xt7d251fn204 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d251fn204/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2001-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 2001 text GLSO News, May 2001 2001 2001-05 2019 true xt7d251fn204 section xt7d251fn204 He::t:z:r42::2=’s‘.x»mJ—thmmflxézzmztuznm:rxmmcmzzrrmzmmmmmzrsmammmng :m‘wzmm'mm «um—u an. r... “E
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E; E 15%. gentrification of the Remington Cay and lesbian Seaefiee Carganization ;
SisterSound Reverend James Lawson Men in Tights lV - Time Warp
Fifth Anniversary Concert
The Reverend James Lawson For the fourth year members of
h _ SLstfegs’riund mvrtes :veryorrtte to Jr. will be speaking at the Unitarian the Lexrngton Mjns Chrrtnzsfwrll don
t err | Mnnrversary once tgn Universalist Church (3546 Clays Mill wrgs, gowns an|| asso e. mery to
:atulrdtay, C ay 1:, E: lp:||atTh e Rd.) on Thursday, May 10 at 7.30 Enterttrarn as wle as todra:s:ej mgnjy
rngeary en er ecra a . ey pm as part of the Republican or e newy remo ee n e
Will be Singing favorite pieces select- Meeting House Series of progres- Center. Jorn us Wed., May 9, at the
ed from every concert they have per- sive speakers. A Methodist Minister, Bar Complex. The show, gracrously
formed over the last five years. Rev Lawson has been called "the hosted by Latoya Bacall herself, wrll
Tickets are available through tlhe teacher of the civil rights move- begin at9pm.Admrssronls $5,doors
Singletary box office. $12 for adu ts, ment." He is also an active member open at 8 pm. . t .
$8 for students and seniors, and $5 of Soulforce, a group that chal— . Al your favorites are re urnrng--
forchlldren under 12. langes the anti-gay rhetoric of con- including Sundae and Tuesday De
If you have never heard Big servative churches (see page 6). La Rouge, aswell as some new
Legged Woman, you need to attend Rev Lawson studied Gandhi's "beauties" that jomed the chorus this
just to hear this affirmation of the techniques of nonviolent resistance year. An elaborately costumed and
female body. They have chosen All in Nagpur India and later joined choreographed finale is planned,
fThat fez, Eand Putt/n’ Sn TheTfltrtz forces with Martin Luther King Jr. to recreautlfng getsch;l the Time Warp
hrom t err roadway 5 0w rs fey become a principal architect of the Agaln Irom octy orror.t. m
rave ”Gt cimngfitedtfidorngthe llJtn African-American civil rights strug- f hTh': showsfnds Qut' 3T8"
c oreograp y, u per aps w a |- gle. His reputation as a leader and o t e c orus pic a varrey o Iner-
tle encouragement...) role model of nonviolent action estlng musrc, and their presentation-
They will also sing Let The River began with his imprisonment for is also...interesting. A DVD player
Run, by Carly Simon, Harriet resisting the draft during the Korean with3 DVD's will be rattled during the
Tubman, Women Cross The Ftiver, War In the siodies his workshops show. For info. contact Darrell at
Shenandoah, and for the young at on techniques and strategies of non- 513-0934 or Kenneth at 255-1551.
heart, The Ftalnbow Connect/on. _A violence prepared activists for the 4 a y
speCIal rendition of Sky Dances lS civil rights sit-ins and boycotts. h. c
planned asatribute to Linda Laportek Until recently Rev Lawson was} . ' . . , ,
who produced numerous concerts of pastor of the ’ Holman United ‘.
Women's music during the 90's. ...continued on page 2 ' , y. ' _ _. , g ‘
For the final number, all previous s; , . 3 f .3 1 4 ;
members of the chorus will be invited PLAY TPY OUTS MAY I 82 ' *"i‘ f “ 1" ' ‘
up on the stage to Join in the singing love! Valor! Compassion! .‘ .1 1 .1
of Siyahamba. This will be a fun con— by T M N [I 3 rnwttmflhf n:gJinanufigzscrufi:.‘.*"i27,5rii-§i£-‘f5:..
, - - errence C a See e more.»
C9“ “0'” "“53 '” y M r’érfie‘i‘ieumaae

 GLSO Pride Center can't handle the job or being ripped
, ' Nears Grand Opening off. If you know a reliable, reason-
?“WW GAY and ably priced plumber, or can provide
{ii-'21}:”"ii'fliiij LLbblAN Mark you calendars for any advice for choosing a capable
t: {DEE/ICC. Saturday, June 2nd to drop in for the person, please give us a call as soon
1t N Grand Opening of the new GLSO as possrble at 253-3233 _ .
it ORGNJIZATW Pride Center of the Bluegrass. An In May, we hope to begin havrng
LEW". KEIThJCk)’ open house is being planned to show regUIar daytime Office hours at the
Off our community's new facility. We Pride Center. Having a person at the
The» L s 0 NEWS would especially like to invite the Center tonandle day to d_ay activities,
6: many visionary members of our com- greet vrsrtors, and prowde informa-
Vol. 16 N0. 5 munity who have been involved with tit)" and assistance has long been a
Published Monthly by: the Pride Center over the years, major goal 0t GLSO- We'are already
including the Stonewall Network, pre- COhS'dean ways to prowde evening
vious GLSO board members, and hours including the use of volunteers.
The LEXil'lg‘tfln qa)’ those “"10 have made generougly tf you are interested in volunteering
- . contributions. there are many ways you can help.
Lesbiantbe'mce As part of the Grand Opening we You can find information on volun-
Organization would like to display the art and craft teering, scheduling, and programs on
works of local GLBT artists and crafts the Pride Center web Site at
52' second bi: people. If you would like to exhibit www.bluegrasspride.org.
Editors- your work please call 253-3233 Our vision of a Pride Center that
—---‘ The finishing touches are being serves the GLBT community by pro-
Mary Crone Peter Taylor made to the space itself. Our volun- viding a welcoming. accessible, safe,
teer carpenters, painters, cleaners and useful space, and functions as a
3032i lylembers and gophers have been working reliable and friendly information cen-
Terry Millie President around the many individuals and ter is coming to pass. We hope _Y_0U
peierayt-m.’ Vice President groups that are already using the wtll beglnyour Pride Month actiwties
May Crone, W space -- and that has not been easy. With a vrsrt to your new Pride Center
Arbvandwem'hmer In April the pride Center was of the Bluegrass on Sat, June 2nd.
Cm” Mme. seam used for 26 scheduled events and _———
KeLLyO'Fetrell activities, including a full “‘1.” work- The Pride Center Wish List in on
Jada" m shop on fundraisrng provrded by page 4 this month To Schedule
Jew/Ltd‘s GLSO and attended by 20 peOpie events at the Center-call 253-3233
Jot“ [234w- representing many local GLBT orga- ’
La “Jones nizations. -—_——---
T We are still in search of a good Lawson at ”U Ch...continued
GLSO Annual dues plumber to convert our restroom to Methodist Church in Los Angeles
and Newsletter: $15.00 accessible status. If you have ever He has spoken out for GLBT peo-
Dues and Newsletter used the restrooms at the Center, ple’s right to be welcomed in his
. for couples: $20-00 you know just how inaccessible they denomination and in other churches
. are. as part of his work with Soulforce.
Opfimsofig‘fiifmfliimfls This is not a small job and the He has been to jail for demonstrat-
ncccssanlyreprcsentutoseorthe GLSO estimates we have received so far ing against the “spiritual violence”
m'efl‘ggfpfgysgih‘f‘ficfs‘ge 3T"; run from "frighteningly low" to "amaz- of anti-gay rhetoric. This is a man
gamma themmto'edttsubmmms ingly high" which has left us con~ we need to honor with our pres-
and advertisenentsasweilasthe rightto . cerned about hiring someone who ence. Join us on May 10. ‘
reject any submmtons or advermements.
GLSO Page 2

 ACT OUT trifold is May 5 and for'the GLSO Create'and want to ”show organ" it
Act Out is excited to be produc- News is May 19- —or it you iust want to listen and
ing Love! Valor! Compassion] by in addition to planning Pride look, this is agood place for you.
Terrence McNally for Pride Month. events, members of this group will Call Kelly at 225-6269 to
Try Outs will be May 1 and 2 at the be voting for the Wasson Volunteer schedule mic/floor space. We would
Pride Center at 7 pm. There are of the Year Award for an individual like to put up art work by May 1 for
seven roles for men, ages 20 to 60. and the Rainbow Community Award the Grand Opening of the Center.
This will be fun, come out and see. for the group that has contributed to The Reading will be a snack pot
The play will be performed the last our community through volun- luck, so bring something to share.
two weekends of June Call Terry teerism. Representatives of every Donations to Pride Center are
or Mike at Movable Feast for more group can join us on Thurs. May 31 encouraged. Drinks and musical
information 252-2867. for voting. A nomination form is entertainment will be provided.
included in this newsletter Use the
Miss Derby Pride form or just send us your nominee Interweave
May is Derby time, and this through email or snail mail. Interweave, the lesbigaytrans
year's Miss Derby Pride pageant An early Pride Month event will and friends social action group at the
will be held Derby week. It has actually be on one of the last day of Church, will go out to lunch after
been suggested that since this May. Read on... church on Sunday, May 13.. If you
pageant has often been held after would like more information about
derby it should be called "Missed" M504» alga/mg, Interweave or the church, call Davina
derby pride. Not this year. Join the Some people believe that the at 271-6174.
Court May 2nd at Club 141 at 9:30 millennium started in 2000, while
Admission price is $5. others will say the 21st century and GLBT library Soon to be a Reality
Scheduled performers include the 3rd millennium started in 2001. The library planned for the
Ms. National-At-Large: Chelsea Not wanting to take sides in this GLSO Pride Center got a big boost
Pearl, Empress 19; Tracy Taylor, issue, we are having Miss Odyssey last month with five large donations
Empress 18: Eden Towers, this year to honor 2001. Last year's of books. These along with many
Empress 15; Natalie Gaye, Miss "one time title", Miss Millennium, donations made over the years
Lexington Supreme: Ginger Grant, produced some Spectacular diS- have given US a great start With
and Miss Derby Pride 2000: Cassis plays and talent, we can expect as over 200 books, and a few video
Carsyle. Tiffany Andrews, Rayna much interest in this years as well. and audio recordings. We also
Star and special guest Reva Miss Odyssey Will take place May received a great donation of two
Deveroux will also be present. Join 30th, iUSt as pride month gets under large bookshelves. A small QTOUP
us for this perennial little gem. way. For more information contact of volunteers will be working to get
Tracy Taylor, Empress 19. the books on the shelves by the
Pride Month Grand Opening of the Pride Center
The next Pride Month meeting Working Class Kitchen on June 2nd.
is Tuesday, May 1 at 7 pm at the pride Reading Please continue to bring your
Pride Center. The calender is filling The 4th Annual Working Class donations of books, videos, CDs
up; if your organization is planning Kitchen Gay Pride Reading will be and cassettes to the Pride Center.
an event, you need to contact Terry held 0” Sunday, June 3rd at the W9 Will take one b00k 0' fifty. N0
Mullins. (days- 252-2867). Deadline Pride Center from 7pm to 9pm. if donation is too large or too small.
. to get your event listed in the Pride you write and want to read it, it you We are looking for materials in 900d
~ Community. News continued page 4 & 6

 . . . . - board. Call Mary for more informa- towards. Send donations to GLSO,
comm‘m‘t,” New" cm‘w‘m‘ tion. PO. Box 11471, Lexington, KY,
condition, fiction and non-fiction on 40575 “i you have lightly used items
GLBT subjects 30 Stop dusting 8“ quo BOARD eLeCCions you would like to donate call 253-
the books you haven't read in We need fresh minds and bod- 3233.
years, clean OUt those videos ies for the GLSO Board. Elections , , ,
you've already watched and lent to will be in June; come to the May Cat“; 01 “c (dc
all your friends, and let the rest of meeting to see if you might be inter- Join Sistahs in the Life for a ,
us enjoy them. To arrange drop off ested. Call Terry 255-5 469 or days provocative discussion about expe-
call the Pride Center 859-253-3233. at Moveable Feast 252-2867. We riences related to the lives of

Along with Joseph-Beth are also developing a list of volun— Lesbians and Bi-sexual women of
Booksellers, you are going to have teer opportunities for those of you African Descent. We chat at 7 pm
another great opportunity to sup- who may have a few hours to share every 4th Wed. at the Pride Center
port the Library during Pride Month with us. We are also helping to plan a dance
in June. You will be able to buy a to be held at the end of June. See
GLBT book at a discount, and Single and Lesbian? below...

Joseph—Beth will collect them all There is a new yahoo group for bamm '0 the ,
and donate them to the Library. single lesbians in central Kentucky. R “ck sea" a: 500'
Think about your favorite GLBT We have been up and running for a On June 30 GLSO Sistah’s In
books and recordings, and plan to few weeks and already have 23 The Life and Ebony Male will be
ViSlt Joseph-Beth during Pride members. Check out this link if you . .
Month to make sure the Pride are interested: rou s. hoo.com/ sponsoring a dance “.98?”er the
. g p ya Rock Stars of Soul. This is a great
Center Library has them. Watch for group/KYsinglhelez band and they will insure a fun-
more details in the June newsletter. evening Look for more information
Pribe Center Wish List . '. .
CLSO YOUTH GROUP Donations of cash, furnishings, in the Pride Flyer due out mid May.

The Gay Straight Alliance for and supplies continued to come in W
YOUth in Lexington ‘3 Up and run- during April. Bookcases, afile cabi-
ning. Twelve young people have net, an easel, a coffee pot, and a C ‘
attended one or more of our meet- VCR were donated, and we were '
thS- We are having a great time! able to purchase a TV, fire extin- .
We are meeting twice a month and guishers, and tables with cash dona- o
are focusing on high school age tions. This month we are wishing THE ORIGINALONE DAY HI-TECH SIGN co.
youth, ages 15 through 18. We will for”.
consider including 14 and 19 year Office Chair $99 Owlilngyegelgrgltf/i‘égcllger
olds who seem appropriate to the Wall Clocks (3) $15 each 332 Southlclnd Drive
group. Youth interested in attend- Standing Lamp; $80 Lexington, KY 40503
ing can call Mary Crone for infor- Waste Baskets (3) $10 each (8&3)? 620(3301724E0x
mation (266'5904) Telephone $30 _ '
marycrone@aol.com. Copier $400 “BOON?! CWZESOO?

Adult Advisors are meeting on End table $100 (3)33599352-1200
Thursday, May 3 to look over train- Stacking Chairs (15) $25 each (859) 252-l300Fox
ing materials from the Louisville Compact Stereo $300 Cell: (859) 321-89
Youth Group and elsewhere. We TVNCFi Cart $200
will set up requirements and poli- All donations are tax ngiIISlQhShSXW /\
cleS- We welcome anyone interest deductible. Make checks payable to S'gnsnow’c ,
ed in becoming an advisor. We will GLSO and be sure to note which X .
3'30 be establishing an advisory item you would like the money to go 9W5 continued 0" page 5
GLSO Page 4

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GLSO Page 5

 60,11me ‘News cont. Local Soulforce groups around the Programs planned for this summer
“ " - » * . ’ country are planning to have simul- include dance, storytelling, folkart,
SOUlfOI'CC taneous silent prayer vigil on and more from many world cul-
Soulforce is a national network Wednesday: June 13. The one. is tures. For info contact openground

of people committed to nonvio- :_exmgtonl vElglllrtnotstzlt‘kelyhbe outSIde @kyol.net or call 859-375-2411.

. - . . mmanue ap ls urc . . _
figsgénieekénagy,JUSSEZXE); G21: If you are interested in finding DISCUSS?" Group
Transgendered Children. Their goal OUt more about Soulforce, you can The GLSO Discusswn/Support
is to help change the minds and go to the website www.soulforce.org Group meets every Wednesday at
hearts of religious leaders whose 'f you are interested in being a part 7 at the PM? Center, 389 Waller
anti-homosexual campaigns lead Of our local action in Lexington, ass/Snug Etorflnfo c7al£l3tlane at 389.-
directly and indirectly to suffering. please email Dotti at the h 8 (nlg .5 rom - '30) or email
They work to bring hope and heal- SoulforceLexrngton@yahoo.com. er at ladyjanky@yahoo.com.
in to our societ and to find redi- ' '
reition and reneiNal for our minds PA'NBOW VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE! A223]: 21:23:: tfgggusstn
and spirits. Practices continue for the the literature of lesbian and bisexufl

Soulforce plans actions that Vollyball Tournament coming up on authors is invited to cm a new book
are intended to be confrontational June 24' Join US on Sundays May6 discussion rou forrJnin this s rin
and simultaneously to be guided by and May 20 at the YMCA North, For informagtlion P lease g-mail Lrori it
the principles of relentless nonvio- 381 W‘ Loudon Ave., from 3 to 5' loco@i lou corri p
lent resistance. They base their For More Information Contact: 9 ' I
work on the teachings and lives of Larry Collins or Charlie Mullins, at Mllloalllfl Feast,
nonviolent practitioners such as 222—1918 or 20' Steve Medley, Movable Feast needs help for
MK. Gandhi and Martin Luther Fayette City Health Dept. at 288' delivering meals. If you can drive a
King, Jr.. James Lawson, Methodist 2456’ or Mark Johnson at car you can change a life. Please
Minister and teacher of non-vio- Volunteers Of America 254'3469‘ give us a call at 252-2867.
lence, is a current activist with
Soulforce. He will be speaking at OPEN GROUND GLSEN
the uu Church on Thursday, May . Open Ground Is an arts, edu- The Kentucky Chapter of the
10at7z30. cation and retreat center on the Gay Lesbian Straight Educators

Soulforce is planning several Caplin River in Central Kentucky. Network (GLSEN) is meeting in
demonstrations; on June 10,13 They offer residential WOTkShOPS in Lexington every two months. They
they will be in New Orleans for a cultural, expressive and environ- would like to establish a Chapter
non-violent direct action at the mental arts " for adults, families, here. Contact Gina Cooper at .
Southern Baptist Convention. young adults and speCIal groups. glsen_ky@hotmail.com.

_ .
Rainbow Watchers ”Mme W ”sights g
Member of Pet Sitters International . .
- Pet snungrexercislngrrmnspomtton Balancing New Age & Traditional Services
- House/Faun Watching - Errand Running
Tina Gale, MA Guidance & Counseling
,’ (859) 273-7202
35- R°5W Stockxlalilsom Plume: 859-913-3620 e—maii: Hummingbird@ptel.njt
' see: mantel-usel- I
maimmouwimnmnmm .. .. .. , _, .
GLSO Page 6

' Wasson Award and
Rainb ow Community Servnce Award
The Tenth Annual Volunteer Awards Banquet will be held on June 10th At that time, all com—
munity organizations are invited to present their volunteer of the year awards to individuals they
select. We will also be honoring the individual (Wasson Award) and the community group
(Rainbow Award) that through volunteerism has done the most for the Lexington area GLBT
Community in the previous year or years. AnyOne can nominate a person or group for these
awards. Write a paragraph or two giving reasons for your choice, use the space below if you
would like, adda page if you need to, and mail it to GLSO PO. Box 11471, 40575. or email it to
lexingtonglso@yahoo.com We need to receive nominations by May 29. Members of the Pride
Committee and representatives of each group will vote on Thursday, May Blst at the Pride
Center, 389 Waller at 7 pm. And while you are at it, subscribe to this newsletter!
.7 nominate, for éecaus'e...
The Gay Lesbian Service Organization has a phone number ~ 253-32332 andz "
web sites: www.mgelfitegcom/M/bluegrassGLSO andwwwbluegrasspfideorg . ’
' for Pride Center information. Your subscription to flflsnewsietterhelpssupport
1 Name § , - '1 , , . ~- , , Phogg # ,.
City St zipWW s .. , <1 ._ ,-.
Wszsmmmmmmmwm .,
* I ' M “GLSO ”81’0”“ "471“333’40575 'fi'
GLSO Page 7

 For Meeting Places, call numbers in directory on the back of this newsletter -
May 2001 unless specified. GLSO) News 20011 Sponsors
J. Mark Chambers, CPAo-oooo-oo-aoooo-266'8877
agree ass For all you Financial Needs
it? ‘. 3 Pinyin” $th I: i i “irssalt . t‘ was item it i -. W : wi‘w’ -' IV a”?
‘ “ ' 1 ' ' 2 ' ‘ " ’ ‘ " ' ‘ ' “ ‘ ' 5 " ‘ " ‘ ‘ " “ ' Bluegrass Fa1mess..........................296-7812
7PM ACT-OUT Try 7PM ACT-OUT 7:30PM Gay/Lesbian AA Keeping our eyes on the Ky. Legislature
Outs (Pride Center) Try Outs (Pride Center) ,
7PM Pride M°nth 7PM D'SCUSSP" G’°“F’ Pride Month Richardson Vision Center ..............278-4201
Committee (Pride Center) (Pride Center) Ca|endar
9PM Rainbow Bowiling 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA - . .
(Southland Lanes) 9PM Miss Derby Pride Deadline 1757 Alexandna Dre Gardens'de
Scott Ackerman...........(voice mail) 294-2055
6 . 7 8 . .. 9 _ _ 1O 1 1 _ 12 ' (mobile phone)....338-8483 Paul Semonin Realtors
10:30A Faith MCC 8PM AA Step Study 9PM Rainbow Bowfllng 7PM Discusswn Group 7PM GLSO Board (Pride 7:30PM Gay/Lesbian AA
10:45A UU Church 7PM Gay Straight Alliance (Southland Lanes) (Pride Center) Center) - _
3PM Volleyball Practice (Pride Center) 9PM LMC Drag Show 7:30 Rev. James Lawson ! SisterSound 243 0243
5:30PM LMC Rehersal (Men in Tights) UU Church , _
Diverse muSlc for all women
. Imperial court 0f KentUCky..uu.-.u252'3014
1 3 14 1 5 16 17 1 8 19 A Chamy orgamzafion
10:30A Faith MCC 8PM AA Step Study 9PM Rainbow Bowiling 7PM Discussion Group 7:30PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8PM Sistersound 2 1 1
10:45A UU Church 7PM Fairness Steering (Southland Lanes) (Pride Center) Concert The Bar Complex............................. 55' 55
12:15P Interweave Pot-Luck Committee (Pn'de Center) ‘ _
6PM Sistersound Rehersal 6PM Court (Pride Center) GLSO News Deadline . 224 E. Mam
6PM DIGNITY Sufi/'“i'é‘ddi‘flf‘s f I
an or OlTBC ions Ol'
5330”" LMC Rehe'sa' next Calendarzsa- [ Turner Counseling ..........................269-6497
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2216 Young Drive, Lexington
10:30A Faith Mcc 8PM AA Step Study 9PM Rainbow Bowiling 7PM Discussion 7P C.O.L.T.S. (Pride 7:30PM Gay/Lesbian AA - i Debra Hensley Insurance.............276-3244
10:45A UU Church 7PM Gay Straight Alliance (Southland Lanes) Group (Pride Center) Center) i
3PM Volleyball Practice (Pride Center) \ ' " ‘l - 1513 Nicolasville Rd.
5:30PM LMC Rehersal ‘
i Windy Knoll FarmI0......IOIOIIOOCOIOOOCI00299-7410
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
27 . 28 29 30 Lexington Men’s Chorus................231-0090
10:30A Faith MCC 8PM AA Step Study 9PM Rainbow Bowiling 7PM Discussion Group
10:45A UU Church 6PM Court (Pride Center) (Southland Lanes) (Pride Center) - -
6PM Classic Movie Night 7PM Sistah’s In The Life Rehearsals Sta” aga‘“ m Marc“
Pot-Luck Pride Center Pride Center
5:30PM LMC Rehersal
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO

 April Happenings The Imperial Court Falsie Awards PM Jockavifls
with the imperial Court . . H N 9"!" **
On April 11, the Queens of On the evening of April 24, the DJ Shane DJ Brady
Hazzard invaded Club 141' Locals Imperial Court awarded the Falsies at the DJ Motivator (Sfcphan m")
- - - K Theater. All the 2001 Nominees are
put on their trashy big hair best V . .
to perform classic honky-tonk listed below; the winners selected by the 1" In a Drarlaire*3ole: Tie **
favorites. There was a home academy of drag arts and science are marked Chelsea Pearl Natalie Gaye
cookin‘ buffet where guests could with an *. The 2001 Falsie for Outstanding Jordan Taylor Eden Towers
sample such fine meat products as “filmmnl m‘ Mil“ Milano
”We“ meat, arisol spam, and Costume In a Special Performance
Vlenna sausages, along With “'5‘" Towers -Garden of Eden Orchid“ our sins" Grant _ A“ l lit Tom“! Y0l**
Bugles filled Willi cheese, GOO' Jenna Jive - Queen of Hearts Jordan Taylor _ Rent
Goos and Moorr pres. This reporter Chelsea Pearl - Madonna s Music Jmne “who,” _ 3”" I Rm
even saw a 3 “tel Of Bubba Cola. Cheetah Chandler ' Di" "f Darkness Nicole Diamond — Spoektaeular Talent
Great fun was had by all. laToya Bacall — Orange Dance Outfit
Easter at Mia's was celebrated in a Supporting Role
with an Easter Bonnet Parade. Hair H Kip Kelly **
The selection was from elegant tra— ”Natalie Gaye“ Suzanne Postlewaite "an,“
ditional, to avant garde. There was Chelsea Pearl Shae d. luv Chris mm, om, & Janie K9,,
. fringe, glow sticks, electric easter Samantha Storm J. D. Vaughn
eggs - you name it. Grand prize In a Butch Persona
went to Miss Ruth and her tradi— H “M“? *1: ** Brett Cheavront **
tional elegant bonnet. Winner was . Ed" “"3" Thomas Smith Rey Cruhb
chosen by audience applause. Gm!" 6"“ 8"" d“ l" Joshua Smith Jamie Keen
The Court raised $1500 for Rayna Starr Jordan Taylor
lvloveable Feast in April. We would on“ Performance H ' Bartending H
like to thank all who donated Items ** cmmie Dietrich *e AMI! CIMIM The Bar
' . . Phillip - The Bar
and attended events. It ls through Cassie Carlrsle Tuesday De la rouge B b C i
your klndness and generosrty that Clarissa Cumberl Lauren Wells , ° - rose "5.:
we are able to raise money for our Eric - Club tat levr - The Bar
charities each year. . Character lm'mmmn Ginny Bates - Mia s
l” addition to the ”HOW” ** Reyna Starr - Whitney Houston ** Off 8t P pf
events, Emperor EV attended the T'ff Ad _ p u p ' '9‘ ‘ mm“

- ""V “m“ ”V “m" *Chl r l '1"ch owur "*
Night of A Thousand Gowns, the Rm", cm _ cm 6"“. “f j .0. V '_’_"
imperial Court of NY Coronation. ammre Dietrich - This rs MY Taxr
NOTG is one of the premier Comedy Performance: Tie Reyna 3“" ' H ' “II All.“ Tracy
Coronation events on the court cir- ** Cammie Dietrich - Fairy Tales ** Chm" cm'b’d'“ ' SIM TI" ”'1"
cuit, and the lavish event was ** Sundae de LaRouge - Reportoir ** 0°" ' l m n" ll" 3"" Mum
attended by over 1600 people Karen Collette - l’m Hot Bitter ,
including soap opera star Eileen Rayna Starr - Wanda Woofer “Niagara Falls
Fulton, Michelle Lee, who is cur- Cheyenne - Hell on Wheels cont?lllygrzfilfoivlllrgl‘ll'émd
rently doing a Broadway produc- ,
tion, and Linda Dano, representing “MW" . Ml“ Rm" ""V 0"” .
ABC. Donnie and Kevin Fillips, “ 1“" “W H 6W" Moore Tml "'"m
Emperor XVlll, received awards J- P- “'9'“ S'PPl‘l"
from VlCtOTla weSlln. thghh Childllf Cum.“ Elan". 200‘ FIlSiO! llfll’lfll AClllOVIlllfll A'Il“

3mm... emu". ** Harold Hamilton Cheyenne **
...continued on page 13

 E ,

’ ,

June i7’rh

’ for more
{I information
i coll EV
'1 Productions
‘ \oi 859—321-2053
GLSO page“

 Gray Girl Squirrels courage the cat. The portals were surprise attack scared the squirrel so
Bx Reinefie F Hones replaced and the feeder was moved bad that it leaped back and forth
even further out on the limb. All was over the cat's head in a super-quick
Two crafty gray squirrels have well for a while. slinky motion, before scampering up
declared war over the birdfeeder in Then Mother Nature got into the a tree.
the backyard. The whole matter was act by bringing gusty winds to toss The motion totally dazed and
not an issue when they first started the birdfeeder about until it was right confused the cat, which caused it to
to eat from the feeder; the birds back where it started. It took the have a delayed reaction of leaping
would scary away and wait for the squirrels a day to remember how to back and forth in the air, mimicking
squirrels to have their fill, then the get the portals out, and this time they the pattern that the squirrel had just
birds would resume their feeding. made a point to chew the tabs off the made. The cat owner, who had come
But the whole arrangement portals, which made it impossible to out the door on the tail-end of things,
changed when the squirrels started snap them back into place. The thought the cat was having some
removing the plastic portals and let- prison cat watched the whole thing sort of a seizure, so she started clap-
ting the seed spill to the ground. and never moved. Seed spilled to ping her hands to get the cat's atten—
After that, a couple 0t chipmunks the ground, and the chipmunks and tion. The noise scared the cat and it
took up residence in the easement birds had a party while the two girl went racing across the open field,
and the neighbor's calico prison cat squirrels made taunting and laugh- chasing absolutely nothing toward
' started coming around to keep an ing sounds as they chased and the prison on the hill. Again, it
eye on all of the above and to courted each other to the highest sounded like laughter in the tree-
scratch the bark off the base of the branches 0f the trees. _ tops. _ .
young trees. (The cat was born in No harm, no foul. Animals are Things were getting out of hand.
the prison on the hill and later was not vindictive and humans should Those squirrels needed to be taught
custody-paroled to the next door never attribute their own behavior to a lesson. The portals were wired into
neighbor.) The backyard has squirrels. Any assumed sounds of place and the birdfeeder was moved
become the stage for some very laughter and teasing were probably to the very end of the tree limb. The
peculiar acting animals and the girl nothing more than a human imagina- two girl squirrels tried to reach the
squirrels seem to be the ringleaders. tive moment fueled by a short and birdfeeder, but without success.
Given that animals will be ani- temporary bout of insanity. Maybe Laughter could be heard inside the
mals, removing the birdfeeder in the squirrels simply needed their house.
order to disrupt the chain of events own feeder. The birdfeeder was The cat returned from prison,
would have been a selfish human repaired and a second feeder was but lost interest in the backyard
act, so the portals were replaced and placed in a distant tree for the squir- colony and each morning it wander
the birdfeeder was moved further out rels. off to find other things to do. The
on the tree limb. The squirrels took Having their own feeder was not chipmunks settled for whatever
offense to the maneuver and those challenging enough for the two morsels the birds and squirrels
two darlings managed to pull the squirrels, they not only released the tossed to the ground from the feed-
birdfeeder back to its original place seed from the birdfeeder again, but ers. A woodpecker drilled some
and pull the portals out and let the they also had the nerve to eat it off holes in a tree stump and a couple of
seed spill to the ground again. The the ground in front of the plump and finches moved in and started a fami-
prison cat crouched down in the not so swift prison cat. The squirrels ly. The chaotic times seemed to be a
grass and watched the turn of seemed to have quickly learned that thing of the past.
events. Every so often, it would the cat was not fast enough to catch One early morning, the two
scratch at the trees, then return to its them and there was no reason to squirrels came up to the house and
post. bother with running too far or too climbed onto the trash Herbie and
Plastic mesh was wrapped fast. But one day the cat had a junior the recycle Rosie. They were looking
around the base of the trees to dis- moment and actually managed to inside the patio window and they