xt7dbr8mf961 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mf961/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1923 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_151 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 151 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 151 1923 1923 2014 true xt7dbr8mf961 section xt7dbr8mf961 K _ I'
I ,   W /_
  xp / - /7o
 Qi Extension Division
L   THOMAS P. COOPER. Dean and Director
ew- ·s1·. CIRCULAR NO. 15]
ii" ii'; Lexington. Ky.
April. 1923.
Published in connection with thc ngrioulturm extension work carried
cri hy co—opcr:1tl0n of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky,
with the U. S_ Department of Agriculture, and distributed in furtherance
of the work provided for ln the Act of Congress of May S, 1914.


Care and Management of the Ewe and Lamb
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 Care and fllatnagemcut of (hc Ewc and Lamb 7
{W1., mcgsgary to feed more than l to UQ pounds daily to each mature
l;.{l;,· owe. If H10 CWUS 111`0 {{lVCH LQ ol` ain eair of arorn a day and
glgver or all`ali`a1 ltaiy, they will do well. It is always well to
feed sttcettlent niaiteriail, suelt as silatge or roots, to prevent
l"‘l` Tinzoiliy hay s/roialal iaeavr br ful lo .~}ael`ore laniliiiig. The following tailile gives the
·i1 air rations fed eaeh lot. the gains of the ewes. and the e1l`eet of each
‘··~K€l‘¤‘ ration upon the lannbs proalneeal.
tore is
;1te oi TABLE I
[suvli ——~—~— ·~·r - V V V   —·
al 11**   {       g
 iii it {   _ 5   §
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.i1{>{·l}" Ei:__— { {ii Eii Iii: $5, EEZ
-·1.¢ »-1; :11 Lux in Jail
Yllllllli L¥b "i M im , , ~ { 7 ”"'{'i
.1 r . llis. l lhs. l lhs. ` lhs. { lbs.   lbs.
gurl G41¤_o¤‘ WFS (—l per owe.   ...... . ’ 1.5 »»l.1i T 0 j —la`•. { -3 { 0
_   { .~\\¤#···1 ·al .. ....     ` .; ‘ . .   . ........ ‘ .... . 1 ....
l'*lll‘l Oats ....... T .` ......     ._.. . ._.___.___..____.... .1 __.. .. 1 ,......r 1   ..t..... a .8 l Y-`` .6
{{{{ 1¤¤·a·a1a¤a·tioii ................ salt { lst   atm { ani. { mt { ind
llviiail \ri Mi '   no *1 a e   e ee e*`—

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 _ 1-1 1(cn!1tt·7.·y ('irrular No. [.31 V
by holding the foot in the solution two or thrt·t— minutes. ltepeai
every other day u11til rnred. l·`or large tloeks sprinkling lini··
on the tloor and driving the sluwp thru it proves wry t·tl't·t·tiv.·_
_ Salt should he bet`ort· the slieep at all tinies. l·`or this pur-
pose a trough should he provided either iu the- pasture or nn·l··r
Shelter. lf salt is given onl