xt7d251fn60b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d251fn60b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1985 1985 1985-12-09 2020 true xt7d251fn60b section xt7d251fn60b __.—_________________—_________________—_________________—.
Vol. XC. No.“ '_ , _ ‘ if? ‘ i f Wt” f ‘ ‘ Untversityot Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 197] Monday. D“.mb.r 9' I985
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. t’ ' * ”3‘”- ‘v 1 ~ . three separate bllls I
“‘3 j! .. V_ 4. ' ‘ .: m _ . * H\ .l \\ Bl \\'ro\ .4 “53‘. §;,‘ ,1: .
' t. . ‘ m The Mil. campus i’i-ia' - ' » x. '.f ..' ""fl'. i.‘
, Atmuuto xmasmu r. . mittee last niuht passer: " w: w, 3 ' ,,-_' It . r-
t Firemen removed bottles 0' potentially dangerous acids « it. 3 . , ratc prttpwsals .Ullt‘h Y'lL' "w . f , . 5'. I
; "0'“ "‘9 Reseorch ' building otteran acid spill Friday, | ~ 3- ‘ W :2 call for .i sit at mitt-m w .. ~;'— _-‘ 9V“;
‘ . “ * 3;:J£'VI‘§: crease ' “ ‘ ' . _ f '3‘ - "I "
— . . w 433:“; lllltltlil} a fill! tltitt tic-t" ;v.‘ ; - ‘ A. 7-. 43 I. J'
or ers S l aCI ' ' air A s" .. h_\ Student (imei’iirzmiit Ks .. . ' .5 a; 7" -‘ .‘
. f V ‘ 'W ‘ President John (all: art: s- ' .I 3 1‘ It. '
b ' _““" x3 ‘- Large Lotus Straut. this». ' , ‘ _ 3:3
. . . . _’ W~ 39¢: 0‘ ‘ "' 4 dent actititles tee .nctms- . ; L y‘ ‘-'; * 1' "V
mOVlng equlpment x i 3- ‘ “3 llowexer the hill was . _~' g“... -, "
- a z .t " . ’ V -- campu> relations t"'l!.f2. . ‘ ' ' ‘, ‘3. ' ‘. .
, ‘ 1“ .. “’1‘ .'_ . ‘ . «_ S t'l‘xtuflfn’lnpllttlll'nt‘W _', _-.f‘l‘_‘ 't
at, V 'W 3‘ .. ' \ t-onlnilsswri. ;. ‘ . g- ‘V . i_ "V V
0 [3 armacy co ege -
. .. ’ f“ 4' 3 , . rulils the t'tlll,.'t.2\\w’ ; .‘ ' c w -'; .' . 5 f
‘ . .7; — _ , ‘ 'ht‘ltttt'5t pr'lp‘l\.1l‘ ' ' ‘1' _. " ‘
m Tl.\l.l()llNSO!\' cals." Beech said "in my opin- .. ‘ ‘ id" ”Him '“t‘ " ' ' '__ .‘r '1 ii...
senior Staff Writer lon. they should not have been .. 32:; - ‘ to tthltlt' the .pt‘tltiuni >' - .. 4 .
They' just weren‘t aware of the . t 7?“ “ as; .V ‘ ' ; “2- hills each to he w .. .; . .I .- - . .‘ . .\
what oiticials called a “break- potentialdanger - " ” ‘é.’ -- a, g. ”M" “I ‘3 ‘p‘""“' "’ “ " - ' . .. i=

down in communication" caused “Don't get me ”0118.. there I; ”"h"“" 4"" 'L ". ~ mgmmgh‘ . - I » ~- .

three to five gallons of acid to be really was no fault on anytlne's . , ' . ‘ 3-" ... t 1h“ “N "“1 ' '. T '. ‘. ' f -

spilled Friday afternoon at the part and there will be no action 11;, .. . f3 9‘ t‘rt‘dsbltti'gti uhvhi. \ ,1.» 4 . . _ .7 ‘ ‘ .

l'nlverslty Research Facilityi taken against anyone.“ he said JV. " . j. , “WW“: h“ tlt'tif‘w ' . ‘ ’. 3-. . . _ .

The aCCldent occurred about “But the accident could have -~j_' « ‘ d “13“"!“tr"“t‘\"dl"'~'~ '. . f”. V
2.30 pm when workers from been prevented and should have “ 3-") ' 3t - The wwmlim” “3‘" " i ' . ~ . ’ _- "
Vincent i-‘ister Inc. a Lexmgton been prevented. but it wasn't _. - 35"“ g _, a" R crease St ,otoi ht s .11» , t. ’.
moving and storage company, Butinthefuturedtwillbe,“ .. '-- _ i". , £17335 ‘ ””5 “”“rd ‘1 "' ""V ""V ' ' .’ z"; ‘—' f‘ 7
tried to carry two or three boxes The building was closed over is" , - 5“. . I.“ ‘ cents for student orahrppa . 1‘ . V. ,~ . -. i.
of chemicals down the second- the weekend and a cleanup crew ‘ for . - ) Ar't’fi'erxffggi’; the wrcent increase stow . . , . >
floor steps on a two-wheel dolly. is scheduled to arrive this morn ' L LEW-3.. , ' \ ‘ 1 _ Kw” » m" student ”m“’1“"‘ ' ' .‘ d ‘ ‘ .' ‘~ .’
said John Lowry. assistant direc- ing. “WW." 531d )1 ‘ ‘ .47 ' 5? " . .. ‘ {‘3 . “m the “)m‘mdw W" “‘1 W ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ’
tor for human safety and environ- “I'm not pomting any fingers, // we" ' . ' ' . ' I. gig dent ”ream/anon x..- . _~ : . h .3
mental health ' but two or three things happened ' ' 3 ’v‘ 1' “I ’,. mmw . ~ " " ,. , V. ’

The workers had been moying that shouldn't have." h? said ,' ~ * {‘33. .r- V‘ , , ‘ A; I a ’ H p‘h‘w“. ”H. “W M‘ i - 'A m ‘ l 1', .‘
the old College of Pharmacy and "Our main concern now is to l ' , k 1;} t _ M t . . rt‘W‘W‘d -’.‘ u \l’” w . 1, : ' -
Research 1 to their new location clean 11 “P am make SUN It .~ ti: - ”fa ‘. each year to ‘tk‘tt-rtl‘Jlt' ' ', . '
on Rose Street for more than two doesn‘t happen again H \ g ' ' ’3‘- g 35 r " If ”Hum. n 1hr 2‘3"" ‘. - , . , ». ‘ 3’ I . ..
weeks without any problems, he $35 . . .,.. 3"“ . ‘wfum film-“‘3 1‘" “"3" ‘ .l ._ . _' f - . ' - '.
said. A meeting among the mmers as? . . 3% I: r“ .I we NV ”MW. L H ,' ~ .~ . ' f

No one was injured. but sulfu- and possibly L'K offimals also is ' .3- r' ' ’ (R: ”KENT, , , , ' t ' '- .
rlc. hydrochloric and nitric acid scheduled to take place today to :f _. _. V ‘fifig ti .. I (.1 ”1 (par. ”:ffhltfll fl‘.’ ' -
were dropped and spilled cre- "work out the situation " said - t ‘ hv‘ ' ' ”3w; ' I!” th -dl ”N: u ilfmt tam . \ ~ '
atlng namrdom fumes and a “p0- David Fields. operations man- AtANuSNO rent-38'0“ “rung?(Ugmfdn‘h’S‘fl[rm.," \ :- ,‘ '-
tentia y dangerous situation," a erof\’lncentFister .- H. . , , \ . . i Y . f . . . . .
said Gary Beech. manager of the g A t r u the damage in Research I otter n Overs spilled and FTIdO‘v (tinffihhte‘ m MM H . -. , . . I, 1
[1‘ 0m“? or {”9 and acetdent ”I don‘t know if [K miscom Patrick llt‘llll‘tl associate dean 'It the boxes were carrlml. the “t‘ >411" 'T" ”1‘ 3”" ’lld'llit‘ddit' \ituiul‘l"sald the Chitin: v , :. h 3 . d 3. . »,
prevention municated or If the movers ,llbt or the t villcct- Ht l’htll‘maci said iii-enjoin pl‘tltt‘dtlh \wuldnt have the litt truck on the slull‘s -.t..\ m, h, ”Mum. m“ new .' . 1 ' I " ‘- « .

'There 15 some COHII‘OVGI‘S)‘ 0n got careless." Fields said Friday he .mnlm m min out \All) the happened \\0 need 1., talk to the \H‘Iitlg The only nay they should students lm. not om. ..V.V . '- i .. . ' " . . -
whether or not tht‘ movers should "That's something I hope to flnd lttl\t" \u-r: 'to' tal'l'led down the lllt)\ crs and determine whether it how L’Om‘ (1mm 'h“ “‘9‘ “1'“ the studentt‘enter " I ‘ '
have been monng the cheml~ "1" “0‘1“?" ' \lt'ib was an accident or tlt’flllfit‘nt't'. I'lt‘t'ht’llll"iil> 1»‘ 03”} ”19”“ Instead of passali.‘ 'ri. ' . , ~. ‘ ’

til . ~ ‘.

Zeta sorority temporarily closes 'II I ' f f ll h " *
, Wl FCCO 0ane 01‘ a l‘llS 3..

B) lilt-tiit'oopm (‘urrent Zeta members will be -‘ \lt-riiit-isiiii. this been .. prtlll Willem“lwrcfundwt membership But the “to” ‘ attic t“ ‘illtt‘rt'mii to W W .. ' . ' " . '~ ’ '
Staff Writer given alumnae status and W1“ not lenl owt’ tht' Muir‘s and \H’ htuc at Th" ["1“ (“”9“”) hi”? U them completely 5"]V“ the ~‘”l‘”m.‘ ‘ i”"”‘ ‘1‘"? ’ ‘5' r " 1,”;
participate in the sorority on a col- tempted to deal “fill it in other bershlp ”f 35 Tm" may hi"? caused 191715 "There haw been T‘J- - " ’. 3 " '- I =

The UK chapter of the Zeta Tau [egg level. ways, ,h‘. said a“. are no“ a decrease in campus image. said The field consultants held thltllzst‘t spouses sht' Mitt 'l‘h. tit ; - . ', . x. i." ‘5 7_.
Alpha sorority will temporarily New pledges will have their pledr ltX'kllliJ. .it n-coloni/ation and hoping [X‘NHC l‘lnsfir. executlve director for ting sessions to help the sorority hers who have been lr_\‘.'li_‘ ' c“ 't ',-V.7‘ "_ " . ' '
close at the end of this semester be- geships canceled and will be encourr that it will helpu> solve them the “ii“(maIChiipu’r Identity 905me ”WWW “t ‘5 kt’t‘P the chapter d‘lH' W . ‘I ‘ 1 ‘ I; -.
cause of declining membership and aged by the national chapter to el- "Tile decrease in membership “When numbers go down. you problems was the best dime”. t. N.“ W." . 1' l", -
low campus visibility. said the Zeta ther pledge elsewhere or be initiated causes a decrease in your campus (‘itnt compete as actiiel) as other "Thlh worked for a “hilth but for chapter from closing [)(‘l'f‘iitifit . ". ;
nationalprfiident. as alumnae members. Visibility. ' she said ”And when Nlt‘tlrltlt‘s.” Fnsor said “Without a long-range em‘d- 1‘ “3*“ l ”‘9“ 3 . " . in 1 . ,‘ .

The Zeta national chapter will “The problems aren't necessarily campus \islbilitt decreases. lead numbers. people see small as had or Klrwan said ”N" ‘dlrt "t0 .‘WIHL‘V " - " " 7 ' . ‘ ~ ,
close the chapter until next fall, with the way it is being run. but the erblllptht‘lltxm‘tlmk5 a concern not successful " Sue ()rchard. Zeta national chap “t m" “tr“rl‘." are A '3'"t' "o; ' . '_ . " ‘.

. when it will recolonize without the Situation there on campus is not the Fees paid by members through Klruan 331d that twice m the last ter adviser. declined to comment on polnttd because lht'\ \n. w.- ’5 . . '4 : ' ‘:
participation of active members on way we like it. so we need to recolo- December “I“ not be refunded Any- five to six years. field consultants thi’ret‘nhtmlim‘m 1139“" ”np'wmm “M m“ 1““ t "" a .‘L 'h 5 ;- ' '
‘ campussaid Becky KirWan. nize."Kirwan said. mt‘mht‘” “h“ paid through the sent to [K were able to boost the linsor said members ha\e reacted \ II I \ ., '> . .'-‘ “
Honorary q 'no L I 't b’d f 'l H
A m , aure uni y 1 al 5
e e e . . . .
initiates 13 . . ‘- .. _ . . . , . ; : . » = . .
V; . it!) ‘ m. Opposmon split strengthens Marcos re-electlon chance . ~ ~ '. -. '
- a , m... ' o .2 , A, “r . ,. ~ . -
e e S ‘" ' . W4“ 'Wa.. “ V‘ B) ltl BFNt-..\l..\B.\sTRU hel and laurel. and united him to nents were dltldetl liodl L" -. :ol . . _‘
f. «a? .. . ,r .. .,- thstx'lated Press Violnlna‘grand coalition ticket lller senator told The \wn .i'et; _ - . ~ -‘ , ‘
' ‘ ‘ts aim , w ”ff; But fragmenting of the opposition Press . - " . -
B) GARY LIPSEY “3153.34” ‘* .g‘ s \ MANILA. Philippines A unity gives Marcos. at least for now tiio . - . ‘
ContributingWriter . ' a" “ ~ '- bld between (‘orazon Aquino and rivals. each with distinct followings Marcos foes stlll hai. ' m. in . - . .
6; f .. "" -- "11:3.“ Salvador Laurel fell apart yester- strengthening his chances of patch the m' and ltr‘ttt‘dt't' .. will”: - . V .

UK's Phi Beta Kappa chapter cel- &%V H , day. dimming opposition prospects keeping the presidenc} he has held “‘1‘“! Th“ ‘im‘fl'lh' 1‘" T ‘ "r “ ' ' _ j: ,
ebrated its 60th anniversary this ’ ‘ ~ of defeating President Ferdinand E \‘ln(‘(’ 1963 \‘*"tttf‘~"ta.\ ' ‘.
year and ishered in its fall class of » Marcos lna Feb TspeClalelectlon “l was pleading l was telling _ ' ' ' ‘ '
initiates yesterday afternoon, which - -.,_ _‘ __ “bile Laurel‘s supporters cheered them. let us not destroy ourselves 1 ‘ V
included the Rev_J0hn Killinger. he»... and fireworks exploded at his family now." Francisco Rodrigo. the chief INS|DE ‘ . -

Killinger and 12 UK seniors were *"=~ . compound. the former senator mediator in opposition unlt_\ talks. -
initiated at the ceremony at the Pat— blamed Mrs Aquino for the collapse said in recounting his discussions
terson Office Tower. of talks mat would have put her at early yesterday with laurel and the 1‘. UK m but the Steve Al-

Killinger. a former UK graduate "K" “Mm" " ‘ V " the top of the opposition ticket WldO“ of assassinated opposition feed.“ [me Hoosiers 53-58 be- '
student. was the guest speaker at The Rev. John Killinger was initialed into UK 5 Phi Beta Kappa against Marcos . leader Bt‘nlgn“ Aquino Aqumfi was {on em crowd of 34.303 in ~’
thelmtlatlon ceremony. chapter yesterday. The theologian also was the guest speaker. Instead of accepting Mrs Aqumo 5 shot in 1983 on his return from a kit” Anne. For the stow. so:

The theologians speech explored offeg (tio run as her I'lce iretsltigntla: three-year extlle d h ll d mm”.
the relationshi between “the riest , .. _ . ‘ . _ . can I ate on a slnge tlc e. ure "Marcos a rea y as a the a -
and the artist?" He descrimg the and the priest. :fif’r‘lgn‘nwhrs-\OJSnEQI‘LLfmui'E‘:' said he would run on his own for vantages. he has the money. the ma M loch tun who attend“
5“er that most people have He told of his d5“? for a combin~ m quvslmfi traditional (“sz in president _ _ chinery. the resources. and he is a. m w or a. M
concerning the two vocatims and ing of artistic and p115“). charac~ search fortrilth \lrs Aquino said she hoped the ruthless. and he will cheat and tell 3am , a, m the right
the “total separation of the artist teristics in both, For example. he \‘k'|")\"R‘\R\.pugeh opposition still would unite behind the world he won because his oppo- choice. For . m m 3 guy

in: the It“. soc mas. ‘
C t ‘ h l d ' ° ' “ "
ampus cen ers e p stu ents With academic frenzy of finals wmusn
By ANNt-IGALLOWAY In their academic frenzy often “l think it will draw together var- office and the Counseling and Test are. how to take an essay exam.
Staff Writer caused by procrastination. students led information not normally readily lng (‘enter how to relax. how to studyV .when,» to y . ,-
Suffer under a load at finals. papers available in one place." said Jake "Some of it is very Simple materl- find computer terminals: where al- ““hflmfld .

If the thought of two term papers and other yearend actlv1ties harnes. director of the Human Rela- al but necessary for prefinals ternate study locations are and how '- “gunfite ”. w-
and five finals in the next to days To alleVlate such psyche mal- tlonst'enter week." Karnes said latethellbrarvis open ‘3” * ell h h,
81V!!! you the cefleirlecomuming jit. adios. the Human Relatiom Center The resource area will be a gener— “If students are asking for some. 1 fig M1.“ and: ‘3
tors, “don't wait until Prldly the Is spawns a resource area from 6 Thls Information is available at information center. answering lm- thing we don‘t have we‘d be glad to w ” i ‘5” ~

13th to ‘pull it all tqether.’ " ad- 009:6 pm. today through Friday in through handouts and resource [P0- portant. academically viable ques- lookitup "Karnessald “m‘flfiflwn .‘
visestheflumen Relatial Center. theStudent Center. ple in the academic ombudsman‘s time such as where and when finals ‘ Sec FINALS. page ‘ T ‘31 . ‘3

. C ‘0 i
2 - KENTUCKYKERNEL My, m9, 1!“
Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Ollice.

- 203'204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The infor-
motion is published as supplied by the on~campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar
form must be tilled out and returned to the Student Activ-

‘ ities Olfice.
. l m s a e n r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Man
' day preceeding the publications date.
.' ' ' -' ' ' ' ' ’ ,. I; ' i _. whit i i » t‘s‘u‘ ' Meetings Baptist Student Union TNT Tuesday Nite To ' Concerts A 6‘“ Cl Mug” I” m" U” Chow‘le" C0” ' Meetings 309"“ Student Union Student Luncheon SI
‘ ~ I , I" ’- "A‘ A ' ‘-‘ i ‘3‘ ‘ 't is 5t ' gether BaptistStudentCenter 7 30p m Coll7 3°89 '9' ‘0' "‘9 AT'S 8? m C0” 7 3‘45 BaptistStudent Center Noon Call 7~3989
, ' _ 3 l , ~ . . Meetings SAB Publlc Relations Committee meeting ' Concerts UK Graduate String Quartet Center tOi the 0 Meetings Regular meeting at UK Fencing Club» tree
-. ‘ V . . . .J , ,_, . . ,.. ' _ St n. " UMP HS SC 4 p m Call 7 8867 Arts 8pm Call 74900 instruction 8. equment provided Alumni Gym 7 30 p m
. - . >. ‘ , L » ~. . . . Meetings Art “Nb” Kurt Pickett Ceramic Sculpture ' Meetings Maranatha Chi-stian Fellowship Students Ca|l233-5201
. t _ , .‘ . . . _ ‘1‘; q A A My}, , \ WWW m Triangle Gallery inner room 100 m 3;) m Call 233 1263 witha Purpose Maranatha Center 7p in Call 231 700l 0 Meetings Art Exhibit Kurt Pickett- Cerarmc Sculpture
, ’ ‘ ~ r. . A A . L L K 3 ‘ X'JA . Movies Bteohlos‘ at Tiltanys SI 75 W UKID ' Meetings SAB Concert Committee meeting 228 SC 5 Triangle Gallery inner room TO 0 m.- 3 pm Call 2337
'l . ' ' I , Warsham Theatre 7 30p m p in. CO” 7'8867 I263
: ‘ 5: .y» , .- , ' . . Meetings UK Water Ski Club meeting election at new 0 Movies Chariots of Fire ST 75 vs UKID Worsham 0 Movies Chariots ol Fire Sl.75 vs UKID Worsham
..-- r-llicers pleasestop by‘ 228 sc 7p m Call277 0618 ”"3"” 73°F "‘ Theatre 730 pm
‘I ' . .‘z 0 Other Interact Holiday Traditions Around the World ° O'he’ FOOd lor ThOUgl" DMUWO” GTOUD Open ' Other German Clubs Cale Deutschland German
‘ f l ‘ 'l ‘ Potluck dinner will be served K House All? Rose Street Forum Problems "I Being an AdUl' 0" Campus ”9 SC House, 5p m,
‘J- ,r‘ V . ' f 5 30p m Cal|254 1881 N00" Cal|7~3295 ' Other Social 8 Behavioral Suence Brown Bag Lunch
: . . ‘ ' , Series Role ol Pet Ownership 8 the will being at the el
.‘ __ y A. .. derly 128 Home Economics Bldg l? 30 pm Ca|l3~547l
_ ,- .. _ _ ‘ ‘ o Other Aging in the 3rd World Some important re
1 . u , ‘ _ seairh issues by Prol Grone Hugo Flinders University at
,1 ,4 . 'y i ,1 S Australia TBthtloor POT Rm. PEG 3p m Call37547l
.1 _ ' ' Other TOPS {Twenterne Plus\ Christmas party 2i 8.
.V : , ‘ ‘ older K~House 412 Rose Street 5 30pm. Cal|254 l88l
. . ' 0 Other Thursday Evening Fellowship Christmas party
. , , K House 412 ROse Street 6p m Call254 3881
, . '» :‘lt " it u“ 5.0:” . ,~- g s , ' MOVIPS ChOTIDIK at Fire ST 75 w UKID Worsham . Concerts Lexington Sirthis Ct‘r J’mr Ccti‘t'vr‘ ST . A(°dem'“ Deadline tor applying lor Odm""("‘ ”' "'
V. - . I“ j. ~ s- bl l I M: I V km 3“ 6 3b Theatre 7 309 n‘ pub SA-stu 8 Sr Cit Cer“pt im thi Aw- } p " Ca“ ‘ “d"“55'0n '0 ”"9 G'Oduote School lor the 1986 Spring w
' . A; ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ k m A ’ n‘ 0 Sports UK Basketball vs Kansas at Kansas 3‘45 mester
, , , 1 -. '- ‘, i S w \ tr v. trs ia . Meetings Art Exhibit Kurt Pickett Ceromlc Sculp'ule 0 Academics FINAL EXAMINATIONS
- ' I ' . " _ \'\H A L . V. ,_ . . Triangle Gallery inner room IO 0 m 3 p m Call 233
-_V V , ~ _~ _. BACC" 1263
. . ‘ \L ‘ " .‘t ' " Ev"'t“" . farm Lynci-rwty O
V ' ‘ ' .3. _ , r 1 1 . ' . ' “[4.
‘ - -. ‘ -~ , . . . 7'7 _» r; it ,mc 5mm in
' . > V H 1' r L ' ‘. '» “ ‘.‘: A ‘1'» ’i t 1 King Lthiar,
' ~ \- - u »~ Alabama Me
A ‘ ‘ 5 ‘i 4 ., , .C- _. . _. , __ . _,_,, ..._, _--,—
‘ l ‘ g ' . ‘ s ~ , . - -- , 5 , . ; t , V. 'm n... r 10;, m l? 9729 Photographs by Len Jertshelr rnlor views oi Newport Mansions (PA I) i3 UK Lady Kat Basketball vs Indiana UniverSity Memorial Coliseum 7 3O
1' ». ‘ y » i »- .» i "1' , 5 'i , vi! :7 .i. ;<>»c_, an-ctu- 7 300 n: Ar’Museum l2 5 Tues Suns Call 7 5716 p in Call 776046
' l . ‘» . - 4, 4 3 _. nip .‘. ,i wow”. * 100 m 12 H A Gilt ot Musir by the UK Charisters Center tor the Arts 8 p in (all T2 T3 UK Swnt Team vs Uflti/el'St'y ot Alabama Memorial Coliseum Pool 6
I“ r ~ . " l. ,. '_ i A A " / ' 'r i 3 'l .- whit} v'. (\V‘i'wt Tlle-nlft' 730 p, m 7 3l45 D m Call 7 5626
' ‘. ‘ ‘- ‘1 V. . i - . 3‘ ’ ., .m." ,zit !.r1iV' manna ‘ 3n? n I? ll UK Graduate String Quartet Center for the Arts 8p m Call 7 4900 I? Is) UK Basketball vs Kansas atKonsas
.» 3': A . - _' . - A . . -; , g ‘ i. : .1 . mwww v 300 12 15 Lexington Singers Chflslmox Comeri $7 pub 54 stu 8 5, Cit Conic,
_ ’ ' lortheArts 3pm Cali73145
3 .' ‘.- ‘ V ‘ ', "3 I? I3 Gallery Series Danish Romance Songs by Mina Miller piano 8 Keith
A .r, . , . ’ ._ MorAr‘lant tenor Kinglibrarerorth Noon
V I). . A; ‘ . 4
',"\‘ ‘ .l " l "' "‘
' I . 'i i i
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'9‘,“ ;‘i .- f , a .. . ‘. ._ , . t , , 'N' , , 4,” MN I ,9, .iw Bap“, Sufism. (eh I? 9 Coiinril on Aging A (elehrotion ot Christmas holiday music Center Int
,- " "i1. . . i.“ theArts 230pm Call73145
v, m .' , .. ' ‘ :._. . i .2, L . . NH ,H . , U ( 4 _ ,, ,t V T? TO Interart Holiday Traditions AroUnd the World Potluck dinner will be
. , .~ , , . g s r Ca 8807
i- ,- ‘ _; , __. i . . ,t , _, i. or”: , 3‘ ‘r' it, “0,3qu Gallery mne, served K HOuse 4i? Rose Street 5 30p m Call2547188l
‘, . '- ‘ -- ‘ ; , , gt» ,‘.1 12 ll Food tor Thought D‘sr‘iSSIOn Group Open Forum Problems in Being
‘. 'I/v' . _ t. c,‘ . .H. , 3 L ' . , i . g. . imw‘ please ”op on Adulton Campus HQSC Noon Call 7 3795
2 . - . _ i .1 , Ht ’ . ‘ ,. ,, . 17 12 German Club s Cale Deiitsrhland German House 5p m
I. v ,‘ . A “ . .. if, :V my“ 4- 3. 4b., a V ,n‘ a 9K ,pm‘) Maranatha I? ‘2 Social 8 Behavioral Science Brown Bag Lunch Series Role al Pet Own
'1 _’.t V , , ., ,1 , , 1, 14- «mt ermip 3 the wit being at the elderly 128 Home Economics Bldg 12 30 p U‘
‘y' - .' ll ‘ 4 iAb ' i~"i” tvrvitti‘im..(i.q '27.; r‘( I)“ ,, {3‘~,1807 CQIIJSATT
.‘ - , ’1. g , i) :L' . 33‘1“”. WV, giddy». UM neott $1 Baptist Student Center l2 l2 Aging Ir‘ the 3rd World Some important research issues by Prat Crane
' ' IL ;_;_ ; Mu Hu 0 Flineis University at 3 Australia 18th lloor POT Rm F E G 3 p m Call
A 9
"' . ' , . ' ‘, , L‘. at n 5). - pg -6 ‘iii rpmma f M» 1,0,, nomyi‘mt 8 eqmpmenl p”) 35471
- . ' .. A ,. u r ' V‘r ,, (all 237 $1" I? I? TOPs Twenty One Plus Christmas party 2T 8 older K House Al? Rose
’ "1 A - u a , h. t ' , 3M]. . (3“. r. it is m 1‘" 01‘)? ”38 Stree‘ 5 30p m Call 754 1881
4 ' . ' y _ l7 l7 Thursday Evening Fellowship Christmas party K House 4‘? Rose Street
' ,I " 6p m Cal|254188l
‘ ’ / 1? l3 NSSHLA Potluck ThislsaPorty TBA 6pm L K'N AHEAD
,7 t -‘ . T213 ENDOFCLASSWORK'H 00 G
. ' ' I? lb Deadline tor applying tor admission or readmission to the Graduate
‘ , . School tor the WEI!) Spring semester I? lb 1? 20 FINAL EXAMINATIONS
- 1? 70 End at loll semester» Residence halls close
, . l? 70 End at the 1985 Fall semester
I? 20 Last day to submnt a thesrs dissertation to the Graduate School tor
iondirlates tor a December degree
. l? 20 last day to request a relund tor the 1985 Fall semester

 . . I l 3
KENTUCKYKERNEL Monday, m9, 1m- 3
_ ____________._. ___ s. , ,__. , -. -____....- ,..-,-_______
Soul's ldltm
Jothury ‘ ,
a\«\v‘\ ’ 1 “ I
‘33»"Kxwofigkwuééw$$fiytfixbgivRYISIh/gm0xm us *Mw’zfiéfiz‘n , ~ a , .
[U h h' ”d D d H d ' ’ '
n . - - - -
UK taps e in aven er, ar e . ./ 1 _.
ByJOlf‘JL'R" whole loot as UK beat the Hoosiers to take advantage ot‘lt " have easily have said ‘Without 1‘ - . . . ,
As5istant9ports Editor tB-SSSaturday night. Harden nullified an lU rall) late Stevewwe couldn‘t hate won the 11’; 1 4'
A A Sophomore Ed Davender led the iii-the game Willi his ClulCl’l heroics. game.‘ H 1T4 ‘ ‘
lt , . the kind of knock down. t'ats in scoring with a points. 14 of With 1110 remaining In the game “alker. scoring 16 90”“5 0” 54’“ . ‘ ' . .’
(lragwgtit Kentucky-Indiana battle them in the second half. and senior and UK leading 3955. “005"” guard 11 shooting from the fleld- “'35 C0” " 1' '. .,' 1 '
that the record_crowd 0f 24.x“ in Roger Harden made two key plays Stew Robinson stole a UK pass stantly hounded and poundedi» the 1 ’2’; ', ."» 1 .
Rupp Arena expected to see in the last two minutes to lead UK to Harden was the lone defender. but Hoosier front line .. 1 ,. . ' .1, :1; , :‘ ‘ . 1 -_
it was the kind of game that saw [is fifth straight win. managed to posttion himself for a ‘V‘l'm feeling it right now, Walker . i -‘ k. .17. . 1 :3 . f;- ,.
ll' freshman guard Ricky Calloway “They were leaving me open." charge on ROlHan s canceled said after the game. _ x. ”Q , 1' .1; all: 1‘ 1.}
almost steal the shOW. but it was a said Davender. who scored many of “X‘I‘Pr‘n not sure what happened he J » ‘ , I. {a j 1",;1; ‘1, I. 1,
. " ds-htkthe - -~ . , t‘ ' .. ‘ =
pair of “ildcat guar w o 00 his ponnts on layups l was rying {ore that play out on the way down." “DIM”; ;‘ 1; . 1 .5. :1 .1; .1 , 11 a
r“- said Harden. who finished the game Plum In 11- 'I m m - pt 19 . t1 i'l': -' 19,341“. 31'}, J.‘
with six pomts and a season-high It ” 1”“ !‘ 3 "11 ’1 ’ 1 ‘1 ‘ . 1 1 ‘ {1,1 1.’ '2'} is
assists. “I thought ‘i'eet. don't fail It?“ 3 i I -. i 1 i ( s _ H 1 ‘5 .t'
J menow ' " I, ,.. _- : : w : : ,. _ .‘ . . vi"‘ (Witt
_ 1""; . ‘ ()n the ensuing change of posses W « .v : i h i g .3 gs ‘ . . _ ' it; 1 "i;<1';.,'1~1;:'.' 7 1:”
, . sion. it was Harden again who took 11‘1“! 1 1 H ‘l 1 3 1 "s ; 1-. ,- -g';.“-.,=;‘_':.1-
. s. .' . ‘ » 3 center stage His driving layup from “111‘ ,' ‘1 , ' ’1 1 ;- ‘ ‘1 i. I 1" 3:1‘ 1‘; .
I ”V“ I the left side III seconds later proved m u . I : t- = u §‘ _ fl ' . f (1 1:1: .
. * tobethe Winning points W "t 3 ‘ “ . ‘ 4 i 4 ' l g ‘ , fit": j“; '-' 5.1",
,‘ . .2 *r 1 “The help side defense left the 1:; u “ m H J I; H w ' . . i _."1‘l;g't1'.‘
r ’ 1 1,. 1 lane so that gave me the opportunit) 1 ' " . , ,r 1- ‘, 1:11.131 -', I
it l " ’ -_.. totakeittothehole."hesaid At\il(|i0\ _. f '4” 4‘ '- . ".5 .331
‘ - A ”$5 Despite the absence of ll' star mm 'K In H H- r» - in In 1' ' ; ”54’! I _ til
«a guard Steve Alford. the Monsters ‘1‘ 1. 1,1 : 1 J 1 y» .A ‘ 1' if ; ‘r (1:1.
g ' stayed close mth the help trom the ”111111“, ‘ . ,1 1 . , ' v " A ’ ‘ ' ,1 _'l.-‘,.'-‘ .1; 6111
i 6-ioot-7 (‘alloway who led lndiana ”inn-h 2 « ‘ .. A 1‘ .1 v' ~' 2i"; ‘.
, 3‘ «2-1) with 22 [hints and nine re Inn-tutu . .i- a ; .. I z :; Q; 1’ ’ L 7". "1-" t‘
. 5 mm. s , ; 1 , 2 t . g - i. jaw;
: Alford. who was averaging 28 M1,: 11 : 11 ., 1 . 'i ' ' ' " -'_;. '7. '1 1 3.1.3;
' L. points per game. was suspended by Im . ' I . .‘ ; 3“."1
l , the NCAA {or one game Friday after Int-h 1: an Iv :t :a u. I: M ‘ ’ ‘ .— -; . _' . 1.: .1 1:1,,
.1“ I his photo appeared m an ”' sorority minim inn-um \’ I m i.» v sum... — ) ‘ ~ 1 i‘ "L "‘5 it:
/ "(CI WITHII “ewe 5'0“ calender lOI‘ Chant} percentage: Indium 4;.0 luvl‘t‘urhi ‘1‘ it hm:lg A‘ “‘ 155‘s .1 ' p '1: .1". r .\ :1 .
IU coadh Bobby Knight's sideline antics didn't seem to bother the ll‘TI'hatt mf'tsfg- “1‘1?” a '1ll‘l’lnutl"""“:' 1""dl'l"""-‘~'""'m""° UK tom/10,14 1-; . . , 8.. . qt , ,gb . . 1 . .. 1 1 ,1 lit“.
l 1 3 , na ac or or em. sai< or - ‘1» 1 1'1. ”111.. . .. _ , . .A. 11; <,_.. ,1” . . .1 1 -:;1 -- ,.
re erees He was not assessed a technical ioul during the game. \sard Kenn} \lalker ”The} could hour d. . .. . . . u ,, L _ . . 1 ‘ 1 1 :‘1 1.11
WWAH,,,...W., .mflN. . . » -- - A» 7w” x~~~5 ~.";. 1 " . _ .1,
V . r g ‘_ ':-.‘ 11.1123: 1'
CHALET APARTMENTS ”a; 3&7; lmpressmns of 8.5 g
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(Limited Time Only) Hottest Looks m i .1 -
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$245/Month for 2 bedrooms, pool, central AC, . . 1 . . 1. 11 _ 1.
Lexmgton Mail 2698181 r g . .1 . 1. 1
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FREE cable installation, $2; Featuring Carla Lewis 8:00pm. Dec. Will i , , .1:
short term leases available. I." f Exercise Instructor from Patterson Hall N. Campus 5 1 '1 a
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Call Today 254-2858 or stop by 1261 @«M The Exercnse Co. . ,1 1_ mm. 1 . , J.\ | 13 .
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/‘ GiveawaysziititCemfiwtes | 'v J} __ I | '_ 1‘ _;. ;,
'Tis the season to be iolly and save money! % from Dance Biz : S DANCE 1W“? BUCKS S I 1': 1. 1.
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3:3:113:1:3:-. BE A PART OF THE 1.;.;.;.;. WWW ~ - . ; .,
23:1:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3. RECRUITMENT PROGRAM 5333;}; ..
;:;:;:;2;3:3:3:3:3:{:- Christmas 1985 izfzfzfifizfzfz ‘ 7 .1
The undergraduate admissions office is 1.;232322233323; of: ‘ 1: “ .‘ .9
:I:Z;I;I;I;I;Z;I;I;Z:I;._ looking for enthusiastic volunteers to con- l.;I;I;I;I:Z;I;I;I;I;I; Vbof: 9%,“:‘112 1. _ . 1 ,1
;I;I:Z:I;I:3;3;:;::1:::Zj-2-, tact prospective UK students from their .33;I;I;I;I;I;I;Z;I;I;I; ”1%; ‘fiigf‘ 1 . 1' _‘-
I:I:2:2:I:I:I:I'Z'I-I-I'I'I'Z-I-. hometown over the Christmas holidays. .;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.: k0“ _ " I : . _ 11-. _‘.
{'20:'I-I'I-i-I'I-I'I-Z'I-I'I'I ”-I-I'I'I'I'I'I'I'Z'Z' 2:32, 933 QQ‘Q} «1;; 1 1 ' -‘ . .3‘ . ‘ 1"; ‘
. . "I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I ‘ \, f V ”\g: ' - 3 ~' , ‘ 2 .
I:2:I;I;I;I:I;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.7 If you are a satisfied UK student and would -.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. Om§zgolgo<>1§ufiigs ;. .' 1 :14 ,_ :1 .
I:I;i;I;I;I:I;I;I;I:I;I:15" like to help attract other students from _I;I;I;Z;I:I:I:I “Ag €de ~ '1 ~ , ‘ 11-1:
2:2;2:I;I;Z;I;I;I;Z;2:::' your area to attend UK, then come and find .;I;I;I;I;Z;Z;Z;I (9.9 WK”? . , 1 -7 1.. .111." i
I'I'I'I'I'I'IC'I'I'I'Z out how you can be 0 part of the Student '3‘I-I'I'I°I'I'I'I 1 .. fix to 1 {p or g '1, ’- :
..;...;..._..._......-.-_ ; '.'.'.'.'.‘.'.'. .. OO 93 «$8. , >131“ V . , \ .1, ' 1 I ,
To Student Recruitment Program. .«.;.;.:.:.:.;. Q~ of \\\ 49v w 1 « ‘1 ,t 3, 1n; .. ,~
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:::::- :3:-:-:-:-:-:-: ar‘OW‘ng‘ 630‘ , u .. '. ' - , ’ :‘If
~2-2-Z-Z-Z-I-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z;Z;' INFORMATION ANDTRAINING MEETINGS: ;;Z;2;Z;I;Z;Z;Z; 39%“ ’\\’\ ’\\’\ 8‘09 ’\ . 0‘3, 1 1 X 1 . . .r. A '1, ». .. 71 .
-.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.... \ Y\ 1;; _ ; . , .. .- 1 . ‘4:
o. . o u a o I o a o -.o.- .............. ‘\ \ fl \ I; . v I J V ‘ .’ 1 -
2'35'I'Z'I'I'I'Z'I'I'ss. Wednesday. December H. 1985 6:30 with ‘x‘l‘h . ,w ,i t 3“. 1 . x
'2-:'PZ'Z'Z'Z'lC'Z'l'Z‘Z' Room 308 Complex Commons Z-j-I-fi-j-j- Q. p Q; v \. ;;. , '1 1 . . '_ 1‘
.;.:.:.;.:.; \ > a ‘ .-‘ < \. ,1 1. '. 1
IZZZI-Z'I-I'I‘I'I'I'I'I' Thursday. December 12. i985 4530 p.rn. 02-2-5:- GP.» ‘ 3: 1' \1 “1‘; “ 1-“); \ ; _1 _ {1.1 '1:
.:.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.: Room 228 Student Center East I:I:I:I:Z:I ‘ k \~~,~ 1 .K 1 1. 4'11 ‘3‘ ;
‘9‘: .be P ,
;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ‘.;.;.;.;. 0‘ .\\:iR§:\§V-I~’ 1_,~\1 \r; A \; .00 > ‘ 31.x.
.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.'-' A PROGRAM OF THE UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS OFFICE 33:; «5“ ;§\\\\§§\\\§§Q\ 11,; ”f" . ,« \ c ‘ .11 , .1 1 _1 .
id“ xx:\\ *. .;
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£0 % ()FF Entire Stock Brushes, $5 \\\\\l who . .. _ - .
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Litcstflc Products Mfi W 1 . 1. 1 .
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2 1 ‘ f 9’ '1. , w ‘ . '. - . ,
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l'urlluiltl “all 277mm C WM At A Theatre Near YOU.
Sunthpurlt 27245-126

 t t t . .
A": Editor
Assistant Am Editor
Stanley Jordan I) . n. t l t
3 ' o o o
‘ I
- . Concert satisfies Jazz lovers Guitarist holds rap sessmn
‘ ’ l ‘1 M t. \R\ I’lr‘ltt r —‘—“—‘— .
' ~ Am Editor REVIEW ’ x, g; :Tvttyi-z ”mast.“ isgdltgatrgtjcxfintgrigm aboutltpliic-
> . . . . ta riter DC? on I e
‘ —— ' ' ‘ ' .
4 -. . .\t times 'I seemed there has al ’ ~ said he d’dh t kho“ 0‘ any. other peo—
,. , y 3 - most toolllln‘t‘. goiiigon west. all the while penguins m9 ‘ .. 2 Hours before his concert even the concentrating on this 5990"”
_ . Before guttdrlsl Stanley Jordan's fretboard.and.5[nng5 >[run1mlng f 3E2 began Saturday mght. Stanley JOF- .bt‘v‘e 0f playing althOUgh he Imag‘
. , , , solo pertormunce Saturday night in style that allows {hm remarkable ~ _ a "fix.“ dan wasalreadyshowing his stuff "19d that more and more younger
. u ~ . Memorial lldll (‘ht’flt‘t‘ Grundy. dl gurtanst to accompany lunlself With . ‘ K \. .: Jordan spent an hour fielding players would adopttt- '
. . ‘- . ' rector ot the oiiice ot Minority Stur astonishing results ‘f questions from a crowd of about 70 Jordan said he hadn t expected'so
.' ' dent \iiairs t'tiliiplllllt‘ntt'd the opening with "Touch of Blue,“ . ‘ r; . in a pre-show “Backstage Rap and much recognition and he was feeling
.3 ‘ ‘ - croud tor turning out tor a concert one of his own C0n1p05|t10n5v Jor. - ‘ ' .- ‘ Workshop" in the balcony of Memo- a httle ”055“"? from It because he
\ x ‘ on the exerting of the Kentucky~lii~ dan's' playing was at first pensive. . . 5 s .. j s rial Hall. The workshop, which hah seen h “h" 3 W 0t careers.
-. . - , dmnd basketball game e\ en selta