Business Practices 3:30



PM B&E room TBA

OTeam Trivia 8:00 PM UK Student
Center Cats Den

~Robert C. May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series 12:00
PM UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
~Cru. Weekly Worship Meeting
7:30 PM Center Theater in the
Student Center

~Free MoviezCity of God 10:00
PM Worsham Theater (Student

0Vo|unteering at the Carnegie
Center 3:00 PM Carnegie Center
UK Art Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

ODanceBIue Committee Meeting
6:00 PM SC RM 230


' 0Free Play Friday 9:00 AM UK

-' Student Center Cats Den

' UK Art Museum in the Singletary

Center for the Arts

: ~Volunteering at the Carnegie

i Center 3:00 PM Carnegie Center
1 ORobert C. May Photography

3 Endowment Lecture Series 12:00
‘ PM UK Art Museum in the

._ Singletary Center for the Arts

f ~Free Moviezln the Heat of the

Night 10:00 PM Worsham

i Theater (Student Center)

001d Master Works on Paper
from the Collection 12:00 PM UK
Art Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

-Vo|unteering at the Carnegie
Center 10:00 AM arnegie Center
OSwing Dance 8:0§AM Arthur

Murray 0 nce Stu io, 18 F
Alexandr? Drv
ORobert .May Phot raphy

Endow‘f‘ent Lecture Series 12:50
PM UK Art Museum 'n the
Singletary Center for r rts

UK Art Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

°Robert C. May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series 12:00
PM UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts





lanuarv 2‘), 2008
Page 4

Kim [OHM 30W

bill Sliloy, editor lfl chief
Bum Kulhl, managing editor
Sun lose. managing editor
Lima U. opinions editor

Eric Lilli”. sports editor
Carri. 8m. columnist
Bryn Kandy, columnist

Ihe opinions page prowdes a forum for the exchange of ideas Unlike news stories. the Kernels
unsrgned editorials represent the Views of a majority of the editor ial ward Letters to the editor. columns, cartoons and
other features on the OptnIUIlS page reflect the Views of their authors am: not necessarily thrise of the Kernel



Ethics report doesn't
answer all questions
in ticket controversy

In early October. we suggested that
Student Govemment Sens. Jesse Par—
rish and Blake Bumett had offset their
mistakes in a ticket—resale controversy
by donating the profits to UK‘s Vio-
lence Intervention and Prevention (‘ens
ter. At the time. it seemed like addi»
tional investigation was unnecessary.

"Barring further revelations about
their conduct. it seems the case is
closed as far as

found evidence that Burnett had actu«
ally sold tickets for $25 each. the Ker-
nel reported Thursday.

Baustien said he believes Parrish
“told the whole truth in his deposition"
and that there is sufficient evidence to
show that Burnett committed perjury.

If this is true and Burnett lied tin--
der oath. then the SG Senate should
vote to impeach and remove him. Sini-

ilarly. if evidence

they're concemed."
we wrote.

Last week.
those “further reve—
lations" came out.
Following a sever—
al-month~long in—
vestigation. an
Ethics Commission
led by SG Attomey
General Beau Baustien released a re-
port indicating there is more to the
senators‘ purchase and resale of Corey