xt7d251fn658 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d251fn658/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-03-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1989 1989 1989-03-30 2020 true xt7d251fn658 section xt7d251fn658  

1/ Vote in SGA Elections


Kentucky Kernel

ivu. xcn. No. 136

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Thursday March 30, 1989




SGA election is
d0wnplayed by many

Contributing Writer

Although the campus this week has
been peppered with campaign posters.
literature and the SGA candidates
themselves, many students say they
don‘t plan on voting in the Student Gov-
ernment Association elections.

The most common reason was that
students questioned just don‘t think
SGA does much for them.

“We don‘t feel the effects of student
government." said Brenda Pease, an
architecture student, “It's just a popu-
larity contest. “

Like Pease. David Andrew, a history
major. said he wasn‘t going to vote be»
cause he didn‘t think it mattered who

“I think it‘s petty,“ Andrew said. "I
don't think whoever wins will make a

And Ray Schueveman, an English
sophomore, said the thought of voting
didn‘t even cross his mind.

“SGA?" said Schueveman, “Don‘t
they spend all the money on them-

Some students who weren‘t planning
on voting weren‘t as critical of SGA as

“I'm just not into the race." said
Michalle Strange, a psychology senior.
“I don't keep up with the candidates.“

Marvin Nicholson. an electrical engi-
neering junior, also said he wasn't vot.
ing because he hadn‘t really paid atten-
tion to the race.



Karyn Gatc (left), a sophomore in art studio, exercised her right to vote last night at the M t King library The SGA
election polls will be open until 8 tonight.

Voting not top priority of students

Voting Times and Places

business & economics


arts & SCiences


busmess & economics

LEJMBJLLLCULQ. 10200 - 3:00

law students only

L_Q_C_ 10:00 - 3:00
LCC students only

um 9:00 - 8:00
agriculture (after 3:00)

ans & solences

business 8. economics (after 3:00)


tine arts


fiusingss fiEcongmlg§ m 10:00 - 3:00

malazer. Qommgns Cajgterias 4:30 - 7:00

Student Cente[ 10:00 - 2:00

arts & sciences



[11mm 10:00 - 3:00
allied health






social work

library sctences

home economics (after 3:00)
grad school




“I‘m just not keeping tip Will] it.’
said Nicholson.

Despite the fact that several studelits
said they weren't going to vote. there
were some who said they felt the SGA
was important. and that those who don't
\ ote shouldn't complain about SGA.

"I'm gonna rote." said Donita Hayes.
a VtK'illllHlill home economics student.
"I don‘t tliilik people have a right to

coliiplaili about how the student i goyu
crnmelit is run it they don‘t vote.”

Another student. Staci riddlemann.

said she w as going to \ ote.

“I know sortie of the people who are
rultiillig and I think they'll do a good
job.” I'Iddleman said.



rate in Kentucky

\ssociated Press

FRANKFURT Ky ~\ big increase in
education hiring. including the return of
college students to campus jobs tor the
spring semester. helped lower Kentucky's
unemployment rate to h percent in Feb-
ruary, the t'abmet tor Human Resources
silld yesterday

Farming and ‘lie \l‘l‘H-"t ‘l‘lllllSlr\ also
scored job gains xt'hdc oiisti'iiction and
trade jobs declined 'tie abiviet \llttl in .25
monthly report

February's rate compared with 1»: '. per
cent unemployment :'l .lanuari grid .9
percent in February was, t t’itl)lllt‘l 'it‘\\s
release said

The national unemployment
clined lrom b percent in laniiary 'l .i.
percent in Februan

Ed Blackwell ‘t‘ll'l l.ll)tll‘
market analyst, said them Its rttilhltlfl
unusual in Kentucky» labor pit-tiirc ii
February. "

talc le-

‘l‘ic télll'llt'l s

“We had an increasi- iii an estimated i.
ittlt) more yi'agiwarners lrom lanuary 'o
February. with most of that growth simply
a recovery ot .tiii-ctwt f y' be
same factors year an and war "-lll ‘ illai s
well said in a news l l‘lt‘ilSt‘


The biggest tactol‘ was an :iicreasl- wt
tttitl education iohs :licludtltg the icttn'l‘ iit
hourly workers to t ainitiis liayiwzlls 'nc

Agricultural entitinu‘ient harm-rt :t
Littlt as a mild suite." wrought
than~usiial "etiirr: ')
the release said

m par; w-

.lnm. “Mimi: pm

Serylce jobs increased by «It 'nus'b
in health seryii'es and tsoispitals and ~~

SPTW lf't‘S


Elsewhere ‘herc .wri 'It- won. at. .
the taleL’tlry it ‘t'artsprirt.itiori
nications and ..tilities Jr
wits and goo more «ml» at t. -,.

ment iobs

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l'raite t’nlllltHf‘ll‘Hl m l mu! all
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.lve Lthlt’s
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' t!” \* iii-Ks

AIDS training started
for campus employees

By liI‘ITll Ttl\( .
Staff Writer

AIDS awareness has become an impor-
tant issue in today's work lorce And at
UK, a program has been started lor em-
ployees to help in the education process.

Paige Tiller. a certified AIDS educator.
is conducting AIDS education training for
UK Staff iii coordination with [K Human
Resource Development Office

Marsha t'ollins. with the Iluman Ro-
source Development Mike said the
classes developed out of the AIDS Task
Force at the I'niversity' and the need to
overcome the tear of AIDS

(‘ollins arid Tiller said the three purposes
of these sessions are to emphasize l’K's in.
terest iii the health of its employees. safe-
ty. and employee rights.

(‘olllns said the sessmns are bemg
attended by all superVisors. managers.
and administrators that fall under the Vice
chancellor for administration

“Our plan. it funding allows it. .s to take
this to all sectors of the l'niy'erslty."
(‘ollins said

The three hour session includes
statistics. intormation on transnnsston,
demographics ol the disease. a film. a dis»
cussion and group interaction

According to rcceiil statistics. at the end
of 1987 there were 24 diagnosed cases of
AIDS in l.('.\lllL’.ltlll. alid at the end of 1988
there were M iii the liexmgton area

The nuiliber ol AIDS cases among

Top high school students coming to University

By BETH 1‘0qu
Staff Writer

UK will be trying to lure some of the
state's top senior high school students as
the University is expecting more than 300
talented students to visit campus Friday
and Saturday for “Merit Weekend.“

The program, which also be held the fol-
lowing weekend, includes pre-registration
for classes, entertainment by the College
of Fine Arts, campus tours, and other ac-

To be invited, a student must have
scored a composite of 27 on the ACT or a
combined score of 1100 on the SAT.

"The purpose of Merit Weekend is to
honor those students who have shown high
academic standards in high school," said
Don Witt, director of advising conferences.

Witt said that UK is interested in
attracting and retaining better students.
and this program does that.

“(if the students that actually attend
Merit Weekend. approxtmately 95 percent
of those actually do enroll and stay at the
University of Kentucky,” he said.

This year they are expecting about 300
students and their parents to attend the
program which starts Friday night.

Students can take placement exams
Friday in calculus, math. English, Ger-
man, French and Spanish.

After the exams, a reception will be held
for the students and their parents. Ray-
mond Belts. director of the Honors Pro-
gram. will welcome the incoming students.

President David Roselle will also attend
the reception. “Parents really like that."

The incoming students arid their parents
will be able to attend )x-rlormances
sponsored by the ('ollege ot Fine Arts

Sam llollalid with the School ol Music
WI” provide a program on synthesners.
Dean Richard Doniek \illl present a ses
sion on ragtime a nd early pialio jazz.

Also. (leraldine Maschio will speak
about women in American theater. Arturo
Sandoval WI” talk about fiber art. and the
Student Activities Board will sponsor free

The actual program begins Saturday at 9
am. With a welcome from Donald Sands.
vice chancellor for academic affairs. They
will then present reflections of currently
enrolled students, and Ronda (Tonnaway
will present a faculty perspective of fresh-
man year to graduation.

The students and their parents then

attelid interest sessions on the ”(llltll‘s
Program. ('areer Planning and Placement.
internship opportunities, linancial aid.
commuting students. academic lite. catn-
ptls housing and lood services, and a
student panel

Witt said the academic life interest
session is popular This session includes
discussions by faculty members covering
life ilislde the classroom and includes pro
lessor exmctalions and activtties III the

After lunch, the students begin l‘t'tllSll‘H'
lion and advising. “This is the first Merit
Weekend group to go through the new reg
istration system," Wilt said.

homosexual lust-\uai i tales .s expected t ~
.lrop in the next two Idle r slat ' ..:
’he Homosexual l'!\t‘\U.il grout: .
been educated about ‘ili;.‘s mitt "iey .
changed their behax ioi



"I think there is coirie Y . ’e . .1 ;
til llt‘“ (uses it] tieti-l'.y\l:._-,.
because these people «iv l i‘ ‘ ..

.it risk anymore and “HA an
'ht'lt' ltt'htl‘. 't‘l' ‘».'lt‘ s in?

I ilel ants '.i «orphan/l- ‘iiat .copu

trellatitil .l'isiliils 'li' ‘isease ..,[,
lioriiiisesul:s '~t‘-‘.ltl.‘

tl‘ug users

.Itlll[l\ ‘t‘tllllt‘ ll 7'


tt‘lllIlS and litter said "te'y
th‘lllllL‘ mostly positnc vi-.ic:;->i:s “'7

program They still l’ll' s‘arl alt-lilting 'Ii"
sesslolts hate asters;

interacting \I. cll

l't‘t'tt 4.dt‘Sllttll> ”3.11

She said 'llt‘ ‘illlb l-i'ivclatii \xll' tr‘lnttlte

some homophobia issues v'llil.ttll.\ ssucs

and denial lronl til" palli. iivains

still willlii people who layc
ti.i\~~ «it

There are
obtcttions. l-ui "ilitllllij it-
c\pected. tollms \.l.ti

l‘l\ ‘.\ taking .i proactixe approach.
said Tillel We are [it‘tllltl o: l K for doing
this] t‘otlins said

The Human
ttlllcc will spolisol
frame in April

l-tesoui t _. liey elopment
»tl‘llL 'th‘ wol‘kpltit‘c



line to all cdililig cliiil, llii- l\t'l'llt‘l ill
tol'rectly repelled yesterday the lllllll
tier ol \olcs cacti \itc presidential tall
diilatc leceiyed troiii til’At' l‘aigc
Foster i'ccciyed JII \otcs. l‘at llall rc
celyed seycli titles and lxcilti ltyel‘s ri-

Due to incorrect information ploudi-d
to the Kernel. .i newspaper giaphit lllr
dicatilig \oting times and places for the
St.;\ elections contained the wrong ill
formation. ttnly RIISII‘lt'Ss and l-Zconom-
lcs majors cali \ole in the Business and
Economics linilding Also, due to an ed
itor's error Allied Health was ommitled
troln the graphic Allied Health majors
vote in the Nursing Building

Due to an editing error. .l letter lll
yesterday ‘s Kernel in an the
ombudsman contained it reterence to
- experiential education that was unclear J




 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. March 30. 1909


Gym Kats coming
together for the
NCAA Regionals

By BOB Vt)R.\I;\.\
Staff Writer

For the [K gymnastics team.
this season has been a long one,
Plagued with injuries and con
stanlly lacing adversity. the Gym
Kats haven't had the year they
(‘IlVlSltmt‘d before they first tuni-
bled into it

But this Saturday in the Nt'AA
Regional coiiiix-titions. the team
will get a chance to turn the tables
and transform this embattled sea
son intoa great success.

“This is a great chance to show
how great this team really is." said
gymnast Donna ()eflinger.

“The injuries have really pulled
us together. and for this meet we‘ll
be as deep as we've been "

Not that the team has been unv
successful In a season where three
gymnasts were badly injured. ”1'
eluding their only senior and team
captain Diane Sill. the squad has
proven over and over that Ii is a
determined group of wmners

But the regionals. which count
for twwthirds of entire season‘s
score. will give the Gym Kats a
chance to drastically improve their
overall standings and help soothe
the loss they suffered two weeks
ago in the Southeastern (‘onference

And the feeling on the team is
that such a crucial meet couldn't
come at a better time

“I feel real good about the
team." said assistant coach Brad
Wunderlich “A lot of the hurt play-
ers are back

"It's the strongest team we've
put out all year "

The Gym Kats will definitely
need all the talent they can muster
against the kind of competition
they will face at the regionals A
slew of talent. including former
olympians Andrea (twark and Lucy

Wetter. will come to tumble at the

Included in that talent are na-
tional contenders Florida and
Georgia two of the teams that
bested l'K at the SEC meet.

"It's the best caliber of gymnas-
tics Lexington's ever had." Coach
Leah Little said. "But maybe we’ll
have an awesome crowd and an
awesome meet and rise a little in
thestandings “

The team itself has little chance
of qualifying for the NCAA
championships because of the
injuries and a few subpar meets.
The team will be playing for re

But Kentucky has three individu-
als who do have a chance to qualify
for the national meet.

Those gymnasts A junior Cindy
Jasper. sophomore Aaron Aldrich,
and freshman Amie Winn _, will be
under some additional pressure to
perform well

(tnly the results of the upcoming
regionals meet will decide whether
or not they make the cut.

And if they do. they Will be the
first lFK gymnasts to qualify for
the national meet

"Its very scary.” Winn said of
the nieel "But it's the last team
meet and its going to be very fun."

All three said they were happy
with their seasons regardless of
whether or not they qualify for na-

"ll 1 make it. my dream will
come true.” said a determined Jas-
per “But I‘ll be pleased with my
season il I don't make it I feel like
l‘veaccomplished a lot "

"I won't be upset il I don‘t make
it." Aldridge said “But I‘m sure
I'll be thrilled il I do "

This meet will be special for two
other l‘K gymnasts. as well. Senior
team captain Diane Sill and junior
.Jo Armstrong Will compete for the
last time on Saturday.


Sophomore gymnast Aaron Aldridge won second place alt-ar0und
against the University of Florida. UK is to host the NCAA Regional.

“Diane and .10 both are good.
quality people." Wunderlich said.
“We‘re losing a couple of special

”This is it.”
"I'm pretty sad."

Ironically. both Sill and Arm<
strong ha\ e been plagued by inju-
ries. and both have undergone sur»
gery this season. Fortunately both
are healthy enough to compete in
the regionals,

But their return to the mats is
just an example of the team's
newly lound fortune. Some of the
injured gymnasts will be ready to
compete. and the team has become
strengthened by the constant
adversity it has faced this season.
say members of the team.

"This is a great chance to show

Armstrong said.

everyone what a great team we
really are.” said Donna ()eflinger.
who will be competing on the vault
and bars. "The injuries have pulled
us together. and this is as deep a
team as we've had. "

“This team is ready.” Sill said.
“It's the best shape we‘ve been in.
and they really seem hungry for
the meet . “

“We need to start strong. then
gain momentum and get pumped
up. and then finish strong." Little

But win or lose. assistant coach
.lell Thompson has his own the
ones about what the team needs to
do to succeed.

“We just need to have fun." he

Tom Spoldlng
Sports Editor

Brian Jont
Assistant Sports Editor

Edwards to turn pro

Associated Press

wards. the Big Ten player of the
year. told Indiana University yes-
terday he is passing up his final
two years of eligibility to make
himself available for the NBA

He felt he “had nothing more to

accomplish." assistant athletic di-
rector Steve Downing said.

The 6-foot-4 sophomore, a second-
team All-American. averaged 20
points a game and led the Hoosiers
to the Big Ten title.

The only other Indiana under-
classmaii to leave early to play
professional basketball during Bob
Knight‘s 18 years as coach was

Isiah Thomas. He departed eight
years ago after leading Indiana to
the second of its three NCAA
championships under Knight.

George McGinnis also left lndia~
na alter his sophomore season. a
year before Knight became coach.

Knight. in a statement released
by the sports information office.
said: "I wish Jay the very best and
hope his decision works out well for
him “

Edwards. who also was the Big
Ten freshman of the year in 1988.
had a two»year average of about 18
points a game.

UK will try to bounce

back in golf

Assistant Sports Editor

The UK women's golf team did
not get off to a fast start to open
the sping season as they finished
14th out of 18 teams in the McDon-
ald‘s Betsy Rawls Longhorn Clas-
sic during spring break.

But despite the finish. the Kats
are hoping to redeem '2 nselves
as they travel to Durha N.C.. to
participate in the Duke wing Golf
Invitational which begii- day.

“I think if we put ~ythinq in
perspective and b be '
think that we will hr ‘in-
coach BettieLou Ev » id

The UK coach b . '
er and lack of pr ' «e fin-
ish in their first ' c of the
spring and note ' «. it wa. .iot un-
common after the .. y'off.

“I think it‘s just a little bit slow-
er getting off in the spring time be-
cause of the weather." Evans said.
“Now we are getting good weather
I think we will start coming a

And the team will have to come a
long way w especially with its
short game.



“I think we need to work on our
short game." Evans said. “That is
where we suffered. We‘ve been
working hard in practice on it. I
hope it pays off."

But the team might need a little
more than a good short game as
they will face some of the toughest
competition in the nation.

“t’l‘he field) is very strong,“
Evans said. “There will be five out
the top 10 teams in the nation."

Evans is going with the same
lineup that she used in Texas which
includes senior veteran Cindy
Mueller who captured the first-
place trophy in the Lady Buckeye
Classic in the fall season.

Evans thinks that her team is
just as good if not better than last
season‘s squad.

"If we get going. we are just as
good as we were last year." the
l'K coach said. “I think we stack
up about the same . . _ Maybe even
better. We are more balance than
last years team. Kate was the key
last year. This year we have a cou-
ple of girls that can get into the low


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Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, March 30,1989 — 3

Rob Song
Arts Editor



Staff Critic

An exhibit of religious paint-
ings by the late Victor Hammer
opened Sunday at the UK Art

Hammer. a native of Vienna.
came to America in 1939 when
the Nazis took over Austria.
That memory and experience
played a part in Hammer‘s
work. including “The Resur-

“The Victor Hammer exhibit
is here for a couple of reasons.“
said UK Art Museum Director
Bill liennessey. “One. it ties in
well with the Easter season and
two. ‘The Resurrection‘ was re-
cently given to the museum by
the artist's widow. We‘re cele<
brating that lovely gift."



Victor Hammer’s exhibit depicts
the religious nature of the artist









mgsiizrned desifliiieélriiiiigg 1231:; The Bruce Lewis Trio combined a variety of live album. Meta Blues. in which the members of
~ g . st les to create “r " r ' - ,- '- . -
tothe paintings. Y a aw app oach on their new the band flex liltir musical muscles.

“The studies are in various . . .
media.“ said Hennessey. “Some Bl'llC L W l f tyl l LP
are watercolors and others are e e IS r10 use S es 0“ Ive
sketches of the five paintings in
various stages. They allow you By WILL RENSHAW combined wrth funk. but it's not to ‘u ii"l\l\ \tlt'li t.\ we Pass and
toseethe worksm progress.“ ' , mum/Kernelsmn Staff Critic tally tusron. ‘l.ewis said -‘i.‘|\,\it’ril .ii-tist .ioim it tiiliiilix’

The final products are not The Y'Ctor Hammer exh'bnfit the UK A” Museum depicts the [HHS mm “Wm “M \illltilltilt i.i".ti\ work 'iIL’li ,rn,
done (m a typical medium. in- artistsreligious inclinations in slightly more modern terms, The best way to experience “11mm, . ‘ spam“ ”,1,“ 12“ um ‘iii‘titiulttiiit 'iu- .itium
stead of canvas~ they are done nlUSlClS alwaysinalivesituation, lllL’. Sillll is turtl‘" "'plilllr'lllttll :l”. 'i!_\ 'tt‘\l \llltl .ttti'K \ ,ii‘tifliii't‘tl ,li


on gold-ground panel paintings. "The Resurrection" lacks inter— human Side Of Christ 35 well 35 As the group takes the stage the me sound and l m. ,1“, TM \leta lillit‘\ iii-i niniairiw and
This medium has some interest- 95“)" modernthemes. dW‘mW audience becomes part ot the raw iorr-aeh l“‘|l i)t' \lllitllitlt‘
mgeffectsflennesse said. , _ _ _ . . . .. . ener v that hel s the artist create , inst t\ )l'iililllt‘t' \ ion: m.
“It creates a funny? blend .. he it depicts Christ rising in the Earlier 'n m5 career. Ham- the rsusrcoftheihoment. fhrouahoi- it Mum i‘lit'ii :2 MIN W‘HHW“ "I. M. v ‘ Mm”
., .. . . ‘ air as three soldiers be sleeping mer was a portrait painter. and , .. .. . . . the uml L“ through "\ii'it't ,. _ ,... ,,., ., . , . ._ , .
said. There is a tensron be- at the foot of the tomb But that eye for detail shows in This raw attitude is the idea M wk“ H.930}, H, m. Mam '” ‘- ititt-uii-Htr-Itt'i MN“ Mir
tween‘the realism of detail and Hammer adds a twist [6 the many 0f the sketches. some of bPhind the Bruce Lew“ Trio's “on pie ”1 \‘Uilié‘ it lit-‘Xintlltilt \ iit‘Sl illi .i‘riillri .ix \t'ii I\ ,{tlt‘xi ..r'?.\i iiit'n’
theumversaiityofthepieces.“ scriptural scene The soldiers the sketches. like "Christ and tliid album and its first live etfort. W .NHD it"ttii‘t'
in many instances the studies are dressed in. 20th century the Money Changers” for exam MotuBlues. :s like Albert l)aii\ \ ”In“ Kid'fljv' . ‘:“ “Him”. 11:“ ;’
are more interesting than the clothesandweapons. pie. could stand 0“ the” own. The trio's first effort 1 and the ' With its Upeniiii; ‘.l."lili‘: . Hi. “I“ m‘ I .
iinal product. A number 0f Victor Hammer "The Resur Village. released tn 1988. i'eaturer gum" percussmn MM [mm ”“1““.
Sketches Show the 0"?" “it gives a modern feel to a rection" and other religious studio versions of the group's con mims up From 'th gkm "rim t. mm“ .; yum. we, Mm
worldliriess that the artist classic theme."Hennesseysaid. paintings Wm by on display at posnions in both jazz and .\llil Lewis' vocals lilllnlt'klllil lion ”:1 U'tt \ «tiltl lit-x ii'ti'itlih'd
“‘r“'edil)r- ‘ Other works Show the reli— the UK Art Museum through llt’tlt‘t‘S. tii‘ix \ aha-“ha guitar licks :i'om . "ii it‘s-writ 'iiillt'l xlill 'l£i\il-.ill
The thShed product doesnt ENNIS Side Of Hammer. In May 28' 7’19 museum l3 "0"" "This is the next plateau.‘ sail \‘oodoo (‘hild" help roster ‘ho do ' "iii
deliver It in the same manner. “Christ and the Adultress," from noon to 5 p.m. Tiiesdtn‘ Lewrs. gurtarist anti vocalist to" tilog}. l)t‘llili(llllpalhun] w
”“5 '5 not to 53% however. that Hammer attempts t0 depict the through Sunday. the group l.t‘\\i.\’ already proficient :neiottit- ,iiiliiiu.” “Iii: iii-Lo;-till-11min“?
“When you‘re in ti‘ ‘io. mu chord soloing. as well as \muii- firming ‘7}‘1‘\“‘;.‘ ‘ H ' " “h
try to sculpt." 14/ .id ~n ~iote soloing. has progressed 'l‘t'
BLmM COUNTY by Berke Breath“ you're looking for ,xnpiysitiiyn eiientloiislx \‘lll(‘(’ the l‘t‘t‘til‘tiiilL‘ ,i fir inwz. ‘ ‘.-iit‘ o tirrm i: ‘m-
Ag approach. the v . great but 'llltl the \‘illago and the\ \llliu nri’t“tt'!t with iii “iv!" wit. mitt
W/7HMY W w ~ . , . 1 _~ .3 oraiits o to - , - .w‘.» ilt- :‘zes 1: Kt‘i‘lt i Miro
IMVEWMCATEP firmware/«77m, J/t/CWE-IM/ECTEP awflt‘d t‘ ’ H“ ”W m 1,, ..p. n, "5M" . . . , nmwriwe.»~i.i.w,.,r..u....t-r. W
”YA/gmw IV/JWEPMY U75, [MFEéZ/IVG . riltltllldi‘l) llfilitt‘dmt‘ -|ii J; r.
iP/K/TZHL JELF‘ (/JML P075776 567727 Wit/EVER As stz: .. liner notes. Vlelu 13’3““ W the “WWW it? tittlttt‘tttw .1. t \ cumin. \iia' 'rit-
WWW. . 45MMY5ELF Blues is a '"vws describes ”(it areapparerit mlA‘WM ‘t\|t‘ “mic.- .c".\t~ i‘rro ~ ill moat
“\z the iormat as ,,'(‘ .liii ' went back and reilist-overi-t: [it t Z‘itoti‘aifl'. «.z'li : -tll‘.lii
5, Hendrix. something .. ,antanaano 'x and Steue itay \IitlL’lii‘. Jam »: ..i\\ai:«i.ri;:r~- :i
[f bebop." t. e tit Santaiiafl \llltl £.e‘.\:\ ‘rx ,4i“.|.,‘\ trait-s wows: Rio
, ' , "The hasrc approach is "bop‘ wt. attributes ‘iis inusit-aiirx ':.t'.ili>"ti‘i" liil'fliif'
.. -. r;

















Eight Reasons People Choose


Personal Satisfaction

Financial Rewards

n l
T 0‘.
a o
"it was unlike anything i ever saw!",
rcmmarkcd Sissy lo Numchucks. clearly


PreSTige shaltcn by the ordeal. On the evening of
VOTlely Apnl l, 1988, Sissy 10 was rare Witness
to what many still refuse to aknowlcdgc;
Independence the visitation of this planet by strange
Advancement alicn beings from outer space!

SHOCKING! Sissy Jo's cn -

counter occurcd while returning from a
prosperous evening at the ldalou Veal
CalfDerby. While in route. hcr copper

El Camino was suddenly rendered
powerless. leaving Sissy Jo helpless and
stranded on a remote West Texas highway.
"it was around two in the morning," said
Sissy lo, "and i thought i hadjust run out
ofgas." Little did she know of the fright -
cning events that were about to befall her.


A sense of dread gradually overcame hcip -
lcss Sissy 10. Her fears were all too quickly
continual as a strange green light cnvclopcd
the suandcd El Camino and Sissy Jo‘s cars
became aware ofa distant uncarmly noise
that seemed to proicct from all around her.
"At first, i thought my cars was buzzing."
reflected the still-shaken victim. "But then.

i heard what I thought was the screams of
a helpless olc' coyote cub, or maybe the
music from 'Grccn Acrcs‘... i couldn't rcaiy
tell which."


Tears well up in Sissy Jo's eyes as she
recounts the bizarre cvcnts occunng around
the fated El Camino. Suddenly and without
warning, uncanhly figures began to approach
the car from out of the black West Texas
night. "There must have been at least twenty
of them! They all sort of looked like onion
rolls with the head of Porter Wagner. but a
whole lot bigger and smelled even worse!"

As the aliens approached the vehicle,
Sissy .lo vainly struggled with the 35mm
camera she had received with her subscription
to Outlaw Biker. "If i would just have known
how to work that dang camera, I could prove
that this all happened. i swear! Everybody
thinks that i just made it all up but i didn't!"

For more information.

Andy Garner,
Office of Student Affairs
College of Dentistry.
Di 55 Medical Center
(606) 23345071





...but- she can’t
prove it !!

Student Organizations Assembly

Student Organization Awards

turn in your application now for
ED Best New Organization


SAME SITUATION” iinmit now
in the University of Kentucky Department
of An's PHOTOGRAPHY lclasscs, [cam
basic camera operation. black and while
developing and pnnung techniques and
individual expression through photography
as a fine arts medium. Four sections of
AS 280 are currently being olicrcd tor the
Fall l989 term SO ENROLL NOW!

P.S. Sissy Jo is still carrying what she
believes is the offspring of an onion


ED Most Improved Organization
ED Overall Outstanding Organization
ED Outstanding Faculty Adviser

Win Cash Awards and
Recognition for Your Group



Applications available in your organizational
mailbox or come by Room 106 in the Student Center

Call 257-1109 for further information

Deadline to apply Friday, March 31, 4 p.m.



257-8151 for class info. . .






4 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. March 30,1989


C.A. Duane Bonltor Jim Whlto J0". EOOOIMIII
Edltorlal Editor Managing Editor 3900” PVOlOCtO erter
I E g; R} P I I \II I Joy Blanton Brad Cooper Michael Bunnm
Edltor in Chief Copy Desk Chlet Cartoonist







Student Association: a difference




should be theme
of student leaders

t'nder the name Student Association, student
government ‘s main concern would be students and student
services. While some senators and executive branch
officials have been dedicated to improving the quality of
life on campus. too many people in SGA have concerned
themselves with polishing their resumes and making

political contacts.

t'nder the Student Association. however, we hope that
attitude will take a back seat to serving students. Simply
changing student government ‘s name will not
automatically change its function. But by taking the ”G"
out of SGA. student government will be demonstrating a
sincere commitment to focus its attention on students.

While James Rose‘s administration and this year‘s
Senate have dedicated themselves toward addressing some