xt7dbr8mdd17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dbr8mdd17/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1919 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 3, no. 10, 1919 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 3, no. 10, 1919 1919 1919 2012 true xt7dbr8mdd17 section xt7dbr8mdd17 E
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Published by {
The Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky ii
--··=·° » Lexington, Kentucky `

 .2 . .2 V .· :   , H ———— A -
Q j Alumni Representatives on Board of Trustees   -
*   PHILIP P. JOHNSTON, JR., Lexington, Ky. l  
{ _ n. J. I. LYLE, New York City.  
l ‘ A
` Y General Association _· 
_ _ .» HAROLD AMOS, President, New York.  ; E
  .. RODMAN VVILEY, Vice—President, Frankfort.  I
I , J. D. TURNER, Secretary-Treasurer, Lexington, Ky.  
’ , Q?} MARGUERITE McLAUGHLIN, Editor, The Alumnus, Lexington, Ky.  2
5 :4  s
I   Executive Committee ```·
E ` , _ W. E. FREEMAN, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.  f
l . g FRANK BATTAILE, Lexington, Ky. _  I
j I LOUIS E. HILLENMEYER, Lexington, Ky.  Z` I
  MRS. ROBERT GRAHAM, Urbana, Ill.  " I
W T. T. JONES, Lexington, Ky. `. li
, _ GEORGE BROCK, London, Ky.  ’ I
- · _j_# j I
I i.os·r 1.isT .  ` I
‘ It any one can supply the address of the "Lost" the Secretary  I I
I] will appreciate it. _ _ F
_ Caleb S. Perry, 'TU. ll, S. Craig, `OT. J. L, Hall, 'lil,  I` I
Henry M. \\'right, 'Tél. Viola Lewis, OT. \\'. l·]. Hobson. `lil.  ‘ I
_ Louis K. deliioode, $2, l’aul C. Grumwell, `OT. H. A. Kornhorst, ’13.  ~ .
  ll. l’. l·]ubanl<, `bl. l>. J. Dodd, 'UT. S. Kurozawa, ’]:l, Y h
, J, ll. Sott,   G. ll. Howard, `0'T. \\'. M. Lane, ’lZl,  ` (
I , Margaret .—\. X\'ilson, ’£J0. J. \\'. Thomas, ’llT. .T. A. Myers, ’]Zl. `
John G. Maxey. 'il:. B. T. Towery, ’0T. \\'; S, Penny, ‘]2l. ‘ (
R, G. \\’illis, `f•t:, J. S. Curtis, 'OS, li. \\'. Link, ’l3l.  , ,
lt. I`. Koiser, `lti, H. li. Cornelison, ’0S. T. Robinson, ’]rl. ` -‘
\\’. 4.7. Trigg, 'irl. J. I'. Carmody, WN. Mrs. T. Ilobinson, ’1l.  ` [
I G, Irl. Kemper, `1lT, T. R. l-lollcroft, 'os, Lydia E. \\'c·slrott, ’1l.  [
. J. S. Johnson, '£lS. \\'. \\'. Shelby, `O8. G. A, Smith, 'Il. °
I J. \\'. I-Iuglies, `llfl. T). XV. Harp, ’llfl, H. ll, Sliolton, 'l-i_  ·- (
, J. I;). Hestand. 'C0, J. T. Nel;:hhors, `0!•, H. L. Donovan, `H.  
3 T. A. Jones, ‘O¤¢, M. IV. Shanklnnd, ’09. L. ll. Caywood, ‘l5.  ‘ J
' l J. ll. \\'islon, `OO. l). C. Talbott, '0E>. J. li. \\'atkins, `l5.  .
il Mrs, G. XV. liwell. *01. P. I2. ]-Zlalconiore, ‘]0, lister L. Rider, ’l5.  . I
,l \\'. H. Perkins, ’0l, L. E. Brown, ’lll, C. S, llainey, 'li.   1
I IY. G. Hatfield, 'OE. XV. F. Clark, 'IO. Mrs, lion H. Lowry, ’l5.  *
~ G. L. Barkley, 't)Zl. J. T. Clay, ’l0_ \\`. lt'. l‘rawl0y, `li.  I ]
·   Edward Rand, `llil. J. S. Dawson, 'lll, T. Tl. l·lollc·rot`t, ’]5. I
R. l—I. Arnett. `04‘. J. H. Hall. ‘l0. ' Fred \\'hilley. `lti.  _ I
F. D. Hedges, `O4. Robt. S. Hall', ‘]<>, l’. H`. Tipton, ‘l•i.  . g
F. Y, Johnson, '0rl, Hen H. Logan, ’l0. J. \\'. O'lJell, `l6. .,  I
C. C. Stackhouse, ’0—l. S. \\'. Salyers. ’1ll. H. P. lr’arri;an, ’llS,  {
Lexington 12424 H, C. Dain, ’1l[ M, G. Horton, ‘lG. ` I
U. It. Krooll. 'IB. G. (‘. Mills, ’]l, Mrs. Jas. Moore, ’lli.  » 2
l·l. J. Murphy, 'OS. \\'. C. Shultz, ’ll. IT. \\'. Lovell. 16.  .· .
Q » I}. L. Paddison, 'O5, \\’. A. Lnrty, ’l1. Sue Frost, ll;.  ` *
Tl. Fl. Pope, ’ll5. K. l>. \\'hite. ’ll. Elmer ll. Jones, ‘l7,  ‘ l
li. ll, Stiles, 'OR, H. l·`. i\Ic·Kenny, `]2, M. S. (iodman, 'IT.  · I
Mrs. Scott llraden, ’05. E. F, Schimpeler, ’]2. J. ll. Coleman, ‘lT. ‘
(‘. H. \\’riu·ht, 'OS. Ralph Shufl`, `IZ. Helen P. llurkliolder, 'TT. .·_ I
ll. li. Dragon, 'OG. V. ll. Tomkies, 'lf. Marie (T. Dec·ki>r, ‘17. · 1
timer Muliowell. ‘0l3. J. R. \\';1tson, 'li. 1\l. \’. Hurgin, '17. T I
l<`. C. Mahan, ’0•l. L. T>. Covitz, `lil. llary J. Thomas, ’lN.  , ‘
_ .T. ll. Trice. 'flii. l·`1·ed Farris. ’lZl. Nay S. Stephens. ’l8. V (
jFlorent-e \\'ilkic·. ’0•3. J. ]l. Foster, ’1Zl. Katherine ll, Snyder, ’lR.   ];
` ,   E
P" _ A

 » z
` Vol. X. APRIL, 1919. No. 3. i
» The Kentucky Alumnus _
Editorial Comments- V
‘— The Honor Roll .....___,___,_____,,_______________________.______,____Y____,_______ _ _____________________________ 3 ‘
 A Oll1` Honored Roll ..__.,.,.....___,____________________________________ _ __________________________________________ 4
y_ . Statue of Dr. Patterson .,______,,_._______________________________________V_______ _ ________________________ 5
t Alumnus Editor Seeks Aid _________________,,_______________________________________ _ ___________________ 5
i The Alumnus and The Alumni ,__,_________________________________________________________________ _ 5 l
 3 Assist the Registrar in Keeping Records ,____________________________________________________ _ (5 l
_`  lt’s Up to Us ............,..............,................,i,.._...._......_...,_,.,,_,_____,____________,______________,,___ _ 7  
 y Many Hands Make Light Vt/ork ..._,_____,,_,___________________.______________________,_____________________ S   _
 I Bill Introduced in Congress to Promote Industrial Education ______,,..__________ S  
"  Reuben Hutchcraft Made Sup1·eme Sacriticeu ..,_......_ _ _______,_,,._,,___________,___,,________ 9 E
"  Lieutenant Raymond Schoberth Killed on the Fields ot France ..__________,,_, 12 l
i Captain George Clarke Rogers Died in England ....__....,...._____,...,...___...___..___,___ 13. l
{ Charles E. Blevins Killed in Airplane Accident? ,,..,.........................,,._........__. 14 »  
ry   Pursley Another Hero ....................,.......,................................................................. 14  
 = Reopening ot University .._...__...................,............. . _..........._.............,..................... 14 l
  University Now Has Cafeteria on Campus .....,.....................`.........r................ 15 gi
  University Will Receive Men lnjurcd ln VVar .,.............>...........,.,...................... 16 I
 _` State Conference on Kentucky Problems Considered .,..........,..........._.,......,..,. 17  
  Courses in Metallurgy and Assaying Strengthened ..........t_.............................. 19 i
·  - College Heads Discuss Important Subjects ........,.........r..................................... 20 1.
fj  Art Collection Started at University This Year .............................................. 20
ii _ University~Co-operates with Bureau of Education in Educational Ex- i
`  _· tension ......,........................1.............................................. . ...........»»......-....-----»---`- 21 Z `
 _ Government Considers Field Artillery Unit .................................~............»..»»-.... 22 .
Q  Miniature Locomotive in Lobby of 1\lechanical Hall ........................r........... 22  
f  Farmers \\’eek Called Oli ,...........................................»». . ...».....»--»------»---·-----·-`—»»- 23  
»15_  - British Gover11ment`s Exhibition ot Englands War Work Pictures ........ 23  
» Director ot Patterson Hall Goes to Armenia ............»......»»...........-»»»-.·»-------»-» -— 25 Q
 _ Faculty Notes ,,_,,__....._..._.r.__......,.........,..,.... . ..............................`.......... - ...-------··-----~- 26 {
. Sigma Xi Organize .,,...............,.........................,............................................. . ........... 26  
  Dr. Tigert Writes Letter to Dean P. P. Boyd .......,.._............,.,_..r..,................... 27  
  Womans Club Holds Meetings ,....,,..._______,________________________________________,_________________r_ 28 t
  Alpha Chi Sigma ________________,_____________>____________________ _ ,______ _ _______________________________________>____ gg » i
' Altllllnae Club Meets ______________________________ _ ____________> _ ____________>______r>__v____>>_>>>>>>>_>>______>__> 29  
 . Raleigh Foster Decorated ____________________,_,,____A_________ _ _____________________ _ __________________________   29  
_.  F1‘0in Paul Cocke, Overseas ,_,,,_____________________________>>__________ _ _____>____________>______>____>___>_ _ 30  
*17. »  F01`11le1‘ Students of University Register at Union in Pai-is ____________>____>_>____ 30  
 ` B1‘01iZe Tablet in Memory of Pursley ________,_______________________>>>>_>>>__>>_____>___ _ ____________ 3Q i
 · SlZU(l€lllQ Section _______________________________________,_____,______ _ _____________________________________________>____ _ 31 l
.  I Class Notes _,______________________________________________>______________________>____>_________ _ ________________>________ 39 {
*8-  { Eligagemeiits ....................._...._,..._,_____________,,,______,i_________,,__,,,_,__e___>____,__,____________________ 43 {
_ Smile VVe Have Located __________, _ _,___________________________________________________,_______________________ 45 _  
 V _ It
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  IS [‘l`BlQI`Sl—ll·1D |il—1l(>NTHLY—SE|’TlC)lBER, NOVIGMIVZER, JANUARY. f
  )l.·\liCl~l', MAY .\Nl) JULY l»l·‘ I·lACl—l Yl·1.\lI—BY THE ALUMNI .—\SS()— _ ·
j‘  l.EXlNG'l`<)N, KlC}Z'.l`LYCKY.
  Entered as seconlN(} l>l‘liS TO THIC ASW >t‘lA'l`I<>X, ·
‘  *2 OU l’l·.lt Yl·].\lL
. '* · 1
Q   The licntuoliy Alumniis is the official ]lllllHQ2lili>I1 of the Alumni i\s:¢o<:ii11io1ii it  
O   is issuul bi-inonllily by the .\ssot·i;ition nmler the elircvtiini of the lt:X•;`(‘llll\`(‘ e
¢   Committee in Llic int;-rest ol` the .»\s:<<:r·iati·»1i and l`iiiv<~rsiiy. li lll(‘l't‘l`1` tim vziiiious {
> if  classes and the l`r¢sidt~nt>< of the i\li1:i¤ni <‘lu\»s. l
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  * Editorial Comment i
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O Q 2
>—·  ‘· J
T  ~ ’ The University of Kentucky has bowed J
2  i THE HONOR ROLL its head in silent tribute to those brave sons .
Z   whose lives have been taken in the Greii \\'ar i
'·* ¤ . . . . · _ · .
5 L  Just ended and the institution cheers loudly and long her returning heroes. j
5  i The leading educational institutioii of Kentucky will realize strength from ; A
E  ., the glorious record its students have made. i
L4 L ~  This issue of the Alumnus announces the death of Reubeii Hut;·li¢·raft. ?
 i. Raymond Schoberth, C. E. Blevins, George Clarke Rogers and E. R. Pursley. i
 i It was their price to pay "pitifully little to offer, my life." as Hutchcraft  
  expressed it in a speech in support of Liberty Loans, but the price they paid {
 _- was dear to those whose heart—ache will never be comforted by kindly words  
  from the voices forever stilled. They were men, every mother’s sou of them. i
  \Ve have been sorely afflicted. The State. the University and their families {
  and friends must endure the loss. Consolation is impossible, and yet:  
 I l
l I
 ; "God would not send you the darkness, dear, ·  
 J. If He thought you could bear the light, -   -
 Q But you would not cling to 1-lis guiding Hand  
 fp If the way were always bright, ~ I
 l And you would not care to walk by faith I
V} Could you always walk by sight. ` t
i i
. I   , T
` <

 °  IY    1 i t E T?  C C 1
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  1 E1     1 Q
  » gig is 1,  .1A  1
111 - EE?     1§%Z  .
        1 11 4 THE KENTUCKY A1.U111Nt1s  
o   111   1 vat  1
"r hl?   1 °i , . .  Z
lT‘ [ii   ~   "1T1s true, He has many an anguish 3
l 1 `.   .¢ , . 2
  ` " if 1, ` ?1 For your sorrowtul heart to bear.  ;.
· · 'QY; 1; jx! ;
  ··¤   ;. {1 it Many a cruel thorn—crown  _ the (
          For your tired head to wear,—  Q
          it He knows how few would reach Heaven at all  1 r
1· .1 112 ·§   ; . . . . 1 J  ·
    Iii   § 7 lt Dkllll did not guide tl1em tnere.  Ex (
ia? fi?     yl ' 2
IW}   Fil g·   i _  7 I
  . iq $9   i   "So He se11ds you the blllldlllg darkness  j I
        gw And the furnace of seven-fold heat,  _· I
git? W       ’Tis the only way, believe me. . I
  >   LY   To keep you close to His feet.  · ,
  Q       ’ ‘ For ’tis always too easy to wander   (
  .· Y   J.'1 d \Vhen our lives are glad and sweet.   t
t   1 .1: "1l ‘
11:; S1 13 14: r
11=»: ié $1%   .  1 t
¤“` .Q .i   131 "Thet2 nestle your hand 111 your Father’g  1 ,
¥- r` " if il 13 1 _ _ _  
  ‘       ij And sing, it you can, as yo11 go,  1 of th
ifi} ‘ ‘   1,; -5 E7 For song may cheer someone behind you  g [O D1
ri'; 2 ·· ‘}~ 1 `Q·§ . . . .  -
  ` } fi   T1; \\· hose courage is sinking low; , Colm
  1.       And, well if your lips do quiver,——  g [lm
W   1 tt G *`lll Y 1 tt · · 1, · ‘
1 wg 1 1*% _l. . od u1 ove you ie ei so. _ ll _
1 3 a A   J1. 1111111
Z.? Ji;} $2;] ._ 1 ~ I I
— 5 1 ·   .11 e 1. ——————o-—— 1 the 1
T 1 1 vfrr ull ‘= l’  '
.*   11 ` ., . . . 1 1 lll‘ll'(
`iz ‘ éif 21   \\ l11le the record ot alumni illlll students 111 1 “ `
1     Q s , . . . , . 1 1   I’€ )l'E
  - V '       ( gUR HQNQRED RQLL [119 [—111\’f1l'SlL)’ ot l\€l1tl1(*k)' 111 \\'z11‘ S91‘\‘lt‘1‘ 1< . I
  — s   3 2 . . . . ~ ll non
j 1 1. .   11ot complete we have l'l-}('(;‘l‘1’Gtl 111to1·111at11111  1 I I.
1. i 1 ,-1 . . . . . . . , . ,. V , 111111
1, 1 ·r ·i 1 *_ concerning the recognition m air and in held ot Captain XlC[O1' Strahin. (z11··  V ihp
  .1     tain Keeling Pulham and Captain Raleigh Foster, who have d1st111gu1sl1+··l  .V mm
    };3.= S1   1 themselves by the gallantry ot then· services and the results they ol1t111u1· < ~ ¤ J e s  ,
ri; {L B; i he volunteered for service in aviation on the Mexican border was the list -
:>‘_ ; 1, 1 1;* . . . . . . . ‘
  . ;1;.     student to bring the honor or a decoration to our institution. His work 1111: 1
  °     l commended in England and France and his decoration is an apprc1·i11ti¤1l1 `_
  ‘ S     from the French. Captain Pulliam is i11 America 11ow. He is a lll(‘llll)Ul` ttl  1· thm
jii ‘ _ ;4 1 Sigma Nu traternity. .
.51 rr s 1 . 11111111
  _ 1 1   Raleigh Foster is the latest student to receive a decoration and 111*  ¤ mum
13. » . 1. 1 { have little lllf0l`lll?ltl011 iu reza11. · il 1 . . . . , ; :" ‘
eg ‘ 5 il. l the rank of ca tain in held artillery. He was raduated trom the (701111}:11111 . , .
rg: .V 1, ,.1 1 _ g _  _. cepti
}{1—.1 1   1 Mines and Metallurgy in l913 and is a meinber of Kappa Alpha frateriiityi ’
  ’ '.` `• l I 
1;%* ‘ _ »1 1 -.- 
Y is? . ·< 1  .1
“ 1 Y r` » ‘ it I i; 
— 1   1
. 1 V    

 . i
  At the Golden Jubilee, speaking in behalf of . 1
 ` DRSTQ§g§E§§ON the Alumni, in presenting to the University a A
  portrait of Dr. Patterson, Charles R. Brock, of
  the Class of 1890. said:  
i "ln froxzt of the capitol building at Vvashington City there stands ~
 _ a bronze memorial to Chief Justice Marshall, the great and peerless h
Y,  expounder of the Constitution of the United States. At Cambridge,
  upon the campus of the great university which bears his name. is
  to be found a similar memorial to John Harvard. The mention of
 I these is intended only to indicate the purpose in out- minds in like
 j maxiner to honor the founder of the State University of Kentucky. Q
}  What we contemplate is a statue of hi1n as we have seen him
 W sitting in his office, lecture room. or on the chapel platform. Tlms  
  to honor him will be the greatest possible honor to the University, *
,  the Commonwealth and ourselves?  
  The purpose thus referred to has taken definite form. At the meeting
  of the Alumni Association in June, 1918, the plan to raise a fund sufficient I
`  to procure the statue was approved. President XIc\'ey aid the Executive E
 if Committee of the University have manifested their interest in the movement,  
Q  and with the aid of the University landscape architect will designate an F
  appropriate site on the campus for the erection of the statute. C. H. Niehaus, {
  the artist who made the statue of Governor Goebel, has been selected to  
ems Oi   make the statue of Dr. Patterson. The statue will be of bronze and will  
1_\_i(_C ig  i represent Dr. Patterson in a sittiaig posture. The artist will place the statue  
l_mHli(m {  upon a proper granite pedestal, and all will be of appropriate artistic pro-  
m. (,w_  A portions. The entire cost, including the expense of unveiling, but excluding  
guislwl ‘  the traveling expenses of the artist, will be ten thousand dollars. Sub-  
Gmillmlv   scriptions are now being procured payable to the Treasurer of the Alumni   ,
{hw he   Association of the University as soon as the total subscriptions equal the  
Nm Six  _ sum of ten thousand dollars. It is expected that at least lifteen Eve hundred g
_d “_h‘JH  : dollar subscriptions will be made by as many of the alumni. Any alumnus  
mlm in   desiring to have a part in this plan to honor the creator and fouzider of the  
work in   University may do so by sending his subscription to J. D. Turner, Treasu:·er  
Epsilon I  of the Alumni Association, State University. Lexington. Kentucky. ln case  
 2. the fund is over-subscribed the plan is to turn the excess into the portrait .
  when   futd of the Alumni Association.  
` . .  »;· —?—··0 —
Qi;     ALUMNUS EDITOR This issue of The Aluinnus will be found to con»  
Gvimw   SEEKS AID tain not much more bntversity news than usual  
mlm? of   but a decidedly smaller amount of alumni news g
 (N than ever before and the trouble is that the editor has had only two com-  
{md M   Hlllnications from alumni concerning former students. If there are a11y  
as with   alllllllll of the Universtty of Kentucky clubs in existence secretaries must [
iuogc 0,  » have, lost the address of the editor ot The Alumnus and with very rare ex-
mm),.   c€Dl101lStl11s is true also of the class secretaries.
 . yl
 ¤' l J
  {   , .

 ‘   wz  l     fw 
• ·,  1:* ;,.·   ; , g l
l, —.! “ 'E   I
K- . ·;,; eg .i    _
  2       `  6 THE KENTUCKY ALUMNUS Q 
          The class notes in this issue with the exception of those of the class of  I
  .     it   1894 and 1909 have been collected by the editor from the files kept by the  }
  ·         l heads of departments or from news items in the Kernel or local papers. it  
  i.     V,   must be that alumni are not sufficiently interested to care to help The  
  Q       Alumnus; if so this matter should be thrashed out at the June meeting and  L
            2. VZlSt &Il101.lI1t of \VOI‘k lllay be saved H€Xt YGHI`.  
  ;=i ai la   * "—0T;  
          It was truly a disappointment when the alumni  
  _ W       A§§ETé§ILB%_%‘§K§TI failed to back The Alumnus to enable it tn  
  ‘—       l join the "Alumni Magazine, Associated? This  
          is a plan under which the magazines of all the leading universities of the  .
  It       country have pooled their circulations under one agency for the purpose oi ,
  ii     securing national advertisements, sharing the benefits accruing to the organ-  i
  i     ization in proportion to the circulation of each magazine. lt is a good, sen-  
        sible propositior—a time saver to the officers, a money making idea for the  
T   _‘_i       publications and in every sense a co—operative plan. Membership in the  ;
V *-3;; V       organization would give The Alumnus and our Association a standing that  `
  _ T       would be hard to obtain in any other manner. It would mean a good deal  
  U       for the University. as the character of the University can only be truly re—  z
  ·,       _ vealed in the fabric and weave of its hnished product—-the alumni. - 
~ {   .       It is discouraging, we might say embarrassing, to know that our  -
      rg; Ellllllllll are so dead to the cause of our Association and Alma Mater, when eg
Ti l ,   {   alumni of other institutions are active and on guard for tl1e best interest ei  {V
~e' ‘ . Y l   their institutions. Those of us who are trying to "carry on" have often  i
  = i l     Egg paused to ask why this is. ls it because we are not made of as good stun  V
  ZS   L     as alumni of other institutions, or is it that we have failed to get that some-  
_{.'   Eg   thing in our college to make us comprehend our obligation to our University? Q
        lf we were to stop and take stock of ourselves in relationship to th~  
  { _ ·j.V; i, ,~;§V Old College and weigh our obligations to it for shaping our individual ·
  _ IK ;V_       destinies in giving us our educational birth. we would readily conclude we  ,
  V 5;     tig] have no mean Mother. On an average, the University has invested in each  
  ·f V~       of us not less than $1,000.00 and it is reasonably expected that somethin;  
  l         should be returned to the University on this investment. At the rate oil  L_
1}.; · ‘ ;g_   *   per cent., the return would amount to $10.00 annually for each of us. What  
~   ”       a small return, and yet how many of iis make it or even anything at all? .;_
  _ g       Could we not give one-fifth of 1 per cent., or $2.00, on the investment in  __
  1   l   support the Alumni Association in order to have some organized method of  .
Q} ~     giving assistance to and co-operating with Alma Mater in improving the  a
  V     citizenship of our State? ;
1r . .· TJ ‘
  {   Illformation in regard to University of Ken  "
  ‘ °   AF§I§1:,JETPI;§GR§gé%'1éRD‘;R tucky alumni or former students who lost their  T·
  Q   lives in the World War or in the SpaniSll- `_
  ;_   American war is being sought by the registrar of the University in ordél  {3.
      that tl1e memorial tablet to be erected by the University in honor of tilt  if
jg;. V J   fallen heroes may be complete. ., 
, I ` ` ': V  '

zlass ot E _ The military roster of alumni and former students of the University is- L
by the   sued by the University last October in honor of "her sons in the service" is i
ers. It   not complete and because of changes and advancements in the ranks is not
~lp The   now correct. The registrar, who will issue another edition soon, will ap-  
ng and .; preciate any information on changes and promotions and requests alumni, i I
 ` their friends or relatives to send in data for the new edition as soon as A
Q possible. The next edition of the service bulletin and the memorial for
alumni   alumni should be complete. It is an honor, a privilege and a duty to assist
e it to  i in compiling perfect record of the heroic dead. `
" This   —————-o——
of the   1T’S UP TO US `
pose oi   —~ A j
organ- Q  The University through President McVey very generously offered to  
nd, sen-  { assist The Alumnus by paying at least a portion of the printer‘s bill. This I `
for the   offer was made in the spirit of rendering help to the Association. to enable  
in the 5*  it to maintain a good working organization for its own salvation and pur-
fig that   poses, as well as for the benefits that might accrue to the University from §
jd dim  l such an organization of its alumni. I
ml? T€·  in The question naturally arises: Is it worth while to the University to  
j  help the Association if the alumni have not enough loyalty and interest in  
at Oil?  I their Alma Mater to maintain the organization on their own hook? The  
`· when  E alumni should be ready to answer the question by saying that we are loyal  
*I`€$t Oi `Y  and we will support the Association, and we are going to do more, we are ;
Q OMH .‘  going to take an active part in the development and policy of the Univer-  
’d Stuff {  sity. If the question is answered in this manner, the alumni will be a great  
t $0m€‘  i force in the development of the institution. On the other hand, if the Uni- it
*ersity?   versity has to furnish the Association means to maintain its organization  
LO mp  { and to operate, it immediately loses its personality and right of independent Y
lividuill  ia thought and action and becomes a charge upon and naturally subservient to Z
Pd'3 we