xt7d251fn33f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d251fn33f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1990 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1990 Vol.61 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 1990 Vol.61 No.12 1990 1990 2019 true xt7d251fn33f section xt7d251fn33f , e . . I _ . . . ,, , - . . A . ,
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i @omcus 1 newspaper I momma .
his; gum. or KENTUCKY amazes .
Tress ’  
w- .cral Publication of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce - Vol. 61, No. 12 - December 1990
l J . 3 in circulation, advertismg' management :55: . _ ' :3 jg:f'jiisifig:;s§?:iz£2:5:::;5%I::5:I?55=55155'=:»‘;i523i1“its?5323:3511?‘-:~'.:'iii-31:6ei-‘=‘=is.*32:‘5';‘sisii-?:::*E=i:2"i.:::-:'i i:“*:':‘:3* -i :- .' ' ‘ . . :1
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~ , rksho p c01nc1des Conventinmvesuaweek .
”H" ‘W‘J‘V‘V'Arewspaper consultant Gene A member of the National r’l / [q 1nk.mark}anuary17-19'Ihoseare
Chamberlin is scheduled to present an Newspapers Association education \ thenewdatesfortheannualconven
all-day workshop for publishers, ad- committee, the consultant has reported 2;; il/pn'lhelocahonstaysthesameme
vertising personnel and circulation for, edited, managed, published and 3f anottResortmLexmgton 5,35.
managers onJan. 17, the opening day of owned papers in Iowa and South Da- 35?: . Imgerawhileforasum—
the KPA Winter Convention and Trade kota. ‘ W maryof what’splannedAmore,
Show. Chamberlin says the first part :25 W °°mpletemd°wn°fmec°mn
of the workshop will focus on circula- ”°“W‘“3PP9“‘“*heJa““ari/edl
wet/H, See Winter WorkshOP, back Page — 3%uonotTheKentuckyPress
”l” “6,22%”, SChEduledfmpndayarePresenmmmbymmmeymmcmem
”e” W spseidhgonlegahoesmadveshsmaPosiolServiceexpertMaHeathen '
oasis: Ciriiifli‘fiiinam’iiiidiihnsri'iitei‘ifamine"reporterBelindaMelee““dind‘im'i‘i‘”ms
o Local reporter veemdeeevehngAIDSssuesCongressmanryHopkmsandhseiop
' "9 "’jflaz/fl . ; ‘mil'itary commandersonz the military crisis andthe effects of federal military
,, ,_ , , . .- e we. ' Amranflewchakermno W ’ I’mrdaaad: ,_. ~ :
~ '- . " gewfumnd * mneowmammm%esonmmom%om%
x a... , VleW 0f MldeaSt anmdsesgreporeymiok‘iehmarMmstwniumosm
, of: m°“*h‘~‘am"-d “”50“”? United States Theamualawardsbanquehsmdaymghtand‘ihechangmgofihe ,
”W "o neiiiaohuiidupinSaudiArabiawitha gsardiuhcheonissmsdaynoohTheAsseoatessrehargemmgforaveiy
“i local flavor SPF-malaria“andacoupleefethersurpnsesmmtheworks
' , , Va The N ewe-Enterprise in “wonflieagendaareabwdmeeflngmmdayefemoa
‘ '1 3% Elizabethtown sent reporter/Photos fellewedbymeetings0ffheAdverhsmgandNeWSeEdflmaldmem
, :31:le _,- I g? , ‘ fig; rapher Terry Boyd t0 the Middle East '155352;???23:2553$?ErE5:121,3325?:'=E?5555E53255;?E§E5E§E35E'3555§3§-§3E35335???I§§52§E335353535£S§Ei§E§€553EE:iIEE5Eif51532E?£333:533:9?S;ii:E35335523E5EI5233if;2335gEgEi:i2§EiE5E:EiE?iE3Z33253333255525:E5£3533:25?;iisEiififiiizfiil-IL:I;..:_:3{53V."::E'E:;;'1:§iJ.§E;:§35_I;.j;5:iv.-E,IfI'.:.-3_Z5E'5'
Wfii’ , ‘ig wag fora three-day tour in early November.
. Boyd traveled with the 530th Mainte-
Gene Whe‘lm nameCompanyoomeortxnoxeemg 3 KPA papers have new owners _
Chamberlin’s presentation, to know the local troops and taking
covering the financial end of the news- pictures of their involvement in Opera- Papers in Bell, Harlan and papers about two years ago. ‘
paper bUSineSSz Will be 9 a.m.-4:30 pm. tion Desert Shield. Martin countieschanged ownership last Economic factors were cited in
at the Marriott Resort in Lexington. See Local reporter, back page —— month, and one changed its name. the NYT sale, according to an article in i
An Illinois-based company with the Harlan paper. At a meeting with the .
. . ties abroad has purchased two KPA- HarlanstaffonNov.5,]ohnR.Harrison, ‘
Open meetings debate membersesssdiedieiesseesepe seeded ii she did Reside News
from The New York Times Co. paper Group, is quoted as saying,
The Harlan Daily Enterprise, The “Aboutayear ago, the board of directors
ex ecte d to heat 11 Daily News in Middlesboro and The said we should lookatour small papers
P P Claiborne Progress in Tazewell, Tenn., that, in the future, we may not get the
were picked up by American Publishing return on investment we want.
After KPA got its offense to the signed up to tesfifybefore the legislative Co. ofWest Frankfort, Ill.,in November. ”You have done the very best
line in November, the defense is group in December, according to Scott The Illinois company is a subsidiary of YOU C0111d do,over that WhiCh you C0U1d
readying for a powerful contest at the Varland of the Legislative Research Hollinger Inc. in Toronto, which re- control, and for that, we are eternally
Dec. 13 meeting of the Task Force on Commission, whichcoordinatesthetask portedly is affiliated with the Sterling grateful,” Harrison told the employees.
Open Meetings and Records. force. group in England. ”The economy is something you can’t
Attorney Jon Fleischaker, on Scheduled to appear are Tony TheMartinCountianandMercury control.” .
behalf of KPA, presented recommen- Sholar of the Kentucky Chamber of in Inez was recently bought by local Ewell H. Balltrip, publisher of
dations on new open meetings legisla— Commerce; Bill Thielen, Kentucky businesspersons,LisaStaytonand Mark both the Middlesboro and Harlan pa-
tionatthe task force’sNov.8meeting in LeagueofCities;JohnRunda, Kentucky Grayson,whohavechanged thepaper’s pers, has transferred to an NYT Co. ;
Frankfort. The proposed draft was well Parole Board; Col. Earl Pruitt, Kentucky name to TheMountain Citizen. The former paper in Dyersburg, Tenn. Balltrip, who
received bythecommittee,butthestage Voice for Crime Victims; Paul Isaacs, owner,MartinCountyNewspapersInc., had been associated with the Harlan
was set for rebuttal. Department of Public Advocacy, and a division of Smith Newspapers, had paper for 22 years, was feted with a
Six agency representativeshave See Open meetings, back page—'— PurChased and merged two competing See 3 papers sold, back page —————

 , \ ,, A 1‘ , V p . _ J \ a q ' _ ‘_ ‘ R , _» ‘7 . . ‘ “122“,: ._‘.
__. . ‘Pagez -. . . ‘_,- .. , .. , ., ”r
S ' . t h t ' th N B t 7 '"‘i'35-‘51-v'i2'3i5133."1212.5;-1¥¥éi1:713:33 ..f.::.1'ff':-' aIff.12"z:2:35iii-£21133?1153":-. I,
o 0 0, ms w a s e. ews ureau up 0 . TheKentucky ;
Since its inception in early ‘ Division of Aging: presenta- *Spoke about News Bureau to 1:32.: “5:33;: ‘

, . September, “1er A News Bureau has tion covered for one Paper. . v Western Kentucky Press Association. Press31.13;};fl; ,
eXPerienced steady growth, measured . . LngSIafi“? ““93“" CW" “SPORE adeeanng With‘he 453?}???is"??? 3.*‘é‘?ji}ji*'..;?1:i:f:;%¥i2.252%fails-232.?53:51*iiiz::;i;;5;:;:.335” ‘
in awareness and requests for service. missmn: information obtained for two media to state Convention of Farmers ' ' ’ " ' l :
To kee on u ated, what follows is a papers. ' . Home Administration and to Kentucky . '
summit; of thRedways in which the bu- _ .LRC mgr?“ Rev1ew and in- Housing Corporation convention. 2:33:2er ' I
reau has assisted member papers, cat- vestigation Committee: comparative *Represented KPA at two David Hawpe, Louisville Courier-Journal l
egorized by agency involved, and the information obtained on open parole meetings of First Amendment Alliance. President-Elect '
number of papers using the service. board hearings, covered hearing. ' *Edited four issues of The Ken- Celia McDonald . . I

Division of Waste Manage- _ . Attorney General: copiesoffive tucky Press. (including this one). LaRue County Herald News ~ C
' ment: records reviewed on 10 separate opinions obtained fer one paper. . Papers requesting information Vice PVESIdeM / e
occasions, for four different papers. _ Workman 5 Compensation: or assistance from the News Bureau: “613W '3chde t Messen er _
Division of Air Quality: files reViewed for one paper. . Pulaski Week, CarlisleMercury,Maysville Trilveuerer voca e g ' (
records reviewed once for one paper. Board of Medical Licensure: Ledger-Independent, Manchester Enter— J er L I es Benton Tribune Courier ‘ P
Division of Water: records re list of actions taken distributed to 10 prise/Headline News, Harlan Enterprise, ~ Pa 3 P¥e sioent P
viewed three times, for two different Papers- Floyd County Times, Paducah Sun, Ken- Larry Craig, Green River Republican "
-. - papers. Govemor's office:interference tucky Post, Union County Advocate, “
Public Service Commission: run for one paper. ’ _ Somerset Commonwealth-journal, Iessa- Board of Directors " . rr
. recOrdsreviewe'd twiceand one hearing Archives: court records on Old mine Journal, Bourbon Times, Benton DiSU’iGt 1 _ ' 1 . . 8‘
attended, for two papers. case obtained for one paper. _ Tribune-Courier, Citizen Voice ,5. Times, Jerry-Lyles, Benton Tribune Courier P 51
Registry of Election Finance: _ . Secretary Of State: corporation London Sentinel-Echo, Grant County 3'33“? 2h D S , ' P SS ‘ I“
_ information requested 11 times, 10 pa- filings obtained for one paper. News, Kentucky Standard, Breckinridge District“: am, awson pnngs rogre ‘ 5‘
pers requesting. . LRC T35k Force on Open County Herald-News, Falmouth Outlook, Teresa R evlett, McLean County News ‘
Franklin Circuit Court: files Meetings and Open Records: two CentralCityTimes-Argus,MoreheadNews, District 4 . re
. reviewed tWiCP—z one hearing covered, meetings c0vered, releases on each Bourbon County Citizen, Madisonville Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite :
two papers requesting. written for all papers. ' Messenger, Casey County News, Fulton District 5 ' , pr

- CabinetforHumanResources: Parole Board: system 0f dis— Leader, Providence journal-Enterprise, Coleman Love l {93
mental health agency report obtained, Sennnaong. information initiated, one Oldham Era, Russellville News—Demo- Elizabethtown News Enterprise I . C“
information requestEd on medical in_ Cllglblllty llSt and one set Of minutes crat’ Owensboro Messengef.1nquirerl Dlstrlct 6 l Ia]
cinerator; one paper requesting both. sent to all papers; second eligibility list Livingston Ledger, Elizabethtown News- Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era : an

Transportation Cabinet: senttoall who requested (37 papers). Enterprise, McCreary County Record, EisutrictWT . k G H t' Co n N we 1 0f
. records sought twice; report sent to all . EducationDepartment: pre- Murray Ledger 8 Times, Ashland Daily Bigot :rmc ' a a m u, ty 9 g the
papers, with additional requests from sentation pictures taken for one paper. Independent, Paintsville Herald, Owen Gary Quinn p . Vl(
five papers. ‘ f ' ‘- ' " Qwerig I" .' .' " County Naos—Herald,Lewis County Her- r-Maysville'Ledger independent ‘ C0]
- ' ‘ ‘ spearheaded reactivation of ald, Hazard Herald—Voice, Iackson County District 9 . ' f—
' News Efifigalglivéeion- hi a1 f'l f Sun,Mt. SterlingAdvocate, Glasgow Daily Ken Metz, Bath County News Outlook ' I
' ‘ ' ' at iograp c 1 e 0 Times, OhioCoun Messen er GreenRiver DiSfl’iCt 10-11 , _
0131.333? $33333 “Amembe‘mmeL Rmbmn,m‘zc....§gmm. rat's-rt. .. ‘3
re _____________________________—_— s an my n epen en .
Landmark Community ’ . District 12 ' .
Newspapers 1..., headquartered in What's hot on the H otlme ? 50:59 Harmakg 1.. E t . l?
‘ fgigmilfifijggggmgmhm . Some folks have expressed in- _ “Ordinance review, Richde Daistlizp 13"“95 eattyvr e n erprise wo
The brochure presents infor- terest in the types». of questions that Register. “Subpoena to reporter for GP”? Gray, Manchester Enterprise of
tionono rtunities forminori ties newspaper people ask on KPA 3 Free- school panel hearing, Pioneer News, District .14 . . 5 me
. inaliandmaflfoo rations and intro- dom of Information Hotline. As one Shepherdsvflle. “ReView of column, Stuart Simpson, Pulaski Week
d th pe 12_ “ th ._ newsman put it, ”I’d just like to know if Appalachian News—Express, Pikeville. PIStflCt 15A . , to
uces . e company’s mon ml I’m off the wall with my calls.” ”Mediation records, Oldham Era, J'In Green. Lexmgton Herald-Leader ‘ im
nority 1T5??? proglram.f th'nk Thus, The Kentucky Press pre-- LaGrange. “Lottery ads, Franklin Fa- g'flrAthlslg 9 ho
we can rep: rt actrgfitifiiilalwseocilety sents,withthisissue,asummaryofcalls vorite. ”Use of citizen, Cynthiana leiienatlfice and Times, Irvine .' th
through White eyes only ,, sa 5 Chair— from the latest tabulations prOVided by Democrat. *fPrinting name of minor sex State-At-Large . .
man Frank Batten in his rmeissage in Wyatt,TarrantandCombsinLouiSVille, abuse Victim, Commonwealth—Iournal, Steve Lowery ‘ bi 5
the brochure. "To do our job well we whose attorneys field the hotline ques- eomerset. “Closed school board .meet- Kentucky Standafd, Bardstown . 011
need reporting and editing staffs rep- tions. What follows is the summary for mg, Lebanon Enterprise. “Identifying ad Associates Division w
‘ resenting the broadest possible range September and August. . . sponsor, PioneerNews. “Embezzlement Ralph Derickson pr
’ of social and cultural backgrounds “Issue oriented advertising by school board member, Kentucky galveffifll’ Ofg?r[tl{0ky
The nation and our communities are requirements, Messenger—Inquirer, Standard, Bardstown. Larvegtzwgrt 'V's'on i ar-
growing more div er se- newspapers Owensboro. "Court .closmg, Western . “ReView of story on condem- Louréville Courier-Journal ' r
must do the same.” ’ Kentucky. Universrty newspaper. nation proceedings, Commonwealth-
Addressing the company's “District court clerk records access, Iournal. MEyesore of the month photos, KPA/KPS Central Office : loc
commitment to assisting minorities Sentinel-Echo, London. ”Board of Anderson News, Lawrenceburg. MAc- David T. Thompson, Executive Director 1'
in the newsroom Batten writes ,, trustees meeting access, WKU newspa- cess to ambulance run records, Central Bonnie Howard, Business Manager , 1f
hi ringi s only thebeginning Together per. “Quorum requirement, Iackson Record, Lancaster. “Employer reso'ic- Gloria Dav_is, Advertising Director la
we must create a commitment to County Sun. "Quoting source, Central tion of employee political actiVity, Reba Lewrs, Administrative Assrstant
succeed. We must help those we hire Kentucky News-Journal, Campbellsville. Lebanon Enterprise. “Faculty Senate BUfiY JOhHSON. B°°kkefaplflg Assrstant r .
. to succeed as others have helped us “Private investigator ad, Daily meeting, Messenger-Inquirer. “District _ :ue gimmlacthecegtiomst D' t r pr
to succeed” Independent, Ashland. “Political issues court docket access, Troublesome Creek am '”9 9" 9W5 ureau "9° 0
The brochure was the idea of ad, Messenger-Inquirer. “Ad against car Times, Hindman. “Reasonable rates, The Kentucky Press assmaozsoszo is published ho
minority staffers of The Virginian—Pi— dealership,- Crittenden Press, Marion. Bourbon Times. Egflfi‘lle 531cc: fzigggg finish am .
' lot/ledger-Star Bob Villanueva of The “Examination 0f 13"}th records, Rwh- . If KPA members have legal Subscripfion price is“ Per year- Posmasifi Sen;
News—Enterprise staff in Elizabeth— mondRegister.“Printingofincestcharge, questions concerning reporting the changeofaddressto'l'heKentuckyPrees,332Capit01 a -
" town is among those 5 tli ht ed in Cadiz Record. “Closed meeting over news, advertismg or newspaper opera- Avenue/F’mk‘m 103“ka 40601,(502)223—8821. en
, ‘ the brochure p0 g resignationof city attorney, Daily News, tion, the F01 Hotline is there. Ca11502/ _ ,
1 ' .z- 5.2-; '.- : * BbWIing Green: 5 ' .. ‘ " ' ‘ ‘ " 589-5235. ;
. < a ‘ ,..~ '7 , - . h . ~_ . . , _ » _ .17 x“a\_\ w. x as. *,\\‘;’s\\r“,‘\".x\\ u\’; x' ' \_» xx * ”N. \A_ », * .. -‘.' ,— :1, ,

 . ‘ r . I 1 v I . , . , , , . _ .-.
————-,’-—————-——-———.——-—————— —-—————-—-—-—-———-—-———- ___—___” Page 3
Y News-Ed dwismn revs up .n to .. _ . ~
Russ Powell was selected to Members plan to call or visit V . i
_~ chair the steering committee of the re- newspeople in their areas to research «g:ggfrdfiszfiflgeflwaomAOam.110 calm“ A?” i
' edKPA News-Editorial Division to ics and su ested times. -‘ oesosedforholithys ' ‘ : .

‘ ““7““ , . . P 3g . . ?]@¢.5‘3;2?.C‘.t}5§‘?1M¢m.Editor?(metrflzoomrIflumfilfimfiflih“i. . -

“mg the g’°“PSN°V- 16 meehngm TheP’°P°5a“5‘°bed'afl'~"?m ~1an85pemISesswntxenmckycennmsemblypens ‘

Bardstown. Powell is editor of The alate December/earlylanuary meeting _Jan7.11weboffseg0thon'ANpA’ RestomVA.(7u3l648-1319)

Daily Independent in Ashland- and Presented to the KPA Ward at its “Jam13-13EdiflnsweeklflcCommunflyNeWSPaPerMUM/6206611)?
ouma' As chairman, he will serve asa lan.17meefingin Lexington-Ageneral ~JanIa-wNewspapemosnssnph”Puma/6206611)

of directors, representing the news and sonnel is planned for Thursday after- LexmgtonMafiottResort. iii, 11

Chaney, publisher/ editor of The Committee members agreed ~1an28~FebtNeWSpaperQualityContruLANPA(703/648~1319)f

Paintsville Herald. She will serve as the thatayear-long schedule of programs is -Janail-Feb2HumanResourcesConference,ANPA(703/648-1319)

ier a program chairperson and will draft a needed'so that publishers and editors .V. . .. _. .. . . . . V V . . .. . ., . ..
mission statement for the division. can budget and plan more effectively. ~ ;-; g , ,, '* ..
can * Othersattending thecommittee Charged with suggesting a f r V' '_ g 5 Items
meeting W er e John N €150“, publisher/ speaker/topic for a SESSiOD 0f the win- -1 ,:.: . . :1; ..v..-.v.g:;;;-:.¢;;--‘:::I. '...-:-::.;.::.1.::.._,::::;._ .-:;E_. €55;..,;S§.'_,_.;:, a};i314;S;Eg§;.§:::;fi:-;.I;;:§I:E;:-:;;§.;E¢E-Eg5.:';:';535'.;:;.1:33;:25Silt:$535:-.VE-.:::i:E;:';Z-:»::_:;.;:'. ,-r:;....l,s-E» "
editor of Pulaski Week in Somerset; Ben ter convention, the committee readily 5ND dues rise Tribune has been elected president of
.ier Sheroan, city editor of the Messenger- decided on the new Commissioner of Membership in the Society of the Society of Newspaper Design for
‘ Inquirer in Owensboro; Steve Lowery, Education, Dr. Thomas Boysen. The Newspaper Design will rise for most 1991. Other new officers are C. Randy
‘rogress ‘ publisher of The Kentucky Standard in suggestionwaspassedtoKPAExecutive members come Ian. 1.Students,educa- Stano of the Miami Herald, first vice

Bardstown, and KPA News Bureau di- Director David Thompson who agreed tors and smaller papers, however, will president; Nancy Tobin, SUNY-Buffalo,

News rector Pam Shingler. to try to schedule the new administra- be spared. The new dues schedule is: second vice president; George Bengal
_ While the Fridaysession served tor. professionals (circulation 30,000—over, Fort Lauderdale Sun—Sentinel, trea-
’”t° primarilyasaforumto discussdirection The committee also discussed a $65 for one year or $120 for two years; surer, and Deborah Withey, Detroit Free
' for the division, the committee did de-v unified effort for papers to observe the professionals (29,999-under) and edu- P7853, secretary. '
‘ cide to deviseaformal proposal by mid- bicentennial of the Bill of Rights in De- cators,$55 oneyear, $100two years; and Recycling as a promotion
' January that outlines training programs cember 1991. One suggestion was for a full-time students, $35 one year,$65 two At least two companies are
L and seminars, set up regionally, for all tabloid insertfor all papers, tobesold by years. Executive director Ray Chattman manufacturingbins thatnewspaperscan

of 1991. The proposal will also include Kentucky Press Service. urges renewal now to ”lock in at the old give or sell to subscribers to store old
News the mission statement, proposed ser-' The group expressed the need rates.” , newspapers for recycling. According to ‘

vices, and suggestions for summer to establish closer ties to collegiate jour— More on 5ND the New England Newspaper Associa-

convention speakers. nalism programs lacquelineCombsoftheChicago tion, Display Racks Incu BOX 2427.

.11 —————————:—1;1——-—————————————-——-———————— witerbtili‘ry, CST-067231,,pll‘0dutftes a ogre
‘ , rac wr anews a so 0 orun er
Recycling on the news p age 5 .1. (same...
shipping and a one-time set-up charge
. , _ _ _ for the logo.
.While newspapers have a +I—lOW-to guides on recycling dollars, 'enwronrnental damage, harm Awoodenrecyclingbox, called
vested interest in recycled newsprint, household items, composting for yards to Wildlife, recycling value). . the Sta ckpa ck er, is made by Sebago
”prise . the case can be made that. the whole and gardens, energy conservation. +Civ1c and other community Woodcrafters, Box 194, Bu ckfi el d, ME
world has a vested interest in any type +How local utilities promote groups that have adopted the env1ron- 04220, made of pine with logos
prise of recycling that can save the environ- conservation. ment/ recycling as a project. . silkscreened, it sells for $15 (100 mini-
ment. . . +hocal goyernments that are . +Roundtable on solutions. to mum).NEN A says theM ai ne-produ ced
; The news desk isa good place involved in recycling proiects or are env1ronmental problems, mvolvmg boxhasbeen ahotseller for the Hartford
to start informing readers about the considering them. elected officials and civic leaders. Courant

-eader importance of recycling and explaining +A recycling expert who +Comparisons of common Minorit ad vi d

how to do it. Here are some story ideas "preaches’.’ to local gmups. practices and environmentally sound y _ eo .

that might apply to your area. +An elderly person who grew practices in everyday life. . A Videotape, deSigned to pro-
e +People in your area who are up when most things were recycled in +Sponsoring ofa ”Friend of the We state—of-the art “gwsPaPer adver-
v big-scale recyclers, either for profit or one way or another. Earth” award on aregular basis in your hsfng training for nunority students,
m out of concern for the environment — . +Funding sourcestoencourage community, with photograph and ar- Willsoonbeavailablefromlntemational

whys, advantages, disadvantages, recycling. tide. NewspaperAdvertismg and Marketing -

problems. +Whatlocalhospitalsaredoing . +Recycling tips used as fillers Exemhves' The h°w't° 9“?“an
+Stateagenciesinyourareathat to promote recycling and a safe envi- The state’s Cabinet for Natural focuses on Howard umveTSItY'S "f"

are participating in the state’s efforts to ronment. , Resources and Environmental Protec- nonty newspaper ad program and W1“

recycle. +A ”person on the street” sur- tionhasawealthofmaterialonrecycling be released by INAME at Its annual

+Anon-the-spotreportfromthe veyofrecycling/environmentattitudes. and environmental tips. Most public sales conference m January. For infor-

local landfill pointing out what can be +How to recycle Christmas libraries have books on how to recycle Zashfslgzconmd Christine Sabo at 703/
we Director recycled, what the difference would be trees. practically everything, and most local ' '
anager if more people recycled, effect on life of +"Day in the life of” a local colleges have scxentists who can serve INAME “t5 conference _
actor landfill garbage/satiation worker, what kind as resources, as can agricultural exten- .NeWSPaPer advertlsmg and
Assistant +How retailers are promoting of recyclables lie/she picks up, attitude sion personnel. “MEWS Personne1 W1“ gather m :
i Assistant recycled and environmentally safe changes. Washington, DC, Jan. 20-23, for the
: products(fastfoodoutlets,inparticular). 4.th do with automobiles W- INAME annual sales conference.
Director +Withhelp fromthepostoffice, and their appendages: tires, batteries, womaspmv ”Newspapers: The Be“ Way to Close a
udarrranfigon, mailing lists to save paper. +Lifeand safetyof lakes, rivers, ': , mac-3305mm?“ Egoadmcragggi M£c and
mailingo ces. +SChOOlS 01' teachers in your streams in our area, how to clean them .3 f ,1 . '.:Z"*'"E:"> ' -:§'v:'::‘::E-.'t.:l:-:- 5T3 acmg news—
mtzfldam area who are promoting recycling and up. y 'g Cmficwnm.‘ mtdoddlm.m77906 53.; paperindustiyfirstLady Barbara Bush
,(502)223-8821.l environmental protection. +Unsightliness and cost of cmnmmryumsunxsmoir and Bureau 9‘ the Census dum’ D’-

+Local Water Watch groups. highway litter (pick up crews, tourism ~ ".3 -- . 2; ;. : - Barri? Eventt Bryantareamong guest
‘ ~ , ' W spe 5-. .,. .. ,,..

 KPA draft for House Bill 361 0 en Meetin s of Publ' '
-- p g 1c Agenc1es ‘
. Following is the text of the legis- g4) ”Member” means-a member of (8) Committeesof the General As- bers of the governing body of the public
lotion KP A has recommended to the Task the govemlng body of the public agency and sembly other than standing committees. . agency by delivering personally or by mail l
Forceon Open Meetings and Open Records. do not include employees or licensees of the . (9) Deliberatlons of QtlaSk-luddCIal written notice to each member of the public :
. . . . . _ . agency. bodies regarding 1nd1v1dual adjudications, agency and to each «locuinewspaper of gen- 3
lflmlerllmng mdlcafes new matmal’ “lik— (The new definition of “member” is at which neither the firson involved, its eral circulation, each news service and each -i 1)
mg Indicates material deletedfrom previous designated to avoid the argument made by some representatives nor any other individual not lees-l radio or television station which has on i y
bill. Explanations “We” in itahcs- licensing boards that disciplinary hearings re- a member of the agency 5 govemingbodyor file with'the public agency a written request 7
garding licensees may be closed under existing staff is present, but not including any to be notified of special meetings. Sid Ih_e l CO‘
Section 1. KRS 61.805 is amended law.) WW notice of a special meeting must sigh be Th
to read as follows: (This language replaces the ”quasi— delivered personally or by mail at least : Fl‘
Y As used in KRS 61.805 to 61.850 KRS 61.810 is amended to read as judicial body” exception in the existing version twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time of '3 till
unless the context otherwise requires: follows: of KRS 61.805 (2). It would allow closed delib- suehth_e meeting as specified in the notice. If 3 kn
(1) “Meeting” meansall gatherings All meetings of a quorum of the crations following open sessions of various bod- time does not permit giving twenty-four ; de
of every kind, regardless of where the members of any public agency, and any ies, including licensing boards, human rights (24) hour notice, their notice that is reason- . é
meeting is held, and whether regular or W commissions and others. Planning and zoning able under existing circumstances and is ou
Special and informational or casual gather- mwem commissions, some of which currently close their calculated to inform the public shallbe given l N,
ings hEld in anticipation Of or in conjunction WWW—0% deliberations, are speczfically prohibited from to the news media and the public. Tm f Be
with a regular or special meeting. ; section, at which any public business is relying on this exception.) shall specify the time and place of the special
. (2) ”Public agency’ ’ means evel_'y discussed or at which any action is taken by ‘ meeting and shall include an agenda for the un
state or local board, commission and au— th_e 311th agency, Sill a-redecla-red-to-be (10) Meetingswhich federalorstate sgcial meeting. Discussions and action at 1 .
thority‘, every state orlocal legislative board, PilbliC meetingsl open to the PUbllC at all law specifically require to be conducted in the meeting shall be limited to items listed . mi
g commission and committee, including any times, except for the following: privacy. on that agenda. of
W31 (The new language is intended to (11) Meetings which the constitu- ("Logar’ has been Stmckm two places, ' f pli
Wig; prevent the common practice of routinely tion provides shall be held in secret. requiring agencies to give notice to any newspa- i ofj
" board, special district board, municipal cor- scheduling a series of meetings of less than a per, radio or television station which has madca H,
' poration', and any board, department, com- quorum to avoid the requirement of openness.) Section 3. KRS 61.815 is amended written request for notice. The additional lan— {
mission, committee, subcommittee, ad hoc to read as follows: guage limits discussions at special meetings to 7'. sta
; committee, advisogy committee, council or (1) Deliberation for decisions ofthe Except those public agencies ex- specific items included on a written agenda.) 3‘ .
‘ WW Kentucky parole board. cluded under KRS 61.810(2), (3), (5) but only 3 c0.
ies‘, any corporation or other entity which is (This section would be deleted so that ‘ so far as it relates to students, KRS 61.810(6), (2) The notice provided for in sub- i 5y:
controlled bya public agengy or uses public all meetings of the parole board would be open.) (7), (8), (9), (10) and (11), the following re- section (1) of this section is not required in § d“
fundsto cagyoutatraditional governmental quirements shall be met as a condition for the event that a special meeting is called to 3
function but not including entities which (1) Deliberations on the future ac- conducting closed sessions authorized by deal with an emergency involving injury or i Ac
are licensed or regulated by government; quisition or sale of real property by a public KRS 61.810. damage ‘to personal property or financial 2‘ of
and anyother body which is created by state agency, but only when publicity would be (The renumbering of the exceptions in loss to a public agency or the likelihood of , r01
or local authority in any branch of govern- likely to affect the value of a specific piece of KRS 61.810 requires changes in this section.) such injuryordamage or financial loss, when i
. MW property to [be acquired for public use or g _ , _ , the time requirements of such hotigggisughh l dii
' percent (25%) 'of‘its fund‘s nominate or local ‘sold'by a public's’ag'ency.“ " , ' ' " ’ (1) Notice shall‘be‘ giVen in regular special meeting Would make" such ' noticé'im Q .. ‘
authority. WW, (2) Discussions of initiation of liti— open meeting of the general nature of the impractical and increase the likelihood of gm“
aémmiotrative—or—advisorv—beardrcmnmis- ' gation by the public agency or ongoing liti- business to be discussed in closed session, injury or damage or financial loss. 7. l
' sienreemmitteerpolicyimaking‘board-efafl gation initiated by a public agency or liti- and the reason for the closed session and the (3) With the exception of special fl ca:
insfitutionof-ed-ucafiormrotherstateagency gation against a publicagengy which is either sgific provision of KRS61 .810 authorizing meetings called pursuant to subsection (2) of 1 Cir
' Michie-creuted-byorpursuant—testatuteer pending or has been threatened specifically a closed session- . this section no special meeting shall be held I _ l —
, executive efdeféecheghaW ' ' ' in writing. pfepesed—ef—pefldlfig—l‘ rugatien' ' ' (Although existing case law can be except in full compliance with provisions of 3‘
WW ' ' , nty; city, school agmon—behalf-ef-the-pubheeageney ' , . interpreted to require that the specific provision subsection (1) Of this section. . 3
~ , er‘ésr (This change,adapted from theIndiana of KRS 61.810 upon which the agency relies to . 5 l
, WW act, is intended to eliminate the closure 0f meet- close a meeting must be stated in the notice, this Section 6. KRS 61.830 is amended ,1
. Wehfieflsubdm- ings because of a vague or non-existent threat of change codifies that requirement.) to read as follows. ‘ l 3
sreref-the-statg-any—commtteer‘adehoc litigation.) , Any rule, resolution, regulation, . g t
» ”WWW . (2) Closed sessions may be held ordinance or other formal action of a public l S
- WW (3) Grand and petit jury sessions. only after a motion is made and carried by a agency without substantial compliance with 3 S
We (4) Collective bargaining negotia- majority vote in open, public session; therequirementsofKRSélBlO, 61 .815, 61.820 l 2
WWW tions between Public employers and their (3) No final action may betaken at and 61.825 shall be voidable by a court of . l l
lWacbmeiudmg—bub—ne—hmfied—te employees or their representatives. a closed session; competent jurisdiction. A certificate by the if 2
WW (5) Discussions or hearings WhiCh (4)N0 matters maybe