xt7d513ttv4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d513ttv4f/data/mets.xml Christ Church Cathedral (Louisville, Ky.) 1922.  books b92-87-27382485 English Mays Printing Co., : Louisville, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Christ Church Cathedral (Louisville, Ky.) History. Centennial celebration of Christ Church Cathedral, May 31, 1822 -- 1922, May 31 text Centennial celebration of Christ Church Cathedral, May 31, 1822 -- 1922, May 31 1922 1922. 2002 true xt7d513ttv4f section xt7d513ttv4f 

Centennial Celebration
  Chris Church Cathedral

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Christ Church Cathedral and
     Cathedral House



Centennial Celebration
               O F
   Christ Church Cathedral.

May 31 - 1822 - 1922 - May 31

   May 28 - June 4, 1922

Louisville, Kentucky

... T H E ...



                The Centennial Prayer.
Program for Centennial Week, May 28th-June 4th, 1922.
The Centennial Committee.
Characters in the Pageant, and Impersonators.
Historical Pageant - "THE HUNDRED YEARS" - in
      Twelve Episodes.
Historical Sketch of Christ Church, and Cathedral, 1822-
Members of Vestries and Chapter, with Individual Terms of
Cathedral Staff, 1922.



            A Centennial Prayer

Christ Church Louisville, begun May 31, 1822, marked the
   founding of the Episcopal Church, in what is now the
   Diocese of Kentucky.

   Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole
body of the Church is governed and sanctified; Receive our
supplications and prayers, which we offer before Thee for
all estates of men in Thy Holy Church, that every member
of the same, in his vocation and ministry, may truly and
godly serve Thee:
   And at this time in particular, we implore Thy blessing
upon our Cathedral congregation, and this whole Diocese.
Prosper, Thou, the work of our hands upon us, and espe-
cially all undertakings of this Centennial Year; that Thy
Church may be strengthened, Thy cause glorified, and Thy
Kingdom enlarged.
   We bless and magnify Thy Name for all Thou hast done
for us, and through us, in the past; for the examples of the
saints who have been the choice vessels of Thy grace in
their generations; and we pray Thee that we, with them,
may have our perfect consummation and bliss in Thine
eternal Kingdom, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

This prayer is authorized by the Bishop of Kentucky, and it
   is trusted it may be used constantly in Church and in




                SUNDAY, MAY 28th.
 7:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. Celebrants -The Dean
            and Senior Canon.
 9:30 A. M.-Church School Program.
 11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer. Preacher-The Rt. Rev.
            Daniel S. Tuttle, D.D., (Missouri) Presiding
            Bishop of the Church. Subject: The Last
            Hundred Years.
 4:30 P. M.-Choral Evensong (Shortened).
            Addresses: The rector of St. Paul's Church,
            Grace Church and Church of the Advent,
            Louisville, and Grace Church, Hopkinsville.

                MONDAY, MAY 29th.
                Dudley Memorial Hall.
 3:30 P. M.-Woman's Auxiliary Celebration.
 8:00 P. Al.-Bishop Woodcock Presiding.
 The Church and Our Schools  . Superintendent Z. E. Scott
 Christian Education ... .  .The Rev. E. Y. Mullins, D.D.
The Christian Ministry .The Rev. Chas. R. Hemphill, D.D.
Our Christian Neighbors ------------ The Rev. John Lowe Fort, D.D.
Christian Unity ..................  The Rev. E. L. Powell, LL.D.

               TUESDAY, MAY 30th.
               Dudley Memorial Hall.
8:00 P. M.-The Hon. S. Thruston Ballard, Lieutenant
           Governor of Kentucky, Presiding.
           Address-The Hon. Huston Quin, Mayor of
           Address-The Hon. Edwin P. Morrow, Gov-
           ernor of Kentucky.



11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. Celebrant-The Very Rev.
            Chas. Ewell Craik, D.D., Dean Emeritus, as-
            sisted by the Rev. Chas. Ewell Craik, Jr.
 8:00 P.M.-Choral Evensong (Shortened). Historic Ser-
            mon by the Rt. Rev. Lewis Burton, D.D., Lex-
            ington. (Formal Procession Civic, Education
            and Ecclesiastical.)

               THURSDAY, JUNE 1st.
               Dudley Memorial Hall.
 8:00 P. M.-Home-Coming Reception. Dean McCready,
            Speakers: Bishop Woodcock, Dean Massie,
            of Lexington, Captain Alfred Pirtle, Rev.
            Canon Hardy.

               SATURDAY, JUNE 3d.
                 Dudley Memorial Hall.
 3:00 P. M.-Church School Historic Tableaux-The Past,
            the Present and the Future.

                SUNDAY, JUNE 4th.
7:30 A. M.-Holy Communion. Celebrant-The Dean.
9:30 A. M.-Church School.
11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion (Full Choral.) Celebrant-
            Bishop Woodcock.
            Preacher-The Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gailor,
            D.D., (Tennessee) President of the Presiding
            Bishop and Council. Subject: The Next
            Hundred Years.
8:00 P. M.-Historic Pageant.




  Chairman, The Very Rev. Richard Lightburne McCready,
  Secretary, Mr. Alexander Galt Robinson.
  The Rev. Francis Whittle Hardy.
  Mrs. Gilmer S. Adams.
  Mr. and Mrs. S. Thruston Ballard.
  Mrs. Tevis Goodloe.
  Mrs. Sallie Gazlay Hamilton.
  Mr. and Mrs. William Heyburn.
  Mr. Ernest Arthur Simon.



     The Hundred Years
            A PAGEANT
                written for

The Centennial Celebration

Christ Church Cathedral
         LOUISVILLE, KY.

     May 28 - June 4, 1922.


Production Directed by
Mrs. S. Thruston Ballard

Designer of Costumes, Mrs. Samuel G. Boyle


Characters and Impersonators

       PROLOGUE-Judge Robert Worth Bingham.
       HISTORIA-Mrs. Gazlay Hamilton.
                  EPISODE 1.
           Director-Mrs. Arthur Peter.

Peter Benson Ormsby
Richard Barnes
Wm. L. Thompson
James Hughes
John Bustard
Samuel Dickinson
Samuel Churchill
Wm. Atkinson
Dennis Fitzhugh
Hancock Taylor
James S. Bate
James C. Johnston
Wm. Croghan
James Miller
George Keats
Henry Cawthorne
Richard Ferguson

Henry 0. Gray
Walter A. Downing
Howard B. Lee
George G. Fetter, Jr.
Alex Galt Robinson
Chas. Weis
R. C. Ballard Thruston
Wallace Wilson
Cushman Quarrier
Geo. L. Danforth
David Gray
Edwin F. Perry
Robert F. Hibbitt
Harry E. Seyfert
Charles H. Oppel
B. P. Dickson
John M. Stokes

                   EPISODE 2.
           Director-Mrs. Karl Jungbluth.
Mother Church              Mrs. Mazyck O'Brien
Attendant Angel            Mary Lawrence Peter
Attendant Angel            Louise Lee
Alary Ormsby Gray          Henrietta Gray
                CHURCH WOMEN

Mrs. James P. Helm
Mrs. Powhattan Wooldridge
Mrs. John Churchill
Miss L. L. Robinson

Mrs. John Marshall
Mrs. Geo. Washburne
Mrs. Chas. H. Gibson
Mrs. Chas. Nelson
Margaret Sager

                   EPISODE 3.
               Director-Miss Bangs.
The Old Testament          Mr. J. Ernest Graham
The New Testament          Mr. Henry Heyburn
Prayer Book                Miss Edith Tapp
Priest at Font             Canon Hardy
Mother at Font             Mrs. R. S. Witherspoon
Child at Font
Bishop                     Bishop Woodcock
Celebrant                  Dean Emeritus Craik
The Preacher               Dean McCready




Mrs. Emily Davison
Miss Etta Snead


Mrs. J. W. Beilstein
Mr. T. Grant Slaughter

               Alexina Robinson
               Elizabeth Robinson
               Chamie O'Brien
               Florence Farnsley
               Jane Lewis Morton

              EPISODE 4.
      Director-Mrs. Alex. G. Barret.

Ben. 0. Davis
George McCready
Robert Ormsby
Solomon K. Grant
Harriet Miller

Dr. David C. Morton
Kirwin Bullitt
Henry Ormsby
Howard G. Glover
Mrs. Tevis Goodloe



R. T. Durrett
Geo. A. Ouerbacker
Emily Foreman
Geo. L. Danforth
J. W. E. Bayly
          Miss Ri

Rev. James Craik


Chas. P. Barton
Etta White
W. Meade Robinson
Lily Kent

osalie Pargny
      Charles Ewell Craik, Jr.

            EPISODE 5.
    Director--Mrs. Harry Grinstead.

Dean Craik

Dean Emeritus Craik

   Mr. Cushman Quarrier     Mr. Henry Barret
                  Mr. J. W. E. Bayly

                      EPISODE 6.
             Director--Mrs. C. E. Claggett.

Auxiliary Choir
First President Endowment Assn.
Present President Endowment Assn.
Tidings Bearer
The Spirit of the Memorial Book


Mrs. L. P. Blackburn
Mrs. Alex. G. Barret
Thruston Ballard Morton
Mrs. Chas. Ewell Craik


                      EPISODE 7.
                    HOUSE COMES.
            Director-Mrs. Edwin H. Ferguson.
The Bishop                      Bishop Chas. E. Woodcock
The Spirit of the Cathedral House Mrs. S. Thruston Ballard
Crucifer                        Staff Bearer

                      EPISODE 8.
            Director-Mrs. W. Meade Robinson.

The Dean
The Senior Canon

The Very Rev. R. L. McCready
Rev. Frank W. Hardy

                       EPISODE 9.
                   AND GOLD STARS.


Soldier Leader
Color Bearer
1st Soldier
2nd Soldier
3rd Soldier
4th Soldier
5th Soldier
6th Soldier

Miss Henrietta


Chas. T. Ballard, Mrs. John Middleton and
Mrs. Marion E. Taylor.
              Mr. John Heyburn
              William B. Hardy, Jr.
              LaVielle Isert
              William Reed
              Hunter Green
              John White
              Frank Johnson
              Coleman Gray
White             Mrs. Ballard Jones
  Miss Emily Altsheler
             Miss Annie Adelia Mead

Mrs. Hugh Caperton              Mrs. Credo Harris
Miss Mary Parke Kaye            Miss Patty Helm
              Miss Julia Duke Henning

              SERVICE DOCTORS

Dr. Claude Hoffman

Dr. Wallace Frank

                 EPISODE 10.
Directors-Mrs. W. W. Tapp, Mrs. David C. Morton.

Spirit of the Church Schools
Spirit of the Young People's
       Service League
Spirit of Cathedral Activities
Spirit of the Church Service League
Priest of the Church Van


Miss Carleen Proehl
John K. Freeman, Jr.

Mrs. Oscar Fenley
Mrs. Gilmer S. Adams
Archdeacon J. B. Robinson


                EPISODE 11.
     Director-Mrs. Geo. Danforth Caldwell.
of the Thank Offering Book  Mrs. Arthur Peter
of the Thank-Offering Book  Mrs. Omar C. Mead
of the Woman's Endowment
Association              Mrs. Alex. G. Barret

                EPISODE 12.
           HUNDRED-YEAR DAY.
        Director-Mrs. Robert C. Judge.

The Settler
The Miner
The Indian
Alaskan Woman
Rev. C. E. Craik
Rev. C. E. Craik, Jr.
Spirit of Woman's Auziliary
Chinese Woman
Sick Man
Dr. C. S. F. Lincoln (Medical
Mildred Buchanan (Missionary)

Amelia Jungbluth
Edith Hall
Elizabeth Farnsley
Ford Hettich
Arthur Peter
A Panaman
A Panaman
Panama Woman




  Alex Goldsborough Robinson
  Charles Honaker
  Roland Dumesnil
  Mrs. Geo. Armes
  Mrs. Harry Dumesnil

  Mrs. Leland Taylor
  Robert Brooke

  I. W. Hunn, Jr.
  Truman Cooke
  Mrs. Robert Buchanan
   Sallie Whitehead
   Unadilla Mead
   Jane Aley
   Rogers Ballard Morton

   Wm. Tapp, Jr.
   Owsley Booker Robinson
   Mrs. Henry Heyburn
Mrs. Morris Belknap


Church of the Advent
Calvary Church
Grace Church
St. Andrew's Church
St. George's Church
St. James' Church (Pewee Valley)
St. Luke's Church (Anchorage)
St. Mark's Church
St. Paul's Church
St. Stephen's Church
St. Thomas' Church
Trinity Church


Elsie Locke
Eleanor Gray
Carter Brooke
Ethel Fitzhugh
Margaret Wooldridge
Virginia Lyons
Helen Fairleigh
Margaret Nash
Anna Plamp
Maurice Stith
Frank Seabolt

     Cathedral Organizations
       Cathedral Chapter
 Dean McCready-"Go Forward!"
Choirs, Clergy, Chapter, Characters.






EPISODE     I: Organizing for the Church.
EPISODE    II: The Coming of the Church.
EPISODE     III: The VISION of the Church that is to be.
EPISODE     IV: The Bell; and the Call of the Bell.
EPISODE    V: Christ Church made Cathedral.
EPISODE     VI: Coming of the Auxiliary Choir; of the
               Woman's Endowment Association; Death
               of Bishop Dudley; The Memorial Book
EPISODE    VII: The coming of Bishop Woodcock; The
               Cathedral House comes.
EPISODE VIII: The New Dean and the Senior Canon
EPISODE     IX: WAR. Our Boys' departure; Their re-
               turn with Victory and Stars turned gold.
EPISODE    X: Gathering the Sheaves.
EPISODE    XII: The Gift of Life; Greetings for the Hun-
               dred-Year Day; Churches, Organizations,
               Community, etc.;
               Dean McCready-"GO FORWARD!"





   DRAW we the curtains of the Past! We bid you go with
us back through a hundred years-back to when, as yet,
these walls were not; back to the days when one man stood
where now a hundred stand, in this our City.
   Men's hearts were anhungered for the CHURCH as they,
in youth, had known her, in Lands far, far away.
   No Theatre is this; nor "acting" shall you see; but
SHOWING, rather, of days and people that are gone (people
whose blood courses in the veins that throb before you.)
   Drama Yes, in a sense. The World's Creation was a
drama; Drama the Tragedy on Calvary-and We but re-
awaken here what the Church, long centuries agone, made
use of in her Mystery Plays.
   Give us your Hearts! Go, step by step, with us. So shall
you learn how this old Church hath wrought, in this her
   Love her Aye, do we love her well; and you shall love
her, too, ere this our hour be done.



               The Dedication

   Historia (in the Pulpit): In producing this Pageant-
"THE HUNDRED YEARS"-the thought of the Presentors
has been to make it a Thank-Offering to Almighty God for
this old Church's life. We ask you to do your Part; to lend
your sympathy, your voices in such portions as may be the
Congregation's as well as ours-to feel, with us, what it is
we do, and for Whom it is done.
   Therefore, the work, the hour, ourselves, and you We

                     EPISODE I
              Organizing for the Church.
   Enter 20-25 men, garbed as of period, gentry, hunters,
settlers, etc.
   Organ playing softly hymn 45, "O, Come, 0, Come,
Emanuel :"
   Peter Benson Ormsby: Friends, we are come together,
in answer to a published call, to plan for an Episcopal
Church in Louisville.
   Richard Barnes (late of Maryland): Let us see what
may be possible among ourselves, and who cares to help
forward the undertaking.
   Wm. L. Thompson: We have fifteen communicants in,
and about, our little city, and a number of sympathizers.
   James Hughes: John Bustard for Chairman!
   All: So be it!
   Ormsby: Let Samuel Dickinson be our Secretary.
   Samuel Churchill: Aye; for this 31st of May, 1822, may
live in history, and a century hence our children's children
look back to this day.
   All: Aye, aye; Dickinson for Secretary!
   Bustard: It is so ordered.
   Atkinson: A Committee, to plan, and to secure funds.
Let's have the names.
   (Dickinson, Sec'y, writes. Voices meanwhile. Then),
   Bustard: Mr. Secretary, read the names on the Com-
mittee, as chosen.
   (Reading, each man responding "here," as called):


   Secretary: John Bustard, Chairman; Samuel Dickin-
son, Secretary; Richard Barnes, Treasurer; Peter Benson
Ormsby, Dennis Fitzhugh, Samuel Churchill, James Hughes,
William L. Thompson, William H. Atkinson.
   Bustard: Bestir yourselves, gentlemen; I know you
have, already, promises not a few.
    (Men move about, on choir-floor. Presently turn to
   Bustard: What report Who lends a hand in such a
   Barnes: One hundred and eighty-two subscribers
pledge 6354, a goodly sum of money with which to begin
our building.
   Churchill: And more will come. It is many years since
we had a Service as our dear Church knows it-not since
Kavanagh's day, save that one Sunday, two years agone; but
with the prospect of a Church established many adherents
will come forward.
   Bustard: Mr. Secretary, add to the Committee the
names of Hancock Taylor, James S. Bate, Richard Ferguson,
James C. Johnston and William Croghan.
   Dickinson: Aye, Sir.
   Hughes: We've no Minister in mind, but he will come,
by the time our Church is builded.
   Taylor: And now, that it may all seem more real, let
us choose a name.
   Johnston: What but the Name of Him in whose Name
we build, "Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone"
   All: Christ Church! Christ Church!
   (All present join in singing first verse, hymn 491, "The
Church's One Foundation.")

                     EPISODE II
              The Coming of the Church.
   (As hymn closes, Enter from Sacristy, across Sanctuary,
Angel either side.)
   CHRIST CHURCH: You have called me-I am come.
   (All save Church kneel; then, standing, Gloria Patri is
sung by all, including Congregation. Enter now from var-
ious directions women.)
   Christ Church: With your Mother, the Church, come
ever, and abide, the women! How make ye ready for me


   Bustard: Already, Mother Church, are preparations for
thy Home begun.
   Ormsby: Mine be it to give the ground whereon our
Church shall stand. I have (far out, 'tis true, but the town
will one day surround it) a five-acre lot. Have made, Mr.
Barnes, and bring to me for signature, the deeds for as much
of it as ye care to fence in.
   Churchill: We will to work at once; and while this our
building rises, we'll have a temporary one in the heart of
the town, holding our people together, while we look for a
   Mary Ormsby Gray: While my father bestows land
whereon thy House shall ever stand, I pray you, Mother
Church, let me give (close at hand) "God's Acre" for our
Burial Ground.
   Mother Church: Aye, Daughter. So let it be.
   (Organ, "The Church's One Foundation," trailing off in
                     EPISODE III
         The Vision of the Church that is to Be.
   Historia: Toward close of the year 1824 Christ Church
has been completed-we stand, this hour, within the walls
then builded-and a Rector (the Rev. Henry M. Shaw) has
been called. Life HERE is about to begin.
   (Organ, hymn 311, "Ancient of Days.")
   Mother Church: We are come HOME. Under the
wings of the cherubim, as in ages past, hath our Altar risen.
The cloud that hovered in Solomon's Temple floats above
us-(lifts eyes and hands). It is the glory of the Presence
of GOD! "Behold, the heaven of heavens cannot contain
Thee": "I have surely built Thee an House" . . . "Thy serv-
ants shall walk before Thee with all their heart!" Where-
withal shall we find our way Through what means show
God to men (Clasping outstretched hand). I SEE THE
   (Enter two, clad, respectively as the Old Testament, and
the New Testament.)
   Old Testament: The Scriptures dwell ever with you,
Holy Church. Mine be it to make known the Word of God
through the Old Testament.
   New Testament: The New Dispensation, mine-the


   Mother Church: Stand ye ever near, a lamp unto our
feet, a light upon the way we tread. (Points to Bible Lec-
tern, where the two take their stand, either side.)
   Enter Prayer Book: The Book of Common Prayer shall
go with you, day by day, with help for every step. Lo! The
OFFICES! (Points to Baptistry, where the Priest stands,
holding an infant in his arms; child and adult near):
   Priest: "Christ's faithful soldier and servant, to his
life's end."  (Organ, softly, hymn 534, "Jesus, Tender
   (Prayer Book then points to Chancel Rail, where Bishop
stands, several kneeling. Organ, hymn 509, "Soldiers of
Christ, arise, and put your armor on." Bishop spreads
his hands toward entire Congregation, while saying):
   "Defend, 0, Lord, all these, Thy children, with Thy
heavenly grace, that they may continue Thine forever; and
daily increase in Thy Holy Spirit more and more, until they
come unto Thy everlasting kingdom. Amen."
   (Enter Sanctuary, from Sacristy, and stand at Altar,
lifting Chalice for a moment,)
   The Dean Emeritus: (Organ Sursum Corda) "Lift up
your hearts."
   Congregation and Choir-floor: "We lift them up unto
the Lord."
   Dean Emeritus: "Let us give thanks unto our Lord
   All respond: "It is meet and right so to do."
   (Historia has slipped away from the Pulpit. Enter Dean
McCready; Mother Church, beckoning him, points to Pulpit,
which he enters):
   Mother Church: "Holy men of old spake as they were
moved by the Holy Ghost."   Still doth the Holy Ghost
breathe upon the lips of man. (Organ, softly, hymn 586,
"Lord, Speak To Me, That I May Speak.")
   Dean McCready, pronounces Ascription. (Clergy group
   (Enter pre-Cathedral choristers, and Cathedral Choir,
latter marching past Chancel steps, former pausing briefly
before Mother Church, and exit.)
   Mother Church: Choirs! Interpreters of all our calls
to God, leaders of all our worship; Great is your Office!
(Choir sings Barnby's Gloria.)
   Mother Church: So riseth, in this our home-taking day,
the VISION of the years to come. (Enter before her Five


bearing names: Prayer, Faith, Consecration, Works, Gifts)
And these be the Spirits by whose ministering we shall live
and serve. (Ministering Spirits group near at hand and
    Historia (again in the Pulpit): Seven years after
Christ Church came into existence was born the Diocese of
Kentucky; Lexington, Danville and our own being its three
Parishes. Three years thereafter the Rev. B. B. Smith was
consecrated Bishop, so remaining for fifty-two years. The
young Christ Church proved vigorous, adding to her
strength and numbers. David C. Page, Rector seven years,
was succeeded (for two) by the brilliant Jackson. Her peo-
ple were loyal and devout. Comes the first chapter of the
story of the Bell.
                      EPISODE IV
            The Bell; and the Call of the Bell.
    (To Mother Church gather several of those present, oth-
ers joining gradually, as interested): Davis, two Ormsbys,
Solomon Grant, Geo. McCready, etc.
   Ben' 0. Davis: Mother Church, we would give thee a
more far-reaching "voice." The call of a church-bell is al-
most human in its cry to the heart; therefore, in this thy
bell, we would give something more worthy thee, and
worthy the summons it bears abroad.
   Mother Church: Aye, my children, bells are "voices."
   Robert Ormsby: Then raise we the cost of a clearer
"voice" to sound from thy belfry.
   Davis: 'Tis said that gold mixed in the bronze cast
gives a peculiarly resonant and appealing tone to a bell.
   Peter Benson Ormsby: Aye, so I've heard, too. But
little gold have we.
   Solomon Grant (hesitantly): Some of us have cher-
ished savings, put aside bit by bit, for some dear or sacred
purpose. Could these but be used ...
   (Organ, faintly, hymn 478, "Holy Offerings, Rich and
   Harriet Miller: Give of your treasures, ye men! We
women will give dearer treasures! (Raises hands to un-
clasp chain around her throat, while other women strip ol;
rings, brooches, etc; and men bring forth small bags, whence
they pour gold pieces into Mother Church's overflowing
   Mother Church: So shall our bell-notes be mellow with
gold, and sweet with sacrifice!


   (Soon two-thirds of those present exit, by various di-
   Historia: Several years later St. Paul's Church has
been built; and thither has gone, with the Rector, the larger
part of the congregation. Christ Church is left to begin
again the struggle for existence, with lessened resources,
but still loyal hearts. Later the Church called the Rev.
James Craik, of Kanawha, Va.
   It is a June morning, in 1844. (Organ, hymn 445,
"When Morning Gilds the Skies.") Christ Church has been
opened for early Communion.     (Church bell.)  Enter
Stranger. To Mother Church: I am just from the River-
landing. Far down the street I heard this bell (surely the
sweetest ever rung!) I am seeking Christ Church, and have
stopped to say a prayer, and to ask my way. I am James
Craik, of Virginia.
   Mother Church: The Bell has called you home-you
are with Christ Church. The first roof to shelter you is
your own. Here shall you live and labor, love and be loved,
till, in old age, God shall call you to enter into Rest. Here
be three of your Vestrymen-George McCready, Ben Davis,
and Solomon Grant. Go you with them.
   Historia: For thirty-eight years James Craik led his
people, well winning the name accorded him, "The Good
Shepherd." For eleven years (toward the last) John Nich-
olas Norton, "The Good Samaritan," was Associate Rector,
and death divided them by but a few months. The Church
in general, and the Community, had cause to bless Christ
Church and her Clergy, for they labored not for themselves
alone. Mary Ormsby Gray, whom we saw at the beginning
of the Church's life, with her faithful women associates,
created and maintained the P. E. Orphan Asylum (for girls)
and John Bustard, member of our first Vestry, and many,
endowed it. In commemoration of Dr. James Craik's 25th
anniversary his Congregation built the Orphanage of the
Good Shepherd; and a dozen years later (1881) a tribute
to his long service and their mutual affection, a member
of this Congregation-John P. Morton-built, and endowed
The Church Home and Infirmary. William Cornwall built
St. James' Church, and long ministered to it. Dr. John N.
Norton built two Churches in Louisville; and The John N.
Norton Mem'l Infirmary (whose inception was due to "the
Ministering Children" of St. Paul's Church) was the tribute
of many men and many churches, to a godly and beloved
man, and, in large measure, resulted from the generous gifts
of his Wife.


    Christ Church set off numerous Missions, some of which
have of their own, in turn; so that her children, and her
children's children "rise up and call her blessed."
   Now has risen a Prince in Israel. Thomas Underwood
Dudley, destined to be known as one of the great men in
the American Church, honored throughout the Anglican
and the Church Catholic, as well, has been consecrated As-
sistant Bishop, and, upon death of our venerable Diocesan,
(1884), has become Bishop of Kentucky.
   Recently, too, the Rev. Charles Ewell Craik (following
Dr. Norton's lamented death) had begun his service of 36
years in Christ Church. Soon two great ideals rose, like
stars, in his sky-stars whose light grew steadfast and far-
shining. The Endowment of the Church, and the building
of a Parish House became his heart's desires.
   Resume we our Picturings.

                     EPISODE V
             Christ Church made Cathedral.
   (Organ, hymn 487, "Rise, Crowned With Light, Imperial
   Enter Dr. Craik, with Messrs. Henry W. Barret, J. W. E.
Bayly, Cushman Quarrier and Joseph G. McCulloch (attend-
ant bearing Cross and diadem) of May, 1894, first Chapter.
   Mr. Quarrier: To our finite understanding, holy Moth-
er, our Spokesman today should have been one who for 48
years has been Vestryman, Warden, moving spirit in all
that meant thy welfare-John Al. Robinson. But two
months ago "God's finger touched him, and he slept." We
carry forward what he helped initiate; therefore, we bring
to you, beloved Mother Church, and to these, our Congrega-
tion, OFFICIAL NOTICE that on this 24th day of May,
1894, is Christ Church made CATHEDRAL of the Diocese
of Kentucky. "The Bishop and Chapter" supersedes the
Vestry; and our Rector (bowing to Dr. Craik) becomes
   (Dean Craik invests Church with Cross and diadem).
   Christ Church (Cathedral): God give me to be, in very
truth, Mother to this whole Diocese! (Holds out her hand
to Dean Craik.)
   Dr. Craik and People: And to us, your children, grace
and strength to hold up your hands! (Then, to Mother


    Dean Craik: In consecrating, anew, thee and ourselves,
 0, Mother Church, let us hold ever before our eyes that
 which will assure thy life and work, in the future now
    (All sing v. 1, hymn 487, "Rise, Crowned With Light.)
    Historia: The work of the Diocese goes forward. It
becomes too great for one man to carry as chief Executive.
In 1895 the Diocese is divided, our part retaining the old
name, while the newer Diocese is called Lexington.

                     EPISODE VI
Coming of the Auxiliary Choir; Of the Woman's Endowment
    Association; Death of Bishop Dudley; The Memorial
                      Book comes.
    (Enter Auxiliary Choir: To Dean Craik)
    Mother Church: Who comes, with floating pennon and
lips of song
   Dean Craik: The Auxiliary Choir-a band that justi-
fies both names; auxiliary in so much that is good; chor-
isters when, else, our Services were colorless, lacking music.
   Mother Church: Welcome, daughters of song! Sing
with me Benedic Anima Mea.
   Sings: "Praise the Lord, 0, my soul; and all that is
within me praise His holy name."
   Auxiliary Choir, responding, sings: "Praise the Lord,
0, my soul; and forget not all His benefits." (Exit choir
from choir-floor, to mass in N.-W. corner church.)
   (As enter first President Woman's Endowment Associa-
tion, and present Pres.)
   Mother Church: And now cometh God's way of an-
swering His people's prayers in their need-again by wo-
men.   (Organ hymn    493, Endowment hymn):       The
Woman's Endowment Association shall prove our very
"tower of strength." (Exit.)
   (Organ, as from a distance, then nearer, Chopin's Fun-
eral March.) Enter
   Tidings Bearer: 0, all ye People! I bring you sorrow!
The Almighty One hath taken to Himself the great Dudley
-our beloved Father in God hath gently "fallen on sleep."
   (All present, Congregation rising, turning toward the
   "Grant to him, Lord, eternal Rest, and let light perpetual
shine upon him !"


   (Organ, softly, "How Blessed Are the Departed," and
voices, very faintly sing once "Their Works Do Follow
Them." From Sacristy, across Sanctuary, bearing the
Memorial Book, Enter)
   Spirit of the Memorial Book: Yea, "their works do fol-
low them" if you who love them, and love this old Church
of ours, so will it! This is our Memorial Book, given by
Roberta Tyler, of beautiful memory, "in remembrance of
James Craik, Priest and Doctor, and Juliet Shrewsbury, his
Wife." Here, in the Sanctuary it lieth, recording the names
of those (still linked with us) of the Church at Rest; and
those blessed names consecrate gifts for the Endowment
of our dear Church.
   Mother Church (taking a palm from her attendant An-