xt7d251fn52z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d251fn52z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1977 1977 1977-02-28 2020 true xt7d251fn52z section xt7d251fn52z The Tide's out

And UK's in the SEC I ear-atom,“
with a big win and Georgial'lsmhellys

Assistant Sports Editor

Saturday was a fine day for
Kentucky basketball on more than
are account. With UK’s second-
ranked Wildcats delivering a per-
formance as awesome as their
billing, AND a surprising gift from
the SEC’s last-place team, Joe
Hall’s got himself a conference

Hours after UK turned back
Alabama’s Tide 85-70, Georgia took
the wind out of Tennessee’s big
orange sail 83-76. Don’t un-
derestimate peanut power.

UK is now atop the SEC at 14-1.
Tennesee is 14-2.

That doesn't mean Kentucky
won’t have to beat the Vols in
Knoxville Saturday in order to
represent the SEC in the Mideast
Regional tournament at Rupp
Arena, but it’s sort of nice to see
them lose anyway.

Kentucky’s win over eighth-
ranked ’Bama was a pleasure to
behold 'lhis crop of Wildcats (now
22-2) is an exciting team to watch
and they were on form for a regional
TV audience Saturday.

The game was close for about 24
minutes only because the Tide is a
quick, my good basketball team.
But Kentucky is even better than

Siidler iladshh eye

Freshman Jay Shidler played his
finest game in a month, banbing in
six of eight mots. Five of those were
from near Adolph Rupp’s midcourt
seat, the other a rebound shot
Sridler snatched away from two tall

“I worked on my shooting all
week,” Shidler said, “and I felt
better about it before the game."

His mate at guard, senior Larry
Johnson, seems to be saving his best
for last With but one home game
left, Johrscn gave another superb

Against the Tide, Johnson hit
seven d nine shots—several on
slashing drives through the ‘Bama
zone-dished out seven assists and
played demonic defense (four

Rick Robey and Mike Phillips
pounded Alabama for 26points (12 of
19 shooting) and 16 rebounds.

But the man Tide coach C.M.
Newton said broke his team’s back
was James (“Outa’ my way”) Lee.
While Lee mysteriously sat on the
bench until the final minute of the
first half, it was a two or three-point

Coach Joe Hall said later he opted
for LaVon Williams and Merion
Haskins as his first substitutes to
combat Alabama’s quickness. No

68 2 8 1977

one eracarsed Lee of being slow.

Raervu Williams, Haskhs and
Dwane Casey played well in the
tense first tnlf. A Haskins jumper
gave Kentucky the lead for good at
8-27 ander Casey points provided
the 3-35 Inlftime margin.

Leedunks Tide hopes

But the second half was Lee’s
show. Lee, as everyone knows by
now, has a sense for the dramatic.
With UK nursing a 45-39 lead, he
rammed hane a running dunk at

Less than a minute later, Lee
ripped a rebound off the Alabama
board, dribbled the length of the
floor and neariy separated net from
rim with a slam dunk that scored a
perfect 10.0 from the 23,412 judges

That gave UK a 51-39 lead and
wilted Alabama. The game belonged
to Kentucky.

“The key was James Lee in the
secard half,” Newton said. “He
played super ball at both ends of the
floor and denied Rickey Brown the
ball.” Lee finished with 14 points.

Jack Givens, normally UK’s
leading sca'er, managed 10 points
on a night when his shooting touch
deserted him. If you’ve been
counting, that’s six Kentuckians in

Continued on back page




an independent student news

Vol. LXVHI, Number 117
Monday, February 28, 1977



student is continually enrolled.

Public Higher Education.


President Amin.



In the wake of the not-so-popular decision concerning the
qrarterly system, Transylvania University officials had some
g)od news for students Saturday.

An executive committee of the Board of Curators approved
anextension of the guaranteed tuition plan.

Under the plan, a full-time student’s tuition upon entering the
university is guaranteed to remain the same as long as the

Fall 1977 tuition at Transylvania is $2,800 a year, not
including the $1,475 annual cost of room and board.


A record number of .blacks are enrolled in Kentucky’s
state-supported universities, according to the state Council on

Council statistics indicate that black enrollment at the
iretitutions last fall was 8,593, or 7.9 per cent of the 108,300 total

Black enrollment is more than double what it was in 1969,
when blacks accounted for 3.9 per cent of total enrollment.

in what seems like a throwback to the days of the bomb
shelter craze, there’s been a surge of panic-buying in Cincinnati.
'lhe valued commodity—bottled water.

The wave of purchasing is an aftermath of the latest
diemical spill into the Ohio River.

Faced with the second onslaught of dangerous carbon
tetrachloride in a week, Ohio's third largest city closed the intake
valves to its drinking water supply for 31 hours over the weekend.

More than 73 tons of carbon tetrachloride has been dumped
irso the Kanawha River, an Ohio River tributary, near
Grarleston, W. Va. in recent weeks. FMC Corporation officials
said about 6,000 pounds of the cancer-causing chemical
mcidentally spilled early Friday.


In a place called Catocin Furnace, Md., President Jimmy
Carter listened in an Episcopalian church as a priest called for
[layers for Ugandan President Idi Amin.

As the President sat in a fourth-row pew, the Rev. Mr.
Charles 0. Shaffer asked the 45 to 50 persons in the lSO-year-old
stone chapel to pray for the churches of Uganda “and also for

“When Christians begin praying, God begins working, so
remember in your prayers Idi Arnin,” he said.


Put the bikinis and softbth away, folks. it was great over
are weekend, but today’s higin will be in the 30’s to mid-40’s with
gadual clearing. It’ll be fair and a little warmer tonight and
tomorrow. Lows tonight will be in the 20’s to low 30's. Highs
morrow will reach the mid-40’s.

Compiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Bareaa dispatches




University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

—Steve Schuter

Freshman Jay Shidler’s (25) return to early-season form was one reason Kentucky
whipped Alabama Saturday 85-70. This head-long drive past Alabama‘s T.R. Dunn
(right) was typical of Shidler's and UK’s effort. Shidler, with 13 points, was one of six

(‘ats in double figures.

For Lexington native Jones

Timid past spawns ’earthy’ results

Kernel Staff Writer

Her novels are violent, raw,
sexual. Her words are rhythmic, like
the pounding of bare feet running in
the dirt.

In the first-person Corregidora,
she’s running from something
frightening and stifling—from a
man who’s trying to hold her back.
Her words are like the blues she

Gayle Jmes is one of America’s
newest, most talented young black
novelists. She writes of the black
woman’s heritage of sexual abuse
and search for love in a shocking,
emotionsplitting style. Her novels
are not “easy reading.”

And although Jones has developed
a national audience, those in her
home town, Lexington, know little of
her. They would not recognize the
shy and quiet girl from Henry Clay
High School in the women of her
novels, Corregidora and Eva’s Man.

The picture of Jones’ girlhood on
Florence Avenuein Lexington shows
a painfully timid girl who did little
but go back and forth between home
and school. She had few, if any
friends, and spent her days at home
in a (hrkened house.

“Gayle didn’t even know anything
about Lexington,” said Anna Dodd,
her high school teacher. “Her
parents used to keep the shades
pulled down all the time and the door
shut. It was like they were afraid of
everybody and everything.

“They were a country family and
were terrified of the city,” she said.

But Jones was a good student and
continued to write the thoughtful,
even painful stories she had been
writing since she was eight-years-
old. While she was working for
Henry Clay’s literary magazine, her
work came to the attention of Ms.

“I remember she used to show me
everything she wrote and I couldn’t
believe it had come from within

Group wants TM

Kernel Staff erer

While some practitioners of
transcendental meditation claim
TM is a way to achieve ”subtler
states of awareneu,” several in-
divichials arrl organizations across
the country are protesting its use in
public schods, claiming it is a
repackaged form of Hinduism.

One of these groups, Americans
United for Sqraration of Church and
State (AU), claims that first
amendment rights of churchstate
separation are being violated
through use of state and federal
funds ia- the thu religion in
schools unda- the gube of TM, ac-
ca-dirg to Edd Doerr, director of
communicatims for AU.

AU is a nonprofit orgarasation
created to stop attempts at
establish“ paroctdal practices in

public schools .along with other
church-state violations.

New Jersey court test

Doerr said in a telephone con-
vsation that the organization is
currently involved in litigation with
11 other plaintiffs in a New Jersey
federal district court.

The co-plaintiffs are asking for a
ruling to (htermine if a TM program
instituted there is unconstitutional.
They are also asking for repayment
of 340,0)0 in government funds spent
in the prqram.

Explaining AU’s position, Doerr
said that Hindus believe in one
alsdute being or a state of being—

This differs from Christian tenets
“which espouse a belief in a God
with definite attribubs such as a

penalty," said Gaston Cogdell,
presitbnt of the Cicninnah AU

cinpter in a telephone conversation.

her," she said. “One teacher always
gave her B’s because she thought
such words had to have been

“When I first saw Mutt I was
singing a song about a train tunnel.
About this train going in the tunnel,
but it didn’t seem like they was no
end to the tunnel, and nobody knew
when the train would get out. and
then all of a sudden the tunnel
tighted around the train like a fist.
Then I sang about this bird woman,
whose eyes were deep wells. How
she would take a man on a long
journey. but never return him.”


“I think its an explosion,” Ms.
Dodd said. ”It’s all been pent-up
inside of her and now she's letting
go. Not just about black women, but
all women"

Ms. Dodd told her friend Elizabeth
Hardwick, founder of the New York
Review, abort Jones, and Hardwick
helped her get a scholarship to

Connecticut College for Women. She
received her B .A. there and went on
to get a doctorate from Brown
University, Rhode Island. Now she
teaches black literature and
creative writing at the University of

Even after teaching for one year-
andone-half, Jones’ voice is still
halting a nd quiet over the phone. She
is reluctant to speak of her new
novel being published by Random
House, or to discuss her collection of
short stories to be released this

“I dm‘t have, um, anything
specifically planned for the future,
uh, I like teaching and...”


“I remember the first time i got a
letter from Gayle signed ‘Love’,"
Ms. Dodd said. “i remember
thinking what a big step it was for
her to express that much emotion

“Love and gratitude, that’s how
she signs them now."

out of schools

“They believe a human soul is a
part of Brahman and it derives
creativity and happiness from it,"
Doerr said. Man is cut off from
Brahman by illusion. The way to get
back in toudi with him is by
meditatim atleast twicea day for 20

“You clear your head by thinking
of a mantra (a thought repeated for
its sound value),” Doerr explained,
“arll mantras are Sanskrit words
for Hindu gods.” ‘

Religion won’t sell?

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, (TM‘s
leadirg proponent), simply sub-
stituted the word Being for Brah-
man. Doerr added, as a selling
technique. “If he passed‘l‘Moff as a
rellyon, it would never have sold.”

The procus by widch a neophyte
gets his mantra is “the same as
(worshipim in) the Hindu religion,"

of a picture of Guru Dev and his
teacher reads a prayer in Sandskrit
that is a Hihdu prayer.

“Guru Dev (a former master, now
dead) taught Maharishi how to
meditate," Doerr explained.

Continued on back page



There are “a few less than
I00” tickets remaining for
tonight‘s basketball game with
Missisippi State. according to
T. Lynn Williamson. assistant
dean of stdents.

Students with validated lD’s
may pick them up at the
Memorial Coliseum ticket office
between I and II am. today.
Any remaining tickets will be
«is mine public at ll. student
are limited ta sne ticket per













Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University‘

W Annual-mum

tit-I'M a“ u‘

amuse team can

ValerIlasaa when... Stunner-u
Alt-I‘- In“. M MW
MM Joll- ' Mallets

editfl‘ials 8’ CW rm-rs

wammumuumw.mmma&. some“
wammm.mumu¢.w-u M."




Council's decision
must reflect needs

The state’s higher education system is in


Administrators have seen the flow of precious
dollars cutback because of inflation and a new
state emphasis designed to upgrade a poorly-
rated secondary education system. These
changes have forced a reevaluation of the

higher education system.

Officials from the various state schools have
been forced into a fiercely competitive battle for
the dwindling state funds. UK, claiming that it is

Outside consultants, who were sought to study

state doctoral programs, concluded that the

state needed to preserve quality medical schools
at both UK and U of L. It’s hard to question the
desirability of keeping both programs strong,
but whether the state can or will allocate the
necessary funds is another question.

The committee will formally report its
recommendations in March and the full council
will make a final determination about the basic
science doctoral programs in April.


" H C" '4‘





the state university, and U of L, representing the
"urban center,” have been particularly com-

programs at both schools? Or would such a



pe titive.

Thelatest f rontfor this battle was in Frankfort
where a state Council on Public Higher
Education committee recommended retaining
basic science doctoral programs at the U of L
medical school. The “draft” recommendation
was in opposition to one proposed by the coun-

cil’s staff in January.

In an effort to avoid duplication of studies, the
council’s staff had recommended that the doc-
toral programs be shifted to the Albert B.
Chandler Medical Center. But that has been
reversed after arguments from U of L officials
and several reports suggesting that the U of L
medical school’s accreditation would be
jeopardized if the programs were removed.

system .


decision just serve to lower the quality of both
programs, given the shmtage of state funds?
These questions raised about the doctoral
programs are indicative of others, covering a
variety of programs, the council will face as part
of the reevaluation of the state higher education

The council is currently conducting a com-
prehensive study designed to stop duplication of
services and to set priorities among the separate

The success of these efforts will depend on how
well the council is able to balance what is
desirable with what is feasible given the shor-
tage of state funds.

University makes fortune
from parking ticket game

To everyone who’s ever received a
parking ticket: Last semester I had
my car towed by campus police
twice. TWICE! I don’t know how I
could have been that stupid, but I
was forced to park where I wasn’t
supposed to—in an “A” sticker lot.

I was so pissed that I decided to do
a little investigating into UK’s



parking problem. But I didn't get
around to it until I was administered
andher ticket two weeks later.

So I followed the generous police-
man back to the station. On the way
1 recorded him running two stop
signs and doing 35 in a 25 mph zone.
Nolie. l was right behind him!

At the station I finnagled my way
into the files office where a lovely
lady revealed some statistics to me
(not hers, the parking stats). It
seems we have 21 Keystone, excuse
me. campus cops on patrol duty.
There are 12 cars, roughly one for
every two cops, and two three-
wheelers which are specifically used
for sniffing out naughty parked cars.

But only eight patrolmen are


usually assigned to traffic during a
shift. That includes speeding,
wrecks, and red-light runners, too—
right? Well how come we never see
them enforcing those things, and
always see ’em slapping yellow
cards on cars.

Maybe they have contests to see
who can give the most in one day, or
maybe in one hour.

If they do get you, you’re five
bucks poorer. If you‘re already
broke and have three tickets or
more, they hand you another ticket
for being bad again, then they tow
your ass which sets you back eight
big ones. So if my math is right,
that’s up to $28 per tow. Cheeez,
what a hassle.

A little more prodding, and I
discovered that for the month of
September 1976, the Big Blue mean-
ies gave 2,967 tickets and whipped up
226tows. My head spins just thinking
of all the zeros in the money they
made. So I asked where all my bux
went—--into the University general
bucget. Somebody up there is rich,

Speaking of money, wanna know
how much everybody pays for those

nice little stickers? $36 for “A”; $24
for“B”; and $20 for “C”. Now guess
how many were SOLD: 3,036 “A”,
3,399 “B”, and 978 “C” stickers. And
the friggin system gets it all!

If you look around you’ll see not
too many parking facilities. With all
their money, maybe UK could dig a
hole or something for us to park in.
Butno, we just get the shaft.

By this time I was somewhat
disturbed so I barged on in to see the
big cheese, Chief what’s his name.
The only excuse he could come up
with was “Everything is scheduled
for a building, not parking.” Acute
observation. He did inform me,
though, that any and all unpaid
traffic violations are retained until
graduation. Just think, my Ford
can‘t pardon me.

Well, finally, I paid my fine and
asked the cop, satirically, how the
tows were going. He replied, “Pretty
good. Last night, the boys on night
shift must’ve got bored.” Honest
injun, the man said it.

h l h cunil rtain th d to 1 ‘WWW rim WOUU? nangb
Soud te o c e e ocra WWW/"603m? WNI fiwmm



The comment was submitted by
Hugh J. Findlay. a Journalism-
English sophomore.


Poor Ron Mitchell, you have only
one votehand a poison pen. Para-
noia! I guess the old adages still
aptly—“It takes one to recognize
one” or “Methinks thou dust protest
toomuch,” either of which would be

Were your toes stepped on a little
too heavily or do you have a large
markey on your back? One wouldn’t
insult the monkey. There must be
some personal vendetta to cause
anyone to exude so much venom.
With constructive criticism one
would be less likely to believe in
your familiarity with paranoia.

The radio station must have been
on very shaky ground for the most
junior person connected with the
demrtment to wreck all the havoc
youdescribe. Are you sure the whole
University is not crumbling with
Paranoia—YOURS !

J. Stevenson
Lexington resident


Upon reading Amster’s inarticu-
late critical review of Steve Zagor-
sri’s work in Tuesday’s (Feb. 22)
Kernel, I came to the conclusion that
“Andrew Amster” is just a pseu~
donym employed by the greatest
cartoonist who has ever existed.

Amster undoubtedly ranks with
the likes of a Hugh Haynie or a Herb
Block. However, since Amster is a
UK student, the organ most apt to
accept his work would be the student
newspaper, the Kernel.

Unfortunately, none of Amster’s
“illos”, a professional term consist-
eitly used by him, have graced the
pages of the Kernel as yet. ~

Perhaps then we would all be
enlightened as to the correct use of
aoss-hatchers, as well as, to a style
aritable for all junior cartoonists.

Mr. Amster is only one of many
individuals who feels it necessary to

023) a,
w H




(riticize rather than contribute.
Exhibiting little regard for others’
contributions, Amster has managed
to lambast Steve Zagorski, The
Kernel. Steve’s art teacher, and
Mndy Fetterman all in the same

I only hope that this flurry of
a'iticism is not the beginning of a
career of Mr. Amster, for I as a
student, and foremost, as a reader,
am offended by his malicious use of
a pen and his seemingly maladroit

As to Mr. Amster’s entertaining
fleas about malpractice suits, I
suggest that he read James Whist-

ler’s The Gentle Art of Making '


Possibly only then will he realize
that members of the Architectural
p‘ofession, to which Steve Zagorski
and I aspire to join, view art
somewhat differently. . , , ..

Furthermore, I find it extremely
amusing that Amster, the student,
would quote Kipling on art. Perhaps
after realizing that Kipling was a
literary artist, not a cartoonist,
Amster’s line of reasoning becomes
clear...like mud.

Jeff Kolpek
Architecture junior


heard that name before? If you
haven’t, it is certainly time you did.
If you have, it is time for you to hear
it again. Most importantly, it is now
time for everyone to know what
Terry Newman is doing.

Terry Newman is a candidate for
the office of Mayor of Lexington. In
case you didn’t catch that, I’ll repeat
it. Terry Newman is running for
Mayor of Lexington.

You thought there were only four
candidates for mayor? Well, now
you know better. You have now been
informed. Educated, if you will.

Terry Newman, in addition to
vying for the office of Mayor of

Lexington, is also a fellow student of
ours here at UK. You may now be
beginning to realize the importance
d knowing his name.

Terry Newman, a native Lexing-
tonian, aspires to be a voice for the
whole community of Lexington.
Thus, you probably can see what a'
unique opportunity we, his fellow
students, have before us to be heard.
in the hallowed halls of local

Therefore, I urge you not only to
become familar with Terry New-
mn's name and campaign but also
to pledge your support to him in this

Fellow students unite! Register to
vote if you haven’t already and then
vote for Terry Newman for Mayor of

Lee Trent
Social Work Grad student

Drinking laws

Recently I called Stingles to find
out what the minimum age is to get
in. They informed me it is 21 like
many other night spots with dancing
and live entertainment.

Being from the Chicago area, I
feel that these places could benefit
greatly by lowering the entrance age
to 19. I realize that 21 is the state
drinking law, but it is 21 also in
Illinois except for beer and wine.

The vast majority of disco’s in
Chicago admit 19 year olds but
stamp their hands as a signal to the
waitress that these people are to be
served non-alcoholic beverages. In
this way, the 19 and 20 year olds
aijoy the music and dancing, while
the business profits also.

I feel it is a shame that on a college
campus that a majority of under-
graduate students are not allowed to
participate in “Lexington After
Dark.” I believe some kind of
system, similar to Chicago’s' should

Cheryl Phoneson
Accounting freshman

Bicyclists have been reduced to a pitiful nonentity

John S. Taylor opened a can of worms



when he offered us suggestions for handling
traffic violators (hit, ram. attack ‘em; flip
‘em the bird).

A week later, Rich Macemon submitted
further advice (tire slashing, flattening;





horn tooting), claiming Taylor’s package
didn’t go far enough. In fact, Macemon went
so far as to include tips for handling errant

Unfortunately, Taylor’s and Macemon’s
comments perturbed a graduate counseling
student to the point of insisting that anyone
resorting to such uncivilized tactics make an

apprintment with the counselor of his or her
choice, post haste.

This recommendation was somewhat

Truly, Taylor and Macemon have pro-
vided us with quite workable alternatives in
the face of ineffective traffic laws. The
Taylor-Macemon Plan yields a sense of
extreme personal gratification when con-
fronted with moronic motorists, specifically
at the comer of Waller and Lime.

Yet, their strategy is not without flaws.
Macemon purports that “non~drivers” also
have rights, “especially concerning bicycl-
ists.” He suggests that should the bird prove
ineffective, the hapless pedestrian might
want to follow the directions of Teddy
Roosevelt (“...carry a big stick and use it”)

ican tell you that big sticks are not healthy

for bicyclists. Neither are pedestrians and
motorists, for that matter.

Bicyclists are a falsely maligned and a
grosly misunderstood aggregation of souls.
[org the target of verbal and physical
assault, they are considered neither pedestr-
ian nor vehicle. Bicyclists have been
refined to a pitiful nonentity by our

There is no place sacred to a cyclist. If he
ventures onto that most fearsome of places,
the street, he is met with massed gnashings
of teeth and clenchings of fits.

On a lucky day, the cyclist is able to secure
a space the width of his tire between the curb
and the storm sewer. On rainy days when the
curbs are flooded, the cyclist is forced to beg
for five inches of asphalt on which to get
from here to there, invariably slowing up
polluting traffic by as much as 10 seconds.

Motorists are basically evil. When a
person gets behind the wheel of an automo-
bile, an amazing metamorphosis takes
place. What once was a mild-mannered
certified public accountant, husband, and
father of 2.4 kids, is now a vicious, depraved
and demonic beast. His vehicle likewise
transforms into a chartreuse Batmobile,
possessed with an incredible lust for space,
speed and green lights.

The consequence of this change is terrible
to behold. So great is the infinite power of

Metropolitan Police Department cannot
contain it.

It requires remarkable courage for the
bicyclist‘to tread where the motorist stalks.
Even serious cyclists (the ones with helmets
and water bottles) approach the street with
extreme fear and trepidation. A common
safety precaution is to edge ahead of the
pack two to three seconds prior to a changing
red light. This ensures the rider of several
seconds to safely regain his balance and to
reoocupy his place between the sewer and

Predictably, the Metro Police Depart-
ment, confident is their ability to overcome
and wrestle to the ground any unsuspecting
cyclist, issues a citation for a "moving
violation." Yes, Virginia, the system works.

The cyclist is not safe on the streets. Yet,
neither are sidewalks a haven. One of the
worst enemies confronted by a cyclist is a
little old lady wielding an umbrella.

Second are groups walking five abreast
from the Chem-Physics Building to the
Stubnt Center. Third are those pedestrians

who look in every direction except in the
direction they’re going.

Other assorted dangers include pot holes,
dogs, kids, nails, LexTran, stones, Fontaine
Roadand trains.

The prevailing philosophy today appears
to be that of “What’s sauce for the goose is
sauce for the gander." So it seems to reason
that as long as pedestrians continue to
jaywalk and take foolish chances, as long as
motorists continue to run red lights, speed
and harass non-drivers, and as long as those
in the position to correct traffic problems
continually ignore said problems, then
bicyclists, too, will look out for themselves
the best way possible. They will not stand,
however, for being labeled by motorists and
pedestrians as the cause of these problems.

And if anyone reads these comments with
anything more than a grain of salt, please
make an appointment with the counselor of
your choice, post haste.


Barbara lleuts is a Communications
graduate. ller celana appears every


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Running out

Udall seeks new energy attitude

Kernel Reporter

Former Interior Secretary
Stewart Udall, speaking
Friday night at a UK en-
vironmental conference,
predicted another natural gas
shortage and a need for
“basic structural changes in
American life”.

Udall, for eight years
secretary of the interior
under Presidents Kennedy

and Johnson, told a SC,

Ballroom audience that “coal
is now the ace in the hole in
this country,” and that while
Kentucky’s coal industry
would boom, “do we have to
make a mess out of the lan-

The 56-year-old Udall
predicted President Carter
would sign a strip mining
regulation bill in May or
June, but warned, “every law
is only as good as its en-

The US. has only “16 to 20”
years worth of gas and oil

reserves ldt, Udall said. “In
this transition period we need
to use new values and
methods, need to change our
attitudes arrl our lives to save

“I may be sticking my neck
out but I think we’ll have a
gas shortage within three or
four years,” he said. “The
next epimde of the energy
crisis will be when the
secretary of the treasury
gives the President the bill
for imputed oil," and it‘s too
high to pay.

Gas ratiaring would be the
result of that situation since
there are no good substitutes
for oil and gas that wouldn’t
cost four or five times as
much to produce, according
to Udall.

“Thirty years ago we
pretended we were so smart
we could manipulate the
environment. But what we
called technology was cheap
petroleim,” Udall said.

Calling for the country to
“stop and take a fresh look at




...predicts another gas

everything,” Udall said,
“we’re going to have to make
cities work (en-


“Basically, we
overestimated and over


Udali’s appearance was
sponsored by the SCB,
Kentucky Association for
Environmental Education,
Kentucky Department of
Education and the Kentucky
Humanities Council.

Mine study lab to open

Kernel Staff Writer

The Institute for Mining
and Mineral Research will
expand its energy research
program to a new laboratory
at UK’s Spirrdletop Farm the
first d April.

The institute has been a
leader in researching
methods of converting coal to
alternative fuels, according
to James E. Funk, program

Gas and oil will remain our
main energy sources for the
next few years, he explained.
“’lhere is no way we can
change our energy delivery
system in the near future.

“But I think there will be a
big demand for coal,” which
will be the least expensive
energy source in about five
years,” he added.

The Kentucky Center for
Energy Research (KCER) is
providing the funds for the
new laboratory, and the in-

stitute is responsible for the

The institute is currently
researching 70 programs,
according to Funk. These
include research into
changing coal into crude oil
and pipelinequality gas as
well as land reclamation and
uses of solar and nuclear

The program began in 1972
with a funding of $200,000,

Funk said Since then it has
grown to $4 million.

Energy research could
mean an improved economic
condition for Kentucky, he
said. Researchers are now
looking for ways to “add
value to the coal before it
leaves the state, such as
converting it to clear liquid or
upgrading i ,” he explained.

“That is what we have to do
(to provide jobsl—not just

take it out of the ground.”_

ROTC Week begins

Army Reserve Officer
Training Corps (ROTC