xt7d513tvn9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d513tvn9k/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2004 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 79, No. 43, Spring/June 2004 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 79, No. 43, Spring/June 2004 2004 2004 2014 true xt7d513tvn9k section xt7d513tvn9k FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  
Volume 79 Numbcr4 S rin /Junc 2004 E ‘ 1  
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' US ISSN 0016-2116
The Joumey - W W Hall, Jr 2
Wendover News - Barb Gibson 3
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare News - Mallie Noble 6
Frontier Nursing Service Foundation Update - Stephen R Brown 10
Frontier Nursing Clinics update - Dr Julie Marfell 12
FSMFN News - Dr Susan Stone 14
Courier Program News - Anna Carey 19
Introduction to Nathan Lee, CPA, Vice - President of Finance 21
In Memory of Betty (Liz) Palethorp 22
Mountain Artist Sherman Wooton Dies 23
In Memoriam 24
Urgent Needs 33
Cover: The newly built trail from Wendover Pig Alley to Hurricane
Pasture. The trails leads under the arch formed by two beech trees that
grew together. Photos by Barb Gibson
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service
Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for Institutions
Volume 79 Number 4 Spring/J une 2004
Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and at addi-
tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS,
Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/Inc. 2000 All
Rights Reserved.

Frontier Nursing Service
Bom in 1881 into a prominent American family, Mary Breckinridge
spent her early years in many parts ofthe world - Russia, France,
Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death of her two chil-
dren, she abandoned the homebound life expected of women of
her class to devote herself to the service of others, particularly
Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Service (FNS)
in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925, then one of the poorest and
most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs. Breckinridge
introduced the first nurse—midwives in this country. Riding their
horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard, fog or flood,
the FNS nurses brought modem healthcare to families throughout
an area of 700 square miles.
Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the driving force
behind the work ofthe Service whose influence today extends far
beyond eastern Kentucky. Through the Frontier School of Mid-
wifery and Family Nursing, hundreds of nurses have been trained
and this important concept of family healthcare has been carried
throughout the world.
Today, FNS, Inc., is organized as a parent holding company for
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Frontier Nursing Healthcare,
Inc., which includes four rural healthcare clinics (Community
Health Center, Beech Fork Clinic, Kate Ireland Healthcare Cen-
ter and Dr. Anne Wasson Healthcare Center) and for the Frontier
School of Midwifery and Family Nursing - the largest midwifery
program in the United States. The Frontier School of Midwifery
& Family Nursing also trains family nurse practitioners.
Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy ofthe FNS has remained
constant since 1925

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The Journey ‘
by WW Hall, Jn, President & CEO
Our journey continues as we focus on ·
our friends in Eastem Kentucky and é
their need for quality health care. As   %
we join hands with those we serve de- A    
lightful experiences have occured: ~—;   I~··y
Our staff has stepped up to share our I  . I.-  
vision and has provided valuable con- X
tributions of both hard work and
creative ideas.
The community is supporting our efforts to expand our presence gl
through the entire Appalachian area.  
This success is built on a mutual respect for what we can do  
together. I
Two new Board members; Mary Ethel Wooton and Rhonda i
Brashear (both from Leslie County) now compliment those al- {
ready committed to the Frontier School of Midwifery & Family
Nursing, Frontier Nursing Healthcare, Inc (clinics) and Mary
Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc (hospital).
Service levels throughout the clinics and hospital are on the rise  
despite the usual slow downs which occur during the spring and  
summer months. j
Public and private funding opportunities combined with disciplined  
financial controls further enhance our success. I
We appreciate the friendships we have here in the mountains and i
those across the country who continue the heritage ofthe Frontier A _
Nursing Service.

l Wendover News
by Barb Gibson, Assistant to CEO
_ Guests
  During the months of March, April and May, Wendover hosted
68 ovemight guests at our Bed & Breakfast Inn and served lunch!
dinner to 241 additional guests.
In honor of their graduation, Leslie County High School Prom
King, Paul Tumer and Prom Queen, Lee Anne Wooton, had a
special dinner at Wendover, provided by Lee Anne’s Aunt, Mary
I Ethel Wooton, MBHC Board Member. Lee Anne is the daughter
V of Jimmy Wooton, Leslie County Property Valuation Administra-
tor, and Paul is the son of Bill and Gail Tumer. Lee Anne and Paul
; will begin school at the University of Kentucky this fall. We en-
  courage Leslie County graduates to plan their "Prom" dinner at
E Wendover next year!
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Y Lee Anne Wooton and Paul Turner at the Big House during
their Prom dinner

" Maintenance Projects l
Work this spring involved clean-up projects (staining, painting, etc)
and renovation ofthe Hurricane Workshop. The newly renovated ,
building will be used for activities for Frontier School of Midwifery  
& Family Nursing students and faculty, special meeting facility, 1
family reunions, staff activities and Board of Govemors’ func-
tions. Recreational equipment will be available and a trail has been
built from Wendover Pig Alley to Hurricane Pasture for our Bed
& Breakfast Inn guests. A report on progress will be in the next
Quarterly Bulletin.
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"T he Trail Crew " - work on trail from Pig Alley to Hurricane
Pasture - lej to right: David Wilson, Joey Roberts, Chris Ml- A ·
son, Tommy Hubbard _

l Tours
Anna Carey Tour Guide wrote the following report:
yi April and May were extremely busy months for tours. We have
E toured 173 people in the last eight weeks. Most tours were given
  to college students from places such as Southeast Community
  College, McKendree College, Anderson University, University of
  Kentucky and Big Sandy Technical College. These students toured
  Wendover and FSMFN and also spent time in the clinics, with
  doctors, and going on Home Health visits.
i Wendover was pleased to have a former FNS nurse and a Cou-
  rier from the late 1950s here at the end of April. Sally Foster,
; former Courier, and Pat Meinerts (formerly Heller), former nurse,
  stayed at Wendover and spent the week visiting FSMFN and the
I old Beech Fork Center, among other things. After leaving FNS,
E Pat spent the next 30 plus years doing mission work in Cameroon,
l Africa. Sally has worked in the Peace Corps, traveled extensively,
  and had four children’s books published. She was kind enough to
  bring us a wonderful book she put together including photographs
  and writings of her time here in the winter of 1959. A special
  thank you to both Pat and Sally for sharing their stories.
  If you haven’t visited historical Wendover, we extend to you an
E invitation to come spend the night at our Bed & Breakfast Inn.
1 .

' Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc. News I
by Mallie Noble, Administrator
National Hospital Week ,
The staff at Mary Breckinridge Hospital 7 ’‘V, iv ” “ I ‘ ‘ ”  
have been celebrating National Hospital i _  
Week. This year we are celebrating 76 y      
years providing hospital services to the    {  y p     r
citizens of Eastem Kentucky. The Hyden  . §
Hospital opened in 1928 with 28 beds. In ,  ’  I  
In 1975 the Mary Breckinridge Hospital I li`` UL » l
opened with 40 beds. l
Critical Access Hospital Update  
April 2, 2004, Govemor Fletcher signed l—IB 323, Kentucky Hos-  
pital Association Critical Access Hospital legislation. This bill con-  
forms Kentucky’s Critical Access Hospital law to the changes in i
the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modemiza— I
tion Act and allows Critical Access Hospitals to have up to twenty- i
five acute care patients. Thanks to the staff at the Kentucky Hos- ,
pital Association for helping get this bill passed. I
Updated Telemetry k
I am very pleased to announce that we are in the process of pur-  
chasing an updated telemetry unit. This twelve bed unit will allow ¢
us to monitor patients with chest pain, electrolyte imbalances, and ;
basis dysarrthymias.  
National Wtlunteer Week  
During National Volunteer Week in April, staff at MBHC honored l
members ofthe Ladies’ Auxiliary Committee with a luncheon and
flowers recognizing their hard work and dedication. Members in- ` '
clude: Jean Campbell, Lois Wells, Wanda Sizemore, Pearl Lewis, ;

{ Mae Campbell, Kathleen Lewis, Elizabeth Feltner, Mossie Brock,
Jan Wells and Lucy Lewis.
Baby Shower
  On April l, 2004, MBHC administrative staff, Dr. Madeline Tan,
g Pediatrician, and the nurse midwives from the rural healthcare
  centers participated in a county wide "Baby Shower" sponsored
  by the Leslie and Perry County Extension Offices. The Baby
I Shower was held for new and expectant mothers to rovide edu-
l p
[ cation on caring for mother and child. Classes were held about
[ birth and delivery, breast feeding, child safety and restraints, child-
I hood diseases, immunizations, caring for the teeth and many other
| topics.The following is a quote from Mary Breckinridge concem-
{ ing children, in her biography, Vlhde Neighborhoods:
i "There is a work beside which all other strikes me as puerile - the
i work which seeks to raise the status of childhood everywhere, so
  that finally from pole to pole to this planet all of the little ones
r come into that health and happiness which is their due. If every-
l one who had ever loved a child would do his part this might come
i to pass. What ifwe do not understand? What ifwe cannot be held
  responsible for the way God has ordered his world? There lies
I nevertheless deep in the heart of every child lover a feelin of
l . . . . . . . . g
[ respons1b1l1ty,.wh1ch will not let him put the thing aside. If God
  cherishes his little ones only in my breast, says the child lover, he
I cherishes them there, and I fight for them - fight until that ancient
l saying has come true, until he shall gather the lambs in his bosom
’ and gently lead those that are with young. And when the crooked
  paths are made straight and the waste places smooth it will be
  time enough for me to understand." Mary Breckinridge, I/Wde
l Neighborhoods.
i Indiana Wesleyan University
V ' Each spring students come from Indiana Wesleyan University for
r an intercultural ex erience. Jaime Shirriffs and Dina Hamadi, RN

J students, had the opportunity to travel with the Home Health nurses
and to observe practitioners in our rural healthcare centers.
Chamber of Commerce Civic Night ,
Frontier Nursing Service participated in the Hyden-Leslie County ,
Chamber of Commerce 2004 Civic Night Awards and Recogni-  
tion honoring many ofthe local businesses and individuals for their  
service and dedication to our community. MBHC recognized four  
individuals on this special night: Juanita Johnson, Administrative }
Assistant and Librarian has worked for FNS for 33 years. Juanita ,
is also Treasurer for the Ladies’ Auxiliary Committee and is Sec-  
retary for the Mary Breckinridge Festival Committee; Betty Helen  
Couch, Director of Quality Assurance, has worked for FNS for  
32 years; Deloris Wooton, Manager of Housekeeping and Laun- I
dry, has worked for FNS for 27 years and Dr. Madeline Tan, j
Pediatrician, who recently joined the staff. Congratulations to  
Juanita, Betty Helen, Deloris and Dr. Tan!  
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Juanita Johnson Deloris Wooton  

‘ Easter Egg Hunt
Mary Breckinridge Hospital sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt in the
_, City Parking Lot for children ages twelve and under for the entire
community. Participation was excellent. Children had the oppor-
l tunity to meet the Easter Bunny and have their snapshots taken.
Thanks to all the staff at MBHC for helping put this event to-
gether and thanks to Mrs. Rhonda Brashear for the suggestion.
We plan on making this an annual event.
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Frontier Nursing Service Foundation, Inc. Update I
by Stephen R Brown, AAMS, RFC, Executive Wce-President
for the Advancement of FNS, Inc.
This article begins a new series for the 7 _, i é
Quarterly Bulletin. From quarter to _,,_   l
quarter we will be providing a running   KP   )
commentary on the progress of the FNS ~p   Q.  IQ l
Foundation and its goals for all lines of        
business associated with FNS. We hope ` }
it is informative to all recipients of the   g
Bulletin, but more importantly, a tool to - _    
be passed on to future friends of FNS. -· I I      
Over the past quarter we have been extremely busy updating the  
Foundation office. This update comprises computer equipment and ¤
programs which will simplify our reporting and fundraising activi-  
ties. We have begun the process of producing and organizing all  
forms of past contributions (as well as current), based on entity, l
use, type and frequency. Anndraia Bales at our Wendover office j
has accepted this arduous challenge and has performed excep- I
tionally. Anndraia anticipates a completion date in mid-August, T
which tells you the magnitude ofthe project. J
We are currently in the process of building a link to the FNS web  
page which will give full information, as well as credit card capa— l
bilities, for donor contributions. A comprehensive list of charitable  
organizations/corporations has been compiled for grant requests,
with some 40 requests being sent to date. I
We have been working very closely with the Frontier School of f
Midwifery & Family Nursing, Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., I _
Frontier Nursing Healthcare, Inc. (clinics) and FNS Real Estate il
to establish current needs, as well as a 5-year plan to establish j
fundraising needs and objectives unique to each line of business.   ,

, Starting this summer, we will begin to "re-establish” our connec-
tions with our city committees as well as creating new ones. Any
and all help would be accepted. If you should have questions or
t ideas, please feel free to call me direct at 859-253-3637 ext. 42.
Our ultimate goal is to bring FNS into the National forefront.
  As you can tell, we have a lot on our plate, but we like it that way!
  As we move forward with this series, you will be encouraged,
l perhaps impatient to see what the next Bulletin will report.
  Remember, the continued health and welfare of the women and
p children of the Appalachian Mountains of southeastem Kentucky
  is directly proportionate to your continued financial gifts. If you
~ have not given lately, please do so.
i Request
K Edie West, Writer, has been accepted to the University of Wales
. in Bangor to begin studies on a Research Ph.D. with a focus on
i Nursing History. Her proposal is entitled "An Historical Analysis
T ofthe Frontier Nursing Service: The Early Years 1925-l950." She
q hopes to gather information about Mrs. Breckinridge when she
. was in the U.K. Edie wants to find former FNS nurses and fami-
T lies of deceased nurses in the UK. If you have infomation you
may contact Edie at the following address/e-mail:
Edie West
121 Arlene Drive
_ N. Versailles, PA 15137
Phone 906-63 5-9071
  , E-mail libwes@earthlink.net or edie@gmo.net

T Frontier Nursing Clinics Update  
by Dr Julie Marfell, Executive Director I
The dedication of the FNS Dr. Anne ·; ~eVi;    
Wasson Rural Healthcare Center was held   .  
April l6"‘. Community members, the staff   t  
. si. ..,`      
from all the corporations and the Board of     ;  
Govemors attended this dedication cere-     ;  
mony. We all fondly remembered Dr. Anne    `   k
and her work for the Frontier Nursing Ser-    
vice. We unveiled plans for renovation ofthe existing clinic space }
that includes a new waiting area, reception desk, triage and reno-  
vation to some ofthe existing exam rooms. The goal ofthe reno-  
vation is to improve patient flow through the clinic and improve 2
efficiency in the work areas for the staff. Everyone is very ex-  
cited about the changes and we ask the community to pardon our ?
dust as we go through this process. W
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Dedication of the FNS Dn Anne Wasson Healthcare Center - A _
[ep to right - WW Hall, CEO; Dt: Julie Maq‘"ell, Executive
Director of FNH; Miss Jane Leigh Powell, Chairman of FNS y
Board of Governors; and Nathan Lee, VP of Finance }

T Our community outreach continues. Kathryn Lauderdale, FNP,
1 and Linda Aherns, FNP, spent an afternoon with the local Girl
Scout troop teaching health and hygiene. This is one ofthe many
projects planned for the coming years to increase our work in the
Y community. We recently were awarded a grant for the Reach
  Out and Read Program. This program focuses on the importance
  of the healthcare provider in the role of literacy. The Reach Out
  and Read Program trains healthcare providers to advise parents
  about the importance of reading aloud and to give books to chil-
dren at pediatric check-ups from six months to five years of age.
T By building on the unique relations between parents and healthcare
K providers, this program encourages early literacy skills so children
enter school prepared for success in reading.
Our goal is to continue to focus services on families and, espe-
cially in the upcoming months, on children. This summer we will
begin emphasizing safety. Both Leslie and Clay Counties have a
high number of deaths attributed to accidents and injuries. The
number of deaths in both counties is higher than the average for
accidents caused from lack of seat safety. Our first project will be
to focus on car safety, making sure each car that comes to our
V clinics has access to a car seat that is properly installed — notjust
for infants but older children as well.
This will be a continuing process and we intend to focus on the
safety related guidance done for all children on their well visits
over the course of the next year. This will be the FNS Campaign
for Safe Kids. Our intent is to kick this offin July with our car seat
program. Thanks as always for the support of our donors who
help make these projects possible.

· Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing News 1
by D1: Susan Stone, President & Dean
There is much excitement in the air as we ,
confidently prepare for our SACS (regional)
accreditation site visit in July. We are mak- __  
ing the final touches on the voluminous re-    
ports required and have already started pre- j Fi - E,  ·
paration for the accreditation site visits by  "` "  J
the National League for Nursing and the  
American College of Nurse-Midwives scheduled for October 4,
2004. These evaluations are critical steps toward our goal of be-
coming a fully accredited Graduate School offering a Master of
Science Degree in Nursing (MSN) with a specialty in Nurse-Mid-
wifery or Family Nurse Practitioner or both. Most important to all
of us here, however, is that we will have fulfilled Mary
Breckinridge’s vision for the school when she established it in
The accreditation process has been an arduous, five-year jour-
ney. lt has been worth all the effort as we have all learned a great
deal. Dr. Carol Panicucci, FSMFN Coordinator of Graduate Edu-
cation, has been instrumental in this process. She has not only
been a great teacher but also an enduring source of inspiration
and information. The accreditation process has assisted us in evalu-
ating and improving all aspects ofthe School from curriculum to
facilities to accounting.
There are a number of changes in the wonderful Hyden support
staff, the most significant of which is the retirement ofthe school
Registrar of 28 years, Jeanette Woods. Jeanette’s attention to de-
tail has been at the center of the satisfaction expressed by stu-
dents and faculty over the years. It is perhaps best stated by a `*
grieving staff: "Jeanette knows everything there is to know about
the School. She is like a history book. She knows every graduate.
She evens remembers what they look like. She loves Frontier.

She is one of those people that can never really be totally re-
‘* placed.” But Sherri Davis, fonnerAcademic Resource Coordina-
tor, has bravely stepped up to the Registrar’s plate to learn the
ropes under Jeanette’s tutelage.
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Sherri Davis, Judy Pennington and Jeanette Woods
Vicky Riley, Financial Aid Officer for five years, is leaving to pur-
sue the completion of her Social Work studies. Judy Pennington,
Executive Secretary for ll years, is stepping into the Financial
Aid Officers position. Both Judy Pennington and Sherri Davis will
be attending the training sessions ofthe Southem Association of
Student Financial Aid Administrators in Florida in June.
i Billie Couch, bom and raised in Hyden, a graduate of Leslie County
High School and student member ofthe "Future Business Lead-
ers of America", came from the Medical Records Department of
J Mary Breckinridge Hospital to fill the position of Secretary/Re-
ceptionist at the School. See photo of Billie on next page.

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Billie C0uch, FSMFN Secretary/Receptionist
Justin Rice, another Leslie County native and graduate of
Spencerian College in Lexington, is the newest member of the
Multimedia Team. He joins Jesse Heseman and Cherie Bunch as
a multimedia coordinator under the leadership of Heather East, a
resident of Perry County, who holds a bachelor’s degree in Ra-
dio-TV Communications from Morehead State University. Leslie
County resident, Frank Baker, also a graduate of Spencerian Col-
lege who works as the Computer Technician for all the FNS com-
panies, assists the multimedia team. This talented team has com-
pleted the web-based instruction for all courses and is currently
working on a greatly expanded communication and information
system. See photo of multi-media team on next page. Q

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Multi-media team: le]? t0 right - Jesse Heseman, Justin Rice,
Heather East and Frank Baker
Jeanna Couch, also a Leslie County native, is replacing Ellen
Schellhause as our full-time Librarian. Ellen, who worked very
hard for us for one year, has decided to move back north. Jeanna
is a graduate student at the University of Kentucky and will com-
plete her advanced library studies in December 2004. Bet Ison of
Morehead, Kentucky, assists her in her work. Bet is a Master
Librarian who will be assisting Jeanna as she strives to both finish
her education and continue the development of library services at
FSMFN. See photo of Jeanna on next page.
° It is very hard to have some of our devoted and loyal employees
leaving us. They will always be considered members ofthe Fron-
I tier family. At the same time, these changes have brought a burst
of new energy and ideas to our School. We are excited and look
forward to great success as we head toward the future.

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Jeanna Couch, Librarian
Frontier Nursing Service - www.frontiemursing.org
F SMFN Community Based Nurse Midwifery Education Program
(CNEP) - www.midwives.org
FSMFN Community Based Nurse Practitioner Program (CFNP);

_, Courier Program News
by Anna Carey, Tour Guide
~ Three Couriers have arrived here at Wendover for a summer stay.
? Celeste Lindahl, Vanessa Guy and Chase Garrison all arrived at
l Wendover Sunday, May 16th. They will be staying until mid-July.
j Celeste attends Allegheny College in Pennsylvania where she will
E be a senior this fall. She is majoring in chemistry and will pursue a
  career in the medical field possibly through becoming a physician’s
. assistant. Over the years, Celeste has done much volunteering
including spending time at her local hosptial in Reston, Virginia,
and working in her college community of rural Meadville, Penn-
» sylvania. Vanessa is a spring graduate of the University of South
Carolina in Aiken, a major in biology. She has worked as a lab
4 research assistant, a teaching assistant and a tutor, combining her
  interest in medicine with that of education. Chase was bom and
j raised in Leslie County and has served his community in a variety
of ways. He has worked for the Leslie County Board of Educa-
tion and the Stinnett Area Community Center, among other things.
; He hopes to become a physician.
le   az
Couriers Chase Garrison, Celeste Lindahl and Vanessa Guy

We are so happy to have Celeste, Vanessa and Chase with us this "
summer. We are expecting at least two, maybe three more Couri-
ers by the time the summer ends.
Old Courier News
Former Courier Kate Fox sent us a card from Bennington College
in Vermont wishing everyone well and speaking of her summer
plans to visit Kentucky sometime in mid—August. Kate also men-
tions former Couriers Zubin Soliemany and Keith Hendershot l
whom she sees often on campus. W
Note of Appreciation from Bed & Breakfast Inn Guests
"We so appreciate the warm hospitality each time we stay at
Wendover. This last month we stayed while attending the funeral
of our uncle. When he was a small boy, a rabid dog bit him. With- p
out the FNS nurses, he would have surely died. Somehow, even in
the depths of the Depression, they obtained the rabies antitoxin
and gave him the daily shots as required. Our family has long
appreciated all the care provided by FNS.” - Richard & Margo y
Tennis and Mary Alice & Dan Tanner p

U FNS, Inc. Appoints Nathan Lee, CPA,
Vice-President of Finance
,_ A native of Madisonville, Kentucky, Mr.
Lee brings several years of public account- ,{{»,
ing experience with national firms such as tl   ii’ ‘
KPMG, Peat Marwick and Pricewater-    
A house/Coopers, as well as with the Lexing-   W  · 'i
{ ton-based accounting firm of Dean, Dor-  
  ton and Ford. Throughout his career, Mr.  
l Lee has worked with clients in a variety . .s "·`P:§