xt7dbr8mgr2c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mgr2c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1935 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1935 Vol.6 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, April 1935 Vol.6 No.11 1935 1935 2019 true xt7dbr8mgr2c section xt7dbr8mgr2c "‘1‘1,‘~‘,‘:J W} VifihAiih ”fi—‘Aiiv—“h - > I yin“. 1‘ f,
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‘ 5 | 55 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1935 , A]
' , 55 i5
5 I. 5.51: ‘ v v .,
‘ 5? . Increase Your Revenue Bl] Classmed Ads 5
5,“, By JACK WILD Four points for every editor to re- cessful with her ad there will be at 5 W13}:
5 Want ads had their beginning long member are: least ten people who W131 E63? about the f
5 55 before Caesar conquered Gaul. The 1_ Recognize 25 cents as a quarter of it from her own lips, an s e adVISe 5 oes:
5 5 55 her friends to use your columns. g
5 5 5 Romans had no newspapers but they a dollar. “Classifications are important—we , able
5 l5 i realized that it would be a mighty fine 2_ Make definite plans. ' 1 , f t 5 displa
5 5 ‘5 thing to have some method of spread- 3. Follow your plans through, began in a smal way usmg or ren als l have
5 s {1555, ing the news when they had togas or 4. Resolve to increase your column. merely For R ht, and when We SOOH “ it is
555555 chariots for sale. They started the There are many methods of build- received ads to start For Rent Furn- ‘little
; 55515 custom of smoothing 013” and WhitEIl- ing up a classified department, but IShEd and Unfulrnislhed, we separated 5 depar
1 5 55‘ ing a place on the walls of houses for that of personal solicitation still is these tWO renta 00 umns. . 5 atteni
“ 555 ~ announcements or sculptured inscrip- the basic one. This does not mean that Our Woman to Woman column is check
5-55 tions. the publisher himself must devote slice"ssful,.both in results for adver- 5 used:
’55 Three hundred and three years agO, valuable time and energy to ”Chasing Users and In news ads for .118- We place
, 5‘5 5 n i this column dressmakinrr ads and are p
5|? a Frenchman, Theophraste Renaudot, clasnfieds. It can be done by field n = ‘ ing 0'
5‘ » ‘55 inserted the first classified advertise- representatives or county correspond— 2:12:58de that women WOUId read and 5 of ms
. i‘ ment to a ear in a news aper. This ents, who can carry i on in con— - . .. n
5 5:5 is the wayepthat Renaudotp reasoned: nection with their news gathering “In Memoriams are a good source of d123,“
l “If some one wants to work, and some activities, and they will have an in- reVEDUe and Should be given_ 0‘“me first .5
‘55 one wants to employ, some one wants centive to go after these small ads consideration. A death notice is 'print- eachi
, N55 to sell and some one wants to buy, if they are paid a percentage of the ed. free, of course, but in addition. to less t]
i ‘ 5,5 ' both must be supplied with the ad- revenue derived. There are many p"r— thlS we first mail a card, SligEEStlng time'
i ‘ 5555 dress of the other with the least ex- sons both on the farm and in town a card 0f thanks, to thank “191155 01‘ first 1
W55 pense and loss of time.” who can never be regarded as poten- an In Memoriam, for the”. deceased. gettin
5‘55 Classified ads have been recognized tial display advertisers but who can A telephone can .to the immediate vertis‘
‘ 55595 as important means of publicity for be made regular users of the classified family fOIIOVYS and 1f tactfully handled about
5555 5.5 centuries. But there are still many department, if they are solicited ac- usually convinces them Of the need 0f ' “W‘
U155 editors who refuse to consider them tively and regularly. this DubllcathH- 01a ssii
: . 55,55 seriously. It is obvious that they al- In addition to personal solicitation, Although we as week1y_ papers do Sale,
- 555-11 wars have met a real need of the mail campaigns, and regular ad- not need to watch censorship as close- Crops
‘ 5| 5 general public. and thore is no valid vertisements in the paper to promote 1y as large daily papers, we d0, hOW- “Th
5 5| 5|? reason “why today this feature of the interest in the department, may be ever,. make It a pomt to censor and .5 d th
' ‘ 5 55 newspaper should be neglected. employed effectively. ‘ restrict from our columns any ad that e 11'
'5' A combination of sound experience Quite aside from the actual revenue is misleading or does not state the 5 te FE
I 5 and new ideas made a recent discuss— derived from the classified depart— facts clearly. on severalpccamons we Vic:
. l [5.5, ion of Keith Chick, advertising mana- merit, the indirect value of it is con- have refused ads of Spiritual Readers, ire S}
5 V “55 g‘er for the Pueblo Star-Journal, much siderable. A satisfied customer soon Girls Wanted, Salesmen Wanted, etc., th f‘
5 ‘ 5 55 worth while for Colorado and Wyo- becomes a good prospect for occasion- when they do not state the nature 0f 19 1i
|_ , 5: [-51 ming editors. a1 display advertisements, as well as employment." _ . . 1 $51511
, [W5 “One must distinguish between the a steady subscriber to the paper. If he Personal scholtation 'has been used ‘ re ula
5 , 551 classified ad and the display run in conducts a small merchandising estab— t0 g00d effect, espec1ally as 153 Of' regula
5 5 5, classified columns, such as automobile lishment and is not ordinarily a user fers .(Eertam advantages not 01) n to 05161.5
5‘, 5 ‘5; and real estate dealers use—but who of display advertising, it is but a step SOlicitlng for other departments. The “
,5 ‘ , ‘ ‘ja‘i, use it because they can get more from his being a classified user to his SOhCl’COI‘ approaches a farmer, for m” . Ah‘
5| response out of small space in the becoming a display user. Display and stanCE, and asks him If he has any- 5 feel is
5 I. 5.5 classified columns,” Mr. Chick said. classified advertising work together thing he WIShes '00 5811 to 9th”? farin- partm
5' 5 5 ,j “Don’t try to make the classified ad and assist each other more than ers 01‘ town dwellers, 01‘ 1f there 15 P101335
5 .‘ 555 ‘ make you rich. Classified in your usually is realized. The publisher who anything he W0111d care ’60 buy from I cents
5 5 i 5’55 paper is worth the space it takes, even is convinced that he cannot develop SUCh sources. He inquires wheth'r the but 15?
‘ 5 5-555. ‘ if you only break even, for the benefit his display business any further can farmer has IOS'E an 31531019: has a rent- Tha
, 3 55,55 5 of reader interest.” profitably turn his attention to build- ing proposition or any other Waint 01” neglec
. | 155551 In the selling of classified ads, Mr. ing up the classified with the certainty Opportunity that W0111d be served by try pu
5 55-55 Chick cautioned the newspapers to that in doing so he also is building up a. small ad. ThIS salesman approaches- of '76
5 5 5 watch details. “When a customer display. the prospect flrom a standpomt 2: 16 ha
5 ‘ ‘ 5’55 comes in with a want ad, try to write Miss Lois Beacham of the Norwood personal thI‘ESt and does 110‘? try less tlr
, ‘,;,- it yourself. Make the ad specific. (Ohio) News and the Norwood Enter- sell him Something at once. When a On
5 .. 5; Don’t say ‘How many times shall we prise, has this to say in regard to the selling 1010130555310n is reached, the (051.1,)
- 5 run this?’ Say, ‘Let’s run this seven developing classified advertising: amount of money involved is SO small Star-1‘
‘ 5| time’—if you think the ad should be “You’ll always find the newspaper that it does 110‘? scare the farmer. classif
‘ 5 2 run that number of times. In selling with a large classified section one in What the solicitor and pu‘OhSher Regist
. §i| ? classified, the main thing is to work which reader interest is carried should bear in mind is not to look of cla
‘ 3 55 at it. If you work at it, you can sell it.” throughout the entire publication. upon the ad as an end in itself, but “Hal
., _, 5,5. The Michigan Press Association “To keep the ball rolling, results asoa means to an end. Th? ultimazg ‘ j"ct 0;
5 5 5535“ Bulletin has strongly urged publishers must be obtained. Good will and obgcctivelfarisurpassebsh the Iglmiglato 5 occasi<
5 5 {'53 to develop their want ad columns to service are two of the biggest factors gain. 17010an up .e cus gm its . them,
3. 1.5.5 the limit. These little ads that bring ‘ in creating a succ°ssful patronage of learn 1f the small ad has one th pages
; f 554‘ 25 cents, 50 cents, sometimes more, your classified column, and that’s no whrk Ofte?‘ leads to more .ads, to g -‘ averag
_ ; 5 5‘55 right now provide the mostfertile field . secret. The bulk of classified users are sale of-printing and subscrIptioiriiS,ld9:;l tion 11
‘ . 5555 in the newspaper business. Every one w0men, and they are very sensitive. to a friendly attitude Of the m V] 1,900.
5, 5 55‘). is a potential want ad column user. It’s good business to go out of your toward the newspaper. | not 1a:
. ‘ 55;: There is something they‘want to sell " Way to get a twenty cent ad from a W. Verne McKinney, editor 0f the 5 want
. l or buyer exchange.‘ ‘ ' Woman and please her. If she is suc- HiHSbOl‘O (Ore.‘) Argus, in an ”new has be
; 5 5551.! ' _ 5 Sider .
l5 5
5 5?: . 5
5 5' .‘l '1 , ,
‘ 2 ‘ 5 ‘ l, ‘ '
5 i '
‘5iih. ’ ' ‘ '

 * E
1 " April, 1935 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ,‘e.
E concerned with classified advertising, multiply income from our newspaper we have something we never had be- f?
so at E writes: business five times in ten years.” That fore to correct that situation. I hope “El 1
about , “In my opinion classified is one of is the statement made by W .H. Con- to modify that instrument to our if: ,
.dvise ‘, the finest features of our paper and rad, publisher of the Medford Star- needs we have begun on a new era of , 15%.:
3 goes a long way in assuring the desir- News. selling printing. Knowing what the fig, E
3—-we able asset of reader interest to our “Tell something of the story in the costs of printing are, add a profit and laid},
lntals E display advertisers. Scores of farmers first two words” is a rule of the Star- sell at a reasonable price. We are go- an, .E
soon E have subscribed to the Argus because News. The publisher insists that repe- mg to sell printing on the basis of ink. or ,3, ,
aum_ ,, it is the paper that carries SO many tition of “For Sale” on every item make-up, typography, layout, paper {'72: ‘W
rated E ‘little for-sale advertisements.’ This running down a want column is flat stock, and the 500 other items that go if; E ‘
department is given the most careful and uninteresting, while there is vari- into a printed product.” [it
m is E attention, the ads are checked and re- ety and reader interest when each Speaking of the lack of confidence ,f, .
jve1-_ checked, and the greatest of care is want ad stands out from its fellows and honor placed in newspaper print— “fl’E
place E used in the accounting. The leaks that with the words that tell most, such ers, Jay. L. Putnam, of the Granite .3 E
and are prevented through good bookkeep— as “ICE BOX for sale.” BABY BUG- Falls Tribune, stated: (E
, and . ing of th°se little accounts have been GY, etc.” “DAHLIA BULBS,—” “I think it is our own fault. If the :2 E
E of material help in paying for an ad- Anoth°r interesting discovery by Mr. commermal printer worthy of the his '5.
cc of ditional girl in the oifice. Conrad is that things for trade have name knows his hour costs, if he does W EIE
re ful ewe charge 10 cents a line for the more appeal to the imagination of the not know there are plenty of price “(“2“
rint- first insertion, and 5 cents a line for reader than things for sale. books so he can determine it. It is not fit,
,n to each additional insertion with no charge One would think that classified ad- that he does not know it, it is simply 35E f E
sting less than 25 cents per issue. For a long vertising should have kept up or that he does not have the intestinal HE E
s, or time we charged 7 cents a line for the shown little decrease during the last fortitude to charge the right price. In E
ased. first insertion, but the advertiser was few years, but the contrary is true. A my opinion, that is the reason we can- - E . 1E
diate getting such good returns on the ad- cross-section of American newspapers not make profits because we have not ,E
idled vertising that a one-time run was shows a slump in small ads admost the nerve to ask for profit. So far as .-
,d of about all that was necessary. as pronounced as that of display busi- the selling of printing is concerned, ,
'l “We carry a number of different ness. That condition must be discour— there are many places where you can §’EEE‘E‘§
5 do classifications, such as Wanted, For aged, especially to the weekly and get ideas for the selling of printing. ll
Iose- Sale, Livestock, Machinery, Farm small daily paper that have started We have found the most profitable I
now- Crops, Real Estate, Rent, etc. to build a classified section as an im- way to set such ideas in Printer’s Ink, . ’E
and “The classified columns are promot- portant adjunct to their publications. Inland Printer, and other such maga— ' life}
that E ed through the publication of stories MUCh 0f the} trouble arises from the Zines.” . . ;‘-E
the E telling of the results obtained by ad- decrease in real estate, renting and The great dlfiiClllty IS that too few . ,,
s we vertisers. These are usually boxed and help-wanted ads. of the printers who use price lists, or 1'19" EE
ders, placed on the front page. The stories An ailing classified department in who buy them, or say they do, are
etc., are supplemented by small boxes on dull times needs the same food that able to read them,” E. ‘K- Whiting, E
,e of the front page calling attention to the built it up in good times It was not Owatonna Journal-Chronicle, believes ,
classified columns and through a lib- built up by voluntary contributions or “I Will say, after 25. years’ experience .TE
used ‘ eral use of display advertising. The anything which the neighbors brought of cost accounting In my own p1ants,‘i‘-;~EE
of- 3 regular display solicitor tries to make in. It started small and grew by close, that you 031111915 go very much b910W1‘2,E
i to regular calls on real estate dealers and persistent attention. Today it is re- Porte 01} anything." 1ij
The others. garded with favor by all business-like t Agéoelng WW5 Elwogci1 Mills, Crctaoks- . "Eil‘
~ _ .. . publishers, and its possibilities for still on imes: “ e mus ave a cos ac- 3 El
1111;- ‘ feefimgerbgfiz‘gfetowghzeréggggé? (:2: further development are splendid. cougtingsystem. They can. strike a . 3’ EEE
m" E partment is an employment bureau. pre y fair average If they W111. adhere . E
. HONESTY NEEDED IN to the code or the Franklin Price List. ,; _. E
.6 IS PIObably from the a‘bsomte douars and JOB PRICES—McCOY If they don’t or if the front office Eli
rom cents return it amounts to very little, . j . " ‘7 l
the ' but it surely is a good-will builder.” m?“ W111 quote .1655 than the outSide eEE‘
ent- Th t th 1 .fi d D t t _ Know your selling price, be honest price, then eliminate the damn fool.” . .,E
t or a e c ass1 e d 1?” men 15 in recognizing your situation, dis- “We find we get along much better , E E
, by Eeelecteo by asreafi melon“: 0f coun‘ tinguish between selling price and with our customers when we show -
"hes. ry publishers ls eVidenced by a survey costs and the. selling problem, and job them the code prices; that is all we '5 EE
r of '76 newspapers whlch snowed that . tin rofits will take care of them— have to do,” Henry Rines said of his 11
. 0f 16 had no classified and 45 carried pm g p . . - . .. v.’
y to 1 t . ’ selves, Bruce McCoy, Wisconsin Press experience on the Mora Times. It has E .
'hen ‘ ess han 10 inches. Association field manager, advised edi— been our policy that if We could not 3,;E
the Oh the other hand, 'the Van NUYS tors in a round table discussion over get a fair price we would let somebody ‘ j -
n all (Cal) News and the Medford (Wis) which he presided at the Friday after- else have it.” - t’:
ner. Stab-News both carry full pages 0f ‘ noon session of the M. E. A. conven- Packaging 0f printed products was ' kl, '
she, Classified. while the Eugene (Ore) tion January 13. stressed by George w. Christie, of the ' El, 1
look Register. has a record of 1,173,998 lines “I think probably if we could put in Red Lake Falls Gazette. “We' find at- ‘= 7,,
but 0f class1fied 111 one year. one sentence the basic trouble of the tractive packaging helps," he stated. . E‘EEE
iate “Hammering incessantly on the sub- industry for years and years, all the “For instance, campaign cards usually «‘1‘ 1
late ' l"ct of want ads has resulted in our way through, it could'be put this way: come in bOXGS Of 500 each. We were f E
to E occasionally having a full page of ‘We never learned as an industry to 011“ng them 11D in small packages 0f 9?, E1
its . them, increased our paper from four sell printing on any other argument 100 01‘ 150 and they liked that method. -. ENE E
the | pages with 1,100 circulation to a paper than I can do it cheaper than the If W9 work out some Of these methods hEEE ‘
and - aVeraging 13 pages with 3,300 circula— fellow that has been doing it for you.’ 0f packaging and call frequently and ,1, .
lual tion in a country town population of “Despite all its disadvantages, the regularly on customers, I am sure we i‘, E
1.900. The income from want ads is code has given us an instrument to W111 Eat more business. 1 ‘EE :
the (I not large in itself, but the interest in begin work on eliminating that basic —Minnesota Press. A E'EE .
licle E want ads is enormous. This interest evil in the graphic arts industry. It ——___ 2 IEE .
has been one of the factors we con- is an instrument designed for that Send The press some news items i it:
E Slder most potent in enabling us to purpose. If you and I are big enough about yourself and plant. lief-T; .
, . - . E “fill ;
, - ’ ’5 E
i 3'
I, » . JE' ,
2 ”1...: . , ‘ , E; l

 ..._»_ ,, .tli; T t ?‘
1 t tt: l .
i l, ttl; 1 Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1935
i' :2, .
‘ Wt ' emphasizes the need and efiectiveness But this is just the situation in a. L
f of state and national press associa— great many newspaper plants which I ,
t t?“ KeniuCRH Press tions. are supposedly modern in all respects,
i t, , mm With this Victory won, our next and If you cant answer the fOHOng ,
i It , Puss ASSOCIATION continued effort must be still directed questions about your newspaper, there
‘ ““t? ; toward government competition in the is something wrong with your book-
t , LL ,1, VICTOR R. PORTMANN Editor printing of envelopes. A concerted keeping system, and it is time to t
, t tt‘, Jack Wild Assistant Editor drive, such as just finished, will in all change it. t
; 1th t ‘ m— possibility stop this governmental How much cash receipts during the ,
t ‘3tt ‘ “me 0'; “E 15“” ,RLsst 6‘23“? practice that is detrimental to country last 12 months? t
i , 23‘, mem 0, journa lsm’ University 0 newspaper shops. How did cash receipts of last month
3 il‘ ‘ hemucky, Lexmgton *— compare with the same month of last t
j, ; .__. — How much of the total cash receipts t
H; Augustus Robbins President Too much modesty, according to the were from advertising or
? it} ! Courier, Hickman Richland Center (Wis) Democrat pre— How much from job printing?
5 ,, L" John L. Crawford Vice-Pres. vents the average country publisher How much from subscriptions? ,
, ‘E? 1 Times-Tribune, Corbin from telling his community just how How much of your expense money ,
, tt‘t ? J, Curtis Alcock Sec.-Treas. much of his time and service he de- was spent for donations, charity, I
, Tit ,‘ Messenger, Danville votes to community enterprise. As a stocks, supplies, etc? I ,
H ; _._. result the public has come to expect How many subscribers are paid up '
, ttfti EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE such services and to consider them the in full? t ‘
, 3 M3 duty of the newspapers. How much was spent in newspaper t t
g 't? ‘ J. P. Gozder, News-Journal, Camp- The Democrat thinks more state- postage at any given time? ‘
t :Ltt bellsville, chairman; G. M. Pedley, ments similar to the following from How much money have you de- t
i ‘ Lft? , Herald, Eddyville; J. L. Bradley, En- the Rice Lake (Wis) Chronotype posited in the bank for any previous 1
' t3, 3 terprise, Providence; Vance Armen- should be made: period? if i
Let l trout, Courier~Journal, Louisville; “Fourteen families in the City Of fi— 1 1
jitggu 3 Keith Hood, Trimbm Democrat, Bed- Rice Lake make their living in the RESTORES SUBSCRIPTIONS TO $2 1
, , ' twat? ford; Joseph Costello, Democrat, Cyn- printing business. If Rice Lake is ever , . — , , _ t t
t It”? i thiana; James 1:, Norris, Independent, to build up it must be by support- Increasmg its subscription price <
, ,‘31- > . Ashland; Robert L. Elkin, Central ing home institutions and home labor. from $1.50 to $2, the Woonsocket (S. .
; t t,tLt. ,1 Record, Lancaster; Thomas R. Under- If all Rice Lake printing were left at D.) News informed its subscribers that t t
‘ ‘ 'L 1 wood, Herald, Lexington; Russell home at least ten more families could the old rates would be in effect until
t”; 3 Dyche, Sentinel-Echo, London; Joe be supported by printing income. Feb. 1. “Everything that goes into I
‘ :tt ,2 Richardson, Times, Glasgow_ Think it over and act accordingly." printing has advanced, so we are t
, j ttt —— ———%— obliged to take this step," said Ed- f
;; , mt ‘ LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE CLEVER USE FOR OLD CUTS ward B. Oddy, publisher. e
t i ‘ tw g Keen Johnson, Register, Richmond, — E 1 e
i 3”,, l chairman; George A. Joplin, Jr” Com- How old cuts may be used to im- NEW LINOTYPE TYPOGRAPHIC t t
,; Wit, 1 monwealth, Somerset; Warren Fisher, prove the paper is shown in the fea- DEVELOPMENTS , C
5 y ”tit; ; Mercury, Carlisle. ture “Familiar Faces and Places,” ——
t Htl M which was introduced by the Beards- Memphis Bold with Italic and Mem- t 0
‘ L ,t; t town (111.) Illinoian-Star. Pictures of phis Light with Italic are now avail- c
1,1 ; t ; POST OFFICE ORDER RESCINDED several early citizens of Beardstown able in the 8, 10, 12 and 14 point , 11
.j ; ti! t B an order S: A .1 1 are run each week, and under each sizes, announces the Mergenthaler t e
,i 3 t gt t master General $513533] roilclindesd 1; 05;“ picture the person is identified and his Linotype Company. p
,i, ‘l t it , eral Order No 6338 which er 't‘td place in the community is described. That company also announces that , r1
, :'t:,% , direct mail advertisers to usepa 1?” f. This is another interesting way to Linotype Excelsior, the new newspaper , ‘I
, t’t] , fie d address s stem for t Slmp 1‘; add local illustrative material to your body face now being used by more t]
; ‘ Wit, other advertisiln Und po‘st 61‘s :1? paper. than 500 papers, and WhiCh has been
, 3 . tit , could be sent ngo‘t to er 1 13.13” er \'_ available from 5 to 14 point in com- .
1 , 3 int, ; perSOn by male but :1;? 132210111” LOUISIANA AD TAX INVALID bination with Bold Face No. 2 or with - f‘
t ,IIjét, ‘ to “Householder” ”mint, a ”resrlsfid —— ‘ Italic, is now available in combination a!
1 l ‘ll‘l‘t ‘ reason given for this acti ron. th : The discriminatory 2 per cent tax With Gothic NO' 3 in the 5 or 7 point St
‘, ,t,’I "after continuing this t2; Wflosr s? on newspaper circulation, levied by the sizes. ,
1; , ,4 1,: , months the department has concluded Louisiana state legislature against Other recent Linotype typographlc 1 1?
,tt , that the revenue derived from this newspapers haVing a Circulation of developments include the cutting of t‘
,‘t, source is not sufficient to justif its more than, 20,000 a week, has been Lining M"tro and Lining Memphisln it
t; , continuance” y declared Violative of both the state two weights in three sizes of 6 pomt n1
3;- .' and federal constitutions by three and four sizes of 12 point; 16 point 01
. at“? When this order was issued Original- United States judges sitting in New Bodoni; 14 point Bodoni Bold One- 11:
. 13’ “1 OCtOber’ 1934, it created a storm Orleans. Letter Small Caps, and 30 point Poster 06
,, i tit, ‘ Of protest from newspapers, on the \ Bodoni Advertising Figures punchEd ‘30
g t Wt , ground that it tended to alienate ad— CONSIDER THESE POINTS in the regular position for the casting t or
, i. ,,,,, vertismg from local newspaper col- h of two-line figures on 12 point bodies . tr
. it‘ii ”mm ReSQh‘anS P355991 by venous Too many publishers know too little from advertising figure molds. And 42 t 1h
, Lt, press aSSOCIatIOIIS. Includgng our own about the bookeeping side of their point Erbar Bold Condensed may now t 111
_ , , , 3,3, , KPn, and letters from editors over the business, be had to cast on a 36 point body from t m
, ,L, , nation played alarge part in bringing What would You think if you wanted regular display molds. 1“
, , 3, ti? , about the rescmding of this order. to buy a newspaper, and upon asking Among the faces recently cut for the t
, ' ,,,g , This goes to show What a united front the owner what his cash receipts and All-Purpose Linotype are 96 and 120 or
, tit}; ; W111 do in matters that are detrimental gross business had been during the point Cheltenham Bold Extra Con- M
, , , tilt“: to the publishing busmess, and again last year, were told he didn’t know? densecl. se
‘. i, 3” t t
. , ‘ii
‘~ 1.1% : :K‘ l,‘
1‘ " t
t~ J‘I‘E. 9 .‘
. :1 l.‘ x § V,
,‘ i, it , t ' ,t'
LL, :, .

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a1 ,,
35 April, 1935 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five
l «'-‘ i
in a ‘ * ' v .1.
Wm... , Prepare Entries Now For I935 Prize Contests ’
31:3: 2 We are reprinting the rules for the Prizes to be awarded are: first, silver ments that have been set in the con— 1,1JJ J
there 1935 contest with additional notes that set; secon dand third, certificates. testant’s oflice, either hand or ma- "th
book- were suggested by Pres. Gus. Robbins Front Page Contest chine composition. - 1N1
ie to J 0f the KPA. These notes appear in Factors to be judged include head- Each contestant may select any ad- 1'11?”
1 bold face type. For the sake of clarity, line content, headline schedule, type vertisement that appeared during the 3 32'
g the that rule applying to “no newspaper balance, make-up, name plate and year, May 1, 1934 and May 1, 1935; J
‘ 1 shall be eligible for more than one of ears, press work and inking, appear- each entry to be mounted on a sheet ‘;
ionth the above prizes” should read “....for ance and illustrations (if any), news of cardboard with the notation, as to ,JJ
flast 1 one of the above FIRST prizes.” story value, balance, symmetry, and the name of the newspaper, date of ‘
, That part of the contest for Best contrast. Each contestant is required issue, and name of contestant. 3"
:eipts 1 News Story which applies to the inter- to select one issue of his paper from Open to Every Newspaper Tiff J l
pretation of the words “best commun- his files of February and March, 1935, Each and every contest is open to 1111 1
ity news story” should be construed from which the judge will select the every weekly or semi-weekly in the T;
to mean that said story must be based best issue. Prizes to be awarded in— state. The news story contest also is [‘1
loney J upon community progress or better- elude: first, silver set; second and open to country dailies. Every editor ’ 1J
arity, ment rather than upon the common third, certificates. is urged to send in his entries for each {25:11},
run of news stories. In the Best News Best Editorial Contest contest. Competent judges from out- "51:11
:1 up J Story and Best Editorial contests, the ' In order to stimulate the editors in side the state will be selected for each {111' .
contestants will be required to submit expressing individuality, initiative, and contest and every entry will be judged “-111
iaper two entries in each contest instead of leadership in this department which on its merits. Let us make this 1935 1 1: 1
J one only. is the editor’s own, attractive prizes contest the biggest contest of them ‘11 J
de- Five contests will be open to Ken— are ofiered in this contest. The fac- all! No newspaper shall be eligible for
Vious J tucky papers in the annual 1935 news- tors which will be considered in the more than one of the above first H.131
1 paper contest and each editor is priv- judging are subject matter, thOUght prizes. EJ51
1 ileged and urged to send his entry in sequence, community appeal, rhetoric June 1, Deadline ‘1”§|
0 $2 for each contest. These contests in- (diction, unity, figure of speech, punc— All entries must be in the hands of J J
elude best all-around newspaper, best tuation), and vocabulary. Prizes of— Prof. Victor R. Portmann on or before , H ,
price front page, best editorial, best news fered are: first, silver set; second and June 1. Entries can be included in the f J
1 (S. story, and best adveriising composi- third, certificates. same bundle, but each entry must be . "f1-
that 1 tion. Each contestant is required to select plainly marked as to the contest. The ,- #1
until According to the amended rules, no two editorials published in his paper package must be marked “.K P. A. l
into newspaper is eligible to enter any 0011— between the dates of May 1, 1934, and Newspaper Contest,” and addressed to "Jigl
are test in which it has won first place May 1, 1935. Each editorial should be Prof. Victor R. Portmann, University ’ J1, ‘
Ed- for the preceding two years. Also, no pasted on a sheet of paper with the of Kentucky, Lexington. It is suggested ”i,
editor is eligible unless he has attend- notation of name of newspaper, date that the editor write a note announc— 3 J 1
ed the last mid-winter meeting of. of issue, and writer’s name. No ing that the package has been sent, to 2111‘
IC 1 theK. P. A., unless excused by the “canned” or clipped editorials will be avoid delay and possible loss of the 1111
1 committee in case of illness. . considered in this contest. entries. E1.
The exhibit this year promises to be Best News Story Contest ‘— 151'-
em_ one of the largest and best since the At the requsst of a number of edi- FIND WHAT CUSTOMERS NEED 151'
vail- contest began. The committee is issu— tors, this contest is continuedfor com— -— I113
oint ing this call for the newspapers to be petition this year on the best com- “Now if I wrote the ads,” says the if;
aler 1 entered, and, as in the past, valuable munity news story. The factors to be advertising manager of the La Junta {11
prizes will be offered, The rules and considered are content, sentence and (Colo) Democrat, “the first thing I’d tY
mat regulations for each contest follow. paragraph structure, thought, unity, do is find out what my customers 1‘11
tper 1 The papers will be put on display at coherence, vocabulary, the lead, and need and tell them about it.” .;J.
iore the mid-summer meeting. community service value. The prizes So, suiting action to words, he tells :11;
con l All-Around Contest include: first silver set; second and the advertisers what was sold in La 1111
am- For guidance of the competitors the third, certificates. Contestants are re— Junta last March with the “sly help 3111'
vith following will constitute the percent- quired to select two of the best news of an ad in the- Democrat.” Democrat E1JJ1
:ion ages by which the newspapers will be stories published between May 1, 1934 advertisements last March, he says, 'F-1J1
)th scored: and May 1, 1935. Each story is to be made “Easter bonnets march out of [£1111
General appearance, 30 per cent; pasted on a sheet of paper with the. the stores in droves. Splendiferous {11.1
.hic 1 local news, 25 per cent; coun