xt7dbr8mgr4j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mgr4j/data/mets.xml West Virginia Historical Records Survey (U.S.) 1940 62 l.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries.  Call Number FW 4.14:Am 3/2/no.14 Samuel Wilson Collection (Special Collections copy). books English Chicago: The WPA Historical records survey project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. West Virginia Works Progress Administration Publications American literature - West Virginia - Bibliography Early printed books - West Virginia - Bibliography West Virginia - Bibliography A Check List of West Virginia Imprints, 1791-1830 text A Check List of West Virginia Imprints, 1791-1830 1940 1940 2019 true xt7dbr8mgr4j section xt7dbr8mgr4j ' i Iwww.mlnwm w
: ‘ » » ; , erlcan Imprlnts Inventory
i . . V _
I The WPA Historical Records Survey Program
j Division of Professional and Service Projects
: ’ Work Projects Administration
‘ » No.14. A Check List of ' .
‘ West Virginia Imprints " g
1 i * » ..;. , 1791-1830
14 ' I ‘ I “BRA RY
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_ -> i f > . M L KING “BRAEY
; ' i . . Chicago ' i
- _ The WPA Historical Records Survey Project . ‘
? ' 1940

. iliiét’éiélé‘éfl“! of KENTUCKY

 p , , 7 . ,, r. . . F W q
~ American Imprints Inventory
; The WPA Historical Records Survey Program
I: Division of Professional and Service Projects
a f ‘ 1%; Work Projects Administration
No.14. A Check List of

3 West Virginia Imprints

: 1791-1830


. The WPA Historical Records Survey Projept : 1.. :5 .
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 The Historical Records Survey Program
Sargent B. Child, Director
Thomas R. Hall, Illinois State Supervisor
American Imprints Inventory
Douglas C. Mcmnrtrie, National Editor
Geraldine Beard, Chief Editor
Division of Professional and Service Projects
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
' Mary Gillette Moon, Chief Supervisor, Region 4
Evelyn S. Byron, Illinois State Director
Howard Hunter, Acting Commissioner
George Field, Director, Region 4
5‘ Charles E. Miner, Illinois State Administrator
~2— '17")

Preface - » n u .. ,. 4
Key to Syntols for Libraries 4, .. » 12
'West Virginia Imprints -‘vv.~v , ,m... .18
Appendicesum. ”H .,.w... ., .. .. . . 51 '
Index to West Virginia Printing Points 54
Index to Printers, Publishers and Presses .55
General Index: . ., . 58
. _ 5 _

 1 There is presented in the following pages, as the fourteenth
' publication of the American Imprints Inventory of the Historical
Records Survey, a check list of West Virginia imprints for the
, period 1791-1850 inclusive. During this period the area of what
is now the state of West Virginia was a part of Virginia. So we
are not surprised to find missing the numerous session laws, legis-
lative journals, departmental reports, etc., which usually bulk so
. large in the early printing of a state. The pioneer printers in
this area had thus to depend on their production of newspapers,
pamphlets, and books to make a living. But for this very reason
the book and pamphlet imprints turned out by the local presses are
of special interest.
Although the present'West Virginia was politically a part of
Virginia, it was geographically a distinct region, lying for the
most part beyond the barrier of the Alleghanies. For nmre than a
hundred years after the first settlement at Jamestown in 1607, the
region beyond the mountains was not even explored. During that
hundred years important settlements had been made in the eastern
- part of Virginia, and the colony was wall on its way to becoming
populous and wealthy. Finally, in 1716, Governor Alexander Spotts—
wood conducted an exploring party into what is now Pcndleton County,
West Virginia, and the very earliest white settlers, who were trad-
ers with the Indians, appeared in the region about 1725.
. 4 _ 3a.;rfni'n a» ‘

 The first permanent settlers in the 'West Virginia region,

however, were not Virginians, but some Pennsylvania Germans who

' founded New Mecklenburg, now Shepherdstown, in 1727. This settle-
ment, in the extreme eastern corner of the present state, was only
some fifteen or tWenty miles south of Hagerstown (at first named
Elizabethtown) in western Maryland, which was also in large part
a settlement made by Pennsylvania Germans. This eastern corner of
West Virginia, the so-called "Northern Heck," was surveyed by the
young George Washington betWeen 1748 and 1751.

After 1750 a considerable number of settlers crossed the
mountains, but during the French and Indian War (1754—1763) most
of the scattered settlements were destroyed. As early as the days
of the Revolutionary War there was a movement to erect the region
beyond the mountains into a new state, to be called Westsylvania,
es the population and interests of that remote region had already
become quite different from those of eastern Virginia. And these
social, political, and economic differences between the two sec-
tions continued to increase until the final separation in 1863.

The major portion of the present state of 'West Virginia be—
longs geographically to what was rather vaguely described in the
early days as the ”western region." But it kept a peculiarly
shaped "neck" reaching over to the eastern side of the Alleghanies
as far as the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers. And it was at the
extreme eastern limit of this neck that the press first appeared

I in what is now West Virginia.
. - 5 —

 Shepherdstown, on the west bank of the Potomac and already
mentioned as the earlier settlement of New Mecklenburg, was the
site of this first press. At this point Nathaniel Willis began
to print the Entowmac Guardian, and Berkeley Advertiser about No-
vember 1, 1790. This was about four months after Stewart Herbert
had begun his flashington SEX at nearby fiagerstown (then called
Elizabethtown) in Maryland. Willis came to Shepherdstown from
Winchester, Virginia, a move of some twenty—five or thirty miles.
At Winchester he had been publishing:§§}1is's Virginia Gazette
and Winchester Advertiser from March to September, 1790. Before
his venture at Winchester he had been engaged in neWspapor pub—
lishing in Boston from 1776 to 1786.

At Shepherdstown, Willis published the first West Virginia
newspaper until some time betWeen November 1%, 1791, and April 3,
1792. For this interval no issues of the Potowmac Guardian have
survived, but in April, 1792, we find that Willis was issuing his
paper at Martinsburfl: some ten ndles westward, which thus became
the second West Virginia town to have a press.

At Shepherdstown also, Willis printed the earliest recorded
West Virginia imprint other than a neWSpaper: "A Letter from Miss
S--~a to Mrs. R---, ..." dated August 13, 1791, bearing the imr
print "Virginia: Shepherd‘s-Town: Printed by N. Willis." No date
of printing is specified, but from the date of the letter we would
appear justified in ascribing it to 1791, since it was printed


 before Willis moved to Martinsburg, which removal took place after
November 14, 1791 (at which date he is known to have been printing
his paper at Shepherdstown) and before April 5, 1792, when we find
him printing in Martinsburg. ‘

The evidence afforded by the second recorded imprint leads
us to believe that the move to Martinsburg was made late in 1791,
since a document of considerable business urgency dated November
8, 1791, is specified as having been printed at Martinsburg. It
Would then appear that the ascription of the "Letter” to 1791 is
based on significant evidence.

The second recorded West Virginia imprint other than a news— '
paper was a charter for the town of Wbodstock, in Fayette County,
Pennsylvania, which was being laid out by John Hopwood, the docu-
ment being dated November 8, 1791. It bears the imprint "Martins—
burg: Printed by N. Willis," but with no date. It was probably
printed late in 1791 or perhaps early in 1792.

Dr. Robert Henry was editor of the Epardian for 'Willis at
Martinsburg at least during the first year there. Early in 1795

I the title was slightly altered to Eptomak Guardian. For a few
, nwnths in 1798, Willis had Isaac Baldwin as a partner. In the
fall of 1799 the EBEEEEEE was turned over to Armstrong Charlton,
and in Decenber of that year Willis published his intention of
’ leaving Martinsburg in the spring. In April, 1800, 'Willis was
established at Chillicothe, Ohio, where he continued active until
the end of the year 1805.

 Nathaniel Willis, a native of Boston, 'was proud of the fact
that he had been a member of the famous Boston Tea Party. He
seems to have been a political figure of some importance where—
ever he worked. His son, also named Nathaniel, was trained as a
printer, and his grandson, Nathaniel P. Willis, became a national-
ly known poet.

After Willis left Shepherdstown for Martinsburg, the former
town did not have another press until June, 1797, when Philip
Rootes and Charles Blagrove appeared at Shepherdstown and estab—
lished the insani-9i_s_evsn fihsehaadiaflanaihefl.esfla'e.
apdmgguntymAdyertiser. This paper is not known to have lasted 1
beyond October of the same year. But during the few months that
they were active the two printers produced the earliest known
volume of size that bears a West Virginia imprint. This was a
book of 552 pages with the title EhrjfflgfgljfignygEZiJcontagnin§4§n
£29318i§3£§3¥2§3£€i§3_8;seriesaélsn‘srS magnesia. -1113:er
Paine, by Bishop Richard watson, and containing also Bishop Wat—
son's fgLfghgfless to ScofTEEEsziggiligip , William Paley‘s jgggpgu:
.ihsaiigiiyweiEnafigslaisfii‘n.fl§i£aiiaflsei’ and (under tfié
pseudonym.of "Philobiblius") another tract by 'Watson entitled
The figphistjhmmished, which was also ”addressed to Thomas Paine,

_ author of a book, entitled, The Age of Reason." This imposing
battery of heavy theological artillery bore the imprint "Shep-
herd’s-Town:—~1797. Printed by P. Rootes & C. Blagrove.” The

‘ fame of this pair of printers begins and ends with this work; ex-
.- 8 .—

 cept that Philip Rootes published a paper called the Virginia
Star at Petersburg for about three months in 1795, nothing fur—
ther is known of either of them.

To return to Martinsburg, the second west Virginia town to
have a press, we find that in 1799, probably in April, and while
Nathaniel Willis was still publishing his Eptgmak Guardian there,
John Alburtis began competition with his Berkeley_lntilligeppe:.
Continuing under this title until 1609, this paper had become the
yartinsburg Gagette by the end of 1810. In 1822, Alburtis was
succeeded in the Gazette by Washington Evans.

For its third location in West Virginia the press moved
across the mountains into the "western country," to Norgantoung
south of Pittsburglon the Honongahela River. Here Joseph Camp-

. bell and Forbes Britten began the Ignongalia Gazette_and Porgapf
:33§_£§33::i§35 in January, 1804. By January, 1806, this partner—
ship was dissolved and Campbell was conducting the paper alone.
In 1210 he seems to have retired from printing in order to take
political office, serving as sheriff and as coroner of Nonongalia
County. As publisher of the gonpngalia Gazette he was succeeded
by John Osborn Laidley.

We will not here attempt to trace further the history of the
pioneer press in West Virginia. The present record of imprints

, contributes additional data for that history. ‘

About four years ago a list of west Virginia imprints com—

: -9-

 piled by the undersigned and containing 58 titles for the period
covered by the present list was printed by the Print Shop of the
Charleston (h. Va.) High School. Two of these 58 titles have
been eliminated. No. 10, with the date corrected to 1845, is be-
yond the limits of this list, and V0. 53, the apocryphal second
edition of "The Sacred Writings ...", is mentioned in a note
under To. 75 of this list.

That the American Imprints Inventory of the Historical
Records Survey has been able to add 49 titles to that list pro—
vides impressive evidence of the superior coverage provided by
the coast—to—coast dragnet of the Inventory. We hasten to point
out, however, that while the record of early West Virginfa print—
ing is far more adequate than ever before, we do not yet consider
it complete. We expect a number of additional titles to be added
during the further course of our work.

Since we intend, at some future date, to issue either a sup—
plement to the present list or a revised edition of the list, we
shall appreciate note of any new titles, corrections, or addition-
al locations addressed to the undersigned at 433 East Erie Street,
Chicago, Illinois.

I This list has been oomriled by the editorial staff of the
American Imprints Inventory of the Historical Records Survey, and
has been mimeographed by the Illinois Historical Records Survey,
under the direction of Pr. Thomas R. hall, state supervisor.

' - 10-

 we wish to acknowledge the helpful cooperation of Mr. Boyd

Stutler of the American Legion Nonthly in perfecting descriptions
of West Virginia inprints in his personal collection.

Douglas C. Mcflurtrie

National Editor

American Imprints Inventory
Approved: Sargent B. Child, Director

. Historical Records Survey Projects
Work Projects Administration
December 31, 1940.
_ 11 _

 - Hey to Symbols_for_lgbraries
The number preceding the name of the library indicates the total
number of titles recorded in this list held by that library or collection,
_ including (within parentheses) the number of those which, according to
present reports, are unique copies.
ArCH l Hendrix College Library, Conway, Ark.
C 5 California State Library, Sacramento, Calif.
CBCDS 1 Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley, Calif.
CL 2 Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles, Calif.
CSanS 1 San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo. Calif.
CSfU 1 University of San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif.
CSmH ll Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery,
San Marino, Calif.
Ct 1 Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn.
CtHWatk 2 Watkinson Library, Hartford, Conn.
CtMW l Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn.
CtSoP l Pequot Library, Southport, Conn.
CtY 2 Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
DLC 20 (5) Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
DSC 1 Supreme Council of the 53rd Degree (Masonic) Library,
Washington, D. C.
FStcV 1 Veterans‘ Memorial Library, St. Cloud, Fla.
» GEU 2 Emory University, Asa Griggs Candler Library,
Emory University, Ga.
ICHi 1 Chicago Historical Society, Gilpin Library, Chicago, Ill.
ICN l Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill.
ICP l Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Virginia Library,
Chicago, Ill.
g ICU 8 (2) The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
- IEG 2 Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Ill.
IHi 2 (1) Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, Ill.
ILM l McKendree College, Benson Wood Library, Lebanon, Ill.
IU 1 University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.
Ia 1 Iowa State Traveling Library, Des Moines, Iowa.
IaCb 1 Free Public Library, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

 : IaDmD l Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa.
‘ IaHA 5 (1) Iowa State Historical, Memorial, and Art Department
Library, Des Moines, Iowa.
IaHi l (1) State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
IaMp 1 Free Public Library, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.
. IaPeC 1 Central College Library, Pella, Iowa.
In 1 Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Ind.
InEv 1 Public and Vanderburg County Library, Evansville, Ind.
- InHi 1 Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith
Memorial Library, Indianapolis, Ind.
InIBU 1 Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind.
Inth 1 Workingren‘s Institute, New Harmony, Ind.
InU 2 Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.
InUpT 1 Taylor University, Mooney Library, Upland, Ind.
InvalU l Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind.
KSalW 1 Kansas Weslyan University, Salina, Kans.
KyBgW 1 Western Kentucky State Teachers' College, Bowling
Green, Ky.
KyBgW—K 2 Western Kentucky State Teachers' College, Kentucky
Library, Bowling Green, Ky.
KvaU 1 Union College, Speed-Stevenson Library, Barbourville,
KyHbHi l Harrodsburg Historical Society, Harrodsburg, Ky.
KyHi 1 Kentucky State Historical Society, Frankfort, Ky.
KyLo 1 Free Public Library, Louisville, Ky.
KyLoF l Filson Club Library, Louisville, Ky.
KyLoS 1 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.
Kny 1 Public Library, Lexington, Ky.
KnyT 1 Transylvania College, Lexington, Ky.
KyPr 1 George Coon Menmrial Library, Princeton, Ky.
KyRE 1 Eastern Kentucky State Teachers' College, Richmond, Ky.
LNB l Baptist Bible Institute, New Orleans, La.
LNHT l Tulane University Library, New Orleans, La.
MB 4 (2) Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Mass.
, MBAt 2 (1) Boston Athenaevm, Boston, Mass.
' MED l Diocesan Library, Episcopal Church, Boston, Mass.
MH 6 Harvard University, Cahbridge, Mass.
MH—And 2 (1) Harvard University, Andover—Harvard Theological Seminary,
Cambridge, Mass.
iflbihHi l Tufts College, Universalist Historical Society, Medford,
MNtcA 2 Andover Newton Theological Seminary, Newton Center, Mass.
' MWA 9 (1) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.
.. 13 -

 IMeLewB 2 Bates College Library, Lewiston, Me.
IMiD 1 Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Mich.
MiD-B 1 Detroit Public Library, Burton Historical Collection,
Detroit, Mich.
' MiU—C 2 University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library,
' Ann Arbor, Mich.
MnHi 1 Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minn.
MnU 2 (1) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
MolnRC l Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints, Independence, Mo.
MOMM 1 Missouri Valley College, murrell Memorial Library,
Marshall, Mo.
MOS 2 Public Library of the City of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo.
' MoSM 1 St. Louis Mercantile Library Association, St. Louis, Mo.
MoSU 1 St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo.
MoSpD 1 Drury College Library, Springfield, Mo.
MsCliM 1 Mississippi College Library, Clinton, Miss.
MsJMC l Millsaps College Library, Jackson, Miss.
M 1 New York State Library, Albany, N.Y.
NBuDD l DeLancy Divinity School, Buffalo, M.Y.
NBuG l Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, N.Y.
_ NCH 2 Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y.
" NHC—S 21 (18) Colgate University, Samuel Colgate Baptist Historical
Collection, Hamilton, U.Y.
Nfii 1 New York Historical Society, New York, H.Y.
N10 1 Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
. NM 9 (4) New York Public Library, New York, N.Y.
ENC 1 Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
HMC(Plimpton) 1 Columbia University, Plimpton Collection, New York, N.Y.
NFC-T l (1) Columbia University, Teachers' College, New York, N.Y.
NNG 1 General Theological Seminary, New York, N.Y.
MNUT 1 Union Iheological Seminary, New York, N.Y.
NRU 1 University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.
NStC 1 St. Bonaventure College and Seminary, St. Bonaventure,
’. N.Y.
. NbHi 1 State Historical Society, Lincoln, Nebr.
NbOP 2 Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Omaha, Nebr.
, NeAS l Sondley Reference Library, Asheville, N.C.
NcD 6 Duke University, Durham, N.C.
NhD 1 Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.
I _ 14 -

 'NJMD 1 Drew University, Madison, N.J.
”EjP 2 Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.
'NjPT 1 Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J.
NjPatHi l Passaic County Historical Society, Paterson, 3.J.
-O-Ar 1 (1) Ohio State Archives, Columbus, Ohio.
.OAU 1 Ohio University, Carnegie Library, Athens, Ohio. '
OC 1 Public Library of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
OCHP 5 (1) Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
OCY v 1 Young Men's Mercantile Library Association, Cincinnati,
OCh 1 Public Library, Chillicothe, Ohio.
001 1 Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio.
OClWHi 13 (1) Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio.
000 1 Columbus Public Library, Columbus, Ohio.
- ODaB 2 Bonebrake Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio.
CPU 1 Hayes Memorial Library, Fremont, Ohio.
OGaK l Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio.
OHi 4 (1) Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society,
Columbus, Ohio. *
OM 1 Public Library, Marietta, Ohio.
OMB 2 (1) Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio.
OMans 1 Public Library, Mansfield, Ohio.
00 2 Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio.
DU 1 Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
. OkEnP 1 Phillips University, Enid, Okla.
OkHi 1 Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Okla.
OkU 1 University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.
P 2 Pennsylvania State Library, Harrisburg, Pa.
' PAtM l Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa.
PBa 1 Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn, Pa.
PCA l (1) American Baptist Historical Society, Chester, Pa.
PEaL 1 Lafayette College, van Wickle Library, Easton, Pa.
PRC l Haverford College, Haverford, Pa.
PHi 4 (1) Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
PLT 2 (l) Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in the U.S.,
- Lancaster, Pa.
' PMA 3 (l) Allegheny College, Rois Library, Meadville, Pa.
PPL—R 1 Library Company of Philadelphia, Ridgway Branch,
Philadelphia, Pa.
PPLT 2 Lutheran Theological Seminary, Krauth Memorial Library,
Mount Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPM 4 (l) Mercantile Library, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPPrHi 1 (l) Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.
> - 15 -

 PPi l Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.

PPiU 1 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.

PPiW 1 Western Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa.

PPiXT 2 Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa.

PH 1 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

PWCHi 1 Washington County Historical Society, Washington, Pa.

PWW 2 Washington and Jefferson College, Memorial Library,
Washington, Pa.

PWaybu l ‘Waynesburg College, Waynesburg, Pa.

PWayquHi l Greene County Historical Society, Waynesburg, Pa.

RPB-H 1 Brown University, Harris Collection of American Poetry,
Providence, R.I.

RPJCB 1 John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R.I.

ScCoB l Benedict College, Carnegie Library, Columbia, S.C.

ScspW l Wofford College, Spartanburg, S.C.

ScU 2 (l) UniverSity of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.

TCollSJ 1 Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn.

TJaU 1 Union University, Jackson, Tenn.

TUP 3 George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn.

TxDaHi 1 Dallas Historical Society, Dallas, Tex.

TxDaM 1 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.

TKFWTCU 1 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Tex.

. TxU l (1) University of Texas, Austin, Tex.

Vi 8 (2) Virginia State Library, Richmond, Va.

ViLC l Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Va.

ViRU 2 University of Richmond, Richmond, Va.

ViU 5 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.

WHi 5 State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.

WM 1 Public Library, Milwaukee, Wis.

Wy 1 'West Virginia State Library, Charleston, W.Va.

Wv—Ar 4 West Virginia Department of Archives and History,
Charleston, W.Va.

WvU 2 West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.Va.

va 5 Ohio County Public Library, Wheeling, W.Va.

BrMus 2 British Museum, London, England.


Baker 1 C. R. Baker, East Springfield, Ohio

. Callahan l Irene Callahan, Princeton, Ky.

Christie 1 (1) Rev. John W. Christie, Wilmington, Del.

, Cooke 1 W. C. Cooke, Cookville, Tenn.

, Hellman 1 Henry S. Hellman, Sunnyside, Lebanon County, Pa.
Johnston 1 Mrs. Robert H. Johnston, Sr., Clinton, Miss.
Lindley 2 Harlow Lindley, Columbus, Ohio

. Mcfiurtrie 2 (1) Douglas C. lemrtrie, Evanston, Ill.
Smith 1 F. E. Smith, Greenville, Miss.
Stutler 22 (2) Boyd B. Stutler, Charleston, W. Va.
Tuttle 2 Charles E. Tuttle, hutland, Vt.
Wallaok 1 N. N. Wallaok, Washington, D. C.
Watson 1 Mrs. Asa Watson, Strong, Miss.
Weirich l J. A. Weirich, Washington, Pa.
Vodrey 1 William Vodrey, East Liverpool, Ohio

9 l7 -

 ' 1791-1796

A I Letter I from Miss S——a to Yrs. R-—, I who, on her way to
Bath, visited I Saint Rozc Villozol I The most celebrated person—
age in this part of the country, I and now residing near Sharps—
burg. I [thick~thin rule] I Virginia: I Shepherd's-Town: Printed
by N. Willis. I [1791]

15 p. 10 x 16.5 cm. I 1 ]

Letter dated Wath (now Berkeley Springs, W. Va.), August 19,


Evans 2-3501; Sabin 74639.


Woodstock, Pennsylvania. Charter, 1791.

Charter of the I Town of I Woodstock. I [filet] I [8 paragraphs
of text, in 2 columns] I In witness whereof, I the said John Hop—
wood, have to these Ipresents set my hand and interchangeably
affixed my seal, theI eighth day of November, one thousand seven
hundred and I ninety—one. I John Hopwood, [seal] I [25 lines] I
[row of type ornaments] 'Iwartinsburg: Printed by N- Willis. I

Broadside. 25 x 42 cm. [ 2 ]

The document is not so much a charter as an indenture or con—

tract by John Hopwood, of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, with

purchasers of lots in a tract of land which Hogwood had sur-
’ veyed and laid out as a townsite. It was recorded in the "Of—
_ fice for recording Deeds in Fayette County" on November 8,

1791, in "book B, page 150 and 151, &c."
_ Sabin 105147; NcMurtrie l.


Berkeley County, [West] Virginia. Citizens.

September 30, 1796. I Sir, I we the Inhabitants of the County
of Berkeley, in the Commonwealth of I Virginia, having seen your
paternal address to the People of the United I States, of the 17th
instant, beg leave to approach you on this occasion, with I every

' sentiment of regard, both for your public and private charac-
ters. I [13 lines] I In that retirement (to which it is now your
'j - 18 — ‘

' fixed determination to return) may I you be happy. ray every bless-
‘ ing attend you; and may the evening of your life I be crowned

" with that felicity which is ever the reward of the just, the good,

, and I the. virtuous; ... I [2 lines] I To his Excellency George

1' Washington, Esq. I President of the United States. [right—hand
brace connects this line with the preceding one] I [Hartinsburg?

5 1796] ~
Broadside. 20 x 33 cm. (15 x 21 cm.) [ 3 l

' Probably printed by Nathaniel Willis.

. One of the two Library of Congress copies carries 24 autograph
signatures, the other has at foot of sheet in manuscript: "By
the Unanimous Consent of all the Officers of the 55th & 67th

, Regiments of the Berkeley militia —— ordered that General Wil-
liam Darke do sign the above address for and in their behalf,
and that he transmit the same to the President of the United
States" [signed] ”Wh. Darke".

Evans 50060; McNurtrie 1A.

DLC(2 copies).

Newton, John.

A I Letter on the Doctrines of I Election and Final Presever-
ance. I [rule] I By John Eewton [rule] I Virginia; I Martins-
burg: Printed by F. Willis. I [circa 1796]

8p. llxlScm. ' [4]

A facisimile reproduction of the title page appears in the West

" Virginia Review, February, 1934.


Watson, Richard.

Christian Panoply; I containing an I Apology I for the I Bible;

, I in a I series of letterS, I addressed to I Thomas Paine, I Au-

thor of a Book entitled I The Age of Reason, Part the Second. I

- [rule] I By R. Watson, D.D. F.R.S. I Lord Bishop of Landaff, and

’ Regius Professor of Divinity in I The University of Cambridge: I
[rule] I An Address I To Scoffers at Religion. I By the same Au—

, thor: I And a brief view of the Historical Evidences of I Christi—

.. anity. I By William Paley, M.A. I Arch deacon of Carlysle. I

_ [filet] I Shepherd‘s-Town: - 1797. I Printed by P. Rootes & C.

. Blagrove. I
522 p. 9.5 x 17.5 cm. [_5 J

, Each part has special title-page: An Address to Scoffers at

if - 19 -

 5 1797-1806
Religion (p.[14~7]-172); The Authenticity of the Books of the

j New Testament, by William Paley (p.[l75]—248); The Sophist Un-

- masked; in a series of letters, addressed to Thomas Paine, au-
thor of a book entitled The Age of Reason, by Philobiblius

' [Richard Watson] (p.[2491—352).

Evans 58158; McMurtrie 2.

. CSmH. DLC(2 copies). ICP. IEG. MH. lMA. MiU—C. N.
HE. P. PHC. PMA. RPJCB. THP. Vi. wv—Ar. WvU. Callah-
an. Stutler.

[Brown, Charles Brockden]

, Interesting Account I of the I Project of France I respecting
I Louisiana. I ‘rule] I By a French Counsellor of State. I [rule]
Imartinsburg: I Printed by John Alburtis I 1803. I

' [2], 48 p. 10 x 15 cm. [ 6 ]
An abridgement of Charles Brockden Brown‘s An Address to the
United States, on the Cession of Louisiana to the F?556Ej”itiiL

Sabin 54889; McMurtrie 3.



[heavy rule] I A Discourse, I Delivered in the I Protestant
Episcopal Church, I on Sunday, I November 23, 1806, I Martinsbur‘,
Virginia. I [filet] I Martinsburg, I Printed by John Alburtis. ]

1% p. 10.5 X 16 cm- [ 7 ]

Sabin 44982; McMurtrie 4.

_ DLC.. NHi. 00.

Hersey, Thomas.

' A I Voice I from I the Grave, I or a Letter I from the dead to

the Living: I Containing a solemn and faithful narative [sic] of

’. the extraor-Idinary circunnances [sic] attending the lastusick-

ness I and melancholy death of MrsTEBetsy I Archer, who departed
this life I February 6th. A.D. 1806. I Aged twenty—two. I [thick~

? thin rule] I By Dr. Thomas Hersey, I pastor of the Baptist Church

called Mount Moriah, I George‘s Creek. I [thick-thin rule] I [5
lines, quotation] I [thick-thin rule] I Morgantown, I Printed by

' J. Campbell, for the Proprietor, I [short rule] I 1806. I
8 p. 15 x 21 cm. [ 8 ]

'1 McMurtrie 5.


- 20 -

 '. 1807

. Baptists. Pennsylvania. Redstone Association.

Minutes I of the I Redstone Baptist Association, I Convened at

Tenmile, Washington County, I Pennsylvania, September 24, 25, 26,
27, -- 1807. | [thick—thin rule I Morgantown, Va. l Printed by J.
_ Campbell, for the Association. I [rOW'cf dots] I 1807. I

- 8 p. 14 x 25 cm. [ 9 ]


Hersey, J

The Visible Church of Jesus Christ Defined. A Sermon preached

' at the Mouth of Little Whiteley, to a very numerous concourse of
people on Lord's day August 30, 1807 at the Baptism of several
professed believers in Christ. By J. Hersey. [quotations] Mor-
gantown, Va. Printed by J. Campbell for the author. 1807.

10 ]

Copyrighted January 29, l808. Title from A Record of Vigginia

Copyright Entries (1790-1844). Virginia “Sta'ee‘fit‘fafir‘f Rib—h-

hfihd:»lgll. FEEEE:~fififiiflifi7?§ii date of printing suggest 'that

J. Hersey may be a misprint for T. Hersey. gee No. 8 above.

' The I Independency of the Mind, I Affirmed. I A poem, I in two
parts. With occasional notes. I [ornamental rule I [3 lines,
quotation] I [ornamental rule] I Part I. I [filet] I Wheeling: I
Printed by Alexander Armstrong, I for Aquila M. Bolton, Booksell-
er I [row of dots] I 1807. I

80 p. 12 x 18.5 cm.

[ ll ]

After p. 48 there is a blank leaf, followed by half—title on

. [51]: The I Independency of the Mind, I Affirmed. I A poem

] in two parts. I [4 lines, quotation] I Part II. I

The 8~page signature containing p. [é9]-[56] is not lettered

and the pages are not numbered.

McMurtrie 6.

CSmH(pt. I, original; pt. II, photostat). OCIWHi. PBa. Phi

- (pt. I). PPL—R. Wallaclz.

Leland, John.

An I Examination I of I Infant-Rantism; I or a I Concise view
of its Origin, foun-Idation, and present support, I said to be
written by I the elder John I Leland. I [rule] I Reprinted for
John W. Patterson, I pastor of the Baptist Church, Mount I Tabor,
Indian Creek, Virginia. I [rule] I [5 lines, quotation] I [rule]I

.. 21 ..

 - 1807-1809
Morgantown, Va. I Printed by Joseph Campbell. I [1807?]
23 p. 11 x 18 cm. [ 12 1
Preface, p. ii-v, signed: J;W.P.; p. 7—18: History of Jacknips,
_ signed ”Jacknips"; p. 19—23: Odes written on the ever memorable

event of Christ's Baptism, by Patterson, July 29, 1806.

"Rantism" comes from a Greek Word which means "to sprinkle."


Hammond, Charles, and others.

To the I Citizens of Ohio County. I we have lately seen a hand-
bill, which has for some I time been privately circulated among the
friends of hr. I Jackson. It is addressed to the Freeholders of
Ohio I county, and subscribed by Joseph Tomlinson, Thomas I Evans,
and 'William M'Hinly. Its avowed object is to I promote the elec-
tion of Mr. Jackson. The charges it I contains, are necessarily
calculated to bear upon Mr. Linsly I and his friends in Ohio. Uh-
less such was intended to be I their application, they are without
meaning and Without I object. I This address contains the follow-
ing infamous paragraphs: I [15 lines, quotation] I We declare the
above charges to be destitute of truth. I It is not true, that
either Mr. Linsly or his friends have I palliated or justified the
outrages of Great—Britain. The I Federalists of Ohio county have
never been the advocates I of British outrage. ... I [15 lines] I
It is not true, that the New—England states are engaged I in any
treasonable project. The assertion, that it is "the I "