xt7d7w676r82_31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676r82/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676r82/data/2020ms084.dao.xml unknown 346 Megabytes 189 digital files archival material 2020ms084 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. In This Together: Documenting COVID-19 in the Commonwealth Collection Coronavirus infections -- Social aspects -- United States -- Kentucky COVID-19 (disease) Epidemics -- Kentucky. Diaries -- United States -- Kentucky. Brief View of Coronavirus Epidemic in the United States text Brief View of Coronavirus Epidemic in the United States 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676r82/data/2020ms084/Digitalfile_2020ms084_031/Multipage78.pdf 2020 May 12 2020 2020 May 12 section false xt7d7w676r82_31 xt7d7w676r82 Brief view of coronavirus epidemic in the United States

We are currently experiencing an epidemic, living through a historic event that will be
studied by future generations. It is a meaningful global disaster which reflect different
attitude of different countries to react this disease exposure, also it influenced human’s
normal life, as well as the global national economic situations.
Abstract of epidemic

The epidemic expose in China earliest, and it spread in high speed that exceed the
burden of human. In Dec. 31, 2019, Chinese official confirmed that there are dozens of
cases of pneumonia from an unknown reason. Sooner, China reported that the first
known death from the illness was caused by the coronavirus. The virus had arrived the
countries next to China, like Thailand, Japan, and Korean on Jan. 20. Additionally, the
first case of coronavirus appeared in the US was on Jan. 21 ----- a man in Washington
DC. On Jan. 30, WHO declared the outbreak a global public health emergency with
more than 9,000 cases were reported worldwide. Till now, there are more than 100,000
cases of coronavirus. The number of cases still increased in high speed under the
national quarantine. 1 The corona virus had infected millions of people in very short
time. Under this situation, the medical capital become shortage in worldwide gradually.
Nowadays, the cases in Australia is 6,801, American for 1,180,000 cases. 187,000 cases
in England and 166,000 in Germanz. In China, at the beginning of the disease exposure,
the government had tried their best to recall all available doctors to support Wuhan.
These doctors were willing to spilt with families with the scarify spirit and fight at the
first line. At meanwhile, China had sent a message to WHO about the epidemic and
warn other countries to get prepared to protect themselves from this Virus. Chinese
warning to global is instantaneously and the news of epidemic are always transparent
and keep updated. Unfortunately, the epidemic still diffuses out of China and be popular
in almost every comer of the world.
Coronavirus reactions of America

The reaction of every governments are interesting stories. But American ways is the
most controversially. After Ministry of Public Health of China confirming the epidemic
in Wuhan, Chinese government had issued the order to close the cities and province.
Everyone should keep social distance, no social activity, no gathering. Sooner, the
whole country was closed. Everyone stayed at home and be forced to taking a rest from
work. Two months later, the epidemic had under control with the national quarantine.

Not like Chinese way, at the first, Americans were not willing to implement the order
of quarantine. Because people underestimate the harm of coronavirus. On the other
hand, people prefer to maintain their daily life than keep isolated. I had a talk with the
driver about his thoughts of epidemic and quarantine on my way to the airport. I asked
him that I wondered know why so many people refuse to keep physical distance. He
said that for him, he prefers to keep working to maintain the life running. Once he
stopped working, the life with his families would go tougher, but dead is nothing. I
could totally understand his opinion and I could also imagine how hard of him who


Timeline information refers to the homepage of NBC news

2 Template: COVID-19 pandemic data from Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TemplatezCOVID-19_pandemic_data#References

 lives under the stress of life.

As the situation goes worse, more and more people were infected. People had to keep
social distance. The whole country was forced to “stop”. However, there were many
people don’t want to follow the guidelines, they gathered together everywhere to protest
this guideline. Due to the negative reaction of federal government, medical capital
became shortage as the past China, especially the protective supplies of doctors which
caused many doctors stood up and against for this in naked. Till now, the situation had
recovered because of the capital support from overseas, especially China. At the
meanwhile, the most thing that people wonder know is that when can we go back to life
as usual? Many young people cannot wait to dismiss quarantine. And there is a girl who
had recovered from a “mid” case of coronavirus. She said: “My fever hovered above
102 and I couldn’t get it down for days. The headaches and body aches that
accompanied it became unbearable. I felt like all my joints were arthritic. I couldn’t
sleep at night and I was immobile all day. The fatigue was extreme. When the fever
finally broke, my respiratory issues got worse and it hurt to breathe. At one point, I had
about 24 hours of reprieve and then the symptoms came back with a vengeance. I added
extreme nausea to my repertoire. Staying hydrated became a challenge and my primary
focus. In total, these symptoms lasted more than 18 days. The relentlessness of this
disease was the hardest part.” Her destination to create this article is in order to persuade
those who do not want to follow the isolate guidelines issued by federal, states and local
government to think about whether they could afford the crisis and consequences of life

Under the cooperation of all human, the situation goes better right now. The number
will not increase in high speed as past. The scientists are working on the vaccine:
“British scientists developing a potential vaccine for the coronavirus hop to see a ‘signal’
as to whether their vaccine candidate is working by June.”4 This is the public health
problem, all over the world should gather together to against it. Although every
country’s economic was hurt, we shall protect out lives first. “where there is life, there
is hope.”


3 Dasha Burns, My coronavirus symptoms were ‘mild’ . Young people who want to end
quarantine----read this first. April 10, 2020

4 Ben Kamisar. Oxford scientist says its vaccine is making headway, could show efficacy by
June. May 3 2020