xt7dbr8mgr1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mgr1s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1960 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1960 Vol.27 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, November 1960 Vol.27 No.2 1960 1960 2019 true xt7dbr8mgr1s section xt7dbr8mgr1s Hug-W  ~. ‘. . 7 - - x , . 1,. , . . .. . < v - ”an; an-m ‘v‘vu . , urge t." c «71" VAF>I4'~‘>5 r 1.: .1 , "fl my” “-‘UVerA‘
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. - than for the comparabk NOV
. - . 1 tore taxes
.2 ” I Inglltr XI, .- 5 Cl‘CCHt higher aftCl' 131th
III IIII“’“‘II I ‘ It + 1959 period; >- 1’
III: I A S We see Sales rose.9 PCFCCI‘I' mtion I” publishcu
I III ‘ I + NCWSPrmt consunl -. t .
.III 1 : I; I res Indicates 57 percent. Productlon 0 0111‘ , I
III III II III |III1III III The en “C y Commerce Survey | h went 1111)lech which is usually equivalcm‘
'11 111:: I I I ‘ - t )rintmg ‘ . ’ . V"
II I III I I I 27 Number 2 Printing BuslneSS Hea Y 10 consnmptwl‘r rose. 9% pilcwtl‘ IthII ‘to
II I I I I' Volume I t ent of ConnnerCc re— )rint prices remained sta e, 10“ 01 The hls
II II I ‘I . - II V I; m‘ - - ws ‘. . I , ' '
3 I II I 1 official publicqtlQn Inc [he U15. Dcnlr ““1111er of the prmtlng 1:30 113riCC inchx ludieated a 2.9 pCICcntm recorded tmI
II III ' I ' Kentucky Press Aml?tlo?,,c_ leased its CCWIOH-HCII mic; fer tllc 1111(1'3Ie,ar’ II ,. se for other printing papers. . . . Bible when I
I I III II I KentuCky Press same, Imd publishmg 111K 11 ulél prove inthStmg CICX- ti\it\' in the printing and publislnngm by lot. R01
1111 I 'r ‘_ I‘ 310 e',’ ...~.I '
II I I ;I V'ctor R. portmann, EdltO. 1959-1960I \xhlfgl . I follows: . I Should Contlnue at a high 1m] finanCe bun
II I I I I I Ashley, ASSOCia‘e Editor to all in our hnsmess, as (1 Publishing 111’ dusmcs t the remainder of the Ye“ 3“ perial ICV'CI“
5 :I _ r . . I 1 I I t .
I II I I i; I II : Perry J Member Output of the prlnfmgllt Federal Reserve throughouh es during thC last third 01111 rope from t1
I II ‘ IIII ‘ I I I E Commerce 1 'Cg as measured 1)) I“ I , wenged sonal Increas . t' Of man" segments of 1's nation '
III III I ‘ cky Chamber 0 - “on (1115 F1 i‘ - 1 0duetion Index- “ ‘ r .Irc Characterxs 1C - 1 111 .
I|IIIIIII1 I Kentu Managers Assocla Board mdnstrla pr 1 I of 1960—t116 Ind f -. Imd if the norma pattcm in good star
III 133' II II,’ I Newspaspe: ining MembCr 109 7 for the first 6 montlis 1tion’s utili— the nulustfiCS (llt in continued gains inem- raise money
‘11 III‘I I ‘ us a , . ' ion - ,- I Itie 112 ~ , .I- I1 r651 , = . VI
IIII II II III National Edltorral Assocnat same eragc attuned b; turing incluStTlCS- pr(,\allS, II ales and carnmgS- . ]€\Iymg tam
‘III III III ‘ Associate Membf“ ociation t'es mining» and manu (1C (0 qt 109 Was Ploymcnt’ SC I I lustration,01
I III II I I I - [NewsPaPer Promotlon Ass rll‘he total index for June IONIII I 1960y and I. II I. . can Congres
II: 1;, . I ‘ Natlona e1 Press ‘ ‘ . th 213' ‘ - ’
II If I I I III Printed by The Kern 3}, down a polnt1 from $2 printing and pub- D. retiOn of The PubllSher tion: cl r
III‘I I' III! II _ . CO ”[185 6 . " , “Vlcl‘C‘clS ‘ . 'nt ISC . I n Olve .
1!:1: I I W IUD.L 19.” _ IIIO 112 1n Junc, “P J 1’01 . , ~ busted 1n rcadmg Res {11
I ‘II III III "II The Kentrc‘zlportmlfe of the WP- “on of liqhmg 111(ch r0“ 1 ) 8 points from the Publishers mll be In c I 1‘ 11 bulletin bv way 0
‘i;1 111 II 'I ' fundmnenla ' . “d dissemma _ I 1 In 1\»[a\'z111( ul . I ]_ - from the 11031" 1 ' he next
III IIIII I I _ l n newspapers (1 1h fauna“. from 11 1 - , Printlng and p11) this recent Item . blislltrI of t
. III III ‘I 5'; 1""1’05‘" 0 - 1; stands for "u ’ - of QFQ index of 10"" . ~ f ‘_ . , (ucStIOU from a P” 1 I '11 ill Pl'
, 1:11 III '1- . - formallON- . resgntatlon Junc 1 ) 1 '\'Cr'clgc gall} 0 1 h Cont-(11115 <1 1 f 1 . (1101“
II 1111; ‘1 I I public I“ m the I) . 1 III . (fluent) J . w11C . _ 1anagC1' o tlHSI l’lI
III-II I1 II=‘ - ‘I ”(I (186(31le Jourflahsm' - 1 5110“ (.C ‘1 . . . COID‘ . I 'CI‘ 1)" t1](, 1] I In Eng 1
“III I! ‘I I I, accuracy: " - ; Canons of llSlmg .11 mclustrlcs m] an ADS“ - sPA Bullctmx '
IIIII» I ,I [forth m “e ‘z its adver- _ . t o\'c1‘ 19W, a 3 . u 1 1 11 the H to varlC
III‘I: I I 1 I new" “5 Se - ”ml standards " , . 6./ PCTCUI I t I i'fllofli Alt 10‘ g - c1101 Put , .
I III 1;}? II 3 [CS strlCt 6“ )ublxcalton 0f . . I Of +2 1)C1‘C(,11 - . . 1 SOC ‘ . - 1 this “'CCk 111 (3011116 - . Virgl?
I II: III! 1‘ It "mm“ 1 opposes ””3 I m bmcd'c1 gall1 . 1 . )rmtlng am I -tes as 1t dic . , Id mzmg
1 IIIII 1:11 : using ”01"""1' I 'e of news. U affi” . I , ‘n )lovant 111 “C 1 ' aduma I '1 for Industrlfll PC‘ICH‘= 63115 I
I “III II I 1 ”min under the guts t frank, hone“ Mld5 C‘" U 1 '~ I. 3 3 percent lngher vith the Councl . .11 ad is 11-1 as a m
I III‘I I I II I propasfi - a newspat’” 0 gets 2] '1 industI’ICS “ “IS ‘ - I rk- I . lJC glvcn when ‘1 “fan way
1m : II I 1,], alto” 0f _ - ,5, 11 mp )ul)ll$111 g . - luction “0 . 10 reason - I 111 a
In I II .I I1 I the 0 g . I expresstm . 1 . Tl , use 1n prOC . that 1 . -1tth 3111\ 110 n
I ‘II II“ I- I rless editor” . It of every m' l-n 1n 1959' 1e . tend CV'I‘ - l Isn’t 1t 3001“ r. 1' 1 and 136“0
III .111 II I I and f8“ . . n and the rig” . , "I 11:1 . ltlv lowCF rate, a T Iccted, (0C . t state thlS :1th ,,
1 II III I: I e ualilv of optfllf" _ . [he Consututxon I I “"15 at a Sllg1 . - 1 striCS of . I. 'on or 111ch13 0 . - I funds.
'51 II‘ 11 '1 (I - ”fulfilllt)" ”1 It belt-CUES (IS K 1 ,. COINPOucnt 111(11 gu'c 21 l'Cc15 . I . 1 1t explammg Iht F 10
1:11 1‘ I3" (Izmduul ‘0 [’“I of the Press. , . 1‘ tin most Of NC . . . howCVCr, . , . )olICV' \Vlt 101 A d In ral .
, -I I III, I It, . pmpdom . z for mm. (C11 I on] pnntlng, .Igamst 0111 l - 7 1 down ans
1: 15” III III g""’”"“’" of .as a vital "15‘1”” . d5. I mm) In comma ( . rorkCrS < . I ‘nth we turnC( . success unti
II II ‘I' II ' the ””1””,an ‘ l comnzumty t1“ 3 I - u , f r )rOCluCthfl “ . policy? RCCC II 1 advertISCFUSCI - '
I I I I II 15“ m - ' l and cultlttfl . ~ (f lllCrC‘lSC 0 1 , , 1] . '11 and tIC ‘ be an \anl
I III c, mow. the raft ) t ounent, 1 z warm to“ , , 1 g . I
III II III III 6:12;}?1’iicl-nt and ("03’5” wag the same as for total unpl - flr,()mtlll.1i1 to Send out innneogralphlcd srlilgtIIt tegularlty,I
‘IIII 1 MI It?“ V ————_- ‘ . - ,. i 1er. . (1reC 1 c . I ., yin 118 I
I, II“ 11 II ‘ I —jciati0n9 Inc. lithogr'clpllmgy It “‘15 111 g,“ sligllth in 11113' .Ihieh chargcd WC “‘thmCd II to savtht (“Cd .1116 en
III II tII EII 2 KentuCky Press s 11‘111p1m'ment was (0‘: .1tingii11dnstries II Ivertisc It was embarrassmg . I contrlbutlni‘a’
IIIII 11‘ II III - '11th II I. H‘ hing 81“ Pm . . 0 "K I . Il11 1 I» I Uflw‘m y - (lucthIl “0 I ‘ chCCdmg ~ I. teturlllng _ ~I um!
I‘ - I - ttee - II — I carnlllgS , “tn 111 , “cnl . 2
III III District Executive Cgmzmcity News, the increase-1m “cat; for most 0f the 111— %\’liether a reason ‘3 or 13 (:Ifottllcgptlblislltk 11135 IIIerlIBIg‘
1:3 I; Gaines, “7 . - T . ' hour V 9'4““ ‘ 1 ~c0m- the (lisCret1011 . dI 2111 111 ‘
III 1 II 11 I '~ um, John B' . F'rst Wllllam ' that in - I I.“ true for tic (1e )end upon b11511“ fcart
III I II : I III Chan." n (Fou'l‘th)' l x _ . Second: . .< TlIC rCVCI'SC \h. - CCl' 1 . . 1211' C215C, the pH . . grew strongt
“II 1““ “ ‘ III BO‘Vlmg Gree Herald, EddYV‘ue' - . (llISImS' . . ”ting card, and "“5 In tlns partlcu I on for tumlntI 'ti
III III I III Davis” [4’0" County AT us Central City, Inc-rein] pnntlngy gI'LC - ' illClllStricS‘ 1 if 11C g‘dVC as HR: {C35 7)C.'110I‘ 1116 dCP031
I III? III (‘1? stone, Messenger- g' I.]ournal: Lou‘s‘ . bl’shing and pnntmg‘ ' 1 mm“ 1 is Opposed to ICI or circulars
I 1511“ - :uII Larry . - ar Courier t 14mcous PU 1‘ , I mngs In “C the qd that 1‘3 turned
'3 I111 111:? II I I‘I , -d Basil Caummls ’ T ‘mble Demo‘” ’ ‘ ' e in hourly a” down ‘ — 1 r HC also 1ft concertS
IIIIIII til I II I Tim , _ nk C. Bell, Tl . Le. The 6-1)crce11tr15 l , hrgest rC- ~ 1t To VVOTL “I" (31501 g .
III In I I I13 ille: thth: Fra otter Enterprise, , ‘ l gtrV' was “0 ‘ the ng1 1 ,“Ic as thcf f - nze
I III’IEI . III II» V . . h George Tr . » cu I I card 111(111 . . . L1) .‘ . ‘ttI 3d 811C gc 10 ermg P
I I I I .I d, Szxt , h r J13, M67 7? grectlflg . . bhslnng gIO 17 I .1 Ugare L , 1 3P“ ,,
1_ 1:17 II I III . Bedfol’ Warren R- F15 C ’ 11- ~ . Hung and P“ (10“ 11 ‘ . . llCV 0f t16 P whatever.
1:311? 11 z I a II ~SeventhI - III Comm" ded 1n th6 P“ . 1 I roup - - . qmst the P0 - -- ln
III II . I 1+6 banon. _ r e [oplm , . cor I case for he g _ that it 1s agt , . 1Icrtlsmg-
I I I I - - E: hth, Geo g . Noms, Jr., . . , eent'clgt 111Cr . . I 1, not JO I I \ISIODS and
I 1‘1 I II I I II _I Carhsle. g _ Ninth James T. . K thCC the 13C1’ I arnmgS 1n tlllS 11' 11 tobacco 01' <1 . - and III .
Iii: I"? III (II' alth somerset ’ th Mam‘ce ' - Average hourl§ C‘ .I x P“ ) 15 ’ cised disCrCtIon’ I duv as sectu
“111 3w 1 I 1’; we ’ d "t Ashlandi Ten ’ _ t.Large, Its 21 \V'lwk' 1 f 1960 WC“ . ' ~t'1nCC 110 chI‘ o, l 011% ~
‘ I" I ' I ’ - ' W“ a ‘ , ~ 6 mont IS 0 one 1115 < . I tabllsllCC l) » St t Code
III 1: I II I I . IndePen 6_ MlddlestTOI S , t . . I . for thg first n) . lied 011 as K I 3 es
I IN ’ I II1 Dally NewS, News, leer 1" 111(1L15t1'} . ~ ”'5 for 1110 gm 1 . )tl1CF 11C TC I - ads 50111 I
I II | I --z I HenryI d Casey County a, , Ired wlth $Z./ ~ 0 thc ( AtI 1t 1]]CC11C1nC ( I Manual as :
III 1‘ III I III Fred J‘ Burkhar . curonI state [cum , $19 ,I compa . t I high of $9.1 . I e )apers run pa Cl . I'vorcccom' . , r
III I; 11‘. I _L r e s. C. Van . I Thomas I.).I)ct mdus r) I ll 50m 1 . l letalls of (1 I Additionc
I I State-at ‘1 g ’ . Past Preside" ’ 41nd the “C“ 51‘1 7 rded 1)" a ' ‘0111C publ‘“ ( attCr‘I
I I IIIIII III I I»: 1 . kf l‘t' Immediate . . c _ V_ A IDS WCrC [CCO ' i (1011 f, S Ittg 2111 H 111 master Gen
1 .I I I Fran 0 I Lexmgton 1- rt1smg gal . . ado . I . 10 not. ~ I the _
I I III. I ;- ld.Leader, Acxc _ . “uses were 1n 1- ts 50mg ( "1 r has _ . .
:I. :1 : 12.1 L AdamSIHe’a - Inc. . , 1: lent1eal menu 1) (1111 , . ,- )ul)lls1C 2)9 tltle 1
4 . I I 'II’ ' VlCe . car} 1( , . I ‘ d . i I 0ng 1 ,
III II I I I I I Kentllcky Press [Set I mtdm. [\11)er and period1eal hn'Jgc (436 1min (Ilschtlon “11.1w that mail dt
IiIiIl' II‘ 1 i I f : . . ‘ ' ws 1 . r - r130 . lse. .
III‘III II III Iii 1 13m“ M. wiIhS. Presidiyesseflgm Brandenburg :I"ml)erpee11t respecthClYI' 11ch 4 per- r1ght to mac . t . t'onISI may be w1t1
III? 1‘ I I I ‘ . - idcnt -/ ’ g- I venue W213 ' ' , 1131 I
11‘ :II. J'I III III I M wilson, Ftrst V'ce PreS Hardinsburg )eriodical advertlsmg r0 1 . 1 toppCd $1 I .~ It percent of the tee!“ turned to 86
III I III I I I George I Herald-NEWS; 71‘ 1 t DIFCCt'mai] “)1qu W “C I as 9 4 Fl wenty-Ugl and hventviour 11c IeiII With the W
‘I '5'; I ' Presze . cen. m-ar,W‘ - _, II ners ' I 11 I
III: I! I II I , I Bennet Roach, Second 1:22,”, News, Shelbyville billIIO“ for the first half of Ihcflhlc 1959 pe— wchh ne“ 2) 1(11Itilie9 plan to replaecordIHII to an} lotte
' 5‘ 1'1 'I ‘ ‘ . )arz . m z - I zCC 7'
III ‘ I! 1 I .a‘ R Portmann. Secretary-1\tlar’:¢;g‘£exingt0n percent ahead Oflthct $1121 19 lneasure‘d by of tllcS :Ililtllill the next two :‘CflrSIicIIm PrcSSII. Or not.
‘I ' i -I I.“ Victor ~ - - Ken "0 v - ver 1' v “ )rCSSC ' ,' » mCl' ‘ . I
I I I. I I- erm)’ of ' utclOOr (K r nt. 1 I 2 «(11.1116 I I
II I IIII I I RUIZ; of Directors IIOCIIprgtcrs’ Ink index, “’33 “1i 115 P653“ to a survey b5] IIIC 1111113614 of the nahfl" Much of
1 ‘II "I I I; 03 _ er, t 10 . . ul) is 1mg -‘ r I inc u( cc , , . .
it ‘ :II , an Enos Swain. Advzcséigfisngw’ Profits of pnntmg Raid] pneI‘ysp‘Ipers) for Fhe boutkhcs md small dalllCS. the postal
: .I ‘ I I -m t ‘ - . . ‘ ‘ " ' ‘ ‘
II I I I I 32231116 Rumsey E‘ .Garri—flfi Daily N‘w” trV' corporatlons (“$391615 were 6 5 percent 3,150 \\ I
1. I;I ' H ‘ ‘ . ce ' - ' I
II I III I; 1 Lawrencebufg’NIIgmb- Diningham, ”Wm the first 6 months 0 .
III I I I I I giggifbgggngs: Officers ex-officxo.
I I‘ I" ‘I ,a
. II II I ‘ '
- 3 11:
I II I | . |. ‘ I II
11: I'll |I [I'll
:6 ‘ SI 1
u I I I
. 3 i ‘ I I

 the COmhiEi NoVEMIER. E960 THE xmrucxv mss MG! ONE 1?
gher after the; ; E‘ .
i ii i
by publisheiE I . N B H . O L . 1E
or it P 0. Department ssues ew u etln n otterles E
ually equivalctf ' ’ ii
:iIECentE. Whit! Recorded History State Lottery, which was chartered by that which depends upon chance, might not be 1
‘7 5’ EICWhOEC‘E The history of lotteries goes far back in state and grew to enormous proportions, as easy. Considerations may be in the form E
,m pcrcentit recorded time, even into the days of the reaching into states which were helpless to of money or something else of substance, 1
firs. l - - . Bible when there were many matter decided combat it. At its height the average ticket but a mere visit to a store without any 616— i
: 1E)Eu ilileungm‘ by lot. Roman emperors used lotteries to sales for each monthly drawing amounted ment of purchase would not make the E
f the :15; ERIE finance building projects and increase im— to almost $2 million. In 1890 Presrdent scheme a lottery. There was a time when 1
ast third if ea. penal revenue, and they were held in Eu— Bemamin Harrison urged the Congress to the Post Office Department applied a strict
' , 0 the rope from the fifteenth century on. When enact strong legislation, holding that “the rule, holding that even a trip to the store
my segmentsgi this nation was young, the lottery was still people of all states are debauched and de- was a consideration. This was modified un—
normal mm in good standing, and it was often used to frauded” by the lotteries, and “The use of der a so-called time-and—eftort rule which
iecl gainsmcm-E raise money f0r public purposes instead of the mails by these companies is a prostitu— held, for example, that while a single store i E'
L . levVlng taxes upon the citizens. As an il- tion of an agency only intended to serve the visit did not constitute a consideration, two i
E lustration, on November 1, 1775, the Ameri— purposes of a legitimate trade and decent visits would; that is, one to register and one 5
- i can Congress adopted the following resolu- social intercourse.” to attend the drawing. The same would be . . E
>llsher tion: Members of Congress agreed, condemn- true of other combinations of effort; such as :1"
3th in readino “Resolved, That a sum of money be raised ing lotteries “as swindling and demoraliz- visiting several different stores,E0ridiEerent E’
ndiana bulletii by way of lottery for defraying the expense ing agenmes, as skin games of the most cor— places in a store, to ascertain winningEnum— E‘
mm a publisher of the next campaign, the lottery to be rupting order,” and blaming their earlier bers. Following later court decrsrons it was E
agcr of the EEE drawn in Philadelphia.” acceptance on a “code of morals, based on necessary to modify the rule once again. .
HSPA Bulletin: In England money raised by lottery was the toleration of Vice rather than on its ConsrderationEmay still be present if there
kin conucctionE put to various uses, including aid in 0010— suppression." is a substantial expenditure of time and .
mm] Peace id' nizing Virginia. This method was described The Supreme Court approved the several efiort required, but this would be an unusual E E E ,
on an ad is iii as a means of assessing a voluntary tax and mail exclusion statutes, holding (Ex parte case and the application of the law is now 5 E v E ‘
icr silly not EEE a “fair way to reach the pockets of misers Iackson, 96 US. 727 (1878): largely confined to schemes where money,
gtatc ‘this adig.‘ and persons disposed to dissipate their “In excluding various articles from the merchandise, or other things of value are EEE '
explaining lhri funds.” mail, the object of Congress has not been to given by contestants. i E EE .
(1 down an id In France the national lottery enjoyed interfere with the freedom of the press, or Merchants Often hold prize drawings to E‘ EE E
advertiser used success until “the king and his henchmen with any other rights of the press, but to increase their trade, and announce that the E‘
zographcdshccl began winning the top prizes with unseemly refuse its facilities Efot the distribution of chances are “free,” when the fact is that E .-
l with his right regularity,” which understandably damp— matter deemed iniurioEus .t.o. the public goods must be purchased or a payment E1 E i
ssing to smile cried the enthusiasm of those who had been morals . . . The same inhibition has been made on account before the customer re— EEE :.
. E contributing regularly to the fund with their extended to circulars concerning lotteries— ceives his chance. This is a lottery despite ,. EE ‘EEE .
lvocatc turning‘ ticket purchases. institutions WhiCh are supposed to hQVE a the absence of an extra charge for the E E T
giving a rcasouE Drawings were conducted in this country demoralizing influence upon the people. chance; the consideration is the necessity EEE EEEEE .
reason need be by some of the states, and the District of The explicit language of the lottery sta— for making a payment to the store in order E 'EE
:ler and chcckfi Columbia, but the tide gradually turned tutes leaves no room to dOubt that Congress to become eligible for a prize. The Supreme . ‘ EE iEE .
not given must them. In 1827, postmasters and their assist— intended to prohibit use of the mails in any Court dealt with this question as far back i E E E
if the puhllsllCL ants were barred from selling lottery tickets, way to serve the interests of a lottery or as 1893, in the case of Homer v. US. (147 EEE Eai
)ul)liSll€l’fCflll'd‘ and in 1868, as the anti-lottery sentiment those taking part in it. There is general US. 449% which involved the sale of for— EEE EE i
son for turningE grew Stronger, Congress decider] to prohibit familiarity with the fact that the law bans cign government bonds, and annual (haw,
secl to repeal oi E the depositing in any post ofllce of letters lottery announcements; . nevertheless, ques- ings to redeem certain of them at a figure in E E E
He also turnch 0! Cll'ClllEll'S concerning “lotteries, so—called tions will arise from time to time as to excess of the price paid and to award largc EE :
'c as the reagent gift concerts, or other similar enterprises of— whether particular schemes constitute lot— cash prizes. This was held to be a lottery i E.
of the paper 10E fering prizes of any kind on any pretext teries, and whether any and all announce- even though eaChEhuEyer received full value 1 E:
advertising- InE whatever." This law, with occasional re— merits of them are nonmailable. Because of for the money paid mi. The law hgts been . E E
icrction, audit “810113 and extensions, has come down to— the endless types of prize plans that CEFOPEUEP, uniformly applied in this way evcr smce. EE
iblishcd policizl day as section 1302, title 18, of the United it is impracticable to cover all pOSsibihties There is sometimes a misapprehension E
licinc ads, gout 313168 COde. This is reflected in the Postal here; but the following should serve as a that no lottery exists because chances may E E
3f divorce com- Manual as section 124.41. general guide in deciding which announce— be obtained free,” even though others are EEE i
all a matter 01 Additional authority is given the Post— merits may be mailed. given with purchases. The fact that there ‘E‘EE E
)lishcr has the master General to curb lotteries by section Elements Of A Lottery . is “free” participation would make the E E.
259, title 39, US. Code, which provides To begin To begin with, aElotteryE is a scheme nonetheless a lottery if, in addition, , EEE
E that mail destined for a scheme of this kind scheme where aEconsideration is furnished some chances are given with purchases or EEE
3 the iiatiOHV-‘E may be Withheld from the operator and “3' for a prize that ‘3 dependent upon chance. other considerations. The scheme is a lot— 'EE 1
itv—four percent turned to senders after having been stamped In other words, there are three elernenltis—h tery as long as some pay, even though others E _ E
O'rcpl‘lcc theiIE Euth the word “Fraudulent." This applies consideration, prize, and chance—w 1c play free. E E
.icars accordiflt 0 any lottery, whether it is actually a fraud must all be present tthave a lottery. . Consideration is present when a box top, EE
A‘mciican PICSSEE Ornot. Ordinarily it is obvrous whether there is label, or other evidence of purchase, must
f the nation'sE Laws Strengthened a prize, which the coiirts haveEsaid may be be submitted. Frequently the contest opera— E , i
lies. Much of the impetus for strengthening “anything of values DeCidingE whether . E f
the'Postal laws came from the Louisiana there is a conSideration, or a prize award (Please Turn To Page Two) i

. -. ' scrtcd HIIIII J

ENTUCKYIPRESSI cr whethcr It 151 1:1“er anew: 0U
THi K ' tIlC 11Cws11¢l1ilc’promotcr, O: 13 The fact 11111 M 11 1 ,
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.,:v 'I511‘III a )olfiorys 1)10C in ConI‘CSt‘S '11ng “CHI {10 I),“1.ln(;1‘1t nellt thCh 15 de. 1111:”
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I I’ II I a "I'IICI'C " 1 exam IratOr ' ‘ mct1C " ‘ ' whee, ' - I. «

I II II I I I I Pa 6 one) ' .III- inVOI‘C ‘11 go if the OP? stafld‘ 1“ 1 h “a pubhC 1 c11,51)apcr . - .11,311. ,
11 111I 1’ III III ' . "ed Fr0m g 1 ilcs of the germ .1 .1 would be I 11ppropnatc1 itc finc< (I 11111 as a 11 II and adver
II “I ‘II I I Conn“ ' facslm . f ~1tC t11~ 1ounCC ‘ if (CSP blic P ’ tisCS - - ‘ ’ - ~t0iII-

I, I I I I I . . onablC . hen 0 f“ ’ .md 21111 icg- or I - _ p11 ,t qdvcr - notrcc t0: ’
I11 1 II 1 I 1 1 _ )t was 1 nkS 1D 1. 1 1(1013t c _ 1 . ehtr ., 11 zll'C 1g . 1.11:1 c “to gut . 11 1,1

I 1 I - , 1 . . CCcl UV I) 3 451511) to :1 , t 1C lqu S 1hmg 1 1 415 T0 glVC p11 , 1, _,_

I I I - II or “1H ‘1 , or C“ ' - ' 21fC C , udgmg e SIB“cc . -, efincC ‘ _ ,h to. , .

III 1II| I I I L03; tOPSI label; tIlCSC facslmileznnounemg 211115 fornlounccmcng’ thu-nncrs. sing tlSC” 15 d I0 Blake L110“ CC cspCCially bya 7 1 .11

‘ ‘I‘ I I - ‘ ‘ ' 2IS~ ' 116“ 'hin ‘LlCh an - IIC “ . the gUCS form - - ' 1111101111 national , «

11 1 I11 1 I , OnglnI IdVCrtlSCl f 11 Wlt S . 1€etmg 1. 15 f 1. . 1 f to c , IS Int€f I
IIII'I I I I thc the ‘1 Inot a I In 5C f lottCr.‘ . qlls 0 I tlct 0 I , Vebstcr 1 , ., ;
1II1.: I I ' from 1c 1113} 1 veVer; norCC 11' )C 0 Vthh C‘ 1 11C no - C ’ (\ . , «W

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‘* I ' t t1 1‘3 12” dl‘ A11! I ‘ '1 5C f 0 . llltCC I E“ - raIIabIC I, I
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II II I L the Cgtrict burvlc1w :Onsidcred O‘ldlin con— contest. Suclof 1hc outCO11 other athletic DicthnarI’ Sidvcrtiscmcnt. ”1116111115101; 11

"5:1 1 , . 1 11C I t )C . rstc - 110118 - s or 1 lidfl C ttCr." c t gIVC
:I I 1 I I I . .. mus 1ntch 1d redrc 3111C I , CA!“ A Io . -s no emenII 1
II III 1 1 I. 1 ,h case “-0110 shOU 1) , IcImII g vaICS (1 1 , 1 1t doc 1 Announc , 1
II II2I1 E I I1 CIJC - . and 31 - 1 .1 plan ‘Q be” bcl— 0 1 C. T 10 thong 1 , .. t1011~ 1.

:I' I I ‘ i - . aSlS . . ucl ‘ , cut 1111K” ‘ Hum offiC WC“ I. era 1 L , 110111111 1

I III III I I ; 1.1(111‘111 b or yadvcrtlslgg I? ()1th Dep‘lmfl Ign-Itchcsv 01 thcl is r'lcc for Pubhc of contcst cf tIlC Sclrcmc 5 :1: somctlmcS 512,1 uEnIeI - .

”I I“ 3" ILlCtmg - the 05 ~- I ‘ '1'Ci11 1‘ ‘ 1 1' Ion“ -. to 0 ~ ” gam’ upqrtv, . ‘ I I
III I: I C Ck Wlth ' “flablhb' I‘v— will ICCCI - to allot 1C 111’“ 15 f “hlngo 9 n or ‘ ' dcslgna-

-II1 I1 , first chC . 011 Its 111‘ the lottCl. A v .11)1)I}' rC the P ‘« .1 tIIC 0 1 “Gallic” 1 word or _ 1
‘ ~ 4 I M3 ‘ ~ whe . 1315 Ithafl thcr 1115-

II" ‘I H mhng t 0f nt€St57 Id“ 11 (121”: e “0“ mart , 01116 0 - I1_thc _

I I. :1 I I0 gCt . (I C1emen , 1 ]C CO 1 thcsC - thrc . a 1 7 Or 3 “211' 31g 1 11 ‘1
I“ I 501] ] )ulaf two 01‘ Ictlng “out: . (I0 that, ,

’III III “ I The I11” IctCCt 1“ 1ouId “3 P01 .1 'ch 0f - comp . tall11 ., 111)]6, A 've notrce I,

I“ “3 I ' w 9\' t0 ( 4 It 5 1 - ‘ urtc “ 11 v )nC 111 1 C fad . for em! (I ‘r to g1 I;

1,.1 ,1 1 , 1 __13 Cl . .0 QICJI- IthOd 111(I1C‘ u CCt ( :7 711C“ t] 1 t1011— 1 C 1‘03 (, 1 Ved at 1: e1
11 I 1 . 1 - Chancc ’t is not 5 thC mC 1-d eorr “ 11mg _“ 1 10 101 1 ad by t1 .11 be P a, I .1, a
II I I I . ch 1 ‘dC from be 0.021] C , 01‘ C 1 S of g (ICl‘StO 1 CC W1 h 56 ICICI'; , 61

I I" I I ’ but 111 0th . 1 th‘lt 2151 I also 5 .IhtchCS ~ c basl 1. I111 f ehan of t 6 I11 :“k

I I ‘ I 1 1 ; , c 7 . C Indy _- . of SC 1 Cnulfl 11'C f0 1 11105 0 d Any ;.»‘

I I I 11 I1 . 111 1111“C 1 ChJDC mum SCIICS S 110 g strLICtl the gzl nOtC . , J 11;
I I ‘I I I I I 1.1)01‘11C t “Illlllcrsl , f the all 1 thch I _ tCnCC , . 1 13C0 . bIC I

"' ’ I‘ ‘I ' I I ' 0 d ' that r 5"” thCTS- - 2111C P 13113 d 111 I .
I II 1 . 1_ to 56100 matlon . ed an Is 1121‘ 0 ,.r1hc 0 tunC 1 . 1101111 S C0 e,p h MI
I 3‘ ”I ‘I‘ Used detcrm ’ 10f fix Fem“ - 1190‘“? ttch I uId “ . 18 U- ' dents 0
II I - thC mt 18 1 but C15011, g tIlC 11on I stzll lo . cCS 11 o f Tltle I II not be; Stu

I1 'II III I I I found m f the 811101 Ontcst, r ‘ - (Inc of t thC 130‘ in C" » 1302 0 ils Sh?l ‘ 061 inch“
. III} III' 1 I 1 I 17(3- 1 1 . of thc C 11 ter hooslng th tha , IC )Cnds Sccflon the ma ‘ - 'n a111'l I96 ‘

I ”I III 1 I fthe Pr “ mung .11 a <1 C 11bc 11° . Ihrch C 1 , that u Ontalnl g - W L
III I21; 1 . O _ 1 begl IVCd c 11011 C - mg \\ Cferc, 1 fIrtIICr rS c Id Eug

«I I! I I r t HC r680 7 t nt It 3 . vmfl ThCr , 108 l 7 , ape bImCI'iIII u I
“II“ ‘I‘ “ I‘ ‘ ~‘ I“ a . to” W a - . to (I ‘ CC- \1( um‘SP ded I , IIIs
, II I . ., I 11 egrta bV faC thC c011 _ llCS Chan 1 coll' 90nd aWar . P 9 Cat 6
III1I1 I ‘1 I . , 1trolled - 1 flee to -11 be If 13w app . 111 upon _ IS of II 150d to I 1 drawn or 11131111, op, c
I‘ ‘ I I II I“ I 15 (01 1d I)C C121 '. )riZC WI 1 01‘ In pa . 1 :Crtlsclncn ‘ ' hcd) l 1 C prlZCS ,, This “leans 11 I towfl- The 5

IL" I . . it W0“ . 311 1115 l Cttlcd who C n.111 am . is furnlS 11.910111 11311,. 011116 0. 11 1

. ‘ ' I I tan 01- 5111 . - t was 5 1 \' not 1 E . 1 ritlon 1 Inc _ 11 lot _ 1 rCSlllts 1 denh I e

I 11‘; ‘ ' 1I I I 1 0“? largC thls POlrl 1 61d 011C 1114, 1 1 COHSKC C 1180 50 f In]\' 311C 11-11] the C11- The pen

1 II; I , 11 , as to 1 1aw0n court 1 ’ - hrch «1 1511 but ‘ st 0 ‘ - 'ttcd toI ‘ how mu , 1-,, Greel
I I: I ,I 1 x The 01116 1. (11] \V C S 1 4 C011“: 1‘11“ 01' I10“ 50‘” g

I III I . II - gsfuI- 1c Supr 194 tcSt as 50111 of a not 1)C 1 ) won , Connec

‘I11: I I II I 511000“ 04 when H . Come: . I‘m-01W Ike carC . I11ch 1- 1 w I( 1' rhI 1n . H mId-News‘
1 , H = I I / 1 I 1 V. - 11 1C11 1 1d ta , 1 8r \\ , Id 11 g rcgu A . urSC 11 e
51 ‘rI 11 I 1 I)‘ Ck 111 19 . HouSC \\ 1 1 S won 111 a 1 r tor), g up t Of co 1 Exte'
II'IIII .I I I a .. C1car1ng nCC- T“ of beans ablc t0 1' Como Ikes I)“ 11d K'

1 . 1. 1I _ . . 1011 std I .

‘I I1 I . 1 I '1 PubIlC - “duct c1121 I'l . 11111111”? . 1 ht bC ' unS - h SWCCP {163-
I‘ I. ‘5 ‘ I 11 '1, 1 11] C0 1CSS t C . t C1211} I“ g - *ng hlS _ thC Ins I I' lotto _—
‘3 I I ‘ ' 49/ ' t engagCC 0rd to gl 1 thema l 1 cxcrclsl . “Ilth 1 t0 0t 1C 1
III‘ I :1 I I1 U.S- cm 110 ~ 11 that W 1 1 '1CCI 111:1 bCl’ b1 I ch IS 1 1 [13113 1 F r New? 11 .
.II I; 1.1 1 1 tth \\ , .n thC . 113 1 tram 1 hum IhCIC t1 . ”th Cc1 m you 0 1elawI5l -
’ ‘ I III I ”1th '. CDSC 1 1ch t1 ‘ s . tc “C 1 s‘t “ f 311 1310610 . t of II - ' 11
II " I I I the S . loaf 3“ 0x111“1 . -1 CO“ C‘ 01115 O . 1 S par HPCI ‘. Cmclnna

‘ I: I‘ III 3 I — . Iottcr.‘ m ~ t1rCIV C ’ . t of aPPr _ .k111- OF I 1])vm ‘ . . mg I11 newSP .
II . 11: I ‘1 I II. 111:7 c1 , 1 15 CI1 ' llOtlnCn , 01111] S V roblcll . the Inlstcr 1 dc for 1 . h"
:I I I :I, I 1 v . '1 I usCC 1 e a . ._ )fcssl - , 1 'c a p from adm ma the" f Unet
, - ' 1‘ ~ 1 I1 0L 1)“ - . 50‘ 19ch In been 41 e In 0
I I: :1: ~15 ~ord1n‘“ ‘ s 31“ red U m to . - on 1 , - . as ,1 van .

I I 1 :x'olvcs fixed 1? rlfolders of 1111111130111 such opporfm: 1 drawlng ls tried correctly to d; chcPhO11 hlileh have a 111:1“: 1011ch Clem“:I I 111dicial C

I II II' ”I I 1 - ~ I e DOX- #1] “I ‘ nsWC .1 vchC ' 1 s W . ]'c1 1 ' I evenr '
I‘ II ‘ I - Zcfi to frOm 3 IV to 51“ ’ .11 who a -, 1110 TC artIC C 1111 W“ Iorth.‘ ~. - 11 ex0
I; I I; 5;: the PU draw“ .ttachcs on . 09 of :1 hC WHO .1 ,E there - III 1111( a news“ , f1ma' socmtlo I 1
II “I “I I: ~ Ihich are ~haHCC ‘1 drawflr “am ‘ - IiII g0” ,. that 15: 1 I own “g .’ - 1taI t0 1.0551110 I - .1‘ dentli

I I; II 11 ets \‘ 1 101 or C tickct . vIIlCII “ 10ttCr3’I whOSC 1 . mcrdcl . 1 t0 supp - 11 Is cmncl l .

I 1 1 I I1 1 ,1 ,1 1 thC “vorc of the . b It the CICIC I 1150 be 21 pCrSon is on} . t dCSIgnC( bliC thc 1 1611mm
II -:II1 I 1 CHSC nmnber , 112% l 1 . Vould (I . 1 nd tIlC {OH 011 1 V IS 110 thC pu ttCIII (IIICI, 1 1
I; I1 I , . c or fthC P ~ bu- tlns ‘ . ImgI ‘1 . ucsl Thcl‘“ .Irc to ‘h 2110 “ I - I11101
I I7? ‘ I?" I " 11c nam , 101111t0 h dlst“ . .1 (Ircfi‘ . swcr a q ws va I d wlt f Sometv VI
,1: 11, I11, I t to thC an for t c b‘ ‘s first I rust (111 . . 1 of no “110th . “61.0 a 1 . .
‘I’fI‘ I I 1 I nd I10t 1 , V schCmC , and «V l -. draw“ 11 . - 115 prrzC- . 1cs 1101 . ~ entall." C0 the Wm ' Dr. Garvlfl

III II: II I I I Statute Cove“ (III: I0t or CharICC IVebStCII is 1131110 .151)ch1'0