xt7d513txh1q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d513txh1q/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1985 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, circa 1985, volume 8 number 4 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, circa 1985, volume 8 number 4 1985 1985 2020 true xt7d513txh1q section xt7d513txh1q  


Vol. VIII No.4





Israel To Grant Posthumous Citizenship

Jerusalem (JTA) - The 6,000,000
Jews who perished in the Holocaust
and those ”righteous gentiles” who
died while saving Jews during the
Nazi reign of terror, will be
granted posthumous lsraeli citi-
zenship, according to a recent
declaration issued by the Knesset.

This unprecendented expression
will be officially announced at
the HOth anniversary observance
of the defeat of Nazi Germany
scheduled for May S to 9 in

Each participant in the assembly
will receive a certificate desig-
nating him or her as a witness to
this memorial rite. The world
assembly is expected to serve as
a time of rededication to the
memory of those whose lives were
extinguished by the Nazis and to
those who survived to restore and
revitalize the Jewish nation.

Excenpted 640m the Bafitimonc JQWLAh
Time/5, prz 12, 1985.

See pageA 2—4 fion netated ahILCKQA.




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WHEREAS, 1985 marks the Fortieth Anniversary of liberation from

Nazi oppression in World War II, in which millions of
people suffered as Victims of Nazism; and,

WHEREAS, The people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky should
always remember the atrocities committed by the
Nazis so that such horrors will never be repeated; and,

WHEREAS, The people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky should
continually rededicate themselves to the principle
of equal justice for all people; and,

WHEREAS, The people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky should remain
eternally vigilant against all tyranny and recognize that
bigotry provides a breeding ground for tyranny to flourish;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, MARTHA LAYNE COLLINS, Governor of the Commonwealth of
Kentucky, in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, and
in the hope that we will strive always to overcome preju—
dice and inhumanity through education, vigilance and
resistance, do hereby proclaim the week of April 14-21,
1985, as


in Kentucky.


of Frankfort, this the lst day of
April, in the year One Thousand
Nine Hundred Eighty—five and in the
year of the Commonwealth the One
Hundred Ninety—third.





Drexel R. Davis
Secretary of State







At Pnocfiamauon Signing: Chantatte Baa/L, CO-ChCLUL 06 the.
CKJA CommumLty Rem/dorm Cami/tree,- D/L. Stanfiey Saxe,

Vom HaAhoah Commemonaiion Chaéh; GKonIa Katz, CKJA PneAi—
dent; and Judith Saxe, CKJA Adminibtaaton.

The Central Kentucky Jewish Association held its annual
Yom Hashoah observance on April 18, 1985 at Temple Adath
Israel. Coordinated by Stanley Saxe, the program featured
Mr. Ken Kurtz, News Director of WKYT—TV, who has just recently
returned from a special media tour of Israel.

In addition instrumental music was provided by Michael
Lerner and Lawrence Sherman, vocals by Arthur Graham and
Oscar Haber, and readings by Rabbi William Leffler, Kenneth
Germain and Harriet Rose.

Of note this year, which marks the fortieth anniversary
of the liberation of the Nazi death camps, is the fact that
CKJA was not the only sponsor of a memorial program. The week
of April 14—21, 1985, proclaimed by Governor Collins as ”Days
of Remembrance”, was marked by a similar proclamation issued
by the Student Government Association at the University of
Kentucky and a movie presentation on April 17th.




San Francisco, April 22, 1985 ...

During the weekend marked by the
poignant pleas voiced by Elie Wiesel
and others imploring President Reagan
to cancel his visit to a German ceme—
tery in which former German SS troops
are buried, the Council of Jewish
Federations Board met in San Francisco
and authorized the following telegram
be sent to the President:

”Knowing how deeply you feel about the
Holocaust, we welcome your decision to
visit a Nazi concentration camp to re-
member those who were martyred by Nazi
genocide. But we are disturbed and
perplexed by the decision and its justi—
fication for visiting a cemetery in
which SS troops are buried and recog-
nized. We believe along with veterans'
groups, that those whose memory should
be cherished are those young men and
women who gave their lives to liberate
Europe from Nazism. The fortieth anni-
versary of the end of World War ll
should not be marked by paying tribute
to those who served -- voluntarily or
involuntarily -- as instruments of Nazi
tyranny and brutality. With you, we do
believe in reconciliation, and in that
spirit we should recall those Germans
who had the courage to stand up to
Nazism, even though it cost them their
freedom and, in most cases, their

' II
lives. Shoshana S. Cardin

Council of Jewish Federations

New York, April 26, 1985 ...

Responding to President Reagan's
visit to the German military cemetery
in Bitburg, a delegation of Jewish and
Christian leaders from the United
States and from European countries will
visit Munich to honor Germans who gave
their lives resisting Hitler.

On Friday morning, May 3rd, memorial
services will be conducted in memory of
the White Rose, a German group of young
anti-Nazis who paid with their lives
for their resistance. It will be fol-
lowed by a memorial service in Dachau.


Our memorial tribute to the White
Rose is intended as a declaration to the
world that we do not oppose reconcilia-
tion with democratic and anti-Nazi
forces in Germany, but we reject the
lie that the Nazi armies were victims,
rather than Hitler's tools in the un—
precendented evil unleashed by Hitler on
the world.

There cannot be reconciliation with
the chapter of German history that is
symbolized by Bitburg.

Theodore R. Mann

American Jewish Congress


Bonn (JTA) - Eli Wiesel, the Jewish
writer whose best known works have been
on Holocaust themes, has been nominated
for the Nobel Peace Prize by several
members of the Bundestag faction of the
ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
and its coalition partner, the Free
Democratic Party (FDP).

The German politicians wrote to the
Norwegian Prize Committee proposing
Wiesel for his contributions to promot-
ing understanding and conciliation in
the post—war world. Wiesel, born in
Hungary in 1928, is a survivor of the
Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration


Mengele Search Urged

Sen. EDWARD Kl:Ni\'lzl)Y tD—Mass.) and
ten to the chairman and ranking members
of the House and Senate Appropriations
Committees urging them to include in the
next appropriations bill a provision "for the
Department of Justice to pay a reward of
one million dollars for information leading
to the apprehension ot~ (Nazi war criminal)
Joseph Mengele,

“We feel that a reward by the United
States Government is especially lilting. in
light of reports that our Government itself
may have permitted Mengele to escapejiis—
lice in the period immediately following
World War II."

In other action. 7‘) Representatives have
cosponsored a resolution initiated by Rep.
JANst Fixa