xt7d251fkf9f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d251fkf9f/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2005 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 80, No. 4, Spring/June 2005 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 80, No. 4, Spring/June 2005 2005 2005 2014 true xt7d251fkf9f section xt7d251fkf9f FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  
Volume 80 Number 4 Spring/June 2005  {  
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US ISSN 0016-2116
The Joumey - W W Hall, Jr 2
FNS 80th Year Celebration - Schedule and Update 3
Wendover News - Barb Gibson 8 I
Courier Program News - Michael Claussen 1 1 .
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare News - Mallie Noble 13
Marion McCartney - new Board member - Dr Susan Stone 16
Hospital Patient Rooms Renovation Project- Barb Gibson 17
The View of a Provider - Linda Ahrens, FNP 18
FSMFN News - Dr Susan Stone 20
Websites 23
In Memoriam 24
Urgent Needs 32
Cover: Kate Ireland Honorary National Chairman - The Lexington l
Club, April 2], 2005. ?
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin i  
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service .
Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for Institutions i
Voltune 80 Number 4 Spring/June 2005 l
Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and at addi-
tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS, `
Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/Inc. 2000 All
Rights Reserved.

Frontier Nursing Service
Bom in 1881 into a prominent American family, Mary Breckinridge
spent her early years in many parts of the world - Russia, France,
Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death of her two chil-
K dren, she abandoned the homebound life expected of women of
I her class to devote herself to the service of others, particularly
Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Service (FNS)
in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925, then one ofthe poorest and
most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs. Breckinridge
introduced the first nurse-midwives in this country. Riding their
horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard, fog or flood,
the FNS nurses brought modem healthcare to families throughout
an area of 700 square miles.
Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the driving force
behind the work ofthe Service whose influence today extends far
beyond eastem Kentucky. Through the Frontier School of Mid-
wifery and Family Nursing, hundreds of nurses have been trained
and this important concept of family healthcare has been carried
throughout the world.
i Today, FNS, Inc., is organized as a parent holding company for
. Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Frontier Nursing Healthcare,
I, Inc., which includes four rural healthcare clinics (Community
  Health Center, Beech Fork Clinic, Kate Ireland Healthcare Cen-
; ter and Dr. Anne Wasson Healthcare Center), Mary Breckinridge
i Home Health Agency and for the Frontier School of Midwifery
» and Family Nursing - the largest midwifery program in the United
States. The Frontier School of Midwifery &. Family Nursing also
trains family nurse practitioners.
Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy ofthe FNS has remained
constant since 1925.

The Journey
by WW Hall, Jr, President & CEO  
Our management and Board continue to re-   » l
fine and enhance the quality of healthcare _  
we provide in our region. We constantly bal- y -  I W ` ii  
ance improved care with fiscal accountability ‘   _    { :2     ' { _ > ·..
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Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing News
by Dr: Susan Stone, President & Dean
Accreditation Update
The Frontier School of Midwifery and Family
Nursing announces a brand new Master of
Nursing Science option, the Community- S I
Based Women’s Health Care Nurse Practi-   T7 '   gp i
tioner (CWHCNP). We received accredita-  2 ;_ I .. 4
tion for this option from the National League  new-»~  .; ‘
for Nursing Accrediting Commission in May i
2005. CWHCNP option graduates will be eligible to take the na- 1
tional certification examination given by the National Certification
Council (NCC) Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner Exami- i
nation. ]
We continue to be very busy at the School. We admitted two new Q
classes this Spring. Class 44 attended Frontier Bound in March  
and Class 45 attended in May. This added 49 new students to the l
roster. 1
New On-Line Newsletter i
On May l, the School launched a new electronic newsletter. The
newsletter lives on the FSMFN website. An e-mail is sent to all
subscribers when a new edition is launched. This allows readers
to access a link located directly in the e-mail and read the current
news. Subscribers will receive an e-mail every month. Visitors to
the FSMFN website can also read the newsletter and sign up to
receive the monthly e-mail. We are hoping that this will be a great
way to stay in touch with our students, alumni and friends. Check
it out - www.midwivesorggnewsletter.
Chamber 0f Commerce Award for Excellence
April 14th the FSMFN staff received an award for excellence in
Higher Education from the Hyden Chamber of Commerce (see
photo on next page).

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Chamber of Commerce Award for Excellence in Higher Edu-
cation. Back row: Elissa Milleg Frank Baker; Sherri Davis,
Anna Carey. Front row: Angie Mitchell, Susan Stone, Billie
Couch and Judy Pennington
Stay News
The Multimedia Team has a new member - Russell Pruitt. Russell g
joined the team in March. He has already been of great assis-
tance in developing the on-line systems and materials needed to
V deliver the curriculum to our students at a distance