xt7dbr8mgp03 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mgp03/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-03-02 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 24, March 2, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 24, March 2, 1911 1911 1911-03-02 2015 true xt7dbr8mgp03 section xt7dbr8mgp03  
at  “l` H E I D E A
A as Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., MARCH 2, 1911 No. $7 l
R _1 STATE WINS SECOND GAME. on edge and both tlghtlng doggedly. Mr. Ernest Becker, Stage manager. read this over before coming to the
¤ ._.... Hinton, the referee, did admirable Mr. Richard Barker, Master ot tryout.
‘ wu_DcA-rs CAPTURE SECOND work and is to be commended on his Properties. Tom Brown, leading mm; Mu.;
GAME OF SERIES WITH d°°m°“ mr '·t umu it W'! h**'d Mr. J. S. Miller, Master ot Ward- be about 5 feet 11 inches tall, light
·|·RAN3y|_vAN|A_ l0 dl¤cl`l!¤l¤¤t9· " I robe, complexion, able to sing, and must
....... The lhlfd 881116 of the ¤¤l'l0¤ Will ML H_ Tyler Wamh Musical Di, have good physique, also be able to
wml cms et amen. f’jgh‘;‘°;'f“8 ‘Q,cf§jk A""°” ‘°‘“°"°" rector- *3******** ms °m°“°°°·
Lméup Another committee that was ap- G°"°·ld Th°*`¤$· a eu ;¤s¤;¤¤lv T°:'
° pointed on Thursday, for the purpose UBSSBB m°“m°· ¤°°"· W ° 8 stm °
On last Monday night Kentucky K°'““°kY T"°°°Y"°°’*· of Selecting a name fm. the new 0, car cr the Varsity. Must have dark
‘ the l8tlZe1"S fl001'· After forty ml¤uf€¤ F°'w“d° which Onéwas selected and this Dm_ Also must be about 6 feet in height.
{ of thé f8.St6Bl`. kllld ot b8.Bl{0t b8ll, th! Hart ••·•*•···••·*‘ • •••·• G• Ti¤¤l¤Y ’ Character jg of a pgor student who jg
I Wild t i t 1 an Fgrwgydg matic Club will be known in the
` ca B camo out vc M cus' or Harrison     _ ______ pnncu future as "Tl1e Str0llers" of the Un earning his Way thmugh c°u°g°·
V; playing a stubborn uphill game from " Ceiier ivermy of Kemuckx Wilfred Kenyon: The man who is
F the llrst whistle. The score at the not hm Own master This is me
1 Gnd of the mst halt stood 14 to 10 Gaiser ........... . ....... ..Foster Among the plays considered for weak Character in théplay Must be
.l 1 qa .
` ‘° '“"°' °’ T"“‘“""““‘°· "“‘ “°‘ ‘““‘ pmm Guards H Tilllléf Lhglalglf;ee£;:dl1;;i°;L¤£€;:::a¤l:` ¤ g<>¤¤ ¤<=¢<>r» ¤¤<>¤¢ avenge ¤¤*¤¤=
couraged the Wildcats came back in '''‘'''     °’'’' ’ l' _ d t th I b ' and Slender buud_
the S€¢0¤d half ¤¤d ¤0¤¤d Tl’¤¤8Yl· R { Hi t uu B This pay was za 0 cdcu ,,9:1 Claxton Maden, Tom Brown’s room-
vama out of a victory by the score e eree— non. last Saturday a emoon an ev.x,- mate either light Or dark complexion
of 22 to 19. The name Wildcats Umpire—-Cruise. one seemed pleased with the story. • 1 •
W 1 tl d d b HJ k ,, d T1mers—Rcdes, Thomas. The pmt deals with the trials or “T.>m and _ °b°“* _“m° h° gbl °“ B"°‘"’·
as us y Herve y B 6 an Sc0re1'——BeCkel‘ - Brown" who is a Senior at Harvard P°SS¤bl>’ 8 hme muen
his bunch, especially when, in the ' ’ ’ John Cartwri ht. Dunn la
mm f th d h lf th t b G08lS·—H9·Pt. Harrison. 5; Glisef. 3: and all through the play there are g · g P Y
m 6 0 G sewn a · 8 Su ‘ . . wears glasses and is of a studious
Maiden, 2, Tinsley, 2, Foster. sparkling bits ot comedy that am
born resistance ot the Kentuckians _ . mature ngt a grind howevem Ig
turned the game mw 8 victory for F¤¤lS···M9·¤¤. 4. M8lde¤, 9· connected \V1l.l1 college life and this , · · C ·b
th ..J k , .. h d ld b Fouls c0mmitted——Kentucky, 12; will make the production an the S€Cl‘€l8·¤`Y of the L€¤d‘8·‘H¤¤d lu ·
mx; mm:t°0: the°:vil§°:;ram;e°;;: Transylvania, 12. more `interesting to University peo- h"T“*1bY" ’;“?°1;°“ is iuSh°"*M’°:
c arac er an s e come an. us
· he succeeded in keeping the ball in ··*—•‘**""" ple' be a student who posseses dry wit
T. U. teritcry most cr the uma, ··T•-lz s‘rRo|.|.ans.·* On Thursday. March 1¤t.et 3=30 2: and able to Spring jokes wmwuu
Harrison was the biggest point getter -—-.. m-- the t"Y'°“t8 mr the pl’·¥'diwm lf laughingx
hldi th Ed ti Bi ..t
mr K°mucky’ cagmg Hm new g°°l°‘ REORGANIZATION OF OLD DRA- B u e uca on u gg . "Happy" Thurston is a jolly college
Marx did some clever guarding es- is urged that every student n .he _
_ MATIC CLUB PERFECTED. h it t { fellow and has a prommeut part.
pecially when playmg against Fran- .. ,, U¤iV6¤‘¤l¢Y WM ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤ €¤‘€¤ ·¤ _ V,
BROWN OF HARVARD Any build vull do.
ces of T. U. Hart was ot! in throwing college theatrlcals, to try for a part
fouls but made up for this by his To BE GIVEN in the play. There are a number "Bud" Hall, ’Varsity Coach, must
good passing. Harrison played the `"`_" of students who have never acted be 3 SCMDDY character and Oue who
bggt game gf his cm-86;- aggingt Frau. Try-Outs Today at 3:30 p. m. before but with a little coaching will 1S ¤e¤‘V0uS aud, talks fast _¤¤¤·¤`€¤ §°mg bs?} prefenig Makes up t°
down. and discussion it was propesed that a in this play have already been assigu- °C°d°l1 t° years 0 y   f F li h
For Transylvania Maldey played tus new organization be perrectea. ed and that it is to be a partisan nre- Y mg °“· "“;““_*" ° t J; S
best game making a total ot thirteen The cmcers that were elected ter duction, and that only people who be §"°:· appear; °h“8y ‘“ °“"E“°l·i h Tp
Deluts of the nineteen scored by the this new club were Mr. Paul Cccke, long to certain organizations wall ae “""““ n V9 an ng B p`
“C!'l¤l¤0l1." Foster and H. Tinsley president; Miss Annie Louise Dean, make the cast. This is not true and p°°*"l°°°‘
DIBYGC close at guard, especially the secretary, and Mr. Thomas Heddcu, le most ferclhly denied. The try- Ellis- manage" of Varsity °*`°“' is
Y0l‘!¤61’. who is undoubtedly one of treasurer. Upon the suggestion et out will be a survival of the fittest 3 Well dressed Qh81`8Gt€1' Bud up·
the best guards Transylvania has ev- Prot. Farquhar, who presided during with partlallty to none, and the hast peers lu ull f0u¤’ MIS-
er hid. Francis was not up to his the meeting, the president appoimed actor will Win, so don't think that Old €l0lh€9 mall ls ¤ ·l9“'l¤l1 l¤¤k€·
usual standard and seemed not tc get a committee to select six members there is no chance for you. The up and appears only in one act.
in the game. who with the president are to con- young ladle: are also urged te fry- Mlke 0'H¤’¤-_ d°°*‘k°€¤°*‘ 0* b°·*¤·
The gymnasium, where the gams stltute the governing board. On Sat· out and modesty should not keep heuse. is all Irish Dart aud appears
Ws! played, was crowded tp the doer urday afternoon this committee re- them from trying for a part. The 0¤lY ln 0¤8 80t-
Wlth IUDDOTCBYB, of b0Y.h the Blue gud turned the following names who will student who is trying out f0l' 8. DM'! Reynolds. the b•\1€l9!' IDDGBPB U1
White and Crimson and the rcctlng act in the capacity designated: ls the best judge ot what charsctrr 0¤6 uci-
\ was good, that ot Kentucky eve;-shan- Mr, J. B. Sanders, business man- be will be able to impersouate and Walter Barnard, Warren Pierce,
owing the ffransylvanla pbeerlng. age:. below is given a list ot the required Thompson Coyne. Captain Hodges,
The Work of the ohcials was ex- Mr. Paul Francis, Advertising man- characteristics of the different parts. Gwl'86 S9lWY¤. Jlmel Van Reuselehr,
cgsdgngly dlnculg as mth tggmg wu, ages, All those who are interested should Arthur Blake and Austin Latchow IPO

2 TH E I D E A  
Ask Your Grocer for- all college students who appear at 'l‘li•· Ilutlvr tvzim is one of the  
. one time or another during the play most ;zontlomenly crowd of fellows ·
    and all have some lines to speak. thm. have visited here and not a V
DOIN Forget Hoe Cake Meal For those men it will be necessary word of complaint was heard or (hem ~
“ I Rv that typical college men apply. Any or by them and it is hoped that State
e ' m 0 ‘ _ size and complexion will do and they will meet the Hoosiers again in other
L€X1I1»°`t°¤ R°u*‘” M:-IHS c0· must be fairly good looking. branches of sport. ,
... — ..._...._..»....-. Evelyn Kenyon, leading lady, broth- Line-Up. . \ __
or of Wilfred Kenyon. Must be of a K0ntu<·k>' Butler. `
M A   : H vivnclous nature, good looking, and Hart ......... . ........ ..Everha.l‘t, CQIQFTON BEQFORD
have a good stage presence, must not Forwards '"‘ "gh 2 *"·h"‘“
FURNITURE be to tall. ls sweetheart of Brown. Marx --···--·· · ···-·----·-··-· Judd The New  
GOOD ’ Marian Thorne, sister of Gerald Forwards N I h   ,,
car cts Wall Pa er and Stoves Thorne, is a sweet Southern girl, good llarnott ......... . ............ Silver m U mo C Cl tt P b 1 kc M
P ’ P ° looking, average height, and prefer- Forwards  
  ably dark complexion. Plays opposite Harrison .......... . ..... Hutchings ·
to \\’j]fr€d Kenyon.     I
BI       Edith Sinclair, is an attractive girl Beatty ......... . ......... .,M¤,i·gn _ ,
__ . . ,, of good color and figure, fairly good Center
The Tailor That Sausies looking and must be a free talker. Gaiser ............ . ......... Bailey
STEAM and DRY CLEANING. She plays opposite Claxton Madden. Guards   Y ,
_ Mrs. Kenyon is the oldest charac— Preston .............. . ....... Judd
159 South L]-m°st°u° ter portrayed in the play. Must be Guards Ca. C0
_   a girl who is tall and has a stately ............ ...Mullane ' ,
bearing. A good figure is also es- Guards
UNIVERSITY LUNCH STAND sential and should have strong feat- Referee—Van Meter. THE LEADING
Iwrst Class Lunch and u,·€8_ Umph·€..wyight_ SPECIALTY HOUSE
1 HM MGUIS About six more girls will be neces- 'I`imers—Spahr, Wilson. ,
A1 ALL HOURS sary to act as college girls and will Sc0r€!‘——B€ck€r‘. V  
A. B. BARRETT appear ln the campus scene and in Field G0a1S—Barnett. Hart, Marx.
Cor. S. Llme and Colfax Sts. the boathouse during the race. H&¤‘¤‘iSOH. 2; G8iSG1‘. Preston. 3; Silver', Styles
  Members ot the Glee Club are urg- 3; Hutchings.
    fm ;?¤t;)uU`;f0;l(§il;S€t;l§;€JBa§0glS;?§l'3,:)£; $#::;-9 8Th¥'OWS···B8.I‘Il8tf., 2; Hart, IN    
xomuca mf g_ g g g · ‘ · orrrmv. GARMENTS Am:
Developing and Pri¤tiug' ADYOIIE who wishes to be ill U18 HON. BOYD WINCHES1-ER.  
Lexington Photo Supply C0. play must. be present at the try-out __ F A
vr Kirb ,8 Ten Cent Store thlS 8.f[€I‘Il0OIl at 3.30 lll the Ed- DEL"/ERS INTERESTING LEc_  
0 e y . . .
l1C8.tlO!1 Blllldlflg. Do I10t think that -I-URE TO STUDENTS OF THE
  YOU C8.!1 COXTIB around in 8.bO\1f, I. LAW DEPARTMENT .
    week and Still be in the play as this       i .
" i ~4-    . ‘ · . . S
U H   ) tryout will be flnal. Dont forget On mst Tuesday evening the mw_ Full Lmc NOW Ou Display I
IC~ CREAAI PM~T·OR the time aud place °f t"Y°“t"'Ed“' vers were given a rare treat by hear- `
, , CatlOI1 Building, Y.hl8 8.ft€l'Il00!l at I H B d {Vi h t 1 t lk
Q Av ) ¢B STAND h __ mg on. oy nc es er g ve a a I     V
South Lum and “ mSl°“’ St""’t’ °“t· was introduced by President Barker _
  ---—••-•—--——— who gave a short sketch of the lectur- NDBJD StI‘G€t EEST}.
J J FITZ E ...._.. Hon. Boyd Winchester was Minister j‘;"‘_*"·—‘-‘*‘*-'
PLUMBING KENTUCKMNS PLAY RATHER to Switzerland under Cleveland and   W
Steam and Water Heating SLOW GAME AND SCORE has written one of the most interest-
269 W Sl I _ t K CLOSE. ing histories of that quaint republic.   &  
‘ lOrt’ ° ` xxmg Ou' y' —-—-— He was also a member of Congress
  SCOTC: Kentucky   BUUCT, 16. and has been ORG of K€HtUCky'S IIIOSC S • L. . F I h
IEP NY ———-—— prominent sons for many years. prmg lIlClIl UITIIS lng
KINKEAD COAL C0 A Ou last Thursday night the Butler This l€Gt\1¤‘€ W88 8¤10¤8 U16 HTM Goods Hats and ()x{m.dS i
WFICE md YARD" college five of Indianapolis, played the of 8 series which BFG DOW ill Dl‘0g!'68¤ • _ ¤
N0_ 157 N_ Broadway Wildcats in me Armory and lost by in the Law School. Each month some an “°W bel"!} Shown at {
, . . me score or 21 to 16. The emwd was able lawyer delivers an address upon
RAILROAD \ARD—C. S. l— h D · .
mfg t ° small and not very demonstrative or h1S Particular SD6¢i¤l€Y· J &M_a d 9   d
pot, S. Broadway and Christy Sts. enthusiasm _______°_•______   h   B   S gt ir an
` 0l`S lll
  The game was rather loose and           rl    
  &   seemed as if the Kentuckians were .-- °cs _ Hats i
· not thoroughly awake. Butler was s5As0N cL0353 wrn-| LA37 140 W. MHIII Street
H0ME_MADE CANDY h8¤di¢8Dl>Gd by playing under dif- GAME FRIDAY NIGHT IN   ,
ferent rules from which they are ac- BU£|.|,, ARMORY, g
FRESI] EyER_Y DAY customed. Their passing was talrly -—-- ¥6¤¤\S ¢086th€¤‘ b<>ih will be in prime
107 East Main St good and ill this 1‘6¤D€¢t UTBY WGPB Game to Decide Supremacy Between °°ndm°n· It is h°P°d that °V°¤`Y0¤•
‘ better than Kgn[ucky_ Kentucky and Tnnsylvanlm will turn out and show their loyalty to
For Butler their acting captain Sil· ...—.. U16 {GBM bY t\1l‘11i118 out the biggest
  m   V6? played the best game, making Tgmgyygw night will mark the close crowd of the YGRI'. Transylvania will
fourteen of the sixteen points made or basket ball for this season. The °°°d ‘ big d°l°g“u°¤ and UW? will
E hi _ by his team. Mullane was also good Transylvania team will endeavor to °°m° p"°p“"°d *0 *'°°t Y°*' UW}? t°¤¤•
_ "°"Y* W Th*tsG°°d in at guard and held his man close. come back at the five Wildcats who °° l°t’° *11 mm °“t md 8h°W Whst
For State, Preston made the most deteated them on Monday night and K°m“°kY spirit is mm- TM 8¤m•
P R I N T I [\] G in the way of scoring, getting three will strain every nerve to turn the Wm b° ¤‘°Y°d in um N'm°*'Y· Ad'
tleld goals. Jake’s playing was not trick. At the same time Kentucky mi“1°° 25 cults- G'·m° °*u°d W 8
140 South Limestone up to the usual standard and the rest will try to keep the tltle and stop V- m· “h'“'P· TM mum will u¤°‘“P
_' of the team were also oft color. It the rush ot the Crimson quintet. “ °¤ M°¤d*Y nicht- 1
Fayette Phone ‘)‘;7'x the fellows had displayed the fighting Coach Iddings has kept his men -——-—•·•-•———— ° ·
¤Dlrlt they showed at Georgetown, the on the jump ever since last Monday Remember Bob TsyIor'e lecture
Lexington, · - Kgntnckg score would have been much larger. night and when the whistle calls the one week from tonight.

5 TuE1uEA
it ~.- —-.-.-cc-.  V,,  .. t . . . - .- -. ---». . ROOTING.
‘ A Penny Satrerl l ` " -
i Amour that sont to thc haskcthall V
V I; (l [)g;;”y ]\[(u[e · gamc Monday night al Transylvania   ii X
l and saw our srrttppy, ncvcr say die, ' " ` ·’¤  
W, mn mwuwu many {mmm hw, lm lll.: ·l.t..t hx;. tillllallltth rouge  j-
_ ahczu rm: wm ono o tc ws canes . · • l, _
/ly"!/’"·Q·m" of lmsltctlmll cvcr played in Lcxing-     (\ '
'         ton frimi our (`l'lllll‘.i§)ll brethren, krlgws   $:6   \ g,"
{ Just lov.: muci .1e grea, roo ng ·· I \
g done hy our followers helped win I  Z;1°V`{;’3iii*§Pd‘  %l t J o L- /·\.
C0. ,5- that game. Fellows, and in order [   ‘ mcugw and vcry’   »_  · ` . , Ay?
A that our faithful female adherents _ _—./ powerful. ·   It ..» ‘_
_ _ might not be hurt, fellowesses, words T /‘“‘  ’ ` }Q:;§;“f;‘g'f§‘§;‘g';§q°i“$°° _ L Q /
`S‘°'k ”/ can't express nor pen describe how `     P;·icesfr0mSl5uDW¤|;1d· —_;   .   ‘
much your rooting and how much ‘-Q,.   S°¤d *°’_*""“‘"“° ·~.` .   •’ sy
» · » , )_,»»  C:tta.o*to.hemakcrs. _, ,
    y0¤¥‘ urging, 3*95, €V€¤ Y0¤¤` ,`V€F! if _  lé  rc.·cllcl»ydall:e¤ding xg ""gg
presence, helped us to light just that   7¥2t mum ¢¤ ***5- _ r *4  .·—\, Q
  much harder, even when Transylvania , `l'”’ I fl _ D°*‘* Dag; ·    
M was ahead. lt showed us that we ,   `· ,_  I-Y°;:‘ ° Y l' jg  
7`ALC U POW  had some one behind us had some- ’ ' , '°““ . *5* .
· · \
AT (_·()_gT thing to work for. Why before that   , . · ·
game, when we heard the old "Su-Ky." _ _ `“’ · Y \-`
""‘* and "Hipp, Hipp," thrills just pass- — · <;q;»,; _ {
, , ed through every one of us and made . ` · "` c
7/vv Best Hot Chocolate rn us vow that we’d give up everything M
the CW ‘“‘“ wf hsdt ‘“ “S· "“°"Y ‘“°'3 3* uaumns or mrow AND 1-marx max
strengti t a we ever possesse 0
—- overcome our opponents and reward *""_"‘”"""`  
, HIQSQ cheering us tomhthoscdwhs (xr? made with the faculty to dispense I
l.6xlllgt0ll Drug C0 ?"‘i"t.‘l`." 3Ti’“’...&., E0? ..22...3 ..2.2 with ah ms mk me te ¤’<=*¤¤* MO I HER
' my 8 S p l that morning in order that everybody
Ph H4 Y N VD sl l`°°:“;§ h?·"d· hghe istoiiofpzleefagni “rill have an Opportunity to enjoy tm, wants your picture since you left
one . our rare: rug are is o e sew re n is p u i homo___So does your
  in those last few minutes when a slip memorable Occas On` S  
would mean defeat instead of victory y
_i...;.,.j_ __ which was just, for the first time that R°m°mb§r B°b _ T‘:yI°r S |°°tur°’ ·j·c '_
night, within our grasp, then was the °"° w°°5__;?B mmg ‘ CALL Al
time when those yells and shouts T',y_°ut for cast of ..B,,°wn of Hah     Us  
    & c0• lm bY_ that (;¤m1;l3l8b;€* Dlgncalh vard" this afternoon at 3:30 p. m., in
I Can]? lll {{00 S €a( 3Il( ma € US   cation   · _ '
Inccorpomted hold out and play harder than evcr u g ind let mg! hlelp LO? make inothgr
-1 · .· l_ ————•-•-•———-—— appy an aso epyou owm
• · Img); tgelnnal plllslé C _ ‘ C hh CALL FOR TRACK. your
will do y0u!‘ SOC1¢ty and (jqm- Hdn 9131 3 &l)l.B¤2;)lE€l,l oa}:    
r ings am . anager a ,t1e ea
mencement Invitations and Pro- wishes tc thank each and every vcr- Alf: .:”Ri`::,;~:1?H:;$,ég;EE’;@SJ.5D with scmc cr those
son that attended that gamc last ` U D T
grams b¢tt€!` than 0th¢I`S· Monday and helped us win, The root- G P t F Th_ S 8 n g"-HQ' A $  
mg was great and the whole Squad ood rospcc s or IS ea 0 . pe·-1a rates o s uten s.
N0.   West Main Street Q_p])]'QQi8_[QS   \V() play fh€fI] again ` I i · ' 1         Ftlyt Plltlllf  
Friday mgm and Gvvrybody Come ·(.oach lddiugs wants all men who ·—;——- —¥————————
Lexington, Ky_ The Old Spirit is back again smb wish to take part in out-door athletics ' -”""*""""""""9 65 YEARS:
porting and carrying on our teams to this Spring t" mport at the ‘§rm°ry’ ExP£R|:Nc£
victory and will doubtless be shown March 6 at 4:30 p‘ m‘ to Sign up'
` ,•, or who has intention of following
T _ t f ca t f ..8,. f Hah track athletics come out. With a
L€OI131‘d Hotel vmj?fj['_,s jlmnzcj at 3§’;,"pf’m__ in t-sam. or good mm-at mc mcc-
Ed t- B -|d- _ pccts are bright for a good team and TRADE MARKS
    uca mn ul ang, , with the old men Kentucky should bo C D:s•orls&
, _ moms c.
j T · h . . R¢m¢mb¢I‘ Bob Taylor'! l¢¢tuI‘¢, “€u represented at the Southern In drmorienentllttgaslleetch :;;llc··c;¤{»tl·;v1:1i;ig
r ~ · *~ · • 0 svc l lll Ulllllwll ttl 'l•*Y I0
he Oglll   (IASB 5       one week from   t€r·COll€gi?t9·   dr? wanted for lll§‘•)l(lf{<¤l= IS llfllllllllly llrllellltllllv.`(`*·lllll:lllll(‘l|.-
Yale lompadouraspecialty. quarter-mile especially. Sprmters and Lrg;listers;¤(l5_•;g;L¤¤;l~>_;ttlg;}-f_ll_ll;l_llll1Q_Qlll:·mumvsts
B. FOTSCH, Proprietor broad jumpers are needed and men to W1_:;t‘•i¤;lt?Ht2k•:;t‘tlE;·;¤::•{]l;r:;¤;1:¤tL!8€v·r¤¢¤lv•
ARBOR DAY• throw thc discuss. Kentucky has al~ I ( ( ' ( °
  ` 1-;- “IayS bool] \\'(~;\k lll \\'("lghl°. P\'(‘lll’S    
- AS ****3 (*°"°"“” he °h°“g°d um and men arc particularly rtecclcd for ;},l}§{i1$li‘lT‘;°,ll§;‘2.ll?§L’l{S1? Yiilfh l·’i·l7.`T$°§lEl
4   date of the legal Arbor Day from Shot put. Hurdles apo also “•an{gd ycnr;t·»urmonths,|L Sojldbyall newsdczllers.
SZZZZKL`2.‘}‘}}.l§2?.1t.."}.?.tdS;.°“’i’tZ2Jill? for he me hw ms- MU"'! & $°3°‘°'°‘““‘:N°W Wk
H » d f A il Yi A b Au men are asked to Sign eugibih Brau¤.l10tYlw. t>..5FSt., Was lngtou, D.(,.
g" ¤`S€Th9·Y 0 PY ·u*:Sbc”·sS ti"¤l°:' ity blgnkg before March ll. Coach
thayt 6 prshgrslzy t B Drain? my Iddlngs will be in his otflce, second K
" “"“" as " ° **8 y"‘“` "Y ° nccr cr Science Buuutng on Friday w€$I8y .·— ·
exception of a few details which will nid Saturday from 3_30 to 480 D l ,
Always the Best Show. b6T[§:d?n;ul;gcb;8t§';éd wm be a "_ m., to furnish blanks to those who °' (
always tho gamo prioo_ camore and will be put somewhere wml to sign up' Evans  
near the new chemistry building. The ° ' ‘—+·—~
uways Clem" Always Good' exact spot has not yet been decided Try·cut for Cast of "Br¤w¤ of Har- »....—...·.·~ ‘
1 Often Out"Ta1k°d`“ upon. H `A marker with the inscrip- vard" this gfzernoon at 3:30 p. m., ln        
· Never Outdone. *10*% Qllass °f_ 1?u· will b?   Edu°°t °" U d°"°‘ All work l·`il·st Class uml Guaranteed
Show DH] 1 :00 2 : . ill lll0 )ilSt‘ ot (10 ll`t‘t‘, lllll [ Wl .......1.-%.¢.•.--_....A.- [Hyg [up g p;{[|_
5 S y 3 ’ 7 30’ 9 00 he protected by a metal tree guard. Remember Bob Taylor'• lecture, 213 1.3 EAST suns gmggr
TRY TO GET IN. lf possible, arrangements will b• one week from tcnlght. Ncur tt tcftlt-c

 4 T H E I D E A .
THE IDEA sprung Slnowtmg I
Published eva.-; Thursday by the student body of State University of Kentucky. I
for the hencflt of the students. the faculty and nlumnae of that ;
Institution. • r r OF —  
d iTl1EIDE.·‘§ is the offi<;i:1l r;1cv•}sps{)[;erto:’ the l`nlx}ersity;i and is ls?ued welily
nrt! ,1 ·ar. tscieoec st i·etc~ ee cw K tu.y. I _ W; ·
Il?r8l;;]IH:)(t\ c8lOPI`€’i0)f{ KIVQS lt€mS of lUt(‘!`(‘SI0 €l;llC0l"lI'Ié‘0 O(t;0l'n U[3\gI°8lt$£P8 (And         i
colleges in the I’nit<·d States and Canada.,   ·
suascmprrow 0NE DOLLAR PER YEAR: Frvs CENTS PER copv New 1312 Old 236 ,‘  
Entered at Lexington Post Offlcens second class mail matter. " AND ` i
WILL H. TOWNSEND, l·}dltor·In·Chief. Naw    
¥. 1w, ·r1xsr,m· ............... . ..................... . .......... Aislitunt Egitor B I   ‘
_ ,_ Mimx .......... . ..................... · .......... . ....... , u or · ·r r M o ‘ so S s
E. L. }m¢Sf¤>m"
and to do everything possible to ad- In the debate Dunn and Bowden   ———
vance the interests of the students, affirmed that the Panama Canal
the Institution and the alumni. The should be fortified while Tinsley and • • I l—I E  
propsed reunion of the class of '08 Moore denied it. The judges, Gar-  
is certainly deserving oi our earnest man, Kelley and Jeagle voted two to
errorts to promote it in every way. one for the affirmative. The debaters  
It must, exert a. potent influence had found good arguments but during 7HE COLLEGE MAAHS STORE
over the old students to gather again the first half the speeches lacked ,
at their Alma Mater to awake old force and decisiveness. In the last   Chu L` smut 98 - - - Mun"'
memories and to renew fond friend- half, however, the speakers warmed I
Ships. that Wore formed Mid S¤‘¢¤8th- up and made the evening lively and Oifcrs free tuition in all depart-  
ened 1n the good old college days. profitable. One of the speakers made ments except Law to graduates of
We are very much pleased to soo a slight remark about his opponent Kentucky High Schools who are
those members of former classes tum- which brought on a pleasing discus- prgpargd to gntgr thg Frgghman  
mg their thoughts back to the gfaild sion of each other. One man said Q]3Ss_
$31mrgstltutnloglri;l;atinw:utoo];;>:t; au; the other had eyes like two burnt · Each county in the State is en-   _ {
I _ _ . ‘ h°°s m a b‘“°*‘°*· 3 ¤°S€ hke an i°°· titled to send FREE of tuition, ._   ,4QS r
must not (mb, GMM °‘ good muuenu h"°k· and “ g°“""a1 !a°° that “’°“ld matriculation laborator and 0th· T
on the members of **8 to mingle their snag a whirlwind. Gr fcés Om ’O1, more gy Oi te IN BOTTLES
joys Mid thoif S01‘1‘0WS Bild UW}! Mr. Butler told an interesting col- , ’ pp D es'
h0D€S Hgaill. but also OH US. WY10 M9 lection of college happenings after Necessary expenses moderate- *
here now, to know that they are thus which the Critic, Mr. Weller gave his IQ? full Information I'€>‘IaI`di¤}—”I   ’  
SO closely dI°8.“'u together in their iD' I•gp0]’[_ ]\!]'_ Baxter, gn Qld member of avpolntecs, cOUrS€S of study,   A  
terest ID old State and   associa~   Society, made 8, very       etc.,     N Z
tions here. They. must depart again Speech to his }·0uug€r b,.0thm.B_ H. S. BARRIER, Call for the Genulne I
with new determ1natlons and reso1u· PRFQIDENT -
tions for greater things, inspired by Iegi ‘ K   ‘ °
the personal contact with old, but last- Try-out fqr cue gf usrqwn gf Har. ’ Dgmm y' 1
lng influences ot college life. vard" this afternoon at 3:30 p. rn., In       j"  
It should also inspire the students Education Building.
now to thus see the alumni taking an ____,_•_,,_____ If You vvm L Under Fayette National Bank _
. 1 ‘
active interest in the work they om n the Jmnm COGSWELL 8 BYRON to
Whe p Advertise. .
while here and in again turning their _ l__ _ _ _ 4 Prmtéd Mutter __ _ _ _
footsteps to the scenes of their ·u_ug_ ofTapdevéygpginlgseqllglvfhgf lolrlignail) vmy · Pmest Haxr Cuttmg and Shaving
gm ’°’ °d“°““°“ °°d *h° “°°“°“ °’ ut all me poetry than their orient; which C°mP€lS AWGIIUOH Parlm '" thc C"y .
Ours' jll]&gi1'I8liOI] is ('8IJabl€ oi`, HI] QX(;h8,[]g9 \\7 k _ ,
Let it dll us with renewed GBUS! ggyg_ They have recourse to the moat G now where you can set It   =: ‘ ;
and vigor and resolve to reap well varied und improvised methods and ` 
the advantages that are given UI their combinations are sometimes as w
ucl picturesque as they are originm, A THE       I
Japanese merchant informs his cus- ’.
-—;•-•-——1- {gmers that his goods are sent on   rt &   h d C   {g
UNIQN LITERARY a0c|£TY. with the rapidity of a shot. A qq,. B C     0, Everything firsbclass to eat r·
.__.. uener calls his knowledge ot history . ' ··
Mtv mucau by Secretary J A. to big aiu thus: "Our wonderful paper   French Drip COEGB} Oysters any »
G I b- I, as durable as the bldg gf an Bl, Style at a moment s notlce. The v_
"'*°°• °° “°““‘;‘ P’°€’°m “' mn phanw A Tokyo grocer borrows from only hrstrclaas Inmeh Counter in ·
last Saturday n ght. . E. Smith read psychologx Hum in mordaut Magna". . the south 0 d f th .t O yn
. n 0 e G1 y. pen ,,
• v¤¤1¤= •¤¤ <>¤¤r¤<1 • ¤¤<>¤ vrsw in .¤¤¤.mcoo that ··oor vaoogor of om. Do Only That Iund day and night
obedience to our devotional custom. quality is sharper than the bltterneaa ° I ·
Mr. W. C. Shultz read acme ot his ot the most diabolical ot mothers-In. W. S.   ~
""“"°‘ '°"° ‘""°" °'“'°° ‘ ’°" ""‘" QUALITY PRINTING Corner Mill and Bolivar  

 , THE ID EA 6
BANQUET or ··uN3|¤¤;N,•• hundred friends. The first part of the  —-—-
I -—- evening was enjoyed ln the chapel  
Patterson Han occupants had never with s prosram of lovely livlns poses. "
    before been such staunch adherents l‘9Dl'0dll¤¢i0ll¤ of the old D8il1tlll8¤.  
I   ‘°°t•V I of the movement of the suffragettes, Md WM followed ll? lll° ¢ll¤l'¤llll8 ll°*  
  _Q,.fQ ` gn y but Friday night saw the ball started Gill hours in the drawing moms.
I   g—..~·l" on ue path, gud wee to {hg men whg which were beautifully decorated with
· ,,   ` Q   might have entered the Neville Room Dl¤¤t¤ nfld l0ll¤llilS- The dlnlns hall
· I Trfry   pe that nlght! was tronsformed into an attractive .
I .   —’:‘ The occasion? A banquet, to while Japanese tea garden with hundreds of
‘ ( ._/./   gwgy {bg hour; whlle {hg depcerg Japanese lights and elaborate decora- · •
/..4*;. · [   , _ _ tripped the light rantastlc in the Ar- tions of artlflolal apple and peach blos
, .   ’~— I e It   ,4* ' mory, Those present? sha: What soms. Tea. wafers. sandwiches and
.         W4 I happened? Armed with het ping. me bonbons were served and the hours
  ‘ \Il,   l gpggn, 8 ghgg bummer-, p ghgg hem were much enjoyed, Kidd’s orchestra
.€.,j . ` {rtl Vlué and a hair pin, a motley crowd gf non- Hrddlflg to tl.18 ·Dl€8S\1l`0 with 8 b€8\1t.l· °
I I. »· lf ’ mentionables, each gowned ln strict ful Dl‘0gl'8lll of ¤lllSi¢· Recélllillz were
` ··rn11 dress,·· prepared to launch the Franklein Sendo. the honorary presl-
ship of "Woman's Rlghts" ln the very dent of the club, and the president, 0
face of the Co·Ed State University. Minh Myrtle HBV/kills. and Dr. and G
· To enable them better to utphold their MPS- Hllberli Sh€8l‘l¤· A¤Sl¤€l·ll8 Worn (_;m_(_CSgm_§
standard, they nrst did run justice, the members of the club. I to T ‘I, ‘D(_I\_hIu_S,¤)
by means of the aforesaid articles, to ‘ " ’ ‘
I a delicious menu of thirteen courses, ·i•·•·•·····—·· .
having found their places at the nan- TENNIS CLUB I HEADQUARTERS
queg bozzrctl, by, 1118828 ofwapproprtite ' I FOR ALL
cars wt " oes or omen" n- . _"_'
’ I · b f Th Id
scribed ’neath a suitable design. The it Ilsabggil ggieglglateg (gremlig CIE; I ,
gets? card: were the wargetjgrejhzg e·e..n be organized rr the eeer future I €lL1C
Want U18 I'l€W€St B °’ °°° °°urs° was to compete in an inter-collegiate tour-
the lash Aa to what h8ppe¤€d' thou nament with sister colleges and to °
"stunts" in ¤¤Wllll¤s te take the cam of HAH? arouse interest in that branch O!  
giaucc go twomagln wil: Lmabga t°i‘l‘: athletics at State. So far very few
Cover" u mlm, cou 9 mag ne names had been handed in as con-
from the following toast· I For College IVIIGII
Wh th I t d i t' d d testants for the tournament to be held . '
S Aug ui as sncsh S Gia here to decide who will represent I
Wha uh 9 mus ct b mu§i' d d State, and in order to fix the courts l """
  Ai'; th‘;md°a;;';; mfg? “ '°“ °"° prcpeny ece arrange e good tern-ee. l
, ’ ment, at least there should be sixty FOOT BALL GOODS,
When the dance is long forgotten contestants
Theywe here now l`€a" And the plus no longer trot' Tennis is one of the best exercises GYMNASIUM SUITS,
‘ d f _- _ _ When thrills have changed to head- among can take exercising every
Y °l' Y0lll' Vlewlllgr lll Fmgclggg punch they cam wget facultypart of human nccy and is an SHOES.
agi ‘°;‘?l:’t°;` Sttttttt that ¤;;gt,g¤;0gt;¤gi;;;;·gage ¤¤s¤¤¤· §’;$’i;S‘i.eY’e“‘§?e°¥r`€’i'..“‘2‘r.‘L"“.f;..Z.° .251 sesrnr sen.
y lg alley- , ’ dents’ life, should take. We have two
I Ftlt ttlttl tttst Ftltltt '°‘g“ _l¤=¤¤¤$§~·l courts here that can be ntted np, nn- . SUPPLIES,
·» In the memories of the ‘Stang. d . t. t b I
Ask to See the new I er a proper organiza ion, o e as
I I good as any in this section of Ken- BASE BALL GOODS,
t unc     I I HAMILTQN NEWS' tucky. It is preposterous to think
_ _ _ that a club of sixty men out of seven and
I MISS hhzabeth Lyon "’t“t'°°f’ Wed` hundred can't be organized for this c0LL_EGE
. _ nesday from her home in Nicholas recreation
I   a new broad brlm’ IOW vine' Ky' This club will not be restricted to PENNANWI-°S·
_ grown the hat the men only. It is planned to have the
U . ’ Mm S““°’l B°ll‘l °l’°‘lt tll° "'°°*‘ cc-eds also and the contests cr mixed FLAGS,
I young fellows are ellll llt ll°l' ll°lll° lll I-·ll"l'°ll°°l’lll'¤· doubles promise to be exciting.
_ I all Wearin K°°m°ky· So anyone that has ever wielded a PILLOW COVERS,
_ g` racket or wants to learn how, hand
Misses N°m Cemrbell and Emu, in your names to F. L. Marx