xt7d7w675k4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w675k4f/data/mets.xml South Carolina United States. Works Progress Administration 1936 p. 3801-3842, 1 leaf (folded) ; 27 cm. Other contributors: Lowe, Robert C. (Robert Chapin), 1907-. At the head of title: Works Progress Administration. Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator. Corrington Gill, Assistant Administrator. Howard B. Meyers, Director, Social Research Division. This bulletin is one of a series intended to present in abstract form the public welfare provisions of the laws of each of the states. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number  Y 3.W 89/2:35/So 8c. books  English [Washington] : Works Progress Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. South Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of South Carolina text Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of South Carolina 1936 1936 2015 true xt7d7w675k4f section xt7d7w675k4f '§ VERSITY OF KENTUCKY   V
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 g { South Carolina 5801
  i Poon mmm?
g [ (a) Description of class
’ I
I 1
5 i Those inhabitants who by reason of age, infirmities, and
i ' misfortune may have a claim upon the sympathy and aid of society. lf
§ (b) Procedure for determining eligibility
l. There are no procedural steps written up in the code,
5 but the inference is that the County Com issioners, acting as overseers
,‘ of the poor, must pass upon questions of eligibility. gf
gi (c) Measure of responsibility
,‘ Care in the county poorhouse and farm. §/
Q4 f Burial expenses. 4/
J’ I (d) Qualifications imposed
d i Legal residence in the county or city furnishing aid. §/
 .. X _ Any person over the age of 2l years, being a citizen of this or any
‘ _ 4 · other of the United States, who has lived for 3 successive years in
Zw any county. and who has during that time maintained himself and family,
Q is held to have acquired a legal settlement therein. 6/ hhrried women
y take the settlement of their husbands if within the State; otherwise
Q settlement is not lost or suspended by the marriage. Zf legitimate
{ children take settlement of their father if he is within the State,
? otherwise take that of their mother. Illegitimate children take the
y settlement of their mother at the time of their birth if she then had
` one within the State. aj
ii l. Constitution (l895), Art. l2, Sec. 3.
Q 2. Code (1952), Sec. 4966, 4977.
, 5. Ibid, Sec. 4966.
J 4. Ibid, Sec. 4968.
f 5. Ibid, Sec. 4967.
_. f 6. Ibid, see. 4967 (4)..
; 7. Ibid, Sec. 4967 {I).
  e-. ibid, sec. 4967 (2), (5).
.* _
ii z
E §_

 ggog South Carolina - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions § E
5 §
PCCR RLLIEF (Cont'd) , E
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility Q    
:~ i
iu! A
Expenses for caring for the poor must be borne by each lg4 g
county. 2/ The county authorities of Charleston and Columbia must y §
provide for care of the poor, within the limits of their respective Q §
cities. 10/  
(f) Taxes `;* g
County: General property tax. 2/ L §
Cities of Charleston and Columbia excepted from payment of V? f
general poor taxes levied by the Boards of Com issioners of Charleston ¥Q f
· and Richland Counties, provided that the authorities of these cities Q j
make adequate provisions for the support of their poor. 10/ IL e
(g) Administrative agencies T 7
Board of County Commissioners. ll/ if  I.
(h) Supervisory controls ‘4 j
State Board of Public Welfare. l2/ td 5
i { F
9. Code (l952), Sec. 4974. r g
The County Supervisors or Com issioners of the several counties ‘ Q
are required to pay out of the county fund $l5 per month to the Carlyle Z
Courtney Home for support and maintenance of each child committed there _ liip f
by the probate court, circuit court, or recorder of any municipal court _j C
of any county in the State. Ibid, Sec. 4976. it J ' ··
· There is no reference to the Carlyle Courtney Home in the statutes Q ,
other than that given here. It is inferred that this is a private . L
institution caring for orphan children. y j
l0. Code (l962), Sec. 4977. L
ll. Constitution (lB95), Art. 2, Sec. 6. _ Q
Aiken County: Committee appointed by the Governor to oversee H
the poor. Ibid, Sec. 4975. [
Charleston and Columbia: City authorities control poor relief. g
Ibii, Sec. 4977. ` ?
l2. Code (l@32), Sec. 2000; State Board of Public Welfare has power p j
to visit and inspect county almshouses. Ibid, Sec. 2002; State _ g
Board of Public Welfare must pass upon plans for new jails and g
fi,lt·‘i;iiini;:»;=s. V  
zs 5 ii
.v gl
,, {
I i
, L g

 i South Carolina — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 3805
g . “""""" ' '
  • ` "
§ (a) Description of class
E Any child under the age of IS years who is destitute or
§ , homeless or is a beggar, or whose home, by reason of immoral or
Q i vicious surroundings, is an unfit place for such child; or any child
E { who is being required to work contrary to law, or in an unreasonable
{ degree, in consideration of the conditions and circumstances of the
g parents, or person with whom it resides. l/
_§ , (b) Procedure for determining eligibility
,; I Whenever a petition is presented to the probate court
*, ) supported by affidavits either on knowledge or on information and
¥_ ) belief that a child within its jurisdiction under the age of IB is
.Y destitute, neglected, or dependent, the probate judge must issue a
%Y summons to the child and its parents or person with whom it resides
*· to show cause why the supervision, care, or custody of the child
*f should not be assumed by the court. l/
,* ) The probate court has power to summon before it any
U, ) witnesses necessary for a proper investigation and determination of
~; f the allegations of the petition. 2/
y` l In case it is found necessary to apply remedies beyond
i l Q the constitutional powers of the probate court, the court must certify
gf the fact to the court of common pleas, or the court of general
§» sessions, as the case may require, to act upon the same, and apply
}· such remedies as are lawful and right. §/
t If at any time the court should find that the custody
G, of the child should be taken from the parents or person with whom it
Qi resides, it may bind over said child to some orphan asylum or other
l institution for the care of children, or to some responsible person
, or persons. 4/
it The Children's Bureau is authorized tc place out in free
°4 family homes for adoption destitute, delinquent, neglected and
,Q dependent children committed to its care. §/
;' The Children's Bureau in placing out destitute, dependent,
·; or delinquent children in private families must safeguard the welfare
]‘ of each child by a thorough investigation of each applicant, the home
qv and its environment, and must personally and adequately supervise each
vp child until the child receives legal adoption or attains legal age. gf
§ l. Code (1952), Sec. 243. 4. Ibid, Sec. 247.
g 2. Ibid, Sec. 244. 5. Ibid, Sec. 4989. .
{ 3. Ibid, Sec. 245. 5. Ibid, Sec. 4990.
  I   I if A o   c o   o · A ~— -44.4   aaaaaa   r
@ 2 »
é :
§ E

 5394 south Carolina — Li jeet m' Public Welfare Provisions  
(0) I.»Zea:;iire*;d_i;M£Esxonq;ibility  
Care ii; oiyyigaxis Lioines   and private families. §/  
(d)  ua li 1i‘ioa,ti»;_i_i_.i_ Airnyosed  
The child mist `Ln; under 18 years of age, and must be i
destitute, dependent, neggiecteu or delinquent. 9/  
(e) Incide:ce__i£4__;i_nancial responsibility  Q
County: mist pay to the Carlisle Courtney Home $15 i ,
( per month for each orphapc lfy  I
State; State institutions. 11/  
(f ) Taxes  
County: *}enera.=. property tax. 10/  
State; C·.¤z;¤··‘·i—ji property tax. 11/ f 
(g) Adn1i1ii:»t£a_t_i;EL agencies  
County; Probate courts. 12/ Q - Q Q
State; C1iiluren'e Bureau. 15/  .4, 
(h) Sur»;1·visor·L__i·;nitrols i t
CliiLdi·en’:, Bureau. 14/  
'7. Code (l9l€2), See. fJ—i’?',and 4989. 11. Ibid, Sec. 4989. i f
  Ibid,   4989, 499Li, and 4992. 12. Ibid, Sec. 243. ; 
9. Ibid, 5:4:. Q4-L5, and 4992. 15. Ibid, Sec. 4992. ` ,
IC. ibm,   49Ye. l4. Ibid, Sec. 4990.  
.  5
E 2
§‘ li

 i South Carolina — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 3305
§ `I (a) Description of class
{ Any soldier or sailor, a bona fide resident of the State
Q for 2 years, who served in the army or navy of the Confederate States,
{ or who performed actual service in the State Militia, and who did not
g desert the service of the State of South Carolina or of the Confederate
Q States, or the widow of such soldier, sailor or militiaman, provided
E she was living with her husband as his faithful wife at the time of his
p death, and provided that any widow not living with her husband at time
§ of his death is entitled to a pension in the event she can prove that
° her not living with him was due to no fault of hers, and provided,
E further, that all widows of Confederate veterans were married to such
* veterans lO years prior to the death of the latter. l/
Y Indigent widows, sisters, and wives are eligible for
i admission to the Confederate Home. 2/
A Indigent widows and spinster daughters of Confederate
I veterans who were born prior to the year l865 are eligible to admission
Y; to the Confederate Home. 5/
f Such.Negroes as were engaged for at least 6 months in the
{ service of the State in the war between the States as body servants or
3 male camp cooks on the side of the Confederacy, and proved faithful
3 throughout the war, and whose conduct since then has been commendable,
ja Q. are entitled to receive a pension. 4/
5 (b) Procedure_fpr determining eligibilipy
 .· j Admittance_to Confederate Home;
[ Application must be filed wizh the Commission of the Home,
,f requesting such admittance. It must be approved by the probate judge
y of his county with a certificate attached thereto that the applicant's
i name appears on the honor roll of that county. Investigation may be
Q had into the case of any soldier improperly placed on the roll of honor
Q by the probate judge. pj
H Pensions;
L All veterans, widows and others eligible for relief
if constitute a county roll of honor. Qf All applications for enrollment
Yh from year to year must oe made to the Board of Isnrr in the county in
_j which the applicant resides. 2/ The decisicn of the County Board of
b Honor in granting or refusing enrollment is final. 8/
Q l. Code (l952), Sec. 4982.
% 2. Ibid, Sec. 2244 (2).
f 5. Acts (l952F, #855, as amended by Acts {l%55), #275, P. 586. ·
g 4. Code (l952), Sec. 4985.
gv Q 5. Ibid, Sec. 2245.
p 6. Ibid, Sec. 4978.
3 7. Ibid, Sec. 4980.
§ 8. Ibid, Sec. 498l.
’    will
·t v_
é F

 3806 South Carolina — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions E i
(c) Measure of responsibility {
Pensions: Q l  
· A
Confederate veterans receive cash pensions of $240 Q A
per annum. 9/ g {
Widows over 55 years of age receive $160 per annum; all g
widows between 45 and 55 years of age receive $125 per annum. 2/ g »
Any pensioner entering the Confederate Home is limited U é
to $50. 10/ ,l
Additional pensions of $125 per year are paid to veterans Q
V of Fairfield County. 11/ g
Additional pensions of $100 per year are paid to veterans 5
of Williamsburg County. 12/ ¤
Care of indigent Confederate veterans, their wives, Y
widows and spinster daughters in the Confederate Home. 13/ A ,
One pension after the death of a pensioner is paid to the C 1
party defraying the funeral expenses. 14/ » y (
V   I
Properly qualified Negroes receive not more than $25  .f Q
per year. 15/ _ ‘{
(d) Qualifications imposed ·  
Applicant must be a resident of the State for 2 years. 10/ y
For admission to the Home, applicant must be 70 years of age or over.16/ ·{
Fairfield County: Applicant must have 10 years' residence if
and must be receiving a pension from the State. 11/ p
Williamsburg County: Applicant must be duly passed on by zi
the Board of Honor, thus receiving a State Pension. 12/ ff
1 Negroes must have served from the State of South Carolina 2
and must now be residents of the State. 15/ {
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility Q
State: Appropriation each year for payment of pensions 14/, W
and upkeep of Confederate Home. 16/ _
Fairfield and Williamsburg Counties must finance the 1
additional pensions allowed by them. 17/ g
ff I
9. Code (1932), Sec. 4986. 14; Code (1932), Sec. 4979. - {
10. Ibid, Sec. 4982. 15. Ibid, Sec. 4983. ll Q
11. Ibid, Sec. 4988 (1). 18. Ibid, Sec. 2244 (2). g
12. Ibid, Sec. 4988 (2). 17. Ibid, Sec. 4988 (1) and y
  Acts (ieee), #858 and (2).  
esac (1932), Sec. 2245. { p
5 .
y .

 ; § South Carolina - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 3807
2 g '
Q (f) Taxes
gg ~( ""'"'
5 " State: General fund derived from general property
` Qi t*—‘~X· }§/
  ` V
Q I Fairfield County: General property tax not to exceed
5 s
i I one-fourth mill. 12/
g ) Williamsburg County: General property tax sufficient
g “ to raise necessary amount. 20/
§ ( (g) Administrative agencies
I. Board of Honor. Elf
if Com ission for the Confederate Home. 22/
2 (h) Supervisory controls
l » No provision.
{ C l)
, 1 1
, x‘ \
C 18. Code (1932), Sec. 2244 (1) and 4986.
j 19. Ibid, Sec. 4988 (1)
.  20. Ibid, ssc. 49ss (2).
y 21. Ibid, Sec. 4981.
_  22. ibid, sec. 2244 (1).

 5808 South Carolina 2 C
*   {
ei {
(Statutory Body) g
I. General Powers and Duties g
(l) The Board must appoint a superintendent for the State Indus- 2
trial School for White Boys, a superintendent for the State Industrial `
School for White Girls, a warden for the State Reformatory for Negro Boys I/, _
and a superintendent for the State Training School, and must authorise i
( the appointment of subordinate staffs, 2/ d
(2) The Board must visit, inspect and examine State, county, muni- Q
cipal and private institutions which are of an eleemosynary, charitable, _ ,
correctional or refonnatory character, or which are for the care, custody ,‘‘_ 
or training of the defective, depenient, delinquent or criminal classes. 2/ —` ·
In  I
(5) The Board must inspect and report upon the workings and `, _
results of chartered institutions and associations engaged in the care q i
and protection of homeless, dependent, defective and delinquent children dr I
or adults. 2/ I Yt
(4) The Board must cause to be distributed among officials of · ,3 { l
institutions dealing with dependent, delinquent and defective classes, · E ,
educational literature with a view to increasing their efficiency and Q
bringing the institutions up to a high and modern standard. gf ;)
(5) The Board must pass upon plans for new jails, reformatories 'Q
and almshouses and make reasonable SHG proper suggestions and recomienda-  
tions. 2/ ¢ *
(6) The Board must appoint local conmittees of visitors in each L
county or city. §/ E
(7) The Board must collect, corpile rnd publish statistics, Q
regarding the dependent, defective and delinquent classes, both in and {  ", 
out of institutions within the State, and such other data as may be of , col 
value. §/ ;
l. Code (IQSS), see Sec. 2022, designating this reforuatory the John G. Y
Richards Industrial Training School for Negro Boys, and placing it under S
the managenont and control of thc Boari of Directors of the State Peni- {
tentiary and providing for its maintenance out of the earnings of the §
State Penitentiary. i
2. Code (IQSE), Sec. l996, scc "h1ecut€;¤“ under "State Training School", § _
p. seize. ( it Q
T5. Code (l9§‘Z;), Sec. ZQOOO. ·  
4. Ibiu, Sec. SOO?. {
5. Ibid, Lien`. BOOL?. g
6. Ibid, Sec. LOCA. i
i` M
{ ! z
~ E ?
i i

 é { South Carolina — Abstract of Administrative Provisions 3809
E I. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd)
g `\
§ " (8) The Board has power to make special investigations
i , at the request of the Governor. 2/
a I
¢ I
5 { (9) The Board must investigate the financial condition
g I of inmates and applicants for admission to State hospitals. §/
g I II. Composition and Appointment of Governing Body
g The Board consists of the Governor, ex officio, who
2 is Chairman, and 6 members, appointed by the Governor with the advice
` and consent of the Senate, for 6—year rotating terms. Members may be
_ removed for cause or automatically by absence from 2 successive meet-
C ings of Board unless excused. The appointive members of the Board
d receive no compensation except actual expenses. 9/
if III. Reports
h ,i·_  I The Board must make an annual report to the Governor,
·` · stating in detail all expenses incurred, all officers and agents
Qi | employed and show the actual condition, care of inmates and other
I, I pertinent matters with such recommendations as may be deemed proper to
—` I be submitted to the General Assembly. The Board must report once a
l ¤, I month to State Board of Health on all matters that are under its
I F‘ jurisdiction. lQ/
  { ` IV. Executive
5 The Board appoints a secretary at a salary of $3,500
,Q a year, who is the executive officer of the Board. ll/
  v. starr
·t One assistant agent may be employed to make financial
A investigations. l2/
il VI. iFinancial Provisions
y No provision. 15/
] Y  
Q 7. Code (l952), Sec. 2006.
, 8. Ibid, Sec. 2007.
g 9. Ibid, Sec. l995, 1998.
Q IO. Ibid, Sec. 2005.
§ ll. Ibid, Sec. l996.
g l2. Ibid, Sec. 20l2.
% IB. Session Laws for last 20 years do not list an appropriation.
y   Q
2 is
J ! z
t s

 3BlO South Carolina - Abstract of Administrative Provisions Q Y
Q ;
(Statutory Bodies) E I
I. General Powers and Duties § l
(a) Superintendents g
The Superintendents are required to furnish the Board g
such information as it may require; and also to allow the Board or its ·
agent full access to all inmates and departments of the schools at any ?
time. l/ *
1. cena (isdn), sac. 2000. g
Commitment to State Industrial School for Boys: White boys between ,
8 and l7 years of age may be voluntarily committed to the institution by »‘_ `
their parents or guardians, or those having no parent or guardian may Al q *
commit themselves; provided, that when boys are committed otherwise than f l
upon a conviction of a crime, the warrant of conviction is not valid until l. l
approved and indorsed in writing by a judge of the circuit, probate, or 1 J
county court, after a careful investigation; provided that the Board of J I
Public Welfare may require the payment of reasonable sums to provide for f
the maintenance and tuition of the boys voluntarily com itted. Code (l9S2), I ¢
Sec. 20l6. ui · {
Any boy committed to the institution must be kept there until he `. p
reaches the age of El unless sooner dismissed by the Board of Public Welfare Q
upon recommendation of the Superintendent. From the time of the lawful Q
reception of any boy into the institution and during his stay therein,the E
institution has the exclusive care, custody, and control of the hoy, and B
the Board of Public Welfare must have the boy instructed in such branches Q
of useful knowledge as may be suited to his years and capacity and must °
have him taught a trade by which he may earn an honest living. Code V
(IQBQ), Sec. BOIB. A
When any boy between S and IV Years old is indicted for any crime, N
before he is tried, by consent of his parents or guardian, the judge or
magistrate before whom he is indicted may commit the boy to the Industrial Q
School fir training and education, or after the trial and conviction in I
lieu of sentence for punishment of such crime, the judge or magistrate may .
commit such boy to the Industrial School. Code (1952), Sec. 20l7. j
Commitment to the Industrial School for Girls: A petition is filed j
with`thE_5FGBEtE—jHdEE—ET— e person stating the »
name and address of the girl and her parents or guardians; and stating the Y
charge to be placed against the girl. The judge may dispose of the case I
as he thinks best. The accused girl may demand trial by a jury composed {
of 6 persons, If found guilty she may either be sent to the Industrial Q
School or put on probation, provided that upon violation of such probation %
the girl must be sent to the Industrial School. Code (l9Z2), Sec. 2029b, t
No porsin under IO or over IB years old may be committed to the    
Industrial School for Girls. Acts (IQBS), Page 527. l. 3
All c»mnitm nts must be for en indeterminate period not to extend i
beyond th~ njo of Sl years of the person committed. Code (IQE2), Sec. §
HOB?. (Footnote Forwarded) i
é a
t i
é 2

 § Y South Carolina — Abstract of Administrative Provisions 38ll
§ · `“""`"""""`
    I. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd)
§ (b) Board of Public Welfare
a 7
E I The schools are directly under the management of
g I the State Board of Public Welfare. 2/
if }
§ i II. Composition and Appointment of Governing Body
lg I
é _ See "Composition and Appointment of Governing Body"
g under "State Board of Public Welfare".
. III. Reports
Q The Superintendents must report quarterly to the
-, State Board of Public Welfare. §/
g* IV, Executive
B The Superintendents are appointed by the Board to
;Q [ serve at its pleasure. gf No provision for their compensation.
s' I
“ I
j l V. Staff
Q I The Superintendents are authorized by the Board of
,s Public Welfare to appoint such officers and employees to serve under
v _ {   them as may be necessary. Q No provision for their compensation.
f VI. Financial Provisions
Q The Schools are financed by appropriations from the
Q State general fund. Qf
W Footnote # l (Cont'd)
{ The court has the power to commit any girl between the ages of l0
f and l8 years, who is convicted of a crime punishable by confinement in
y the State Penitentiary, or in a county jail, to the Industrial School,
{ if, in its opinion, it is for the best interests of the girl. Acts
; (l955), Page 527 and Code (l932), Sec. 2030.
~ 2. Code (l952), Sec. 20l5, 2026.
f 3. Ibid, Sec. 200l.
jj 4. Ibid, Sec. l996.
j· 5. Ibid, Sec. 2019.
A The Board may in its discretion require the payment of reasonable
T sums to provide for maintenance and tuition from parents or guardians
’; of boys voluntarily committed, if they are able to pay. Code (l952),
Q Sec. ?0l6.
{ gl
E   n o
I li  
a i

 5812 South Carolina — Abstract of Administrative Provisions g Z
VI. Financial Provisions (Cont'd) lt, § I
Amount of Appropriation: { I
The sum of $65,000 is appropriated to the Industrial § —
School for Boys for the period from July 1, 1955 to June 50, 1956. Qf i i
#‘ .
The sum of $15,000 is appropriated for the Industrial i
School for Girls for the period from July 1, 1955 to June 50, 1956. gf g
Limitation of Funds: N
No provision for use other than for operation of I
, the schools. I
 `·  lv
;‘ I
‘1 I
 j  I
6. Acts (1955), Page 527. §
O i.
I ! z
E {
‘ § Q

 Q I South Carolina — Abstract of Administrative Provisions 3815
  Q T?;~.I-·~,IY~!3 SCEOOL EUR Jo aa BMS lf
§· I (Statutory Body)
* I Y ..
i i I. General Powers and Juties
A  ` H. ,, . .
g. (a) Board of uirectors of State Penitentiary
X - . . , . l .
g (l) The Boar; of Directors an; Superintendent of the
*` State Penitentiary are authorized and required to set apart so much
I of the State fann in Lexington County as may be necessary for a
I reformatory, exclusively for colored boys. lf
`I (2) The Board must provide sxitahle buildings and
f' stockade for the safekeeping and comfort of persons sentenced to the
`4 School. I/
t· Y (b) Superintendent of State Penitentiarv
I y Superintendent must provide for the instruction of
5 J the inmates in morals as well as in useful labor. lf
gi I Ic) Warden
S _   Q The discipline in the prison must be reformatory
j* and the Warden has power to use such means of reformation, consistent
f” with the improvement of the inmates, as may be prescribed by the
li Board of Directors and Superintendent of State Penitentiary. l/
iX II. Composition and Aonointment of Governin; Body
_Q See "Composition and Appointment of Governing
,I Body" under "Board of Directors of State Penitentiar;".
., l. Code (l9S2), Sec. 2021,
A The chaplain of the St te Penitentiary holds services at the reformatory
‘H in Lexington County. Code IIQBEI, Sec. l?7E.
Q Commitment: The Superintendent of the State Penitentiary must place
.f in the reformatory all Yale criminals, other than white boys, under l6 years
.b of age, who are legally sentenced to the reformatory on conviction of any
_] criminal offense in any court havin; jurisdiction thereof and punishable
1 by imprisonment in State Penitentiarv.
3 The present laws governing commitment of toys to the School, the control
Q of the bovs so committed and their parole, applies to the John G. Richards
§ Industrial School for Ferro Boys. Code Iliff}, Sec. 2022.
i o  __ .
I i E
E i
y 3

 ZBI4 South Carolina — Abstract of Administrative Provisions g
111. R wg  
Executive of any State institution must report § 2
quarterly to the State Board of Public Welfare. 2/ 4% ;
g ‘
IV. Executive é {
’ I
The Warden is appointed by the Superintendent of i {
the State Penitentiary. He must have had practical experience and $
possess the ability and qualifications necessary to successfully carry i
on the industries of the reformatory, and to enforce and maintain é
proper discipline. The Superintendent may remove him at will. QM .“
The Warden's salary is paid out of the profits of :
the State Penitentiary. Qf V
v. starr  
No provision. {1 I
VI. Financial Provisions · gt
The School is financed out of the profits of the i
State Penitentiary. Qf ft
•   ’ •
4   A
2. Code (l952), Sec. 200l. N
5. Ibid, Sec. 202l. y
D g 9
x :
t é

 g _ South Carolina — Abstract of Administrative Provisions $315
E  - ‘"` `
  1 V
Q ; (Statutory Body)
A ‘
  [ .
g , I. General Powers and Duties
sr 1 "'“"`“`_"""
g ( (a) Board of Directors:
g (l) The Board of Directors has general supervision of the
Q Penitentiary, its inmates, property, etc., and must meet at least once a
·` month upon call of the Governor. lf
? (2) The Board must examine and inquire into all matters
if connected with the discipline of the Prison, and the work being done
`» therein. if
I (5) The Board must require reports from the Superintendent
2_ or keeper in relation to discipline, and progress of the work, etc. lf
ig ( (4) The Board must make general regulations for the govern-
*= · ment of the Prison, or may modify regulations made by the Superintendent. lf
(Q ( (5) The Board must inquire into the conduct of the Superin-
‘i ( tendent, keeper, and other officers of the Prison in case of complaints. lf
q. r if (6) The Board nmst keep regular minutes of its meetings and
ki proceedings at the Prison, which minutes must be signed by the directors
2 land entered in a minute book kept at the Prison. lf
ii (7) The Board must prescribe the articles of food and quanti-
Y. ties of each kind that are ordered by contract for the supply of provisions
. to the Prison. lf
qi (8) The Board may recommend executive clemency for certain
i prisoners. lf
(T (9) The Board and the Superintendent of the Penitentiary have
;, the power to make rules and regulations for the government of the John G.
?’ Richards Industrial Training School for Negro Boys. gf
j, (b) Superintendent:
*§ (l) The Superintendent must make and establish regulations
;' for management of the Penitentiary and for the government and security of
., the prisoners. gf
Q I. Code (1932), Sec. IQBE.
E 2. Ibid, Sec. 202l. ·
g 3. Ibid, Sec. IQB4.
% ‘. The Superintendent may require aid of any citizen of the State in
{ ,• suppressing riots. Ibid, Sec. 1965.
_ _  ,  
t s

 5816 South Carolina - Abstract of Administrative Provisions S
············"‘ e
I. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd) ‘ g {
(b) Superintendent; (Cont'd) g
(2) The Superintendent must purchase all provisions and mate- E {
rials necessary for supporting and employing the prisoners. Bills of pur- g I
chased articles must be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. 4/ g j
" i
w I
(Z) The Superintendent must make all necessary repairs of §. `
the Prison, and superintend the construction of the work. 2/ x
(4) The Superintendent mmst make all sales of articles pro- V
duced in the Prison which are proper to be sold. jf
I (5) The Superintendent must take charge of buildings, furni- ¢
ture, tools, implements, and stock that pertains to the Prison. if Q
(6) The Superintendent must receive and pay out all moneys t
granted by the General Assembly, subject to inspection of the directors. 4/ L
(7) The Superintendent must keep suitable books, regular ig
and complete accounts of all property, expenses, purchases, sales, income, i
business, and concerns of the Prison. 4/ J
(B) The Superintendent must suppress any disorders, riots or Lt (
insurrection that nay take place among the prisoners. 2/ H
Q   {
(9) The Superintendent must furnish a discharged prisoner T
with a suit of clothes and tran