xt7dbr8mdf3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mdf3z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1993 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 63, no. 1, 1993 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 63, no. 1, 1993 1993 1993 2012 true xt7dbr8mdf3z section xt7dbr8mdf3z KE I Q T U C  M K Y
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quarterly by the Birmingham, Ala. SCHIJOUYHCY {O Jupiter.
i University of Kentucky
~ Alumni Association, SECRETARY _ •
A 400 Rose Street, Bob C. Whitaker `58 T€¤Chmg, Flrsf Alumna Mary Frances Richardson ’63, ’67 I 2
F Egggglgwg   F m"k[°1`[ talks about her profession after being named Canada’s
# cemmrrmerrtaens, rue., Assocmrron srrtrr Pf0feSS0r of the Yeali
r Lexington, Kentucky,
for its dues-paying DIRECTOR 1, , _ .
members. Opinions Bob C. Vllhlmner .58 SQ Wh¤'I' Tclkes So Liang . UK s Center for Phannaceuucal I6
` expressed are not nec- Sc1ence and Technology arms to shorten the trme 1t takes to move a
€S$a“lY fh°$"f Of me EDITOR drug from discovery to the phannacist`s shelfwhere it can be dis-
` Unrversrty oi Kentucky, Lrz I-Ioward ’68 d 1 h d .
. [hc UKAIUIHIU p€HS€ to p€Op C VV O I.I€€ It.
Association or Host ASST. EDITOR
Communications. Kayjohnson ’86 Former
rerwmdrrlg and ourruarxcrr,/cturss ¤eP¤r'm¢n*$
address correction Stan Key ’72 -- - - -
,‘ requested. Send to The · . · . . l · _
Kclmmkynlmmusy MEMBERSHIW Around C¤mpUS S1te chosen for l1b1a1y, Dean s List 2
‘ Assacialiaa r Tasha Kala `89 Sports W¤fCI1 On being No. I; Football signees 4
l Lexmgton, Kentucky
40506. STAFF
( Brenda Bain CI¤$s NOI'€S A class by class update 20
é PRINTING julia Brothers
I-Iost Linda Brumfleld _ _ _
  Communications, Inc. Margie Carby   Authors A Vamcty ef rcadlug  
{ Rebecca Foley
l ADVERTISING, Ruhr H"‘i?ll" Fuxline Focus Mega-doses of violence 32
l For advertrsrng infor- Char les Livingston
.   mation, contact Carolyn Rhorer
Susan Lester at Tom White .
l (606) 25;>»2220. Umverslty r°~rClnV€¤
l   . _ I ·._¤
l Margaret l. Nm; lnbruy - 5 crib
ll Unlvxrslty ol Kentucky
ll Lcxlngicn, Kentucky 40506
r` ·. · · ’ 2 ’ ’/ ” x
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UK’s new library will l WW • y architectural firm which will design y
*·¤v¤ ¤*·¤¤*¤¤7»¤<{° l Home of New Library l the library, Kaiimami Mckmneii &
square feet ¤nd will {   _,,_...l_._._.f ,__t.,_________, ___  r W d I AI h. {-B M
cos, un estimated $58     OO , IIC., C IICCESO OSllO1'1, HSS.
million. The university T UK has chosen a specific site within y Malcolm Holzman, a senior part- ,
:;‘;';:$?:n';‘:;ii:;"3:   30 acres known as the Clifton Park ner in the planning firm, presented
and wrpomte c°nm_ l area where it will build a new central the planning services report to the
butions toward the l and life sciences library. university’s administration.
an d;‘v‘;:1;$;°g:"€ l The property is bounded by Rose y Denny said the detailed presenta-
P°r,;,_·",e Kemuglg, Street, Columbia, Hilltop and Wood- , tion, which included many drawings
General Assembly land avenues.   of optional uses for the buildable
°"°h‘::;":‘1l:§\:°hP:}?é y The specific site is slightly offset   land in the area, took into considera-
Plmming und gesign   from the center of the property and is   tion such characteristics as extensive 5
stages witlithe pri-   on a "highly buildable site between l green space, pedestrian circulation
"°'° °°""'b""°""   two natural depressions," says UK   patterns, the property’s relationship
  architect Warren Denny.   to the rest of the campus and the
W The library site and suggestions for   slope of the land. w
y locating future academic buildings in   Casual observers might think that I
r the area were recommended by the A the land there is relatively flat, but, i
physical planning services firm of ; actually, it is characterized by a gentle
Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates of slope which rises from Rose Street to
NewYork City.   University Drive and then levels
An extensive study of the area was   toward Woodland Avenue. A
performed by the planning firm work-   "The planners took that into con-
ing in close cooperation with the 1 sideration as they chose the site for _
2 Kentucky Alumnus Spring 1993 1

It what will be the premier structure on   through a system of chancellors and
{ that property," Denny said. l vice presidents.
. Another consideration in the   In reviewing the report and plan
  detailed analysis of this property is   of action for UK Board of Trustees
  the manner in which elements of the   members, Wethington said imple-  
, existing campus to the west of the site   menting the changes will free up $2.6  
i and University Drive form two impor-   million to reallocate to instruction, i
` tant “axes” that intersect at the pro- research and public service programs ,
T posed site for the library, Denny said. , within the university. 1
One axis runs through Memorial   The president also reviewed for 1
Hall, extends eastward through cam-   board members the impact that the i .
, pus and, after crossing Rose Street,   $26.7 million in state budget reduc- ` _
i passes through the library site. The , tions in recent months has on the Y _ » `
, other axis is formed by the extension i restructuring plan he presented, y 1
p of University Drive and also passes { including the elimination of some i , __¤
through the library site. i 575 employee positions. i t J    
The site planning firm’s sugges— , Wethington said he hopes "the l    
tions for the area primarily call for i implementation of the plan of action l     j
future construction that would "ring”   will bring to a close this veiy difficult         ·'
the library, leaving that structure as i and challenging period of budget *     W  V<<_  
the "strongest piece on the property   reductions and organizational review." , _;   
no matter what other building types   The plan of action urges the chan-    
are constructed,” Denny said. i cellors to work within UK’s academic      
Among buildings now located on   structure to consider the elimination 1  
the 30—acre site are UK’s Hilary i of certain degree programs and the i ~   _`  
Boone Faculty Center, a Mining and 1 consolidation of some educational     U ;   ?%Q$g°=’°  
Mineral Resources Building and a   units and degree programs. Hundreds of persons civil rights qetivist
Parking Ssucium i   so §.‘Z.'IZE'?Z'.i;’J2.°.r i’..".‘*.;'II.‘£§f°.22‘.Z'° °‘
Design Of thc? new library by K3·u` 1 Deunls Llsis Dr. Mcrtin Luther This is the ihirdgyeur
mann McKinnell & Wood is expected "Y c"c’r*c s' , King Jr.’s birthday UK cmd the
to take about 18 months. A tentative   The 13 undergraduate colleges at the   ;'::v‘:1" ';‘:";:;5$;‘;; t;’;z‘3z;‘Q;‘:;°"°
timetable calls for construction of the   Lexington Campus reported some an indi,. ceremony Govemmemhuve
library to begin in spring 1994. Con-   2,700 students were named to the in Lexington’s Civic co-sponsored these
struction will take about two years.   Dean’s List for high academic c°"*°I: f§"°“:"9'h*° °"°"°"
    achievements during the 1992 fall :;::;,,;,9:,e,: usc
RGOIQCIIIEZEIIQ UK 1 semester. The 1992 dean’s list in- inclvdedthe
”  ’‘‘* ' ‘ i cludes students from nearly all of 5;,;:;:: hggxgl
President Charles T. Wethington jr. i Kentucky’s 120 counties, as well as 38
has released an academic and admin- 1 states. The requirements for being
istrative reorganization and restruc-   named to a dean’s list varies from col-
turing plan of action for the Univer-   lege to college. However, most re-
sity of Kentucky. The deadline for quire an "A" average, or a 3.5 grade
= implementing the majority of the   point average, based on a 4.0 system.
changes in the plan of action is_]uly 1,   me ‘ s ‘ss* more cc’cs*ss*cs s s t scsc cmrrv s as
1993. Other changes are expected to sigllll   célliéllllitll
be in place within the next two years. c tcs‘ ‘  or c trmw ‘ cttw t t c
The 26-page report and plan of 1 The UK chapter of Sigma Chi will be
il action includes 86 recommended celebrating its 100th anniversaiyApril 2-
changes in the academic and admin- 4. Alumni William B. Sturgill and Paul
istrative structure and processes of Chellgren, both UK trustees, will be
the university. honored as “Significant Sigs” at a lun-
The report also recommends that cheon. Other events, including a golf
an outside consultant(s) be asked to   outing, are being planned throughout
re-evaluate UK’s top-level administra-   the weekend. For more information,
tive structure which now operates call Mark Rexroat at 606-255-8735.
Spying 1993 Kentucky Alumnus 3

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` There’s paparazzi picture of his dad, V 7 W H 7 V rrrr *5    A  '     Si · ~ l
everywhere! Ryan Rick, to the delight   Qf NQ, I •’   '_ .    arf; 7
` Pitino, the coach'; of UK Netvvork   H .   t W W. W .. 6 I `    V/I;   if 'f `
` youngest son, left, play-by-play _ 1   ·¢" A 1     `   *—
w¤ndered down to announcer Ralph When [h€ 563.5011 D€g2lH, DL1l<€ U1'll- I   N: U;   KJ ·
ll`I8 COUH dUI'lI'|g the H¤Cl(€I" dhd il‘l€ versity yvas NO_ 1   [hg   TOP   r 4v ;   ·   _` _] ' U .
postgame co¤ch’s audience. Later . - 1 ‘ \      •° 1    
_ poll until defeated by Georgia Tech 1 ;» 1 _   r »» ,, y   V ·,··V   __,;;  
show and took a Ryan showed every _ t as _~, iv 7,.   __ Y    iz;
1 one fhg} the cms at Tech; then Kentucky took the top I _A) §j\`.§,..   »§ _   _ ‘  gig
are No 1 in his oll · ‘ ‘ "7]/ /   A I i  
· P · seat for the first time 11] four years J (wif    
Photos by David . 7. - `\—W:T,,, Q,   "  
C°y|e_ u11t1l the \A1ldcats went to Vanderbilt A< `,_§=.;g     1,.. 1  
University and lost; then, Kansas   A        
. 1  '“` , .} ' ._,»=»’ fi   ,
y took a turn until Long Beach State   1 `--·· ‘   1
beat the a hawks at Kansas. But, not 1   ~ ··  
0 worry. It s n1ce to be No. 1 dur- ( 5 -;;.     y    
ing the season," said Pitino. "It’s ( 1*%* 1   V ''       
good for the fans and it’s fun to talk     $4 ·· ··4... · I
about, but what really counts is the   ` -·»~  
end of the season a11d our players   _ *
know that. There will be several No.   y
l’s before it is over." each. You may notice Duke by its 1
In that final poll of the season, UK absence. The Associated Press publish-
A has been at the top most often — tied es its final poll of the year before the
with UCLA, each finishing No. 1 seven NCAA Tournament. When you look at
times, followed by North Carolina with Top IO finishes, Kentucky again heads
three, and Cincinnati, DePaul, Hous— the list with 27, followed by North
ton, Indiana, Michigan, UNLV, Ohio Carolina (21), UCLA (18) and Duke
State and San Francisco, two times and Indiana tied with 15 each.
—l l{(‘Illlll`l§}' .—\l1111111us Spring 1993

ii   I   ”r r W   from last season and advanced to the       ».~*   A·· ‘* —»,  4  
  TEIIIILS 1 semis of the “B Singles" division. ° ifi ( if   . T
"'   ' W"' Y"'   “With this (SEC) league having 10 (
, Tennis coach Dennis Emery says the teams raizked in the Top, 25 in the uKis A".'"n.°
1 new faces on this year s 12th-ranked country, Sald Emery, it s a real Leading s·°r°rs
{ tennis team answered a lot of ques- good feat to put together the week-
  tions during the SEC Indoor Tennis end that we did."
, Tournament held in Lexington in   **775
, january. The Wildcats lost seven of UK OII WCKY-AM
l their first 11 players from the team   it   1
that won the SEC last year, but came WCKYAM (1530) will be broadcasting
1 through their first major tournament UK football and basketball games for
i with some encouraging highlights. three years beginning with the Fall 1993
The Cats’ No. 2 doubles team, com- season kick-off as a part of the UK radio
posed of sophomores Ford Lankford network. WCKYAM is a 50,000-watt sta-
and jason Yeager, upset the No. 1 1 tion located in Cincinnati, Ohio.
_ seeded team from the University of “We are delighted with this al-
Georgia in the “A Doubles” division liance with VVCKY,” said UK athletics L Dun Issel ,68_,70
before losing to the eventual champi- director C.M. Newton. “This provides 2,138 pts/83 gqmes
ons, juan Carlos Bianchi and Rick us with the best possible situation for 2 Kem walker ,83-,86
Witsken of the University ofAlabama. our fans and listeners in Kentucky 6,080;,s/132 games
junior Mahyar Goodarz, coming I and throughout the Eastern portion
off a subpar fall season, knocked off W of the United States." 3- J°'°k Gl"°"’ '75"78
the No. 10 and the No. 3 players in One of the benefits to UK fans is 2’°38 pls/123 games
the countiy before falling in the finals the fact that UK football games will 4. Kevin Grevey *73-*75
of the “A Singles” division. begin at 7 p.m. during September and l·8°l P"/84 9°"‘°’
junior Mike Hopkinson, seeded llth October. Coach Rick Pitino added, 5_ Comm Nash ,62_,64
in the tournament, made it to the semi- “We are excited to be on their station. 1,770 pts/78 gumes
finals of the “A Singles” division before It will enhance our program [1`€m€1l- 6 Alex Gnu ,45 ,47-,49
falling to the eventual champion. dously. It will give us great leverage in ° 1,744 PB/no games
Freshman Tad Berkowitz beat one recruiting and it will also expose our
of the top players in the "Boys I8s" program like it should be." f;‘;;‘:";:R‘l;’; $$218
Nume Pos. Ht. Wt. High Scho¤I/ Hometown 1,575 pts/80 gumes
Darrin Clark L 6-6 230 Coldiron, Ky. (Bell County) 9. Mike Cusey *68-*69, *71
Kareem Dailey L 6-5 218 Louisville, Ky. (jeffersontown) 1*535 PB/82 9°“‘°’
john Gibson L 6-7 252 Independence, Ky. (Simon Kenton) w_ JAMAL MASHBURN ,9]_,93·
David Ginn L 6-5 205 Cincinnati, Ohio (Elder) 1,523 pes/82 g¤mes
I Donnell Gordon B 6-0 185 PeeWee Valley, Ky. (S. Oldham) , ,
Billyjack Haskins* B 5-11 190 Paducah, Ky. (Tilghman) `lj5°i°J”,:,$TZ$*gZ?Q,;°
Van Hiles B 6-O 175 Baton Rouge, La. (Episcopal)
~ Mad Hobbie B 5-11 180 Sarasota, na. (High) '2· ****,;*1* '·;g·;*· '”'·'°°
Chad Hudson L dz 240 Lill)Ll1`1'1, oa. (Bmahwadd) l’5° P"! “°'“°’
Brandon jackson L 6-4 305 Massillon, Ohio (Washington) 13. Cliff H¤g¤n *51-*52, *54
jb. Reed L 02 260 sphhghaid, Ky. (1/Vashington oa.) '·’*’5 PB"' ¤¤*¤·===
, Rob Reynolds L 6-6 282 Fort Thomas, Ky. (Highlands) M_ P4, Riley ,65_,67
i Kio Sanford B 5-11 155 Lexington, Ky. (Bryan Station) 1,464 pts/80 gumes
john Schlarrnan L 6-2 280 Fort Thomas, Ky. (Highlands) , _,
Km-, Sapa L dz 231 cihdhhad, Ohio (LaSalle) `ijZZ*{“,§Z,°§Z”g3.;,3°
jeff Tanner B 6-3 225 Marianna, Fla. (High)
Littleton Ward B 5-10 155 Lexington, Ky. (Bryan Station) ,,;:::',;l:’;;',;;;‘:;'::iagT':5.
Maurece Williams B 6-2 205 Columbus, Ga. (Spencer)
*K1mtucky Z1 Mr. Football
, Spring 1993 Kcnuncky Aluumus 5

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i  Jamal Mashburn leaned “A lot of times people are Jealous, tucky. But it’s not like I’m this big
, •   back on the trainer’s table J but everybody’s so proud ofJamal, star. I’m Just a friend who’s had
JJ   recently, and reflected on J first of all because they know what he some different experiences.”
ll     his career as a University of J had to do to get this far,” said Russell After playing on a select team of
    ·~ Kentucky basketball player J Glover, Mashburn”s cousin and one college all-stars who scrimmaged
  and his life as a student. In the last of his closest friends. “When he was against the United States Olympic
three years, the two have become sep- younger, Jamal had a hard time even i squad, Mashburn spent most of last
J arate entities. getting chosen for a team when they I summer in New York. He proudly
J In terms of his career, life has played in back of the building. They recalls how he spent a good deal of
l been extraordinary. called him a big baby, said he would J time in recording studios with Glover,
Mashburn, who played high school J never make it.   an aspiring musician-writer who plays
JJ basketball for Cardinal Hayes in the “The other reason people are I keyboards and hopes to produce rap,
Bronx, is firmly established as one of happy for Jamal is because of the rhythm and blues and gospel groups.
the nation’s elite players. The 6-foot- i kind of person he is,” Glover added. “He’s a person I really admire,”
8-inch, 240-pound player has l “He’s quiet, doesn’t bother anybody. T Mashburn said. “Sometimes I envy
achieved the perfect balance between l People want to talk with him or touch him because he’s so creative, he
J the pivot, where he dominates with a I him. I remember once a couple of taught himself to play. He can write
strong, versatile inside game, and the   people, I guess they were crackheads, and mix. That’s the thing, there’s so
perimeter, where he is a lethal 3- by William C. Rhoden much music \ J we
point shooter. T where I grew     A
His scoring average has in-   came up to him and wanted his auto-   up. People   S 
creased from 12.9 points a game as   graph and wished him good luck. Just don’t   O" '
a freshman, 21.3 last season, to   They said they followed his career l have the {X'.,
more than 22 points this season. l and were happy he’d made it. That resources to  
Mashburn, born in New York City A meant a lot to Jamal. He sees himself get it out.”
and raised in the Rangel Homes on as part of the community.” l Perhaps a little  Em  
155th Street, never played at the Gar- Indeed, aside from becoming a l more than he _ ;_ ‘£ ·  '
den (until last December). pro-caliber basketball player, Mash-   would like, trips to    
When Mashburn gauges the dis- burn’s most consistent quest, as he l Harlem also help I   V, 
tance he has traveled since leaving negotiates fame, is a longing to fit in.   remind Mashburn   °`§*J'JJ,J
. New York, he measures his progress In Lexington he is the Monster Mash,   that, for all the hype   _p "°‘
_. by what has taken place outside the J No. 24 or an all—America basketball of his all-America \ L   r ' `
arena. His world has now expanded player. He is featured on posters   career at Kentucky, Jl   
to a point where proficiency in bas- showing him crushing a basketball. A in some eyes, in ·-     f J
ketball isn’tenough.   Trips back to New York tend to some environments,    
“Sometimes I feel that playing bas- ground him in reality, help him he is merely a    I J
  ketball is the only gift I have, really,” J maintain a fix on what is real and potential criminal in  ‘  J
` i he said. I wish I could write music what is not. J a perpetual game oi ·
or play music. Basketball is not a real I know that s all part of the cops and robbers.
big thing. Something besides sports, hype, but that’s not who I am," According to his
I think, is a real talent, a gift God Mashburn said. “Sometimes in Lex-   family, Mashburn was
gave you. In sports, you can work on ington, there’s so much hype   stopped by the police 0
it and become good with hard work around basketball, you’re treated in in Harlem twice last §~
and talent.” a way that can make you lose sight l summer — both in _:
Indeed, those who know Mashburn of reality. Back home, around my cases of "mistaken iden- J , ig
talk about how hard he has worked to friends, I’m justJamal. They ask me tity.” The first time J J J , j Q
change from being a pudgy play- about my experiences. They want to Mashburn and two      QJ f
ground hopeful to becoming one of know what it`s like playing against friends hadjust picked   fi   5
the nation’s leading players. the Dream Team or playing at Ken- up Glover from his Job J*/,   ¤-
Spring 1993 Kentucky Alumnus 7

A V F E A 'I’ II R E ° !
I as a National Basketball Association i  
lottery pick should he choose to leave [  
 5 ,   school after this season.  
  g i Mashburn says whether he leaves I  
V ·     this season or next, in many positive  
V · V. .  V        9**-     ways he will not be the same person i
‘ VV , V " · ".V 1* ’ V, ,—»_.   V coming out of Kentucky that he was l
j v V QR- ‘?> {     ‘ V     `       i ' `
V   g »V ·e VV __ V; V V Q ‘ , . · QI ~· V A     "I’ve matured a lot,” he said. “I V
  ,,2, W ' V   V.   appreciate education. Before, I just {
V  I ·- .   ¤   V {   _     w wanted to come in, play ball and go =
.V   :1    l to the pros. Now I understand the
i I gz A l I     V value of an education, particularly for
W   V ‘;· " if an African-American male. Even if
I. , 'v ‘ ' pf ` E: , . . .
  ·i _` Juv I; V   you don t finish in four years, you
l A V '     D VQ   V absorb information. It changed the V
i V ‘ V   {I V I ~ i 1 way I approach some things."
  ` V Petr V /.~-~   ` His mother would like for Mash-
i ’ V V   V flax   ······· I V burn, a communications major, to V
¤ Vi V f I ».-~   ‘ `‘`"i V     SE » ‘ h ` f - °
V , V V   `V . . V earn his degree. T e reality o eco
i e§ ‘ T, V    ft  V  ~ t·  _ V  nomics, however, ma dictate a differ- g
V VV .,.t _ V _,_. . .. _ , __   Y
i   3 i·‘   ‘ "'mw " ‘
l     ..      . VV    .,...._   ......   ....r.   ..,.,..   em Course Of aCUO“· V
S         I S   Y     He would like to move his family V
I I     .--V,   4Q   V     I out of New York City, he would like
  Qs,  Nj        ;I VV    ‘*,V.;;?    l . . . . VV
l     i`i` if       V`‘. `Vii Y i IO SW6 his COUSUYS PY0dU€U0U €0m·  
    I        I      ’l:   ‘ l  
. · ~· · ·s t. . W; , gt}, ,,.40** U; -»:s».   /¤¥¤—&4/ni-<’--.w.i=». · · · - V   3    
V   at a bank on 145th Street. They were l "There’s more than just me to
W four oun black men ridin in a car   think about," Mashburn said, refer-
Y S S V  
1 with Kentucky license plates.   ring to his decision whether to leave  
i ,@¤~·.. Glover said the police stopped   school or stay.  
i I . .  ii
: the car, and with uns drawn told V Of course, the first order of busi-  
V . S  
  .,¤ everyone to get out. Only when i ness for Mashburn is to have a domi-  
  ‘_ ~_ `_ .s 7 V · Mashburn announced that his l nating year. After deferring to  
i Q  ···"` , · Vi *‘ " `  father was a olice officer was the u erclassmen his first two seasons,  
I I "fi I situation diffused. Mashburn, with roddin from Pi-  
* =· V His father, Robert Mashburn, i tino, has taken over. But he has not  s
i -. ” *   ·· ` recalled the other incident when his taken over in a frenzied, e ocentric  
i 4 V _ g  
. o ’_ ‘ V son was sto ed outside of the Ran el manner. He mi ht take the o en shot  
_ V _ _ V PP S S P  
Q ¤VV VV` K j V Homes. "Same thing: out—of-town when he would have passed off, or  
L ·~ `”   I l license, black male wearin a certain now he mi ht demand the ball in  
i - · g g G  
  ,V ‘ E type of shirt," Robert Mashburn said. clutch situations.  
l V" kl "` "They thought he was selling drugs." "Basically, jamal is unselfish," his    
  V _ V VV ' When he committed himself to the   father said. "He’s a team player, but V ’V? V·_"  
  "     `  T Wildcats three seasons ago, Mashburn W it goes past basketball. He was .  
  A became the center iece ofKentuck ’s i tau ht to res ect all eo le, to
its _ V P Y V S P P P V
I ‘ rebuilding process, with Coach Rick   respect his elders. He knows how to
i . . i . . ,,
V   PIUIIO at the helm. Mashburn was a   wait his turn. I ~
i J¤m¤I Mushburn His futher, Robert,   freshman when the Wildcats complet- l “The way I approach the game,  
Q °"|°Y‘ ‘°'“° "'9hP ‘”°"°‘ '° ° V ed the final season of a two—year pro- and people, is to respect all and fear i
V pre-g¤me moments friend. Above, I V . 7 V _ ,, . ,, , !
  in New york Mashburn than iation. Last season, he helped pull I none, Mashburn said. So far, that s I v
  with his mother, with his best friend Kentucky within an overtime victory of V what’s worked for me.”
Heh"' '°P‘ °3:,°°‘:’:‘*;£:;s:" regglting [hg Final FOUL V   i
ve · . e ,   . .
chuck pe"; This season may be Mashburn s I Copyright © 1992 by The New York Tzmes *
 V final one at Kentucky. He is projected i Company. Reprinted bypermissimz. V
{ N l§m·11l1u‘kv.\l11mnus Spring 1993 V
i Z

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Your copy will be rushed to you following the season.
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. W· Rei? Th°‘“P‘°" here it was, filling the entire Thompson, almost exactly 30 years  
1 '73 — with model of . . . . 1
1 the voyager page. An immense swirling to the day he first paged through this _.
1 s qeeeruh. View of crimson ball with several ol its ift from his Stster, has seen and ar-  
1 P . . g
1 lh': °°"'h· "'?l::jt" 14 moons lixed in their syncopatecl ticipated in real planetary exploration  
I‘0lh ¤ SG 8 I 6. . . . .
orbits:_]up1ter. — starting with the Voyager fly-bys of ,
"This was in an astronomy book my Uranus and Neptune. And as a senior `
older sister gave me when I was about research associate in astronomy and
ltl," says W. Reid Thompson, a Ken-