xt7dbr8mgt9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mgt9k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1985 1985 1985-10-24 2020 true xt7dbr8mgt9k section xt7dbr8mgt9k l . . ‘ .
___—____________________————————————-_.__ -.,V,___
Vol. XC, No. 14 Eotebllshed 1894 University of Kentucky, Lextnglon Kentucky Independent since 1911 Thursday, October 24 I985 I 1‘ '
o o ' ‘
, » ~- ~- ~ ‘ Sing etary appomts -- -- ~ ~~
t I S . “A. . . ' I 1' I., i’ , . ‘,
’ § , m . ‘ . g. H 1‘ . '.
‘ ' commtttee t0 Stlld
.~ ‘K D V _ “" {v o o ’ ‘r‘ i. 3’
I.) . . a, . . anBI'Sl S u ure ..
. . 13f ‘ . .. . . if ' a “WP Wt . "-“it- f-
. ~ . 0 , » ‘ . It .,
‘ l .3 ' 1' ' ’ ‘ B) Ell/\lth'l'llt \it \s wt W t mew“. ’ .4 _. .0... -..5.-. _ ,__.;, Vt:
. "‘ 3 I - h ‘ _ » ' J Edh‘” ‘Ih ‘lhh'l slittt‘fitei'tt. ll’itilii‘d't'n‘f '\ ' .' .t .‘t i,‘ {_P,;i'
‘ ‘ I ‘* 5 \-———~ t: P 3 ' blueprint tor tit). ~ in t t-~ ..,. nc .V’ 5'; _ ‘; 3‘1”".
. «3 ' . , » .;l - ~i“ ”h“- . PH'W'MHN Im‘ \ Nhgh'h”) “I“ toldIt'ttzttt'iiietitheis “.111. 3.; . I“. I‘l.
' "r i - ~‘ ._ _ ‘ _; "‘ .__.b appointed :3 tacultx lllt‘tltlit‘l'\ to .i “pint pug... .q. I . .m. a. ‘ i. .. v.35
. __ ' _ F. ' / 'I ' ‘v' . 2‘ ('Omllllllt‘t' that will malo- recottt president “,1 ml“.- . _ H“ I,” "‘3 j. fifty")!
. _ 3 i . r 1’ El" 3“ , menda'mtts .lllltlll l'K \ academic mmmpm My” m. .2... ._ .. t,” ' -..' - E
' '1 hr ‘ I? f futuri- t'oiitttttttt-e tit Y: " ' ‘ we” ng _".- If ' {I} 3' '1.
i . ~ Althotigl the goals ot the Advisor} “.th .\ *1}thth .... 'l ‘t , ‘ s
. ‘ . O ‘ (‘ommtttt-e or. the Future ot the 1 HI léaer MM In, _\ mu: {,..~ u... Wt” ‘ . "I;
» \\ \‘t'rsth hour not been t'lt‘dl'l} .1» truth-e M“ M ,1... ..;A ,. n... ...:\ ‘. "‘ _ f I ’t
\ lined \ltt'tttte. \ l’met ttln‘illltlllll't' fin”, Lb ”WHMW "l”""" I _. ,M w 'v‘ -' '. 3
7 Chairman \llll tticittbers ‘.\1 (‘ti'l exerx t'aittpuI 1.» ;.r.: 31 - "7w '. 3 .‘I 3 . - ‘ .‘ .I
V ‘ ~ V K. is duct a broad slllill:\\l.\ ol [K s ata ”Maw.“ m. w,“ .- ~,_, I m - ' t 7 l.
I - ‘ ' i V : demtc iIIdt'esc'irclerourims l h, - y I ~ '5‘ ~ : 7 I
W V A _. r “‘3 I .. - * ‘ I terst 3 w H‘ t..i'.~{ i on ‘ it :.i ., _ ’ . - .1.
i ‘ ‘ . II-I . { ‘ Hat-t detitt «it 'he l'ollege oi Arts ture ”mud“... , p ; . ' ‘3‘. ~.
' . "" . . ,.~ . i & N'lt‘llt't's s.i:tl \tnglt-tar} has The mpmwr _t \'!._‘ . -‘ ,.,- {U -I . ,. .f .3 .‘

»' f -‘ «,3, .-, , ‘ I u .w t "- 1/ ' asked that the t'oii.it.:’!t~e complete the (”Hm-t”. tlI . M, . . ”we ' ' f . 'I.

~""-,tI‘1‘I‘C—,k“’w._ * ' , h g“. I». a report to. .lrinu.it‘j. 10H? Much ol Ihp lIIll'l‘A‘itlt; “How-v .\ ~,.- ,.; ~. r. 3 .‘ ', __\.

3, ' . ‘ g ‘ . ’ "-‘7” ‘ the report tt‘..i_'. he used to help edit met hdmm; (.n: m.” m: ”We ;‘- I V 1.»:

fl - ‘I . ' e- cute .i new presttlt-n' tt1.i hint-t pert mmt \ putde‘ it”. ,H- 5).. - j 'V “

h i "f - . ”‘1 "l "I”tt‘ ‘Il ‘lll'ilh‘li'l‘l “"‘JV‘ i‘ldl eduixitwtt it't>.t"'r'¢»-::' l .".t-." ~ '. . ‘ .
. - ~ , .- (' - __K‘ A whet: nc llll‘tls n.) tI. tit-toner Mai. he grim }-. t'atttpttei, i .,H.._, » ...;.x . . ,.
., . ’13 4 / I7 x ‘_ ~ re \ added l-Lrattlet I" iattttt. ;w.‘ - ~"t' ‘_ I. ‘. ' ~.:
' “,3 “X. ‘ ‘ ” "‘ a l . . w ‘Il ( A . Ntiuletrtti. ntis not rilllltllllllt‘ll .i {Riparlnipljf to" \I. . . . -. I ‘_.‘I ‘
I» .. H.’ . I '& specttttI ’lt‘t'l\l'll‘i (‘Hlit‘t‘t'tltllL' t‘t'lll't' 71». 1,“ .t . -. .v II. t . .. ‘-,. .- : I" _, . - »
. ‘ ‘ :31}. — \ 3 . 3' .ltA t (gt » it . . i .3 . ' ‘i_ .'
f ,- r' Y _ :1“; . *‘M .. merit not: lil'lllt‘.’“.l\'l» :c'..." ‘ »' . ' '. ~, '
. i » J, I . "" ‘39'3‘5 . ' Th0 president lii‘s! tilltllli‘ti lll a ,3 _I " ‘3 3. ‘ '1. _j
‘ £1,111“! ., commtttw t‘hat‘ut‘t‘. .t.th Ilil(l}ill§l Ronald t i-..,»vr i. ;\. r 'L‘} .‘ t . I ‘-.‘ ~
l ‘ hi?!“ “ . . [K > future at a \'ept to l lll\t‘l‘.\ll} ilepat‘tttietit ‘i\.itt:.I J. l . “any. .~ ‘I C . '. ,
___— " b ‘ Senate ttteettng I wait! this the oittI. ’lt‘pill".’llt‘l.' l: w I' vogti '= I . . ‘ ' '
unium Kerno'S'at‘ t ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ _t _ , . q _ __ H _ . :- I .
I (oitiitttttw s tepoit to he a {Mattie rte tttemisti, 'il';ttt' I -- . . I I: . . .3 - .,
' . l_\ rt’dll\lll‘ proposal it! what our real .\I llackttarI I when .« ‘-, I.-\ 5 ‘ ‘ . - f ’

HOId the anChOVIeS ; coals ought to lR‘ and what it w.il lI‘conotntcs Rotter" l to :IJ‘.’ _t t. . f “ h _

Lody Kot volleyball team member Lisa Bokovoy laces oil twittes Board vorstty pizza-eating contest The winning time 1 Mk“ I” put m" [m‘hr‘m “hp” '3 hnmhh (it‘ll‘mhrh' "" “h 5"" i . . ‘7‘: , 3:: "

. . . . . t ought to lit' in sa\ it or LII nears "Int: .1: hMotI. 2e: .t-‘y. ‘.\.i .. .' - ,:
against WIldCOl moscot Eric Stewart in yesterday 5 Student AcA was brought in by swimmer Dennis Domron at 4 l8 l he my V” mwlmv' ' , ,‘ . '- -.
__ _______ .__ “.__ .__... __ ___. _ ___ .__—_l The report .Iill st‘l'\t' not -l.'ll\ as .l \i'- sl\t.l l l \Ri : ' _' " l I . ,,

SHtCOIlOId. d h . ltd

B.‘ ( l\Tll|\ \. l’\l.UR.\IU "A change in the general educar ctate \‘tct- chancellor. worked closel} llt‘ said tzo llt".‘ mine) would he mg crosstltsctpltnar} courses gtten tit wt up lt‘ili‘ltitts am. I. ate-It ,., l" .- - ‘3 V _'
.\etttor.\'tall\l'riter tton program is long overdue." he with Michael Rater. dean of Ads used. hut rather .t new wag. oi using th. t-tmstunth t‘liunfllllu faculty and lrlint‘!|tli’\t'\ ’ -' 7f 7

said and .lohti t'hrtstopher. associate existini.y ltllltk this should not lie tacttltj. interests gummy. _q A1,... , . .1 .

the tttttds tieeded to incorporate l'pgradtng the current requtre- dean of Ado. to assess tlte cost ol l't‘lH‘lt-(l tor the t‘I‘IItltittllt' teasi'ttilt llriH‘ cotmttot: t‘HiIltiiu‘ . es - ' .y '. '
the proposed changes ttt the l'ntverr ments "is one of the most serious iiitplemcnttnuthe proposal rt llt‘xdlt‘. The creation of cueh mun” does the >lLllll‘Iil the your... .... Iti.- . .~ .- .1 y‘
It!) General Requirements are tasks we have." Gallaher said The anticipated coIt ol the pro- tiallither suit that the instructors not th‘t‘t'ssttt‘tl; mean _iotnt litt'llll}. roles the .Iziuterti. tllrr; ~ I. "'t‘t't"‘.l ' " .
.Iit..'til;t'ttle it the Swill (‘iitiiiitittee "What we have now is not com gran. l\ Sjwtiliotosqiltiiioounnuallt for the new. program should onlx he .ttipttinit'tlvt‘il- l‘i'tl' .tiuttf fugu'“ an,” hi. ull‘l ‘r ~_ .t' , l. . t-rr ' . . ' ‘ . -
proposalts approved mendahle —-- its a smorgasbord ap- This excludes an initial ethttitg fat-tilt) ittemhers “were members be expected to give up binatiott is with :\mer:tdr ”whirl - -. .

proach togetting an education " 3224.000 tit itottrecurrtttg lunds tn the gotncy to hate to make \l’llll>. but 'hctr specific dist tpltnt- to teach .iti and American litct‘a'tizv In . " .1 l '-
‘ ‘ \V» \' ' ‘ ' t' r ' V\ ‘ ' I' I il‘ l ’l t ‘I‘ Ax; >\ )\ i - , It - ‘. \ ttv‘t i V . I V "

Art (rallaher. chancellor of the Most of the proposed Changes trtt. (lltlplllldl) arta 23:31:tiltilrlttfztfihlht“it he:l i(turntt) oi ttht he ttd [chrtdehthlr (Hiltlrit’it.r.t 1. .. _t ‘ _ht .. .. 7 . I,

t .. . . t .. ‘1'; ‘t‘ t estt I t .g u Ll‘ t.s';I-~:'- . .. . ,
lthngton campus. spoke to the hen- would occur in the ( ollege of Arts 8; "It can be done (lallahcr said. [Jiuls \\\]Il. chairittatt oi the sum int‘l‘tp"l\:'):l imWJMI i. a: .1. t. W ,1 . . ; .
attelttounm'l1 yesterday about the fea- Sciences and for that reason. Gal- “if we assuitte it s a high priorit} litter said the lllLIL’t'sl problem committee Mitt crossdisciplinat-x ‘ L ‘ " ' ' " “ “ I: ~ ' » .. .
M H I ‘\ 0“ ( proposal laher and James (hapman. 3550‘ The {Ulldsdl‘t‘lht‘t‘t‘ H ”man be deteloptttg and maintain courses will allow tat-tilt} memben \r>;'(()l V II - 1.. o . . f .-

Respon ible dr'nk'ng UK seeks funding ,

' o for cultural center
emphasned at forum «.3» -.
——————— ‘ ‘ ' 0' Bl k it 1 t t d d
It) .l\\' Bl.\.\'l‘1l\ .. . -' ac CU ura cen 61' no 3 ea ISSUE. , 3 . -, .-,
contributing writer Alcohol awareness among - . y t _ _ ; 3- ,, if".
. . ‘ , I , I _ \ , ' t
_ college students .. hangin- ..,. .,_, , .v expected to open tn spring semester , . . .- g ,,
IThlei lt‘tinsiultlplltm ol alcohpl oning, UK om. say. so. I r ‘, A; " . If . v- k. ~ . .‘ ‘-‘.‘ ._ 2' ': - ‘
s10u( )e tone tti .t responst)e ENTERPRISE pl903. " h .« ‘ ‘h 3" . . , .. _ 3 ., 3 v ., y . y I " . '3,
manner. Joseph Burch. dean of '_ "‘ ' I’ ' ‘ ' ‘- 7.! } h) 5‘1"” \“H'h‘” ”I l” h‘ “h" ""I 3"“ I" ’-~tI"' . ’j ' -- IA -. .,
«\mdpmg‘ said last mill“ h _ ‘ Y. , y: a." a Md“ ““1“. said .lat'h Hlanltirt It .t t‘ tl‘..tiIt tItioI‘ : -'. " ~‘ J. .'
"ll \ou make the Clltllt'O to openly let h happen. He gave ”“5 t ' . ‘39 iv h“ h a A ‘ he}; MFddmmmmhw : ’I ' I"
‘ ' ' ' ' ' '7 t . I] " ' . , the mam oltstacles it has 7 . t'r' '.
lrtnk. \ou must ntake n ”,5 m5} as the reason for prohibiting fra :, § , . y .. ‘ litspttc . '_ ) “I 3” F 1 ‘ ‘ ~ . y .. .
lll\ " Burch told about 44) 50pm ternity beer blasts wry / l i 37' 4’ ‘ I” ”‘ " 3" laced iii the past. a black cultural ll “1‘ 33‘ th‘h‘lh If": ” h“ h“) 3. t 3
t-I-n 'tlcohol forum . )n‘ored b\' The forum, which was held in 'E ' I Q ' hit”? center ma} l'tnall} he on its wa) to ‘ ‘5 d" h‘“ I“ “ “"w‘me ”We“ ., - , . 1 ' _ . 3 3 _
d d ‘ 3w SI ‘ the Student (‘enter Theater was ‘1 ~ ~ I» becomtitI Health and searching to tznt‘. Waugh . . . -.- I ‘ "
lltxisting Alcohol t‘onsctousness ‘ “ ‘ C obs ‘ . t ~ ‘ *I‘ ~ mmm I.) get 1m, Wm.I {mm '. I'.‘ .‘ f . ._
t'oncerning the Health 0f llhll’er' sponsored b) BAC “135 m err “ ,4 ‘ -' ' ‘ ‘lt is not a dead issue. it is ver} this vear lilitllliillsdtf .9 ' ' . ,t' I'x
.1.“ d, ‘, vance of Alcohol Awareness .- I A _ . ._ I, , x 3 ... w .y. . . '.
M.“ u Lh“ W k F 1' ts , 5—“ much alt\e \lt wilt hdit the (In 3 , 3.
Burch spoke about the l'niver- ‘ 99 our pane '5. were pre * _.. . ‘ . «I... [er " said \thltam Parker rice Parker VIM \YUIlW“ “m“ We” ' . »", _
stty‘s attitudes on drinking from sent. ‘eafch represelnftingl‘fittgerent I chancellortormtnorit} affairs patient about the wait thu' I rust .r . ’. ' .
an educational and legal stand- ““915 0 campus te. lac pan- the wa} things work .r. our ststem . . I.
point He said he could not allow elist was allotted seven minutes . The Student “(mugs Board kit)‘ You hat-etowatt Mmflum .. . . 3
students under the age of 21 to to speak 0" a different theme ‘ proved a proposal for a Hawk cultu~ "I told them the students \\ hen ’ . ' ’ ‘
Openly and blatantly drink of al- abou‘ aICOhO" .Ahe'ward- {he-V rat center IzN sprint: and allocated the) started that it we Hot rtit- tmmr . . ~, -. ‘ . ‘ It .
cohol all-““9”“ questions from the ah’ space for it in the Student (‘enter by the end of [hp 3;, 3., “,3...“ tmr , . ~ ~ 2 ' ‘ ' . Q
Burch said it would be naive of dience, , . , Now 'we're iust waiting for the we would be {i .sut‘t'th and l s'tll .. . -
him to think drinking under the hhke N'ChOIS .Of the [h (‘oun- “AN“WG 8“" fttttds.” Parker said sat that."he said ‘ ‘ I . i
legal age does not occur on cam- seltng and 1‘95th Center 590he lntertraternity council president Jim Stein tlelt‘. and Dean of The center “.h'Ch will he located gm” fundlng m“ Wm “Wm ' . ' 3
pus. but it is against the law to Seel)Rl\I(l.\(i.pagc4 Students Joseph Burch leodoponeldiscusgton lostntght in the ground tloor ot the student my }\”R_..J_L.._. m | ' y ., 3 I_
___—__J Center where the game room used ‘ . .
. T———————— h l' INS|D£ l . , , , .
areer aids Ifyou leave college eagan 0 cc eva na ze . . ..
e Vl'lth a gOOd feehng - y l f - l d- lYK‘s production of "Bah_\ “Ilh The x - i r J I
dlSCuSSCd about your degree and PreStdent to put forth new proposa s or regiona 1sputes WNW. mm mm m. m ‘ 3
. . Theater in the Fine Arts Building . ‘
have a great interest In B) \llt'llAl-ZIJ’I'TZHL . Speaking on t'titltlllltln the} not be (itlrlldt‘ht‘\ that Shetat‘dnat'lle deltt For a prcvtcw. sec Dl\ ”15'0‘5‘ '
' ,' Assocutted Press named the otlicials said the plan err-(l to the \l’htte House on Sept 27 pas: 2_
at forum 1?’ you “ I" be more Reagan would outline has become In it the Sotiet leader proposed a 50 _
likely to flnd SUCCCSS NEW YORK President Reagan the focus of l S negotiating aims percent reduction in nuclear mts- A mm m.“ to help prom. .
‘ , will today propose a new formula for Reagan‘s summit talks Nov 19 siles and warheadson hoth stdes sionals teach care of the elderly has .
h.‘ BET" thhhh . : :bln you have [.0 be for l‘ S {SOVIOI cooperation in resolt'» go iii tienem with Sottet leader .\tik Although l' S offimals have been started at UK. For the story.
staffllriter Willlng to relocate In ing regional disputes tn Afghanistan hailthtrhtichet stress-ed an American weaponsrc- sec mu.
‘. . n and elsewhere. l' S officials dis Speakes. talking to reporters earr ductton offer already was on the

Language and‘business areOdkeys some lnStances' closed yesterda) her as Reagan flew to \"ew York for bargaining table in Geneva. there Although Conch Keith Madison
to the carger stli‘ccesst Othodalo: Mary All“ Murrav. Meanwhile. prestdenttal spokes- three days of talks during ceremo have been hints the l'nited States £10991" hi“ many "turning plants.
women. sat spea ers a a . ' ‘ 'k ed that ‘m' rktn the 40th anniversary of was re ring a new 1' S‘ res nse he could“ ht haPPh‘Y “"h ”“5

. . ' Ol'l rvices man Larr} bpea es announc rites a g . , t. p pa . .po .
Thought discussmnyosterday. l Academic Supp Se Reagan would meet Some! Foreign the t’ \‘ General Assembly. said the totiorbachev Y“! 5 WM“ 168m F0? 3 Mari-up
. Language plays an gnportarg rpe Minister luduard A Shevardnadze president would propose a major 1he lollowup meeting with She- °nh° mn-flsmnkpast 6-
‘" career success. (":3 la: 5. “language in any field is an this afternoon after meeting with the new initiative to be discussed at his t'ardnadJe was set for late this af.
president 0‘ magma?! ansa l0" asset.” Parks said. She suggested leaders of five major industrialized summit meeting withGorbachev ternoon tn Reagan‘s suite at the
Sehnices 21%;: a .u .120???" studying Spanish, French or Ger- democracws Reagan chatted briefly with Sh Waldorf Astoria Hotel and was
3' 0 :ttetn t sessmn m u- man as secondary languagfiy The officials said Reagan‘s propo- varditadle as the Sottet foreign mtn- 5(‘heduled to last 30 minutes it was W FF
91“ h" er . l' {h . . sal. to be outlined tn a major foreign tsier moVed through the receiving to be followed by a two-hour breakr BATH -
. If you spealgdhgg is as a pram: Parks. emphastzed the need for policy address to the l'nized Na- line at a reception the t' S prestdent fast meeting tomorrow between the
r) language a h ate a 5000:], ary fluency In 8 language ‘0 aVO‘d P955" tions. would contain a framework and his wife gave for world leaders Sonet foreign mtmster and Secret
language. you 'ave a great a van- ble mistram‘latlons. 5“Ch as The for l' S.-SOViet cooperation in set- attending the [mud Nations cele~ tary of State GeorgeP Shultz A 70 pawn chance- of showers is
"389. Parks said. . ' house ts red to Congress 15 com- tling cml conflicts that have torn brations Speakes. meanwhile. said Rea- forecast for today. with rain ending
She Sh'd languages are €599“th muntst. such nations as Afghanistan. where After greeting some 60 guests. the gan‘s address to the l' N General by afternoon. The high will be from
helpful m busmoas and government . 100.000 Soviet troops are buttresstng president stepped aside for a private Assembly today would contain “one. 70 ‘0 75. TW‘ Vi“ ht CNN
careers. Mary 5"" Murray. an adVIser for a pro~Moscow government. and Ni- conversation with Shevardnadze and broad. far-reaching initiative” on “'4 cools W W h" in “I! W
Parks said the United States is the Academic Support Sen/ices. encour- caragua. which Reagan contends So- Smiet Ambassador Anatoly [)ohry- t' S ~SOV'lel relations that the admin- 0- Tomorrow ‘Vlh 0! film at!
only country that does not require a aged the audience ‘9 study other viet~bloc countries are tsing to ex ntn istration hopes wtll provoke a re- m '"h ' "Ch h' "I. I!"
foreign language to graduate from f‘e‘ds'Mdd'hmmh‘mhe‘" pand Communist influence in Speaks the" “lid reporters Rea‘ SPOHSe {mm the 50“" leaderShiP- lb.
high school. SceI-‘OIltM.pase10 CentralAmerica_ gan "appreciated" the letter from He refused tobemore specific

 O ' " I O
2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL My, m24, 1985
Arts Editor
Asststant Arts Educ,
' .. ' - - -' - I. > ' ' ' : ' .3: -.:.-.;2=r:;::...,a"71%;;:55:1-»:;g-:._.;;:o:g»s:._2:s.. 35:2; '2’ ’ ' ’.."‘i§;§:_>::,;:at-;:;'~_._,::;15‘=;.55:.:::\Ef._ “ .E: " ' ’ - ' ' 1 ,-=5' ' ' '
. . . . . I .I II .. . wwfikaa\ f-- _. _ ., ”R“. ‘2. 7.» . . ., I. . . . , .. ‘1 .. .. .' .
H II h f t '
. a oween orror es , n eater egms
~ 0 o i I.
‘ _ Nicholson trio on cable ~ g, . ‘Bathwater’ tonight
‘ B) WESLEY \iit.i.t:ii ————————-————— . ‘ ~ .
I' . . . x Natl Writer RE-FL'CK‘TIONS By ERIKIREECIE about parenting and the habits it in—
\ trio of Jack \‘ichol‘on films anl S ' ‘ ' ‘ l- l (‘ontributing Writer "01"95- He added that the Phi} l5 a
. x , .\ ' L V
_ black or dark cometlv beC'dUN.‘ lht‘
- -' _ ~ a Halloween horror festival liven u , ~ ‘ - . ‘ '- « - ' - -
' . -. . ‘ a week Wm H, cablevTV movie pr: ences \ichoison is aiso :ncrediblc in 4 ,. . Agnostic playwrite (hriIstopher characters begin in blindness and
. . 1, mlereg the role iii a boon Li Her \vho tags i l DurIang ‘5 known for 5“"th the gradually develop Itts1ght as the ac-
. . . - - coa s. tion continues.
. . The Border is the storv of a Mext- dh'Wa “”h thedrugged ”U” . -. - - . . - ._. .
. I , Cl" border iatrol officer Nichol. lntortiinatelv The Mime t‘hiinnel ‘ When m5. "31'5”” satire Sister
‘ l ‘ . . . ili'x ‘. . . ‘ [h . th- 3 .. .. . Mary Ignatius prlains It All for ._ . . .I I
' . -‘ ‘ _ son w ho is pressured by his greed) ‘5 ”mn‘m" ‘ ' ’T '"l." ' "5' ”f. " —— ‘ ‘ You" opened pressure from the I think “9 W de\ eloped an ”“t‘r‘
. . -. . . “I“, \aleric Perrine of “Super same time slot as ' has} ludcr ilf (‘atholic communitvfl caused many esting version of the play.“ Kagan-
' ' - man into aCcepting bribes from 5”“ “1““ 3‘ H R ”mm "m“ while \ - . . .‘ . ‘ Moore said about the direction his
, . I, I “..,(.h,n ”1”“,th (WIN. both are productions to close early. The [R . _. . .
. ._ .. . > the lit-gal dllt’ns he is supposed to u . g “' ~ production of Durang's latest full~ production has taken Weve added
‘ . ' ' . -' bearresting 9‘99““ \ l h 1 , "B b' W'th Th 8‘ th a series of slides and some music
' . ~. . , . y , \icholsoii :s o: course superb in l . ' engt Pa)~ a 3' 1- e d ‘ , I. . . , <~
. .I . , [‘heit is nothing. wrong with ilk . e 3 , t .. 't . htt 'h td' , thatisntinthescript
. . -- ' .' - performances m m” ltltl‘.’ mm“. the this ottlieat Western comedy about a morocountsvoouuivuutcm swoios Illa 9;; 19‘):an Oglg I“ 0 “ abel'lra.
_ . WI ‘- . 1 . I, _ . . .. _ .. . man wh >ii‘it‘> l..vnselt {ruin a lynch . . - . ,. n or a no ' a an. oore ieves
- , - n"l_:’l.I:IiI:dl::IjfiIzclfiealSeaboriuéagrz lllUl) h, mar: vi'ig an eccentric spllt Jack Nicholson and Valerie Perrine 5k." m TheIBorder. will bea milder reception. Kagan-Moore's thematic intention
., ‘ . PM .. . II -h . A 'h I" I‘M “numnflz porrrxnm m Marx Myers again terrorizes Haddonfield. gore during the 60s. but much . . . for “Baby With The Bathwatcr" lb
it ~ I. -, “““ “If" '9‘ klnpd ‘“ ' r‘huIr fin“ Steenhuruen ‘ “I“,IIH‘II in he}. catching knitting needles in his neck tamer by today‘s standards Duane Trying to pinpomt the roots of Du- based on quasi-realism juxtaposed
. ’ ‘ * “mi” ‘Ih" ”M‘ ”‘3‘“? t (hm _“ film debut tam: MEAN” . I, mm m and coat hangers in the eye while Jones heads a cast of unknowns in rang's often bizarre style. Kagan- in a comical world. “Our comedy
1' ‘ 'f - ‘tj'I’tI‘ "‘ R p m 0" “mm“ 1 ’5 5‘” t.” teaturu ..;.,. mm: imuuh m5 killing half-nakedteen—agers. this relentlessly chilling account ot Moore said. “It's very similar to Joe universe is populated by clown Chm:
; - . ”'EI‘I‘IIIIIIIIII itch tollowing "The Bur mp.“,1I-I.I,I...W:IWI;I\ Em”: . I . , zombies gone Wlld in western Penny Orton's acid plays and sex farces ot flaws;- he explained. “We ,1“ have
‘ T 'f- . ' ' ' der w Fan ‘Rlder the cult ppm-u- Next UPC:I Call 5) a real stinker sylvama, the 1960s a clown in us with real feelings. We
i 3 . . . ‘ _ . .. ' I r 'I . I . ‘ " . I ‘ , starring J n ear ("Cat People"i , . . have to et in touch with the coined\
~,I- ;' I. . (it U“ h“: lhdl AIUhtht’dI 7“; h“l-‘“h ~‘ The tmre lh:' \l mini [lt‘lll l or me as the hunter of slimy monsters that . The festival wraps up With Terror However. Kagan—Moore makes no universeg and approach the “Mm
,' ‘ . .' . “”9” PM“ l-Ionda dm “Ohm? goblin ll‘isillt' ll r-,o‘t‘\lmt' Home Box travel through the sewers of New In the Aisles. a kind of “greatest excuses for the arresting subjects realistically while abiding by mum.
'I ’ . “”9?“ Jr“ -= ”‘th hlddf’ “I‘Ik'lht‘hld Office is ore-schism a lluilimeeii York City. emerging only to kill hits horrIor compilation that gives often addressed “I don‘t find his codes .. ~ ‘ '
' _‘ I, I I h‘rgxrinvI‘I‘IIudtlists in seartn of the horzortisiInI-Ixt {Nursing .l‘ihti tIIarI» theirvictims. ' {tewImIeIIaIning to the IonrId "explmta— plays offensive.”he said T
- . I; . '_ - - ‘ L pen er s a tum-n : li‘ movie t'd ion. ere are cer ai y tnore ter- I
'. '. I. . ' Theii crusade remains efltx-tivcly made mail sitis‘icr flu its not to Be sure to tune in at 11 pm. for rifying flicks in the world. but these Kagan-Moore. a first»I\ear fine "Baby “1th The Illathwater" 15 In
3 _ _ ' (‘llllllllLl despite the dated 60s mention iltxlll‘f' lee turns inarket~ George Romero‘s Night of the Ln- should be sufficient to keep the Hale arts professor. described ”Baby N0 acts and contains a cast at live
, . , I , material and flower power refer able kicks .‘ vi! a! n t" :z‘. fillxhael ing Dead. considered the ultimate in lOWeen spiritafloat. With The Bathwater" as a farce Whh W1“ portray hlhi‘ r0195 'l‘éihllhéi
—- ' Markwald. Lisa Lee and Kevin
' ' - ' ' Indian musician R00p Verma to perform on sitar Saturday
" ' . . ' " V’ V ' The play will be performed in the
.. _ . ' .‘ B\ S" \lttb\ lt \‘l‘t'llHlRll xii-iiionstixites 'irt- interaction be doctorate in electrical engineering like the classical musm of the West ILab Theater of the Fine Arts lliiildr
, . . I T (‘Unirif‘dl in: “ma HUA‘nllt.’b‘.ti.s21..i.‘i_lIlithL‘itill‘JlIA at UK. will be playing the tabla. ern world But all comparisons end ing, where 59' (lESIEhf‘r RU“) J‘m“
' . Verna. ml: by playiit; a sitar an which is composed of two separate there \I.’ has extended the originui stage to
' ' ' “art-'1 r. T‘illdl‘itVl Indian museum instrument xxx}. '1 Mm; 31‘» fretted drums A charcoal paste is spread India's music has 72 scales. while . .-’ accommodate a revolving stage
. I . , Rmp \erma s Ill share- the beauty oi n£‘( k sever. m i, slt‘;':,_s and. 1’4 sup on the drums‘ thin leather surfaces Western music‘s scales number only ‘ f \\ :' The revolving portion is used during
' ' I V h|> “all"? (“Uh-"T." s music at 8 pm porting strznas minim underneath to give them resonance. Wooden in the upper teens. In addition. each us \5: three scenes that exemplify the
. . .. , ,- Saturday :i'. l K s (enter for the Arts the t’re's pieces on the sides increase the ten- Indian scale has eight notes while ‘ 5. moods Kagan-Moore is alllllllL‘ to
. . . Recital Hal! Sponsored by the India .-\ sitar s tri-ts an, t7'i=".ttl)lt’. thcre- Sion. thereby altering the sound pro- Western scales have seven There? _ I \! achieve through the acting itself
'. '. _ Assiiciation. tickets are so at the by allowing .. viziitzirude iii different duced. fore. Westerners find the Indian 11;! ‘ ‘ :1
. , . - dmr notes to be 5;! .Iu-a Er- s-‘\t‘."i main The tone of one drum is fixed. scale"slightlyoff."Mathursaid, , ‘i‘r \ “B b' Wth 'l‘h B'th .t,. ~ll
‘ _r . _ strings istai.l:sr. r‘nz Digit or znelo while the other is controlled by the Westerners are accustomed to or— ‘ .“ be ,a 5 \' .ef ‘ “3:”. :HI
. " “’th Who 15 an award-winning dy. the others tempos: the fur palm of the hands pressure on the gamzed music. and Indian muslc is § Is; \I' hagan-.Ilmre s irst ht piIoi U(-
. . .. ' ‘ . ' C‘JmPUIjs‘f h‘r iht‘au‘lfi opera and 081' mony surface. Pai said. The musical mea— highly improvised That is one rea- 94‘, ‘r \:l10nI “me “mung .81 It ( .hImI ‘m‘:
, . I . let. wit.- be playing the mum" that 1> The construction oi the sitar. sures produced by the tabla‘s son why most Americans have a J i‘ department from I“ “hm 59“ H‘
I ’ ‘- . - ' a “N W” “1 Indian 1110 h h in!” Whlt'll was lll‘t’t‘nlt‘tl about :55 years rhythm can range from only three to hard time coping with Indian music. \’ \: mm the ProgrdIm-‘I reldh‘ tamrably
. _ ””1““- -‘11h the ”WNW-Sm Fi‘hEH-"l- ago. is alum: as high an art as as manyas 108beats although man)‘ jazz improvisation \: although Wrightsis much larger
I- ‘I '- - and trom early morning to the me playing imi- i'Itien the instruments A third instrument. the tamboora. enthusiasts find it “superbly inter» 3 _. \
. '» ; niIIngmprayers. "Itruet (LI-iassica:I hlndl- neck wiiiI th- carvivIt in not} ,\IgoI(I>;l will 5: pgfived beTILI'K gradbwgte Piri- esting.” Mathur said. : \5 E
, - . a UN" is a (9“)! n. 831 . aya sllal‘ wt: )e ware of her) lg » neet ere, e tam ra as .. ~. _ . _: .. . . .
‘ . ' , -, Mathur. an associate or the India weightwmd.filatl‘iiii‘said four or five strings and merely pro- £5315: ‘hfhmm‘c “‘ mqh‘l’d‘mf ‘ \ -' ,B‘m‘t .W“ . Th" ,5”“";‘”T"'
. . - Asstx-iation and a visiting professor The sitar sound is swim-where “be- duces a droning sound The instru- :0! k151i: I. “Sh emaccomtpanhst 09“ ' ”‘5 ”pin“ (.1 ,‘I‘I’T’W m t“ 1.11,) NW
. ‘ . ofelectncalenglneering tween classical guitar and a harp.’ ment “adds to the richness of the V‘ wIen ear ‘5 “‘ return 5 ”t” 0" t ‘ ‘ m" Am B“““‘”‘" It
, ~_ . Ia”. Raridis l' ; “llti will be ac- to the starting pomt or the written \.. I‘ will run nighth through Oct 3." unit
. . \crma midlt‘d under respected ln com 1min": \ ”MCI ' melody" but is often taken for note. The “most beautiful part of the «55' again Oct 30 through Not 3, trim ut
. ' ' » . diziri :ttus‘tt‘ians as well as ‘ gurus.” pt ' T ' ' grantedpaisaid~ mu51c" is when the two arrive there . 3 8 p m . with a niatinoc pcrtmmunce
'I . ' or "t limous instructors . which Put “an » .- Uri-(mg toward his India’s music is serious 7, not un~ together. Mathur said. ""““‘" “WNW” “ at 3p m Nov 3
. . . rom-o-o.ooomq
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. n ‘ ‘
_______——————————-——-—————*— KENTUCKY KERNEL My, Octoba)‘, 1935. 3
__,____._______._ _.___.
Scott Ward ,

. Qpectct Pratt," ts th'fi'
Mfg—“r!“ , .
College alcohol awareness gro 'n '

g ‘t l I I- -- l
Offi i 1 h ' ' d h b h b] d ° k' h b' '-
c a 5 say c anging attitu es ave roug tresponSI e r1n mg a its '4
I ‘ " I
B) stein l)!-2\'Rt)0.\ll-IN " _‘—‘—'—— .-'I'.,.. r , ‘
Managing Editor “1 think _ . _ the '. ’5 I: .. .I. "
.4 l":
students seem to be .. . _ ,, . _ «.
hanging attitudes are slowly . . ' 'I f-.- iv’ 1', i
‘ leading college students to pretty Sel'lOUS ”115 year. . '.- i 1' (I.
become more aware of the 9 .. a...“ ' if -'. 2"",5‘
effects ofalcoholabuse and making ' ' ' If you don I make lot 5L." l-“I, ‘5
them more concerned With their the grades, someone i ‘ ., I if. '. "g ‘ F, (.2:
alcohol habiLs. ' - l .4 - I
"Drunkenness is not quite as neat else WI“ get the 10b, 50 . , : 47‘ 1: is“; {t 'Irfi.‘ "
as it used to be Students really academia is becoming 1' 3 r -, . . rift/l"? :' ‘..
seem to be concerned." said Mary . . , , '32.’ 1' ‘ " Q - l; .- £35; ”35': “ "
ltrinkman. program coordinator in the DYIOYIW- 3:; _ .. . r i.'I' l.‘ :3. .
the Human Relzitionst‘enter. Mary Brinkman f‘f-fi' .. I “N . . ”m...“ i": "-lt’. : xiii-{‘5
Kathleenllarrin ton.a raduate ' t . . ' ’ ‘ . ‘. i "v..‘~:'- 1» «,
assistant working Eith Bofistmg BACCHUS adVIser f l * - t " Kali ,; ‘3' 1"}: .i
Alcohol (‘oiistiousness(‘oncerning — t V . ,' . .' .3. I,_ 9f. iI‘
theHealthoft'niversity Students. to severalgroups to speak about . , i l , '- 5-13 15""; t
has been COmlUt'tmg a hKUd)’ of alcohol abuse and the l'niversity has g . 2“ ‘ 1",. liz' I -. :I: If
alcohol awareness at l‘K. She said asked that it alcohol is available at ,I ' it I; L: ‘ i" (I -'“' ‘IV-h‘
students are moreaw are of the a fraternity party_ that alternative . ‘ .35 ; ’ ,1 *' -_ -’:'.". tr? i‘
consequences of using, alt ohol than beverages also are easily accessible _ ' c WE}; ’ ' ‘ "li .' . I; IKE. I“; ~
they have been in the past The t'niversity sponsors many " l ;. I3 i ¥,~’ t . . .I‘ .‘I ' t. '3." i";
Dean of Students Joseph Burch, programs toeducate people about l “ ‘ . * ' i. -' ' I i‘ :3; "5‘. *.~
agreed "I think students are more almhol. Burch said ”We do more 7 'I \ mi ' l, ‘f’; ' T'; >'-,_ ” . iii";
\\llllllg to listen to information about programs and we insist on more , i . I :1 -’ ‘ 1‘ f . .1;
alcohol " non-abusive alcohol use " He said he 2' . hilt“ " i i}. j . “f If
The success of programs such as strongly encourages organizations to l j ~ l. ' ‘ 25‘: “ 't " -; ‘.
“M'l'lll‘b~ LS 502.1“ng to grow. he think of alternative beverages and 13' ' ' * *" " "L mum-nov- In.» vnucoou up. . i ’l.‘ ‘ 7;. ; ' -.
sani “There havcalways been to watch out for their guests at .t I: . - K . _________________..———————____. I,“ I?" 1»
programs. but they have not been parties , a , -, . \ u . ., I I I . .‘ . ;
very successful lthiiik students are The greek community has been fiff ‘ it? . 'j; There he“ C Ell“ d.‘ 8 been program‘~ hUi illcl 3' _ . :t- "'3,‘
more Willing to talk about iItIIthere is helpfulinthis g0al.he said "\i'eare f. .. ~ -" . ~ ~ In haV'e not been \'€l‘\' successful. I think \lUdQHts :. .
anopenness aboutalcohol fortunateto have some support ‘1“ "" . _ ' _ " _ 5- . . .. i
Although there are groups to alcohol awareness programsi from .. i i are mOl‘t,‘ \Vllllng IO talk about ll. there is till I. . _ .‘ . '. \I~ .‘=.
educate *o leabout alcohol. its the sorority and fraternity - - _ ' . , , . ~ . :‘ " . 5‘
abuse cofi‘tirihes toeXIst Hut the members.:' Burch said i ‘4 ~. V openn£\\ abOUI dIkOhOI' V l . 5' it. i.
education attemptsby the ”Theoverallgoalistoeliminate ' l i .loseph Burch. ~ ‘2‘ 5 '
l'niversm and bvthe o leinthe alcoholabuse on cam us,” ‘ .. . ' _ .' 3 v t _
communityari~w'orkiri:.:t-cording Brinkman said “No (lite is talking ’ ——_——dtdn—mqudfl; I. ‘ ' l. ‘.
tosoniet'KoffiCials prohibitiononly responsible 3‘ ‘- ., ;_ \_
t. .. drinking and moderation " w Ettiouiili soiiic'ii'inking l‘nttil’s i~oi" tit ”twin" . w - ‘ , .' 2 ;. ‘ ‘I
At (.Hl Sis an alcohol Students must realize they have are formed llt'llll't‘t‘lllt‘illlfl to itioiogichi \Ilf1.t int: .~ ;- f: a» .‘ m _‘ ' .
education and prevention choicesshe saidThey can choose 'tillt’L‘It‘ tlienes enuronmeiit dlltlStlllit‘il‘tliiit .ii, ' ' \Ii ' ‘ t . . ‘
organization on campus how and when they want to drink tends to iead students toiiriiik more It \ltlt‘it'l‘ils shits. .ilHiii' 1: 'r. .e g ' ‘1 i '
Hriiikman. the sponsor 0f the “It's OK to have 81%th " often \\ itlitiiii .i parent to tell them and ill'i‘» iiiu t’tn . '.i .t - m: . " i. ‘ /
RFOUP- 531d l'K '5 it fairly standard not liltll‘lllk students want to rebel il‘illll'liiti'lt‘ili '