xt7d513tx945 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d513tx945/data/mets.xml Arkansas Historical Records Survey (Ark.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1942 xv, 100 p.: ill.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Cal Number FW 4.14:Ar 4k/no.48 books English Little Rock, Ark.: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arkansas Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Arkansas -- Monroe County -- Catalogs Monroe County (Ark.) -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography -- Catalogs Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 48. Monroe County (Clarendon) text Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 48. Monroe County (Clarendon) 1942 1942 2019 true xt7d513tx945 section xt7d513tx945 . ...“... _..... ...—...... ...-...... ~W- 2 ..m ...—...... ”...—...... . ...—_..... ”..,..." .2...”

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§ :1 ya sharp, thuO gdnlnlstratcr .
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1 h 11 me Hf Arts and belfincws S
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L Judge J ht T. K‘rnugay E
9 Houufiy Judge of Mcnroe County ' F
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. . ...
- ‘2 . '11; . 13-93“, 9,-3 ~31 .3
22.32.13 33.2 3.52135»: they. 11: r:.13.-....r.q.s “31.3-; tnvy 3.1--
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: -: .v, .. -
3‘? T‘; “33133; rvzllmirr 1:3"; 2:33.23 33:13.12. 3.12”». :31--.
.3 __ _, . . ,
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3 "21‘. 11:13, 21:. .‘11'.'. q :::.S .:, 2. 2:: ,._J_, -- :
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t"22'- L’ c‘fv fins 1:. 31:: 3,: .2 -2-..-n ,- ...V 9
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She Irrertwry of the Count; Archives of Arkansas is Oic of a
1 rumber of LdTEEF“Eo"E1EE§&E€ZI‘35€C?€ZT§"5FE~ar:d ifrbugFOJt the '
% United ut.tcs by workers on hisfiericul Records furvgy or facts of
g the Work Projucis Ldminisiriiion. The publication hwruWith orc-
u Sufiifid, Wh inventory of tFe archives of Monroe CO“nty, is nuxb.r £8
{1 of the Arkais S agrius. ~
; Thu Uisioriou? Ruccrds curvay frogrum'was undprtrkur ir tFQ ‘
f" winter of 1935-36 for thv purpose of nroviding useful emplcymunt far
: heady unpmpided histjri rs, luwyors, firchurs, Lfli r;392rcl find
f Claricwl flTTKLTS. In Cirryirg out this ij.ctivc, the proficf TL: 1
1 orgrrizpd i0 compil; iLVuLtOIiuS cf histcric;l mutgriuls, pzrticq—
% 12r1¥ fih; un§ubli3hpd govprfim311 d;cnx;nts ind r;30rj: which ;r;
3 Basic in {kg udrinistruiian of lDCLl gCVgrnmant, ;nd Thick pr;?idp
E iflVxluublu difiu for :iud,rt3 of leitiCLl, uCDHLfliC, and social his—
fi Lor;. Thu :rchiVKl Ldidq erewith prgslfit;d i: intpniqd ta map: the
$1 rgguiruminis Cf €;p~tu—ifij adminigirhiiJg 5: b”u T;fici.ls if the I
§' C;unty, 126 i132 th; xiii: 53 lvrv,rs, C SiMLSTmCH, .nd liter Citi-
Q zinc wig rgqnir: f u%: frqutha nglic rQC;rfis 3;: tn: pr:gar Cun-
g iuot of L pir nfiulrs. Th; Vilma; is :3 dzsigncd fhut it Chm Be
1% used by the historiin in his ris;.rch in unwrintgd scurugs in the
g Sifiu Wiy hp arcs tha librrry card 03t1135 fwr printid s JFCQS. 4
1;? Thu invuytJricu sr;iuccd b; tic Historical iiczrds ourvcy pr;—
yfi jccis ‘ttwmpt t“ dv 3171‘V Lhfir give m:r:1y a list )5 racirds——thcy '
*2, Lt‘tvfijfit 31.}r'it1'.1;1‘ t, sic—ion 1;; T3111, hisE Ate-3.1 ‘1;1.2cl~:{;r_.u_:‘d 1f 'T‘rw c:r1:;t;'
éfi J: ithqr urii :S gqvgrnnint, ;id t' l scribu pricic3l; ;;d i; ictzil ’
;§; t3; Frgffiiifltiig ngi fvncfiq s ‘i thy ;;#vrrx;nt agencies TL‘SV ri—
E% > 02rds ticy list“ T13 CCuLty, t.un, usd th'r locgl ihvcni ri;s fir
fig, fihg cmtir; c unfiry will, khan c.mpi:tud, 0;.3titutc 1i gncgcl'pgdiu
L@ ‘f inc 1 :dvvrnnpnt CS V511 as g birli.gr:p;y 2f 1 Cal grchifis. :9
W ij Rh; prgscnt tim. ner iLan 1,500 Suriig ptblic;ii-is kav; bzcn is—
T wicd 't; tin; ouugfrgr'is a 1%;512.
Th; 311001551311 c5::.ci1:si n :i‘ 15115 1152‘}; 71" the Listrio 1 chga‘és
f Surfgy pr“§gcts, cvyn in a single o:u.ty, m'uli r‘fi b9 psssitlu Tith-
5 cut tn“ Sfipp7rt if public Cfficials, hisl‘rical WLH 1_gu1 :figcial— -
mi istz, ind many :thor ;ri ms in it; C 1xuniif. Thiir C-:;;r ii n is -
§fi grttnglly Cu?nywlvd5wd. '
%g The Surviy Prohrux was rganizcd by Luth;r E. E“ as, Th‘ s:r7:d
4% as Dirgct"r unfil figrch 1, 1540, WLLR r; Hus succ,qd;d by Sfiréwnt E.
E Chiid. Th; Surfpy 5g,r.+us as L N ii f-Wii; s;ri;s VI 1 Cilly a? L—
:f Sifwd gerchs in the DiTiEiJL of U Tunniiy Ccrin; 9: gr 4r, “f
vhicr firs. Flmr5hcg Kurr, Assisfpit Cizgifsi_ncr, is in ghasfu.
C.L‘iSSiJTpr Lf
Wgrk Prvj-cts
1 i >

 , l
.‘ ' '5 " . '
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 .:‘ >’ :J 1 , 7 ,>- _ .. . _ ---_ , , 1 ‘ , . , _ 1‘. ‘ f V ,‘ _ a
' P;.E‘;Z7.A.<.‘E
”71*: List 1-1021 Lgxulfls LI..1~"*¢y 1N1." j.'=1;1't’7.atsd T111 .1132? 1131-5 in Liars};
‘ 1956 2% - hrarch of th; F-6u321 uritars' fr jvct. 3: HfiVzfiDLF a? thy ‘
Y‘ smug yuur Rh» Survey b-CQHG an Lnd;nu¢flgnt ;nit a? F-d-r 1 PrLj-JC SJ:
fi 1, -nd immuti;n-d unflgr FufiJr‘L spgrSJrSLig *ntil' ngtunh.r l, 15;?»
On SLIU-fiU-T b, 1959, 1%; tflit b-Cu:3 a ¢t1t-—Vilu lie-liy :f77-;r.1
} PTOjaCk WuF-r $31 suyurwisian if Cor_r£ H. Jflcfimgy- Ire J;con»g rg— ~
9 algn & 1 flufltgnfur L, 1340 to buCUMQ Qtfitp Chi-f ”C the Pycourci :ul
1 Lucwrds ?¢ Evan; umi'w s sue :gflci by ”LJHQLQ Eostgy xhl L25 3-r7,2 ;L
‘ ihu sum gr Eur; stiff Hf th Gwrv-y Sinc- D;c-mbbr 1-33;
_.-L .
1‘ ‘ Tho Swrfay is spjnrurzj in erans;s by the C311; 0 -f ;r%: api Qci— '
anQS JV in Univ-rsitf Wf LrL;1nfl$ xii Cu-SUUflffrufi by tLu ucunjy I
' judgas If thv St is. It CpOFxtQS unis? the jurisiiiii 3 1f gas-arch -
; And Ruc:r&z Pragrans Of the Divisi-l sf Cirgmxitg U;?"ic¢ Pr- r 15 3f
Q tho‘norh Pr jacks Adriuistrtpizg- th Arfipgfigs unif 1s undir th 1col-
12‘ nic:j_'1si viii; Ti‘l :nmx riisiVV. 2f #TL- Cgitrtl. iffic-; in Efxfl1ii t 1” 3:0”
. -
7' Kb: LrL wags imrvey Nu: hufl as its Chief ijLCPfivs the pablioftinn
‘f 3f cuutty iAVunt-IivGa bui at pr-s-ut is ;1TJ HikiLL , surv;y q? 5+uzg,
If nuniciqul; 11d Cfiarxh ‘chizgsr -;rly hm,ric n in: iutsn minuccrint d;—
ff positrries and Cull-Ltians, 1ii is 1r4W ring ; ruii- f“ Arkgns s flaws—
;; * pgpprro i 113% of rurucr :0b1ithiCQS will be €331; W: the last Ust of
’ E this TT1UEQO ,
jg 1h, fivrvyg is grufiariu; a lewme u310k'will idclnde dcizilad 518—
Q 0153: w' )3 kl; :rg1nizatinz, strucfuro: tni C“‘1uti.1 9f C»vnty 7‘79r1~
:5 11-h? i::.§s'crr1s*.€c ‘31:; :5?L‘1*irl_ f:&r tlxis ’“311n_q 1:1].1 VDU firsa:gb1;.d frgq; ;
,Q thc St,fp’s oarsfituti>v, vydus, 11d LCtS >f th- G-L.ral assumbly. The
Q maturlml Jill Cchist 0{ all Lhasa laws 1;d constifutional Wrcrisioxs
{fl tkat are g>vcvniw5 “nd have guvcrned Cuwniy o??ic53. It 53 Bolipvgd
g fihat Thu pnblicafion of This voiurg will msfi¢ it UHYJCQSSHrf t3 rg%c t
‘ Curtzifi it;fifi of f-A-rul infavmgfiion in fWrincaminr snunfy i-v;:+oriez4
i banding i3snugcc 31 ihg gar-ril voltm; cm 00 utv g v rum Lt, it jg sug-
, g::::"g<';c1 that 53:1:- 1“-'-:::.d~-1‘ carnz'nl't we Invylxtcz‘y of Ur, S mail.“ .:'-.1'C?i.iv-s :1" 1
Arl.;ms.,;_, TKO . 2Z3 . 1751;11:1‘1-1‘ Carc-111:1;(GTEHSU-i‘jx'“; E‘T:‘Lf§;—1E-:l disc-CEE-iins
’ than t “s- fcwfid in tFis invumtfiry, *
, g ccnsnlutiou C? th- tufilu o? vnzfunts o? tnis Volwm: ‘ill ;:d1— .
" out” tkat tHw in? nuoryjs diV31 3 into tvc yerfls. IA fh' “3r:*, 0:
ffi g‘n;r‘l swction of thy *wlunc ”111 h- ‘Ouri r fiiurnriozl s :tcl o“ LHJ
: count“; 21d tn WSBLY on thg Eowuidr, QfTfl; and FPO sSihility o? thu
ryaoriS, I1 fihz 5 ”Odd s-ct on a? th- vclum: Till F~ “Quad r 1?;ting
cf tP: r HOTdn of ncuutfi C?finas. 5h; :rraxinn.nt C? n?”i:-s EV ?un¢ii0ns
‘ is W; Fmilcws: V“ner:l 11miui-trrtion; r~~ordixgg ‘fim1ni-tratifin of
A jwsfic~3 ?iuvucv; wlnvtions; education; hdnlth :11 m lV-rw, vni nۤ~ ,
collwn oug. Th: F”U0Vd5 fr' 3 fir:grfi 1 uni.r uu?j~rt h 'ding5, 7P-Crdn
; ing to OPfin- o? orimin or ?inul i rosit, uulrss Wffi»r v1~szifi***ion
‘ is iiiruzrb:d by“ Lav]. ihEicI‘uWrLuizté :‘_201”is hnxh "b 52: v1~xu;i“ianl, so
fcr as hvsaihl , uvcording $0 thc sub? cfs vith wdivh {Her 6-21. Th F
firn dgsunibud in wntrius vhm-w atvla is Tormalixni to ”iv; th- fallin—
\ v .
1 :
Y i
,, g -- . . -:- _--_- “Hm-1 .1111 ,m”-_ .Vm.1 ,1-1.- .m-.. “1-. -

 x I
u VJT?'T‘NV '" ih‘.'r ' ‘ - > T. > . ’ ' ' 1 _ ,5) - ' 5.‘ .‘ ' . f
.L " é ' . ' ' .
T ,v»
. ,L; -_§ > ‘ .'
, 3 a . y
_ J.‘ . A
~I? PraTace
,- \ '3 f'
. ‘ >§
‘ ' z I?
--fi %
‘ k ‘E . r_ \ . , u r, 1. M 1, on! n ‘
“ I? is gircétafi p" law. Unaer agenc;cs, rcCOYGS have gee“ 0*aualflvflspso
‘ T ' ’ - - \z . . ,' n . ,3 1 » ~‘ r ,- 7. ' P " Mr
A 53 Par rs nassible, acaordln“ to the SULJUCCS wiin WH¢Ch rhby dual. -h“u
" . 7 ”‘T W ~ ' . “' . . ,q , -p,, . .- u L; DI 1 a-
” '-: arfl ‘escri?cd in enfrlus whose Styli lS lOIflallLUd to alvb tuv LDLJOH d
”A ’ I V “L H . 1 . ,. ' 1 . r‘ 5.1 7‘“- . I ‘ NJ"? " L
J ~3 id‘ Ln?grma*ion: T;flu of rucord, mates for mthn dVa¢;5UlO: dJfiuv‘tJJ.
;? 'f ' “ _. . . :0“ -r 4 w+ ' u awn. 4, 3r ' 'cord
* , , 1€b¢1145 )I volancs or CflutaiDUrS) Varifluv t1t1<3: vvvCTA9t~Jn 0f rv P
2" § »-~ . . 1H '_._ _ . A M a .3 H 1‘}, Q47“; ; ‘
V ’ c»;b;;;s, man;;r of arr ngpmgnt, 1ngcx-ng, nutuia 31 rwcold Ab, -Lmt O
1 “ TOEQHQS or cyziginvrs, and locationa
.‘ 2‘. 1- . . p x ‘ :> _ ¥ A V . ~ 1 _. 1“”. \"r‘ O ‘1‘)”3‘111 (1.11.7110. 4‘ hU
M ' ’ “k ~=v,“r3rv a; pay AOJTOU vaunty ¢1Cfli.uS NAV u: A »~ ‘~v
V ' J _ .m 4“ » ~~ .1 ‘ . 1 M ,1 , V. . _r 3 . “1 ,J W‘" ~75:- _‘ .v
: “ 12+t>r vv"t Of lufiS and CJmnlctgu in 1941. Th; mflgllhl L1u¢u nulwprb
' '1 1' ‘ . . - , . _ x ,. T Jan, 3 _
a ‘ ~ r" flaritkv Kcnflgrson and Annlc fl: Smlth who *UFVUQ URJJT va Ciflvr
': ’ V . . U Y_ ,_ “x- .L ‘ . C‘ n » . ‘ , ‘ T
? i v;5131 of milbur :5tL, ng'FlCt vuy-3v1sor. .
.b.’ ' I . .
'7 _ ,. - . , A , ,1 ‘ 4. ' n. " “H ,wr wv' ._
3‘ ‘ Th fi,rk in tau Stat; OfIJCu anlxdgd tug pqlulut 01 lvrmq, “‘Lt
“‘V ' ‘ .. . .- r ‘ ,m" ..‘ H
i 4»n -f Vivi g “45i>r:c 1 an; luggl r::aur%h, mrlt;ng dnd ”Altng uf .
w +A24 ~' “A-“~*-’ : *‘* ‘ " " ‘ “ , . _~ '2”... r -+ n ’(
‘” Z svr s ‘vd *ullicr+;cm of ti; VJ1unC¢ Psrsoms 1n LL; TL 1e UdlvurLAl .
, x V v .7. f ‘ ' ‘ -. t 1 L m . _. ‘ _ ‘ " y m "z ‘T‘l'f' ‘ '
. m- ‘ 4f?iuv yv mi"m gr u1t 15 ans 'roz Llo‘rL A. panor.3,1xrng VcAlJr, 1 ‘1
’ - . . ‘V .<-:, N. . wy- ry »
' W \ “try F” in Army ;nd 45141; Birrzg d, antry JOl.GfOJ C1 “PS LYJJ 'JC. 1 .
""5 m V t . - w . — , ‘ .11. T 'v .‘ w. ; .L . .51,- V :1 -.~ \ tin: 'QQ {21‘1“
5 - a J,f: Tllhi pqmtsrs; Lfghu 'gLuaw;u, UTsV~I 1&0 9r“r *‘d A“ ’ i L
3;}: " . .. -' n ,: . ‘ V a 3v c: ‘~ ~ ~ :71» 7' {1T ’
Us x f u)“; a ‘C -§ 7 ‘ ‘14-'51; V g “(J-.1131; 13?, 31.11;; , _I‘avci‘vd 4U,” mum 4.: 1 _.VanUQ’ A.“
' I“ L ’ , - ‘ V” H > 4‘ « ~- - .T . ‘ - 2 ~ A _ .r: __,‘ ., ‘ 7‘.‘ r. g. ,n ' _-, V A; c: '5 ’ J' 1’ m;
V ' : qnbl’c'ii.h, Lgbgllc h¢1"mz rs, thS uFfiV;wlL an: leuclv 51A~xlnb m x _
v“; ' j k' l A' A .— ‘ v ‘ fl . ¥ _‘ . lr _- .3, __ ‘1 ' r: 1].,» 7 ‘ ‘ ‘
T V ' w c,nnlLt_ his uzit r,sp,:s;51; +“ Cl? ;XLL1 gubLlCctLvm _I tnlk ._l.np, L
.: -, - . ‘ J, 74'» 1 ‘.dvvl‘ 4.. J‘V-vzn . ‘
' ' ¥r* E Carl F, Gtt grungga { x;1. r,auv‘ v.9 Lug A+J£° I}
‘3,- y, x
V : 4 ' ‘
1‘ ' » . . . . — ‘ M , I: 17;. . 1%“ 1: ”fig r 3
b : ?;; JCLL 31‘1 Cr;%;c::ws Jf Albdl Tc Ur QLV, um; Ir :h TL rEj ‘ ‘1
WW 3 . , . , , “ “ ‘y Try: Sup-ring is gyrnJ‘JgTz'lleL‘f ',1C‘k/:f.».7¢"alki:igIda I
fl . a A,Mv, .L.._ _,u 7» a .1“ u . ,
r; _ -'\ l
l- ‘7 ‘
h” Ill 1 . F . . . - ‘ (‘.l. v: 1 ' A .T-‘ c “'—-'.r 3 r 14"". 5‘ Md 1
‘ 3‘ i T q 3,r‘;“'s :f'lc fl: 530:5 r, 1n: 0 utu—VLUu nnll~~iu -‘ ~:‘~
r’ z - “' “' ' u _ ‘ . ,\ _ H w. a. '%:“1: :~ x5» »
9 '§ *“v 7"”u'41; fii"i€‘:“ ‘ fird ,f flimrcq pruntg cfiph c gtrluxfpu Kill JLb
* ..= ‘ ”""“ T '. - knwr~‘+:wn a‘n Tit ' (L-.” M ihic val-
; 1 argifitl;cu t; Ln; pr_;,ct ¢t LP: C’¢yLL.tLIL in“ ygollcwulug f V‘ T
v ,. , . _5 —. H > . my ‘ 1, 7. M1 (1' ...... T.‘ , .1 :1—
’ ~3 mtg, ch¢r c ntributgny IQLJCLJD 44r2. va Arm Abus “LSD“:J v’?
.5 ’ ’. . . _ . 4 'w r - i ran. .-5 +1_ ,vm*v uTTi33“l< ”I
g . '1L53; 1; gr:;flfu5 arit;ro' :ruggck, “LA, .,u \A, C,J”bd L L T
i' -
é .' y/ng; J u;”y.
6" _ ‘_1,,r$ "a,~v A
‘ :‘ hgfudwu “LTTuR
{ ‘ . 1' . ~- 54-. J _ fi,.'r“,"-u S I‘
y..- INT ficx rlgl “allclxg “‘ t” ”u “' a. J . ,
““ ' n y, , ._ :._».‘ ,3 ~ 1 .
‘f‘ »- '4..1 , V >~L , ,, c. 11;; _AIWS .s 1. “A, >T,4.C‘.Ti
. L..L\.U.L./ .‘,~C., A AA ..‘. ..‘ 1 ._ <
L": ‘ ‘ 'w = 1 1 4‘? Paw» rufi wrfiwy
. ' in . J. Vu M
f »'h .
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:1 i. '1 .
, i 1
‘j 9’; ', '
I» ‘ .1 .‘
K '4,- ‘
I ' .‘
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% z ‘
a = _ z
‘1' 5 .

A. Ark. .......................................... .. Acts of Arkansas '
alph. ............................................... alphabetical (1y)
i app. ........................................................ approved
\ Ark. ......................................................... Arkansas
}’ arr. ......................................................... arranged
1 bdl(s) .......................................................bundle(s)
chrou. ............................................. chronological(1y)
cir. .......................................................... circuit ‘
clk. .............................................. ............ clerk
' co. ............................................................county ‘ ‘
dist. ....................................................... district
j‘ est. ....................................................... estimate
1' et al. .....................................................and others ,
' f. d. ‘................................................ file drawer (s) ‘
. h. ....................................................... handwritten _
: hpf. ..................................... handwritten on printed form
‘[ hph. ..................................ohandwritten under printed head 1 '
f ibidD ..................................... ihidom.(in the same place ) _
‘fl n0(s).' a.................................................... numhcr(s) '
V numer. '..................................................num’rical(ly)
V op. cit, ............................ operc citato ( in the work cltafi
f off. ...........................................................officc ’
Y p(p). .........................................................page(s)
;‘ r. ............................................................. rsnge
‘t‘ rni. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. rocxn 'v
7? sec(s). ......... .............. ...........................secticn(s) ‘
5 strgc .........................................................st0racc
l) t. ............................................................. typed ' ,
‘ Terr. .................................................... Tcrritoriul
V trecs................................................,....... trcasurer
;. twp. ..............;......................................... township
'1 V. ..............................................................Vuult
' vol(s) ..................................................... volumc(s)
Syrbols .
-- ............................................ to date end continuinm .
' ' ........................................................ ?oot, feet ’
‘ ” ...........................................................inch(cs)
' X ...................................................ty (dimensions )
' Explanatory Wotis
Titles 2: flaccids
1 Exact titles of records are written in solid capitals without paren—
1 thuscs as in entry 2. In the rbscncc of titles, descriptive titlcs have
been assitned, vhich are writtun in solid capitals rnd tnclcscd in hrqckets I
as in entry 1. If a record title is not descriptive o? the contcnts of the
1X ,
i i

 WI III:.;II»I . .. _I _~~ w: ._ 7:71.. i “RI—It. “i" I, . WWW .,, i, ”in," w, .I..,_A».‘.... ..,_.,.,I.,....._,_ ,.,_._ _ -mm _.,_. i' . . _ . . , .. I I, . I
. » *3 H: ' . ' . . ‘ - ' . .
. -1 1 £ , >
;; 2: ,
. . . .J‘ .I ' . *
- ‘ 'If;
, E.§§' Abbrnviatious, Symbols, and .- ' w . 1
, , w t 5- .. .
. i; . prlanatory Notfis
' 7 '.§ 3 record, Ln assiinfld prlnnmtory titlo ( or explanatory words), written , (
3 :§.E with initial capitpls and enclosed in erenfihcses, has begn added as in ‘ '_
s '5; entry 39. .
fi*' 5’ 5 1
'.. l I D t5 ‘ I
:1" 7; l I I
.. 'j ' I <
H '5-2 All dates uswd arc inclusiVfi. Missing rwnords are indlcntud by I I
I. I'i‘ broken dvtos. “ I
v-E - I' ‘ (gaunt i ty I I
i : , —~—'*“"— 7
. .- . . . . ' (
A 4 ‘thn fiwo or more types of contxiners Prn conglderfid in fl Sinmlu entry, . ,
i“ . . . . . I ‘ . . . I, ‘
J j tn» quantity 18 shown in chronological 0rd r, in so far as pOSSihlw. ; I
I7.II ‘ I III, I
.15" :‘ I . lit, 3
v ; L7uwlinf E‘ ,
i . , ___"_~-H_.-H _ fit I
' 9;: ; TEL":
’ 1?? ~ 1 . . , . "£54: 7
.2 v N (1? s or 1 *t rs in parvntheSTS, followin: the numhur of vol“ :; I
g : 117C; 7:1: hvxfiu, 0r uthor tyne of cantiin r, iniicutc tlfi labelinfl. f I
.' fl 1» If 30 ir’aliufi is indinwted, it may hw ussured thvt th re is mono. r. ‘
' S? .': DiaoonfipW~ 1H 5
fl ‘ Khrvu n) su"fifimnnt is madfl that thu record Was discontinued at the 7”
3' ' lflst d‘io QMIWH in th_ entry, it couli be definibwly ostshlishfld 5
- g a that Hawk U'L gHw uzsat Khnrn no Comment is mid: on the mbsonca of if
fl ' yriur, JEF.VW3 3% or int yamdiate raccrds, no 6 finite inform tion Gould Lfi
E' . b, NEL-il'flg I“
' .321:
i? . Ufiuwr