xt7dbr8mgp8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mgp8s/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2004-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 2004 text GLSO News, February 2004 2004 2004-02 2019 true xt7dbr8mgp8s section xt7dbr8mgp8s Ht “3:;— GAYand ,
Lexington. Kentucky February 2004
A publication 0F the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation
Volume 19 Number 2
Civil Rights Attorney AVOL Marti Gras Ball
R BETH RpBINSON AIDS Volunteers of Lexington invites
eel world String Band concert you to an evening of New Orleans—style
Attorney Beth Robinson served as co- revelry. Please join us for the AVOL Mardi
council in the Baker v State case before Gras Ball on Saturday, Fe?r”ary 21 at the
the Vermont Supreme Court that opened Sheraton Suites, 2601 Richmond Road, -
. the way for state-recognized civil unions Lexmgton. . ‘
for same sex couples. She then led the C Doors. Opin8 at 7 Tphm W'tm bOpjning
lobbying effort that led to the passage of . eremo'nies a . pm. _ er:wr : fiaFC'
the Vermont civil union law - the first ever ing, casrno gaming, a caiun inner u e ' a
in the United States. costume contest, and tarot'card readings
Bluegrass Fairness is bringing of;er:d.bMuszicC:or the Eventing l\vzrll be pro;c
Robinson to Lexington for a weekend of ‘é' e y y_“e:° F onkd dd 3: 91r00°1
activities. On Friday, Feb 13, Ms. eremonies W' e rea a y 0 '
Robinson will speak at Memorial Hall at 7 WKQTQ'k t $60 d VIP
m. A su ested donation of $5 is asked. '0 e S are per person, an
p How 3v?” the Vermont decision for Tablesfor8are available for$600, and VIP
same-sex civil unions affect the national Tables of4 for $300. For more information
dialogue and how might it affect us in or tickets, contact AVOL at(859) 225-3000
Kentucky? Do you know the difference orASIEeScYSIISMt:;risé@i::lgaoliPRoom Rate of
between domestic artnershi , civil union,
and civil marriageE)? Ms Rpobinson will $82 fora Suite are available for the 21st at
address these issues on Friday night. the Sheraton Surtes’LeXIngton. Jorn us
On Saturday at 10 am at the Beaumont and lets have a Ball.
Branch of the Public Library, Fairness is . ,.
offering a seminar featuring Ms. Robinson SPOIISOI‘ 0f the Month
on “Rights and Responsibilities of Same-
, Sex Couples.” Topics will include invest- Dr Ted M
ment, realty, power of attorney, living wills, _
and more. A suggested donation of $5 is R'Chardson 0-D.
Saturday night, Feb 14, a benefit con- Vision Specialist
cert with Reel World String Band will be
held for the Ky Fairness Alliance. Come 278 - 4201
celebrate Valentines Day with us at
Memorial Hall at? pm. Asuggested dona- 277 - 4684
...oontinued on page 2

 tion of $10 is asked. This money will help Fairness
\_. ." h~ GAY and in their work to achieve legal protections for LGBT
LESBIAN people and to stop actions that are designed to slow
5“ SERVICE or reverse our progress. .
.. WHON A number of states including Kentucky have pro-
posed amendments to their states constitutions
D D. encuc .
- Lexi gto K Ky defining marriage as being between one man and
so NEWS one woman. Fairness is working in Frankfort to
T5; defeat such amendments. You can help by writing
Volume 19 Issue 2 letters or emails, by lobbying and by calling your leg-
published monthly by islator. See page 8 for information about how to get
The Lexington Gay '“V°'Ved'
, LeSb’a", , St Mychal the Martyr Church
Serwce Organization 0 n H Jan 28 7 t 9 m
389 Waller Ave. pe ouse O p
_ 1350 Eastland Dr. see page 15
Jackie Cobern A Bar Night Benefit will be hosted by Bill Howard,
Mr. Kentucky Bear 2003, on Sat, Jan 31, at
Board Members Crossings. There will be a Raffle and Door Prizes
Thomas Collins, President starting at 10:30 PM. Grand Prize - 27" stereo color
Joan Branon’ Vice_Presl TV, DVD Player, DVD'S| Local Mel-Chant Gift
Clayton Dobson, Treas. Certificates, and other great prizes
Mary Crone, Editor There will also be a tee-shirt raffle starring guys
Jackie Cobern from the Men of Crossings Calendar. Proceeds to
Tom Collins benefit AVOL, GLSO, and travel expenses for Mr. KY
Sarah Martin Bear to compete at the International Bear
Ginger Moore Rendezvous in San Francisco.
Terry Mullins ,
ers ..".'.'i?-'r-I’u "a'r‘ ‘.. 'r.‘ u‘i' .r‘ hl' \'-"‘\-" ~.»' .~':f.‘.?i"r‘.'.1."..3‘..' '.. '...‘r‘ ”writ“ ”,1:
Ben SaYI if .' "E. g% - I . . I:
. :15}. .34! 5...: « I
News'efle“ ., 4“? Coming Out in the I
|nd|v|dua| - $15 ==2:=tt.._.---,tt=§§§aaszz::-§ Developlng world (
Couple - $25 1;; , :2 l
and No Dumb Questions t
Opinions expressed in the GLSO (
News are those of the authors and Saturday Feb 21 2 pm ”f ‘
don’t necessarily represent those of ’ ~
the GLSO Board. Submissions are :3 ‘ ’ if~
welcome and staff reserves the right F: LeX Publlc lerary I
to edit submissions and advertise- _:: 3‘; E
ments as well as the right to reject ;.- . E
submissions or advertisements. see complete list Of films on page 14
GLSO Page 2

 Community JVews
Pride Month Committee 7715“ M 7% PM
The first organizational meeting to plan The Miss Valentine Pageant sponsored
Pride Month 2004 will be on Thrusday, by the Imperial Court of Kentucky is the
February 12 at 7 pm. This committee is state's oldest continuously produced con-
open to anyone, lUSt show up and get test for female impersonation. This year's
involved. We will set up the calander of pageant will be held at Club 141 on
events, choose a theme, and make deci- Wednesday, Feb. 11_ Doors open at 9 PM
sions about advertising. All GLBT organi- and the pageant begins at 9.30'
zations are invited to send a representative Contestant may contact Empress 22 JD
to this meeting. For more information con- Vaughn at Sheldon311@aol.com for an
tact Terry at 2522867 application. Applications can also be
, obtained from and lCK Board member.
Men 5 M0“ 6° Date Admission with a $5 donation. Proceeds
Men’s Meet to Date gives men the will benefit the charities of the imperial
opportunity to participate in fun activities CCU” 0f Kentucky, lnc.
designed to help people get to know each
other followed by a dating match tech- mm“ mauat g,“ 3”
nique. Meet to Date will be at the Pride Romance Wlll Be In The Air At The Bar
Center on Sat. Feb 21 at 3 pm. There may Complex on Saturday. Feb. 14th.
be another date scheduled, call the office Valentine's Day. We are having 8
(253-3233) or contact Darnel at dar- Valentine's Day Card Contest. Make your
nel172000@yahoo,com special someone or want-to-be special
No one Will be asked to go out with any- someone a card and we'll display it in The
one they do not select and who does not Lounge Bar. The Fancier, the Better!
select them. Dates can be as short as 20 The Winner will be chosen on Feb 10
minutes. and will receive: (1) Dinner for Two at Mia's
(gift certificate), (2) A Bottle of House
M1293 3% £611}; Tagewnt Champagne and (3) Four House Passes
_ .. , .. with a reserved table for four in The Gilded
CM) 141 W'” hOSt the MISS Bag Lady Cage Cabaret at The Bar for Valentine's
Pageant on Wednesday, March 3’ 200‘?“ Day night. There'sa$5 entry fee, turn your
Doors open at 8:30pm and showtime WI” entry into Kenneth before closing on Feb 10.
be at 9:30pm. There Wlll be a $3 door
cover, all proceeds will be donated to a DRUI AND GENDER ALLIANCE
local charity. Featured entertainers will
include the reigning Miss Bag Lady - The Lexington Dress and Gender
Crystal Diamond, Val E. Cheridan, Rayna Alliance will meet on Sat, Feb 7 at 8 pm.
Starr, Godiva Amore and LaToya BaCall. W9 Will be talking With freelance Makeup
Anyone interested in competing in the pag- Artist Kevin 3- Shields (e-mail: kevb-
eant should contact Crystal or Greg (man- sheilds@yahoo.com). He Will give skin
ager) at Club 141. Entry Fee is $10. care advice and product recommenda-
tlons, based on ...continued on next page
GLSO page3

 professional experience, price and product Gui/mes Wight
performance for both F2Ms and M2F’s. _ _
Kevin will include a straight-foward discus- _ Due to lack Of interest, Gaymes N'ght
sion on contrast and color and give an Will no longerbe held atthe Pride Center I
demonstration, with step-by-step explana- on the fourth Friday Of the month.
tions and examples.
. There will be a drawing at the beginning Mr. K5. Leather 2004
of the meeting, the winners will be the mod- _ _
les for this session. 2 winners for F2Ms, 2 The Imperial Court Of Ky W'" sponsor
. . . the Mr. Kentucky Leather 2004 Contest on
Winners for M2Fs. This is your chance to , ,
. . March 12-13, at Club 141 in Lexmgton.
come and learn how to deal With skin prob- , _ _ ,
lems, which makeup to choose and how to A55isting With the event Will be Kentucky
apply it. For more info please visit us at: Leather Productions and the Lexmgton
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LexDGA Lyons Leather C,IUb' ,
The contest is open to reSIdents of Ky
. - and the Louisville and Cincinnati
Discussmn Group Metropolitan Areas. The is a $15.00 entry

The discussion group meets every fee. Interested persons should contact
Wednesday night at 7 pm at the Pride Larry Stanley at LDStanley09@aol.com or
Center and is open to all. Some members the Imperial Court of Kentucky, PO Box
join when they are first coming out, others 265, Lexington, KY 40588.
just enjoy hanging out with folks and dis-
cussing topics of interest. We strive to UKSupport/Tberapg Group
make this a safe space Where yu can be
yourself. For more information contact The UK counseling & Testing Center
Jane at ladyjaneky@yahoo.com offers a weekly Therapy /Support group

to provide a safe environment for GLBTQ
Lexington Lyons Levi /Leather Club folks to talk about issues related to their
sexual/relational orientation.

The Lyons next business meeting Will The group will be led by Anne Edwards,
be on Feb. 9 at 8pm at the Pride Center. Psy.D. and Colby Cohen-Archer, Ph.D.
Anyone interested in learning more about Students taking at least 6 credits at LCC or
the ClUb is welcome to attend. We WI" UK are e|igib|el The group is meeting on
also be meeting for bthCh at Mia’s 0” Mondays from 1-2 . Anyone interested in
Sunday Feb. 29- at t Pm- Please 10th US- joining or wanting additional information is
The Lyons are proud to be a Pride Patron of encouraged to call 257-8701.
the GLSO Pride Center.

Sistahs in The Life SisterSound
SisterSound is in rehearsal for their

Sistahstin the Life is a support group for May concert every Sunday evening at 6
Black Lesbians and Bt-sexuel women. Jom pm. If you would like to sing with us, come
us for provocative discus5ions about our join us any Sunday at the Lansdowne
lives and experiences. We meet at 7 pm Cumberland Presbyterian Church. For
every first Tuesday at the Pride Center. For more info Patti (806-0243) or Toi n e (276—
information contact Joan at 859 539—2657 0753), sistersound@hotmail.com.
or email Jweslie@aol.com.

GLSO page 4

 :2: Dr. Ted M. Richardson O.D.
Vision Specialist
The most thorough eye exam,
so, the highest
on standard of eye care.
:ky ——————
Iati Immediate Appts. For Emergencies
if: Contact Lenses
30* Eye Infections
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33 Designer Eyewear
he” Gardenside Plaza Member
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Mon thru Fri 9 to 6 - Sat 9 to 12 VISION SERVICE PLAN
ieir Late Evening Hours By
" 6 Appointment
:gr Medical Cards Accepted
We Will Complete Your Insurance Forms "
"" ———-—-————-—————W§:€

389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3
Monthly Coffeehouse W Center 05"") WW5“:
Local singer-songwriter Lori O'Connor is £02: 31:1,: Mainder
hosting a free monthly coffeehouse/open-

- mic at the Pride Center. On Saturday, Its February and that means Valentines
February 21 at 7 pm come to the Center Day. l have to admit I use to hate the "V" day
for some socializing and fun entertain- when I didn't have a valentine to share it with,
ment. Gay or gay-friendly poets and but now that i do, it's a big favorite of mine. So
musicians are invited to share their works for those 0f you who already have a love in
in a supportive and comfortable atmos- your life and for the rest of you who are work-
phere. There will be a sign-up sheet at ing on it here are some titles from the Pride
the pride Center if you would like to sign Center Library that might add to the romance.
up in advance. You can also contact Lori at Aphrodisiac: Fiction from Christopher Street
lorioconnor@yahoo.com or 619-1717. (PS 648_H57 A6)

LESBIAN VDEO NIGHT Cherished Love by Evelyn Kennedy(F Kenn

We’ll honor Black History Month by Fairy Tales: Traditional Stories Retold for Gay
watching The Color Purple Friday, Men by Peter Cashorali (PS 3553.A79393 F35)
February 13 at 7 pm. Steven Spielberg _ _ . . . _
directed this 1985 film, which is based F'“d_'”9 a L°Verf°r L'fe'A, Gen/Mans Guide
upon Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-win- to Finding a Lasting Relationship by DaVid M.
ning novel. While many have criticized Price (HQ 762F494 P78)

Spielberg’s portrayal of the lesbian reia- Gay Love Signs by Michael Jay (BF1729H66
tionship between Celie and Shug Avery, M621)
Spielberg’s adaptation offers outstanding Lesbian Love Advisor: The Sweet and
Performances. beautiful Cinematography Savory Arts of Lesbian Courtship by Celeste
and a soundtrack composed by Quincy West (HQ 75,5_W47 L62)
Jones. The film’s stars 'nCIUde WhOOp' Man of My Dreams: Provocative Writing on
G9'dbergh Danny, G'°Ver and Oprah Men Loving Men edited by Christopher
Paine-y. lease 10in us for this unforget- Navratil (PS 509.H57 M36)
a e im.
Parted Lips: Lesbian Love Quotes Through
@331“ “K th I f' d the Ages by Simone Rich (PN 6084.L45 P37)
a? eep e ove you In ’ Sweet Machine oet b Mark Do PS
”91% "“973; Get the love you want. ” (p ry) y ty (
. 2 35540798 D725 s74)
NJéSSiCé Boilinger LCSW Wild Good: Lesbian Photographs & Writings
on Love edited by Beatrix Gates (PS 509.L47
Certified Imago Relationship Therapist W54)
couples, family, individual These and over 1,500 other books, videos,
and audios can be checked out at the Pride
imagoconnectioncom 859-552-6533 Center Library Monday-Saturday from 10-3,
389 Waller Ave, Rainbow flag in the window.
GLSO Page 6
‘“Hr"-‘“H—“-'*M—“——“““‘“ __ ""“"_i::;::;;_';-e_ke ”An-er 7-423%

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t, 2519 Regency Road, Suite 104 / 1,1} j
”'3: Lexington, Kentucky 40503 ‘
with, 859-288-5960 i
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get 20 plus years of pet care experience
offering a loving, safe and stress-free environment
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Grooming service includes:
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7 ,
_ 53:51} “At Charlotte’s Canine Clips we know what your pets
i’e ii 'jj‘ * mean to you because they mean that much to us too!’
"" GLSO Page 7

 KENTucmAmN-sss Bluegrass Chapter
Promoting equality for all people
regardless of their sexual orientation
ALLIANCE or gender identity
Feb 13 Beth Robinson Kegnote 7 pm
Feb 14 Robinson Seminar 10 am
Feb 14 Reel World String Band 8 pm
evening events at UK Memorial Hall
see page 1 for details
PO. Box 22032 www.b|uegrassfairness.org
Lexington, Kentucky 40522 www.kentuckyfairness.org
859-805-4114 info@bluegrassfairness.org
[0|th In Frankfort contact your nonresontatives
Kentucky Fairness Alliance's Executive We encourage everyone to e-mail or
Director, Andrea Hildebran, will be in write letters to their Kentucky representa-
Frankfort each Tuesday, Wednesday, and tives and senators. Handwritten letters are
Thursday during the Legislative session to particularly effective because they receive
meet citizen lobbyists and help us talk with fewer of them.
our legislators. She can be reached at 502- If you don't know who your legislators
897—1973 (office) or at 502-387-0625 (cell). are, go to www.vote-smart.org. Fill in your
Daily schedule: :deigit Zipl :05; :or :he mailing address
8:00 - 9:00 Training and orientation ' r ' e. y.u
9:00 — 1:00 Meet with legislators YOU can 3'50 call to express support or
1:00 - 2:00 Lunch and de-briefing disapproval of a bill. Call the messag line
W t' th f t _ _ th b t f in Frankfort 800-372-7181. A live human
emee in ecaeeria in e asemen o . .
the Capitol Annex. Get there by 9 am if at 2:an Zgldraenssswer Shehcal, askblrrr <2:
all possible. You can come any day of the m ' ’ an p on num '
session, but you may be especially inter— can leave messages for bOth your repre-
ested in these themed lobby days: sentative and your senator. However,
' they cannot look up your legislators for
YOUth lobby day. February 4 you. You must already know who you are
Transgender lobby day: February 18 leaving a message for_
f 'l
Allies lobby day: March 17 wines ”p °r ‘i‘ V°te' ca” or ema'
Fairness, contact info above.
GLSO Page 8
I "‘ h“‘—“'_’_ T'%“—'“”‘ "“A“#H'——T“MT—:f:”f:::fi:::iim

v . v
z A. :
v: .3 . Miss Gag Q
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I z z
.7 WM” Eats. ‘11, 2.0% 9}
ita- ' . Q
:5: v w 1 141 v
v 9:39 pm 9»
2:; 3 $5 Domitian 3
if; : ma -' mmhmehwwsm :
f0“; ' _ 3
: him/kenmhrmmms :

 St MycfiaI‘Ifie Martyr Soulfurce
St Mychal the Martyr is having an open Soulforce Lexington follows the princi-
House on Wed Jan 28 at 1350 ples of non-violence practiced and taught
EastlandDr from 7 to 9 pm. if you get this by Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. to
in time, join us. Sunday services are at the confront spiritual Violence against GLBT
same location at 10:30 with Rev. Kenneth people. Members come from a variety Of
_ Waibei performing mass. St Mychal is a religious backgrounds work to confront the
member of the Orthodox Catholic Church religious organizations and individuals that
of America, a national denomination that are usmg the B'ble, to preach against us.
is gay supportive. The OCCA performs For infor call Jamie at 859-230-5625 or
blessings of gay unions, and ordains check out www.SoulforceLexington.org.
t th d f D , Pr‘ t,
gifdngighgp e or ers ° eaco” '93 Unitarian Universalist Church
The UU Church of Lexington welcomes
INTEGRITY visitors at any time. Worship Services are
Integrity a group for GLBT at 9:15 and 11 am every Sunday. There is
Episcopalians and friends, invites you to Child are and religious education for young peo-
join us on Sunday, February 8 from 45:30 pie K-12 during the second service. We are
pm at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church at located at 3654 Clays M'” Rd‘ .
2025 Bellefonte St. For additional infor- The W°mens SP'r'tua'W Group W"“
mation call Rev. Sandy Stone at 277-7511 meet on Feb-20' call Mary Crone 266'5904
or email stmintegrity@yahoo.com for info and directions.
V Real Estate Serwce With
Scott Ackerman E
Mobile: 859-338-8483 NTHUSIASM
Voice Mail: 859-294-2055
Office: 859-269-7331 Serving Lexington
E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com &
All of Central Kentucky
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
GLSO page 10

‘59:: m court «mm m 252.3014
*LBT A Charity Organization
Ly of
that 2009 Pride Manta Sponsors
1 US.
5 or Scott Ackerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
' For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483
"h TheBarCompIex ..........................255-1551
mes 224 East Main Street
:2: Pride Potion
D: Lexington Lyons Levi/Leather Club. . . . . . . . . . 272-0408
$904 GLSO News Sponsors 200$
Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
Promoting equality for all people
ErnestoScorsone. 2545766
Attorney at law
Diverse music for all women
Richardson Vision Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278-4201
1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
Seeking a Diverse Congregation
Debra Hensley Insurance .............. . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
WindyKnoIIFarm ..............................299-7410
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding ,
_ GLSO page 11

 ' Mr 1342.
Call number in ii 5%
. at I? ,
Dwectoforrv February
Information. *1
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 7
, 7pm GSA for youth ages 7 pm Sistahs in The 7 pm Discussion Group Pride Center Open 10 -3
9.15 & 11 am UU Church . . . .
_ 15 -20 (Call for place) L|fe - Pr|de Center Pride Center 8 pm LDGA meeting
1030 Mass @ St Mychal the 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
any? (Call for place)
6 pm SisterSound Rehearsal
Landsdown Presby Church
7 pm Dignity Call for place
8 9 J 0 11 1 2 1 3 14
9:15 & 11 am UU Church World 3 pm AA Step StUdy ZSmCGIS’: yoiith ages 15 ' 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Pride Month ,' 1”” 11.51")”, MON-i, Pride Center Open 10-3
10-30 Mass@St. Mychal the Martyr (Call f°l place) ( a' or p ace) 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Commlttee Meetlng - Night. I’r‘irlr‘ ( mm- 10am Fairness
2 m40+ Lesbians meetPC 8 Pm Lax» Ly‘m Lev” Open to all . Seminar (see p3)
p Leather Club pride Center 9pm Miss Gay Valentine 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Beaumont Library
6 pm SisterSound Rehearsal Pageant CM: 141 (Call for place) 7 pm Real World in
Landsdown Presby Church 7 pm Beth Robinson to 00mm Memorial Hall
speak at Memorial Hall 9 Cabaret The Bar
1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 20 21
9:15 & 11 am UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 730 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal Meeting, pride Centers GLSO News 8 GPriEe gent; (Call for Place) 2pm One World GLBT
2 pm One World Film M a. M pm AA Step Study Deadline Pm :‘éallefsorlarl‘aca Films Lex. Pub Library
Smith Library see page 14 (Call for Place) p 3 pm Men’s Meet to Date PC
6 SisterSound Rehearsal, 7 pm Open Mic Night
Landsdown Presby Church at Pnde Center .
6 pm imperial Court PC 40+ Lesbians Poker Night
22 23 24 25 27 - 3% Cent r O n
915 & 11 am Worship Services 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7pm GSA for youth 7 pm Discussion Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ri e10-3 em pe
uu Church 8 Pm AA Step Study ages 15 _ 20 ca” PC 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for place) p
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal (call f°r place) for place (Call for place)
6 SisterSound Rehearsal, 7pm One WOrld Film:
Landsdown Presby Church L9“ Lu9939° l-ex
Pub Lib Theater ,
23512021013; 5U Chm" Meeting at the Pride Center 40 + Lesbians
: ass, . _ ' '
st Mychai the Martyr may be abbreVIated to «an Feb. 8 2PM Pride Center Meeting. followed
1 pm Lyons Brunch at Mia’s by gomg out to eat. Members chorce.
2 pm Film Mr and Mrs lyer Ca“ for Place may be Feb. 21 Poker Pot-Luck Night.
UK Worsham Theater C .
- all 859-253-0061 for details.
6 pm imperial Court PC abbreVIated to Call
W— _——_—_—_——
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 ,0 "E g No Dumb Questions is a documentary E
= a '_ a3] 3 one WW about transitioning by Melissa Regan. E
g3: , Til?” TM’Vd Uncle Bill is becoming a woman and his 6, E
‘fl ‘ , , 9, and 11 year old nieces are struggling to E
fif’a Tree flcfmrsszon understand how and why. V\fith just weeks E
SunFebl52pm Central Library Theater until tJncle Bill's first visit as Aunt Barbara, E
, M & M Smith: For Posterity's Sake the sisters navrgatethe complex territories E
A documentary by Heather Lyons of anatomy, sexuality, personality, gender E
and fashion. Their reactions are funny, E
Morgan and Marvin Smith, twin brothers touching, and distinctly different. This film E
and prolific African American artists, boldly offers a fresh perspective on a complex sit- E
moved from Kentucky to New York City in uation from a family that insists there are E
1933 to pursue artistic careers. By 1937 no dumb questions. Panel Discussion and E
they had opened a photo studio next door to reception to follow the films. E
Harlem's renowned Apollo Theater. Their _ E
studio became a Harlem gathering place for Tues, Feb. 24 7 pm Library Theater E
the great African American performers, writ- Left Luggage E
ers and political figures of the time including Set in Antwerp Belgium, in l970 this E
Duke Ellington, Eartha Kitt, Katherine film tells the story of two families with dif- E
Dunhill, Billie Holiday, Joe Lewis, Langston fering Jewish cultures. The main character E
Hughes, Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. and is a young woman moving between the two E
Dr. WEB. DuBois, Narration was written by families who, at the start of the film, is indif— E
poet Nikky Finney and performed by Ruby ferentto her Jewish heritage. Chaja is a lib- E
Dee. The screening will be followed by a eral philosophy student who reluctantly E
reception. accepts a job as a nanny for an Hassidic E
_ family who's customs are foreign and dis- I
Sat, Feb. 21 2 pm Central L'b'a’Y Theater turbing to her. Rarely do films show events E
TWO GLBT documentaries unfolding in such a graceful manner, from E
Dangerous L,’V’ng: Coming Out In so many points of view. This film is funny, E
Th e Developing World 61 min. and tragic and bittersweet. Reception to follow. E
No Dumb Questions 24 min E
Dangerous Living examines the strug- Sun, Feb 29’ 2 pm Worsham Theater, UK E
gles and triumphs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, Student Center Mr and Mrs' lyer ‘ E
and transgender (GLBT) people living OUt- Meenakshi lyer is traveling with her E
side of the western world. The film crew nine month old son, Santanam. Raja E
traveled to five continents to tell the stories Chowdhary, a Muslim is introduced to her E
of brave individuals working to make their through a mutual friend as they board the E
homeland safer for GLBT people. bus. Because Meenakshji is travelling E
Dangerous Living examines the oppression alone Wfth .her infant, 3313 takes on the E
of GLBT people in many countries including responSIbility 0f looking after her and E
. everyone on the bus assumes they are a E
Honduras, Kenya, Egypt, and Thailand. . E
, _ _ , couple. When the bus is stopped by an E
This award—Winning. documentary is the angry mob of Hindu extremists on the E
work Of John Scagliotti, Dan Hunt, Janet prowl for Muslims, Meenaksi is frightened E
Baus and Reid Williams. It is narrated by to be associated with Raja's and tries to E
Janeane Garofalo. distance herself from him. But fate has E
other ideas. Reception.
WW— —

 r “W
- E. E.
» E. E.
g E Open flouse E
E Questions and Discussion E
E; E Entertainment and Desert E
a E. E.
a E Wednesday, January 28th, 2004 E

E. s

E 7 pm to 9 pm E
s a, la
,_ E. E.

E. . 9.
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i. E St: Mychal the Martyr Church E
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E. , a
“a Weleamzn all pea le equally: El
3 E Gay & Straight, MeI'h & Women, E
g E » Mani ,Divoradasmgu E
3 E 1350 Eastland Dr, Lexington, Ky E
,f,‘ E for information or directions E
.e E Call (859) 389-9418 E
.d s s
a E

 ENDING LUCY STONE old. The deal is you take a dog for a walk tc
by Kelly O’Fenel inside Of Pet Smart tO get a feel for the dog. rr
. . SO, I took my first dog on a walk. Well, actu- a
”When the thohght first. came to htm: ally, that dog took me fora walk. His nose a
Farmer Hogan dismissed It as mere whim- was on the ground and | just happened to
sy. But, like most of his hair brained ideas, be at the other end of the leash. And I c,
. it wouldn’tgo away." From the movie, Babe heard, "I've had enough of these relation- h
. . ships in my life - the ones where the other ti
lstarted working at UK_'“ January 2001 person doesn't really care if I'm there or V
and I was reading To Believe In Women ' not." Afterjust a few minutes, I brought that 5
What Lesbians Have Done For America - A dog back and moved on. n
History by Lillian Faderman. I had this idea As I rounded the corner I saw a medi- 2
that I would create a time line so I could see um size dog in one Of the wire kennels and a
, all the names, pictures and dates and feel a small dog lying in a bed. I asked ifl could tI
more connected. I went to Lowes and take the small dog for a walk. The woman ir
found some wallpaper border that I COUId said yes so I put the leash on its collar and 5
write on. My plan was to hang that Wider was ready to gO but the dog just laid there. 0
around the walls Of one Of the rooms In the That's when the woman said "You have to e
house and start adding information to it. pick him up and carry him for a while." SO, lc
I was III/In? wIth my partner Of 7 years In I carried him a ways, put him on the ground, -
a house wed Just bought In October Of and he laid back down. And I heard, "I've r
2000 and moved Into With our three cats. It had enough of these relationships in my life, H
was around that time when out of the clear too _ the ones where I have take care Of I‘
blue I heard, "Get a dog". It was a very someone else .. W
. . . . ‘ 8
clear, small VOIce. | Ignored It for a while, That little dog was happily returned to M:
bUI when I kept hearing It I eventually start- his bed. It was then that I noticed the dog H
ed talking about It' I ignored It because I I'd seen in the kennel earlier. Now she was M
dtdnt. thmk I COUId take care Of a dOQ' d'd' paying attention to one Of the foster women. (.J
n t th'nk I really wanted/needed one. I hadn't thought too much of this one earlier te
, BUI' after talking w'th my partner about because her hair didn't look as soft as I like
It' I deCIded one Saturday In February, and she was larger than I had thought
2001 to go and IUSI I°°k at dOQS' I had about. But, for some unknown reason, ljust E
heard that Pet Smart had dogs there from saw her in a different way once she was out AI
foster homes. (When I start talking about Of that kennel. lasked tO take her fora walk
something, IneVItably I hear Just what I and what her name was Her name was W
need to hear to take the next step.) . Lucy. I immediately remembered the book I S
I remember on my way there talking to was reading and thought, "Well, Lucy n‘
my deceased dog, Linus. He's been dead Stone how wonderfull" W
now for at least 25 ears but I decided on I - I . tC
_ y. ' We ended up In an aisle all alone. I .
that ride to ask for his help. SO, I asked looked down at her, and she looked up at G
Linus to let me know WhICh dog, If any, I me; | asked hertO sit and she did; I dropped riI
was supposed to have And I accepted the leash, asked her to stay and she did; I A
thatl may come home w'thOUI a dog. Iwas walked Off, turned around, looked at her for B
not attached to any outcome. a moment, she looked back at me; and | .
When I walked Into Pet Smart, there was asked her to come ill
a pen with several dogs about 6 months ...continued on next page Si
__________________________——— _
GLSO Page 16

 to me and she jumped up and ran over to in the last three years. She's a one-woman
me. I knew right then I could love this dog dog - I've needed that too.
as l stooped down to her and loved on her I never did make that time line. When
and she loved me right back. my partner left, I threw it all away. I could-
Lucy fit right into our household. The n't bring the way I'd felt when l was excited
cats eventually learned to ignore her when about it together with the way I felt after she
her nose was 1/8" from them - waiting on left. I never cease to be amazed at how I
their next move (Lucy's part border collie). hear something, have to take God knows
What I didn't see coming, but apparently how long (literally) to act on it, and then
Someone greater than me did, was when when I'm finally ready to trust and take
my partner left the relationship in April of action, it's just what I need. Like Farmer
2001. It doesn't take much to look back Hogart's