xt7d513ttw7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d513ttw7r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1898-06-dec14. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1898-06-dec14. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1898-06-dec14. 1898 1898-06-dec14. 2011 true xt7d513ttw7r section xt7d513ttw7r 

MINUTES OF THE BOA-RD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 14, 1898 - page 212

      The Board of Trustees met in the President's room
at 9:30 A. M.

      Present:          Messrs.    Boswell,

      In the absence of Judge Holt Mrr. Gathright was
elected chairman protem-pore.

      Capt. Todd submitted the following:

      To the Hon. Board of Trustees of the A. and M. College,

        Your committee on the President's report, would
report that in view of the present crowded condition and
want of room in the college buildings we think it inexpedient
to place in the field another solicitor for students as
requested by the President.

      We concur with the President in his tribute to the
worth and character of the late Gen. D. C. Buell long an
honorable, faithful and conscientious member of this Board.

      In regard to the establishment of the Weather Bureau
we would recommend the payment, of the costs of alterations
and preparations maae, by the Business Agent out of the
Station funds, as recommended by the President.

      We recommend that the employment of a Commandant be
left to the President with full power to act as he may
deem best in the interests of the college.


MINUTES. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 14, 1898 - page 213

      We concur with the President in the want and necessity
of the additional buildings suggested in his report, but the
lack of means makes it impossible to make said improvements
at this time.

      We recommend that the President be given leave to
attend the committee meeting at Washington City, suggested
in his report.

                 All of which is respectfully submitted

                   (Signed)       Thomas Todd,
                                   W. F. Peak

      A paper prepared by Professor Roark was submitted
with the foregoing: It is as follows:

      President J. K. Patterson

      Dear Sir:

         I beg leave to lay before you some facts intimately
concerning the welfare of this Department of the College.

      Acting upon the authority of the published catalogue
of the College which in turn rests ultimately upon the
authority of the General Assembly of Ky. I issued during
the past stemmer nearly seven thousand special circulars
advertising to the teachers of the State the advantages
offered them by this Department. Among these advantages
were named the free room - rent, free fuel and light promised
to legal male appointees. I understand that our increase
of attendance this year is already so great that there
are very few if any rooms left unoccupied in the
Dormitories. This being true the question at onee arises,
" What shall be done to redeem the pledges of the College
to the appointees who always come in such numbers after
the holidays to this Department?

      You will at once perceive the effect upon appointees
who come and find the college unable or unwilling to furnish
these promised accommodations. This effect will react un-
favorably upon the college, and upon this Department



      After having made an especial effort to secure
a large attendance of the better class of teachers through-
out the State I should be greatly chargrined to have appointees
come here only to find that they are put to considerable more
expense and inconvenience than they had a right to

      I sincerely hope some way out of the difficulty
may be found.

                                   Very respectfully,

                                   R. N. Roark,
                                   Dean, Dept. Pedagogy

      The committee said in reference to this paper:

We recognize the difficulty suggested in this paper, but
having neither money mr time to erect additional buildings
to meet the necessities referred to we recommend that the
President be authorized to make the best arrangement possible
to meet the necessity.

                     (Signed)      Thomas-Todd
                                   W. F. 1eak,

      On motion the report of the committee was received.

      Mr. Stoll then offered a paper which provided that
the paragraph relative to the employment of a Commandant
be stricken out, and that instead, a paragraph be inserted
providing that Commandant's and assistants be chosen by
a Committee of the members of the Board resident in or
near Lexington, whenever these selections carnot be
made by the Executive Committee.

      Motion to adopt Mr. Stoll's paper was seconded
by Mr. Flournoy.

      After several other motions without action Mr. Peak
expressed the opinion that Mr. Stoll's paper was out of
order inasmuch as it introduced new matter.

      Chair decided the point well taken.


MINU-TES CF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 14, 1898 - page 215

      It was moved by Judge landes seconded by Mr. Flournoy,
that the section of the report of the Committee on the
President's report authorizing the President to employ a
Commandant be stricken out.


      Aye - Boswell, Flournoy, Gooding, Hobson, Landes,
and Stoll, - 6.

      No - Frazee, Kennedy, Peak, Todd, - 4.

      President Patterson not voting.

      Ordered that the section of the report which provides
that a solicitor for students be not placed in the field
this year stricken out.

      On motion the report of the committee on the
President's report in its modified form was approved and

      Voted o n motion of Mir. Flournoy seconded by Mr.
Boswell that the President  be authorized and directed to
employ two canvassers for students, to be sent to different
parts of the State not canvassed heretofore.

      Judge Landes read the following:

      To the Board of Trustees of the A.and M.College of

      The committee appointed yesterday by your honorable
body report the name or names of some suitable person or
persons in the 3rd Congressional District as successor of the
late Gen'l. Don Carlos Buell, who was the member of the
Board from said District beg leave to report that they
have ascertained that either of the following named
persons residing in said District would be a suitable


MEIBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 14, 1898 - page 215-216

person for the Board to choose to fill the vacancy, viz.

      Mr. Louis Reno, of Muhlenburg County
      Col. E. L. Motley,of Warren County
      Hon. Clarence U. McElroy, of Warren County
      Joseph Carr, of Barren County

                                 Respectfully submitted,
                                 by order of the Com.

                 J. I. Landes, Chairman

      On motion the report was received.

      President Patterson nominated Mr. McElroy,
      Mr. Todd nominated Mr. Motley.

      The vote *by Ballot stood as follows:

      Hon. C. U. McElroy    -  6
      Col. E. L. Motley     -  5

      On motion of Mr. Stoll the election of Mr. McElroy,
was then made unanimous.

      The committee on resolutions of respect to Gen.
Buell submitted the following.

      The Board of Trustees of the State College of
Kentucky, have heard with regret and sorrow of the death
of Gen'1. Buell, its oldest member in years and in service.
We desire in the following minute to record our estimate
of his worth and of his example.

      Of his eminent ability as a soldier. of his patroitism
as a citizen, of his worth as a private gentleman it does
not fall within our province to speak. But of his relations


MINMETS OF ThE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 14, 1890 - page 216-217

to this institution extending over a period of nearly twenty
years, a period coeval with its independent existance we
are proud to record our estimate and to accord to his dis-
tinguished service the honor which is his due.

     His broad and comprehensive knowledge of the
principles which underlie and govern well regulated action,
his masculine conception of law an d order as the foundations
of civil society, his loyalty to obedience and devotion to
duty eminently qualified him to be an organizer of men and
the founder of an institution established for the benefit
of mankind. These qualities made his counsel and his action
of incalculable service to a young institution with no
antecedent traditions for its guidance and involved in
struggle for existance almost from birth. His opinions
were formed after a careful examination of facts and when
formed were as immovable as the everlasting hills. His sense
of justice, of propriety, of delicacy and of courtesy was never
failing. Kindness and tenderness pervaded every relation
of his life. Unswerving fidelity to the great trust reposed
in him by the Commonwealth dominated all he said and all
he did in connection with the upbuilding of the college
in which he felt a just pride in the conviction that it
would be a heritage of intelligence and beneficience for

      We commend his example to our contemporaries
of the Board of Trustees and to thos e who shall succeed
him as a man without fear and without reproach.

      On motion the report of the Conmittee was approved
and the Secretary directed to furnish a copy to Gent1.
Buell's daughter, a copy to each, of the Lexington papers,
and to the Courier Journal.

Mr. Kennedy submitted the following:


      MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec .l4,1898 - page 217-218

      To the Board of Trustees,

We, the undersigned Commrittee on Finance append a clear
condensed report of our Business Agent as its report, which
we submit to you as a clear statement of our financial
condition. We are happy to find our resources ample to
meet our appropriations for the year ending June 30, 1899.

      We cannot suggest any better advice than careful
economy in our appropriations.

      This is the wisest course to increase our balances
in our treasury.

                           Respectfully submitted,

                  Signed by,     J.B. Kennedy
                                 A.P. Gooding
                                 H. Boswell




      Receipts since July 1st, 1898.
From State Taxes
  it U. S. Fund of 1862
  It it It   it  1?1890
  " Student Fees
  " Rents
            Total receipts
Bal. July 1st, 1898

Total Expended
            Balance Dec.lst,1898.
            Recid. since Dec.!,"

$3   75.7



      Receipts since July 1st, 1898
From U. S. Fund of 1887
  " Fertilizer
  " Farm

             Balance July lst.

Total Expended
             Balance Dec. 1, 1898


Probable Receipts and Expenditures for
June 30, 1899. - For College.


From State Taxes
  " U. S. Fund 1862
  it it   "  1890.
  " Student Fees
  " Rents
  " Interest on bank deposit

Probable expenses
Available to reduce debt

year ending





                    For Experiment Station.


U. S. Fund                             $15000.00
Fertilizers                              8000.00  or 1000.00
Farm                                     1400.00
                                       T24400.00  or 26400.00

      On motion the report of the committee on Finance was
received and approved.

      The Committee on Experiment Station submitted the

     Your committee on the Experiment Station have the
honor to report that they have investigated the condition
of the Station and. its system of management and find every
thing running smoothly and systematically. We believe the
methods under which the station is now working need no

      Inasmuch as a pure food law has been passed by the
State of Kentucky, and under that law the Director dC the
Experiment Station is entrusted with the enforcement thereof,
and has certain duties to perform under that law, therefore
it is the sense of the Board of Trustees that he should
perform such duties as may be lawfully required of
him under the Act.

      And inasmuch as new duties have been added to the
work of the Director of the Experiment Station, and whereas
the working force now is insufficient to perform the work
which is required under the law, Therefore your committee
recommends that the Director of the Experiment Station be
empowered to employ such assistance as he may deem proper,
whose compensation shall be paid out of the funds received
by the Station under the Pure Food Law. But should the
Director of the Experiment Station find it expedient to
employ an employe or a professor of the Station or College,
said employe or professor shall not use any of the College
or Station's time in such work.
                                 Respectfully submitted,
                              (Signed)  J. B. Kenned
                                          J. C. Flotun y
                                          R. C. Stoll,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec . 14, 1898 - page 220

      On motion the Report of the Co-immittee on the Experiment
Station was received and approved.

      Mr. Flournoy moved that the Business Agent be authorized
and directed to pay from the Station funds the claim of the
Geo. Fetter Printings Co. of Louisville, for $111.74 for
printing the Sth Annual Report of the Experiment


      Aye - Flournoy, Frazee, Gooding, Hobson, Kennedy,
Landes, Patterson, Peak, Stoll and Todd, - 10.

      Mr. Boswell not voting.

      Mr. Boswell submitted a verbal report to the effect
that the buildings and grounds were in good condition.

      Mr. Peak submitted a report of the committee on

      Mr. Stoll moved that the report be received.

      After remarks by several, members of the Board Mr. Stoll
moved to lay the report on the table Mr. Flournoy seconded
the motion.

      Capt. Todd and Mr. Peak then asked permission to
withdraw the report.

      The chairman ruled that with the consent of the house
it might be done. The report was withdrawn,

      President Patterson chairman of the Comunittee on Internal.
Expansion had no report to make.

The Board then took a recess till 2 P. M.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec. 14,1898 - page 221

     The members of the Board who were present In the
morning reconvened at 2 P. M.

      the following report was received and approved:

  To the Board of Trustees of the A. & M. College.

      The committee on the minutes of the Executive Committee
beg to report that they have carefully examined said minutes
since May 30th, 1898, and find same are correct. The committee
further reports that they have no recommendation to make.

                       (Signed)   J. C. Flournoy
                                   J. T. Gathright

      The committee on the minutes of the faculty reported
as follows:

      The committee which was appointed to examine the
minutes of the faculty beg leave to report that at the
meeting in June this comnmittee recommended to the Board
that certain changes be made in the Schedule of the Scientific
Course, and that the year be divided into three terms. This
was done  upon the recommendation of faculty, and the
Schedule adopted by the Board was the Schedule which was
presented to the Board for adoption by the faculty. This
report of said committee was adopted and approved by the
Board of Trustees. Whereupon your committee considered,
and still considers it obligatory upon the faculty to do
as the Board of Trustees had ordered. But your comxittee
finds that said Faculty of the State College of Kentucky
has not done as it was ordered to do by the Board of Trustees,
but has by its own discretion adopted a portion of the order
and has utterly disregarded another portion of the order'
%whereupon, your committee respectfully recommend that
the members of the Faculty be called upon to explain
their action in this matter. It is with regret that


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.14, 1898 - page 222

your committee finds it necessary to make this report, but
under our charter it is the duty of the faculty to obey the
orders of the Board of Trustees.

      It has further been brought to the attention of your
committee that certain gentlemen who are members of the
College will be required to pass an examination in Preparatory
History before they should be given their degrees. Said com-
mittee is informed, and believes that an unjust discrimination
has been made against the students of the State College who
have been members of the Preparatory Department of this
Institution.  It says that a person who has not been a
student of the Preparatory Department of this College is re-
quired only to pass an examination in Mathematics and English,
but that students in the Preparatory Department are required
to pass examinations for entrance into the College in many
other subjects.  Wherefore your committee recommends

      That students coming to the College be required to
pass examinations in the subjects required to be studied in
the Preparatory Department, or their equivalent, to entitle
them to become Freshmen in the College; that no student in
the college be required to make up or pass examinations on
any subjects which are in the Preparatory Depart'ment of the
College unless theX have been conditioned in these subjects
upon entering the V'reshmam class.

      Your Committee recommend that section marching be
suspended for the remainder of this Collegiate year.

      Your committee also says that some of the minutes
of the faculty have not been signed.   It also says that
members of the faculty have failed to hand in certain
reports which should have been handed in, to be inscribed
upon the minutes of 'the faculty.  Wherefore your Come
recomLunends that the members of the faculty be ordered to
properly sign and to hand in such reports as they are
required to hand in on time.



      Your committee recommend that the regulations relative
to taking the Masterts Degree be fairly, and justly indiscrimi-
nately enforced, that special privileges be granted to none.

                          Respectfully submitted,

                          (Signed)          W. F. Peak
                                              R. C. Stoll,

      President Patterson stated briefly the reasons which
prompted the faculty in not putting the new Schedule for
the Scientific Course fully into operation this year.

      And also the contingency in the candidacy of some
members of the Senior Class this year.

      Voted on motion of Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Stoll
that the Presidentts explanations be accepted as
satisfactory to the Board.

      The Report of the Committee on the minutes of the
faculty was then approved.

      Voted on motion of Judge Landes that the recommendation
of the faculty relative to A. B. which occurs on page 201
of the minutes of the faculty be not approved.


MINUTES OF -THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 14, 1898 - page 224

     Mr. R. B. Hamilton came before the Board and submitted
a written statement belative to a course of study which he
had pursued and requested that a diploma be granted to

      On motion the paper was received and fi] ed.

      Mr. Stoll moved that a diploma be granted to Mr.

                 Lost as follows:

      Aye - Gooding, Kennedy, Peak, Stoll, Todd, - 5.

      No - Boswel, Flournoy, Frazee, Hobson, Landes,
Patterson, - 6.

      (Mr. Gooding changed his vote from No to aye.)

      Mr. Gooding submitted the following:

      Your comnmittee on Military Instruction would respectfully
report that after a hurried examination of the Military Depart-
ment we are pleased to report an improvement over former
years and consider the Present instruction as given by the
commandant superior to that of former years.

      We submit for your consideration some suggestions of
the captains of various companies and recommend that so much
of said recommendations as refers to Encampment be referred
to the Execative Com. with power to act.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 14, 1898 - page 224-225

      2 That so much of said recommendations as refer to
the instruction of a drum corps be also referried to the
President with power to act.

      We also submit for your consideration a short statement
from Mr. M. B. Jones commandant for such action as you may
see proper to take.


                              (Signed)         A. P. Gooding
                                               E. H. Hobson
                                               J. B. Kennedy

(Following is the paper prepared by cadet captains and sub-
mitted by Mr. Gooding.)

To the Board of Trustees.


      We, the undersigned officers of the Battalion of cadets
do hereby recommend that some arrangement be made for an
encampment for instruction. At present no arrangement is
made for the instruction of the cadets in guard-duty and
that part of a soldiers duty which he can only get by
actual practice in canp life.

      Furthermore as the two field pieces with which the
battery is at present equipped are old and out of date and
instruction in the use of these pieces does not apply to
any extent to the Modern gun, and as these pieces have been
-oudemnd-, we recommend that the battery be supplied with
tie modern gun and that more than two pieces be supplied
(about four ) as the number of men required to man the new
gun is less than is required for the old.

      We also recommend that an instructor be supplied to
the Drum Corps which has made little progress since its
organization from the lack of proper instruction.


MINUTES OF TIHE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec.14, 1898 - page 225-226

      Whereas we the representative commissioned officers
of the Battalion are put to the extra labor and expense
to equip ourselves as assistant instructors in Military
Science we appeal to your judgement for consideration of a
small compensation which we feel will better stimulate the
officers in the discharge of their duties.

      We hereby submit the above to your just consideration.

R. E. Warrent Capt. and Adj.       T. W. Scholtz, Capt. B.Co.
W. H. Scherffius, Capt. A. Co.     R. S. Severs,         C.It"
W. L. Bronaugh,    "    D. Co.      A. J. Vance      " Battery

      The report of committee on Military Instruction was
received and adopted.

      Mr. Flournoy submitted the following:

        Whereas friction to a considerable extent exists
between the  Iilitary Commandant, Major Jones and the Student
body who use the dormitories and whereas strict enforcement
of existing rules formulated by the Board of Trustees seems
largely responsible for this friction. Now Resolved, that
the Board of Trustees hereby appoint President Patterson,
Prof. White, Prof. Roark and Major Jones as a Board of
Control of Management of the dormitories and discipline with
power to modify or suspend existing regulations regulating
same from now until the next meeting of this Boardand said
Board of Control is directed to make a full report of all
its actions herein together with recommendations for future
rules for discipline governing the student body both in and
out of the dormitories and present same to this Board at its
next meeting.

(Mr. Stoll suggested that the Committee appointed to revise
the rules and regulations should be notified of any modifi-
cation in the existing rules - The suggestion was accepted.)

      The resolution was then carried.

      A paper by Mrs. Alfred Peter requesting an appropri-
ation of $300.00 to furnish a room in the Protestant

Infirmary was referred to the Committee on appropriations.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 14, 1898 -page 226-227

      Adj ourned.

V. E. Muncy

      The Board of Trustees met in regular session in the
President's room  in the College Building at 1:20 P. m.
on Tuesday, Mlay 30,, 1899.

      Present:           Messvs.   Boswell,
                                   Ho lt,

      Messrs. Marcum and Mathews were present a few minutes
later. Gen. Hobson was present at 2 P. M.

      Mr. McElroy, was duly qualified by taking the oath
of office and took his seat a member of the Board.

      In the absence of the Governor of the Cormmonwealth
Judge Holt was unanimously elected chairman of the Board.

     The Chairman then announced the following as members
of the standing committees indicated: