xt7d7w676m8v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676m8v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-02-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1988 1988 1988-02-15 2020 true xt7d7w676m8v section xt7d7w676m8v  




Sports Monday


UK’s Ed Davender passes away the
time against Alabama. SEE PAGE 3.




Film ‘lronweed’ captures
essence of novel. SEE PAGE 7.












Monday. February 15. 1988

Rally for education tomorrow

Staff reports

The Kentucky and Student Advo-
cates for Higher Education want to
make the higher education march
and rally as attractive as possible.

Jackie Bondurant. with UK public
relations, said the two groups
planned services and activities to
enhance tomorrow’s agenda. Stu-
dents may want to keep the follow-
ing services in mind:

0 The Donavan cafeteria will stay
open late tomorrow evening for
those students returning from the
rally after 6 p.m.

- Faculty and staff members may
pick up a boxed lunch at the Faculty
Club Tuesday morning.

- Students will be handing out in-
formational pamphlets tomorrow
morning at the Student Center park-
ing lot to remind people of the day‘s

- A bus will transport handicapped
students. Pickup is at 12:30 pm. at
the Student Center parking lot.

I A different bus will transport the
Donovan students. Pickup is at 12:30
pm. at the Student Center parking

0 Two tickets to the NCAA Final
Four and an eight-day trip for two to
England and Scotland to visit the
great universities of Oxford, Cam-
bridge. Leeds and Edinborough will
be given away. Included in the sec-
ond prize will be air fare from either


SGA passes resolution
for education funding

Staff reports

At the Student Government Asso-
ciation's meeting Wednesday night,
the Senate took the following ac-

0 Passed by acclamation a resolu—
tion urging Gov. Wallace Wilkinson
and members of the General Assem-
bly to give “their highest support to
the needs of higher education" in

- Overwhelmingly passed a bill to
send five student government mem-
bers to the American Association of
University Students Conference at
Brown University in April. Southern
Regional Chairperson Tai Doram
and senators Kim Fowler. Chris
Essid and James Rose will attend
the conference. The Freshman Rep-
resentative Council will also choose
one member to attend.

0 Unanimously passed a bill allo-
cating $750 to co-sponsor novelist
Denise Giardina as a speaker for the
Women Writers Conference to be
held on campus in April.


- ()verwhelmingly passed a bill al-
locating $160 to advertise accounting
honorary Beta Alpha Psi's Volunteer
Income Tax Assistance program to
be held in the SGA office Feb. 22—24,
29; March 1-2: and April 445.

. Unanimously passed a resolution
urging SGA and the Student Activ~
ities Board to discuss the consolida-
tion of certain services and activ-

0 Passed by acclamation a bill es-
tablishing a task force of students,
faculty and staff to formulate a pro-
posal for a 24‘hour UK Crisis Hot-
line. The hotline would handle calls
regarding such crises as rape. sui-
cide. alcoholism and depression.

- Unanimously passed an amend-
ment to have freshman senators
elected in the sixth full week of
classes of the fall semester. instead
of in the eighth week.

- Approved the 1988 spring elec-
tion rules.

- Unanimously approved T.A. Mc-
Kinney, Russ Atkins and David
Lewis as members of the Judicial

study says

residents pay less taxes

Associated Press

FRANKFORT — A recent study
being used by lawmakers who advoo
cate a state tax increase shows that
Kentuckians pay less taxes than res~
idents in other states.

The study. by the Advisory Com-
mission on Intergovernmental Rela—
tions. contradicts Gov. Wallace Wil-
kinson's assertion that Kentuckians
are over-taxed.

The commission‘s publication.
“Measuring State Fiscal Capacity
1987," indicates that Kentucky is far
below average in tax collection com-
pared with other states.

“There is no question that we are
taxing as much as people want,"
said Sen. Michael R. Moloney. chair-
man of the Senate Appropriations
and Revenue Committee, who is
working on a bill to make Ken-
tucky's income tax laws conform to
the federal tax code. “But the issue
is one of leadership. Are we taxing
enough to provide the services we

The Washington-based commis-
sion. a joint project of federal. state
and local officials as well as some
from the private sector, used two
systems to measure state taxes.

The study attempts to compare
the capacity of states to tax. or how
much revenue base is available to
be taxed if states all used the same
average tax rate. It also measures
how strongly each state makes an
effort to tap into that base compared
with other states.

The systems used for the mea-
surements determine how much
money a state actually raised com-
pared with how much it could raise
if it taxed at the national average
rate. according to Michael Lawson.
public finance analyst for the com-

‘I'he systems take into consider-
ation 26 state and local tax bases as
of ms. Those considerations are put
on a scale where 100 equals the na-
tional average.

Wilkirlon has said that Kentucky
is a poor state that ranks among the
lowut In the area of capacity but
among the highest in effort.


commission found that Kentucky's
tax capacity is 78.2. putting the
state‘s revenue base far below the
national average. The Representa-
tive Tax System ranked Kentucky
45th in tax capacity.

Kentucky’s taxing effort — or how
strongly it makes use of its taxing
capacity -— is measured as a per-
centage of the capacity. It rates
86.6. putting Kentucky 40th in the
nation among states in its efforts to
tax its revenue base.

In dollar terms, the national aver-
age tax capacity and taxing effort is
$1.408 a person. Kentucky‘s capacity
is $1,101. But of that capacity, it
takes in only $953 a person.

The second system, which also
takes into consideration user
charges for such things as toll roads
and waterways. puts Kentucky in an
even worse light. Its capacity is 77.5.
or 46th in the nation. and its taxing
effort is 90. or 42nd.

Lawrence Lynch, an economist for
Transylvania University who does
work for the legislature, said the
method used by the commission was
only one of many ways to measure
taxes. But he said it was considered
one of the best and most respected

Wilkinson said his figures were
compiled by Jack Brizius. a mem-
ber of Lexington-based State Re-
search Associates, which put togeth-
er most of Wilkinson's campaign
platform. Brizius lives out of state
and could not be reached to explain
which system he used.

Lynch said some systems of mea-
surement relied solely on taxes per
capita or on the level of state taxes.
which would make Kentucky appear
to be among the states with the
highest taxes.

Wilkinson ran as a no-tax candi-
date and has proposed a no-frills
budget that allows for practically no
real growth in state spending and
cuts in a number of programs.

He has argued that Kentucky
raises taxes but continues to spend
beyond its means and that it is time
to stop throwing money at the
state’s .

Wilkiilon has said that Kentucky

See TAX. Page 4



Susan Seaman springs over the vault during the UK
tics team's victory over West Virgina Friday night.





Lexington or Cincinnati to London
and back. two nights in London and
travel by rail to the universities.

The march to the capital begins at
2 pm. Students will begin to assem-
ble at 1:30 on Second Street and will
proceed up to the Capital Avenue to
the steps of the Capitol building.

At the Capitol, four speakers will
speak to the marchers in a special
ceremony. A.D. Albright is one of
the speakers. He is a former direct-
er of Council on Higher Education. a
former president of Northern Ken-
tucky University, and a former pres-
ident of Morehead State University.
David Nunz. president of Eastern
Kentucky University's student gov-

ernment, and UK law student David
Holton will speak.

Afterward. Holton. also chairman
for Student Advocates for Higher
Education. and eight university stu»
dent government presidents will pre»
sent a resolution «7 requesting more
funding for higher education . to
the state senate. house and possibly
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson.

After the march. a rally will he
held at the Capital Plaza budgeon
Civic Center Arena at 330 pm

Buses will be leaving trom the
Student Center at 12:30pm.

Bondurant said the rally is a good
opportunity for people from all parts
of Kentucky to show their support
for higher education,

New alarm system
makes UK safer,
according to police

Staff Writer

With the recent purchase of a
computer alarm monitoring system.
UK police hope to make the campus
a safer place to work and study.

The computer. purchased a little
more than a month ago. eliminates
the need for UK police to go through
a third party in processing alarm
calls. Prior to the pur hase of the
National Guardian 9000 system. UK
police depended on a dispatcher lo-
cated downtown to relay the location
of alarln calls.

With the new system. located in
police headquarters on Euclid Ave-
nue. four steps have been eliminated
enabling police to respond to calls
faster and more efficiently.

Wilson McComas. chief of UK Po-
lice, said in addition to cutting down
the reaction time by “at least two-
thirds.“ the new system will be saw
ing the University a considerable
amount of money.

Vendors previously charged UK
$25 to $50 per month to monitor a
building. The charge varied depend-

Students get

ing on the building's size, B} inak
ing the alarm system "in house”
and handled by the dispatcher l'K
is saving $175 a month

McComas said that while that
may not sound like a lot oi money,
the new system allows ior up to
9.000 new alarm stations to he iii-
stalled and over time will pa} tor it

While installers hau- primurih
concentrated on S\\'lit‘ll‘ll,_‘ tl\'i*!'
existing alarms to the new .s'_\.\i(‘lll.
one new outlet has been installed

Located in the Rosemaiw I"lll(l l.i
brary in the Commons Complex. the
alarm allows for clerks on call to liar
tify police in an emergency The lo
cation was chosen l)(‘t‘tlll.\t’ lllt' li
brary is open all night and past
incidents have called for it In one
instance. thieves tried to steal it
television and nearly succeeded be
cause the clerk had to go to another
building to use the phone,

A clerk who wished to l't’lllttlll
anonymous said. “I feel it's an im
portant addition and l lccl a lot

picked up

in SAB Dating Game

Staff Writer

Don‘t have a date for next Fri-
day? The Dating Game can fix you
The Student Activities Board is
sponsoring the annual UK version of
the Dating Game. a popular show in
the 19705 for bringing blind dates to-
gether on national television.

Mike Bowling. SAB special activ-
ities chairman. said contestants will
be able to ask questions of three se-
cret potential dates. The contestants
will then use the answers to choose
which person is the right one for

Bowling said the lucky couples
would have a free dinner at a local
restaurant and receive a pass to
Worsham Theater.

He said he had been screening
contestants for the past two weeks.
He said one potential contestant. a

campus celebrity who wishes to re-
main anonymous. “wanled to dress
up as a biker "

Dave “Kruser” Kruscnclatz from
WKQQ will be the master of ceremo-
nies. and door prizes will be
awarded. Bowling said the prizes
were donated by the I'K Bookstore.
Stuff‘ems Restaurant. White Moun»
tain Creamery and (‘ut Corner ite-

Bowling said the winners would
also go to Comedy on Broadway.

Last year more than 600 people at-
tended the show. “It was very amus~
ing.“ Bowling said.

“It’s a good day-atter-Valentine's
Day activity." he said. "It should he
a lot of laughs this year.“

The Dating Game will be at a pm
Monday in the Student Center Ball-
room. Admission is free.

Higher education rally a lottery of sorts

Associated Press

FRANKFORT — It seems. some-
times. that almost every member of
the Kentucky Advocates for Higher
Education must have graduated
from the Dale Carnegie School.

The advocates, most of whom are
leading members of the civic. busi-
ness and political arenas. spend
their time trying to win frientk and
influence people on behalf of the
public and private universities and
colleges in Kentucky.

They are often successful, at least
when it comes to the unwritten.
third part of the Carnegie credo:
How to win mm. influence people
and drawacrowd.

The advocates. and a recent addi-
tion to the family called the Student
Advocates for Edwation.
plan a march and rally In ham“!



tomorrow to demonstrate their sup
port for the schools and their dislike
of Gov. Wallace Wilkinson‘s budget.

A rally with cheerleaders. pep
bands. mascots and perhaps even a
bouncing ball is ordinarily enough to
draw a crowd in Kentucky. A few
hundred people will show up just in
case a basketball game breaks out.

But Robert Bell, a former state of-
ficial. retired Ashland Oil executive
and moving force behind the advo-
cates, has come up with an even bet-
terdrawing card.

He’s going to hold a lottery of

Nb door prizes will be offered at
the rally at the Frankfort Civic Cen-

One is an eight-day trip for two to
England and Scotland to visit the
great universities of Oxford. Cam-
bridge. Ieeds and Edinborough. In-
cluded in the prize will be air fare
from either Lexington or Cincinnati
to London and back. two nights in
London and travel by rail to the uni-

The other is two tickets to the
NCAA Final Four basketball tourna-
ment. No travel. accommodations or
meals are included. Just basketball.

The kicker to this is that if you go
to the rally. you have to choose
which door prize you want. You
can‘t enter for both.

Given Kentucky‘s priorities — ad-
vocates for higher education or not
- chances are more people will go

"This should add a little additional
spice to the measion and. as you are
aware. lotteries are very fashiona-

ble these days in our common
wealth." Bell said.

The comment is a backhanded
shot at Wilkinson, who has become
the latest villain of higher education
in Kentucky — Bobby Knight and
the Indiana Hoosiers notwithstand-

Wilkinson. thus far. has shown
little sympathy for higher education
and its pleas for financial aid. After
university presidents poor-mouthed
their budgets to a legislative sub-
committee two weeks ago. Wilkinson
suggested they should stop crying
about it and do a better job spending
themoney they have.

Given that history. the advocates
may have a tough time winning Wil-
kimon to friendship or. for that mat-

Mark R. Chellgren is the Frank-
fort correspondent for The Asso-
ciated Press.


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. February is. was


Information on thlscalendarofeventslscoilected and coordnated through
#leStudentCenterAetlvlfiesOtlee.203I2045hadentCenter,u~iverdtyaf Ken-

tucky.1heinformationbptbhhed asppfledbytheon—camptespomormlthed-
itorioi privilege clawed for the sake of clarity of expresdon. For student organiza-
tions or University departments to mdre entries on the calendar. 0 Campus Calen-
dar form must be filed out and reiuned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Fom'is will be accepted no later than the Monday proceeding the

publication date.


OSports Aikudo Juaneee Mutial Art Beginner Classes. Free. Alumni
Gym Loft 8 30 p m .Call 266-0102

~Relugious "Cornerstone" Drama Practice no auditions uust bring enthu-
siam‘ Free 506 Columbia Ave .6 30-60 111 .Call 254-3714

oRei-guous Worship Service warm a casual gathering tume oi Singing.
prayers 5 messages Free 506 Columbia Ave 69 30 p 111 Out 254-
3 7 1 4

OReiugrous Monday Evening Fellowship triendship, group discussion
partues a pot luck dunner Free K-Houser412 Rose St . 6 p m Call 254-

IReIuguous Free Meditation Group Free, Newman Center 6 p m Call
266 491 8

“Sports Judo Club — Beginners welcome, Wrestlung experuence valu-
able Free Alumni Gym Lott 5-6 30 p m Calla-4156

~Spor1s Campus Aerobics, Free. K-House 4i2 Rose 51 3 30 pm
Call 2 7 7 51 90

OSemunars Learning Skulls Program — Essay Test Tmng. Slorsemester
or $25 semester 30l Frazee Hall. 2-2 50 p m Call 7-8673

~Reluguous Creative Prayer Group — Time to relax. share, a relate with
students Free Newman Center. 8 p m Call 255-6566

oReIuguous Student Meeting — discussion ol upcoming events - HI stu-
dents unvuied' Free. Newman Center 9 p in Call 255-8566

-Other ColIege 01 Education Advusung Semunar — Early Elementary Edu-
catuon (reguster un advance). Dickey Hall 135. 1-3 3-5p m . Cali 7-7971

sExhubuts (through 3 131 Art 01 the Amerucan North. Free. UK Art Mu-
seum Noon to 5 p m .Call 7-5716

bAcademucs Recommended date tor treshmen to submut 1988 Fall Se
"165181 appiucatuon

OOther Washungton‘s Birthday

IOt'ier Weekend‘ by Jean-Luc Godard Free Worsharru Theatre, 7
pr' Call71415

OSporta UK Fencing Club. Free; Aiunhi Gym: 7:30-9'30 pm: Cd

‘Sports Jepm K-ate Club — SHOTOKAN; Free. See! Armory. 7.30-
9 30 p m

-Relugioue, Lunch a Last Lecture guest speakers shue about topics
trom their careers s lives. $2 00; 506 Columbus Ave. 730 p m . Call 254-

-Religious "Tuesday Night Together" — TNT — a time tor worship s
leilowship. Free; 429 Columbia Ave ; 7 30pm; Cut 7-3969

sReligious “Campus Crusade tor Christ — WEEKLY MEETING“. Free.
Student Center 245, 7 30 pm .Call 7-3969

OSemunars Learning Skill Program — identity Your Learning Style;
s10semester or $25/semester. 301 Frazee Hall; 11-11:50 p in; Cali 7-

sReluguous RClA — Progr-n (or people studying to enter the Catholic
Church Free. Newman Center; 7.30-9z15p m ;Caii255-8566

OSports Aerobics. Free. Newmuu Center. 5:50-7 pm :Call 255-6566

uReligious Prayer of the Rosary tor increase in Vocations. Free. New-
man Center. 7p m :CaiI255-6566

IConcerts. Lexungton Chlhber IMnds. Free; SCFA — Recital Hall. 6
p m . Call 7-4900

s0ther Coretta Scott King (Speaker for thk Hetory Month) Human
Rights Activust; Free. Student Center Bdiroom; 6 pm. ; Call 7-3191



'Sports Aukudo Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumn.
Gvf" Lott 8 30 p m . Call 266-0102

-Sports Wildcat Basketball vs Tennesse — Away Knoxville TN 800
D or Call 7 1816

'Movues West Side Story $1 95 Worsham Theatre 7 30 p m Call 7-

~M0vues James Bond — The leung Daylughts $1 95 Worsharru Theatre
10150 m Call 78867

nReIuguous Dunner Casual dunner 5 good company $3 00 508 Colum
bua Ave 56 p m .63" 254-3714

OReIuguous Bible Duscussuon Group Free Student Center 231 7 30
am CailZSA-3997

'Sports Judo Club — Beginners welcome. Wrestling experience valu-
able Free Alumni Gym Lott 5-6 30 CaII8-4156

oRellguous Student Farth Sharung - Upcomung Sunday‘s Gospel read 5
discussed Free Newman Center. 9-10p M Call 255-8566

oReiuguous Communion Servuce Free Newman Center. 88 45 p m
Call 255-8566

sOlher College of Education Advusang Semunar — Scuence Education —
Secondary (register in advance). Free Dickey Hall 135 13 3-5 p in Cali
7 7971

~Semunars Buochem “Regulation 01 Transierrun Productuon" Free MN
463 4 p 111 Call 35549

-Meetungs Cosmopolutan Club Meetung Free Student Center 245 7
rm CalI7-1655

OMeetungs Archaeologucal Socuety oi Kentucky Club Meetung. Free Lat-
Ierty Hall 7 30 p m Cai1252-3942

-Other Ash Wednesday

~Sernunars Learnurugs Skulls Program — Study Skills for Law School
$10 semester or $25 semester 301 Frazee Hall. 2-2 50 nm. Call 7

'Sports Campus Aerobucs Free K-House'412 Rose Street 3 30 p m .
Call 27 7 5190


oMovues West Side Story. 51 95. Worsham Theatre: 7 30 p m . Call 7-

IMovues James Bond — The Living Daylights; $1 95. Worsham Theatre;
1015p m .Cdl 7-8667

-Semunars Learnung Skills Program Obiectlve Test Taking. $10/semes-
ter or $25-semester. 301 Frazee Hail. 11-11:50 p m .Cali 7-6673

eReluguous "Cornerstone" Music Practice — enthusiasm us the only ra-
quurement. Free, 508 Columbia Ave .6.30-8 p m ;Cdi 254-3714

-Reiuglou5' Decuslon Pount Bible Studies iocussung on Human Sexuality.
Luvung un America, ETC. Free. 506 Columbia Ave; 8-9'30 p.m . Call 254-

'Reiugrous D a. L Grill (Devotion 6 Lunch). $1.00; 429 Columbia Ave ;

IReiugious Feiiowshup oi Chnstim Athletes — FCA: Free, 502 Columbia
Ave 9;: m .Call 233-0315

OSports Japan Karate Club — Free introductory Class. Free. Alumni
Gym Balcony. 5 30-6 30 p m .Cail 7-6632

OSports UK Fencing Club; Free: Alumni Gym. 7 30-9 30 pm. Call

OSports Japan Karate Club — SHOTOKAN; Free; Alumnu Gym Balcony
5 30-7 30 p in

'Sports UK Pung Pong Club; Free; Seaton Center Squash Court. 7 30-
IODm .Caii6-6161

IReluguous Thursday Bible Study — Christian Student Fellowship. Free.
502 Columbia Ave . 7 p m ,Call 233-0313

-Reluguous Spiritual Reading Group — Discussion of Various Spurutual
Writers. Free. Newman Center; 10 30-Noon: Call 255-6566

OSports Aerobics. Free. Newman Center; 5:50-7 p m :Call 255-8566

~Theatre (through 2120) Murder After Hours; $5 and $4. Guignol
Theatre 8 p m .Cail 7-3297

OTheatre Murder After Hours. 36 uud $5. Center tor the Arts. 7 30
p M .Call 73297 “

'Concarts Doug Cadets/Senior Voice Recutal. Free. SCFA — Recital
Hall 8 p m Cali 7-4900

'Other A Lecture of Thau Poetry by Protessor Thomas Hudak, Depart-
ment oi Englush, Free. Student Center 205. 4 30 p m .Call 76967

'Other “France, May 1966“ — UK Faculty R Betts. K Mingat. J Pop-
kun Free: Student Center 228.8 p m . Call 71415

-Sports Lady Kat Basketbai vs Tennesse; Free with UKiD. Memorial
Coluseum. 7 30 p m .Call 7-1818

OTheatre Murder Alter Hours — Agatha Chrustue Ciassuc. $5 and $4.
Guignol Theatre. 6 00 p m . Cell 7-1365



-Movues West Sude Story 31 95 Worsham Theatre 7 30 p m Call 7

-Movues James Bond — The lelng Daylughts $1 95 Worsham Theatre
"I 15 p m Call 78867

ISports (through 2 21) UK Women 5 Tennis Dual vs Indiana Oklahoma
Stare USC Bloomungton. IN. Call 73838

-Other Women Wruters Conlerence Book Discussuon WOMEN POETS.
SFDARATION TAKING NOTICE. ETC Free Student Center 231 Noon
Cull r 3295

'Other Gerald Smith "Spring 1960 The Kentucky State College Stu-
tpnr Sn in Free Peal Gallery Noon Call 75895

-Semuruars Maintaining Frari Elderly un the Home A Report on Work un
i" ’Juress Sebastian RN. MSN. Free HSLC 502 A66 1-2 p rn

"’ueaire Murder Alter Hours — Agatha Christie Classuc 55 and $4
a. «w. Theatre 8pm CalI7-1385


'Movles West Side Story. 51 95. Worsharn Theatre. 7 30 p m . Cali 7-

IMovues James Bond — The Luving Daylughts. $1 95, Worsham Theatre.
1015 p 111 Call 7-8667

IReluguous The Hub Cotteehouse — Chrustuan bands. drama groups.
ieliowshup 5 iun'. Free. K-House/412 Rose St .7 30 p.111 :CII 277-5190

tReI-guous Catholic Celebration oi Mass. Free: Newman Center: 6 p m .
Call 255-8566

rSports Wildcat Basketball vs Florida — Away; Gsinesvriie. 2 30 p m ‘
Call 71816

OSports Kentucky Gymnastics vs Auburn. Free wuth iull-tume UKID. Me-
morual Coliseum Call 73836

sintramurais lce Hockey vs Purdue; Free; Cdl 7-3928

Ilntramurais Wheelkatsvs Plttsburgh. Free; Call 7-3928

Ilntrarnurals Co-Rec Basketball Tournament tor UK Students. Faculty. 5
Stall. Cali 7-3926

-Theatre Murder After Hours — Agatha Chrustue Clessrc, $5 and $4
Guugnol Theatre. 6 p m . Call 7-1365



oSL-Iurts Aukudo Japanese Mutual Art Beginner Classes Free Alumnu
’27" wit to m Call 266-0102

0Mov~es James Bond — The Luvung Daytughts $1 95. Worsnam Theatre
' D ’T Call 7-8667

ORelugrous Celebration 01 Worship Free 502 Columbus Ave 7 p in
Call 233-0313

-Smrts Japan Kuste Club — SHOTOKAN Free Alumni Gym Balcony
3 5 30 o m

oReIuglous Catholic Celebration of Mass Free. Newman Center. 8. 1O
1‘ 30am,5. 9300111 .Cdl255-6568

~Sports Basketbdl Tucker Distribution tor LSU Syracuse Georgia Free
with run-time UKID Memorial Coliseum 9a m 4 p m Call 73838

0Concerts The Sophisticate Free SCFA — Recutal Hall 3 p m Call 7

~1r~tramurals ice hockey vs Purdue. Free. Call 3928

ounnamuras Wheelkats vs Puttsbugh Free.Cdl7-3928

'Concerts UK Tuba-Euphonlum Ensemble s UK Tubeiazz Skup Gray dr
'Prlor Free SCFA — Recrtsi Hell 6 p m Cut 7-4900



-Reluguous "Cornerstone" Drama Practice no auditions. lust bring enthu-
suam' Free. 506 Columbus Ave .6 30-8p m .Cdl 254-3714

’nglous Worship Service warm s cesud gathering tlrne oi singing.
prayers. s messages Free. 506 Cohanbie Ave. 6-9 30 pm , Cd 254-

OReligrous Monday Evening Felowshl’p iriendehlp. group discussion.
parties, a pot luck dinner. Free. K-Houae/412 Rose St. 6 pm , Cut 254-

OReiigious Free Meditation Group, Free, New Ctr; 6 pm: cur

'Sports Judo Club — Beginners welcome. wrestling experience vdu-
able Free Alarm-Gym Lott. 5-6 30p m CUB-4156

rSporta Aikudo Japmese Mam Art Beginner Classes. Free. Alumni
Gym Lott. 6 30pm .Cdi266-0102

ISemunars LCM Souls Program — Designing a Study Prograh.
StO-semeeter or S251serneeter.301 Fruee Hd. 11-1150 prn . Cd 7-

oSeminars Letnung Skies Program — Notetaklng Techniques. Ste/se-
mesteror $25/semester. 301 Frazee DUI. 1-1 50% 78673

OOther moremmwm—Mmmssm-
tron — Secondary i'OolIter In adv-ice). Free. Dickey Hit 135. 1-3/3-5
p m Cut 7-7971

'Other TWW'IW

comer EmployerottheVeuLuncheon UKMeacleenterPeraonnei.
Free. StudentCenterBdroorn. 11 45-2 e5.Cd3-5975

OOther “Greetings“ did "Hi Morn" by 611.1 0e Pine. Free. Worm
Theetre.6pm .0‘7-1648

mellgous CreetlvePrayerCroup—Tinwtorsiaianvemdreiatewith
other students, Free. W Center; 6 e in :Cd 256-6566

3”, sum“ .—P- oil, .Emn—M
audents invited Free: Newm'uCenter. Op 111 .Cd 255-6506

OSports Curiou- Aerobics. Free. Kilauea/412 Rose Street. 330 pm.
277 5190







oMovies — 2/17: West Side Story: $1.95; Worshem
Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0Movies — 2/17: James Bond - The Living Day-
Iights; $1.95; Worsharn Theatre; 10:15 p.m.; Cell 7-

-Movies — 2/18: West Side Story; $1.95; Worshem
Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-8667

sMovies — 2/18: James Bond — The Living Day-
lights: $1.95; Worsharn Theatre; 10:15 p.m.; Cdl 7-

0Movies - 2/19: West Side Story; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

sMovies — 2/19: James Bond — The Living Day-
lights; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10:15 p.m.; Cali 7-

°Movies — 2/20: West Side Story; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

-Movies — 2/20: James Bond — The Living Day-
lights; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10:15 p.m.; Cali 7-

0Movies — 2/21: James Bond — The Living Day-
lights; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7 p.m.; Cali 7-8867





meetings/ lectures


'Concerts - 2/16: Lexington Chamber Winds; Free;
SCFA -— Recital H81: 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

OConcerts — 2/ 18: Doug Gaddis/Senior Voice Reci-
tal; Free; SCFA— Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

OConcerts — 2/21: The Sophisticats; Free: SCFA —
Recital Hdi; 3 p.m.; Cali 7-4900

OConcerts — 2/21: UK Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble 8.
UK Tubaiazz/Skip Gray. director; Free; SCFA — Recital
Hdl; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-4900

OExhibits — 2/15-3/13: Art of the American North;
Free; UKArtMuseum; Noon to 5p.m.; Call 75716

OTheatre 2/18-2/20: Murder After Hours; $5 and $4;
Guignol Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-3297

OTheatre -— 2/18: Murder After Hours: $6 and $5;
Center for the Arts; 7:30pm.; Call 7-3297

OTheatre — 2/18: Murder After Hours -— Agatha
Christie Classic; $5 and $4; Guignol Theatre; 8:00 pm;
Call 7-1385

OTheatre — 2/19: Murder After Hours — Agatha
Christie Classic; $5 and $4; Guignol Theatre; 8 p.m.;
Call 7-1385

ITheatre — 2/20: Murder After Hours — Agatha
Christie Classic; $5 and $4: Guignol Theatre: 8 p.m.;
Cali 7-1385




OMeetings — 2/17: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting;
Free; Student Center 245: 7 p.m.; Call 7-1655

OMeetings —- 2/17: Archaeological Society of Ken-
tucky Club Meeting; Free; Latterty Hdi; 7:30 p.m.; Call

OSeminars — 2/ 15: Learning Skills Program — Essay
Test Taking; $10/semester or $25/semester; 301 Fra-
zee Hall; 22:50 p.m.; Call 7-8673

OSeminars — 2/ 16: Learning Skills Program — identi-
fy Your Learning Style; $10/semester or $25/semester;
301 Frazee Hall;11-11:50p.m.;Cail7-8673

OSeminars — 2/17: Biochem: “Regulation of Transfer-
rin Production": Free: MN 463; 4 p.m.; Call 35549

-Seminars — 2/17: Learnings Skills Program — Study
Skills for Law School; $10/semester or $25/semester;
301 Frazee Hall; 2-2:50p.m.; Cali 7-8673

OSeminars — 2/18: Learning Skills Program: Objec-
tive Test Taking; Sic/semester or $25/semester: 301
Frazee Hall: 11-11250 p.m.; Call 7-8673

OSeminars — 2/19: Maintaining Frail Elderly in the
Home: A Report on Work in Progress Sebastian. RN.
MSN; Free; HSLC 502 A&B;1-2 pm.

OSeminars - 2/22: Learning Skills Program — De-
signing a Study Program; $10/semester or $25/semes-
ter; 301 Frazee Hail; 11-1 1 :50 p.m.; Call 7-8673

OSeminars — 2/22: Learning Skills Program — Note-
taking Techniques; Sic/semester or $25/semester; 301
Frazee Hail; 1-1:50; Cali 7-8673






special events








0Academics —- 2/ 15: Recommended date for fresh-
men to submit 1988 Fall Semester application

'Other — 2/15: College of Education Advising Semi-
nar — Early Elementary Education (register in advmce);
Dickey Hall 135; 1-3/3-5 p.m.; Call 7-7971

OOther —- 2/15: Washington's Birthday

'Other — 2/15: “Weekend" by Jeen-Luc Goda'd;
Free; Worsham Theatre; 7 pm; Call 7-1415

OOther —- 2/16: Coretta Scott King (Speaker for
Black History Month) Human Rights Activist; Free: Stu-
dent Center Ballroom: 8 p.m.; Cdi 7-3191

OOther —- 2/17: College of Education Advising Semi-
nar - Science Education — Secondty (register in ad-
vance): Free; Dickey Hall 135; 1-3/3-5 p.m.; Cdl 7-


'Other — 2/18: A Lecture 01 Thai Poetry by Protes-
sor Thomas Hudak. Department of English; Free; Stu-
dent Center 205; 4:30 p.m.: Cdi 7-6987

OOther -— 2/18: ”France. May 1968" - UK Faculty
R. Belts. K. Mingst. J. Popkln: Free: Student Center

OOther — 2/19: Women Writers Conierence Book
NOTICE, ETC; Free; Student Center 231; Noon; 0‘ 7-

OOther — 2/19: Gerda Shith: "Spring 1960: The
Kentucky State College Student Sit-in"; Free: Pod Gd-
lery: Noon: Cdi 7-5895

OOther — 2/22: College of Education Advising Semi-
nar -— Mathematics Education — Secondary (redeter in
advance): Free; Dickey Hut 135; 1-3/3-5 pm. on 7-

OOther - 2/22: Traditiond Washington's m

-Other — 2/22: Employer oi the Ye. Uncheon: UK
Medlcd Center Personnel; Free; Student Center H-
room; 11245-245; Cd 3-5975

OOther — 2/22: "Geetinga" lid "H Morn" by 31m
De Pdma: Free; Worehun Thea"; 69.11140. 7-1646


Ointramurals — 2/20: ice Hockey vs. Purdue; Free;

Ointramurals — 2/20: Wheeikats vs. Pittsburgh; Free;
Call 7-3928

Ointramurals — 2/20: Co-Rec Basketball Tournament
for UK Students, Faculty, 8. Staff: Call 7-3928

Ointramurais -— 2/21: Ice hockey vs. Purdue: Free;
Call 3928

Ointramurals — 2/21: Wheelkats vs, Pittsburgh: Free:
Call 7-3928

'Sports — 2/16: UK Fencing Club; Free: Alumnu
Gym; 7:30-9:30pm.; Call 272-1013

OSports — 2/17: Wildcat Basketball vs. Tennesse —
Away; Knoxville. TN; 8:00 p.m.; Call 7-1818

°Sports -— 2/18: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumnu
Gym; 7:30-9:30pm.; Call 272-1013

OSports —— 2/18: UK Ping Pong Club: Free; Seaton
Center Squash Court: 7:30-10 p.m.; Cali 8-8161

OSports — 2/18: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Tennesse:
Free with UKID; Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-

'Sports — 2/19-2/21: UK Women's Tennis Dual vs.
indiana. Oklahoma State. USC; Bloomington. lN; Call 7-

OSpor‘is — 2/20: Wildcat Basketball vs. Florida —
Away; Gainesvilie; 2:30 p.m.; Cali 7-1818

OSports — 2/20: Kentucky Gymnastics vs. Auburn;
Free with tuii-time UKID; Memorial Coliseum: Call 7-

OSports — 2/21: Basketball Ticket Distribution for
LSU. Syracuse. Georgia; Free with full-time UKID; Me-
morial Coliseum; 9 a.m.-4 pm: Call 7-3838


looking ahead


02/23 — Lectures: Lecture by mystery writer: Msry
Hm Grit - UK Theatre Department; Free; Guignol
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Cdl 7-3297

02/23 — Semlnls: Leaning Skill Progrun -— Coping
with Teal Anxiety: Sic/semester or $25/semester; 301
Frazee Hdl; 2-2:50p.m.; Call 7-8673

02/23 — Sports: Lady Kat Baskeibdi vs. L