xt7d7w674410 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d7w674410/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1949-10-oct15-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-10-oct15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-10-oct15-ec. 1949 1949-10-oct15-ec. 2011 true xt7d7w674410 section xt7d7w674410 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, October 15, 1949.

     The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in
the President's Office at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, October 15, 1949.
The following members were present:  Guy A. Huguelet, Chairman;
J. C. Everett, Harper Gatton, R. P. Hobson, and T. H. Cutler.   Pres-
ident H. L. Donovan and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Com-

     A. IM'iinutes Approved as Published.

     The minutes of the Executive Committee of July 15, 1949, were
approved as published and corrected.

     B. Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller submitted a balance sheet of University funds
as of September 30, 1949, together with supporting statements of
fund and budget operations for the current period July 1, to and
including September 30, 1949,

     The operating statement as of September 30, 1949, showed that
34.7% of estimated income had been received, and that 27.4% of the
departmental appropriations had been encumbered or spent, on the date
of the report.

     The operating statement was examined in some detail, and upon
motion made, seconded and carried, the report of the Comptroller was
received and ordered filed.

     C, Budget Changes.

     (1) Changes. The President submitted a list of budget changes
and recommended their approval.

                                        October 13, 1949
    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         The follorwing budget changes have been recorded on
    the University books:



       Budget Unit                            Decrease   Increase

       Administrative & General Expense

         YMCA - YIWCA                  18o-1                3 $00.00

       College of Education

         Bureau of School Services     970-1      120.00

       I.aintenance & Operations of
          Physical Plant
                                      '450-1             1,377.00
                                                          1, 200900
      Agricultural Experiment Station

        Revolving Fund
        Agronomy                                          500 o . 

              Totals                          ?  120.00 $3 377,00
              Decrease                           120.00     120,00

              Net Increase                               33.257.00

           I am sure that you desire to obtain Board ratification
      for these budget changes.

                                   Very truly yours,

                               (Signed)  Frank D. Peterson

     The increases and decreases were noted, and the Committee being
advised, upon motion made, seconded and carried, concurred in the
recommendation of the President.

     (2) Graduate School Budget Increased. President Donovan stated
that he had conferred with Dean Louis A. Pardue, of the Graduate
63hool, and that it was necessary to employ an additional person as
assistant secretary to the Graduate School, and to make changes in
office space, according to plans and specifications submitted.   He
recommended that the budget of the Graduate School be increased by
$1,740.00 for personal services, and by 800.00 for capital outlay.

    Members of the Executive Committee, being advised, upon motion
made, seconded and carried, the recommendation of the President was
concurred In.



    D. Federal Research and Marketing Budget Revised.

    President Donovan stated that Dean Cooper had submitted a re-
vision of the Federal Research and Marketing Budget reducing the
amount appropriated from $20,000.00 to 414,415.71.  He read the fol-
lowing letter:

                                    September 30, 1949

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         At the time of preparing the budget for the Experi-
    ment Station, it was anticipated that there would be a
    carry-over of Federal Research and 1Iarheting funds of
    $20,000 and the budget was submitted on that basis.   The
    report from the Comptroller's office, received last week
    for transmission to the Office of Experiment Stations,
    shoved the actual carry-over balance was Q14,415.71, a
    difference of Q5584.29 from the estimate on which the
    budget was set up.   In order to bring the budget into
    agreement with the Federal funds available under Research
    and IMarketing, it is necessary to make the followving reduc-

    Department of Administration

    Change Travel item from Q2,000 to $1,415.71.

    Department of Animal Husbandry

    Reduce item, Other Expense - eil,500 to 4500.

    Department of Animal Pathology

    Reduce item, Other Expense - @1,900 to 0900.

    Department of Horticulture

    Reduce Salary item of j5,000 to  $4,000.

    Department of Markets and Rural Finance

    Reduce item, Salary, for U. G. Grayson, Jr,, from $2800 to
      $800; remainder of his salary will be transferred to
      Regional MM funds.
                                   Sincerely yours,

                                   (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                             Dean and Director
    P.S. The reduction by projects is
         shown on the attached sheet.




          Adjustments requested to bring budget into agreement
     w.liith appropriation and carry over balance.  Originally
     prepared on estimated balance of $20,000; actual carry
     over balance, 4$14,415.7l; a reduction of 45584.29.

                                                         Amount of
     Reduce -                                            Reduction

     MM&M 13 - Planning cooperative research under Public
        Law 733, through attendance and participation
        in planning conferences.

        Item "Travel" - $2000 to $~1415.7l               $ 584.29

     I&Mil 18  A comparison of various grass silages as
        roughages for pregnant ewes.

        Item "Other expense" - $1500 to 4500              1000.00

     R&M 22 - Parasitic diseases of sheep

        Item "Other expense" - ~l2O0 to $700               500.00

     RUA.: 23 - The pharmacology and therapeutics of

        Item "Other expense" - $700 to 4$200               500.00

     RM 27 - The development of new fruits adapted
        to Kentucky.

        Item "Salary" - $5000 to $4000                    1000.00

     R&M 33 - I4aintaining and expanding the market
        for dairy products.

        Item IU.G. Grayson, Jr.lt - $2800 to $800          2000.00

                     Total Reduction                     $5584.29.

     President Donovan recommended that the request be approved, and
on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation of the
President was concurred In.



     Et Budget for Management of Forests 4pproved.

     President Donovan stated that Dean Cooper had planned to begin
on October 1, 1949, work in the management of forests and in the
processing and marketing of various forest products from the Breathitt
Study Area.   He stated that the General Education Board had made a
grant to the Experiment Station for this work, and that t.r. Benn L.
Hornbeck, Assistant in Farm Economics, has been transferred to the
Department of Markets to direct the project.

     Dean Cooper submitted the following budget against the General
Education Board Grant which has been deposited to Account #4042.

             Benn L. Hornbeck, Forester      $3,900.00
             Part-time Assistant                720.00
             Part-time Clerk                    720.00
             Office Expenses                    150.00
             Travel, Field and Misc.Expense   1,500.00
             Replacement of Truck             1 300.00
                       ^                      $8 ~~~~~~B290.00

     Members of the Committee, being duly advised, upon motion made,
seconded and carried, approved the project and the budget as submitted.

     F. Revised Budget for Seed Stocks Improvement.

     President Donovan reported that the Governor had made an appro-
priation of $7,000.00 from the Emergency Fund for seed stocks im-
provement, and that Dean Cooper had recommended and the Board had ap-
proved a budget for the Q7,000.00 fund.    In that budget there ap-
peared an item of $3,425.00 for rental of land and production of seed

     Dean Cooper has given further consideration to this item and he
now recommends that the budget be revised to permit the employment
of John C. Dicken, Assistant Agronomist for ten months on 2/3-time
basis, at a total salary of $3,000.00, and an additional amount for
travel, and leave for consideration of Seed Stocks, Inc., the question
of rental of land.

     The revised budget as submitted against Acct. 2056-A is as fol-



                   John C. Dicken (10 months basis,
                        2/3 time), Assistant Agronomist  $3,000.00

                   Eugene Schanding (10 months basis)
                        - Supervisor, Seed Production     1,375.00

                   Betty Gibson (10 nonths basis),
                        Clerk-Stenographer                1,500.00

                   Travel                                   625.00

                                  Total Budget           $7,000.00

     Members of the Committee, being advised of the recommendation,
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, approved the revised
budget as above outlined.

     G. Counterfeit Ten-Dollar Bill.

     President Donovan reported that the Comptroller's Office, during
registration, received a counterfeit ten-dollar bill and same had been
rejected by the First National Bank and Trust Company, Lexington, Ky.,
and forwarded to the Federal Reserve Bank.   He reported that, in
order to balance the account, the Comptrollerts Office had requested
appropriation of $10.00, to be taken from College Collection Fund.
He recommended that the request be granted.

     After some discussion concerning the counterfeit ten-dollar bill,
on motion made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was concurred

     H. Heating System Installed in Farm Superintendentts Residence.

     President Donovan reported that Dean Cooper had recommended that
a steam heating system be installed in the residence of the Farm Sup-
erintendent on the Experiment Station Farm.   He submitted plans and
specifications for materials and installation.

    After some discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried, a heating system was authorized installed in the residence of
the Farm Superintendent, and the necessary funds taken from the appro-
priation made for farm roads,



     I. Purchase of Maxwelton Court PropertyZ.

     President Donovan reported that the Comptroller had purchased a
two-story brick residence at 643 1.axwelton Court, and read the follow-
ing letter:

                                          October 10, 1949

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          I have this day purchased for the University, subject
     to the approvpl of the Executive Committee, one two story
     brick residence, No. 643 Maxwelton Court, corner Bonnie Brae
     Street, being a lot fronting 50 feet on Maxwelton Court and
     extending back 150 feet to a 12-foot alley.

          The house contains a living room, music room, dining
     room, breakfast room, central hall, kitchen, pantry and a
     full tile bath on the first floor.   There are two large
     bedrooms, four single bedrooms and a full tile b.a.th on the
     second floor,   There Is a full concrete basement with some
     laundry equipment.   The house is heated by a coal furnace.
     There is a concrete front porch on the first floor, a sun
     porch on the second floor, full attic, stone foundation,
     tile roof, and a two-car garage on the rear of the lot.

          The purchase price, if the Executive Committee approves,
     is $19,000.

                                      Very truly yours,

                                  (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     President Donovan further reported that the University had re-
ceived from the sale of the Smith Hall property on Lexington Avenue
the sum of Q18,666.76.   He recommended that this amount of money be
used towards purchase of the i1axwelton Court property, that the bal-
ance of the purchase price and expenses incident thereto be taken
from the College Collection Fund, and that the property be acquired
and deeded to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the use and benefit
of the University of Kentucky.

     Members of the Committee discussed the recommendation, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, ordered that the purchase of
house and lot at 643 Maxwelton Court be approved, that funds from the
sale of the Smith Hall Iroperty be used towards the purchase price
of this property, and that the balance be taken from the College Col-
lection Fund.



     J. Transfer of Agricultural Extension 7.orkers from Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association of America.

     President Donovan stated that the Board of Trustees, at its meet-
Ing on September 20, 1949, approved the request of Dean Cooper for
the transfer from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of
America to the Civil Service Retirement Board for Agricultural Exten-
sion employees.   He stated that Dean Cooper had read the approval
and desired to explain to the Executive Committee some of the compli-
cations involved, and to ascertain whether or not the transfer could
be made under the authorization granted by the Board of Trustees on
September 20, 1949.

     Dean Cooper was invited to come' in to the meeting and proceeded
to explain to the Committee the procedure necessary to follow to make
the transfer from one retirement system to the other, and stated that
it would not be possible to transfer the rights of every individual
from one system to the other system simultaneously.

     After full explanation of the procedure, it was the opinion of
the Executive Committee that the procedure outlined by Dean Cooper
could be followed, and that the approval of the Board would be sub-
stantially complied with.

     K. Change in the Exterior Design of the Service Building.

     President Donovan stated that in a conference last month between
Ernst V. Johnson, of Brock and Johnson, Architects; Vice President
Chamberlain, Comptroller Peterson and himself, it was requested that
the exterior design of the Service Building be altered.   He stated
that l.r. Johnson, of the architects' firm, was present to explain the
request .

     Mr. Johnson was invited to come in to the meeting.   Mr. Johnson
explained that the original design of the Service Building was not,
in his Judgment, true architecture, that he was willing to re-design
the exterior of the building at no cost to the University, and that
the contractor, while originally requesting an extra of :-.'3,238.98 for
the change in the exterior design, now had agreed to make the change
at no additional cost.

     Mr, Johnson further stated that, in his opinion, the revised
drawings offered a more beautiful and honest architectural designs and
that he was so conscious of the 'false facade" design in the original
design of the builli.ing that he could not honestly permit the building
to be constructed without earnestly requesting a change in the ex-
terior design.



     Mr. Johnson answered questions of the Committee, and President
 Donovan stated that it was his recommendation, and that of his asso-
 ciates, that the change in the exterior design, as recommended by
 Brock and Johnson, Architects, be accepted.

     Members of the Executive Committee studied the new design in
relation to the original design and prospectus of the building, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, concurred in the recom-
mendation, and approved the change in the exterior design.

     L. Investment of College of Pharmacy Funds.

     President Donovan stated that the Comptroller reported that the
University had accepted from the Louisville College of Pharmacy securi-
ties and cash amounting to approximately v55,000.00, and that approx-
imately Q27,000.00 was now uninvested,   He recommended that these
funds be invested in good securities.

     The Committee discussed the investment of the funds, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized the Comptroller to
purchase $25,000.00 of Memorial Auditorium-Fieldhouse Revenue Bonds
at par, and to invest the remainder in Government Bonds.

     I. Investment of Haggin Funds.

     President Donovan reported that the Ha gin Fund contained a cash
balance of $90,000.00 and recommended that 075,000.00 be invested in
Government Bonds.

     The Committee heard the recommendation and, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, directed the Comptroller to invest
$75,000.00 of Haggin funds in Government Bonds.

     N. Contract with Covington YMCA Approved.

     President Donovan stated that the University of Kentucky Northern
Extension Center last year had 65 full-time students and 116 part-
time students during the first semester, a total of 181 students; and
at the first semester of the current year there were enrolled 135
full-time and 191 part-time students, totalling 326 students.   He
stated that the Covington school where the Northern Extension Center
is conducted does not have additional space for the extension students
to use between classes, and that the director of the Center, the
Comptroller and the Dean of the University had worked out an agreement
between the University and the Covington YMCA whereby the YMCA would
make available its facilities during the academic year 1949-50 for
the use of a social room, a grill and a study room for four days each
week, and at other times the swimming pool and other facilities would
be available.   He read the following contract to the Committee:



     BY THIS AGREEMENT entered into in duplicate on this,
the                  day of October, 1949, by and between
corporation whose principal place of business is in Coving-
ton, Kentucky, hereinafter referred to as Y.M.C.A., and the
corporation whose principal place of business is in Lexing-
tonr, Kentucky, hereinafter designated as the University,

     WITNESSETH, that the Y.MC.A. agrees to make available
for all full time and part time students enrolled in the
University of Kentucky Northern Extension Center, during
the academic school year of 1949-50, the use of a social
room, a snack bar and a study room for four (4) days each
week, Monday through Thursday, inclusive, between the hours
of 1: p.m. and 7: p.m. during the school year.   It is
mutually understood and agreed that the study room shall be
for the exclusive use of such students, but that the other
facilities shall be used in conjunction with use by others
who hold membership cards in the Y. N. C. A.

     The Y. M. C. A. further covenants and agrees that it
will make available its rooms, swimming pool, and other
facilities for the use of such students in conducting and
holding two (2) parties in each month of the 1949-50
school year.   It is mutually understood that the parties
will be held in the evening, at such time as is mutually
agreeable to the Director of the Y. M. C. A. and the Director
of the University of Kentucky Northern Extension Center,
and may include such recreation as mixed swimming, dancing,
and other similar activities that are not inconsistent with
the established policy of the Y. M. C. A.

     The term "school year" is understood to include a
regular academic year of the University of Kentucky Northern
Extension Center, beginning in September, 1949, and ending
at the date set for Commencement in June, 1950.

     IN CONSIDERATION of the above agreements, and the proper
performance of same, the University agrees to pay to the
Y. M. C. A. the sum of One Thousand ( 1,000.) Dollars, to
be payable at the rate of One Hundred Dollars (Q100.) per
month, beginning with the payment to be made as of October
1, 1949, and continuing each and every month thereafter until
the entire sum shall have been paid.



           IN WITNESS W-HEREOF, the parties hereto have set their
     hands on the day and year first above written.





                               Chairman Executive Committee

     President Donovan stated that these students pay an activities
fee which he thought should be used to pay for these services.

     The members of the Committee, having been advised that the Post
Office, Lecture, lliusic, Student Union, YM-YW and Student Government
fees would approximate the rental price of the facilities, on motion
made, seconded and carried directed that the Comptroller use $1000.00
of the activities fee collected from the students of the Northern
Center to rent these facilities, and ordered that the contract be ap-

     0. Journalism and Kentucky Kernel Building Authorized and Appro-
priation Made.

     President Donovan stated that the Committee, some time ago, ap-
proved plans and specifications for a Kentucky Kernel and Journalism
building.   The proposed building would contain approximately 458,000
cubic feet and should be constructed for a maximum of '458,000.00.
He stated that the Kentucky Kernel plant had accumulated small bal-
ances for a number of years, that, over a period of many years, a
cash credit from the operation of the Campus Book Store had accumulat-
ed, and that there is now a combined balance equal to or in excess of
Q250,000.00.   He recommended that these funds be appropriated and
set aside toward the construction of this building, and that the bal-
ance of' the construction costs be financed through the issuance of
revenue bonds against the property.   He further recommended that the
Comptroller be directed to request permission from the Kentucky State
Property and Buildings Commission to construct the building and to
issue revenue bonds.



      The President read a letter from the Comptroller, and after the
Committee was thoroughly advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the Kentucky Klernel and Journalism building was authorized
constructed, and the Q250,000.00 as above outlined was authorized
used toward the construction of this building; the Comptroller was
directed to ask permission from the Kentucky State Property and Build-
ings Commission to construct the building and to issue revenue bonds
to finance its completion; and the Comptroller was further directed
to advertise for competitive bids for the building and to report to
the Board of Trustees at its meeting in December.

     P. Sale of Surplus Cafeteria Equipment.

     President Donovan submitted an inventory of surplus cafeteria
equipment which he recommended be disposed of through public auction
by the Comptroller.   He stated that the equipment is surplus to our
needs and is consuming storage space needed for other purposes. The
Committee examined the list, and upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the recommendation of the President was concurred in.

     Q. Sale of Library Books.

     President Donovan submitted a list of books held at the Universi-
ty of Kentucky Library. which the Director of the Library desired to
dispose of throu.7h sale, because the books are surplus to the needs
of the Library. The list contained title, author and exchange price
for each book.

    Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the request was
granted and the books authorized sold.

    R. Blanket Insurance Policy CoveriLn Boilers.

    President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptroller:



                                      October 13, 1949

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          At the SePtember meeting of the Board of Trustees I
      submitted the question of whether or not the State should
      carry, in connection with the blanket insurance policy
      covering boilers on the University campus, liability in-
      surance for bodily injury to University workmen.  It was
      requested that the Comptroller secure further information
      as to the practice in other similar institutions and the
      rate for such coverage.

           I find that for the payment of $4.00, per location,
      the University may secure insurance against personal damage
      under a three year policy in an aggregate amount of $25,000,
      but that so long as the University does not carry Workments
      Compensation it can not secure coverage for its own em-
      ployees.   Therefore, I would suggest that the question be

                                      Yours very truly,

                                    (Signed) Frank: D. Peterson

     The Committee heard the report, and upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, it was ordered received and filed.

    S, Handling of State and Private Funds and Contributions.

    President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptroller:

                                       October 14, 1949

    Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan;

         I attach hereto Official Order No. 1 requesting that
    all receipts, as soon as accumulated, be deposited in the
    designated State depository.



           I also attach hereto a memorandum dated October 6th
      requesting all budget units to report immediately to the
      Commissioner of Finance the name of any funds that may be
      deposited to the credit of the University of Kentucky and
      the amount of the deposit as of the date of the report.

           I attach a second memorandum dated October 10, 1949,
      from the Commissioner of Finance requesting the discon-
      tinuance of the issuance of federal tax exemption certif-
      icates by the University on any funds disbursed for mer-
      chandise which may be taxed but is tax exempt by virtue
      of its being purchased by a state institution,

           I would appreciate same being submitted to the
      Executive Committee for advice.

                                       Yours very truly,

                                       Frank D. Peterson,

     The Official Order No, 1 and the two memorandums received from
the Department of Finance were read and examined by members of the
Committee.   I.r. Hobson read to the Committee the sections of law
referred to in Official Order No. 1 and the memorandums.    Section
41.290,Kentucky Revised Statutes, was discussed in detail.    The
accounts carried in the depository of the University of Kentucky were
read to the Committee.

    Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller
was directed to report to the Department of Finance monies deposited
in the following accounts, as of November 1, 1949:

        (1) University of Kentucky General Fund Account

        (2) Revenue Bond and Interest Redemption Fund

        (3) Frank D. Peterson Petty Cash Account.

    He was further directed to retain in the local depository the
other accounts containing private funds and contributions.



       T. Acceptance of Kappa Delta Pi Bonds for Safekeepin.

       President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptrol-

                                         September 30, 1949

      Dr. Ii. L. Donovan, President
      University of Kentucky

      My dear President Donovan:

           This office is in receipt of United States Savings
      Bonds described below which the Alpha Gamma Chapter of
      Kappa Delta P1 requests be placed in the University lock
      box for safe-keeping.

           One U. S. Savings Bond, Series G, 0l,000.OO
           maturity value, issued December 1, 1942,

           One U. S. Savings Bond, Series G, $500.00
           maturity value, issued December 1, 1942,

           I request your approval of our custody of the bonds,
      and that it be made of record in the minutes of the Board
      of Trustees.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson,

     The President recommended that the bonds be received for safe-
keeping, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recom-
mendation of the President was concurred in, and the Comptroller was
authorized to place the bonds in the lock box of the University for

     U. Petition of the Henry Watterson Press Club.

     President Donovan submitted petition of the "Henry Watterson
Press Club of the University of Kentucky."   He stated that the peti-
tion was addressed to the faculty and Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky for approval of the establishment of a publica-
tion at the University.   He further stated that the Press Club
desired to establish a tabloid newspaper publication entitled "Campus
Cat" at the University.   The petition was read, and a general dis-
cussion followed concerning the Kentucky Kernel, Yaue and The




     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the petition of the
Henry ;atterson Press Club for the establishment of a tabloid news-
paper publication entitled "Campus Cat" at the University twas denied,
as the Committee felt that the publication of the Kentucky Kernel,
Vagge, and The Kentuckian fulfills the present campus need for stu-
dent publications.

    V. Increased Appropriations.

    President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptroller:

                                          October 14, 1949

    Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         At the time the current budget was adopted, there was
    appropriated for Extraordinary Restoration and Replacements
    the sum of $70,000.   This appropriation is exhausted.

          fee have requested and received bids for completing the
    electrical loop around the campus through the installation
    of conduit from the intersection of Limestone Street and
    Euclid Avenue to the intersection of Euclid Avenue and Rose
    Streets.   The plans and specifications for this work call
    for electric lines running the distance between Limestone
    and Rose Streets, picking up and connecting to all University
    property north and south of Euclid Avenue.   The low bid is

         It is also planned that the University will prepare
    plans and specifications for construction of walks and a
    retaining2 wall between the north boundary of the Memorial
    Auditorium Field House property and the abutting property
    owners facing on College View Street.   It will also be
    necessary to install sidewalks on the east and south side
    of the Memorial Coliseum,   This work around the Miemorial
    Coliseum will cost approximately $50,000.

         It has been necessary to approve a few Change Orders
    during the construction of the addition to McLean Stadium.
    These Change orders agg