xt7d513tx93k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d513tx93k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 2000 Vol.71 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, January 2000 Vol.71 No.1 2000 2000 2019 true xt7d513tx93k section xt7d513tx93k r' F (UK) tux pups
' iva': ‘17" OF KY.
' “ '3. . '-.’".’ - ..;1N¥3ARY SOUTH
‘ .'i_'71"{lNL}"l."~l KY 40506-
Volume 7|, Number I - January, 2000 Pres S
N 'de t C rt 1° d ° t
lfld By LISA CARNAHAN an opinion by the state attorney ity ofthe law in a federal lawsuit,
m m KPA News Bureau Director general opened them to the pub- saying it violated their First
The US. Supreme Court has lie. The '94 law allows for release Amendment right to free speech.
revived a Kentucky statute that of the reports to the accident vic- A federal judge in Louisville

m Mlems ensures reporters will have access tim. their insurer and their agreed with them and so did the

to police accident reports. lawyer. It also has a provision Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of

The law was passed by the which allows the reports to be Appeals. In February, the appel~

3 fOr 13mm Kentucky General Assembly in released for news gathering pur— late court ruled the law was
1994 after the legislature heard poses. News organizations are unconstitutional and that while

reports that accident victims were barred from using the information protecting accident victims‘ priva»

Don’t be stymied by being flooded with solicitations for commercial purposes. cy was a legitimate goal, the

_ . from lawyers and chiropractors. After the law was passed a exception allowing reports to be
uncooperatlve pOllce State police accident reports had group of lawyers and chiroprac- released to the news media
been confidential until 1989 when tors challenged the constitutional- See RULING, page 6
KPA News Bureau Director
Nespps Paper honored for tough stance on DUIs

are worried that a newly-designed,

four-page accident report imple- By LISA CARNAHAN ' ~ - new
mented by the Kentucky State KPA News Bureau Director 32-3., i‘ 7
Police beginning Jan. 1 could The Anderson County News ‘
impede their newsgathering capa- has again attracted national ' ' . ._
bilities. . _ attention because ofits unique - " _ I ' 3 fi 3
3 KPA started receivmg reports policy of publishing the pho- 3- 3 3 “ 3
"1 late November from editors who tographs of convicted local DUI ' ‘ " . ' § . 3
been told by local law enforcement offenders. I % ;'
agencies that the forms used by The paper was honored by the { 3.3.

' officers investigatlng a motor vehl- National Commission Against p ' if
cle acc1dent would now have to be Drunk Driving as a “Hero of § 3 ‘ , '
sent to Frankfort. The editors had Highway Safety,” along with nine . u -. . . 3
been tom the forms ““14 no other recipients across the nation. . 2
longer be available for the media in Th A d N r ceive d the ( ,, W-
the same method reporters had e3 11 erson ews e ' g, 3 ;. f- .e
Media Awareness Award for the s. ._ . .~
grown accustomed. Instead, they bl" . th t , ~ -. ., .-
Frankfort” before they could be _ _ ‘
Publisher Don Whlte accepted the " .-‘
relezltéiliis is the message (or some- award at a WaShingtonp D.C. cere- Don White (center), publisher of the Anderson News, accepted the
_ thing similar) that you’re being mony. _ 3 1999 Media Awareness Award from the National Commussuon Against
told by your local sheriff or city Photos of local ind1v1duals Drunk Driving (NCADD) at a Washington, D.C. ceremony. Robert
police Chief, you need to set the convicted of DUI began appearing Stempel, chairman of the organization (left) and John Moulden, presu-
See REPORTS, page 3 See TOUGH, page 12 dent of NCADD, presented the award.

I l Inter Conventlon. cetlng 116W C enges ,
By LISA CARNAHAN “2000 -— Meeting New Challenges between “New Technologies for W
KPA News Bureau Together.” Newspapers” and Adobe Acrobat 3,3,3 ._ ~ 3

If you're wondering what the The Winter Convention gets 4.0. Slimp is one of America's fore— “ .
future holds for your newspaper, or underway Thursday, Jan. 20 at the most software experts and his first "west: .
the industry in general, the KPA Marriott Resort in Lexington at 11 session will be devoted to new soft-
Winter Convention is one place to am. with the Trade Show. Sessions ware packages that are making a s"
look for answers. begin at 1 pm. with a favorite of big impact on the industry. It “ '
Some of the leading authorities recent conventions and one of the includes a presentation on «'p‘,
in their field have been assembled industry's leading speakers, Kevin InDesign, Creator 2 and the new ,
to speak at the convention, the Slimp. Quark WOTkHOW sy stem. In the SCC‘ {at
theme of which is appropriately, Slimp will split his time See CONVENTION, page 7 __ e es’eew
p; ~ -

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, January, 2000
K t k l . th
, . ’ i r l ‘ yboy. In 1963 he was hired by The website which took second place in the EnterprLse a weekly newspaper servingr
and s( hamper named “’P— . .‘ . . . . . . . ~ .
A‘Shl _ . Hemld-Dispatch in Huntington, W.Va., as National Newspaper Assrxnation's compe- Clay County since 1869; The ()ldham
news pI‘OdUCUOH wltor a reporter covering news developments in tition for nondaily papem Era, a newspaper toundtd in LaGmnge in
St (,1 r I 40) (U “u rin ( f Grieenup County. He's a graduate of Ohio 1876 and currently ovmed by Landmark
‘ an iampe ’ 2 u H i ‘ ) Universityin Athens with '1 dual major in ‘ . ' (‘ r 1 ity N' 'ws i'iiers Inc lLCN’Il‘ the
, i -' x ~ « I .‘ . ‘ ‘ " Vera] alfilbmymlzed ."mnun~‘( ‘1‘} “ .' f ‘
u“ 1“,“‘7plip: iiuiiiiltSXNllththé‘TE :12: English and history. SC p C ()wens‘boro Mtssenger-Inquirer, founded
area, nas re 2 f e , l ' C t . J . . , . ' , ' .. . -
FA litorof the A. shlan (1 Daily Independent . . . ah Centennla] 811511168563 as The Examintr in 1874, betamt known
. . ' DaVlS nalned to ailmal as the The Messenger in 1877 and then
The promotion Will have Champer t0p 'I\Nelve Kentucky newspapers were b‘ ad ‘th Th ) In - . - 1909, Th*
risponsible for overseeing all scgments of Fl d C T recognized recently by the Kentucky (Sim [ml ijh (h guinr m B 2d t
‘ . . ‘ .‘ . ‘ " . . . ' . ‘it' -“ i n n,oririnatr in
the editorial department, mClUdlflg 000- pO‘St at 0y 0' lmeb Historical Society, the state Economic B n me -C O n )7 ,0, 7 -
. . . . , . arbourwlle in 187‘) as The Mountain
tent and design. He Will continue to serve Ralph B. DaVLs III has been named Development Cabinet and the Kentucky 1 ‘ . . ,
. . . . . w , ,, , . Echo. The London Sentinel made its
asamember of the editorial board. managing editor of the Floyd County Chamber of Commerce as (,rentenrual d ~ ,
V , . - . ,, ebut in 1907 and the two papers merged
(hamper, 56, came to the Daily Times. Businesses. . . . , ‘ .
. . . . 7 . in 1908, The Sentinel—News, Shelbyvrlle,
Independent as a reporter in 1964 and The Prestonsbuig native is a gradu- The program honors businesses in d t , .
. . . . _. . . . ates to 1840. The Shelby Sentinel and
was promoted to City editor in 1968. He ate of Kentucky State University. He Kentucky that have in operation for at Th . r .
. . . . 7. . . , 0 Shelby News merged in 1972, and
started his newspaper career as a 16—year- served as editor and asaiciate editor of the least 100 years. Busintsses reoemng the t ‘
. , . . . . The Spencer Magnet, a newspaper found—
old student at Ironton High School. He Pamtsvrlle Herald and the Jackson honor get a oneyear membership in the . . . . . ,
. . . . . . . ed in Taylorsvrlle in 1866 by William I‘.
worked as mail room clerk in the Circula— County Sun and was most recently a Kentucky Histoncal Society, a certificate, B was 1 lb LCNI in 1990
tion department of the Ironton Tribune. member of the staff of the Appalachian recognition at the Kentucky Industrial n, p y ‘
Upon graduation, he transferred to The News-Express in Pikeville. At Paintsville, Development Council annual meeting, ,
Tribune's editorial department where he he began to work with electronic ccmmu- use of the Kentucky Centennial Business Herald-1.3m S Wall
worked as a photographer, reporter and nications and developed the newspaper's logo and flee consultation on pmrvmg ll - l EClI A l
historic business records and artifacts. Cams p8e W
""'"""'"" I he K entUCky Press —"""""' Businesses named to the 1999 Maryjean Wall of the Lexington
Centennial Business Program included: Herald-Leader won her third Eclipse
The Kentucky Press (ISSNW24) ispub- District 13 The Carlisle Mercury, in operation by Award for newspaper writing.
lishedmonthly by the Kentucky Press Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise 1867 and now owned by Community Wall was honored last month for her
Assign-(1W Kméky Pres ijmlgs If, _ , Newspaper Holdings, Inc; The Citizen "The Sport of Sheiks" project that was
Magenta?“ says" H - Adverse. News Inc. composed of puma in Am . the pea mm- ed
Postmaster: Send change of address to The Davrd Thomberry, kommonwealth—Joumal the Citizen—Advertiser, a shopper, and the the racing indPStry dynasty “The ruling
Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer lane, D‘ ‘t . ‘t 1‘»- A BOUTbOn County CIUZCU. a weekly that MaktDum family of Dubai and its questto
Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) 223-8821. Db rig/h t A d . ~ N A ,. traces its lineage to the Westem Citizen Win the Kentucky Derby. She also won
- _ _ _ m 1 t’ n ”Mm ( W which was first published in Paris in 1807; the award in 1980 and 1997 and is one of
Officers and areal)“: . D‘ , -- RB the Glasgow Daily Times WhiCh began as two writers in the newspaper division to
Kentucky Press Association 15m” 1- kl . x . Cl ‘ . . 1865‘ . E l' ‘ 1rd Th h . . ‘
John Nelson, Danville Advocate—Messenger a wee _y “W51)“£1r "l ' abgow m , W111 three C lpbe A“( s. '0 ()t (r .15
[ircgidcm Th0 Hickman (JOUI‘IOI‘. 8 newspaper Mlarnl Herald sports columnist EdVVII'l
Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader Sun- at large established in Hickman in 1859 that Pope.
1 l Bennie lvorv, The C ourier-lournal "3181115 its original name; The Kentucky
”‘95“ 91“ E 9“ . New Era, today a newspaper publishing
Teresa Reylett, McLean County News Teresa Mullins, Berea Citizen company in Hopkinsville, began as a COmCII pI‘OmOtOd t0 NEWS
Past President - . ween-V newspaper m 1968,3“d ha“ been BdJIOI' at PlkCVllle
Guy Hatfield, Citizen Voice 8: Times Taylor HayC‘S' Kentucky New Era owned by the same family smoe 1873; The A 1 ll" N ) , ‘ F ) ‘ St fin
‘ _ g g ‘ Kentucky Post, a Coxington newspaper _ ppa ac 1‘1“ L“ 5' ixprcss a
Vi“. President Associates DiViSion started in 1890, is still owned by its found- writer Michael (,omett has been promot-
Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express Ed Mastrean, . ~ . ing family and has been at its current loca- ed to news editor.
Trefiurer Kmkay EdmammalTewvmm tion since 1902; The Manchester See PEOPLE, page 10
DdVTd (:11er The Kentucky Standard, Advertising DTVlSIUH W
f.” Bardstown Elaine Morgan, Owensboro
Messei‘iger-[nquirer e at S
District 1 ————————-—-———-—-———————
William MItChOH' mum Leader at)“:[Ediii‘rialKDmsiEn P 1 JOSBPh Wootton Dorris He is survived by his wife,
Districtz M U H ’ enmt ) 05 Joseph "Joe" Wootton Dorris, a EveWy'Ill'HamRmDnd Dogris; adbroth-
‘ ' i ~ . , er, 1 am . orri: r., an a 818- .
Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress Circulation Division formt r Pu_bh-‘h( r 9f the KentUCkY t N1 11 D . ‘ HL‘ 11 11 f
, ~ . - New Era in HopkinsVille who was er, _ e , 0”” 1 y. a 0
Daye Eldridge, Jessamineloumal . , H k ll
District3 associated With the paper for over 0p 1nsvr e
Ed Rinev, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer Journalism Education 63 years, died in late. November. _ Memf’rmls can b? made to the
’ F IT *dMihd‘Ch h
Io—Ann Huff-Albers He was 91_ 11st initc t t 0 1st urc .
05m?” _ . . Western Kentucky University Dorris was inducted into the .
Charlie Portmanii, Franklin Favorite Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame Hugh Haynie
District‘i GeneralCounselS ~ on April 5 1999. Award-winning editorial car-
Dm'id Cireenfiie Kentucky Standard, l9“ Fleischaker and Kim Greene A native of Hopkinsville, he toonist Hugh Haynie died Nov. 26
Bardstown Dmbm‘WSI Sim” graduated from the Univers1ty of oflung cancer. He was 72.
, _ _ Missouri in 1930 with a degree in H aynie spent most of his
Districto he‘lmd‘ypre-‘S {\SSQUatf‘m journalism. Dorris worked briefly career at The Courier-Journal and
D‘WthyAbcm‘nhy’mdh‘m‘Em kmkayPrCSS berm“ staff in papers in Missouri and Illinois was known for his hard-hitting
David T. Thompson, Executive Director . . . . . . ’
_ .g _, , . before returning to his hometown liberal-leaning,r cartoons. Haynie
Dhmkt I Bonnie Howard, Controller . C)‘ ‘ , _ , , ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ‘
Kelley Warnick, GallatinCoiuity News Lm Camahan, News Bureau Director in 1. .31 to become the .IN en Era s Vt as said to have made more people
Reba Lewis, Research/MarketingCixirdimtor sports editor. He left'in 19:12 to mad at The CouHer-Journal than
[)151’1‘1Ct8-9 Sue Cammack, Administrative Assistant Join the Army during World War II any other person, but his cartoons
K011040111 Bdlhgmmt."NCWSQ‘HW‘I‘ Buffy gams' Bookkeeping Assistant and returned to the paper in 1945. became keepsakes for many. even
D‘l'h‘l‘tltl-ll Rachel McCarty. Advertising Assistant He became man aging editor in the politicians who were criticized
1,.m.l:mmnghmAsmand Dailvlndepcndent Beth Manley, Graphic Designer 1958. assistant publisher in 1.965 in them. His office contained auto-
' ‘ Holly Stigers.Tearsheetcoordinator and publisher in 1911. He retired graphed photos from such admir-
Dram“; Karen Martin,lNAN Account Executive in 1978 but continued to serve on ers as John and Robert Kennedy,
Stephen finding, lackSon Times . Tina Shryock, lNAN Bookkeeping Assistant the paper's board of directors. See DEATHS, page 10

 The Kentucky Press, January, 2000 - Page 3
- ' A 83168 plan Reports “There has been some confusion on when a collision report is to
be released to the public. This procedure has not changed.”
that works Continued trom page 1
record straight — and quick. KSP Sgt. John Carrico
. . In most ‘fish stories,’ a grain of Assistant Commander, Records Section
at Interac tlve truth can be found. The same holds
in.” here. The new reports are fill in all or almost all of the blocks. truly ‘accidents,’” Payne said.
eing implemented stateWide and B . . .
he re orts are bein sent to state ut a really small agency may fill . During the training, Payne
newspapers t . p g. out much fewer,” said Payne. said local police agenCies were told
police headquarters in Frankfort. O fth bl k ‘ t' ‘ th t ’f th . f t' n .‘ d‘S‘emi-
But, nothing in the new system h ne _0 ‘ese Ioc s or sec ions a i e in‘orma 10 is i s
. , hibits the release of the accident . as the investigating officer. utiliz- nated before its gone through the
Interactlve pro . ing GPS (Global POSitioning CRASH edits, the information
. 9 9% reports to the news media before S t )t . . t th h th 1d d‘ff f f r xam le
INSlder .5}??? ’l‘. they are sent to Frankfort or at ys em 0 pinpom ’ roug . e cou ) er mm, 0 e , - p . ’
gags: 42- i . ‘ ‘ use of satellites, the exact location what an officer uses to testify in
____ . :- ~ whatever pomt a reporter requests of an accident. court.
By Peter M- Zollman '- " the report. (ObVIOUSIY’ 10.03] p011“: “With that, an officer can go KPA General Counsel Jon

F 1 t' e 't's been ton h agenc1es and state police posts backto the scene of an accident Fleischaker said this. possibility is
to fi or a 0:19:th ’ 1 ks . . te g throughout Kentucky Wl“ keep a Within three feet,” Payne nothing new, as Similar scenarios
“villi-:5); “13$ :1er 1312:8232 31);?)01” the report for the” own explained. “But because of the cost could have arisen before implemen-

' ’ - . ' . factor, not all agencies have GPS tation ofthe CRASH system. "
proven model for managing online In fact, access to the acc1dent units that's not a requirement “That could have happened
sale? (1 t 1 t one ".11th c- reports ‘5 guarantegd‘ by state right now. As time goes on and before, too,” said Fleischaker. “I’m
tive iggdiheipeiialigts" on 3,011". safes stratut: bTIEiaitecljnvt] ["1qu tSfi 3:21;? they become cheaper, maybe they'll sure in the past supervisors made
staff 5C entgt 1,3] ‘ ( e ‘t ' '0 p1 l. 1 be in all cruisers. The officer could changes to a'c‘Cident reports from

He or she should be hired difier- our ru ing S e ‘5 ory n p‘ gt ‘ come back to the car, hit the GPS time to time it an error was found.

. and legal. column on page 8" These and log the exact location on the The main point is, they’re obligated
ently than your Prlht sales WPS, new acc1dent reports also don‘t form .. to give them out »
iompediligatedtdifierentlgfiatriid should have anything to do With “news Another grain of truth to the According to Payne, state

aveNhygren responSI ll es. releases. , , misconception expressed by some police recommended the local agen-
' . . - Lt' KeVin Payne, commander 0f police agencies is the fact the cies make copies for their own files

. Because interactive media are the KSP PUbhc Affairs Branch, report will be “checked" by “for a couple reasons.”
mgetrittefafii fig; £2125: 11:13:: said the new CRASH. SyStem ‘5 Frankfort. The CRASH system will “First, what ifit was lost in the
b' t' 'th - t th dollar being implemented to_ improve the put the report through a series of mail. If the agency mailed us their
ma ion WI prin ’ S h COHQCtIOh of information regardmg “edits," Payne said, that will check only copy, it’s gone forever," he
amount: are 2nd] s'ma era tthe motor VEh‘CIQ aCCidents ‘h the for such inaccuracies as: traveling said. “The other main reason is so
pfospec fare 0 endunique an 6 state. The Old system was aht‘quat‘ north on 1—64 (interstate that runs it could be disseminated in a timely

gossaryo terms IS lStht: 1 ed, hOt Y2K compliant and d‘dn‘t east to west); the accident was manner to the public."

How many oiyloug pfrint 813:8 meet several federal guidelines. caused by slick road conditions, Both Payne and (Tarrico noted
3:212:29 figgeiiigwia :ng12: haihd: Information on the Old reports had when previously it listed the out- it could be several weeks before a
width access?" How niany can help to be handtkeyed mm a computer, side conditions as “sunny"; or if the report was deemed “error free" by

'd 11.5 .und rstand wh "hits" thus causmg a backlog despite report lists three people as being the CRASH system.
an d v9.1 er er, d b y three Shlfts 0f workers who d‘d injured but only provides two KPA’s advice to editors and
are “Ct important. An ow many nothing hUt key in the data. names. It can’t check the accuracy reporters who encounter problems
really) care about selling online ser- Information on the new form is of information provided in the in accessing the new reports? .1 * ~
“mi-I Probably not miny's that w'll scanned into the computer. handwritten section of the report OFirst, educate yourself on
hel egiraifitseilgftiigpnews a tar “Kentucky was missmg OUt 0“ which resembles the old form - your rights - accident reports are to

p y . - p p_ some major federal money because who was driving what, when and be released for the purpose of news
chooszfi. the best interactive media of its collection of accident data,” where. gathering. Nothing’s changed. In
Specililffzg: How do you hire an said Payne._ “When the federal gov- Local law enforcement agencies fact, the law was deemed constitu-
interactive—media sales rep? ernment gives OUt money to the throughout the state were trained tionally sound by the US. Supreme

Whether he or she is alread on state departments 0f transporta- on the CRASH system by state Court. (Report to KPA any contin—

1i - y t10h for road fUhdS, they want to police and an explanation of these ued problems or Situations that
staffer DOt’ three qua ties are more know high accident locations, “edits” was given. That’s where can't be resolved.)
important. than any others. human factors that contributed to some of the confusion may have ¢Second, emphasize to the
Flemblhty’ ability to work. as a the accident, several things. That’s come in. head of the police agency that this
tggim leaderd :V‘th tgadltlotrfial hOW the money is divvied (“It to the When KPA contacted the state new accident report wasn‘t
gasrri‘ggsenaexf‘gy remen ous en u- state, based on this accident data. police about the possible misinter— designed to change procedures for
i ‘ Flexibility is a" must because the Kentucky wai losmg (“it Oh the pretation and the concern disseminating information Within
'0b and interactive media in gener- federal money. expressed by editors, Sgt. John that agency. It’s only purpose is to
J], -11 t at] Chan 9 and According to Payne, the Carrico, assistant commander of collect more and more accurate
:vblvzle "C'I(‘):asmaing"yis necgessary CRASH system captures several the KSP Records Section, sent a let— information on. collisions and why
because in many cases your interac- elements that werent llSth on the ter to all law enforcement agencies they occur. Period. Remind‘them, if
tive-media rep will ,make "four— 01d form, some requ1red by the de- in the state. In the letter, Carrico necessary, about Carrico s letter
legged sales calls" with print reps. era] government now and BISO wrote: “Press releases are to han- that they should have received
Arid as for energy and enthusiasm those that are expected to he dled in the manner dictated by the (dated Dec. 13) and how it specifi—
_ this environment won't allow any requiredin five. to seven years. The head of the investigating agency. cally states that the new (‘RASH
"coasting" or "order taking" for the information concerning commerCIal The new CRASH system has not system does not change procedures
next few years. Unlike print reps vehicle aCCidentS has been greatly changed any procedures in this for disseminating news releases for
with an established "list" and tradi- expanded. . area. There has been some. confu— copies‘of accident reports.
tional accounts your interactive- “Wetre one of the first states in sion on when a collision report is to 0P inally, if local law enforce-
media rep should sign advertisers the nation to have a system this be released to the public. This pro- ment agenCies in your coverage
who have never been in the paper complete, and the first state in our cedure has not changed.” area dont use. news releases, take
before; find new contacts and travel region,” said Payne. “Others have . . Carrico’s choice of words, “col- this opportunity to encourage them
farther afield, and work with agen- lots of bits and pieces, but ours is lisum,’ is no acCident. , to do so. 'I ake them a copy of a
cies that don't even believe in news- the first one to have all the pieces. .“It’s a shift for 'us that we re good one (complete, easy to read,
paper advertising. All of these chal- The lengthy report has. several trying to make...getting away from With the agencys name deleted, of
lenges mean it is tough _ not sections that may not be utilized by the term ‘accident. We re trying to course) and offer to work with
impossible, but difficut _ to take every agency. ‘ ‘ . , use the terminology, collision or them to develop a system of obtain-
one of your print reps and convert T‘Large agenCies like Louisvdle, ‘crash that s more approipriate Lng those ragtime: tYou never
See INTERACTIVE, page 7 Lexmgton, Jefferson County, may Since most are av0idable an aren t now....it s vso a s o .

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, January, 2000
133510 headline Thoughts of yesterday still apply
0 0 ;;;;.::;:;:~_.;._..‘ "M >.¢.;._..;.;:,;:¢.;:_., M
111168 t0 fOflOW De$lgn ls “I am not the editor of a newspaper. And i shall always try to do
. I - __ , ,- 99
Phillip Ritzenberg, co—founder Everything :53 right and be good so that God WI" not make me one.
and a former president of the ———————— g ,._.,,-.., ”We“ ...--
Society of Newspaper Design, has a By Edward F. 45" .
basic set of rules for writing head- Henninger ,> Mark Twain
lines. i=5 Author
'A name ShUUId be a hOUSGhOld As we near the second millenni- , _ .
word for it to work in a headline. um, it might be better to shift our man? The answer is easy. He knows. never be done ifyou don’t do it. There
OAvoid acronyms and abbrevia— focus for a moment from design everything. He is aware not only of is someone who would miss you ifyou
tions unless they’re universally basics and truisms to some broader what goeson in thwworld today, but were gone. There is a place that you
known. truisms. I thought I’d share with you his brain is. a repository of the accu— alone can fill.”
0Don’t steal the lead of the some of those thoughts that have ““113th W'Sdom ”f the ages. He ’5 -Jacob M' Braude
story for the headline. Don’t blow influenced me during the past 10 “fit onlyhandsgmeifibfit hebllias fihe "I‘he brain is a wonderful organ.
the suspense. years that I’ve. been consulting. p yh’w strengt w C ena L5 ’m It ‘t . ' , ,
, - to erform eat ie ts of ener . He 5 arts working th‘ moment you g‘t
OAccuracy. Accuracy. Accuracy. Where I m confident of the p gr. ‘ a gy u _ and does not sto until ou et
Tell what the story is about. source, I’ll attribute the quote. can go for nights on end With‘wt topthe ofiice” L p y g
0 Don’t split lines erratically. Otherwise, the source is anonymous. sleep. H0 dresses well and talks w’th -—Robert Frost
'Sometimes headlines should And I’m sure you’ll find some of charm. Men admire hlm; women K
be written in the past tense. these quotes apply strongly to what adm‘,,h‘m; tycoons and statesmen “‘Come to the edge,’ he said. They
OMake headlines active. A label we’re doing as newspaper publishers, are Willing to share the" secrets w’th said: ‘We are afraid.’ ‘Come to the
head works only when followed by editors and designers. hlm' He hates ’195 and meanness and edge,’ he said. They came. He pushed
an active subhead (subject or verb). sham, buthe keeps ’15 temper. He ’3 them. ...And they flew."
OBewareofpuns. “You cannot teach a man any- 10y “1 to h” “CWSWP” and to What -—Guillaume Apollinaire
oBeware ofcliches. thing. You can only help him to find he looks “PO“ as the professmn.
°Sound out the headline to it __ within himself.” Whether it is a profession — or mere— “It’s supposed to be hard, The
make sure it makes sense. —-Galileo ly a craft —— he resents attempts to ‘hard’ is what makes you do it. If it
A few more suggestions: “ _ ‘ debase it. When he dies, a lot of peo- wasn’t hard, anyone could do it. The
OBeware of cuteness and flip- . The first myth of management ple are sorry. ‘And some of ‘them "hard’ is what makes you great.”
. ~ E ‘ ts ( d ‘ssues that ou is that it eiosts. remember him for several days.’ --Tom Hanks in ‘A League of Their
pancy ven an i y
. . . . , --Stanle.y Walker, N.Y. Herald Own’
take lightly 0" thlhk are funny may “You have the capaCity to learn Tribune 1924
be SCHOUS t0 the people 1hV0lV9d~ . from mistakes. You will learn a lot ’ “The future has a way of arriving
'KhOW what all 0t the words In today.“ “We do not see things as they unannounced.”
the headline mean. Use the correct . . are. We see things as we are.” -—George F. Will
word. not one that is almost correct. “NOthlhg 15 50 good that some- "Anais Nin
0The headline isn't “City body, somewhere, Will “0t hate it." “Opportunities are usually dis-
Council meets,” it’s “City Council ,, . . . . “Nobody blames the press for guised as hard work, so most people
cuts taxes.” . A committee ‘8 a "f0 ii)I:m“Wlth enjoying their work. But there is a don't recognize them.”
0Even regular features that “1’: or more legs — and no brain. great danger to you when the press --Ann Landers
have standing labels need heads __ 823mb Long wanders from the tthS- When you , . .
' lines. “I am not the editor of a newspa- slip into the fieldof fiction and enter- “1’59er are threle rules for writing
(Reprinted from NETWORK pop And 1 shall always try to do right tainmen‘t, you will be required to be WE - h“ ortunate y, no one knows
A’PU’S, A’VOUPHIbCI‘ I7, 1999) and be good — 80 that (}0d will not fascmating. Th-ls IS gomg t0 Shorten W at t ey are.
make me one." your careers. Nobody on God’s green --Somerset Maugham
-—M ark Twain earth can be fascinating for very long. . .
SGVCraI ways But people can be accurate and Welcome to the new millennium!
“The man who says it can't be responsible all oftheir lives.” (Edward F- Hennmger ‘3 an rude-
to Char e fOr done is generally interrupted by «Garrison Keillor pendent newspaper consultant and the
g someone doing it.” director of OMNIA Consulting in Rock
—-Harrv Emerson Fosdick “W'hoever you are, there is some Hill, SC. You can reach him at 803-
Web banner ads younger person who thinks you are 327-3322, fax: 803-327-3323, e-mail:
“What makes a good newspaper- perfect. There is some work that Will goZomma@aol.com)
People who sell and use banner
advertising on the Internet have .
devised a number ofways to charge NNA 1 d 1 h .
for the advmmg Internet advep posta 6 IVCI'y SUI'VCy S OWS improvement
tisers expect results, just as any
other advertiser does. The National Newspaper ted to improve delivery. The 1999 We recognize that there are sys-
Here are a few ways to charge Association has released the results survey was undertaken to measure temic problems that prevent imme-
for banner ads: of its 1999 Postal Delivery Survey. progress in delivery. diate results. Although we see only
1. Cost per impression: An aver- The results show that while the NNA completed the 1999 survey a slight improvement. over last year,
age rate for this is $35 per thousand Postal Service is more responsive to with the assistance of25 state press and some problem areas, N NA
views. These rates can change from complaints than last year, other associations and the District of plans to continue to work with the
$1/1,000 up to $85/1,000 depending problems remain. Columbia. Over 550 community Postal Service to reach excellent
upon how the site is accessed—targeted The survey is the second national newspapers, both weekly and daily, service for newspapers, 8 Challenge
key words with major search engines survey NNA has undertaken to responded to the survey, compared that cannot succeed without the
or random generic searches. A site track the service and delivery of the to last year, in which 1,052 newspa- support and effort of both newspa-
with 10,000 page views per month USPS. In 1998, NNA conducted the pers responded. The. 1999 response per publishers and our partners at
(one ad per page) selling advertising first national survey tracking news- is seven percent of total non-daily the Postal SE‘I‘ViCE‘,” said Max
at $20 per thousand can expect poten- paper delivery by the Postal Service newspapers and 11 percent of total Heath, NNA Postal Committee
tial revenue 0f$200 per month. due to rising complaints from news- daily newspapers. slightly more Chairman. NNA is an 3CtiV9 partici-
2. Cost per CliCkI Advertisers papers across thenation. than half of those responding in pant in the National Periodicals
pay a set amount based on the In 1998, 1,052 newspapers 1998. Service Improvement Team.
number 0f times ViSitOi‘S CIICk on responded to the Survey and report- “The survey confirms, “rjthout 8 Survey TCSUltS indicate that more
their advertisement. A site with ed that service was abysmal. The doubt, that the Postal Service is than half of the responding newspa~
10,000 page views per month With a findings were presented to the more responsive than last year and POTS are aware that the USPS is
See BANNER, page 7 Postmaster General, who commit- is working hard to improve delivery. See SURVEY, page 12

 The Kentucky Press, January, 2000 - Page 5
C . U1 0 f ‘ C O .
Futurist. timate uture of Try us1ng testimonial letters
newspapers is ‘purel online’ b d ' '
y to oost a vert1s1ng sales
Within the next 50 years, are as ‘wired' as today's kids," he

traditional newspapers will said. net. with an enticing price and a
cease to exist as we know them And. he said young people pre— 0 (a ' Utmplt‘tt‘ (li‘5(-'Y'll)ll"”- And ”1" larg~
today, a futurist told publishers sent a c