xt7d251fk454 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d251fk454/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-11-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  1, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  1, 1938 1938 1938-11-01 2013 true xt7d251fk454 section xt7d251fk454 i wufjy AVdllclUie

Act, Then Talk!
Although the response to the first
day's call for students to take the
Wassermann tests was fairly good,
not all members of the organizations pledging support showed up
at the old Law building. Our old
failing to talk rather than to do
comes to the front. From now on,
in addition to publication of schedules in the Kernel, each organization will be notified. After we have
reached all the organizations possible, we will take individuals alphabetically.

entucky Kernel





Following is the schedule
for Wassermann tests to be
given this afternoon in the
Public Health (Old Law) building:
Those unable to take the
test yesterday, will be taken
today from 3 to 3:30 p. m.;
Delta Tau Delta and Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, 3:30 to 3:50
p. m.; Alpha Tau Omega and
Sigma Phi Epsilon, 3:50 to
4:20 p. m.

Homecomers Witness
Kentuckians Stage
Fighting Game

Nature of Syphilis
Starting today, each issue of
Clearing House will carry some facts ZOELLER GETS AWAY
about syphilis, reprinted from a
pamphlet Issued by the Kentucky
State Department of Health. The
first "set" deals with the nature of Big Blue Upsets Sport Dope

By Holding 'Bam a To
Close Score

Syphilis is a communicable disease the most dangerous of all
communicable diseases. If detected
early and given prompt, proper, and
adequate treatment, it can be controlled, practically cured, in 85 per
cent of cases. If not early and not
given prompt, proper, and adequate
treatment. It cripples important
body structures and shortens life
from four to twenty years.





1, 1938


Kernel Staff Opens Testing Schedule As Anti - Syphilis Drive Starts University Medical Authorities Pleased With
Yesterday's Response; Tests v ill



Kappa Kappa Gamma,
pha Xi Delta, and Kappa


Delta, 4:20 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Organizations whose members are to take the tests
Wednesday and Thursday will
be notified by telephone. Af- -'
ter all organizations supporting The Kernel s campaign
have been tested, periods will
be alloted for the testing of
students not connected with
any organization.

Continue Today

Socially minded students from six major campus organi
zations surged into the Public Health building yesterday for
v assermann tests as The Kernel s
war swung

hear the program has
laughed at the actions of those who
did hear it and the matter has been
termed ridiculous, what would hapIN
pen if someone did Invade our
screamed warnings and we, smugly, Balloting Will Be Held From
said "No, you can't catch me a sec9 To 4 Thursday In
ond time." Well, we wondered, any-

Union Building


Old Clothes. Old Clothes
The response to Dean Jones call
for clothing has been extremely discouraging. We know that all of the
old clothes haven't been sold to
peddlers or burned. There must be
plenty of clothing useless to the
owner but which mould help some
of the less fortunate students
through the winter. Come on. and
bring them in where they will do
some good.
Every Girl A Queen
"Dear Clearing House: There is
a constant friction be ween sororities
because of elections for queens and
the intense competition. It seems
to me that a sorority has as its
purpose the promotion of closer
friendship between girls instead of
the building up of a political party.
If. for instance, all sororities and
independents were given one beauty
queen, instead of having one queen
and the rest attendants, it would
(Continued on Page Two)

Election of Junior class officers
will be held from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Thursday, in rooms 204 and 206,
Onion building. Only regular Jun
iors and first and second year law
students will be allowed to vote.
Petitions naming four complete
sets of candidates have been sub
mitted to the Men's Student Council pending approval of that body
at a meeting this afternoon.
John H. Clarke, Jr., Sigma Alpha Epsilon was named to head the
Fraternity combine ticket as president. Supporting him are Rodger
NaLyons. Triangle,
omi Estill, Chi Omega, secretary;
and Franklin Fraser, Alpha Gamma
Rho, treasurer.
The Independent party nominees
are Joe Bailey, for president; Harry
Weaks, for
Arkins, secretary; and Paul Dur-bin,


was named as a
presidential candidate by the
Independent Progressive
party. Running with Sullivan are
nominee; and Marie Hypes, candidate for secretary. All are IndepenBruce Sullivan

The Inquiring


The Answers:

that I

value above everything else
is success in my chosen field. It
was a very hard problem for me
to decide Just what vocation I
would pursue, but, having once
mad up my mind and selected the
medical field as my life's work, I am
trying to do my utmost to be a success in this, my chosen field."
Louise Galloway, Sophomore,
Arts and Sciences: "To put down
the one thing that I value most in
life Is rather hard but I think, that
given one thing, I'd say friends.
Most of the pleasures and success
in life come about through friends
and without them there would be
great emptiness which nothing else
could fill."
Bill Neal, Senior, Commerce:
"Above all else in life I value my
health. I can't imagine what life
would be like if I had to worry
about a weak heart, lungs, or any
of the many other natural ailments.
Many think that money is the most
important, but money can be acquired and it is not necessary for
happiness. For me 111 take health
any old day."
Barbara MacVey, Junior. Arts
and Sciences: "Everyone wants
great deal out of life, and with every
dav. - oat he wants will change.
However, I think I value books and
reflection above everything else,
Books because they give the reader
the world, and reflection because
It permits a leisurely unthreading
at ideas."




American Country Life As
sociation To Convene
November 4




- .'



Association Of Colleges And
Secondary Schools Have
15th Conference








.1--- .
-- mi
campaign is initiated as members of the editorial staff mount the steps of the
The Kernel
Pubic Health building preparatory to taking the Wassermann test, giv;n by members of the University
Doctor Engelhardt, Columbia, medical staff. The drive was officially opened at 3 p. m. yesterday.

V HaiB.V- anti-syphi- lis

Is Principal Speaker
At Convention

Spirochaete, Microscopic Germ,
Is Responsible For All Syphilis ENTERTAINMENT

The Kentucky Association of Colleges and Secondary schools assembled on the campus Friday and
Saturday in their 15th annual conference. More than 1,200 educators Wassermann

were present.
Opening the session with a general convocation. Pres. Frank L.
McVey delivered a welcoming address before introducing Paul L.
Garrett, president of the association, and Dr. N. L. Engelhardt of
Columbia University Teacher's College.
Luncheons were held In the Green
Room and the Colonial Room of the
Lafayette Hotel for the College and
Secondary groups. Afternoon conmeetings
ferences and sectional
were held from 2 to 4 in McVey
Hall and the Educational building.
President Raymond A. Kent of
the University of Louisville, chairman of the commission of Institutes
of Higher Education, presided at
the Friday afternoon college section in McVey Hall. The speakers
were President James H. Richmond,
Murray State Teachers College; Pre
sident H. L. Donovan,. Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, and
Miss Hilda Threlkeld, dean of women at the University of Louisville. The meeting was concluded
with a round table discussion and
committee reports.
The annual banquet was held Friday evening in the Student Union
Building with President McVey presiding. The Rev. George O'Bryan,
chaplain of St. Joseph's hospital,
Lexington, gave the Invocation, after which the University Men's Glee
Club presented a musical program
under the direction of Professor C.
Dr. Engelhardt, prinA. Lampert.
cipal speaker of the Conference,
addressed the assembly on "The Restoration of Local Initiative."

Tests Available
For University Students
At Dispensary

Spirochaete versus medical sci- ence.
These were the opposing forces
yesterday as the University of Ken- - f
tucky student body, guided by the
Kernel, launched its drive against i
one of the most omnipresent dug--1
eases of recent years syphilis.
Spirochaete; a squirmy, microscopic body that can bore irresistably
through even an intact membrane,
and that if undiscovered, can bring
insanity, blindness, heart, disease,
apoplexy that was one side. It
was the bad side.
Medical science; a group of spirited scientists, armed with every
device in the service of medicine
to countercharge the opponent, and
stusanctioned by a
dent body, determined to preserve
healthy, happy living. That was
the other side. It was the good side.
Only a very few of us know about
this spirochaete enemy. It has been
discovered disguised behind common every-da- y
colds, simple ailments that we usually overlook as
unimportant. But then it strikes,
and then it must be trapped.
At our University dispensary yesterday the first of the many campus
organizations took the Wassermann
test. In the course of the next week
other groups will follow. Soon, it is
hoped, the entire student body will
have been given the Wasserman

Deadline For
ODK Applications
Is 4 P.M. Today
Application to Omicron Delta Kappa will be accepted until 4 p. m. today at the office
of Prof. R. D. Mclntyre, secretary of ODK, in White hall.
No applications will be accepted after that time.

Hamilton Discusses Methods
Of Syphilis Transmission
Before Group
"Syphilis" was the subject of Dr.
assistant professor
of hygiene, when he addressed mem
bers of the American Student Union
at a meeting of that group Monday
night in the Union building.
The University chapter of the
ASU voted to support The Kernel's
war with individual
members of the group pledging
themselves to take the Wassermann
Doctor Hamilton pointed out that
syphilis was caused by the germ.
treponema pallidum, a type of spir,
Tracing the methods of transmis
sion of the disease. Doctor Hamilton stated that approximately 90
percent of the cases were contracted
through intercourse. Only abut one
tenth of one percent of the cases
are from accidental causes, the doctor said. The remainder of the cases
are congenital syphilis.
Doctor Hamilton described the
three stages of syphilis and gave
methods of treatment. He closed
his talk with a discussion of the
outlook for syphiletics.
W. B. Hamilton,

anti-syphil- is


National Home Demonstration Council To Supplement Conference



ROTC, Band, Drill Squad, And
Pershing Rifles To


Annual Tobacco Carnival Will
Be Held In Tattersall's
Branches of the University R. O.
T. C, "The Best Band In Dixie,'
Colors and Color Guards, Confederate- drill squad, Pershing Rifles,
and a girl who will represent the
University in the contest for Tobacco Queen, will participate in the
annual Tobacco Festival to be held
November 8, 9, and 10 at the
Clara Taylor Spencer, Winchester, junior in the College of Commerce and a pledge of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, was chosen recently by President Frank L. McVey to represent the University at
the Tobacco Carnival and to compete for the honor of reigning as
queen of the festival. Miss Spencer
is a former Central Kentucky Women's golf champion.
The Tobacco Queen will be selected from representatives of colleges
Tat-ters- all

throughout the state and the remainder of the candidates will compose the queen's court. All candidates will be guests at a carnival
luncheon the Kiwanis Club will give
at noon November 8 and that afternoon will participate in the car
nival parade and entertainment at
the Tattersall warehouse on South
Broadway, the scene of the expo
David Wark Griffith, noted motion picture director, will select the
Queen of the Festival on his arrival
Wednesday, November 8, according
to an announcement made by T.
Ward Hanley, chairman of the
queen and court committee.
(Continued on Page Four)

For the first time in its 19 years
of existence, the American Country
Life Association will hold its annual
National Rural Forum on the University campus beginning: tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 2. and continuing through Friday, November 4.
The fourth national conference cn
the rural home, conferences of rural
youth and of the National Home
Demonstration Council will be held
In conjunction with the convention.
People in Rural
Life" is the theme for this year's
conference and the problems of
of tenants, and those on poor land
will be emphasized.
who have received national note in
their fields are to address the sessions and lead the discussions.
Dean Thomas P. Cooper of the
College of Agriculture is one of the
two vice presidents of the national
organization of American Country
Life. Dean Chris L. Christensen of
Wisconsin Agriculture College is also
vice president and Dr. Dwight Sanderson of Cornell University is president of the national association.
Separate meetngs will be held
from time to time by the youth
section composed of student reprecolleges.
sentatives from land-graHoward F. Sharp of Illinois State
Normal College and president of the
youth section will preside. Byrd
Kendall. University home economics student, Is secretary of the youth
Grace Silverman, president of
Phi Upsilon Omicron will give the
welcome address on behalf of University students to members of the
youth conference.
Sharp will give
the response and Byrd Kendall will
be in charge of roll call. Wendall
Binkley will also make an address
to a meeting of the youth section.
A speech by Dr. Frank L. McVey
entitled "Rural Statesmanship in the
south," and a discussion by Dr.
J. Hutchins, president of
Berea College, on "Programs for
Rural Improvement In Appalachian
will be main; attractions on the pro
Dr. William van de Wall, Univer
sity director of the Carnegie Com
m unity Music Study, is to speak on
the "Culture in Agriculture." David
Donocho of Breathitt county will
talk on the development of rural
share-croppe- rs,


Into Panic By Radio
Program Over CBS

"the meteorites, bearing these
men from Mars with their deadly
gas and rays, are lighting like locusts. Our people are dying by the
thousands," came the tense voice of
the radio announcer in H. G. Wells'
radio play "Worlds At War," but
the students of Kentucky, ignorant of the fact that it was just a
play, went wild.
While thousands of Americans
outside Lexington were hysterical
with terror and excitement, many
students of the University became
horror-strickat the thought of
death from above, in the form of
rays" from strange guns,
and gas 'that spreads ahead of the
wind and kills all life'."
One boy who lives on Forest Park
road was unable to stand the
thought of being killed by interplanetary warriors, and attempted
to jump from a second story window. "At least I won't be here
when they come," he screamed. He
was dragged back by a room-matjust as he was about to jump to



his death.

The play, which was depicted in
the form of news broadcasts given
over the national hook-up- s,
the arrival of thousands of men
Mars, who armed with rays
and gas wiped out seven thousand
New Jerseyites Just as a warm-uand then started on the army and
navy of Uncle Sam. Many of the
students here who failed to listen
to the beginning of the play were
thrown into confusion by the news
that the world was being conquered
and its people killed by a malignant
force from Mars.
Perhaps the scene of greatest
confusion was Patterson Hall, where

dozens of girls began crying hysterically when they heard the news.
Many of them began to pack, while
others hurried to phones to make
hurried calls for assistance from
parents. Calls were made to Texas,
Missouri, and many to parts of
One girl, certain that
her days were few, sobbed out to
her father, "If this is the end, don't
you think we ought to be together?"
Leslie Lee Jones fainted at the
second news flash. Adele Ball attempted to quiet some of the girls
by teLUng them to read their Bibles.
Polly Pollitt called her mother in

Ashland and gurgled out to her sur
prised family that the word was
coming to an end.
Over at the boys' dorm conditions
were little better. Boys fought to
get to the telephone in order to
call their parents. One or two sat
by with pale faces, while others
wept openly.
All agreed that it
looked like the end.
Numerous cases of temporary insanity were reported. One student
who lives on Euclid avenue sat at
a radio and slowly tore his hair,
all the while mumbling to himself.
His roommate just sat and cried.
At the PiKap house Bob Brown
was listening to the program while
he shaved. Upon hearing the reports he wiped the lather from his
face, jumped into some pants, and
tore out of the house. "If it was
going to be the end, I was going
to see my girl," Bob admitted later.
Sally Cannon and her mother
were listening to the radio in horror
stricken silence when suddenly a
fuse blew out and the lights went
off. Mrs. Cannon, with a moan of
fright, clung to Sally and said
"Honey, this is the end; they've cut
the power lines."
Lillian Gaines Webb and her

mother were likewise listening to
skit. Mrs. Webb,
this history-makin- g
unable to stand the situation rushed
to the phone and called her hus-

"I'll be next; they'll kill me too. I
heard it: I know. I heard it when
he died." But the other boys kept
on praying. Two of them ran from
the house, jumped into cars, and
started to leave.
Meanwhile one coed called the
airport in an effort to charter
plane. Students kept thinking of
ways to get home. One boy sat
philosophically by his raflio and
said "It will all be different now.
There will be a new order off things,
and I will have the same chance as

band, who was dining downtown
with some friends, and told him the
awful news. Mr. Webb relayed the
news on to his friends and rushed
home. Just as he arrived, the family was thrown off balance again
by the news that it was all in fun.
At the Triangle house, ten boys
hung around the radio, listening in
frightened silence o the ominous
news being broadcast.
The play
reached the spot where the news anyone else."
So the girls at the dorm read
was killed. One boy
lurched to his feet, white with ter- their Bibles, and packed their
Others bought tickets
ror. Sounds began gurgling from clothes.
his throat, and suddenly
he home, or made hurried
screamed. "Didn't you hear it?" he calls in a frantic effort to get in
cried, "Didn't you? He's dead. I touch with their loved ones before
heard him die. My God; I heard the "end" came.
him die. I heard it, I tell you. I
Through It all. the boys at the
heard a man die. I heard him. Triangle house kept praying: prayAnd I'll be next. They're going to ing that they would be spared the
kill me, too." And screaming hys- horrible death that awaited them
terically, with his hands covering from the gas and death rays of
his face, he ran from the room.
these little men from Mars who
Out in the hall, others were were terrifying the world, and who
kneeling in prayer, too scared to were born no farther away than the
even run. The hysterical boy ran Martian section of the mind of
up and down the stairs burbling H, O. Wells.

on its stand.
A letter from Lamp and Cross,
senior men's honorary, received yesterday stated:
"A resolution adopted by Lamp
and Cross, wherein. Tenia vique society of Lamp and Cross unanimously endorses The Kernel's
campaign and expresses the
wish that every member of the sen-


anti-syphi- lis


ior class will cooperate."
Plans are under way to have willing members of the University hygiene classes take the test In groups.
The University chapter of the
American Student Union at a meeting last night voted to support the
campaign with each member of the
group pledging himself to take the

Supplementing the Wassermann
tests will be a series of talks and
motion pictures designed to help
interested groups further their
knowledge of the disease.
Organizations that have already
endorsed the campaign and pledged
support are:
The Kernel staff. The Kentuckian
staff. Men's Student Council. Omicron Delta Kappa. Mortar Board.
Association of Women Students.
American Student Union. Lamp and
Cross, and Scabbard and Blade.
Delta Tau Delta. Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Alpha Gamma Delta. Kappa Delta. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma
Nu. Alpha XI Delta, Pi Kappa Alarts.
pha, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Delta
Leaders in extension work will Sigma Chi, and Alpha Tau Omega.
convene Wednesday, November 2 for
the annual meeting of the National
Home Demonstration Council. Fif
teen states are expected to send
large delegations, according to Miss
wjiuc nciuvu, irautrr ux xeuiuc&y
home demonstration agents.
President and Mrs. Frank L. McVey will entertain with a reception
and tea in honor of those attending
the convention, at 4:30 p. m. WedTuesday
nesday, Nov. 2 at Maxwell Place.
Phi Alpha Delta 1 p. m.,
Wil-llia- m



Temporary Insanity And Hysteria Grip UK Students
As Too Realistic Play Broadcast Is Misinterpreted Graduate Student Car
Is Struck By
Patt And Boyd Halls Thrown

is administered.
Students from the six organiza
tions. The Kernel staff, the
staff. Omicron Delta Kappa. Men's Student Council. Association of Women Students, and Mortar Board, who were unable to take
the test yesterday will have an opportunity to take the test today.
Schedule for today's testing fol
Those unable to take test yester
day, 3 to 3:30 p. m.
Delta Tan Delta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 3:30 to 3:M p. m.
Alpha Taa Omega and Sigma Phi
Epsilon. 3:M to 4:2 p. m.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alphi XI
Delta, and Kappa Delta, :Z9 to S
p m.
who are to take
the tests Wednesday and Thursday
will be notified later by phone. Kernel Editor L. T. Iglehart, generalls-sm- o
of the war, stated yesterday.
After all the organizations backing the campaign have been tested,
periods will be allotted for the testing of students not connected with
any group.
Meanwhile The Kernel continues
to receive encouraging response to
its campaign; A letter has been received from the National Hygiene
association commending the paper
Ken-tucki- an


Crittenden Lowry, Junior, Arts
and Sciences: The thing In life

assermann tests will be given this
afternoon on the second floor of the
Public Health (Old Law) building.
However, every member of the six
organizations scheduled for testing yesterday was not present. Coeds in particular seemed a bit squeamish about taking the test, but
authorities are confident that this
psuedo-fea- r
will disappear when
word gets around the campus of the
ease with which the Wassermann

There is nothing more impressive
than cold figures which throw light
on the destructive force of the en
emy. The spirochaete takes but
two hours to drill through even the
Dr. Morris Scherago, head of the most resistant membrane on the
bacteriology department gave a re- body.
Independent Combine candidates sume of the meetings of the Amer- reliable Intact membranes offer
Most common
Alpha, ican Public Health Association's naare Wilce Cames, Kappa
source of infection is by spirochaete
for president; Fabian Mathis, Sigtional convention and the conven- contact with open lesions.
Epsilon, for
ma Phi
tion of Diagnostic Methods of Syper cent of
As high as eighty-si- x
Sarah Ransdell, Kappa Delta, for philis at the bacteriology society syphilis cases have been cured loi
The Question:
secretary; and C. P. Johnson, Lam- meeting last night in the Union Y lowing
careful treatment. This .is
What in life do you value above bda Chi Alpha, for treasurer.
(Continued on Page Four)
everything else? Why?



into high gear.
University medical authorities, well pleased with yester
day's response, are ready for another day of testing students.






The great autumnal madness called football hit its local high Saturday and 12,000 Homecomers saw
a courageous, clawing but inferior
team of Kentucky Wildcats sink
under Alabama's Crimson Tidal-waon Stoll field by a 26-- 0 score.
Picked by the experts to finish
'the game a very poor second, the
Cats weathered a first quarter
Cause f Syphilis
Syphilis is caused by a germ called squall and showing their first symSpirachorta Pallida. This germ is ptoms of fight since the Vanderbilt
turned an apparent
so small that two thousand, laid end
to end. are required to make an Tiot into an interesting game. Theinch. Shaped like a corkscrew, it second quarter found Kentucky outIs so slim and slender that it can gaining Alabama almost four to one
enter the body through the tiniest and registering their first touch.'
imaginable crack in the surface. down on the Tide since Bert John'
These germs, having once entered, son turned the trick in 1934, when
Dave Zoeller, sophomore halfback.
multiply with great rapidity and attack any and all parts of the body from his own 29 yard line, breezed
over tackle, reversed his field, and
Joints, heart, and nervous system.
dashed 71 yards to score.
Only in weight did the scrapping
The Line Is Busy
Another writer voices his com- Cats concede a point to the Red
plaint of the lack of telephones In Elephants, rated above the CapPat Hall. In fact, he says he is stone team that finished last yaar
rather irked over the situation, hav- undefeated and then carried the
ing tried unsuccessfully for thirty Eastern colors in the Rose Bowl.
minutes at a time to reach some- The huge Crimson shir ted line held
one In the hall, only to be told "the a weight advantage of 16 pounds
line is busy."
per man and in the backfield an
We quite agree with his senti8 pound superiority. In the Alabama
ments. However, we understand that line the work of Captain Lew Bos-tic- k
a petition for more phones, is on its
was the bright spot while in
way through the necessary "red Charley Holm and Herky Moseley
tape." The cost of the phones is not the Tide presented two of the best
a large a problem as the necessity leather luggers to play on the Stoll
for monitors and checking on long- sod in several years.
distance calls.
Long the weak sisters in the Blue
defense, the ends rose to great
Ron For Yoor Lives
heights and constantly stemmed the
Although John Ed Pearce in his Tide's sweeping flank charges or
column comments upon the war spilled the interference and allowed
scare of last Sunday night, we would
(Continued on Page Pour)
like to add our bit. We cant help
thinking that, after everyone who



War Swings Into High;
Students From Six Major Groups Take Test

Schedules For







Ollie Montgomery, graduate student, who was hit by an automobile at the corner of Lime and Maxwell streets Saturday night. Is recovering from his injuries at the

Lambda Chi Alpha house.
when taken to the Good Samaritan
hospital. It was found that his injuries were not serious, although
he was suffering from bruises,
slight cuts, and severe shock.

Union Dance
To Be Held

Saturday Night

long-distan- ce

A Union dance will be held
from 9 to 12 p. m. Saturday
night, Nov. S in the ballroom
of the Union building, Jim
Wine, student director an-



A local

orchestra will play. Admission
will be 40 cents per couple or
stag. All students must have
Union cards as a complete
check-u- p

will be made.



Spanish club 3 p. m. Room 206,
4 p. m. Room 209.
4 p. m.. Room 204, Union.
s a. nv.
Dairy club breakfast
Room 23a, Union.
7 p. m.
Sophomore Commission
Room 204. Union.
Pi Sigma Alpha banquet 6:30 p.
m.. Room 23a, Union.
Lamp and Cross 7 p. m.. Room
206. Union.
Men's Etudent Council 4 p. m.
Room 206, Union.
5 p. m. " Y"
Senior Cabinet
rooms. Union.
Union publicity committee a p.
m.. Room 127, Union.
7 p. m, "V
Freshman club
rooms. Union.
4 p. m
"Y" social committee
"Y" rooms. Union.
Kernel staff 3 p. m.. Room S3,
McVey hall.
Pitkin Club 12 noon. Maxwell St.

Presbyterian Church.
Independent party rally

7 pi



Kentuckian editorial


German club 7:30 p.


3 p.

m., Room a3, McVey hall.
204. Union.


7:30 p. m. Room 203,
(Continued oa Pafa Four)

� Page Two

watched as thei masculine companions mauled each other in attempts to reach
the check desk first.
Just what was the cause of this situation?
Perhaps it was the idealism of the Union officials who were naive enough to believe that
students, especially in the setting of the Union
building, would act like gentlemen.
Perhaps it was a subconscious desire on the
part of the students to impress upon 'Bama band
boys and old grads the virility and rugged individualism of the present day Kentucky colle-

Published semi weekly during the school year except holidays or examination periods.
aen-- J
Entered at
'Post Old at Lexlnftna. Kentucky,
ciwa matter under the Act of March 1, 187.
Interonnrhite Press Assoctetkw
4. filial
awikra at Ottmatem



National Advertising Service, Inc.
Cutlet muMUbtrt
4?0 MDiaoN Ave.

HrprttmtMn e
New Ymn, N.



One Semester

Lous 1. Igiffukt

Perhaps oh well, it
number of things.
But one thing is certain, it was not the fault
of the students. They are gentlemen. Southern
genilcmen suh, and as such alwavs act as gentle-men.--




Managing Editor
News Editor
Business Mnnngrr

II. Mi fHsi.fr
fan MrElROY
Harpy M. Smith

C. E.

6 porta Editor








$2.00 One

Society Editor

Yankee Doodles


Circulation Manager

Rumsey Osrrlson


lee Jones

S. Louise Calbert
George Lamason

James Howell

She says she admires the idea behind the anti-liili- s
program, but all of this (heap publicity
it's disgusting. She's a member of the University factihv and, uiiforinnaiely, there are others
vho still cling to such false ideas of delicacy.
Madam, and all of your followers:
We are not dealing with a little bad boy
who refuses to wash behind his ears and tvho
can be corrected by personally conducting him
We are concerned with one
to the wash-basiout of every ten persons in our country; we are
fighting a disease which has smugly sought security in attitudes like yours and has laughed
as the efforts of ptivsicians to lift the public's
brand of "shame."
Franklv, we believe you regard syphilis as
some nary, rather distant evil, contracted only
bv moral degenerates, and about which "something should be done." We think you don't
know the facts: how it may acquired from water
fountains and drinking glasses, its results insan-it- ,
crippling, deterioration of body structures,






out through a shortage of too
which forced papa to go on WPa!
and his family to go back to their
former humdrum monotony, from
which they had hoped to escape,
via the deluge.




Van-derbi- lt,


We must seem very bold attempting to write
humor column after the splendor of Scrap
What this
Irony and Behind The F.ckdahl. But we're bold of officers Is about. It Is hard to gram, which he took seriously, "At
explain. Just why one clique would least it will create some excitement,
and whimsical.
want to place their man as senior and it may give some of us a chance
president may be explained only by to do something, for a new order
Now we know what spurs the R.O.T.C. on to the fact that he might be a good will be set these things
Back of
stands not
drawing card for next year's rush
bigger and better accompl