xt7d7w675220 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w675220/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1938 journals 1_03 English Lexington, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes v.1 n.03. text Kentucky fruit notes v.1 n.03. 1938 1938 2014 true xt7d7w675220 section xt7d7w675220 *111 ·’ ‘
Q; v111. 1 oorronnn 1938 NO. 3
/ .
11·1l ’
he ,
led ,
<‘*1 FRUIT GROWING GOES information on the subjecththe ’
  FORWARD long recognized essentials stiHQ`,d,e? ”
1111. rim 111111 tlill }'CZll`S llZl\'(} 1111- tbrrrrirrb tbb possibility bf Sbb<=颷¤·‘  
  111-11111 1111111y l'll2lllQl‘S 111 1110 fllilit In tbb order bf probable r¤r1><>r-*·.·,;; ·_1»_ .'
;; b11Sgm1$S; Some Su(1c(.sS(.S and many tanee these may belisted as follours; *.j.V{.{q,
QQ f2llllll'(’$, Zl]l(l o11 the \\'ll(ll() il 1l1111·11- A itiV"i`“i’ie ieeiiiitY> a_g00ti Site» ~
my 1v:11·d trend 111 I)Ii()(lll(°li()II \Vl|l(fll is it ‘i"elI Well drained Sell, an able 1
WY expeet1·1l to COllil]lll!? ii11l‘ at least iiiiti t’xl’ei`ie“eed r¤rrrr¤2¢r1rrbd¤<¤-
HW ).(1m.S_ '1‘hC 1-mum looks tive varieties and modern cultural
lll'l§!lli1‘l` now than for s11111e time ¤·r<*t*·olll(‘, N11 than 1*x11e1*t1‘1l due to the light fruit  
doubt, liilllliy jlllltfllllilll as 111 l11111· e1·1111 this year, l1o1veve1· the quality  
Well :1 giveu li1ll`lll is illt‘ 1`or port of the Judge, excelled that of  
niauy 1`ailures. \\'hile everyoiie is ii0I`lllt‘I` years, Ellltl gave evidence of  
interested 111 gaining all tl1e latest a great deal of work having been  

 $§ I
i i ’   done in selecting the exhibits from we1·e ar1·anged so that each plate of ber
4 the generally small crop of apples. fruit and nuts entered could be aid
Credit fo,. the Success of the €x_ seen and inspected by those inter- is i
hibit goes to the growers who made (Sled- 1
4 ` it possible. \Ve wish to thank each . {QN
. » exhibitor, however large or small _ The I-4444 F4444 B8'Sk°l hg]
·. for his or her part in building up fihi? fQiliL\ll‘C of the decoration QE Str,
  the exhibit Besides helping Out lllC Ll`l‘1lllZ Sll0W \T;llS 1). l8·I`gG {Pull} ])l‘(
with the exhibit the growers com- bllskflt that WHS 10 licct long; 8 f444 los:
I I pete;] for and Shared $57()_()@ Of w1de and 3%; fcetlngh. This huge pl;]
4 _ . premium money. Several growers baskct “'¤$ PUWGJ 0¤ 8 SUISG and jun
. g  ` received Over   in prgmillms COVCI`C‘(-l \Vltll all llSSOI`tmCHt of red ])[’(
i , for their “riuningS_ HIM} yCllO\V H%1I)l(f?, pgars, peacglcs, TU]
‘ - , . or . 4 4 V ‘ ’ (:0 OI'- ·
Q 4 4 '04444 44444 4 44444.44 44 044 ifi §§Z`t"EZa.tt€I.i°3E§piay°i5r ant JE
i » I 444444 04*00*4 4444444444 of 40 and was the object of a great deal Th
»   E 44444 .440 40 4*4444, and 4*44 4 44- tr im-Omtlc w...m.mt. A emu at
4 . 44444 44 thc 20 4444 440 20 44444 ra.na.. at einer an of the large Tl,
·   class' The Coimty awards were basket was arranged so that the gui
; as 44 f4044‘4= 24444*4 C°““lY 0444 St.-C..... of wat.- shot up out tt an th.
.. `   Q44444   4{=g44,;;*» H44g*44444 py;-inniil or red and green apples. 4
‘   i`-» ’ ‘¥ mmty t uu ’ dm ' 8 arson mlnfy A red ping pong ball played up and vm
_ ’_4, _ flijurthit OQB Ofl   best   tlO\\'ll 011 Olltfll of l.llCS€ f0ll1ll?llllS in
ZA ‘»-r .7 " · Bi C}. en ere at t 18 Xeutuc ) atb lllltl illl1`2l(5lCLl 8. \\'O1‘l(;l. of tlltCllllOll. Th
., 4 I4a1r was the 20 tray and 20 plate ml
Ii _· iii.; g1`Ol1p 0`I`O\Vl'1 illld 3.l'1`3.H"€d   JOB     (1   .
    2444444 0444 B"’df°1`di=K""t“°kY· it n.ZZif.Y.ii` Canis` dealiiw XLS
4  n' StaIkmg’ Jonathon Smymam ·`tl o mon fruit insect anl disc ani
be F i 1 044444 04044444     Eh!       ta.-Lat.;  
0·‘`   ‘` ‘ it Golden varieties were used. The   ft} f‘_ .t   I _t t Tl .*4  
  . ,,_W. gg.     judge failed to find a defect in the pf; F,;?t _;€ rl? t(}fp‘;1l.gHTgg 'ilfuusj ( dl
;: _ ¤:   = entry. The three tray and single 0} ll ll liullell Bat l_‘  t B1Jt Q4 ‘
      4444 44444 4444444 as 440 as 044 ERE"` tit; ‘i§t'in‘   R.§’t“Jt F3};
4. LSL}; 4   ‘ plate entries were more numerous ` ‘ ’ _ _” ’ _’
  ~·».   am last year, an offered me p"“?l‘°4» 014.44 R44 44 444444 440 444
  ,7 .-   keen Competition the insect 1Il_]lll`}' caused by Codlmg het
    _ ' Moth, San Jose Scale and Rosy is
`Y ‘— tnei   The peach d]SPlaY was 4444 UP to apple aphis. Many people studied ust
    V pm? pfobably 444 44 the Peafzh Sew this exhibit and the printed cards wh
 E.;   §mYb€*1ilg"tl"O7‘l`€€¥S im`]? th1$ VFW- describing the injury and control of of
    44.444 ¤I`°“€}`S mf P 44441 t mr each disease and insect; and many mr
  Fam peaches IP 4414 St°“Q1S€» but requested the Kentucky Expcri- gr;
 gi   th€Y came out m bad C0¤dm0¤· ment Station spray schedule for by
{ ,j;;j.».5§·§;'F§   The usual fine display of grapes the control of fruit pests. wh
  added to HIC exhibit BS 3. \Vl10l€, gu],
  together with the miscellaneous THE STRAWBERRY MULGH ha
  collections of plums, nuts, papaws, PROBLEM tin
    and P€YS1mm0HS· 'l`hc need for mulch is recognized g1‘<
  The fruit exhibit was opened up, by all strawberry growers in the po
  So to speak, this year so that the shipping area. The use of Federal- hir
}_     fair visitors could inspect the fruit State shipping point inspection has {lil;
  at close range. The exhibit space brought home to many of these ITL
‘ ,c__   ¥ for the trays and plates of fruit growers the fact that U. S. No. 1 to
  '_,. » t.

 of berries can be g1·own only with the the bales and allow the rains to
be aid of mulch-yet too little mulch sprout the grain before spreading
EI`- is llSU(l hy nllllly g'I`()\V(}I`S. [hc gtpugv in N0yrcm})€r_
During the season of l9Z$8 the In most areas, Straw can bc Ob_
l{l`°“'°l` “'l"’ hal}, llllllllcll il: wl`}: tained if the grower hunts for it.
of ;li2E`_,lm;}§}l itl igllsgollinosxgt   Start hunting now, for straw islal-
. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ways most plentiful at threshing
nt pressed) suffered unusually heavy . U , } _ _ .
ret losses from two sources. These Uma ‘ mc llc Straw ul your mm if
gc plantings were most seriously in- farm NOW (lf you don t lmfducc
in _l...-at hy in no spake nist an iw M ¤l~·l¤l·> S0 tllec tell be
`0 sullicient to prevent splashing hy FRUIT GR·0WER» IS YOUR T
E il the very heavy rains. SPRAY MACHINE IN GOOD  a.g
les. The loss from frost varied from _0RDER’? .
·l11l very little to as much as 30 per cent Eacll llrlllt €l`O“`€l` that OP€l`al€‘$  
ins at aitiimian Aroma plantings. ¤¤¤¤lSe·¤l>* Or ¤<>¤¤¤<>r¤i¤lly is _
011- 'l`he depth of the mulch and the llll`lll`€ ef llla llllP0l`lallc€ Of kaaplllg ,
time of removal of the mulch from llls $lll`?l}`lll§ €(l1llPlll€‘llt lll SOM] , 
over the plants controlled the "lll“l`allll¥ Ol"l€l`· Some of US al`€  
ing amount of damage ——un1nulehed lll`0ll0 te l0t llll5 0’*'01`l1¤l·llll1g fllld  jj
lis- and lightly mulehed patches blos- llllllll¥ llll of 0lll` €ll£'lll0 flllll $lll`*l}'   Y
ing somed earlier and sull°ercd greater lllllllll K" lllllll llla (lay lJ€f0l`€ “`•? i 
qlig (pmmg,._ intend to start spraying or in a  
ary ln a drought season, the heavier l!l"`*lll`l` llll_lllbcl` OE cllscs lllllll_lll€  ijl
tch. 1nnh·h maintains lower average soil “‘l`Y_lll"l`lllll¥l' lllll Slll`aY OP€l`allOll$  
of temperatures, permitting greater *ll`*` ll_ll*`llll("l to Stall- Mall}` Sed  
and root activity and eonserves moisture l`xl’l`l`ll`ll_*'('$ llllw Ycallllall fl`Olll Sllcll  
ing better. Whether the harvest season ll d°l*l}' lll lll`(’lllll`allOll$·  
Zosy is rainy or dry, the grower who The slack time whicl1 many fruit  
lied uses an adequate mulch is the one growers will soon have due to their  if
irds who fares best——cxeept in the ease fruit being out of the way otfers  
il of of the unfortunate one who applies an opportunity to start checking  
any mulch containing much unthrcshcd over the spray machine and 0rdi—  
ieri- grain. Guard against this calamity narily would give plenty of time  
for hy using old straw, growing rye, for needed parts to be ordered and  l
wheat, sudan grass or similar crop installed and the engine, pump, and  
and cutting it in blossom stage, or tank put in tirst-class order before  
ZH handling the fresh straw several cold weather sets in. The grower  
times before applying it. Some that docs this duri11g the comfort-  il
ized growers use the fresh straw in the able weather of our fall season will  
{lip poultry house or run, allowing the no doubt be very thankful that he  
gm]- birds to scratch over it for a few has done so when the spray season  
vhgg days (only a few) before applying rolls around later. In regard to E?
llcsp it. lf baled straw is used-haul it available time the general light  
lO_ 1 to the patch in September, break crop in most Kentucky apple or-  

 ‘ chards should make more time mechanic as needing an exhaust T ah
available for the checking over valve, piston 1·ings, and the carbon sh
mentioned above. 1·emoved. These materials were or- thi
de1·cd from a 11car-by rcpresenta- pa
Costly Delay tive who in turn relayed the order pr
_ Practically every grower has ex- to the factory. When these mate- en
_ perienccd some loss of time at one rials arrived a few days later the
- time or another in his spraying and engine was put in shape, and again il
dusting equipment failing to work it failed to start. Lack of sufficient '
properly. This same delay or loss spark from the magncto was given
of time is of course often experi- as the reason, and a new magneto
i  ‘ enced with other farm machinery was decided upon to be the cure ,
and equipment; however, at pres- for the present condition. This in wl
ent we are dealing only with or- turn was ordered f1·om the supply  
chard equipment, house, specifying the serial num- 1*
; Here je a ease ef a delay that ber and the make of the magneto B
1 might be due to several faeteys; and tl1e name of the spray machine. tl;
nevertheless, it kept a spray ma- After another delay of several pl
chine out of operation for over a days a magneto was received from ¥
month. As it happened, this delay the factory manufacturing the cn- H
caused no particular loss to the ginc. This was taken to a me- 1
» grower. However, had it happened ehanic, and l1e proclaimed it to be na
_ . at a different time of year, it could of a different type and one that it F1
_ have meant the difference between was impossible to use on the engine 1
_ a clean crop of fruit and one that without an adapter. I
  was badly damaged by i¤$€€tS and This magneto was returned, and L
jj ¢ll$€aS€- This is 3- t1‘11€ €XP€1‘l€110€ several long distance calls were Qi
. and could happen to most any made in straightening out,the mat- gl
. , §i‘0“’€1‘· ter. A \\'Ol'l{2ll)l0 magncto attach-  
{   The Story ment was finally secured, and after (Q
  A. i' i Upon starting te do some Spray- a five-weeks delay the machine was {,1
_   , ing, it was impossible to start the again la 0P01`ai10¤· R
  e   T spray engine. After an hour or so If this case is diagnosed care-
,`·° . i   of futile efforts the best local gas fully, one might say it was the fault t]
  1   engine mechanic was called upon, of the mechanic in an improper C,
_     j After his efforts failed to start the diagnosis. One might also say it t,
_ ‘·   f  engine his cheek-up revealed that was due to the neglect of spray B
. ,.,_~ `   the magneto was not furnishing machine companies to stock parts
~     enough fire; and the conclusion was for engines with which they equip h
    that it would have to be sent back their spray machines. It could P
A .i;·1; ij, to the factory for overhauling, as also be attributed to the great dis- U
  { { he was not prepared to do so, Ac- tance that parts have to be shipped ,,
    gi cordingly, the magneto was shipped and the delay that is often experi- (
  §, to a near-by electric machine shop enced in relaying orders. And
  where it had been reconditioned then again some would dismiss it C
  once before and in a few days was with just calling it hard luck. Re-
l_;j·     returned along with the bill for its gardless of where the blame would
jig { .1 f repair. It was then placed on the be placed, or whether there is any _
    ; engine, and again it was impossible blame or not, the fact remains that 11
jg _'’‘ jg; V to get it started. it is the wise fruit grower who sees l1
zjj Vi   E The motor was then taken to the that his spraying and dusting 0
``¢.   = ‘ shop where it was diagnosed by the equipment is in good repair well v
· ‘*· (ZS .

 ;t ahead of the operating season. He this difficulty a system of hand pol-
ii should also familiarize himself with lination has been devised and prac-
r- the nearest possible source_of rcpair ticed with profit. Some large oper-
1- parts and in general he as well ators employ from 150 to 200 men
er prepared as possible for any to collect pollen which is put thru
e- emergency. a curing process and then applied
ie to the blossoms by hand.
tn TOO MANY WINESAP AND Kentucky growers can avoid the
it REP   trouble and expense of hand pol- ·
111 MI ml **· *I~‘·*eIII·"¤ llZ§“2Z"nl’%l£§°VL°iiSE f§3dbZ£"€3
[,0 l ain looking for the orchard nian Hpbly it. (gotcpthc article OH Bees
in ll‘l'_" ls umkluii lllfmfy gnlwlng elsewhere in this issue.) While
ly >l"‘*`*‘*l’ {md Dcllcwus “m°l'°S‘ our pollination problem is not as
n- Ia will lm I will als?) fdd the acute as that in Vlfashington, there
to Black twig.- ln my opniion these is mug doubt that Some Orchards ·
te. tllrcc “‘}"°l'f’S m`°_ grcully OYCI" are not adequately pollinated. Some _
n ¤I§¤·*¢~I Iii I*<·¤_I}lI{~I~>· II I we Ottitcgattipoiiawatitttesinciude is
lm phmmg ‘*" 0}** md Ol my Olmi Delicious, Golden Delicious, Jona- I
H- Il~~‘9¤I III`I‘>'iiIII IYIIIIW Of. miiid 90 time pollen trees should be nearby. if
rm l-{QI WIRE Of} IQP II_II¥I‘S “‘0“ d`c‘i3‘ Probably pollen trees every third I
M_ *‘*l "l YH? _L‘“l"*> *“ll“·“l‘> (*0 ‘ or fourth row is about the minimum   `
·h- ("ll l)t·ll<·l¤>lls, ltetl J0l1dillO1l, `Retl for Safety. It should be noted that { g
.01. 5II*>_'II**'I· Bl‘}"l‘ _B°“· md Im the the Winesap family which includes ; 2
l V tovingtoii District, Red \\ ealthy, Smvman Mammoth black twig g
I"” aiitl for liastern Kentucky add Arlgausag Black and pmbabiab; :
HL h'¥“$ fmfll \‘Ol1ik‘ , I f Turley are more or less inter sterile  
uh tl'l*t‘;’“ ifi j‘§l"‘l·l‘f?'Itl’°l‘€ IISI and cannot be depended to pol-  {
wr   ‘°ll_ *l‘tl}i‘l l__?l"l*°l?t]“§ft 0 linate each other. Mature orchards Q g
» it tttssiptr ina tt \\1 1 a ·1 G OQUI- {lim (le not have adequate p0ll1¤1Z—  
U ing xaiiety. either Rome or 1* all Us may be proxrided for bxr top  
EI; BI;}f;I;}`{`}I`5 $IIIl;f*lCl0I`}'· t I H grafting or the setting of pollen  
_- i e ow ransparen sion ( .( .- · , (. ,_ · · _  5,
  ll$l'\'Ct.COllSltlt‘l`i`lSO1l lfoi; coniinegial  1;)g\.€1.§1;i,;rg1§ 11;;,  
iw {l ll]; lll__IY€)llt“&f?l°_ll} HF; be advisable to distribute pollen  
)c`d “·*‘}» iflliud P. Ill Ewf`? vlc   iiowers in bouquets. thru the or-  
wi- 1‘}—“I»t_ Il I’II» dm J O ll il 5 ehard eaeh year until the grafts or  
ind Ulm “`S· new trees are of flowering age,  
llltl STATE OF WASHINGTON A new circular of the University of  
my In reeent years the set of fruit 1{entneky Extension Service,  5
liar in many \\`ashington orchards has LOXIIISIOIL K€IItII°kY  
iccs been poor because of solid blocks The importance of the honeybee  
ing of \Vlll(‘S2l]) and Delicious apples in the orchard has long been reeog-  
yell without pollinizers. To overcome nized. Many fruit growers depend  

  `   * on tl1e wild bees to pollinate their SHALL WE EXPAND THE cpt
. i fruit blossoms. With the cutting G 0 M M E R C I A L P E A O H of
down of a great part of our native P I- A N TING8 OF S 0 U T H· wl:
timber Ellld tl1e destruction by 11igl1 WESTERN KENTUCKY? fin
— winds of a great many of our old, Field  ign?£{_{i%uiturB crt
, hollow trees tl1e supply of wild T
. _   bees is g1·adually bei11g driven fur- hftcc? {ears {uio cr °b°ut’ 1923 mc
i   1 rrr mc from crcmls- lll?S§rJZi $3?3S".§€ ’2§ilLSS°l$§?£  
-. Many fruit grolrors hcrc found planted in Southwcstgrn Kentucky, thi
’ in it VBYY Prontabk? tc imc n colony tl1e plaiitings varying i11 size from  
· ·  , of bees to GZICII {ICP8 of fflllt tI`COS (nig ;)_(g[*() iii) to as   as   (icy-gS_ Q
F 2 J scattered over tl1e orchard at bloom- VCl')’ little was kl10\V11 from past 2;
,   g ing time. This sort of arrange- experience at that time about the fu
i ; 1 ‘ L ment has paid big dividends in or- commercial handling of peaches in W
·   »_l , Chards where the varieties are not the purchase district. Quite a num- I
      particularly good pollinators. The i>€1‘_ cf 0r€n¥n`i¤s i¤ Kc¤· nigitiieti Oiliiatuihgcpiiicnveoigiglsa ni
  " . tuokY» goosuuto tno fuudcmcutcic must receive annual cultivation il
» FY ·> i » cf bookoolnng and ccrcfuny do" throughout tl1e season cve11 to tl1e W
Di`;     i Soribos thc Various oP€r€lti0nS extent of twelve or more cnltiva- im
in   tnrcihlgnout thc yccr- Scmc of H10 tions during tl1e season. The im-  
.   pro ems covered are; Honey Re- proved strains of lesiedeza were .·
__   ` gio11s of tl1e State, B€glllll€PS) unheard of. There wiire no high-  
    _; Equipment, Seasonal Management, way systems in that section such ac
  ;=*%   yvintcl-jug, Ilints on Spying Man- that trucks could load out at 3 E
  ··__ mg?   agement, Syyrgpmingi I-[Ojwy Pm- o’clock in the afternoon and dc- th
.i‘’ ?     ductio11, Feeding, Robbing, Re- liv01‘ gccgl troo·riPonou llouono$ tc pl
  ·¤j:;;g;;jj     queening, Comb Building, Remov- the terminal markets by 4 o’clock E
    Q i11g Colonies from Trees or Houses, inc noxt morning- ri
iijQ_‘g;;;i-=g?. gi Stings a11d Remedies, and Diseases The cooperative packing and M
··i- f   and Enemies. In commenting on marketing association for peaches ,
  getting started in becket-ping the is no longer an experiment. Te11  
egg,-;·§fQ_;ij   ‘ following statement is inside; "A years of packing and selling proves gl
,15  two-pound or three-pound package it has a place ill tl1e Paducah Dis-
  of bees received ten days before trict. Especially is it valuable to '
  fruit bloom should produce nearly tl1e small grower who has had no
  li as much surplus honey as a normal experience in packing Hlld market-
iz 'V`.     overwintering colony." ing peaches.
  This circular would be a val- True enough, many of these be-
  uable reference for anyone inter- gi1111i11g peach orchard 1nen have
  ested in bees and should prove to pulled up their orchards and are
  be of great value to those who ob- now growing other c1·ops. Yet if
  tain it. It can be had through the we will take inventory and consult
  county agents or by writing. to tl1e tl1e men who are 11ow raising
it *";?§;*¥fi,,f,,= i University of Kentucky, Lexington, peaches for tl1e market, we will find
  and requesting Circular No. 288, a group of men who feel that
  iri ii; "Beekeeping in Kentucl‘ I oT"·i7.ei£

 B crop for the district. As evidence of Belle of Georgia variety, for be-
1 of tliiS Sltltémellli IIIOST, of the IIICD youd 3 quggtion of doubt; they are
I- who weathered the storm of the more hardy and can be depended
mst five YCPYS am Bmdually ln' upon for occasional crop years
crcusmg their a°r°"g°· when the Iilberta fails. The Hale
3 I have talked to a number of the variety has practically passed out
ll IHCII IlO\V· gI`O\\'lIlg Z), (f()II1lIlCI`Clill of thc picture, at least In the Hlinds
_Q acreage ot peaches, and'as a whole of the gmwcl. who has handled a I
Y they welcome an expansion in acre- (,0,mnc,.Ci,]] acreage Of peaches for ,
" age and feel that the district should {hp Nt tm VQHN
" be shipping from 300 to 400 cars 4 ph ‘ " ·
  annually, and feel this volume The Size of Amateur Orchards
could be sold equally as success- ,
lc fully as their present volume of ap- I me Orchards Of less than    
U proximately 100 carloads annually. lI`(`}`S am ¤S¤¤lly not an economlcal L I
1- unit and only a small per cent of
Y Varieties Kentucky farmers can economically _ _
ir \\'c feel that the Iilberta variety himtllc as much as 50 a°1`°S· One   l
`ll should still constitute 90 per cent tl"’u"“ld tmc? Well mafmgcd me l
lc or more of a new expansion in I"_‘lm`“ U l‘l"{m where JD00 _tr°°$ I 
l` peach planting. At one of the dis- ¥!_*""'l UHIY lim` Care may be “ {mum  
ld trict educational fruit meetings Will Img-  
M held last summer a number of com- Late November and December  
lc mercial peach growers of adjoin- planting is to be preferred over ;_
n' ing states were present. The peach spring planting. Although spring  
n` variety issue was discussed. One planting will in most years prove  
ip visiting grower with a large com- satisfactory. Buy either one-}‘ear-  ¥j
lll mercial acreage said the last fifty old peach trees or June Buds. I
_; acres he planted had been straight Never accept two- or three—year-old I ;
‘ Iilbcrtas. My observation has been trees. Never buy fruit, trees from l Q
°` that there are no varieties at the a stranger, passing through your  _'
ll? present time which can replace neighborhood. Consult some suc-  
il` Elbcrtas. Some of the newer va- cessful orchard man as to where to  
rieties which offer some promise get trees. or go to the dealer where  
ld are the Golden Jubilee, Sun Glo, you would buy your Held seed or  lj
CS and Ilalehaven. and probably no spray material. Good peach trees  
FII grower would make a mistake in should not cost to exceed 15e to 1Se I 
05 growing 10 per cent to 15 per cent each in lots of a. few hundred.  jg
S-  si
I AM receiving Kentucky Fruit Notes, and wish to have my name  
_c_ left on mailing list, ................................................  
Vc I All NOT receiving Kentucky Fruit Notes, but wish to have my  
rc name put on mailing list. ,... . ........ .. ................. . ........., _ 
if This bulletin is to be free of charge.  
dt I am particularly interested in: Berries ...........................,......................  
lg Apples _..__,._..__.............. , Peaches ....,............,......, Other Fruits ...........................  
ld Name ..................................................................  
at lr;
Sh Address .................................,.......................... .. County ......................................  

 i A RECENT SPRAY WORK WITH do11e an exami11ation showed a very
SAN JOSE SCALE imall amchntt of ttlp fandtrnarginal I U
. ur111ng u no e o 1a 1on even
Tee September lesne ef Kentueky where the strongest oil was used.
Fyult notes earned eensleemble A ]llllIll)Cl` of crawlers were also in
dleenselen of Scale and the denlege evidence, bllt 11ot as many were
" belng eene by Sen Jose Senle le ll0l.lCC(l on the sprayed trees as on
Z frult_treeS‘ u11sprayed trees. 'l‘l1e injury was '
, wltn the advent ef fell weetner not severe and 1lOt consistent. The
lt Wlll Seen be tllne to be tlllnklng same type of injury was f0llIlLl on
of the winter sprays on our fflllt ncnnhy nnsnmynd trans; SO wc It
°  · tl`eeS· These growers whe knew could 11ot lay it all to the oil. so
; they have scale present should ex- Tllc tact that ynnng cmwhn. (II
i erelee greet eere ln eeelng that tnelr scale was found o11 the sprayed {I
trees reeelve at least One Very eem“ trees showed that the old mother SII
.; l plete eelnlent Sp,l`ey· In the ease scales had not been killed and that Is
_ of Severe lnfesfetlene two tnerengn they were still multiplying. ’1`l1e I-;
Spray epplleellens are Often neeeS" questio11 is whether or 1lOt enough iI
sary te bllng the pest undef een‘ of the young scale was killed to so
tI‘0l. _ _ make the spray W0rtll Wllllil. — w
The usual wllltel Strellgtn ell This whole orchard was sprayed
A . Spray for Seele le of 2% le   per about two weeks after tl1c iirst test III
I cent actual toil content. Plus IS Snrnying was done, using 2% nm. gl
usually eemblned wlfn e·_wenk Bel" CCllt st1·ength su1nn1er-oil. A\ll cx- II]
· eleenx as e eelnblnellen Spray a111ination on September 3 showed {I
  Wnlen wlll also eentlel Peach Leaf the foliage to be i11 good condition `I
  Curl . . . and tl1c trees i11 ge11cral seemed to II
K. "· If derment elrengtn llqnln llme have been injured less by the scale II
~ I I sulfur 1S used, It will usually co11- Since Snmying than they had thnx M
N ;   erel netn the Scale end elle leaf i11g the three weeks previous to the II
_ .:-.,, ;_   curl and 1S used at the rate of Snnnvhtg
` L l 12% genens of lllne Snllnr le 87% The grower was satisfied with l1is It
_,  ; ?en°n€ ef Weteinle make lee gel` foliage co11dition and was of tl1c It
.;_;_· Q   Ons e Spray le use of ell`} llnle opi11ion tl1at eo11sidcrable of the I]
  - it sulfur cannot be recommended Scnhg had been ktII€tI_ It
T     for Scale control Additional check-ups will be II
    _ made to study any injuries that ,.I
I __'·     " Summ°I`·011 SPM? Tests Ou might show up later. If tl1c spray- I,
 in _ Peaches i11g l1as checked tl1c scale enough II
 CY  EMIY IH A¤Q§¤Sl5 S<>V€1‘Hl tést to allow the trees to go into the y
~·=e   SPYHYS W€I‘€ 3PPli€d HB3? Pflduciill winter season with more strength II
_i__II   on the Elberta variety both in sod than would otherwise be the case, I-.
    and in clean culture. it has been worth while.
    Summer-oil sprays were used at So far that is about all that can II
  strengths of 1% and 2% per cent be expected from summc1·-oil on ;I
§T§i§<}jQ`;§?,Ei actual oil. All of the trees sprayed San Jose Scale. Tl1is practice fol- t.
  Q were badly infested with scale with lowed by a good dormant spray 41
  { t the active crawling type present. program should materially aid in III
 1  § Ten days after the spraying was checking the losses fl`OlTl tl1is insect. II
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