xt7d7w676p7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676p7c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-11-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 2004 2004 2004-11-01 2020 true xt7d7w676p7c section xt7d7w676p7c KERNEUS

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sixth-straight game
Page 6


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for validation

.loan Callahan and Jennifer
(Irossen have been monogamous
for 1.]. years. They have lived

together and raised a son. like
most spouses. But they can‘t be
put on each other’s health insur-
ance or pay taxes together. And if
the same-sex marriage
amendment passes tomorrow.
they say their relationship will

lose even more validation. Jourunupm i surr

Joan Callahan (left), a philosophy and women's studies professor at UK, and Jennifer Crossen, owner of Windy Knoll Farm Riding School off
Winchester Road, have been together for 14 years. Together they have raised Crossen's son, David, who is now an undeclared freshman at UK.
Crossen, espeCially, has worke on the “No on the Amendment” campaign to defeat the proposed gay marriage amendment.

By Emily Hagedorn


.loan Callahan thinks of
her status every time she
has to write “n"a" in the
“spouse" line and check the
"single" box on forms.

AAA. Car insurance. So-
cial Security. Fishing li-
cense. Taxes. Medical

“I have no ‘iegal' rela-
tions." she said. looking to
her left at her partner of 18
years, Jennifer Crossen. and
to her right at Crossen's
son. David. “There aren't
categories that encompass
you, that include you.


The UK philosophy and
women‘s studies professor
was reminded of her status
when she went to her
nieee‘s wedding in Septem»

She was reminded when
she parked her car at a
neighboring church to avoid
people realizing she was re—
peatedly sleeping over at
Crossen's house at the be-
ginning of their relation-

She was reminded when
about a dozen people gath-
ered in her living room a
few weeks ago to discuss the
one thing she may never ex-

perience marriage.

The group discussed the
state‘s proposed gay mar-
riage amendment. which
will be on ballots tomorrow.
The proposed amendment
would define “marriage" as
a union only between a man
and a woman. denying legal
status to any relationship
similar to marriage — het-
erosexual or homosexual
like civil unions and domes-
tic partnerships.

While the group chatted
about how voters are un-
aware of the amendment‘s
ramifications. (‘allahan is
all too familiar with its po-
tential consequences.

The bluntest smack of

reality came earlier this
year as Callahan. .38.
watched news of Massachu-
setts‘ decision to allow
same-sex marriages.

“l thought. ‘()h no. it‘s
going to make everyone so
mad.” Callahan said.

“But then I saw the part-
ners of those people. and I

”They looked so validat-

A conservative upbringing

(Tallahan‘s road to dis-
covering her sexuality
passed through a childhood
in a strict Roman Catholic

Her mother would make
anti-gay remarks.

“l've heard them all
through my childhood until
I left home at 18." she said.
“The impact on me was to
think that (lifestyle) wasre-
ally scary."

(irowing up, (‘allahan
went to an all-girls' (‘atholic

it was here she had one
of her first encounters with
a gay person And while one
of her childhood friends
came out as a homosexual
to her later, this friend‘s sex
iiality was more of an issue

_ “it was very clear to me
she was a lesbian. and it

scared me to death." she
said. "I was scared she
would involve me in it.

“l was just afraid she
would overstep some bound-
ary with me,"

When she turned 18. her
family gave her two options
if she wanted to leave home:
marriage or the sisterhood.

"l certainly wasn‘t going
to get married." she said.

(‘allahan entered the Do»
minican Sisters convent. a
Sl‘liilrt‘iiilsit‘t‘i‘ti establish-
ment within walking dis-
tance of her parents home
iii i’illiittit‘ipillii in 196i.

Part of her comfort with

See Couple on page A4

"You‘re reminded every

family and life in a convent.

Plato, Bible back up professor’s View



By Emily Hagedorn
riir tiriiiuckv ktniiri

David Bradshaw can't marry any-
one he wants.

The philosophy professor can't
have multiple wives or marry a family
member. he said.

And. in the same way. he can't
marry another man.

“Biologically. it takes a man and
woman." he said,

“It (marriage) is the arena
in which people of each sex
realize they need the other.

“I think it (gay marriage)
undermines that mutual re-
spect." he said.

Bradshaw. 44. said he's
had this view on gay mar-
riage for as long as he can re-

“lt (gay marriage) creates
confusion about what it
means to be a man and a
woman." he said.

This is why Bradshaw will be vot-
ing “yes" on the gay marriage amend
ment item on the ballot tomorrow.

The proposed gay marriage
amendment limits legal recognition of
a marriage between only a man and
woman and denies legal status to any

"Gay bash-
ing or big-
otry don't
have any
part in this."
David Bradshaw

phiiosophy professor

David Bradshaw, a phi-
losophy professor, says
gay marriage violates
nature as well as the

He has been with his
wife since 1983.

The question that will
be posed to voters
tomorrow asks: “Are
you in favor of amending
the Kentucky Constitu-
tion to provide that only
a marriage between one
man and one woman
shall be a marriage in
Kentucky, and that a
legal status identical to
or similar to marriage
for unmarried individuals
shall not be valid or rec-




other relationship between two uti-
married people homosexual or het-
erosexual such as civil unions or do-
mestic partnerships.

Bradshaw is among the majority of

voters that feel this way about the gay
marriage amendment

Seventy-three percent of likely vot
ers support the amendment. with ‘_.'.
percent opposed and ‘3 percent unde
cided. according to a Surveyl‘SA poll
of 627 people collected Thurs
day through Saturday.

In a similar poll. 7‘3 per»
cent of likely voters support
the amendment.

Twenty-two percent of
those polled were against the
amendment. and 6 percent
were undecided. said The
Louisville (‘om‘ier-Jom'naI‘s
Bluegrass Poll of of»? voters
from late September.

“Hatred isn‘t a
this." Bradshaw said.

”(iay bashing or bigotry don't have
any part in this.

“I just think that anytime you
threaten to change something as futi-
damental as marriage. everyone is go
ing to recognize how itiiportaiit that

pa rt of

Uniqueness at risk

Bradshaw's appreciation for mar
riage has roots in his own relation

lle itiet his wife. Mary the
daughter of one of his professors
in 1981 at Auburn l'niyersity iii .-\lali;i
ma. They were married two years in

They also have a child. .\l.iri.in. iii.

Bradshaw said .i ga\ couple marry
ing becomes an issue in his own home
because it makes his marriage less
significant. he said

It‘s less special since more people
can experience it.

"It changes the meaning of it." he

And while he says he wants homo-
sexuals to be happy. civil unions or do-
mestic partnershipsaren't answers ei

“It's an attempt to get marriage iii
by the back door." he said

Gay marriage is as much discrimi-
nation as the banning of polygamy
and incest. he said

Bradshaw said he views homosex
iiality as a sexual desire

While people aren't faulted for hav

See Bradshaw on page M



Rape, kidnapping
suspect charged

UK student victimized at home

By Dariush Shafa

l.c\ingtou Police made an arrest l-‘riday in connee
tion wail the rape and attempted kidnapping of :i 19-
yearold female l‘K student at her brain

Kt‘t‘llitll Reshaad .\prmgei1 El. oi l.i~\nigion was :ir-
l‘i‘Nii‘fi near the victim‘s home on (‘t‘esciin' Avenue .ifter
lii' iii‘ti lilt’ l‘i-sltiiitii‘i“

Springer is being chat and ii iii. tour on
degice sodomy .is well .is one coun‘ on it o‘
rape first degree lair-:l ir\ ind kltit‘. ippiiig

.\l'lei‘ lion]; irrostoil Sin-”Her \i‘is tiiiwlt 7i» the UN
iugioirl’aM-tto ( ounty lieiention (enti-r \\hilc in a
holding i ell there. Springer removed some pieces of his
i'iiill‘ilii‘.‘ .ind sci thcin on are with ‘l lighti-r

The was llllYl-Il'. police said. but some of
Spritigi-M . loihv-s were destroyed It .lanies (‘iii'less of
the l.i-\in.jton l'olicc said the clothes \\‘ei‘i- related to the
se\ii.d .tss uili. so police added third-degrcc arson and
tampering \\ ith phy sit a] e\ liii‘tlt‘t' to the charges

“'l‘herc were poii niial UNA ant trace e\ idenci- on
the clothing. ' i‘urless said but added that it was un
likely to ifti-ci the c tst' "By no means is that the only
souri e (ii ph\ sii (ii ind trace e\ tdence "

i.i‘\iil';iiill l’olicc patted down Springer upon his ar»
rest. lur police didn't find thc lighter on him. (‘urless

"\rtiwlcs siiiiil'lilllf‘s go undetected.” ( urless said.
“This hippeiis in pails .l‘lii prisons throughout the

Also. people put things 'n lliili'i‘\ that we can't tiiiil
hem and that \\I' don i search.‘ he said

The i. .i 'llii s rooiiiniaii- called the police at 308 am.
and rcpor'wd 'siispiciotis .icti\ity.” (‘iirless said The
\ iciini whose name the police would not release. did
not know 'he person who attacked her. (‘urlece said.

"She was tori ihly removed front her residence."
(‘urless said ’,\t some point she was able to come free
from liitii and run to a polii e officer"

Springer was arrested on the railroad tracks near
Simpson .\\enuc w ithiii an hour of the initial call to po-
lice. (‘iirless said. adding that it is unusual to catch a
rape siispi-ii llkt‘ this so soon after the crime

"We were very fortunate to resolve and make an ar-
rest in this case as quickly as we did." he said.

its iii tit‘s‘t

y .\, may“...


dshafa u krkernelrom


itl .lit f'l‘lt i.\' 2004.
For information about voting or precinct locations, call the Fayette Coun-

ty Clerk's office at ZZS-VOTE.

Voters can also find their precinct location at mud/Hum



Nov. 1, 2004


Crystal Little
Features Editor

Phone. 257-I9I5
E-mail: clittleeiliylterneltom

Separation of church and state crucial election issue

By Stephen Burnett
Itithfttlhdi IERtttIL

Stem-cell research. the Ten Com-
mandments in courthouses. faith-
based initiatives and even national de-
fense , they‘ve all been big issues in
this election year. based on local and
national candidates‘ heated disagree-
ments on both sides.

The separation of church and state
is no exception.

L'nderscoring the ongoing debate.
last Tuesday the IRS clarified that
members of churches or nonprofit re»
ligious groups can‘t publicly pray for
any candidate to win.

Technically the groups can pray
for them. but they'll lose their tax-ex—
empt status.

Transylvania biology graduate Kia
.Iahed. a representative to the Islamic
community from the Muslim Student
Association. said he disagrees.

“Obviously there‘s a separation be-
tween church and state in this coun-
try." Jahed said. “But (praying pub-
licly for a candidate) is not enforcing
any kind of politics. or getting in-
volved in any politics.“

After all. Jahed added. whether the
IRS hears the prayer or not. God can

“What‘s the difference if you do it
in public or private?“ he said. ”God
hears the prayer of someone who is
secluded or in open space,"

Barry Neese. campus minister for
Lutheran and Episcopal (‘ampus Min-
istry. also said he‘s unsure about the
IRS‘s position against a church pray-
ing for a candidate.

“Even though I don‘t agree with
the church and what they‘re doing. I
don't think that the state can tell them
who to pray for and what to pray for."
.‘s‘eese said. "I think that‘s a clear line
drawn (and) the state has crossed
the boundary.“

Denominational disagreement

People of all religious persuasions

including Buddhists. (‘liristians.
Jews and Muslims have varying
opinions on the church state connec

In Islam. .lahed said. there‘s no
separation between government and

"(Separating the two very
prevalent in our (American) culture,“
he said. "We tend to revolve our reli
gious life around our worldly life. Itut
in Islam. the worldly life revolves
around religion. There is no separa
tion of religion and state. because pol-
itics is more than life."

Some Muslims believe they should
avoid being involved in political activ
ity in non-Muslim countries. .lahc-d

(ithers. himself included. hold that
speaking out is a must even in secular

"You have an obligation to try to


embrace for yourself that president or
that political party that would be most
beneficial t‘or you as a Muslim in this
country." Jahed said. "If you're not
active in the political process. if you
don't vote. you won't have your voice

UK music history professor Lance
Brunner. a Buddhist, said he fully be-
lieves in separation of church and

“The separation needs to be com-
plete and definite.“ Brunner said.
"The overlapping of a political agenda
on a religious agenda is very danger-
ous and inappropriate.

"People are free to ex-

press their own views and
to be spiritually in-
formed." Brunner added.
“But to impose one's
own religious beliefs on
others is a violation of
their right to believe
what they want."

Lutheran campus
minister Neese said
government facilities
should not include
overtly religious texts
like the Ten (‘ommand-

That's because the
commandments were
written for people of
faith. he said, Posting
them on state property
“certainly doesii‘t re»
spect the diversity of
religious perspectives
in the country.

“The Lutheran tra
dition would draw the
support of separation
of church and state."
Neese said, "Meaning
that as a church we do
not depend upon the
state to tell its what to
do or what not to do in terms of min»

In other words. Necse added. the
church shouldn‘t have to ask the state
“if it's OK if we function this way”

Second year I‘K philosophy major
.loel llaubenreicli. president of (‘ats
for ('hrist. said he applies the term
“separation" more loosely.

"The language in the (‘onstitution
is more to protect the church from the
state than the state from the church.“
he said. The state should leave the
churches alone but it doesn‘t mean
censoring practices or elements ol re-
ligion eyen if they show up on public
property. he said

“I certainly do not endorse (hav-
ingi a state religion of any sort.“
llaubenreicli said. “liut you can‘t
across the board rule out anything
that might ha\c something to do with
l‘hris'tianity or .ltitlaism or whatever;
because it they are true. it's a good
solid principle. and we should fully
support that in a government.

“It's not a matter of endorsing reli

to impose
one’s own
beliefs on
others is a
Violation of
their right to
believe what

they want.”
- Lance Brunner, a UK
music history professor and
practicing Buddhist, on the
separation between church

gion. but endorsing things that might
come up in religion."

Ashraf el-Ezz. at Lexington zines
thesiologist and practicing Muslim.
agreed that it‘s almost impossible for
government or its leaders to stay neu-
tral when it comes to values-based de-

"You cannot separate yourself
from your values. even if you are (the)
President of the United States." he
said. “But you have to put aside those
things that will be perceived as going
too far to the right or too far to the

“In any organization. as
a leader. you should be ac-
commodating different
views. as long as it is with-
in the values of the Ameri-

can people." el-I'Zzz said.

Faith-based reactions

Leah Craft. interna»
tional economics anrl
French senior and presi~
dent of the Jewish Stu-
dent ()rganization. said
she supports Democrat
John Kerry because of his

“I believe our country
needs change." she said.
“Mine and John Kerry's
values are one and the
same. and I tend to think
more liberally. I don‘t
think that he sees as
much into religious
rhetoric as our current

Craft said she believes
Republican President
Bush uses his religion to
bring automatic reactions
in people who believe as
he does.

“It‘s manipulating the
constituents.“ she said. “If you use re
ligious rhetoric. you‘re putting a
mask on what you‘re trying to say.
You‘re hoping that your constituent
will latch onto the words that they
recognize and the words they‘re
taught to be morally important."

Lutheran minister Neese disasso-
ciated himself from the “religious
right" Bush supporters.

“I am uncomfortable with the type
of (‘hristian perspective that I feel
Bush has." Neese said. "I don't feel it's
very Biblical. A lot of the prophets
speak against using God-talk all the
time to support your agenda.

"It also happens to be an agenda
that I don't agree with.“ he added.

(loing to war is part of that agen—
da. he said. In Christianity. “we‘re
called to be peacemakers. not war

El-Ezz. a Muslim. said he and
many Muslims agree with (‘hristians'
perspectives on human life.

and state.

See Faith on page A3



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 Celebs, politics a volatile combination

By Joshua Worthington and Jason Pinter

the Kentucky kernel

In the 2000 presidential election.
36.1 percent of voters age 18 to 30
showed up on Election Day to vote.
These 42 million young. eligible voters
are being targeted this election season
by an army of celebrities and high-pro-
file personalities who are trying to im—
prove turnout oii Election Day 2001.

Whether the stars are touting their
political mantras through stage shUWs
or by speaking and touring with
groups organized to reach out to young
voters. the message is clear: Show up
on Nov. 2 and cast your vote.

Madonna reached out to young vot-
ers this year by staging a summer coir
cert run that was largely political in
nature. Her “Relnvention World Tour
2004" played 36 sold—out shows to audi-
ences in 13 US. cities.

During the song “American Life.“ a
huge plasma screen behind the singer
and her troop of dancers displayed
larger-than-life images of war-torn
Iraq. The sometimes disturbing and
graphic images were the backdrop in a
song where Madonna sings. “I'm just
living out the American dream. and I
just realized that nothing is what it
seems." The stage show comes to an
end when President Bush and Saddam
Hussein look-alikes light up and share
a cigar.

“it makes you think more about
the issues when you go see someone
like Madonna and she is taking a
stance on the war and the election like
she has." said hospitality management
junior Brian Blankenship. “lt's awe-
some that she‘s using her power and
influence to get young people to vote."

Rock the Vote. which Madonna
worked with in the ‘90s. has stepped up
its efforts during this political cycle.
Rock the Vote was formed in 1990 as a
non-profit. nonpartisan organization
dedicated to educating young people
about campaign issues. protecting free-
dom of speech and motivating thou-
sands of young voters to register to
vote and take part iii the political


Continued from page A2

Before the prophet Muhammad
founded lslam. he said. "non-Muslims
were worshipping idols. and they used
to bury their children alive.

“You should not be killing a hu-
man soul.” be said. "It is not our right
to kill even ourselves. to commit
suicide. Even in the Quran it says
don‘t kill your children because you
could be afraid of not being able to
provide for them. (lod will provide for
you and your children.”

Despite Kerry's support for aborr
tion. elsEzz confirmed many polls that
find the majority of American Mus
linis plan to vote for Kerry.

“Meaning that a vote for Kerry is
not for Kerry. for his principles and
what he stands for." elEzz said. “it's
because of what George Bush has
done to the American Muslims in this
country treating them as second-
class citizens.

"However. Muslims do not agree
with some of Kerry‘s principles."
such as support for abortion and gay
rights. el»Ez’/. continued. “But Ameri
can Muslims feel that for the better of
the country and the betterment of the
American Muslims. we need to get rid
of this adiiiiiiistration."

Buddhist Brunner also expressed
support for removing Bush.

"Bush's policies are wrong-headed


Rock the Vote pledged to register 1
million new voters in 2004. It plans to
increase voter turnout by engaging
and educating young voters. getting
politicians and parties to target young
voters and focusing the attention of
the media on young voters.

To facilitate this goal Rock the Vote
launched a 50-city bus tour earlier this
year. The bus is stopping in some of
the most hotly contested cities in the
2004 campaign. According to the Rock
the Vote Web site. the event is "a pow»
erful. pro-vote experience.“

Rock the Vote has partnered again
with MTV together. the tWo organi-
zations have the goal of motivating 20
million young voters to go to the polls.
MTV has dubbed the campaign “20
Million Loud."

According to M’I‘Vcom, the last
election, which 18 million young voters
voted in. was decided by only 500.000
votes. Some states were decided by as
few as 500 votes. So its premise for the
2004 campaign is simple: What if 20
million young voters voted?

“1 think it‘s good that MTV is so fo-
cused on getting the vote out." said
communication disorder graduate stu-
dent Jeremy Saylor. Saylor said he did
not vote in the 2000 election. but has al-
ready made up his mind as to whom he
will vote for tomorrow.

“()ur age group will be the ones to
decide this election.“ Saylor said.

MTV‘s 20 Million Loud is the latest
venture in campaigning for the cable
channel. but MTV has been involved in
politics since the 1992 presidential elec~
tion. when it first launched its “Choose
or Lose" campaign. The 1996 and 2000
presidential elections saw MTV‘s influ-
ence and power with young voters
grow as the network registered record
numbers of voters.

Sean “P. Diddy" (Tombs recently
embarked on a new project. Vote or
Die. Like Rock the Vote. Vote or Die is
a nonprofit. nonpartisan organization
with a mission to educate. motivate
and empower millions of young Amer-
icaiis to access their power and vote on

and have had disastrous results."
Brunner said. “The world is not safer.
and be has effectively polarized the
country and alienated the United
States from other nations. I view
Kerry as an appropriate and good al-

()n the other hand. Christian
Haubenreich said he supports Bush.

"Kerry is remarkably unfriendly
toward (‘hristian values." he said
values such as absolute truth. the
sanctity of life. and the sanctity of

”I am voting for Bush.” Haubenre-
ich added. “Mostly for pro»life rea-

Common beliefs

Those who commented on the
church state issue stressed that their
opinions were their own. and not nec
essarily representing an entire relir
gion or group.

“Politics don‘t enter into our mis
sioii statement." Haubenreich said of
the (‘ats for (‘hrist group. ”(Personal-
ly). I try and keep out of strict parti
sanship." Haubenreich said. "I might
prefer a certain candidate. but l'in
registered independent."

While still a Buddhist. Brunner
said he doesn't push Buddhism on

"l am more interested in decent
human values humanity rather
than a specific religious approach."
Brunner said. “The Dalai [lillllil once
said that ‘my only religion is kinda

Nov. 2

(‘ombs is hoping to reach out to the
over 42 million voters between 18 anti
30 years old by broadcasting a series of
dramatic voting service announce-
ments targeting the youth. and encour-
aging them to vote.

To get this message across. (Iombs
has recruited fellow rap stars like 50
(tent. Eniinem. Jay 7.. Andre 3000. Ll.
(iool .l and Ja Rule.

While doing promotions with part-
ners in television and radio like MTV.
BET and many radio stations. (.‘ombs
also brought in clothing lines like
Ecko. Phat Farm. Sean John and Tom-
my Hilfiger to help spread the message
Combs may be responsible for the first
partnership between a political cani-
paign and a clothing line.

Combs is also marketing a T-shirt
with “Vote or Die" in huge print across
the front nationwide. The shirt proved
popular with Madonna. who began
wearing the shirt in place of a costume
during her tour

All of the gimmicks and endorse-
ments that campaigns like Vote or Die
take part in turning some voters off. It
may be hard for some potential voters
to take the message from the celebri-
ties seriously. While celebrities are
wearing the T-shirts and telling people
to vote. some think they seem to be
missing the point.

“I think they do it for excess public»
ity." said business junior John l~‘air~
man. “Fans of P Diddy would come
out to vote. but not for political rea-

Fairman said that celebrity en-
dorsements do not sway his opinions
about the candidates. He is among the
group of voters who think that the
celebrities have joined the process for
financial gain instead of political in-

"Young voters need to think for
themselves." said Fairman. “It's pa-
thetic that it takes superstars to make
people go out and vote."

E—mail fl’aturesu kj'li‘ernelcoiri

ness.‘ The world could live without re-
ligion. but it can't live without kind

“The deepest values that are
taught in most religions are ones that
are deeply human values: kindness.
generosity. service.” Brunner contin
ued. “These things are all (‘hristian
values. without imposing a (‘hristian
view or (‘hristiati language on them.

”These are just my views as a
citizen," he said. then added. laugh-
ing. “And I'm not trying to impose my
views on anyone else?”

.lahed said that Sharia. Muslim
law. is the best code by which to live.
but in its absence he said a ('hristlan
ityvbased nation would suffice.

“i would feel much more comfort
able living in a society that was tlomr
hated by (‘hristian values." .lahed
said. "(‘liristiaii values and t‘hristiau
principles are very similar with those
of Islam "

()iie example is the tioldeii Rule.
”Treat your neighbor as you wish to
be treated." .lehad said. "(living chari
ty. and helping the poor. the orphans
and the weak \lso (restriction of)
gay in ir r iage uid poi iiography or. in
general. a diess code As long as
you speak for the general principles
and don't go for the specifics of reli~

"'l'herc's a lot of overlapfl .leliatl
said “l think that's where we would
have a lot of compatibility"

Emailfeatures - A‘y/rerric/tom


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Continued from page At

the convent could have been
from being around women.
Callahan said.

But as her time at the
convent wore on. she came
to realize this life was not
meant for her.

"I had to keep 22 hours of
silence a day." she said.
“That‘s really hard on
teenage girls.

“There were things I
wanted to do in the world
that I couldn‘t do there." she

After six years at the Do-
minican Sisters. Callahan
went to Cape Cod and
opened a bookstore for an ec—
umenical center. among oth-
or jobs.

Right after fin-
ishing her master‘s

PAGEM I Monday, Nov. 1, 2004

“it really "I

tion in Michigan.

“She was flabbergasted."
Callahan said. "That's how it
is when you’re closeted to

“I was scared to death."
Crossen said. “I was scared
of losing my business. I was
scared of what it would do to

Prior to this. Crossen had
always considered herself

“It's amazing what later
nalizing homophobia did to
you." Crossen said. “I tried
to choose not to be gay. It's so

At first she felt fear. She
said she sometimes feels that
even today.

But more importantly,
she said. she found happi-
ness in