xt7d7w676r82_108 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676r82/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676r82/data/2020ms084.dao.xml unknown 346 Megabytes 189 digital files archival material 2020ms084 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. In This Together: Documenting COVID-19 in the Commonwealth Collection Coronavirus infections -- Social aspects -- United States -- Kentucky COVID-19 (disease) Epidemics -- Kentucky. Diaries -- United States -- Kentucky. COVID-19 Journal by Carlie Salchli text COVID-19 Journal by Carlie Salchli 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676r82/data/2020ms084/Digitalfile_2020ms084_108/Multipage275.pdf 2020 April 2020 2020 April section false xt7d7w676r82_108 xt7d7w676r82 COVID-19 April 2020

Carli Salchli

04/17/20: Today, I am writing for the first time for my journal about the corona virus. It’s been
about a month now since school ended for in person classes and we had to move out of our
dorms which was majorly depressing. Now we are facing the obstacle of all online courses, all
thanks to COVID—l9. It all came so suddenly like there was no time to brace yourself for what
was about to come. It started with a couple of cases, I honestly wasn’t too concerned at first. And
then it reached Kentucky and the patient is in Lexington at the UK hospital. Okay now maybe I
am a little concerned. Then every day the news comes on and you hear case after case in just
about all of the states. Panic sets in. Then all of a sudden you’re in class trying to study and then
you get the notification on your phone that you won’t be coming back to campus for a while. I
love the University of Kentucky and enjoy my time there tremendously, so of course I was
extremely bummed and still am. However, life goes on and you have to start getting used to your
new norm of not leaving the house, unless you’re heading to the grocery store for essential items.
Many people are unemployed, the economy has crashed, all sports have been cancelled, there’s
no traveling any where domestically or international and you find yourself being on your phone
so much that you end up having actual indentations on your hand because what else is there to
do? Life sure is pretty boring at the house after awhile, I am dying to just go shopping and out to
eat. On the other side, it saddens me so much that the corona virus has taken over so many
countries in the world and people have lost many of their friends and family members. I pray to
God every day that this will soon pass and that He be with the ones who are affected by this

awful virus. Hopefully we won’t see much more of this tragic scene.

 04/18/20: Today is a Saturday and it has been filled with binge watching Netflix. It certainly is
better than watching the news all day. My family has been home all day with me. This time of
being quarantined is a blessing and a curse to me. I get to spend more time with my family and
wind down for some relaxation and me time. It’s a curse because every day life has came to a
screeching halt. My mom and dad still have to work some, but not as much as a normal work
week. My brother is in high school and has online work to do every day just like I do. That’s all
there really is to keep up with during this time. I find it harder and harder to keep focused on
school work when all of this chaos is going on at the same time. I really just hope there’s a light

at the end of the tunnel soon.

04/19/20: Today had around the same schedule as the other days mentioned. It was a Sunday and
my family cooked fried chicken, biscuits and vegetables which I enjoyed a lot. I also enjoyed
getting to spend time with them and since we are all home and away from campus, it becomes
much easier. I think my family is bummed about everything else happening as I am, but I think
they enjoy having me and my brother home. People are wanting to reopen everything and have
even been protesting the stay at home rules that were put in place. Protestors gathered together at
the capitol in Frankfort to protest Andy Beshear’s policies to flatten the corona virus curve. I
personally think its unnecessary to protest when these guidelines are put in place only for the
safety of Kentuckians. I understand wanting to work to provide more money to your families, but
in a time like this that is unprecedented, you just have to learn to be more careful and considerate
of the people that are more likely to catch this deadly disease. I hope Americans come together

and work as one so we can defeat the invisible enemy for good.

 04/20/20: Today I mostly started on homework and watched my Netflix show. I try to eat healthy
and work out some so the inability to go anywhere doesn’t catch up to my body and I gain
weight from inactivity. I am still hoping everything is cleared up by the summer. I have a beach
trip planned and am so excited about it. And I really hope this is gone before August because I
want to go back to school. I miss normal life and especially campus life. I want to be able to see
all of my 30,000 class mates and eat on campus and be with my roommate. These may sound
like silly concerns during a global pandemic, but I can’t help wishing for normal life again. This
really puts things into perspective on how to never take anything for granted, not even eating at a
restaurant. I still pray to God every day that this can be over soon. I hate seeing so much
devastation happen to our great nation and its people and to the rest of the world. I hope to

bounce back quick and be more prepared for such an event if it was to happen again in the future.

04/21/20: Today my main goal was to finish an entire season of my favorite show and I did just
that. I am not sure if I moved out of my bed for about 12 hours (not my proudest moment, but
it’s alright). Everything is still shut down like normal and all families are still trapped in their
houses together. My mom and dad have essential jobs so they can work through most of the
week. Meanwhile, me and my brother are left just watching tv and snacking the day away. I am

so ready for this to be over for good. I miss normal life.

04/22/20: Today is a Wednesday and it is actually my favorite night of the week. Every
Wednesday me and my boyfriend get pizza from a local place in town and we watch Survivor
together. His house is the only place I am really allowed to go according to my parents so I am at

least doing some of my part of completely staying home. He does not go anywhere either so we

 are super careful to make sure neither one of us bring any sickness home to the other. I have not
got to see my roommate or best girl friends in the longest time and I miss them so much. We
always would make plans to see each other before all of this has happened and had sleepovers
and now its pretty boring without them. I do really enjoy getting the chance to see my boyfriend

though. Let’s just hope we aren’t sick of each other before this is all over.

04/23/20: Today is a rainy Thursday. I have procrastinated my homework this week because I
have been so invested in my tv show that I have a few assignments to catch up on today. I slept
in super late today because of being up late last night taking my final for my political science
class. It is officially over so that’s one less class to keep up with during this madness, yay. I don’t
think I have any plans to leave my house today. I think I may go see my boyfriend tomorrow and
get out some just for that. People are starting to talk about opening things back up sooner than
later, which I am ready for normal life, but I am afraid they may be opening up too soon. The last

thing we need is another wave of this virus and it becoming worse than the first wave.

04/24/20: Today is a Friday and I got up earlier than normal to go to my grandparents house.
Earlier in the week last week our dryer broke and we are unable to use it, so mom has struggled
with getting laundry done. So we go to my grandparents house and they let us use their washer
and dryer. My papaw made me breakfast and I thought it was the sweetest thing ever. Every
weekend I go to his house to record a sermon for a virtual church sermon for Sunday mornings
because my papaw is the pastor for our church. I enjoy still getting to hear him speak and I am

glad we are able to have other people listen to by staying commented on social media. We stay 6

 feet apart of course, as suggested by our governor. I really hope we can go back to church like

normal soon.

04/25/20: Today I only got out of the house to run to the bank and to get gas for my Jeep. I also
saw my grandparents for a bit. I miss things being normal so much. I don’t like this “new
normal”, as they call it. There’s so much division in the world right now, even with a global
pandemic going on. Politics and policies put in place for the virus have drove everyone apart.
Everyone seems to have conflicting opinions on how to handle things and some people even
think the virus is a scam and that it is completely made up by the government. There has been so
much false information put out there that I don’t even know what to believe anymore. It’s
looking like some states are wanting to open up this week or next and some are willing to wait
longer. I personally think it’s best to wait so the virus doesn’t get worse. I would much rather be
safe than sorry. I have too many loved ones that I want no where near the virus and I really hope
that things will get better soon rather than worse. Some even say it could come back again until
they get a vaccination or cure for the corona virus. This has impacted so many people’s lives in
so many ways. I have heard of some suicide cases because of this awful tragedy being too much
to handle at times. People have lost their jobs and are unable to care for their families and
decided to take their own lives. I really hope and pray that I don’t hear of any more cases like

that. It has to get better soon. It has to.

04/26/20: This is my final time writing in this journal for now. I guess I have gotten as used to
this “new normal” as much as I possibly can. It is all in God’s hands to take care of it from here.

I just don’t want to see anyone else hurt or affected by this awful, invisible enemy we are facing.

 I do believe we will become victorious soon. It’s just a matter of time. They say it always gets
worse before it gets better, but I hope the worse doesn’t end in complete tragedy. Never take for

granted the small things life has to offer. You never know when you might lose them.