xt7d7w676g3q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w676g3q/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2009-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 2009 text GLSO News, September 2009 2009 2009-09 2019 true xt7d7w676g3q section xt7d7w676g3q ”‘3‘ i s ’ I
Gay, & The GLSO News ., l
‘ Lesbian \. 7“
' _ Organization " ‘
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Service Organization Volume 31 Number 9
* KY
GLSOFufléths just funds
The Gay Lesbian Service Organi- justice for a"
zation (GLSO) invites you to attend Have you been waiting with
one of our events over the next few baited breath or been on the edge of
months. your seat waiting for this day to finally
6 arrive? Well, wait no longer, it is here!
BOVL'N . “What?” you ask. A top Gayla Event:
Everyone had such a good time JustFunde presents A Night Out.
last spring that we are having another Come to our “Family R e un-
Bowling Night at Southland Bowling ion” (sister, brother from another
Lanes which is just off Nicholasville Rd mother, Whose your daddy, family,
on Southland Pr. On Saturday, Sept. Auntie Em, etc.), a “picnic with the
19, at 7 pm jom us for a fun evening POPS” type event being held at the
and bring your friends. . For $15 per Kentucky Horse Park Amphitheater
person you Will get bowling shoes and on September 12’ 5pm _ IIPm- It’s
bowl two games. There Will also be a the event of the year that you do n’t
50/50 raffle. We need to reserve lanes want to miss!
so please RSVP by Sept. 18 to Karen at We listened to you and this year
k.taylor@fewpb.net or 502 545-6355. we are combining our dinner and
. Tl . dance and will be under the stars with
Dm'ng Night away live music and entertainment, food,
therobbie Bartlett friends (old and new), and you! We’ll
Get your dancing shoes on for a m 233:1 Egg-16 lnderalt‘he starz.mt;sh
great evening of entertainment on Fri— HP W1, thofu lei: ’ ”,1, all "eh; 1e“ ’
day, October 2. We will be hosting . 111$ .t'lllre exes W egroov—
Robbie Bartlett in concert in the ball- ing e mg t away Continued pg4
room of the Four Points by Sheraton
Hotel, 1938 Stanton Way, just off . .
Newtown Pike. sQeCIal media
The dancing starts at 8 pm with
music from every decade from the 70's » f :1\ Mon—Sat 1 0—8
to the present. There will be a drag @J S 12—6
show at 9:30pm and Robbie will per- «q, u“
form at 10. There will be a cash bar, a . .‘A -
"rainbow basket" raffle, a 50/50 raffle, § & 371 S leeStone
and free snacks. Admission is $15. g 850 255—43] 6
continued on page 2 ’2 i

 we, GAY GLSO Variety Show
Viaqfl LESBIAN On Wednesday, October 14 there will be
xl’i‘ffi/ SERVICES a fabulous variety show at The Bar to
at ORGANIZATION benefit GLSO. “That 70’s Benefit Show”
Lexin ton KY will feature talented members of our com-
9 ’ munity in skits, dance, singing and more.
Incorporated as Look for more information in next
The Gay Service Organization month’s newsletter.
P.O. BOX 1172 Lex., KY 40588 HELP waNTg-D!
WWW.ng0.0rg We are in need of highly motivated
and responsible individuals who are will—
GLSO N E w: ing to help with the GLSO Variety Show
which is scheduled on October 14.
VOLUME 3] ”a, 9 We would like a few more people to
. participate in routines and skits. These
News Edltors and Staff are fun numbers with simple choreogra—
Mary Crone, Debby Hemstock Phys; fang” it! 1 “M h l , th
Lynn Mat/00k, Jackie Cobern, . mo“ PCOP e co eP m e
, _ followmg areas as well:
Glnger Moore-Mlnder, Marc . Choreography
Blevins, Judy Sutter, . Costuming
Karen Taylor and Sarah Phillips c Sales and Marketing
— Q Set Design
Office Administrator ’ Lighting
Bill Chandler : 3:; management
859-253-3233 . Vi deography
0 Audio compilations
GLSO BOARD Please contact Cary at caryky@yahoo.
Dennis Wheatley, President gigggsb; Phone at 502-227—3234 or 502'
Debby Hemstock, V. Pres. '
Jane Minder, Secretary
Ginger Moore-Minder, Treas. Yfififi §AEE
Thomas Collins . -
GLSO is planning a fall Yard Sale for
Mary Crone, GSA the weekend of Oct. 9, 10, and 11. We
l'ynn MatIOCK will begin collecting donations in mid
V'rg'ma MOfman September. Please call the Center at 859
We are currently seeking 253-3233 after Sept. 14 to arrange for
new board members .. pick up or to drop items at the sale loca-
next meeting Sept. 10, tion on Landsdown Dr. We will also
7pm at the Pride Center_ need volunteers to help organize and sell
items that weekend.
Page 2 I

 SisterSomib Imperial Court of KY
SisterSound is ready to begin a The Imperial Court of Ky present
new season. All women are welcome Project Drag Runway. The finals will
to join us, this is a non—audition cho— be at Pulse Nightlife on Sunday, Sep—
rus. Rehearsals will begin on Septem- tember 6 at 9:30. Doors open at 8:30.
ber 20 at 6 pm at the Episcopal On Wednesday, September 16,
Church of the Resurrection, 3220 join us for our annual Closet Ball.
Lexington Rd, Nicholasville (on Support individuals in our community
Nicholasville Rd 5 minutes from Fay— as they do drag on stage for the first
ette Rd on the left) time. Out of the closet, on to the
For information, contact Patti stage. It is always a hoot.
Owens (859) 806—0243 All proceeds will benefit the chari-
ties of the Imperial court.
2010 Lexington Pride Festival WWW-imperialcourtkentucky.org
Planning Committee
The Pride Festival 2010 is meeting Bluegrass Women’s Network
regularly on the third Thursday of each The Bluegrass Women's Network is a
month at 7pm at the Pride Center: 389 social group for women who identify as
Waller Ave. These meetings are primar— lesbian. Membership is free and there are no
11y for the chairs 0f the sub—committees obligations. We use a Yahoo group website
but you are welcome to attend to con— to announce and coordinate our events; it's
sider how you might want to get in- not a chat group. If you don't have access to
volved. You will make new friends and if comPuteB that's 01‘» we also have a Phone
participate in making our community ‘5" . _ . '
Visible in a positive way. Members plan a variety. of activ1ties
Y d t . 't such as brunches, potluck dinners, plays,
on are encourahge _ 0 “SI movies, parties, card games and whatever
WWW'ICX'PHde'COIP’ Whic _ W1” be up— else we manage to dream up! Members
dated With 2010 information soon..We choose those activities that are appealing to
need volunteers for all Of the various them. Our goal is to enrich our lives with
sub—committees, which include: great friendships and memories of good
Fundraising times spent together.
Marketing &Publicity To announce events and share infor-
Vendors & Linguistics' mation, the Bluegrass Women's Net-
Entertainment work has a private/hidden Yahoo group
V l t , website. It is not listed in the Yahoo Direc-
o ,lu.‘ -eers tory, and can only be accessed by group
A-ctiv1ties members. If you are interested in joining
Finances . please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/
You can also call the Pride Center group/thebluegrasswomensnetwork/ and
at 859—253-3233 for more information. apply to join. Facilitators for the BGWN
are Debby and Lynn.
Page 3

1 u st f u n cl 5 T K
justice for all rans entucky
Continued from page 1 TransKentucky meets on the first
' Saturday of each month at 7:30pm,
w1th local sound sensation Snperfecta. doors open at 7. We are a support,
Plus, don’t miss the zany antics of Lex— social, and resource group. Our mis—
ington’s very own tricked—gut march— sion is to provide a safe place for trans-
mg band, March Madness l The best gender individuals, their family and
part is that, while you’re navigating a friends.
rip—roaring good time for your table, We include cross dressers, trans-
you ll also be helping . JustFunde sexuals, gender queers, intersexuals,
bulld an endowment Wthll Wlll help and others who do not fit the standard
further the important work 0f local gender norms or who are questioning
LGBT orgamzations for years to come. their gender. Supportive allies are also
Cllfi Todd Wlll match all money we welcomed. Meetings are free and you
raise so 2““ money Wlll do. double may dress however you feel comfort—
time helping us reach our million dOl‘ able. This is not a therapy group. For
lar goal. . . info and place contact TransKen—
Make your plans now to Join us at tucky@gmail.com or, call 859—963-
this fun event. Table Captains are still 6606.
being recruited to form groups of 10,
raising $500—$1,000 per table. Cap— . _
tains will then either provide food and LBX. LyOIlS LEVI & LeathEl Club
drink for their table or decree a pot— Monday, Sept. 14 at 7 pm
”Cl“ 130“" f°rget ‘° bring the Wine Pride Center 389 Waller Ave.
and bubbly. ’
Prizes will be awarded to the most l
fabulously decorated tables, so pack nterweave
your most ,ontlandish accessories and Interweave, a group for Unitarian
enjoy! Don t have a group of 10 for a GLBTQ people and Allies, invites eve—
table? Fear not; individuals and smaller ryone to a monthly potluck after
groups can pyrchase tickets at inst- church on Sunday, Sept. 20. We are
fundky.org. (:1le on the event page for planning a series of films to be shown
“A Night Out”. You can also contact at the UU Church.
Megan at 859—281-1182 for tickets and
information. “ ,
There is still time to volunteer for [.7 Keep the love you find;
the event. Volunteers will receive a t— «7" 5911,79 loveyou want-l
shirt, free admission to the event 8L ,
dinner. This information is also on our , .
web site or contact Rachel Oskins at JESSIca Bollinger LCSW
goslginfinsightbb-Eom or 321945334 Imago Relationship Therapist
09 . ome out, ave some an
help us reach our Million Dollar goal. C Elll/lDRFTral'lm?V(ljlf)l-‘: al
Hope to see you there! . _ ouP es’mtmly’ n IV5l52u6533
Another article about InstFund on page17 lmagoconn Ion.com I
Page 4

8 pm: Dance to music from every decade
. from the 70’s to the present.
9:30 pm: Enjoyadragshow. _ ' fig; , VI/
‘ \H . " l ‘ ‘r‘
W 10 pm: Dancetothe .. with Pm'm _ "3'1
a wonderful “bone-shaking, A“. ‘(1 ) ?
hip-twitching music” of ‘\\\\\ ' a w '
.. \ '- vi ' .
, . 5w 0 . ' I .
7 r (BR-'7‘ ké‘: ' .. *
M THE FOUR POINT! '»"":_W ~ ;: ‘5‘?“
l 1 1938 Stanton Way . W __ :3
Z Just off Newtown Pike . W: *
; “Bartlett has an unusual assortment ofgifts. She has the vocal
power ofa club—toughened R&B singer and the interpretive
smarts of a cabaret stylist.” ....Marty Rosen
'V A "rainbow basket" raffle A 1 .
1 and a 50/50 raffle. l "
Wifliiiiifiiw fl Page 5 I

 Pride Gen te
Office Hours l0 to 3 M-F 389 Waller Ave. Phone 859 253'3233
What Happens Here Buddhist Discussion Group
The GLSO Pride Center is a wel— A Buddhist Discussion Group is
coming space where any organization starting at the Pride Center on Satur—
in the community can hold meetings day, Sept. 12th from 11m to
01‘ events. In August, about 20 meet— 12:30pm. You do not have to be Bud-
ings were held at the Center. We have dhist to attend. If you are curious or
found this to be quite a bit higher want to learn more, this is a good
than other LGBT Centers of compara— Place to start.
ble size. We will bring a variety of books
We sponsor a number of support/ and will copy some basic information
social groups that meet here including for People who attend. We plan to
some listed on this page" These groups include practical topics for discussion
welcome individuals who are coming such as how to improve your commu—
Ollt, 1001(ng for new friends, 01' need— nication with others. For more info,
ing a place to socialize outside the contact Jackie at jcobern@live.com or
bars. We also have people attend that 859 402—4911 or Mary at 859 266—
just love hanging out with others in 5904 or marycrone@insightbb.com
this space. There is a lot of laughter,
love, and support here- Teen Gay Straight AIIIance
We also house the Pride Library,
welcome visitors, and provide infor— The GLSO Community GSA meets
mation to “113$ Please drop by, at- every Tuesday at the Pride Center from
tend one of the groups, or Plan an 7 until 9 pm. Teens ages 15 through 20
event here. A movie night or games are welcome to attend. The Pride Cen—
night would be great. ter is located at 389 Waller Ave. We are
_ actively looking for new members as
INSIght Group well as new advisors. For info contact
Friday, September 4 at 7 pm Mary at 359 2665.904 0‘ emall‘
pot luck and a movie marycrone@1ns1ghtbb.com.
_ There are now GSAs in many, but
Prlde Center, 389 Waller Ave. not all, high schools in Lexington. If
Dana is looking f0! someone willng you need help in organizing a school
to organize an Insight get— together on GSA, would like ideas or videos to
the third Friday night 0f the month. stimulate discussions, or any other ma—
Contact him at 359 230-2428- terials, please contact Mary at the num—
bers above.
DIICUIflON GROUP For updated info
EVERY WEDNUDAY 7PM or to subscribe go to:
All Are Welcome www.glso.org
Page 6

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Page 7 ’

 Music in my Life Treating Gay
by A.R. Appel Lexington Fairness
I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Pray the gay away.
First, though, I want to tell you just what .
she means to me: Reparative therapy.
- She is full oflife, full 0f PaSSiOIl- Shock treatments/ “aversive” therapy.
— For the first time in my life, I feel like ,
I belong somewhere, even welcomed with Lobotomies.
open arms. These are the steps some doctors,
- She makes me feel complete...she does religious figures and therapists have
not judge me for having been married to taken to c_ure LGBT people of their
a man nor does she judge me for being in “disease.” It is terrible to think that
love With awoman. these methods are common and ac-
The one thing that brings us together, ceptable to many in our country and
my friend and I, is the soul—stirring love around the world. The American Psy—
for mUSiC- MY feelings for her are ab50‘ chological Association (APA) removed
lute — and nearly 40 other .women feel homosexuality from its list of mental
the same as I _do.:.I'm sure of it. illnesses in 1973, but that hasn’t

Her name '5 SisterSound. . stopped the practice of these “cures.”

I have never been With a more diverse Two years ago a six—member Task
group 0f women. Some straight, some Force on Appropriate Therapeutic
not; some are highly educated professmn— Res onses to Sexual Orientation was
als, some are factory workers...and every— P . d d h H . f
thing in between. appomte to stu y t e e ectiveness 0

We all have one thing very important rep aratiye therapies. They exan'uned
in common: our love for music. That's 83 opmions written between 1960 and
what has broughtus together. 2007. Judith M. Glassgold, who

You don't have to be a classically chaired -the taskforce, said there was
trained musician, or even know how to little ev1dence t? support th: use Of
read music. If you like to sing, and are a psychological interventions. when
woman, we ARE the group for you! We trying to alter a client 3 sexuality.
don't judge; many of us have been where So. on August 5" _2009’ decades
you are right now. after its 1973 deCiSion, the APA

I've been a musician for more than 30 adopted a resolution advising health
years. Music was my only escape as a care professionals against telling gay
kid. Escape from abuse, from pain and patients that therapy 01' other meas—
uncertainty. With music, 1 could travel ures could make them straight. It also
anywhere...and I still do. Join me - and stated that parents and guardians
all my Sisters to make this coming Con- should seek psychotherapy and educa—
cert Season a STELLAR one! We look tion in order to provide support to
forward to seeing you there! and reduce the rejection of young

Rehearsals will begin on September LGBT. This is especially important
20 at 6 PM at the Episcopal Church of since the LGBT community experi—
the Resurrection, 3220 Lexington Rd ences high suicide rates, particularly
Nicholasville (on Nicholasville Rd., 5 among its youth.
minutes from Fayette Rd., on the left). In other words, you can’t treat

For more inforization, contact Patti gay because there is nothing to cure.
Owens (359) 806 02 3- This APA resolution can t. onpg. 10
Page 8

. v ”i w ' w "W A ‘ ‘
. 3'. -;:' 33% . l
4W «4% gag » 5h .. g ,- ~ . h. * :1;
i *asli‘w ~35 i l ,4- . ‘-
5?“ mm ' ”5% if ' . g» . 25’? '
. it a; o a g l A . ,
#2., ’gfi fig n n “ a
' 3 Challenge continues
KICK-OI! l IlflfllA'I'IOI _ 5-3m.
- M. II 111, am i sew-1505mm”
7 Low‘impact aerobics
u ”m; Mall: J; «an: 1; Physical activity stations
wins}: l 3; i i a" 1.; 532:6 Specialty classes
548 E. Sixth St.
For more information. contact
Ages: 18 & older i'virirl: lilhi‘iW’m, 25:132-‘5’i72~'£E'If‘i'l,
'3 F; 73 3 ‘Q: “’i-L‘lI-J Pii'alcztau :2: 311-2332 Oi
C t: LL; ' H" , ’ . .
°5 W] Jill Clian::i,iit-‘."Jil:a<;rl, gas-gzg—‘aamz.
Sponsors: Lexington-Fayette County Health Departmentlhe 50 Million Pound Weigh Loss
mxgnmmon Challenge, LFUCG Division ofPavks and Recreation, Central Biotin Hospital, Fayette County
flglllnorom KY Diabetes Coalition, KmA (Kemky OrganDonotAfihtes) andTotal Solution.
. g f. A;
i '2
Flnduson Facebook " magi} " twittetcom/IICHD
' Page 9

 IJCX. Fall'llCSS continuedfl- page 8 disprove the lies and myths that have
is a significant gesture, even though it CXJSted for centuries. .
may not appear to be. Support from a Many religions fUEd cultures W1“
professional organization (one that is not Change the“ ppinlon about what
supposed to treat mental illness) is no they consrder a lifestyle or a ch01ce.
small matter. People will still apply the methods

For homosexuals, the fight has mentioned in the beginning, despite
never been a matter of strange fetishes the science. But whether they likeuit or
or addictions. Instead, it has been a not, as BOb Dylan 0‘3“: ”sang, The
matter of the heart, of self-acceptance times they are a:chang1n ' Organiza—
and of feeling comfortable in one’s own trons and coalitions, state and local
skin. It is disparaging that the commu- governments, colleges and unryersrues,
nity is excited about documented stud— famous and ordinary, politicians and
ies proving what we already know and actrvrsts _ they support us in droves
feel. But the APA’s opinion shows that and hke never 'before. Laws m’ay “0t
people, gay or straight, are willing to yet be on our srde, but you can t deny
publicly stand with us as we fight to that the momentum 15'

What's ouT There? cordings of gay history in honor of the
Stonewall anniversary.

The GLSO Newsletter is beginning a The Oth programming schedule
new feature that will introduce you to begins with “The Morning Jolt” with
GLBT internet sites, radio and television Larry Flick and Keith Price at 7 am.
stations, and publications. We will fea— Larry’s interviews with a wide variety
ture one new site each month. We wel- of musicians are very entertaining. At
come your ideas for future editions. 1 1 am you can hear the crazy comedy

This month we are featuring Oth of “The Frank DeCaro Show with
Radio, America’s only 24/7 GLBT radio Doria Biddle”. Frank is in New York
station. Oth is available on Sirius satel— City and Doria broadcasts from Los
lite radio (charmel 109) and XM radio Angeles. At 2 pm Michelangelo Si—
(channel 98). The on-air personalities at gnorile takes on the “twisted, per—
Oth provide news, music, and inter— verted, and insane right—wing agenda”
views for and from the GLBT commu- with hard—hitting interviews and com-
nity. One of our favorite features is the mentary. At 6 pm the mood lightens
gay news at the top of every hour. with the exuberance and fun of “The

You say you don’t subscribe to satel- Derek and Romaine Show”, featuring
lite radio? There are still plenty of free— Derek Hartley and Romaine Patter—
bies to look at online. Simply go to son. Overnight programming reruns
www.5iriusoutq.com and enjoy the re— the day’s shows.
corded news reports or explore the web- If you are already an Oth fan,
sites and MySpace pages of the Oth you can also follow them on Twitter at
personalities. Right now, Oth’s web— Oth Radio. Until next time...that’s
site is featuring forty l—minute re— what’s OUT there!

Page 10

 .e GLSO Bowling Fund-raiser
3 Saturday, September 19 7 pm
: Southland Bowling Lanes
: $15—2 games 8:: shoes
't By sept° 18 V i V" :7 l ., ‘mwfly j
To Karen at: t 3 \3.)
.e K.Taylor@fewpb.net 1‘ ‘ .. 3211512
3 or 502 545-6355 ; _ V
h ' ,
*3 94m ' " l M
f; " Thai 7 0'5 Benefit Show" ‘9
E Wednesday, October 14 i V
‘5 At The Bar ,3; I.
is; Skits Songs Acts Dance i
Directed by Gary Suddeth (AKA: Jennifer Grant
_ Page 11

 Spotlight on the Beautiful People...
. . . by Helena Handbasket “ASW

This column shines the spotlight we; as Wi.‘ ,
on people in the community who de— ”W m ‘,
serve recognition. Beauty is not always a w V.
skin deep and these “beautiful people” ' A. #3; if;
either devote their time and energy to a tour of My Fair .., ”is
worthy cause or just plain make our Lady. Prior to ir’é ‘... '1
lives better by entertaining us. Either that, he had trav- _ ' - 7 ,
way, it is time that they are recognized eled the country i: '
for their talents and efforts. working as a professional actor.

Our September honor shines the Wes has been with his partner,
spotlight on H'M'LM' Emperor 28 0f Bobby Carver for 3 1/2 years. They met
Kentucky, W35 Nelson (full name: while he was living in Lexington for a
Wesley Dean Nelson), from a any short amount of time. Bobby was his
““17“ m 1:53.5th KY called Banner, waiter at a local restaurant. “I couldn’t
YVhJCh ‘5 basrcally only a town because have ordered anything better!” Wes
It has a P0“. office: For those 0f .Yolu told me. What Wes finds most attrac—
who are famtliar Wlth Eastern KY, 1t 15 tive is a man who is honest and has the
tucked between Prestonsburg and ability to make him laugh (you go,
Pikevtlle. . Bobby). They have two pets, Spartacus

Wes moved to Lenngton _2 1/2 8C Isabelle and they are both dogs that
years ago after completing a national they have rescued from local shelters.

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Page 12

 “As Emperor 23 of Kentucky, I I, of course, love to sing anything mu-
am honored to not only serve the Im— sical theatre.”
perial Court of KY but also the people Wes continues, “My most embar—
of my community. It is amazing to be rassing moment on stage was while
part of an organization whose sole playing the role 0f Bi“ Calhoun in a
purpose is to raise funds for the chari- production 0f “Kiss Me Kate”. While
ties of this area. It is my goal for the dancing in the number, “T00 Darn
next year to raise the bar. I want to Hm” I managed to break a fellow
encourage the members of both the dancer’s nose 0“ stage. To her amaz-
Court and the community to join to— ing talent and credit, she completed
gether in one voice and show what a the number while swallowing the
difference we can make.” blood. Eww! What a trooper!”

“I am extremely excited about one Favorites: favorite colors are
of my first big projects as Emperor. I black 8‘ white (they are classic). Fa—
am currently directing a production of vorite movie is a three way tie between
“The Laramie Project.” This will be a Clue, Addams Family Values, and
fundraising and educational outreach Steel Magnolias. Favorite TV show: “1
project during the month of October. am a sucker for Interior Design reality
We are presenting this piece in honor TV shows. My daytime career is
of the International Court System’s working as a Designer, 50 those shows
recent partnership with the Matthew help to fuel my passion.”

Shepard Foundation. We will open Favorite actor or actress: “I am a
the show at Natasha’s Bistro 8: Bar on huge fan 0f Kate Winslet, Kate
October 4‘“ for two performances. Blanchett, and Laura Linney and my
Following that we will be tour— dream vacation would be spending a
ing the production to Eastern Ken— romantic week in New York With my
tucky University and Morehead State husband.”
University. In the past the majority of “I strive to make the world a bet—
our events have been held in locations ter place by encouraging people to
where we cannot reach to the young care about each other. It may sound
People of our community. It is my simple, but I believe there is strength
hope that by taking this production to in simplicity. Sometimes the smallest
the universities, we can show the action can make the greatest differ—
young GLBT community that there ence.”
are people who care and are here to
support them. All proceeds from the ”M If there is someone in the
production will go to the charities of community who you feel deserves to
the Imperial Court and The Matthew be honored in this column, please
Shepard Foundation.” send your request to Advicefrom—

“I performed in my first profes- Helena@aol.com and let’s be myspace
sional show when I was 13 years old. friends. L°°k me up at httP‘”
Since then, I have been lucky enough www.myspace.com/helenah
to perform in Kentucky, Texas, Geor-
gia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Illinois,

Michigan, Nevada, Colorado, Califor—

nia, Washington, New Mexico, Ari-

zona, Kansas, Florida, and New York.

Page 13

 \‘vj ‘ V . _. Festival T-Shirts
\‘ W \ / \‘ U Still Available
ONLY $5 including
_ f free Wristband
Sizes 3X ...to small GI
.. 1;. My; Wm! <———_———'—-’ T'— G]
Shop online: www.lexpride.com. To avoid the shipping and han— 2"
dling charge, come to the Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave., and find
one that fits you. Call 859-253-3233 to be sure we are open. g:
In _ I B(
enhlolosnlanresllllal M
The Ohio Lesbian Festival is cele— Frontier Ranch is rustic, comfort— A
brating it's 20th Anniversary on Sep— able and private. There is a covered i
tember 19 —20 and you are invited to seating area for 700 in front of the stage Le
attend. The festival takes place at but you may wish to bring along lawn W
Frontier Ranch, east of Columbus, chairs or blankets since seating fills up U
Ohio off of 1-70. quickly. There is plenty of available H
Advance $60 Tickets are avail— space on the hill and around the cov— K
able on line and at the Pride Cen- ered area. There is a lodge with picnic L<
ter. See www.0hiolba.org. They tables and flush toilets, port—a—janes H
charge a $3 handling fee per group of (including differently—abled accessible), C
tickets ordered. The Center accepts a food concession, and large grassy ar- U
only cash for tickets. Advance tickets: eas for sports and workshops.
Saturday only $40 The gates open at 11 am for general Li
Weekend $60 festi—goers. Festival hours are: Saturday N
Cost at the Gate: 11 am to 2 am. The night stage will end M
Saturday only $45 at 11 pm, but the after party will start Q
Weekend $65 then and continue until 2 am. Sunday A
Senior / Student at gate with I.D 10 am - 2 pm. The merchant area will A
Saturday $40 be open for sales from 11 am to 10:00 3
Weekend $60 pm Saturday 8: 10 am - 2 pm Sunday. F.
This year’s performers include “This is a not—for—profit event de— S
Chris Williamson, Jamie Anderson, signed to promote womyn's economy, I:
God-des and She, Alix Olson, Pamela community, and art. This Festival was L.
Means, Nedra Johnson, and more. founded on the premise that lesbian L‘
There will also be a variety of work— and queer womyn need opportunities L‘
. . Li
shops and a merchant area. Chlld- and spaces to recognize and support L‘
care will be available and children each other, to define our culture, to 1V
under 13 are admitted free. find our own strengths, and to be em—
Page 14
” _i, ,

 * Have emails or websites J
GLSO Board: PFLAG Louisville * ...................502-329-0229
GLSO Pride Center *(Bill) ..............859-253-3233 Rainbow League*........................859—420-6398
GLSO Board President*...........Dennis Wheatley United Way (Ask Us)...-..221 or 859 313-5465
Contact number................859—253—3233 SisterSound (Patti).....................859—806-0243
Discussion Group (Bin) ..............859-253—3233 TransKentucky.............................859—963-6606
GLSO News (Mary) .....................859—266—5904 24 hr. Crisis Line ................1-800-928-8000
Subscriptions.................859-253-3233 24 hr. Teen Crisis Line ......1-800—999-9999
GSA —teens (Mary) ...................859-266—5904 Religious Grougs:
Speakers’ Bureau (Mary)...........859-266-5904 Interweave (Unitarian—Mary).859-266-5904
Student Groups:* Integrity (Episcopal—David) ...859-396—9691
Berea College ACE (Ryan) ........859-985—3633 Lexington Friends (QuakerS)-859-254-3319
Centre College (BGLA (Myko|)) 859-238-5332 MCC Paducah (Rev. Lillian) ..270—443-3339
Morehead State Unlv. (Ned) .....606-783-2294 * Email &Website Addresses:
SEESUEE aiiufii A||n(Mtt)I§3§g-?3§gjiéi GLSO Pres. ......dennisjwheatley@gmail.Com
y r g la ce .a " GLSO/Pride Center Website.. www.g|so.org
”W9; Pride Center ..........lexingtonglso@yahoo.com
Jessamine County .......................859—885-4149 Bluegrass Women’s Network.......................
Lexington, Fayette County .......859-288-2437 thebluegrasswomensnetworkowner
WOOdfOl‘d County ........................859-873-4541 @yahoogroups_com
U-K. Adolescent Medicine ..........859-323-5643 Lexington Fairness................www.lexfair.org
HIV [AIDS Info [Services: Lexington Pride Festival.........wvvaexpridecom
AVOL (AIDS Volunteers Inc )* 859-225-3000 Emall...................lexpnde@gmal|.com
. ' ' ' Lyons Leather/Levi Club ...www.lex|yons.org
Lexmgton Health Dept. ..............859—288-2437 AVOL www avolk
. . y.org
HIV/AIDS Legal PFOJeCt .............502-584-1254 . .
Cumberland Region (SEKY—Pat) 606-864-3776 M°°“Sh'”e Bears 0f KY 0”“) .
.888-425—7282 ...........www.moonshlnebears.com
OUTsource ....susanmatsubara@yahoo.com
Lex. S.T.O.P. Program (Jeff) UK Ga Strai ht Alliance
..............859—254-3469 x 230 y 9
Louisville Region 502-574—0161 ..........matthew.hufford@uky.edu
PFLAG Lou. .....pflaglouisville@yahoo.com
Northern Kentucky Reglon ........859-341—4264 .
Moveable Feast Lex (Terry) 859—252—2867 Ralnbow League...morgan@morganfry.com
" TransKentucky ........TransKentucky@gmail.com
W KY Pagan Forum ...http://go.to/kypaganforum/
Alcoholics Anonymous (Ron) ....859-967-9960 United Sister Circle Alliance
Al-Anon / Al—Teen (Office) ........859-277—1877 ........www.unitedsisters.org
Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S. (Morris) ...859-225-9169
Council for Peace & Justice 859-255—6999 .
Fairness of Louisville ................502-893-0788 GLSO News Deadline
Social Services (formerly First Link).......... 211
Internat. Gay Bowling (Steve)