xt7d7w676r82_20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676r82/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676r82/data/2020ms084.dao.xml unknown 346 Megabytes 189 digital files archival material 2020ms084 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. In This Together: Documenting COVID-19 in the Commonwealth Collection Coronavirus infections -- Social aspects -- United States -- Kentucky COVID-19 (disease) Epidemics -- Kentucky. Diaries -- United States -- Kentucky. In this Together - Boyle County family COVID-19 reflections text In this Together - Boyle County family COVID-19 reflections 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676r82/data/2020ms084/Digitalfile_2020ms084_020/Multipage45.pdf 2020 June 11 2020 2020 June 11 section false xt7d7w676r82_20 xt7d7w676r82 Libraries

Special Collections Research Center

In This Together

Documenting COVID-19 in the Commonwealth

Name: Anonymous family
Date of Submission: 2020 June 11

Biography: Boyle County, a group of family members that took a look at the affects of the
pandemic on them

COVID-19 Experience: Since the beginning of the CCP-l9 (Coronavirus) we have been
thrown into a tailspin in every which way. Our country is different and may remain different at
least in some ways. Relationships change, some for the good and some not so good. Our
economy is in terrible shape though most of us liked having the government stimulus check put
into our bank account. When you answer, make them succinct, to the point. No detailed
information, please. As you will see below, we are different, but that is okay. There are so many
variables between just our family situation, economies, positions of work or retirement, etc that
they all influence how we have answered the questions. That is not a problem. So, with all that
is going on around you during this time, what have you liked, disliked about:


0 pushed to the point of needing attitude adjustment. Music helps.

0 don’t like what I sometimes see in myself, selfishness

0 Determine for myself, what matters most (we are still alive without sporting events,
concerts, etc.)

o I talk to God more because I am in a crisis state

0 Makes me look more closely at how God has operated in my life in the past

0 Miss my congregation, but have loved The Corona of Christ Home Church so much

0 struggle at who, what and when to respond to the desperate need of people here and
around the world. Much as to do with my growing up

0 Loved more than I can share, how much I loved being with my family and in many ways
getting to know them better, deeper and with greater appreciation.

o Staying busy is a good thing and can’t dwell on the negative

0 enjoy riding my bike more

0 closer to my spouse—time together

0 limit TV and entertainment just for something to do

0 more tolerant of others

0 more time with family and the importance of my part within the family

0 sometimes find myself getting irritated at those who get irritated at me


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0 working out a schedule with my wife, enjoy working with her and seeing how hard she
works and capable in dong it.

o maturing beyond my expectations and developing a greater sense of humor

0 trusting people that I know and allow them in my presence without fear

0 learning to do with less because we can’t get what we want

0 learning to Jerry-rig, adapt and try to do it yourself because no one is around to do it for

0 Need to be more patient , less abrupt and don’t over react and just take things in stride.

0 Evaluate again, staying put in Danville longer than anticipated or moving closer to our
children in just a couple of years

0 the practice of patience,

0 dealing with frustrations

0 don’t get upset about picky things which is easy to do when you get tired of the situation
you are in

o variations from the norm which you have no control over and you can not control

0 Someone else said this but I embrace it for myself: “The Holy Spirit has linked that
cognitive knowledge in a simple and profound way with the language of my heart.” In
other words, the head and heart are not separated but united and undoing so, God is not
only glorified but seen and present.

0 make less more and enjoy what I have more and seeking what I want, less

0 the increase desire to see people’s faces and to interact with them

0 wish we could meet as a family every once and a while to worship and fellowship.


0 Needy people often get needier. Self Sufficient people go into Survivalist operation.

0 People with extreme fear, i.e. hoarding of food and paper products, no assurance that they
will get their job back after shutdown of their employment

0 Men appreciate their families more, i.e. children and grandchildren

0 Appreciate single persons more and the challenges they face

0 more men walking with their wives or significant others, walking their dogs or posing by

o more men seem moralize after being home for this length of time what their spouses do
and come to appreciate them more.

0 seeing more neighbors outside and more waving, like we’re all in the same boat;

0 Not as rushed

0 give more space to others

0 everybody is different and because off that, when we find ourselves in tough situations
some can’t deal with them and others have a difficult time with other daily problems and



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There is an openness that we have felt in our small church setting the one can not get in
the larger context

God is Faithful, over and over and over and over. His presence and protection and
provision are my only hope.

Christian churches have been shut down by government so worship and other activities
are cancelled and others not scheduled for the at least near filture and possibly longer
However, the church is not a building (but it sure helps to gather believers)

Increased confidence in God that He is using this for His purposes.

We are living witness to the Christ in us as we go about, as we can, doing what God has
called us to do. The expansion of the church through media to make the Gospel reach
further than ever before. This is especially helpful to smaller congregations who may
have never ventured out into media to reach their own members and others with the

The importance of small group worship and study. It is personal, intimate and profound.
This is God calling us back from our failing gods of science, technology and narcissism
and guiding us to look at Him for hope and salvation

I depend on my faith to see me through these difficult times, especially when I have
friends who are suffering in other ways, in addition to this pandemic and its

I am so thankful to God for all the blessings in my life, and I want to be a light for Him,
to others.

The hymn: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” keeps playing in my head

I have been encouraged, on social media, by the many posts of scripture that is
encouraging and reassuring to all of us.

It makes me take a closer look at what I’m actually able to control in life and how small
things can have huge impact on your life.

What did you like enough to want to keep doing it?

Trying to keep music influence.

Want to honor God as individuals, families, citizens and live according to His plan.
Hope we hold onto neighborly compassion that has been demonstrated, but neglected
before the pandemic.

Relax when it comes to worry, trusting in the fact that God has, is and will make a way
that will bring praise to Him

Travel closer to home, when restrictions ease

being careful to what I am eating, though not perfect at it even now

Taken more time for devotion, prayer, meditation.

Communicating with people through phone calls and handwritten notes.



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0 exercising more.

0 Spending more time in/ and appreciating nature and Spring

0 Counting my blessings

o Spending time each Thursday with the girls and the grand kids which ever happened

0 I will continue to be a helper and encourager

o I will pray for knowledge and wisdom through this very confiising time of the Pandemic.

0 Returning after the restrictions are lifted that we will all be helpful, thankful and

0 Never forget this time so that we can be thankful for what we do have.

0 family time

0 Remember that when I go through very difficult times, that God is using it for deepen me,
growing me and drawing me closer to Him

0 Seeing God in nature, which before I had not time to see

0 the value of sitting and talking and not just simply connecting and leaving

0 PAD: Project, Adventure = Date

0 Visit our two children and six grandchildren

0 Appreciate my friends more

0 ride my motorcycle more

0 more time with family

0 do nothing and enjoy it

0 sleep a little later when possible and go to bed at a descent hour

0 Living in the assurance that God is using this and count it all joy

0 I’d like to continue to appreciate not having to be busy doing something all the time, not
having to go to the store as often, or out to eat as often.

0 I’d like to continue thinking more of others and doing more for others.

0 Meeting in a small group setting has been good and I will miss the atmosphere of meeting
in a smaller setting.

0 keep spending more time with my spouse

What do you want to quit doing that you were doing before the virus struck?

o I don’t want to go back to the material, selfish, self-centered world that we had become.
0 take things for granted and rear of losing them.

0 driving less

0 non masks and rubber gloves

0 having too much time to focus on myself and worrying needlessly;

0 not having a routine


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Life is lived at a fast pace and I have earned that I want to slow down a little more each
day because we can see how life can change quickly and how mortal we are.

How is your life going to change?

listen to more music that soothes the soul and aligns my spirit with God’s Spirit

make do with less, not buy things spontaneously, reuse items, get rid of extra things that
others might use.

Visit people in the near future that mean so much to me

be creative with restrictions like how to visit people face to face

think more of others than I do of myself Become less invoke in more things and more
involved in a few things

I hope it will not change much except for growth in my faith through this experience.

Odds and Ends (Things you think of but don’t know what category to put them.)

Thankful for freedom and democracy — some things have been handled well — would
work even better with public SERVANTS and if we truly lived by Constitution,
Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights as written by our Faith Filled founding

Thankful for living in small town in KY.

Interesting to watch when and how States’ rights come in over Federal Government.
Increased fear of government intrusion beyond its constitutional mandates

I hate face-masks, it covers-up a big part the facial expression of those I am talking to.
Hate during this period of time: gloomy days: cloudy, cold, damp and rainy, no sun and
can’t leave to escape it.

the polarization/politicalization of the pandemic.

educational response is very poor. They were not prepared and so kids are not being

Legitimate homeschool was the only prepared educational institution. But parents who
were thrust into homeschooling were not prepared and the quality of education in those
homes have been poor. Just look at the humor regarding it.

I don’t like gong out in public and hearing lots of complaining, fear and distrust on
people’s faces

Quit Zoom meetings.

I can’t wait for NO MASKS and NO SOCIAL DISTANCING! !!

I want HUGS!

I want children to go back to school, and people to go back to work.

It has been interesting to see how God and people have made some good things out of
this very bad situation. It’s made me see how being closer to the one’s we love is

We need social interaction


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0 God can use very small things to get our attention.

0 It seemed as if the earth and the people were given a REST as everything ground to a
halt. I thought wouldn’t it be wonderful if our world would observe a Sabbath REST
every seven days.

0 There was more quiet and no hurrying to get somewhere.

0 We ate at home more.

0 We spent less money and had more to give to others in need.

0 No traffic jams, even Nicholasville road was a breeze to navigate.

o Appreciated the freedom to go and travel that I had taken for granted.

0 Didn’t worry about my appearance.

0 I felt that people looked at me with fear or suspicion in some places.

0 You could easily obsess

0 Much harder to stay connected to people.

0 People are not talking about the latest movie from Hollywood.

G.K Chesterton’s poem is very insightful for today though it was written in 1906. He was one of
the brightest minds of the last century. It was true then in 1906. One person said about the poem:
“I’m trying to trust God with my future in a nation weighted with debt — “the walls of gold
entomb us.” I’m trying to trust God with a nation open to the re-invention of morality — “from
sale and profanation of honor, and the sword.” And I’m praying that all would turn to God and
choose his “living tether.” Even though he was a clear-sighted critic of the world around him,
Chesterton recognized the sin in his own heart. When a newspaper asked several writers to
answer the question “What is wrong with the world?” Chesterton answered:

Dear Sirs,
I am.
Sincerely yours,

G. K. Chesterton

So, following his example, I also realize I need to trust God with my own sinful tendencies, trust
Him to keep me and help me follow in Jesus’ steps. Only when individuals recognize their
poverty before God, can their hearts change and their nation change.”

0 God of earth and altar,
Bow down and hear our cry,
Our earthly rulers falter,

Our people drift and die;
The walls of gold entomb us,


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The swords of scorn divide,
Take not Thy thunder from us,
But take away our pride.

From all that terror teaches,
From lies of tongue and pen,
From all the easy speeches
That comfort cruel men,

From sale and profanation

Of honor, and the sword,

From sleep and from damnation,
Deliver us, good Lord!

Tie in a living tether

The prince and priest and thrall,
Bind all our lives together,
Smite us and save us all;

From ire and exultation

Aflame with faith, and free,
Lift up a living nation,

A single sword to Thee.

Like all of us, I wish this pandemic never even happened, but it has. It’s affects have been heart-
rending and mind and emotional boggling. But if we, who follow Christ have not learned from
it, then we have missed the opportunity and it will be to our detriment. Maybe in this we can
begin to see ourselves more clearly, and thus turn our hearts to the only One who can make us
whole. There are sins we have seen within ourselves that we may not have realized. We need to
be forgiven. There are things we took for granted that are precious gifts of God of which we lost
sight. There are days and time that we have lost, yet the Lord gave us these gifts to live fully
even while being sequestered in our homes. And, there are people we have not seen face to face
that we may have forgotten about, but know that they were and are God’s blessings to us.
“Perhaps,” as David Watson wrote: “we will repent of our misguided loves and recommit

ourselves to our Lord Jesus Christ.”