xt7dbr8mgw6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mgw6x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 2000 2000 2000-02-28 2020 true xt7dbr8mgw6x section xt7dbr8mgw6x W at}: talk

Enjoying the


my mood
My testos-
level has
been way
up there.”

mechanical engineering


“It’s put
me in a
mood, but
it kept me
from going
to class.”

-David Condra. second
year architecture


“I just
wanna be
I’m ready

-i(e|lie Tartar, LCC
elementary education

was. that: r

Partly sunny good-
ness for you to enjoy be-
fore winter sneaks back.





News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:


An international

from far-off lands
delighted groups
this weekendl

Dorm rooms heating up with weather

Mixed emotions: Spring temperatures nice
outside, make dorm life unbearable inside

By Jill Gorin


This spring weather has
many smiling. but those who live
in dorms might be feeling a little
too hot.

"it’s been really hot in my
dorm room." said Holly Haga. a
sociology junior. "l‘ve just had to

open my windows."

Dorms with air conditioning
usually have to wait until closer
to spring before their hot air is
changed over to cooler air.

Bruce Webster. with UK
maintenance. said the tempera-
ture change in the dorms does not
happen over night.

“You can‘t just switch over to

air conditioning because tile tem.
perature will keep changing." he
said. “it takes a while to change

Other students have also no-
ticed the heat rise in their rooms.

“We have steam radiator
heaters." said Shannon Ballard.
an elementary education fresh-
man. “and when they‘re on zero.
heat still comes out somewhat."

But even when spring and
summer arrive. she might not be
totally comfortable. Ballard lives
in Patterson Hall. which doesn't

have air conditioning.

’l‘emperature can be con-
trolled now to where students can
adjust it down and make the room
cooler. but some just use alterna-
tive means. Webster said.

“i have a fan in my room."
Haga said. "Because of the direc»
tion my room is facing. i don't
have the sun coming in all of the
time. so it's not as hot."

Haga said she doesn't even
bother with the cool warm but
tons on the heater.

Webster said it is a three or

four day process to get the temper
atures in the dorms changed. "As
long as the water is cooler stu»
dents can adjust it cooler.” he
said. "but it takes hot water for

liven though students living
in dorms might not be as comfort-
able as they would like. we have to
remember that the temperature
can't be changed overnight and
then back again a few days later.

"The system is very etlicient."
Webster said. "but doesn't work
as fast as people would like it to."



price for gas

Expensive driving:

"I used to get the middle one. Now forget It," said Zach Freeman at the So
the average price of gas in Kentucky was 89 cents,

By Mark Vanderhotf

The high price of gasoline has
hurt Kim Mosgrove‘s pocketbook.

Mosgrove. a University of Cincin-
nati undeclared freshman, drives her
Jeep Cherokee to Lexington to visit
her best friend. a UK student.

She doesn‘t know why the price
of gasoline has steadily risen over the
past year.

“I just want it to go down." she

She’s not the only one. Susan
Pikrallidas wrote a letter to U.S. En-
ergy Secretary Bill Richardson
Thursday asking him to do some-
thing about rising fuel prices and de-
clining oil inventories.

“Millions of motorists are de-
pendent on their automobiles to get
to their jobs each day and cannot af-
ford this drastic rise in price _ the
highest since 1990 —~ seemingly at the
whim of OPEC and other oil produc-
ers. Refiners that have allowed gaso-
line inventories to become so low
have exacerbated the problem.“ said

Pikrallidas. the American Automo-
bile Association‘s vice president of
public and government relations. in
her letter.

Pikrallidas said the problem
threatened the economy and was be-
coming a serious burden to the aver-
age American.

Richardson ended a tour Satur—
day of leading Persian Gulf oil pro-
ducers. including oil giant Saudi Ara-
bia. in a bid to persuade them to sup
port a production increase to force
down oil prices that have been surg-
ing near $30 a barrel.

Richardson said Saturday he had
obtained an encouraging response
from Saudi Arabia. the world‘s
largest exporter. to his plea to pump
more oil. but left the region with no
firm commitments.

OPEC. which stands for Organi‘
zation of Petroleum Exporting Coun-
tries. consists of the some of the
biggest players on the global oil mar-

The countries Richardson visited
belong to the organization. OPEC and
other countries make agreements to


. AWWI“ '



per America Station on S. limestone. Last February,
according to AAA. Prices this February average $1.35.

lower the supply of oil to drive up the

“it's like if a couple of guys from
UK got together and said ‘Hey. we're
not going to spend more than $5 on a
girl when we take them out for a
date‘." said Robert Gillette. UK eco-
nomics professor.

Historically. Gillette said, some-
one will fold.

“They're always an incentive for
you to cheat so you look good." he

And if a country gets in a bind.
Gillette said. it‘s even more likely
they'll break a promise with other

The U.S. also puts a tremendous
amount of pressure on oil producers
to produce more oil. Gillette said. Adv
ditionally. non-OPEC countries will
be inclined to step up production and
companies will take advantage by
making energy saving devices.

OPEC oil ministers are sched‘
uled to meet March 27 in Vienna to
decide whether the time has come to
open the tap at least slightly on their
self—imposed cuts.

Gas prices nationally (1998-2000 per gallon)



5 1.40

@ zooo


I just .35


want it to .3.
go down.” "2’


- KIM uosonove. m.

umvrnsm or m
CINCINNATI unorcuato '












Film festival
attracts water

Students at the UK
Health Science and
Learning Center hid-
ded on items in a
silent auction at the
paddling contest
Saturday. The auction
supplemented a
contest of paddlers
that were displayed
on videos for the pad-
dling tans.

mun: ROSS l arena sun

Riversports: Gathering hopes to
promote sport, conservation while
having good, wet fun

By Mark Boxley
{onetime wants.

People from all walks of life flooded l'K's
iiealth Sciences Learning Center for the National
Paddling Film Festival. From business execu
tives to students. there was only one thing on
everyone's mind: kayaking.

The diehard kayaking fans were at the Na-
tional Paddling Film Festival to see and judge
films ofother kayakers in action.

Valerie Vantreese. a seven-year member in
charge of public relations and promotion for the
festival. said paddling interests a diverse group
of people.

“The cool thing about kayaking is that ii at-
tracts people from all different disciplines." she

This eclectic group competed in three fields
at the festival: motion picture. still image and
safetv poster. The event was sponsored by the
Bluegrass Wiidwater Association. a local organi-
zation that sponsors a [7K student chapter called
the \‘Vildwater (‘ats.

Friday night started with a recap of last
year‘s winners and Saturday was the zooo compe-
tition. The films competed for awards in several
categories. Documentaries and films aimed at
teaching boating awareness and safety were on
the more serious side of the competition. ()n the
lighter side were the films of people running
rapids that had more rocks than water and of
people shooting off hundred-foot high waterfalls.

Vantreese said that the film festivals three
main goals were to showcase the sport through
films and pictures. raise money for river conser-
vation. anti to have fun.

The halls of the building were lined with
booths and exhibits featuring the latest in pad»
dling gear. information on all aspects of the sport
appealed to all skill levels.

A silent auction of items donated by bust
nesses including kayaks. equipment and clothing
was held to raise money, The event was all-Vol
untecr and any profits will go toward river con
servation and cleanup.

Zina Merkin. the 2000 festival coordinator.
said the festival was meant to help people have
better river awareness.

“The festival was created 17 years ago. when
kayaking was considered more extreme. to ex
pose people to kayaking and get more people in
volved." Vantreese said.

Since then. kayaking. known in the boating
world as paddling. has become more of an every
day sport. The popularity of paddling has grown.
shown by the number of fans from all over that
packed the iiealth Sciences Learning (‘enter both
Friday and Saturday.



2 I MONDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 2000 I W m


The Low-down

It was
good to
time off.
got mad
at me.”
-' llv Crystal.
this year’s
Oscar emcee.
who didn't host
the show last

year. to People

US recalls detective warfare suits

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has alerted
U.S. facilities around the world that hundreds of
thousands of protective suits meant to shield 013
from gas and germ attack may have holes and
other critical defects. according to military offi-
cials and documents. The Pentagon learned
about the flaws five years ago but did not consid-
er the problems crucial and needed the gear for
US. peacekeeping troops in Bosnia. criminal in—
vestigators say. On Feb. 9. the Pentagon cau-
tioned commanders not to use any of the 778,000
suits except in training. The suits. not all of
which are defective. cost the government almost
$49 million.

Bush cites Bob Jones ‘regret'

AUSTIN. Texas . In a letter to Cardinal
John O’Connor. the leader of New York's
Catholics. Gov. George W. Bush says his cam‘
paign appearance at a South Carolina school
with anti-Catholic views was a "missed opportu-
nity causing needless offense. which I deeply re-
gret." Bush has come under steady criticism for
his Feb. 2 visit to Bob Jones University. a Christ
ian school whose founder has criticized the Pope
and labeled the Catholic church a “Satanic cult.“
Bush‘s opponents have assailed him for not us-
ing the appearance to speak out against the poli-
cies of the school. which also bans interracial

Study says youth imprisonment doubles

WASHINGTON , The number of criminals
under 18 serving time in adult prisons more than
doubled between 1985 and 1997 as states prosecut-
ed steadily more young people as adults. a new
Justice Department report shows. By 1997 . 7.400
youths 17 or younger were committed to adult
prisons on conviction in either juvenile or adult
courts. That‘s more than twice the 3.400 young
people sent to the nation's state prisons in 1985.
The study comes amid debate over the merits of
meting out adult time for crimes committed by

Juror: Diallo verdict was clear

ALBANY. NY. ~-— A member of the jury that
acquitted four white police officers in the killing
of Amadou Diallo said yesterday that the out-
come was “not happy, but clear." Speaking pub-
licly for the first time since Friday‘s verdict in
the racially charged case. juror Helen Harder
said the jury deliberated without discord before
agreeing the law was on the side of the officers.
Because of pretrial publicity. an appeals court
moved the murder case to Albany. where Harder.
who is white. served on a jury that also had four
black women and seven white men.

The Iruce
wiiiis not com-
edy "The lhoie
Nine Yards"
ruled the North
American box
office tor the
second consec-
utive weekend,
while two new
movies strug-
gled and
DiCaprlo's "The
Beach" tumbled
out oi the top
10 in its third

HEART: Oscar-
winning actor
Nicolas Cage
has filed for
divorce from
actress wile
Arguette after
five years of
marriage. publi-
cists tor the
Hollywood cou-
ple said Friday.



Kernel takes top


Competition was fierce. but the Kentucky
Kernel came out on top at last weekend‘s Ken-
tucky Intercollegiate Press Association con»

The Kernel won 13 first place awards in
more than a third of all categories. competing
against Division A schools including the uni-
versities of Western Kentucky. Murray State.
Morehead. Eastern Kentucky and Northern

Winning a total of 45 different awards. the
Kernel swept first. second and third in the spe-
cial sections and advertising art categories.

Kernel media adviser Mike Agin was very
pleased with the results.

“The awards showed that we are very
strong in the areas of design and overall con-
tent." he said.

While the Kernel publishes daily. its com<
petitors publish weekly or biweekly. and have
much more time to prepare. Winning against
them was a big confidence boost. said Mark
Vanderhotf. editor in chief ofthe Kernel.

A large amount of the Kernel's success
this weekend was due to Chris Rosenthal.
who won Journalist ofthe Year at the conven-

He credited Agin and Buck Ryan. dean of
UK‘s School of Journalism and Telecommuni-
cations. for their support and for bringing in
some of the best designers in the country to
speak and share ideas.

Rosenthal is the first Kernel designer to
win the award in the 11 years that Agin has
been adviser.

Rosenthal said that his winning the
award illustrated that more attention is being
paid to the importance of design in a newspa-

Vanderhoff had nothing but praise for
Rosenthal‘s skills.

“Chris Rosenthal is the man." he said.
“People don't realize how pleasant our news-
paper is to look at until they see some of the
other stuff out there. Our design looks as good
as any of the national dailies."

In addition to news. sports. arts and pro-
duction. ads won a number of awards as well.
Vanderhoff credited Deanna Masden. adver-
tising manager. with keeping matters run-
ning smoothly in that department.

Vanderhoff said the Kernel‘s current suc»
cess will inspire staff members to reach for
even higher levels of excellence.

“Everyone here works so hard. but

‘ there‘s no one on campus saying ‘Hey you do

a good job on that.‘ So when we get to these
conferences and rake in all these awards. it
reaffirms our mission." he said.

“It's so revitalizing. we come back real
pumped up to do an even better job."


The Kentucky Kernel won the
blowing awards in the Division
A competition at last weekend's
Kentucky intercollegiate Press
Association convention.

Junist oi the Yew:
Chris Rosenthal

News story:
Honorable mention - Jill Gorin

Contluig news:
Second place - Michael Downs

News dialysis lid special report:

First place - John Wampier, Tracy
Kershaw, Christopher Emmick,
Stephenie Drosick. Aaron
Workman. Alan Sione, Katie
Nelsen, Max Sturgeon, Kevin

Third place - Mark Vanderhoit, Karla
Dooley, Chyrica Banks, Holly

Honorable mention - Amanda York


First place - Patrick Avery

Second place - Ann Mullins
Honorable mention - Amanda York

Honorable mention - Matt Ellison,
Kentucky Kernel

First place -.Claril Case
Second Place - Christopher Emmick

Sports - game story:

First place - Matt Ma

Honorable mention - Adam Spaw
Honorable mention - Shelly Disalvo

Sports - news:

First place - Michael Downs.
Kentucky Kernel

Honorable mention - Matt May

Sports - Feahre story:
Honorable mention - Adam Spaw
Honorable mention - John Dobson

Sports coll-m:
Third place - Aaron Sandertord
Honorable mention - Matt May



Fm! use brat:
First place - m vmilorr. cm
Campbell. Chris Rosenthal

Fed's page toyed:
First place - Mark Vanderhoti
Third place - Chris Rosenthal

Snort- ” live-t
First place - Jen Smith
Honorable mention - Matilerron

lest Special Section:

First place — Chris Campbell. Chris

Second place - Mat Herron

Third place - Adam Spaw

Honorable mention - John Nampler

florrnstionsl m
Second place - Chris Rosenthal
Third place - Melissa Patterson

Oridnal ilkrsb'etion:
First place: Chris Campbell
Second place - Chris Rosenthal

News photo:

Honorable mention - Nick Tomecek
Honorable mention - Hobie Hiler

Advertising design
First place - Chris Rosenthal
Honorable mention - Rachel Martin

Honorable mention - Erin

Advertising It

First place — Kevin Clapp
Second place - Chris Rosenthal
Third place — Kelly Kehn

m &
Third place - Chris Rosenthal

Deaflne writing:
Second place - John Nampler



Everybody Scores.












$100,000 WW


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www.msmumwsymuhmmduwmwwnm "no mnmwm,"

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flimtléffifiational flavor

Students dis-
play traditional
their native
countries, dur-
Ing the fashion
segment of the

Jun: cmsrl



By Brian Yong
Sim wanna '

Music. dance. culture and
fanfare. together with a buoy-
ant atmosphere. spelled success
for the International Talent

The purpose of this multi-
cultural show. sponsored by the
International Student Council.
the 1K (‘ultural Diversity (‘om-
tnittee and the Office of Interna-
tional Affairs. was to provide
I'K international students the
opportunity to share their tal-
ents and traditions with Ameri‘
can students. faculty and staff.

The night kicked off with a
foot-stomping. hand-clawing
performance provided by (‘lave
Wood (pronounced (lave). a
six-piece banrl performing with
traditional instruments. They
performed the (‘aballo Veijo
(translated ()ld Horse) to set the
mood for the crowd.

Next in line was the Thai
Country Dance. which por-
trayed the life of the Thai farm
ers. complete with their farmer
costutnes accompanied by the

“It has a multi-purpose
function anrl we can't go any

where without it." said I’rince
Kowsuvon. one of the "farm-
ers" and also the president of
the Thai Association of Keri-

Other events showcased on
that evening was the Japanese
Song titled ".\Iononoke-hime"
or "Princess Mononoke" per-
formed by Naoko Sakai. a biolo-
gy sophomore who enthralled
the crowd with her beautiful
voice accompanied by the hill“
tnonious ivory tinkling on the
piano by Kaoru Numoto.

"That Japanese song was
my favorite event for the
night." said Tan Han Nee. a
management and marketing
sophomore from Malaysia.
“The voice was really heart-

A presentation ceremony
followed without missing a
beat. highlighting the effective-
ness of the organizers.

Douglas Boyd. director of
the office. led a heartfelt tribute
together with her “children." to
(‘arolyn Holmes. the foreign
student arlvisor. for being an
exemplary provider and moth
cr for countless international
students who have since come
to and left I'K.

“You really touched my
heart tonight." Holmes said to a
standing ovation by the too
strong crowd.

The Frances .I. ()ckerman
International Award was pre-
sented to Maureen Slone. This
award was to commemorate
Slone's zeal in helping interna-
tional students adjust to the
American culture.

Alia Azalea. a broadcast
journalism sophomore frorii Iii-
donesia. sang a song titled
"Menghitung Hari." which
means. "(‘ounting the Days" in
Indonesian language.

”The song is about a bro-
kenhearted damsel who is
counting the days as to when
her forlorn lover would return
to her." Azalea said.

The evening came to an
end with a fashion show by the
UK‘s International (‘hristian
Fellowship. It presented vari-
ous students froin different
countries parading cultural
costumes from various conti-

It was a fitting conclusion
for the night. as the audience
had another chance to witness
the colorful spectacle for the
last time.




Play exp

By Lamin Swann

People filled the seats at the
Student Center Theater Friday
night to see UK students per-
form. direct and produce the
award winning play “Mixed Ba—
bies." sponsored by the Nubian

“Mixed Babies." written by
theater and film actress ()ni Fai—
da Lampley. was a 1991 Helen
Hayes "(Tharles MacArthur
Award" winner for "Outstand-
ing New Play." It is now in devel-
opment as a screenplay.

The play portrays five
teenage girls who are finding
their identity. The girls are at a
slumber party exploring their
ethnicity and heritage. good or

ores womanhood

bad hair and approaching wom~

While at the slumber party.
three of the girls decide they are
ready to step in the world of
womanhood. They perform a rite
of passage based on an African
tradition in which a village
comes together when a girl
reaches childbearing age.

The girls improvised with
household items for the sacred

Many enjoyed the play's
comedy and involvement with
the audience.

“The play was filled with en-
ergy and got the crowd in-
volved." said Michael Garrett. a
kinesiology sophomore.

Todd Hall. a graduate stu-
dent who directed the play. want-

ed the play to reach out to the au-
dience with a tnessage.

“The play shows that these
girls can say that they are
women. black and proud." Hall

The five girls are portrayed
by Brandy Johnson. an integrat-
ed strategic communication
freshman. Alicia Williams. a psy-
chology freshman. Juliese Davis.
an undeclared junior. Tasha
Neal. a political science fresh-
man and Charmaine Neal. a
chemistry junior.

Johnson got involved in the
play because she enjoyed acting
and found this play was fun to be in.

“It‘s great having a play like
this on campus. that students
can come out and have a good
time." Johnson said.


Contest promotes education

By Amanda White

Kentucky students wonder-
ing how it feels to perform a
surgery or even ,how much
weight a single strand of hair
can hold found answers to their
questions Saturday during UK
Engineers Day Open House

The engineering buildings
were filled with elementary.
middle and high school stu-
dents who took part in contests
and activities to help them
learn about careers in engi-

"We're trying to get stu-
dents to know what engineer-
ing is about at an early age."
said Monica Mehanna. director
of communications.

College of Engineering
Dean Thomas Lester sees the
open house as a way for the
public to become familiar with

“I think the response we've
had has been tremendous."
Lester said about the impact of
this year’s event.

Participants built edible
cars made of graham crackers.

cookies. and gummi bears. de-
signed containers in which a
raw egg could survive a 34—foot
drop, and constructed a bridge
using it) newspapers and tape
that could support a Lexington
phone book.

()ne of the more popular
competitions. the Rube Gold-
berg design. challenged stu-
dents to build a creative device
that flips on a light switch.

“You'd be surprised at the
neat things people come up
with." Mehanna said.

Mechanical engineering se-
nior Brian Hollon. who helped
with the paper airplane contest
sponsored by the UK chapter of
the American Institute for
Aeronautics and Astronautics.
believes allowing kids to take
part in hands-on activities will
help their interest in engineer—
ing fields.

“When we have a contest
like this they participate
more.“ Hollon said.

The open house served not
only to interest young students
in engineering. but also for
companies to meet with upcom-
ing UK engineering graduates.

“That helps them know

what kind of students we have
coming along." Mehanna said.

In fact. some of the 28 com-
pany and professional society
exhibits were staffed by UK

Recent College of Engineer.
ing graduates Susan Watson.
Pina Patel. and Robert
Swartzbaugh. who work for
Cummins Engine Company in
Columbus. Ind. said they
hoped to recruit students and
become a bigger presence on
campus through the open

“Our goal is to get the (Turn
mins name out at UK.“
Swartzbaugh said.

Mehanna said the engineer-
ing students played a large part
in organizing the open house.
as well as faculty and staff.

Every middle and high
school in the state was sent in-
formation about the open
house. which runs in conjunc-
tion with National Engineers

Due to a large response. at
least one contest drew a record
number of entries this year.

“It‘s beyond our expecta-
tions." Mehanna said.


KM miter. | Moriarty, FEBRUARY 28. 2000 "i 3


till Student Activities Board


Grace Lee 80995

“A New Concept of C itizenship in the Age Qf‘GlobaIizutirm "

When: Wednesday. March I“. 2000

7:00 pm.

Where: Small Ballroom. UK Student Center

"Come see what Malcolm X. Kwamc
'I‘oure. Rubic Dec. and ()ssic Davis
know and knew about Grace Lee

Co-sponsored by LCC SGA

Call 257-8867

Campus Ca enar

February 28 - March 5. 2000

The famous (olendor IS produted by the Ohm. of Student Artivities Registered Student Gigs and UK Depts run submit information for FREE onhne ONE WEEK
PRIOR to the MONDAY tnfOImultOft IS to appear at Imp://www.ulry.edu/Stodonthnter/StodentArttvities


’frenrh, 6 9pm Blazer lounge 8 4 8pm Reenelond
'[ng IOl 69 IS Holmes lounge 8. (ommons Ballroom
'Motf’t 69 Holmes (lossroom

'Amnesty International I‘30pm Rm 728 Student (tr
‘Grore Bible Study 7 30pm I I3 Stud (tr
‘SAB (onrertfomm 4pm 703 Stud (tr

‘Arrhiterture. S 30 Penre Hoff

'Rempo Sell defense (lob. 6 30pm, Alumni Gym loft
“Toe Boxing 5pm, Baptist Stud UI'TIOI‘l

'Steve Meade hypnotist Born Sf Gomeroom

Orientation for Internships and Shodowmg 3 4 pin wed

Ill Stud (n
'l I AP l | 50pm from Hull

'Ihstory IOB BIO‘I 68pm Holmei lounge
‘Ing TOT 6? lSpm Holmex (Imiroom 8 (ommoni Ballroom
‘Spormh S I Holmes (lossroom 8. 4 30 I 30 306 (ommorii
'(hemntry I IOpm Noggin (ornputer lab
'Moth 69pm Hoggrn lounge
'Pliyuty 8 Wow t'ommont Ballroom


.Dinner at the Dorm» mm the Htttel Jewish Student Org 6 I5 Blazer Hoff

‘Toble Iranian 3 Spot Mogrt Boom {ole ISH Station)
'UKNOW Ipm Rm IIS Student (ti

'Rempo Self defense (Iub It 300m Alumni Gym loft
'Iue Boxing 5pm BUOTISI Stud Union
‘UK (Iimbinq (lub 69m (limbfime Gym Sb

WRII live Remote 8 Bandy 630 Born St homeroom

“Grate lee Briggs I30om Memorial Hall

‘Molre Movves Bpm YOSStudentfenter

’lirhiterture I? I 30pm 7]“ Main St

‘Bmebollvi Dayton 3pm fellnglon

'Greelr Sing Memorial "all

(off 257-8867 for more information


‘Maxumtie Your Test Stores Workshop '1‘ 7 50 from Hull runs

‘Mrrth I09 3 3 50 8 I73 .4 4 50 203 frozee Hull

'fng IOI 6915M Holmes lounge 8 (0mth Ballroom

'Sponish S 7 Holmes lounge 8 4 B Noggin (ornputer loh

’llistory l08 8I09 7 4 Holmes lounge

'Hislory I04 BIOS 6 89m 306 (ommons

'Physro I‘Ipm Holmes lounge

'Math 6 IOpm (ommom 308A

’Alpho Phi Omega 7 309m 359 Student (it
'0" I30pm Baptist Stud UITIOIT
'Green Thumb Potlurlr I 30 details (off 389 9?”
‘loftist Student Union 630 778 Stud (tr

‘Moyie Puddle (wiser I 309m, Woryhom Theatre

'Ioe Kwon Do (Iub, 6 30 8pm Alum Gym loft
‘Rugby Prortrro S I (fill: Sports field
"Mari s B boll t0? Missnsropt St 9pm IfSPIlI


'Bodmintori entry deadline for for 3 4 3’5 tourney I45 Seaton (tr

’DirtyJobs Boyrott Ntnf (all in Day I 3 free Speeth Area

‘Moth I09-3 3 so i mi 4 so 203 from Hull Thlll's

'(hemistiy I |0pm Holmes lounge BI 9pm Noggin

‘Moth 6 l0 Holmes (lossroom 86 9pm, (ommom 308A

'Hntory I04 LIOS 4 S45 Holmes (lossroom 8 6 8 pm 306 (ommom
”Spanish 6 8pm, Hoggin (omputer lob 8 4 8 (ornmons 3088

'Hntory IOB BIO? 7 4 (ornmom Ballroom

‘Frenrh 4I leonelond


'Thurtday Right live Born (hmtrori Student Fellowship
‘lreshmon Torus I30pm Baptist Stud Union
'Oevotion and tooth ”pm Baptist Stud Union St
'(ornpus (rusode for (hint 7 30 Worihom TIi


'Rempo Self defense (lub 6 309m Alumni Gym loft

'Tne Rwon Do (lob 5 6 30pm, Alum Gym Basement le‘J
'Ioe Boring 330pm Baptist Stud Union

'Rugby leIKe 5 I (fol) Sports bold

'Arrhiterture 530 Rome Hull

strait terts
‘Roioolre Night I IOpm Student (enter Gomeroom
"Slide Show and Presentation on Siberia 69m Jewell Hoff

'llevrinon {enter Mon 6pm sat

’Ifugby vi Western Ry lpm (lub Sporty field

'UK Boring vs UNIV Michigan Mromr & Georgia 7pm Gym m 6308 Broadway
’Menstall vs Florida noon Riypo Arena (TBS)

‘Brmbolfys Ooyton 79m lurngtori

'Bodmmtori Tourney Seoton ( enter

umgm 3.9 am am sot (off 757 no



‘(homistry I 9pm. Holmes lounge
' 5 Igm Holmes (Iowoorn
~ ntoryIOB at 57pm (minim
'Moth 6I0pm (ommons 308‘

M7 “GS Wit II (It

' ntron
Studwifo‘on " "I m '
‘PhrSi'noPi Iprn. Rm 730 Stud (ti

“0an (florid on Southern londsrope 79m UK Art Muwni

Whymtm. M

'Gmlodidli turn» 7

Ifgogye‘aolfvi Ooyton 7pm lurngion



Says coach
happy. .He
was dis-
e 1n our
He was


-J.P. Blevins.
UK guard. on coach
Tubby Smith

“I don’t
his head.”

-leby Smith.

UK coach on guard
Desmond Allison, who
had zero points and zero
rebounds in Saturday's


is very
smart and
he’s a

- Nolan Richardson.
Arkansas coach on UK
center Jamaal Maqloire

Ja n“: ,
mate a


scored 15

points and
grabbed 12
rebounds Saturday

for his 13th double- y

ALABAMA ...........80
TENNESSEE ........ 75

GEORGIA ............ 66

VANDERBILT ........ 66

DUKE ................... 82
ST. JOHN'S .........B3

ARIZONA ST. ....... 82
ARIZONA ...........89

MICHIGAN ST ...... 79
INDIANA ..............81

TEMPLE ...............TZ
UMASS ............... 54

IOWA ST. ............72
OKLAHOMA ST ..... 6i

TEXAS ASM ......... 58

UNC ..... . ............... 73





for Ca

MSU holds UK to its
second-lowest point
output of the season

By Matt Ellison

UK said goodbye to five se-
niors yesterday but they didn't
say goodbye to the problems that
have plagued the (‘ats all season

No. 17 Mississippi State held
UK to 38 percent shooting from the
field and forced 22 turnovers.
which led to 27 Lady Bulldog
points off turnovers. That. plus the
brilliance of super-freshman La-
Toya Thomas. added up to a 63-46
loss for coach Bernadette Mattox
and the rest of the Cats.

“We made shots early." she
said. “Then we got stagnant on of-
fense a little bit and lost confi-
dence in our shooting. which we
should never do. We turned the
ball over when they weren't really
pressing us on defense."

Kentucky‘s 46-point game was
the second-lowest output of the
season for UK (they scored 40
against Purdue). and LaTmiya Mc-
l)ole led the team with only 11
points. Senior guard Erica Jack-
son. playing her last home game in
front of family and friends. netted
five assists. but only scored two
points on one-of-seven shooting.

UK took an early 8-0 lead. per-
haps fueled by the emotion of the
Senior [)ay ceremonies. But MSU
came charging back behind
Thomas. who scored on a number
of put-backs and inside moves. Her
15 first-half points helped the Lady
Bulldogs to a 33—26 halftime lead.

Their defensive pressure in
the second half frustrated UK se-
nior Shantia Owens. who was
forced to pass out of double teams
despite holding a size advantage
on the MSU defenders.

McDole's leaning drive in traf-
fic brought UK to within six with
18:38 remaining. and MSU for-
ward Jennifer Fambrough's sub-
sequent fourth foul laid the foun-
dation for a second-half run by
UK. But it never materialized. as
freshman reserves Courtney Gra-
ham and Keisha Stringfellow held
their own against UK‘s bigger.
more experienced post players.

”We had two freshmen come
in. not that they're there