xt7d251fk46q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d251fk46q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-11-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1935 1935 1935-11-15 2013 true xt7d251fk46q section xt7d251fk46q Best Copy Available








Current Sunday Concert
Will Feature Violin Of
Brilliant Young Artist
Briwlli Will Appear
Guest Artist of Sunday Afternoon




brilliant young Russian violinist, will be the featured
artist at the Bunday Afternoon University Students Among
musicale on November 17, in MemThose of 12 Colleges
orial hall, at 4 p. m. Mr. Brlselli
Receiving Fedwill be assisted at the piano by Edward Harris, New York City.
eral Aid
Mr. BrisclU was bom in Odessa,
The National Youth administraRussian In 1912. He commenced
his violin studies at the age of tion has disclosed In a recent statement that it Is giving aid to 1,644
seven with Professor
head of the Stoliarsky Conservatory KentuckyNYA Is spending $24,660
of Odessa. Later when his family monthly to help
students. In admoved to Berlin .he played for the dition to
this number, 31 graduate
eminent pedagogue, Carl Flesch, students and 11 working for other
and was at once accepted as a degrees are being aided.
pupil. So rapid was the child's
The figures by schools, giving the
progress that one year later, when quota and monthly
allotment Inhe was twelve years old, he was clude:
ready for his European debut In
college, 57, $855; Berea
Berlin, playing the Vieuxtemps D college, 83, $1,245; Centre college,
Minor Concerto with notable suc43, $645; College of the Bible and
cess . When Professor Flesch ac- Transylvania, 58, $840. Eastern
cepted the position of head of the Kentucky State Teachers college,
Violin department of the Curtis In- 102, $1,530; Georgetown college, 40,
stitute of Music In Philadelphia, he $600; Kentucky Wesley an college,
Induced young Brlselli to come to 23, $345; Lees Junior college, 22,
this country and continue his stud- $330; Morehead State Teachers college, 75, $1,125; Sue Bennett colies with him.
There followed a few years of In- $465 21, $315; Union college, 31,
and University of Kentucky,
tensive work, and In 1926 Brlselli
made his American debut as so- 40, S5.100.
students, 18 seeking
loist with the Philadelphia orches- masters degrees and one a doctor's
tra under Artur Rodzinskl, playing degree at the University will rethe Paganlnl Concerto. In further ceive $210 monthly.
study, Brlselli has profited by the
guidance of the late Leopold Auer,
Efrem Zimballst and Arthur Me iff.
Recent outstanding appearances NEW
have included an engagement with
the Philadelphia orchestra under
Alexander Smallens in the Bruch
I so Briselll,


O Minor Concerto In November,
1934, and with the same orchestra
at the Robin Hood Dell the following summer.
Mr. Briselll's Lexington program
is as follows:


University Senate Votes to
Add Courses in Anatomy,
Physiology, Romance







Continual Rain Prevents
Scrimmaging; Squad Put
Through Paces
in Mud

Previously Injured Players
Now Well; McMillan and
Hagan Out
Chilled by the cold rain that has
prevailed in Lexington and covered
with mud from head to foot, the
Kentucky Wildcats went through
their last workout Wednesday aft
ernoon in preparation for their foot
ball game tomorrow with the
Green Wave in New Orleans.
The midweek workout was the
only hard session the 'Cats were
subjected to this week. Rain kept
them indoors Monday and Tuesday; huU in an effort to put the
Big Blue on edge for the Greenles,
Coach Wynne took the squad out
on the
field Wednesday. They worked on kicking and
covering punts, and were put
through a stiff workout against the
Injuries are still hovering over
the Wildcat camp, and although
some of them are serious, they have
failed to dampen the spirits of the
Kentucky footballers. Probably the
most seriously injured of the men is
"CO" McMillan, flashy quarterback.
He was Injured in the Florida game
last Saturday but his wound was not
considered serious.
week disclosed that the metatarsal
bone was cracked. This will not
keep him from playing but will
hamper him in tackling and snagging passes.
Stan Nevers is still slowed down
by an injured left arch, but is expected to be ready when the 'Cats
attempt to stem the Green Wave.
"Red" Hagan, one of the Blue's outstanding candidates for the end position, was still suffering from hurts
received in the Florida game, and
was helped from the field Wednesday. However, he will be ready to
play by Saturday.
The two teams that will line up
in New Orleans tomorrow will be
Both have
about evenly matched.
lost two conference games and both
have been defeated by two of the
outstanding teams in the Big Ten,
Tulane by Minnesota and Kentucky by Ohio State, by comparatively
low scores.
The Kentucky squad left for the
southern city yesterday morning.
They will arrive at their destination
this morning and a drill on the Tulane gridiron this afternoon will
bring to a close Kentucky's preparations for the Green Wave. A
squad of 30 players, coaches, the
trainer, equipment manager and
student manager made the trip.



Hook-Be- ll


Will Be Tonight
Winner of Contest Will Receive 75 Points Toward
One whole show for the price of
air. It's free.
Stroller amateur night will be
held at 8 o'clock tonight In Mem
orial hall.
Starring on the prosrram will be:
Elizabeth Ligon and Helen Ralston
in "Riders to the Sea"; Elizabeth
Black and Frances Wood In "Columbine"; Antoinette Bergeron and
Donald Irvine In "The Man on the
Curb"; and "Aria Da Capo" will be
given in part by George Kurtz and
Janet Daschlcr. In addition to the
plays there will be readings, six
singers and exhibition dances. C. T.
Hertzsch will be Master of Ceremonies.
The winner of the contest will
receive a gold cup and 75 points
toward membership in Strollers. All
others in the contest will receive 50
points and the bird.
There was a long elimination
prior to the choosing of these participants in the program and these
are those who were not eliminated
during that time.
Several committees to work on
the amateur night were appointed
by Tommy Atkins, president of
Strollers, they are: plays, Nancy
Becker; stage, Dave Salyers, Frances
Kerr, and John McKinney; costumes, Eleanor Davis, and Mary
Neal Waldon; Props,, Mary Elizabeth Dunn, Nell Nevihs and C. T.
The standing committee to repre
sent the organization consists of
Bob Maloney, Mary Lou Stark,
Harlowe Dean Jr., Tommy Nickols,
Mary Elizabeth Dunn and Matilda

W.S.G.A. Appoints

New Leaders For

"Sister" Project

Faculty women and wives of members of the faculty who will serve
as group leaders in the new "little



Barron Speaker For
SALE RESULTS Paris Woman's Club
Mr. Joseph Barron of the


Alpha Delta Theta, Lambda partment of Art of the University
gave an illustrated lecture before
Chi Alpha, James Richthe Bourbon County Woman's club
ardson Are Contest
on Wednesday afternoon, NovemWinners
ber 13, in the city of Paris.
The topic of the address was
"The Development of Architecture
in Colonial America." Mr. Barron
pointed out that there are many
mistaken ideas in the minds of the
people as to exactly what sort of
architecture was used in colonial
America. He stated that the colhonorary leadership fraternity. umnar portico, so universally conJames Richardson won the Individ- nected with the colonial house, was
ual prize for selling the most tags.
not seen In the country until the
The net proceeds of the tag sale colonial period was over. Mr. Barto $80. This Is $20 more ron said, "Kentucky is most fortunamounted
than was taken In by ODK at their ate In possessing so many fine
tag sale before the Georgia Tech homes In the colonial tradition."
game. The proceeds of the tag
Miss Lena L. Talbott, hostess of
sales will go to the Student Union the afternoon, introduced Mr. Bar
Loving cups will be awarded to
Alpha Delta Theta sorority and
Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and INDUCTION IS HELD
to Mr. Richardson soon. The troBY PI MU EPSILON
phies have been ordered by ODK
not yet arrived.
but have
Pi Mu Epsilon, honorary matheAnother tag sale will be sponsored matics fraternity, will welcome Its
by ODK just before the Thanksgiv- new initiates by entertaining with
ing Tennessee game, it was an- a banquet at the Wellington Arms
nounced by Elvis Stahr, chairman tea room, Friday, November
of the tag sale committee for ODK. An address will be given by
About $25,000 has been pledged to J. M. Davis, his subject being
the Student Union fund and about "What's the Use." Dr. H. H. Down$3,000 has already been collected.
ing will welcome the Initiates, and
the response will be given by A. R
Sloane. Professor South will preover the meeting and wlU be
Kappa Delta PI, national honor- side
ary educational fraternity met assisted by L. P. Dr. E. D. Dr. Le
Stourgeon, and
Wednesday afternoon in the Training School. Fannie Herman, presi- who will serve on the social comdent, conducted
the meeting. mittee.
The new Initiates are Pauline
Pledges to be taken Into the organisation this year were voted upon Thompson. Lucille Doduon, Ruth
and the initiation date was tenta- Wealherford, A. R. Sloane, Raytively set for the first week In mond Bell, Donald Bruujardner,
and Dr. Frits John.




sister" system, adopted for freshmen
women on the campus by the Women's Student Government associa
tion, were appointed this eek by
W. 8. O. A. There were 27 group
leaders appointed.
There are at the present time 250
freshmen women in the University.
According to the organization's
plans, 250 upperclassmen
will be assigned to serve on the project, so that each freshman will
have a "big sister." This organization will be divided into groups of
20 with each group composed of 10
"big sisters" and 10 "little sisters."
Each one of these groups will have
a faculty member at its head to
lead the group.
The faculty women and wives of
faculty members who were appointed this week by W. S. G. A. to lead
the various groups are:
Mrs. Mary Lee Collins, Mrs. Paul
H. Clyde. Mrs. L. M. Lebus, Mrs.
John Kulper, Mrs. P. K. Holmes,
Mrs. O. T. Koppius, Miss Sarah
Blandlng, Mrs. E. O. Trimble, Mrs.
John Chambers,
Mrs. Louis Pardue,
Will In- Webb. Mrs. Lysle Croft,Mrs. W. S.
Mrs. Watof Louis- son Armstrong, Miss Helen King,
ville, Several Louisville In Dr. Erickson, Mrs. Nlel Plummer,
Miss Margaret Tuttle, Mrs. Jarvis
dustrial Plants
Todd. Mrs. W. W. Dimock. Mrs.
Jesse Adams, Miss Gertrude Wade,
The University of Kentucky stu- Miss Margaret McLaughlin, Mrs.
dent branch of the American So- Dan Terrell, Mrs. A. J. Lawrence,
ciety of Mechanical Engineers will Mrs. Alberta Server, Miss Margaret
hold a Joint meeting with the LouHorsfield and Mrs. John Manning.
isville branch of this society to Inspect the University of Louisville
and several Louisville Industrial
plants. About 22 students from the
University of Kentucky will make
the trip.
The University of Kentucky club
The group will leave Lexington will hold Its first party of the year
Reservations have in the club rooms on Saturday, Noafternoon.
already been made for places for vember 16, at 8:30 p. m.
them to stay in Louisville.
The house committee has arrangProf. C. C. Jett will accompany ed entertainment for everyone in
the students on the trip. They the form of music, dancing, card
will return to Lexington some time playing, and special features. A so
Saturday afternoon.
cial period will precede the danc
The officers of the U. K. society ing.
of this organization are C. E, ArchMembers are urged to assist in
er, president; Reginald Rise,
the membership drive by inviting
William Butler, secre- and bringing eligible
tary, and Thomas Riley, treasurer. from the staff as their guests.



U. K. Club to Give
Party on Saturday


Prizes Arc Awarded to Winners of Various Events
Held in Annual




dance will be held tomorrow night
from 9 to 12 in the Alumni gymnasium at which time the most beautiful woman and the most popular
man of the University will be
The contestants In the order In
which they will appear are:
Martha Honerkamp, Alpha Delta
Theta; Nancy Dyer, Delta Delta
Delta; Ann Carter, Delta Zeta;
Elizabeth Jones, Delta Delta Dulta;
81s Tate, Delta Delta Delta; Millie
Holllday. Kappa Delta; Lois King,
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Helen Farmer, Alpha Gamma Delta; Ruth
Johnston. Kappa Delta; Bettle
Chi Omega; Frances Woods,
Delta Delta Delta.
Bos-wort- h,

Eleanor Randolph, Kappa Delta;
Barbara Smith, Kappa Kappa
Oamma; Lucille Thornton, Kappa
Kappa Gamma; Velma Hardesty,
Alpha Gamma Delta; Margaret
Snyder. Kappa Delta; Edith May,
lpha XI Delta, Kay Barnard, Zeta
Tau Alpha; Rowena Cay lor, Chi
Omega; Lucy Maddox, Chi Omega;
Uabel Pay ton. Alpha Oamma Delta; Elsie Woodson, Alpha Gamma
Delta and Virginia Robinson, Inde-


Four Men Are Pledged By
Omricon Delta Kappa At
Annual Autumn Services

Names Will Appear On Replica Of Kev To Ite Set Up
At West End Of
While Hall
Four men, were voted on and


cepted for pledgeshlp to Omicron
AT SHOW IS CITED International Relations Clubs Delta Kappa, national a honorary
leadership fraternity, at
of the organization yesterday afterto Convene at HuntingAll Departments of College
noon In White hall. They were seton, W. Va., on Delected for their all around activities
Are Represented in
and for those attributes that
marked them as campus leaders in

The Fall festival, held





the live


night, was attended by approximately 400 students, faculty members
and visitors. George Kurtz, Lan
caster, was ringmaster.
Mrs. Jack Dennis, Lexington, won
turkey donated by R.
E. Nute, Bullitt county, and Lon
White, also of Lexington won the

of apples. Miss Mary
of the Creamery License department of the Experiment Station, won the cake given by Phi
Upsilon Omicron, and was presented by Miss Isabella Nadelstein,
president of Phi Upsilon Omicron.
Charles Barrett, Sacramento. Ky..
and Carl Camenisch, Stanford,
both received a pig donated by the
Dixie Stock Farms, of Garrard
county for winning the greased pig
contest. Miss Jessie Whitfield. Nor- tonville, won first in the chicken
calling contest with Miss Eva Mae
Nunnelley, Lexington, coming in
Miss Jeanette Watts, Fulton, won
the milk maids milking contest.
The hog calling contest was won by
the master of ceremonies, George
Kurtz. Joe Bray, Bedford, won a
gallon of buttermilk by guessing
correctly the number of milk bottle
caps in a quart milk bottle.
Sheep, hogs, beef and dairy cattle
were exhibited during the evening,
and Prof. J. W. Harris, of the College of Agriculture, spoke on the
origin of several of the breeds.
Prof. Harris reviewed the record of
the Kentucky college at the Inter
national Stock show in Chicago in
previous years.
Entomology, dairy club, farm en
gineering, marketing, horticulture
and other exhibits were shown.
George Harris, field agent In dairy
ing, presented the dairy catUe
Judging team which represented
this state in St. Louis last month.
Block and Bridle pledges were
entered by the active members of
the club in the mechanical mule
Forest Hogue, Salvlsia.
placed first.
Music was presented during the
evening by Miss Louise McKenna,
Gentry Shelton and Miss Robinson.
The Block and Bridle sweepstakes
cup for the exhibitor scoring the
highest number of points in the
crops division was presented to
Horace Davis, Lexington.

Do-lan- d,



Rallroom Group to Conclude
First Series of Lessons
at Formal Tea
A formal tea dance to conclude
the ballroom dancing lessons, con-

ducted by Miss Leila Bush Hamilton for men and women students,
will be held from 4 to 6 p. m. in Patterson hall on Monday, Nov. 18.
A new class will be started the following Monday for advanced steps
and tango lessons.
Guests at the tea dance will be
members of the ballroom class and
Misses Martha Fugett, Betty Mof-fet- t,
Augusta Roberts and Martha
Hall, Bart Peak and Don Reister.
will be Mrs. Sarah
Holmes, Mrs. L. Collins. Mrs. E.
Berkeley, Mr. J. C. HamGiles, Miss
ilton and Mr. W. W. Cott.
The new class, starting on Monday, Nov. 25, will be conducted by
Miss Leila Bush Hamilton, and Mr.
Carroll Hamilton, and will be for
both men and women students interested in learning new routines
and steps. The class is a project
of the Y. W. C. A. hobby group,
with Betty Moffett, chairman.

Most Beautiful Woman, Most Popular Man To
Be Chosen At Kentuckian Dance Tomorrow




SEEKS Strollers Annual 400 ATTEND FALL

Prelude (from Partida in E minor)
J. Bach (Arr. by Silotl)
At a meeting of the University
Intrada (AdagioX Desplanes (Arr. senate Monday afternoon, Novem
by Nachez)
ber 11, it was decided that three
Praehidium and Allegro (Pugnani) new courses woud be taught at the
University. These new courses will
be initiated into the curriculum
next semester.
Concerto in O Minor Bruch
The new courses which will be
Prelude Allegro moderato
taught are Aanatomy and PhysiAdagio
ology 6, Romance languages 3a and
Finale Allegro energico
3b and Romance languages 10a and
On Wings of Song Mendelssohn-Achro- n 10b.
Anatomy and physiology 6 is a
Hungarian Dance, No. 2 Brahms-Joachi- course for nurses and Is especially
designed to meet the needs of those
who are in training. It also consists
Romania Andaluza Sarasate
of a study of the chemical compoAirs Tziganes Cesar Espejo
Mr. Briselll's recital is open to sition and general structure of the
the students, faculty and friends human body. Romance languages
3a and 3b is a study of French conof the University without charge.
versation and composition. It is designed to give students a fair
amount of fluency in the use of the
spoken language. Romance langLiterA meeting of the Patterson
uages 10a and
ary society will be held Monday ish conversation 10b concerns Spannight at 7:30 o'clock at the Sigma The object of this and composition.
course is to teach
Nu House. This meeting will be de- Spanish by images rather than by
voted to a discussion of certain translation.
current topics of interest to stuThe
dents and the planning of pro- meeting senate alsotodecided at their
change Sociol
grams for the coming year.
ogy 109 from a two credit course to A. S. M. E. Group
a three credit course. This course
spect University
in sociology is a study of the family.

Alpha Delta Theta sorority and
Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity won
the fraternity and sorority awards
for selling the largest number of
tags in the tag sale contest which
was sponsored on the campus last
week-en- d
by Omicron Delta Kappa,


chosen by ballots which will be
given with each paid admission at
the door and may be dropped In a
ballot box at the door. All men
are urged to vote.
The men nominated are: Allen
"Pete" Reinlnger, Lambda Chi Alpha; Norrls "Uo" McMillan. Pi
Kappa Alpha; Dave Dtfford, Delta Tau Delta; Cuba Hardin. Sigma
Chi; John Bell. Alpha Gamma
Rho, and Andy Anderson, Phi Kappendent.
The Judges for the beauty con- pa Tau.
The names of both men and
test will be three faculty members
ind three students who will be women are posted on a large "K"
chosen from a group of ten stu- in the pott office. The contest
dents at the dance by drawing from closed at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The basis of nomination was
a hat.
(Continued on Page Four)
The most popular man will be


The regional convention of the their various fields.
International Relations club will be
Those selected were:
held December H and 7, at Marshall
Ralph Hughett, senior in the Colcollege, in Huntington, W. Va.
lege of Commerce. He Is sales manDr. Amry Vandenbosch, advisor ager of the Kentuckian, a member
of the local club, has released the of Alpha Delta Sigma advertising
following schedule of the conven fraternity, Pershing Rifles, Strolltion.
ers and the Student Council.
Friday. December 6. registration
James Moore, senior In the Colwill begin at 9 a. m. in the Marshall lege of Arts and Sciences, Is a
College auditorium,
followed by member of Sigma Nu social fraterthe openine meetine at 10 a. m. nity, a member of the varsity ten-

The first Round Table will be held
11 and dismissed at 12:15 for
luncneon at the Governor Cabell
at which Doctor Fischer will sneak.
The second Round Table will meet
at the Governor Cabell from 2 p.m.
to 3:15 p.m. Doctor Nathan will
De tne speaker at the banouet at
7 o'clock.
The final Round Table will be
held at 10 a.m., Saturday, following
wnicn win be the International
Club Officers meeting at 11 am.
Topics discussed at the Round
Table meetings will concern Dictatorship and Democracies in relation to World Corporation,
conflict, and Japan's
Control of the Far East.




Deputation Team Holds Morning, Afternoon, Evening
Sessions at Lebanon High
Seven representatives of the University Y. M. C. A. went to Lebanon,
Ky., Tuesday, Nov. 12, in the first
of a series of deputation trips to be
sponsored from time to time this
year by the organization.
Those who made the trip were
Bart Peak, John Spragens, Bob
Evans, Harlowe Dean. Bob Denny,
Ballard Floyd and Billy Leet. They
were guests at a special morning
chapel at Lebanon High school, at
an afternoon session attended by all
the boys of the high school and at
an evening meeting open to students

and parents.

Tom Spragens presided at the
morning exercises. Harlowe Dean
rendered two solos, Billy Leet spoke
on "Ideals of Hi-Club" and Bob
Denny on "Steps in the Dark."
Bob Evans spoke at the afternoon
session on "College Activities" and
Tom Spragens on "Why Go to College." Following the talks a general
discussion on college life was held.
At the evening session, presided
over by Tom Jackson, president of
club, Ballard
the Lebanon Hi-Floyd spoke on "Coeducation," Billy
Leet on "University and Religion,"
Bob Denny on "The Power of Prayer" and Bart Peak on "Higher Living." Harlowe Dean sang "My Task"
and made a short talk on "My
Task." Bob Denny and Harlowe Dean
sang a duet.
The meeting was
closed by devotions and a selection
by a quartet composed of Harlowe
Dean, Bob Denny, Billy Leet and
Tom Spragens.


Manning Addresses

Government League

Dr. J. W. Manning spoke at the
Better Government
league meeting Tuesday, Novembei
12, on "Problems
of Government
Organization in Kentucky." Doctor
Manning applied his principles for
government organization to existing conditions, potntng out where
they digressed. The meeting was
characterized by the freedom of
which all the members
of the league took part

nis team, Keys, sophomore honorary, Lances, Junior honorary, and is
on the Student Council.
John McKenney, a member of
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, is a
junior in the College of Arts and
Sciences and is a member of Lances,
Keys, basketball manager, Pershing
Rifles and is a pledge to Scabbard
and Blade.
Bazil Baker, a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences Is editor
of the Kentuckian, a member of
the Student Council, Lances, and is
a pledge to Scabbard and Blade,

military honorary.
As Is the annual custom, a large
Omicron Delta Kappa key will be
hung from a tree at the north end
of the Administration building this
morning and names of the pledges

will be placed on it.
Nu chapter of Omicron Delta
Kappa was founded on the campus
in 1925. The organization pledges
twice a year, once in the fall and
once in the spring. A point system is the basis for membership.
First semester Juniors are required
to have 18 points to be eligible for
membership, second semester Juniors 20 points, first semester seniors
20 points and second semester senThe organization
iors 22 points.
sponsors various projects to raise
money for the Student Union building fund, such as dances and the
selling of football tags at all home
Dave Difford is president of the
Present members of
Omicron Delta Kappa are: James
Bersot, Frank Borries, Cal Cramer,
Elvis Stahr. Dick Boyd, Claude Terrell, Dave Difford, Jack Craln, and
James Shropshire, Professors R. D.
Mclntyre, Roy Moreland and Cass
Formal pledging of the new men
will be held in the study room of
White hall this morning at 11:50
Mr. Joseph C. Graves gave a
lecture on "The French painter
and lithographer, Honore Daumier"
Thursday evening, Nov. 14 at the
University Art Center. '

All requests for dates on the social calendar are being considered
now by Dean T. T. Jones. The dean
of men is now making up the social calendar for the current year
and anyone who wishes dates reserved on it should apply to his
office as soon as possible.
All students who have received
cards from the dispensary concerning tuberculin tests are urged to
report to the dispensary at the time
stated on the cards. Anyone who
has not as yet taken the test is
asked to do so at once.

The first general open house of
the semester will be held this afternoon from 4 to 6 p. m. in the Woman's building. A general invitation
is extended to all men and women

Better GovThe
ernment league holds an open
meeting once a month which every-on- e ing of
may attend. Outstanding pledges
speakers in the field of politics are night in


Dean Graham Will
Talk to Engineers
Dean James H. Graham, head of
the College of Engineering, will be
the principal speaker at the regular fall meeting of the Kentucky
Section of the Society for the ProEducation,
motion of Engineering
to be held at 10 a. m., in Dicker
hull, Saturday, November 16.
"Need for Interpreters In Business" is the subject on which Dean
Graham will speak. John M. Houch-en- s,
assistant professor University
of Louisville, will read a paper on
"Vocational Guidance for Prospective Engineering Students."

will be an Important meetall Scabbard and Blade
at 7:00 o'clock Monday
the Armory.

Anyone who has snapshots suitable for the 193d Kentuckian should
see Bob Hess or Basil Baker as soon
as possible.

The International Relations club

will meet


4 p. m. Wednesday

afternoon in the Administration
building. The speaker will be Prof.
V. B. Hageman of the German department.
The University of Kentucky
chapter of Phi Delta Phi, national
legal fraernity, will hold its monthly luncheon at 12 o'clock today at
the Patio.
All men who wish to try out for
varsity or R. O. T. O. rifle team
please report to the Armory at 4
p. m. Frlduy, November 14.

� Best Copy

1 Wcl



MFMHK- Kflnnrrl of fnmmfrpf
PrM Ancintinn


KrntlKkv ItitrrrnlloRlntr Prr
lntrriiBdotiRl Nr
Itirmbrr of tlir Mnlor Colleirf Publ1mtlnn. rrrrrvnfd W.
nrl St. Nrw York Cltv: l?1
Norru Hill Co. IS F.
MKdiKon St.. Ohirn, 1004 Jnd Avf , rVattlr; 1031 8 Brodv,
l.o Ancrlpn; Coll Bulldinc Sun Frnclro.

Irank Rokriin
John Cmrisiik
km n







Edilmin-Cliie- f



Manngirig Editor
MnnnjiitiR Editor



Max I.nnraMer




Chrnlm Dunn



Lltprry Editor

Soclrty Editor
Asst. Boclfty Editor


Film Coyte
Brtty Jackson
Dorothy McCammlsh

Franrps Smith
Louise Psyne

NrH Nrrln
Mlldrrd wbb
Mildred Oormin





John Chrntlf

Fril Bakr

nick Boyd


Fmture Editor


Irene Slevers

Donald Irvine

News Editor
C. T. Hertzsch
Dave Salvers
John Darnell




Robert Stone
WUlls Jones
Herman Dotson
John Mornan
Hazel Douthltt
Orace Silverman
James Richardson
Virginia Batterton
Raymond Lathrem
Betty Earle

Arthur Dotson
WtlMam Evans
Katherine Jones
Carl Camenisch
Martha Reiser
Robert Rankin
Irene Slevers
Robert Houlihan

Ervin Olllenwater
Frank Sutton
Thomas Humble
Allen Asby

Jack Kelch
Otis Harris
Cliff Shaw
Edmund Thompson
Svlvia Skuller





8ports Editor

Max Lancaster

Mack Hughes





Roger Brown

- Business Manager
Advertising Manager
Circulation Manager


learning stands
tlic undeniable fad that education is an opponent and not an ardent Mippoi ter of traditional ideas and methods. Education by its very nature is revolution. This fact is readily apparent
in the growth of any individual from infancy
into adulthood. Change is the essence of a constitutive development.
On ilic frontier of

preMiu-d.i- y

The real purpose, then, of education is not
to mould the younger generation into the narrow groove of tradition. It aims lather at preparing youth for a greater material and cultural
achievement than the previous generation was
able to accomplish. Herein lies the secret of human progress.
A glance at the world picture emphasizes the
need for this little recognized conception of education. A traditional economic order that lias
not kept pace with technological advancement is
no longer able to decently care for its people.
Cultural and spiritual values are thrown aside
in the mad scramble for existence. Governments
hound, by the shackles of a dead past rush blindly
on in a vain search for the way out. And over
the vrry seciacle of modern "civilization" hangs
the dark cloud of war, a monument to the petty
jealousies and ambitions of the older generation.
Mental stooges of the existing order are not
going to lead society out of the mess in which
it finds itself. Only intelligent thinkers who are
free from traditional influences can add fresh
color to the picture. This is the problem of the
modern school. Will it equip the student for a
constructive future? Or will it be content to offer
the narrow rut of a tlisapM)inting past. In this
answer lies in the future of human welfare. Daily


Kricliy, NovmilxT


wise, whic h comes to this desk will be considered.
To depart from this custom would be, in a certain sense, lo take away the light of freedom of
and freedom of the press.
In carrying out this policy Thr Knurl is at
present conflicted with one pressing problem
namely that of anotivmous contributions in the
form of student opinion. Recently several students have addressed communications to The
Kernel on various subjects with the request that
they be published in the column known as "Student Opinion." Ordinarily such treatises arc
welcomed in the interest of student rights, but
when the jktsoii writing them does not even have
the courage lo sign his name to those convictions
which are supixisedly his, the editorial stall
hesitates to publish the article submitted.
Since all student opinion is published with
merely the initials of the student as a signature,
unless the writer sK'cifually asks that his name
be signed to the article, it is obvious that no precaution to prevent the disclosing of one's name
to the student body at large is necessary cm the
part of the writer. At the same time all articles
arc treated as strictly confidential even when
inquiries arc made of the editor. The whole
idea is to prevent any one who is not a member
of the student body from attempting to have
published something which would be subversive
to the interests of the University. It is obvious
that such communications could not be logically
refused if a policy of maintenance of student's
rights were strictly maintained.
May we therefore reiterate that The Kernel
will be glad to publish any and all communications submitted as student opinion provided they
bear the signature of the writer. May we further
reiterate that such articles will be published
with only the initials of the writer as signature
unless otherwise specified by the author. Thus
shall the lights of both the individual and the
student body as a whole be protected.

Football's long