xt7d251fn61x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d251fn61x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1985 1985 1985-02-21 2020 true xt7d251fn61x section xt7d251fn61x __—_—__—____'________________________________________————
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. Senate fears pOSSible adverse effects or - ; - ' ~ . .' y .
on campus academics, administration - . Q, r 2’ , I; _ _ . ' .
By DARRELL CLEM The Council yesterday tried to es- ‘ » ' i, . 5" ' ’ ' . ' ' '.

' Senior Staff Writer tablish some issues for the ad hoc ‘ ‘» -/) '. » ": V'
committee to study. , " . r" .- » ' . .

‘- Some University Senate Council “Will we have faculty (representa- .. "‘ ' l " . f _'
members are concerned that merg- tives) on the central board?" asked ' c ' j ' .

. ing UK and the University of Louis- Donald Hochstrasser, a Council 1 Ex . .. "it is if; ' . 'V . '
ville would have some drastic ef- member. “Will we keep our selec- 5'3: , c "" . ' _ .A._ , '
| . fects on existing academic and tlve admissions policy? What hap— " ""' ‘ , l _ V' i' .

, administrative structures at UK. pens to our governing regulations —- z / \ - '1‘ » v ' . ' '

“i Although UK President Otis A. would this central board have to an as: ' ' q ‘ .
Singletary and U of L President prove them?" , , , . .. .
Donald C. Swain have said such a One Council member, who spoke .. ‘ .x 3 , f- ,' . .
merger should leave intact the sepa- after the meeting only on the condi- ~ . ,- . _;- ”wt; "xgzoo V, - ‘ . - ' ' .
rate identities of the two institutions, tion that he not be identified, said, , V, _ . ’7 .. " , ' , V; to V ,_ E”; _ ' - . - "
some Council members question “We have too good a university to 49,ij . pb&& 35%;” ~' ,. .- ’ ‘
what impact a UK-U of L central- merge with a secondclass institu- :: ”Qua '- " u;:'.'"...v,... , .. V V VV “Id; M V; . ‘,
ized governing board would have on tion like the University of Louis ,9 ' i135 , . . »‘ . Q 1‘}. ' V3 iflvm,) " 1,1rédg“ ' , . _
such bodies as the University Senate ville." : ,' Q . Q V, ,‘.'V.;V‘€g,7.«t,‘.'f$a'f;:1V-g V .5 gggérig; la. Ayfi. ‘ 'J},;“J;&.jw “frag; ' '1’“ - -
and the Student Government Asso He said that UK, in the last 30 1‘». l’ {twigs .- .V 3'. M???“ ‘3‘ ',;a;V’,.-""V;f;';_~ 33.5 . 151% 13%;};ng Lg», . ~ . ' ‘ 5 Q
ciation. years. had become “a firstclass, £2 'j,'".V§§.Q-s;;l..-..: . . VV}‘.$;.;3;" 1"“ fwmw‘fif', V’Tz‘LV . 5-): 1,} f‘Vjtétgffigg'iV’; .’ 1:125 .; . . ‘

Others want to know how the flagship university. What I fear is $22 35‘? , ‘Q '” fi‘t’r‘hfi‘r‘" $73353 : fl"? ’rairgags'figg‘ e ’2 ' ~
merger would affect selective ad- that. for some political reason, we'll -: ”Y" . 3;, . a: “V; 35" ' « “ ’ \- . "Q “ w-ifi‘fis rattan}; . ~‘9’h‘y‘kggu "~V » .
missions and other academic poli- have to dilute the academic quality" “:3 t' Jule-«s ' "" ‘ ' V ”’ ' VV ' ' , - '
cies. of UK. a; l _ _ ' V
A Council-appointed ad hoc com- Tim Freudenberg, SGA president V , ’ ~ i ., l, VV V
mittee is studying the proposed and a Council member, questioned ; ,1 ., . “r V V ' _’——-’." ' ..
merger. Findings will be presented how a centralized governing board L. ..... ,m, ‘ ' Q _., .. - ' ‘ ' V .
to the Council, and a recommenda- would affect student representation ~. ~ - - _ ' dim“,
tion will be made to the Board of on both UK and u of L boards of - ' “ n """—f" ' t .. '
tees before. a pla AprilV2 trustees. Spnng break ulul ulllluasns a . .
meeting at VWhleh the Board Wt” Md Councrl member-V Brad Canon Hallie Biggerstaff, a fashion merchandising junior, talks to Tower yesterday. They were taking a break between classes 10 ~ ' .
Egegsléplstggnissue of merger for pub said one of the rigigsflrltfngagi Tim Baker, an accounting junior, outside the Patterson Office enjoy the warm weather. . .
A . It I] . K f f
grlcu ure co ege begins lobby effort ,, l U su ers . . a -
$250,000 Philip Morris grant Will train farmers to influence tobacco legislation . ' .- l short-lived -
By JOHN VOSKUHL announced yesterday at a press con- ning stages for nearly two years. supply 15 participants to the pro- V I 1 ' ‘
Editor-merrier ference at Spindletop Hall. Barnhart said. Agriculture has be- gram, while other states will supply e " ' | ° ,
Frank E Resnick. president of come a hot political topic recently, smaller numbers of participants, de» a . V l power raln
While President Reagan is propos~ Philip Morris U.S.A, said the pro as is demonstrated by the Reagan pending on their relative amounts of "3‘ 3
ing cuts in burley price «warts and gram is designed to develop “out- proposal to cut burley price supports burley production. ~ . .1” . l ' , .
Congress is wrestling with a new standingyoungleaders" among bur- andthenew farm bill. which will af- Although the most of the mgram t 4;“ . . an . l S‘atf'et’ms ,
farm bill this session, the College of ley growers in Kentucky, Tennessee. fect how American crops fare on the will be id for b the Philip Morris 3"" Q ' " Fl k . l' h d {V 1‘ '
Agriculture is preparing a program Ohio. Indiana, Missouri. North Caro market against international compe- ant 8; will lick u thep tab for .;. ' ' l t 16 entng 18 t5 an at ing 03m:
to train tobacco farmers to be better lina. Virginia and West Virginia. tition. But the UK lobbying program 3; Mason. 52km; administra- ' ’8 \ ! Pu erhsays erg: on cargdwsVVyestgr _a>
lobbyists. Charles Barnhart,deanofthe Col- is geared toward lasting political tivepcosts "d overheéd Ba I n . , . 2 . g‘fy V5. “ fa” :89 5.331"
Called the Agricultural Leadership lege of Agriculture, said the pro awareness, not current problems said a ' , . V4 2 1 g u 1 “38V Poe 0“ .eu W t 9
Development Program, the effort gram will be geared toward “assist- only,hesaid. ‘ t ' i E“ ‘ accorV ing to a Smkesma" for . , V
will be funded by a $250,000 grant ing young farmers to understand the . n1 wouldm venture 8 cos, as to ; ‘3'};ka Utll't‘es C: lhnc- .
from Philip Morris U.S.A., the larg- legislative process." with particular The program will begin this fall. what muse costs will be n he said ‘ , a e ecc'dem' “ ‘? “we" at »
est operating company of Philip emphasis on tobacco policies. and “the farm bill will be set in con. But the program is “certainl within - about 1.30 pm. on New Circle near . V
Morris lnc. the national tobacco crete long before then," Bamhart . . . y so . Georgetown Street. caused power , .
, . . the educational misswn of our cola .
The ltlm te eat of th m . outages in many Lexmgton areas.
corporatlon. u a g e progra ‘ pomted out. lege “ because UK is a land- rant ' ' ‘ '
he said, is to help burley farmers institution g FRANK E. RESNICK saldVEd V3“ HOOK KL director 0t . , - .
The twoyear program, which will get their “personal and collective Participants in the program would ' pqulClnfognatldn, _ _ 1. = . . ,
train 25 professional farmers from input into the legislative and policy- be between the 32$ of 25 and 40 The . . . Ra dall Ba ~ .‘ -_ pparen y, a ransmlssmn ine 0" '
. . , .. . partiCipants will be chosen it rnett, UKs aSsistant di . . .
$25”; S'f‘fifiit’rla’fiiitirfi 5mm“ ”limgprms‘na bee ~ n. l ”3““ ”mm” W“ "”9““ a "m“ a “5‘ °‘ “Mutated farmers "3“" f” ”mm ““0 is in Llfiekr’rfiil‘n‘lfl‘t‘iiynpfifad’ifi‘fdni’lé‘r" 1 ‘-
lna I l ,was e r ram S nm e an- ‘ ' ~ ‘ . ’ - .
P 08 P _ $10,000 fellowship. Kentucky Wlll from each of the states, according to charge of developing the program. rupted services to two substations. . .
the facilities that transmit the elecs V . f . y
.. . .. , . _. , . . , . ._ ' tricity.hesaid. , - . '
Area ['00 S , . W erea re S1 cut 83 S ”several thousand “5mm "’8‘ H ' ‘
g p . . , x electricity.“ Van Hook said. At ‘ . , '
‘ ' I about 2 p.m.. Power was reStored t0 ' = - . ' .
feed Shelter 6 ' 91-3 one substation and work was com-m , . V
9 . CO e e e S State “ed‘°m‘°"s°”‘°e‘°“*°‘“e" ' ‘ ' '
”Y c According to Don Smith, assistant . ’ ' -
street people a . . superintendent of the Physical Plant .
% Eastern region 100k mg, Stephenson says Wolfe‘s elem SW the"? were . ' ‘ -
By KENZIEL WINS'I‘EAD MMMMWW “'9’ electricity problems all over cam- . ,t
. ' 13‘5"“ stsfiv 3 TIM JOHNSON the problems. We have to help those 905- V V V V ' , ‘
suffwnm figfie SgniorStaffWriter in Eastern Kentucky because they "a“ “°°" 53‘“ “‘3‘.thebb“elf d'l’ "‘ A , '
Duri the hum“ da 0f h ’t’ can'tdn it alonet‘ power caused crrcul rea ers to ~ . , .1
Bluegrggss summer. theyys are :. . “€25 Amidst a series of jokes and sto- Stepwhgftson raid that Bears? “83:: Effiextngfgp‘rve caused the ,V
barel noticed. " a» ries which received laughter from temp V 0V 50 V9 "WP" ems " ' ' . . ,
BUty 0““ the arctic tempera- . $53“ng nearly all Of the 55 who attended the there ‘5 5n", a role which other COL At the Business and Economics '
tures of January hit central Ken- lg; thither Education forum yesterday let}? and “mve's'tlfi cat? Ptay- building. the electricity problem . » '
tucky, their plight becomes mag- * k at_ the K-House, JON! Stepherson Berea College ‘5 built “9°" the caused wires in the lights to fuse _ '
nified by the watchful eye of a 2%: pornted out that there '5 “bad news Wk 0‘ a strong 5.9““ 0f Chr'h: and smolder. according to a secre-
concernedcommunity. about education in Kentucky" but tiamty and a commitment to t .. tary in the dean‘s office. No injuries - ~
Lexington‘s street people -— the ' Berea PmYldS some 800d news. service 0‘ the Appalachian region, occurred and the building was not ' . '
homeless and the poverty-strick- 005mm 15 a placetftgwmoaliefi hesa‘d- evacuated.
en who 3 nd their ni ts J.TIMIIAVS/Kernelm egee thrwghou s e, .. . . .'
huddled on st'reeet gratings ~52“ nation and the world.“ he said. u" com‘ginaeurft‘.) Rial/go? isltrfglg; Otis-figs? mgfiggfrmflsarfi: aggcihedsfrrigmg ‘ l ,
losing arms. legs and even their v I] b II t t is a continuing mystery to me why cooperative extersion agency was N C‘ '1 Road t t .
lives in the sub-zero degree tem- 0 ey a ournamen that: areBenot many more Thgrograms formed in a joint effort by the Uni- SfrZet, ‘2";an {0° aGQO'reaSSZ 12):; .
peratures that send luckier P89- . 3% as haregdaltmnBem' r; ‘3 "1° versity of Kentucky and Berea Col- Mercer Road. The Hollow Creek
i“ "‘° “W“ °‘ "W to benefit Day Center meme 1: or. maidens; a... we were one a am an a Portion of ~
mes. .
oflmver street people includ- afford a fine liberal arts program to fglteegn‘tsuclfy s?°"°' the Bookmobile WW3” 3150 were affected.
- ‘ ' -- , attend, as long as the fall within '
$52: xmtg'gegnfldflfficcfl. By KENglE L' WINSTEAD they could see. the ”“1“ of their theincorne requirement): “Berea has a very impressive his-
uge ' from the cold at the sm'wm" “‘0'“ mmqm°”¥- the Stephenson said that although tow.“ he said. "In loss. a group of '
Salvation Army's shelter, 738 w. . The camp“? "m?” ‘t we." Beret: provides some good news, brave men and women founded the
Main St A vo|llebeall tournament. with ley Foundation, 3'“ None, “"1 “you can find the bad news without community and started to form a so- .» ~.- - -
Earlene Prokopec director of p . gong to the Day Center the advisers staff checked "WM looking toofarortoolong." ciety which would allow blacks and .
sown service. at {he Srinagar '°" ”mum.“ “Mt W'e' w'" W“ t° .3“ “m 9mm“ ““1“ “There a one region which is whitestolive wsemerinthechurch. new” to"
Army aeidtheaheltergetaabout “fihyeq‘m‘mmmm ” 9"“ needfm holdirrg Kerrhroky back." he said. communityandtheschool. - 7"" _'; . - up
‘5 5““ ””91" “Ch nigh" “me" at ummGym' my? mmwndmn: wCornmu‘ "If "m 5i" you '51.] om guess. "'5 "'e “Naturally they got booted out w‘”""
the weather turns bitterly cold, The tournament, sponsored by nity Kitchen Q“ 167 N Upper St 538mm. but they came back during the we“: , V . . .s _V ‘
' that number sometimes reaches the UK Religious Advisers Staff. t ll‘ ' t A new .i nd that's when Berea m“ took Lite V; M?” «a, ; Va
120 will feature 19 teams from various wereVac ua y one projec ' SW 3"" “V0 grave “d a .. . ,. y . “Q "NW“? “at
Ev en with the shelter some religiom organizations on campus btuldlngtmdercomtnictlononWal- W statistics" which emu-lime root, Stephensoer said. We need to ,_ ,. ' .MVg fl' 3‘»
till 3] under bridges ' and in ' nut Street will house both the Day to the majority of Eastern Ken- itstill that kind of courage and de- V‘ . pk n V .tV , 357
in I”! l P . Twila Greene, campus minister Center and The Community Kitch- my'g Wm. _ “Eastern Ken- tenninatloninthekldsottodayf $1" V» “U a... gift
. - ‘ I at the Baptist Student Union and a en. tucky is lurtlm economically and in . . ' "“Jm'f ,- sn; -. r. _ a ,Q
“'d' Dunng one cold spiel] in member of the advuen' staff, said “It will cost 35.500 just to move MQllquV Stephemori,_a graduate 0‘ “'11th s» scraped?
January, one at the shelters reg- . . and Mary University, had been with .. - . recess-at, new
the organization was integrated in The Community Kitchen into the . . a. aw WV 5.1 ,
ularvieitauelept,withwtahoel. build! ”Mooreuld'w “Amelecheolbutbetiabroken UKsmcelmbefa'ebecunlIIpree- " ' ' " ..._..
inanabendonedhoule “"3 mm“ "m ‘" ”w" n" "" ' mom 'federal 'dent of Ben: tut .iul
.. .. ' . .. meaildbeinvolved in.“lt‘aa County Wthonly giving “It M- w. i ‘ Comic y-
He W” m. she Illd. He - n state am“! and local support," be While at UK. he served as the dean
. way of ministry that we could do thebulldlngandheet. _
gotfroetbttten.‘ together .. Moore said the tournament will Old. "From a recent rotting of all «undergraduate studies. director-of c , so. , V .
And now he may be forced to ' involve UK and its students. “It W dietrlcte‘ local sup- the Applacblaqunter. special seale- pf ”’2: ”f5" _" ' V, '.
heveoneothblepamputated. 9,...“ the WP first Wt ”Mime.mwgvfleumm pu'tof W. thebottom 25 tanttotbednncelloraprofeuorof :‘VV :V' in - "
Prokopecealdtheeb'eetpeople .mrmm‘mm'mm ’25 entry f” 'm raise much Mdellmdhu'lctemuinnt- socidogyanddlrector of gradtnte at sags. sf,“ ..
mtrmmtevmmre decldedonratetngmoneyfora Ilgitiue «adamantly- eddtht in lleahoweenemedenAmericen ' '
336.008.”! needy group here in W so willberepreeulted. “ml '3 I .. I l""°"l Mama". fellow and": . V .
d m fl h h m m IwWIchr. ~. '
r ‘ I

 1-K__________________WW____________________——— mm m ’M mm
Arts Editor
‘ Forum ’ brings back memories of vaudeville and burlesque
’7 fi—‘_ .
By JAMES A. S'I‘OLL plays Marcus Lycus, owner of the “Everyone beingsoclose. it‘s kind
. l . Editorial Editor houseot courtesans. In theold tradi- of like, I can just smile at what
I _ tion of burlesque, the courtesans somebody's doing and play off it a
‘ ; Tonight marks the opening at the bump and grind to the delight of little better,"Felty said.
i ’ " UK theater department's major mu- Pseudolus and his master, Hero Rodgers expressed appreciation
f sical production for the tau-as sea- (played by Kevin Kennedy). for the department’s movement
l 3 ' son, Stephen Sondheim's rollicking Monaghan. most recently seen in classes, saying that most of the
- f‘ : L ‘ ._ “A Funny Thing Happened on the last semester‘s production of “Bur- comic tumbling and pratfalls came
- \ Way totlieForum." ied Child." said he was grateful for out of the actors themselves instead
’ ~ _ _ _ “Forum" (with book by Burt She the opportunity to try a comic role of a choreographer. The- dancing,
. ' . . ‘ velove and Larry Gelbart) is the for a change. “I'm usually doing hwever.wasadifferentstory.
1* 3 ’ farcical story of a Roman slave's things that are semi-heavy to “We offer movement. but we don‘t
.- . . * ,. 3 , quest for freedom. The antics of the heavy,“ Monaghan said. “It‘s fun to offer dance." Rodgers said. "The
! ~ " . slave — Pseudolus. played by Kevin just be able to loosen up and have thing that is always most difficult
, 3 ,- " g Haggard - are loosely tied to those fun with something . . . just jump for us, because we don‘t have dance
' “ ff, ‘- “ of a thundering warrior. a house of around and take it for what it is - a in Fine Arts, is the choreography.
. 1- i , 3 ‘ if -. § f ' t, ' comely courtesans and a pair of broad farce." and I think I was very fortunate that
" a .\'f.- .. il‘ _ _ ‘ ’ .. young lovers. The show makes no Bill Felty, a theater arts graduate Marie Henderson didafine job."
'3‘ , " ’ ‘- . .’ claimtocredibility.onlytocomedy. student. plays Erronius. a “be- Rodgers‘ password for the produc-
~ ' 5* f . . --' According to director Jama W. fuddled old man“ who spends a two was “easy." "Anything that
‘ < - . \ ‘ Rodgers, it is a comedy of rare great deal of time circling the seven looked too hard or heavy I got rid of
, . \_ . form. hills of Rome. Felty's last UK role or told them they had to make it
‘ ' . .1 .- -3 “There are so few musical was that of Jerry Cruncher in last look easier."Rodgers said.
, " -3 .__ f 33;’ ‘ farces." Rodgers said. “Most musi- semester‘s “Tale of Two Cities." And if it is easy for anyone, the
. . - »- ; r ~' 1 § cals are musical comedies. where which had a cast as large as that of broad, robust comedy of "Forum“
. ’ v , 3 the characters are more straight." ”."Forum shsuld be easiest on the audience —
- 3: 3:; o!" 3 l But in.“l-‘orum" they are anything “Sometimes when you have a unless they can‘t stop laughing.
' ' ,- ‘ ' ' at 3 i but straight. From Pseudolus’. non- large cast, it‘s like there are to pee
i m . ,2. sensical clowning t0 the shOW’s nu- ple you don't even know,“ Felty “Forum" will be performed at 8
' g . 3 w ‘ . merOUS chase 50935, the production said. But “Forum" has been differ- p.m. tonight, tomorrow. Saturday
‘ 133,; V _3 - M ‘ .«V . is almost more of a burlesque show ent. “There are 18 people in the and Feb. 28. March 1 and 2 in the
‘ N V "~ff , ‘ s91;- - €13 ‘1 i ‘ thanamusicalcomedy. show and I feel we've all gotten to Guignol Theater. with a matinee
-. x . .' : ..- l .-. .. l 1 _, 3. “I . ‘ “There’s 3 subtitle for this called know everybody real well.“ performance at 3 p.m. March 3.
“ » g f 5“ 9° ‘Scenarios for Vaudevillians‘ and if According to Felty, this also en- Tickets are 35 for students and 89' ,
' ‘ ' ‘ " V —" ‘ “mum“ “mam” you take that hint. then I think the abled the actors to work the comedy nior citizens and $6 for the general
Philia (Laurie Delk) and Hero (Kevin Kennedy) Share a tender moment in “A Funny Thing Ha ened on sky'sthellmit,"Rodgers said. "we". like the 01d vaudevillians did' PUWC' and may be reservpd by m”-
. . the Way to the Forum." The pla)‘ opens tonight at the Guignol Theater. pp Theater arts senior Ed Monaghan knowmg each other 5 timing. mg 2574592 or 257-3298,
0 e e ————*——3
. Free piano reCital tops list of events lrhe Kentucky “w"‘ei'd
you'll ever sec!
. . . . . . Kernel, 210
Today Guest pianist Elizabeth Pn- ls presented by the UK School of ti. The concert is free and open to .
donoff. a faculty member of the Cin- Music. the public. . _ 3.] O U r n 8 I [.8 m . , (m? 0 .
cinnati College-Conservatory of The Bastcally .Bach Series also [ Buildin UDi- ,‘, QIWPS
Music, will perform at 8 p.m. in the will present Patrick Snadon. an aS- l _ g,
Recital Hall of the Center for the The UK Jazz Ensemble I will pre- Sistant professor in the department lVOfSIty of K9”! -.
Arts. sent a free concert to the public at 3 °{_ human enVlronment: design. who l tUCk Lexin _
PTldODOll did her undergraduate pm. in the Concert Hall of the Cen- wrll lecture ill 2 p.m. Sunday on i y' 9
work at Peabody College before ter for the Arts. The group is under “Ch“{Ch Architecture 33‘ the Time Of l ton, Ky. 40506-
carnlng her master's degree from thedirectionof Vincent DiMartino. Bach.’ The lecture Will be in the l 1 x
the Julliard School of Music. She Concert Hall of the Center3f0r the .0042, (606/ 257- 1. in“ —
then earned her doctorate from the Arts, and is free and open to the t 2871 is pub-I L2,
University of Texas. according to As part of the UK School of Mu~ public. ! - ' 1.
LuClen Stark. a faculty member of sic's Basically Bach Series. Edward HIS/78d CIDSS‘ y "
the L'K School of Music. Parmentier. a harpsichordist from t - 3 ”Iv—i
Pridonoff will perform works by the University of Michigan, will we Tuesday. Feb- 26 The UK_ Brass :days during the 3 ,. . ~- . Q 00C.,-—-_— olG
Bach. Beethoven. Chopin and Liszt. sent a recital at 3 p.m. in the Recital Cho" directed by Roger Ridenour lacademic year! ’ yang {giftfi'gflffin'flfifi‘g‘wfi‘ ' 3
The concert is free and open to the Hall of the Center for the Arts. Par~ ““11 present a concert at 8 P-m 1" i ..
public mentier studied harpsicth at the the Rental Hall of the Center for the land weekly dur- l .
Juillard School of Music and the Arts. A reCltal by_students in the i in g the summer‘ -- .- 09.08 Friday. POM 22nd
Sunday. Feb. 24 The Eastern Ken- Amsterdam Academy and holds de- brass department W1“ follow 0“ Fell _ . «ask W" ' at athoatn nut you.
tuck)‘ L'niveisity Woodwind Quintet grees from Princeton and Harvard. 28at12:30p.m. m the RecitalHall. lSBSSIOD. Thlrd ‘ ”"fl‘
vull present a classical concert at 8 Parmentier‘s program will include 3 ' - -'
p m in Memorial Hall. The concert works by Bach. Handel and Scarlat- Compiled by 39" Guess 3 0/838 pOStage I 3 .
3. W W WWW - W ___...__.W ,,_3 33W W i paid at Lexing- P oylng T ls Week. Mchchol Brothers
‘ton Ky. 40511.l
’-—-—.——«——-—v «to Winner receives California Woterbed,
TH E BEACH . Boots from Boot Village and roses.
0‘ o _ 0
SUN TANNING SALON b, “\a 98RO¢kHoppyflour4.00 8.00
.wtsoswv °}3‘lz.‘3.5.?°_°?mc CENTER ‘50‘
259-1 21 2 ‘ so” FOR LADIES ONLY: MALE FACTOR!
ms 372 Woodland Avenue 7-9 p.m. tickets $5.00 in advance
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3 Expires 3/ ‘ [05 9:? fi'
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' ' . Fob. 22 Don Moson, Violin
, . Prokofiev - . \_ Come to our place or call for quality toppings like pure
. , Mendelssohn \ \ I S U K D A Y ' a pizza to go.@ Either way, momrella chwse and real
. Mar. 22 Bradford GOwen, Piono _ . you’ll enjoy one of the tastiest Italiansausage. You’ll lovegen-
' Samuel Adler . \ mealsmtownfmmyourhome uinePimHut®PanPimour
3 ’ j 3 Apr. 19Jonathan Shomes Piano town Pizza Hut” restaurant. non-m salad bar—and the
Leonard Bernstein TROUSE RS SK IR 1 S mWe make pizza fresh, With reaso le priwsL,
. Michael Colgross Good Pizza ®
. , 3 H 3 A limited number of tickets are available to U K. stu- at these Hut reStaurants
3‘ dents upon presentation of a validated full-time ID
card. 19 _ ,
Tickets will be distributed On the Thursday and Friday 22:;cOffojiburg Road W277 7'33
‘ (while Supply lasts) prior to each performance. Distri‘ F A( H ."o' .’ Road 254-22l4
. bution of tickets lor m. n.” perlOrmonce will take . ' llBNOW Circle Road .................255-34l8
’ 7 place on Thursday. February 2l and Friday February 35‘“ lonsdowno Drive ...............272-62ll
.' 77' srggréirg‘rs‘mggstz I‘d-n22:- 2 DC SUITS 23l3WoodhillDrivo 2664“
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ura .
STARTS Elm/SM. g I “ umm delivery m. I
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 . . . KMYKML My, id's-721, 1‘4

Committee close to dec1s10n 0Council
on a rd r . . t t. Continued from page one

U' a mp ogram IHVI a Ions suesthe committee should look members who say agreements Council's committee on academic

ISILto is “ifbe there Wltlllie be a common between the two universities have organization and structure look .
. . nate" tween two institu- caused some dental school ‘ ' h’ ' ‘
B TIMJOHNSON room . . .. . . pro intoCostic sclaims.
Seynior suffwriter y£¢pafenttlsl and “If; 33;? "3:59.33" "‘9 tentative 200 "MW has and, how decisiom would grams at UK to be dismantled. Bostrom said the committee
'd Ste Edels . _ - 8 ’ .. . . . . bemade. Dr. Emmett R. Costich told the would be looking into whether
' . . sai' ve tem, president of A very tentative imitation list “We want some overall assess- Senate last week that details of r r rocedures were followed

.Amtds't a series of Jokes and sto- Omicron Delta Kappa honorary so- was made up last night, Lykins said, ment "Canon said the mer r ked p ope p I
“‘5 “mm" ”‘39le 1800“" from ciety. “I can see the problem if we but “we can‘t make an final deter- Robe ' ~ - ge were Wm out too .
nearly all 55 le who atte l I going to let the bile att nd _ t' "Thel' Y . rt N. .Bostrom, Councd quickly and questioned whether Council member Douglas Rees
the Higher Education forum yester- the banquet and pay fl: their :wn firm“; other lsftaggljtgd lllrl)eti:ble‘i"‘s ghairmlan, said, t‘tAs ak Senate some procedural details had been noted that Singletary “80km“, I i

- - _ . . ouncl , we've go 0 ma e 2 rec bypassed, edged a year ago that there were ‘
dszly aértluitiadgiioge, John itifiieteé: Rig); 3qu cause; a bgtthd prm shilneedtobecormderedshe said. ommendation and do it real problems that would come
pointed out that "*nt “bad news thehotel uswn or us a The committee also proposed the soon,“ before the April 2 meet- He said the Senate and other about" as a result of the merger. , -' ,'
about education in Kentuck but ' idea of omitting the United Wa Stu- "‘8' we want. "“3 "“5"“ ‘0 academlc Wiles had "0‘ adequa' but Rees said the committee on -
, y” “All we have to do is set a time at . . . . y know what we think.” tely studied the dental school organization and structure could '
Berea prowdes some good news. . . dent Campaign DlVlSlon Award and - , . .
H tt Hotel N f i which the public would be allowed to the 1985 Outstanding Greek Man and The merger issue has already merger. The Senate last week see “if all agreements are being .,

.ya Regency the o ormahac- enter and be seated," he said. it" Woman Awards from the am prompted complaints from some passed a motion by Senate mem- followed. 1 think that‘s impor- - . '
tion was taken on matter, ow- the banquet starts at 6:30 (p.m.). However two new awardsprwqill be College of Dentistry faculty ber James Applegate to have the rant.“ '. .
ever. then we let the public enter after the added‘ the Outstanding Minority . ' ‘.
mmwr ”the original wig earlig‘ij' dinner and before the awards pro Student Award and the Outstanding ' -

is man ,severa st en worri gram starts, like around 7." - - " I ' '
that the invitation plan would ex- Handicappedstudent Award. BUYKERNEL CLASSIFIEDS, THEYBRING RESUL TS! - ‘ ' ', I
clude a 10‘ 0f 99°91? who W00“ “0" Saundra Lykins. assistant to the “Although there is no perfect way i ' "- I I I
mally attend, wpecmily parents and dean of students, said she would try to hold the program, there should be , . . ,. .. . .. . .. , ' .l 1 I. "
friendsofthose b61118 honored. to arrange the details of the idea, an acceptable format which would vd~wv~swwwsa T ' . . ,

“What would be the problem if we but would have to check and see if satisfy mm! everyone," Edelstein m 51:5: V1.1.YWf" ’ vii; . .. '
just set a couple of rows of chairs in the facility is large enough to hold said, - w j. , m 22'?a:,»~-.=?;.:..3573i m. _'::?j;:‘3 . g . x g u . .1
. W Medical pigs:.‘sun;.15 M”Wkfi , ' ’ L th . ‘ . 7

roups * 2134 Nicholasvillo Road ' ' - , ' ' -' " " ‘ I '- ' ; '

, . _ f n '2‘ ~ 3 mm Lexington, Kentuckym ;-- p ' ' . .V' .. ", . ' § . h -

Continued from page one ‘ M | RCH'TM7 . (m 279541. _' . a, ..; m, ’ . g p. .‘ _.' . ,'_

ceive a sandwich meal. They spend t . M _ j » ' i d ' ‘
the night on cots in the gymnasium ., _ ~ * _ -, rCAT Enroll MW '°' .. . .. . , .. H ., ,. .. .,. 1... ...Ic.. .. . - . ‘ '

. i.- ea, Aii " oxam. Classes ; , _ -
and leave about 7 the next morning. ‘ - .s “on“ “g I, _ No, too 3 , , .' . ‘-
when they are awakened and given i late to enroll. ' . ' - 4 _ - ' .

Prokopec said the Salvation Army 3s; ' 3:; ‘ WWW ' “m” ~ - 2w '
reacted to recent frigid iempera- i“ '°"“"‘°"°"’ ‘ , ‘ - ‘~ ‘4
tum by leaving the shelter open 24 » - as” s '. as ' ’ is I / / ‘ . . -

- hours a day. But she added that or- I; is all . ,_ __ § 1 .523 aa- ii a. g it .. it ' . J
ganizatiois such as the Salvation , t . ”:13",1:555-I‘iii‘i=‘iiifi3‘éiglr-‘TZiiiffii’"?523L555?ii‘isiif"?!siriiifiéifés‘awn...- f“ _..j=-‘:5;2.:33;i§' > . i
Army, which relies on contributions. j; _ -- - - {£7355g‘;§;;i;§?;,;9:23. ={{§g§5'5'f "f, '_5 jgjf j y/ fr . . ', . 2. : .
are limited as to what they can ac- .:. -' ; f , ' . its» “3:; .. . ,, Egg-aid.» v. _ 3 1’ .
complish. ‘» -m' " affixiiléifzi::~ " 7' 5 . ‘ I ' ‘ ' ' ' '

But the shelter isn't the only ' C ‘ “ " ‘ fl 5 ' ./ 3'; . " 33 .%v ' «a 31 - 333 ' . 1
sourceofaid for street people. . 5-:_ ‘ _...;:‘ji".*,..-" I / ’ \~- :3.) .- - ‘

Since Feb‘ 4‘ 1980,1‘he community -' . ‘ .g "is {"r‘ . v.2. ' .
Kitchen at 167 N. Upper St. has been : so" 2'5. -’ . f 4 .~ axe-.5: g .‘ . . .
feeding Lexington's homeless street . WOOKOIMI tiff : be ’9’" 1‘ {23‘ ‘5 i ' ‘ ‘
people. , - ‘- Spoclol . \_ ,, . " ' 3" . . ' . i.. '

The founder of The Community "I i ,2’» " ' '
Kimmie Brother Don. an Episcopal »- . $39.95 W/ ., . _ - ..
Benevolent Monk, said the street . § p . ‘ From 39 In F” - . _ ‘,
people weren't a pleasant sight : I, _ ' ‘ ‘ .w: . *~;\_ ' ° ' . ’
when he opened the facility. Sitting a, v . , : \;~ til 10mm. Mon. BCUSCh & Lamb 4-P0k [Special . ..
in his small office facing North _. -: T f §-——~ —._...._.. .m, 3 » To celebrate our grand opening, we ve teamed up - . .
Upper. he described}!!! beginnings sf} 3 m ’ ' t p . . wnh Bausch 8. Lamb to offer you this outstanding four > . ‘
of The Community Kitchen. That of- §,;\ 7‘ i‘ l" 1...“;- I’ . -. null '05 vohiclos part eyewear package at one low price. -
fice, he explained, was the home of Mis- _ ~ ‘
the ofigimlswp kitchen. 3 s, ‘ ‘ “a...“ i whim"... not“... Bousch I. Lomb Spherical Contact Lenses - ~

Back then, Brother Don said, they -, ' ~ . , Bousch El tomb Hedi Kl‘l’ l
could serve only 16 at a time. Of the -' 1 _ l M ‘M'M‘ "°"°‘ "c‘ lausch & Lamb R a. S l ’ . -

16, eight to 10 would shake so much % " " ‘t' " “""~~ . —~w....--—~—-a.s____»~_-__;. . nan...“ mud.” CY- l1 ung ossos .

from poor nutrition they would spill m a l W ,m . ‘ .: ovoiloblo "uUTCNCO Agreement

most of their soup. Others. whose . J; ' / W~ o .“7 is." -—"-——-—-—"'— ‘
bodies weren’t accustomed to warm . " . -*” I V5391- , —="’“'.E Y ‘ I .

food. would eat and vomit. “it was a 9 -?E-E_t ’ .. - l '- /15 C23; 0 s 9 5 '
horror story,“ hesaid. ‘ ' ». ‘ ‘ $5; ' M0" 50 1‘ W'- 0'0'40' / ‘ E .

Brother Don thinks part of The » ' . ._ l . . ~ ml Mnnvd-o'l-D- E c°'“"'"' . '
Community Kitchen's success is be- . ' ’ " —" — ~ * ”‘ ‘ ‘- ‘ g Package Wo hovo the lam”! international . _
cause of its family atmosphere. ”We IOMI’AVMAN/Kcmclsuif g collociionofliigh quality ‘ .

h‘ ' . t Fence hall? -, E lyolxomino'ion homondsun'iossosinthoom
operate t 15.35.? ministry 0 0“" ‘ The Kentucky Kernel, :3 E notineiudod. M'W'W "'kwifi'mhnm"