xt7d251fjn0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7d251fjn0z/data/mets.xml Johnson, Lewis Franklin, 1859-1931. 1916  books b9291769j634fa2009 English The Baldwin Law Book Company, Incorporated : Louisville, Ky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Crime --Kentucky. Trials --Kentucky. Trials (Murder) --Kentucky. Famous Kentucky tragedies and trials; a collection of important and interesting tragedies and criminal trials which have taken place in Kentucky, by L. F. Johnson ... text Famous Kentucky tragedies and trials; a collection of important and interesting tragedies and criminal trials which have taken place in Kentucky, by L. F. Johnson ... 1916 1916 2009 true xt7d251fjn0z section xt7d251fjn0z 

Kentucky Tragedies and Trials

A collection of important and interesting tragedies and criminal trials which have taken place in Kentucky



of the Frankfort, Kentucky Bar Author of

"A History of Franklin County, Kentucky"



   kg 343.1 J634

Johnson, Lewis Franklin, 1859 Famous Kentucky tragedies and HV6793.K4 JG 191G

Copyright 1916 by

The Baldwin Law Book Co. Incorporated

All rights reserved


Judge 'Patrick U. CKCajor

a great criminal lawyer, my preceptor and law partner, who was born in 1822 and died in 1903, this work is dedicated


Preface and Introduction......................... 1

The Rowan-Chambers Duel....................... 7

The Jackson-Dickinson Duel ..................... 16

The Holman-Waring Duel ....................... 27

The Assassination of Francis Baker by Isaac B.

Desha, in 1824.............................. 34

The Assassination of Solomon P. Sharp by Jeroboam

0. Beauchamp .............................. 44

The Richardson-Waring Tragedy.................. 58

The Wilkinson Trial ............................. 68

Speech of the Hon. S. S. Prentiss................. 79

Speech of the Hon. Benjamin Hardin............. 126

The Trial of Matt F. Ward....................... 163

Hon. John J. Crittenden   closing remarks in speech. 171

The Execution of Sue Mundy .................... 180

Thompson-Daviess Tragedy ...................... 191

Assassination of Judge John M. Elliott............ 205

Judge Geo. M. Curtis   remarks in part............. 212

The Grandson of Gov. John J. Crittenden.......... 224

Thompson-Davis Trage_dy ........................ 233

Judge Richard Reid, Cowhided by J. J. Corneilison. 246

The Tolliver-Martin or Logan Feud............... 257

The Goebel-Sanford Killing ...................... 272

Swope-Goodloe Tragedy ......................... 282

The Colson-Scott Tragedy ....................... 292

The Goebel Assassination ........................ 301

The Hargis-Cockrell Feud and the Death of Judge

James Hargis............................... 320 

Men form their judgment of the true nature of the human mind from the expressed sentiments and desires of men; these sentiments and desires are often more forcibly expressed by actions than by words; the ruling passion of a man will find expression in some way.

It matters not how skillful a man may be in producing false impressions, the actual condition of his mind and the innermost thoughts of the man are known, to the expert reader of men.

We know of no way to judge the future except by the past. We judge ourselves by what we think we are capable of doing, but we judge other men by what they have done and by what they have been and not by what they might have been.

Psycology is a great science, it treats of the mind; a study of the mind is a study of mankind.

The most opportune time in which to study man, is when some great crisis in his life causes him to act according to the natural impulses of his nature.

The world is a comedy to him who sees only the frivolous and ludicrous side of life, but it is a tragedy to him who feels the weight of its cares and responsibilities.

Tragedies are the most striking events in history. Some might be termed world tragedies: such as the fall of man and his expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The flood,    that great cataclysm which brought death and destruction to the nations of the earth so that, "All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.''

After this God made a covenant with man and as a perpetual token of such covenant, He set His bow in the clouds and this covenant was between Him and every living creature of all flesh.

The greatest of all the tragedies known to the world was 

the trial and suffering and crucifixion and death of Him who died for men.

For nearly two thousand years this event has been the subject of constant discussion; the suffering in Gethsemane, the perspiration of blood, the nails through His hands and feet, the riven side, the crown of thorns and the death on the cross, have awakened the sympathies of men and have brought the world to realize the infinite compassion of a God.

Christian people in every country delight to tell, in story and song, the details of this the greatest of all tragedies.

The government of the Hebrew people was a theocracy, it was the only pure type of that form of government known to men. God walked and talked with men. The Old Testament is a history of this government: it gives an account of many tragic events: God's dealing with man and man's rebellion against God and man's wicked and cruel dealings with his fellowmen are its constant theme. The history of no other people is so fraught with human interest, because the history of no other people has given to the world the motives and impulses and sins of men.

Some of the strongest characters in the Old Testament committed great sins. Moses, the great law-giver and leader, was the meekest of men; he was the adopted son of a princess; he was unknown to himself and his people until he arose in his wrath and slew the Egyptian; after that he was God's agent in bringing the plagues upon Egypt, and he walked and communed with God and he became God's instrument in the deliverance of his people, and the Lord gave to him two tables of stone upon which were written, " with the finger of God," the ten commandments, and in a fit of anger he threw these priceless tables down and broke them.

King David's life was filled with tragic events; the life of the shepherd boy and his adventures, his duel with Go-

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liath, his success as a military leader and elevation to the throne are not more interesting facts than his love affair with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah; the death of Uriah by order of the king; the death of their first born, the fruit of their sin, and Nathan's parable of the ewe lamb which caused David to be his own judge, and in his anger he said, '' As the Lord liveth the man that has done this thing shall surely die," and Nathan said to David, " Thou art the man.''

There is not a more pathetic incident in all history than David's lamentation over the death of his handsome and wayward son Absalom. Though at the head of an army in open rebellion against his father, when David sent Joab with an army to subdue him, his command was, " Deal gently, for my sake, with the young man, even with Absalom." After the battle, when told that Absalom had been slain, the king was much moved and went up to the chamber over the gate and wept, and as he went, thus he said, '' 0 my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom; would God I had died for thee, 0 Absalom, my son, my son.''

The love affair between Hamor and Dinah and its tragic ending resulting in the death of Hamor from the hands of Simeon and Levi; and the love affair of Amnon and Tamor which was terminated in the death of Amnon by the command of Absalom; portray the same characteristics of head and heart, and they disclose the same passions which dominate and control the actions of men, of like passions, at the present day.

'' Cain rose up against his brother and slew him.'' This incident has been repeated over and over again in the history of men. Some of the strongest characters spoken of in the Old Testament were the most frequent violators of the law. Joab was one of the great generals of the world but his family was in a feud with that of Abner and Joab slew Abner, though he knew that he was transgressing the

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law of God and that he would incur the anger of the king. Joab also slew Absalom, after he had been directed by the king to " deal gently with the young man."

And Joab took Amasa by the beard with his right hand and smote him in the fifth rib so that he died and thereupon Solomon, who had succeeded to the throne, commanded that Joab should die and Joab fled to the sanctuary and caught hold of the horns of the alter, but even that did not save him from the wrath of the king.

Jepthah's rash vow brought death to his beautiful daughter and she was offered up as a burnt offering.

Samson was a victim to the blandishments of a deceitful woman.

A just retribution was meted out to the wicked Jazebel and she was thrown from an upstairs window and her body was eaten by the dogs.

Hayman was hung upon the gallows which was eighty-seven and a half feet high and which he had prepared for his enemy.

The Moabitcs and the Amonites were conceived in sin and born in iniquity and every period of their existence as a nation or a tribe was marred by the same ignoble and vicious spirit which marked their infamous beginning.

Many strong characters of the New Testament illustrate the idea, that some men have been willing, " To acquit themselves like men '' and give their lives as a sacrifice for the cause which they thought just; they have demonstrated, on many occasions, the truth of the statement made by the poet who said :

"But ivhether on the scaffold high Or in the battle's van The fittest place that man can die Is where he dies for man."

By the command of King Herod, John the Baptist was beheaded. Paul, the greatest of all Jews, was also beheaded.

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Peter was crucified with his head downward. Judas went out and hanged himself. John was thrown into a kettle of boiling oil. James was killed by a sword thrust. It is a tradition that all of the remaining diciples met violent death.

These tragic events teach lessons. These men were martyrs ; they suffered persecution for a principle; they taught men how to die for a just cause.

Tragic events in the history of our own State ought to serve a good purpose. Every event detailed in this work is given as a matter of history. Some allowance may be made for the ordinary exaggeration of the newspaper reporter who may have colored his story for the purpose of adding zest to it, but practically all the dates and a large part of the evidence have been taken from court records and the reports of the Court of Appeals.

A few '' skeletons '' in the closets of prominent Kentuck-ians are exhibited to the present generation for the first time. These disclosures are not made for the purpose of humiliating any person; they are given as historic facts in order that this and succeeding generations may upon the one hand emulate the acts of patriotism and upon the other be warned by the examples of sin and folly and tragic deaths of men, known as men of affairs.

The tragedies and trials of prominent Kentuckians should be of interest to every citizen of the Commonwealth. The cases cited are confined to the families of Governors and other State officials, lawyers, judges and men of affairs, socially, politically and intellectually.

Many of them are incidents which have occurred in our midst. Some of us have participated in them and have been a part of them and we know by observation, and some by actual experience, the motives, the impulses and the interests which have caused men to act. We know that a man in a normal condition often acts differently from what

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he does when in the extremity of death or when threatened by some great catastrophe.

Three straight lines, forming a triangle, give the key to many of the greatest scientific facts which have been revealed to men; the properties of the triangle give the sciences of geometry, surveying, architecture, navigation and mathematical astronomy, and they give a glimpse of other scientific facts which only the infinite mind can fully understand. Man in extremity gives an insight into human nature; into the strongest passions of men: passions which may be reeking with lust, avarice or sordid interests and which may often times disclose the human heart fatally bent upon mischief, but yet, of intense interest to the student of human nature because they are intensely human.

This is not a history of an imaginary people, nor is it told only to those who listen with credulity to the whispers of fancy, nor who pursue with eagerness the phantoms of hope, nor who expect that age will perform the promises of youth. This work is made up of historic incidents; actual facts in the lives of real men, many of whom have acted well their part in the development and government of a great Commonwealth. Some have acted important parts in the government of the Nation and some have played ignoble parts in the great drama of life, but every act performed shows the intensity of human feelings and discloses the inspiration of human action.

These lives teach great lessons to all who will get close to the human heart and listen to the warnings which a history of man's weaknesses and passions and failures discloses.

Frankfort, Kt., November 1915.

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The Rowan-Chambers Duel.

On February 3, 1801, there was a duel between John Rowan, afterwards Judge of the Kentucky Court of Appeals, and Doctor James Chambers, son-in-law of Judge Benjamin Sebastion, who was also a Judge of the Siipreme Court of the State.

On account of the social and political prominence of the parties connected with this affair, and because of the high positions held by Judge Rowan and Judge Geo. M. Bibb, who was Judge Rowan's second " on the field of honor," this incident has become one of the most noted duels which was ever fought on Kentucky soil.

Prior to this time, dueling had become a very popular way of settling personal difficulties; many prominent men in different sections of the United States became victims of this unfortunate and vicious code of honor.

It was only a short time after this tragedy, that one of the Nation's greatest statesmen lost his life in a duel. It was on Wednesday, July 11, 1804, at Weehawken Heights, about three miles above Hoboken on the Jersey side of the Hudson river, that General Alexander Hamilton was killed by Col. Aaron Burr. Following this killing, a wave of indignation spread over the United States. Several States, among them was Kentucky, enacted laws prohibiting the practice; but little or no attempt was made to enforce them, and it was not until after the adoption of the constitution of 1849, which prohibited any one from holding any office of honor or profit in the Commonwealth, who had sent or accepted a challenge to fight, or who had assisted any one else in so offending, that the anti-dueling law became effective. It seems that the Kentuckian's innate love for office has been strong enough, in recent years, to effectually eradicate the desire he has to wantonly kill his fellow man.

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The personal difficulty which led to the Rowan-Chambers duel occurred at Bardstown on the night of January 29, 1801. Judge Rowan, Doctor Chambers and some other gentlemen were engaged in a game of cards at McLean's tavern. Judge Rowan said something which offended Doctor Chambers, and after several words passed between them they came to blows, but in a short time they were separated. Doctor Chambers said at the time, that he would challenge Mr. Rowan.   The challenge was sent on January 31, 1801.

Judge Bibb, who acted as Judge Rowan's second, on that fatal occasion, wrote a letter to the editor of the Palladium, in which he gave the details connected with the tragedy. This letter can be found in a bound volume of the Palladium, now in the custody of the State Librarian, and it is as follows:

To the Editor of The Palladium:

Sir: For the benefit of those who loving truth, have been or might be mislead by the many false reports which have been industriously circulated respecting a uu.. between Dr. Chambers, deceased, and Mr. Rowan, I request you to publish this letter together with the enclosed certificates, etc., referred to herein.

This publication would not have been made until the return of Major Bullock from New Orleans, but for the manner in which the subject has been introduced into your paper of the 28th of April, (1801).

For the cause of the quarrel between the Doctor and Mr. Rowan. I refer to the certificates Nos. 1 & 2, as also the copy of the Doctor's letter No. 3.

On the first of February Mr. Rowan and myself returned from Bullitt County where we had been the preceding week. The next morning Mr. Rowan showed me a note from Dr. Chambers of the 31st of January, requesting Mr. Rowan to make known his time and place of meeting, as well as his friend's name; to which he returned an answer the same day, by me, as his friend, appointing the next morning, and also naming a place.

In the evening of the 2nd of February, Major Bul-

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lock and myself met at Wilson's tavern where we had a conversation, in which Major Bullock expressed a desire that an accommodation to the satisfaction of both might be reached. I supposed that could not be unless the Doctor would withdraw his note of the 31st of January. We then had some conversation about the manner of firing. Major Bullock proposed that they should stand with their backs towards each other, in that position wait for the word, then face and fire at pleasure. Nothing of the distance was proposed that evening, but that and the manner of firing was postponed, to be agreed on in the morning. Accordingly, when the parties alighted from their horses, Major Bullock and myself were apart from the Doctor and Mr. Rowan, to agree upon the subject postponed from the preceding evening.

Major Bullock again spoke of an endeavor to accommodate the differences. I still thought it could not be made unless the Doctor's note should be withdrawn, to which the Major would not assent. The distance was then mentioned. Major Bullock said he supposed the usual distance; I requested him to mention it; he said ten steps, to which I agreed immediacy, but said he might add two steps which he did not   hoose to do, the distance remained as agreed upon. We hen agreed that they should, at that distance stand with their backs, each towards the other and wait for tht word ' fire ' after which they should face and fire whtu they pleased. To prevent doubt, it was particularly mentioned and agreed that each might hold his pistol as he pleased, and use in firing one or both hands. Fo other propositions than these, as to distance or filing were made or signified to me, and these at such a Distance, and in such a voice, that I do not hesitate to svy that they were not heard by the Doctor or Mr. Row&'i.

The Doctor and Mr. Rowan had ridden out in their great coats, wl.ich they took off before the pistols were handed to them As agreed upon they fired, each long after they had caced; Mr. Rowan first and then the Doctor. Mr. Rovan rested his pistol on his left hand    the Doctor his m the left arm above the elbow. The deliberate and long, aim of each prompted each of their

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friends to ask if they were hurt; Doctor Chambers said first, '' No,'' Mr. Rowan also said, '' I am not,'' to which the Doctor replied, " I am sorry for it; " Mr. Rowan said, " Well, trj' it again," the Doctor said, " Agreed." As agreed upon from the first they fired the second round, the Doctor first, the interval between their fires just distinguishable, and shorter than before, each resting his pistol as formerly and taking deliberate aim. The Doctor fell. Major Bullock and myself ran to his assistance; we searched, but searched too low for the wound. The Doctor was unable to tell us, not knowing where. Major Bullock then opened the Doctor's waist-coat, raised his left arm and found it. I saw the wound, but little blood had issued. I went to Mr. Rowan and told him I thought the wound was mortal; he answered, '' I am sorry '' and going to the Doctor he said he supposed there was no further use for him. Major Bullock replied, " No." Mr Rowan was going, but turned to the Doctor, with thi pledge of his, Mr. Rowan's honor, to serve him, ard offered to send his carriage for the Doctor.

Major Bullock had bound up the wound and was supporting him. The Doctor was restless and requested me to extend his left leg and unbound" the joint of the knee, in doing which my head way near Major Bullock's, which opportunity he took of requesting me to go to town and tell Mr. Caldwell to send for the doctor. I hastened to my horse and on him was passing to see the doctor, Major Bullock desired me to hasten. Mr. Caldwell was absent from the town, I informed Mr. McClean of nr business. The news spread and the whole town was in haste to see the Doctor. I returned as soon as possible with Doctor Chapieze. In the interview at Hr. Rowan's home a few hours after we had parted frrm the Doctor Mr. Rowan observed that Major Bullrck had taken whiffs at his words to the Doctor whej wounded, for which he was sorry, and they were spoien without any intention of giving offence, under thf impression that having been called there to satisfy   e Doctor, it was proper to have his leave to depart not judging the wound would prove so quickly morfel. Major Bullock told me he thought Mr. Rowan wa< wrong, I then told

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the Major of what Mr. Eowan had said, in the interview above, of his answer to my telling him of the wound mentioned his last words to the Doctor, which seemed to change the Major's opinion, but he still expected Mr. Rowan to mention the subject. When I saw Mr. Rowan next, he had discussed with the Major and satisfied him completely, of which, had I doubted Major Bullock's conduct to Mr. Rowan would have been ample proof. Major Bullock never sent any challenge to Mr. Rowan by me.

Whether it be criminal in men to suffer their prejudices and passions to gain ascendency over their reason or judgment, I have not leisure to discuss. But Mr. Printer; I believe, had the enemies of Mr. Rowan opposed to their prejudices a small exertion of reason and dispassionate inquiry about this unfortunate single combat, the certificates on that subject would not have differed from those I herewith transmit to you marked Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, except that some of them would have been rendered unnecessary.

For myself, I say they fought bravely and honestly. The wound was in the left side, so that the arm, if suffered to hang at ease woidd have covered it, and here let me refer to a certified copy of the inquisition marked No. 10 and also the certificates marked Nos. 11, 12 and 13. These, it is hoped, Mr. Printer, will wipe the stain from the honor of the deceased which the report of his having been shot in the back would seem to impart and which he so little deserved. And now sir, through this medium I beg forgiveness of the real friends of the deceased. Should this remind them of his brave yet modest and unassuming worth, renew their sorrows, let me plead the sacred majesty of truth. The respect due the sacred memory of the dead, and the importance of his good name to the living. Counting myself in the number of his friends, it is with pleasure I say, we never had a single jar, and with consolation I remember, after he was sensible of death's approach, my hands administered drink at his request and my ears heard him express it.

Your fellow citizen,

Geo. M. Bibb.

Bardstown, May, 1801.

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The exhibits filed with Judge Bibb's letter were evidently intended to corroborate his statements. They contained the affidavits of several men to the effect that Judge Rowan and Doctor Chambers were engaged in a game of cards and there were several gentlemen in the room at the time. The first evidence of trouble between them, was thought to be a harmless exchange of epithets, until blows followed.

One of the exhibits referred to by Judge Bibb was the sworn statement of Thomas Hubbard and is as follows:

" I was at McClean's in this town (Bardstown), late in the evening, Mr. Rowan came in about sunset and called for beer and asked help to drink it. After that Mr. Crozier and Doctor Chambers came in. In a short time I missed the Doctor and Mr. Crozier. Mr. Rowan went up stairs and called me; I went up. Messrs. Rowan and Bibb were sitting near the fire; Crozier, Hilton, McClelland and the Doctor were playing at whist. Mr. Rowan asked me if I would be one of the party, to which I agreed, but a full pack of cards could not be made. I went after some cards; when I returned. Mr. Rowan and the Doctor had by this time engaged in Vigutun, near the fire. I looked on, and they disputed their game and required me to sit and keep it for them, which I did. They played sometimes for money. Mr. Rowan said several times, ' Damn you Doctor, give me a card,' or words to that effect. The Doctor replied, ' I will Mr. Rowan, as soon as I can.' A conversation soon arose as to which understood some of the dead languages the best. Mr. Rowan observed that the Doctor was not able to dispute with him on such subjects. The Doctor said he thought he was, with him or any man. Mr. Rowan then said, ' I'll be d   d if you are,' and the Doctor answered, ' I'll be d   d if I am not.' Mr. Rowan said, ' Doctor you know you are inferior to me on such subjects.' The Doctor said he thought he was his superior. Mr. Rowan said, ' You are a d   d liar.' They both arose; Mr. Rowan lifted his hand as if to strike; the Doctor caught hold of him on the

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breast near the neck, either to evade the blow or to choke him. At that moment they were separated; Mr. Rowan was taken to the other end of the room; the Doctor stood still where he was near the fire; they continued to quarrel. Mr. Rowan was let go and he returned near the Doctor and engaged him; the Doctor gave way until he was near the head of the stairs, when they were again separated and the Doctor was taken down stairs.''

Doctor Chambers said that he would challenge Mr. Rowan and if he did not accept he would publish him as a coward in every paper in the State. Judge Rowan's reply was in very strong and emphatic terms; the outcome of which resulted in the challenge and duel. It is set out in one of the certificates that the duel and the incidents connected with it took place in or near Bardstown, Kentucky.

The verdict of the Coroner's inquest was signed by twelve jurors and was as follows:

" At an inquest taken and held over the body of James Chambers, deceased, at the home of said decedent on Thursday, the 5th day of February, 1801, taken before Joe Lewis, a Justice of the Peace for said county, and Christian Bringle, Sheriff of said county (the coroner being absent), the jury on their oaths do say that they are of the opinion that the wound in the body of James Chambers, deceased, was by a ball shot out of a pistol or gun, that the ball entered the body about four inches below the left arm; tliat the ball went into the hollow of the said decedent's body, and that it remains in the body, and that the wound was the occasion of the death of said decedent; that the accident happened on Tuesday the 3rd instant, in the woods, near Jacob Yoder's plantation on the Beech-fork, about one mile and three-quarters southwardly of Bardstown.

" Given under our hands this 6th dav of February, 1801."

The following affidavit was also filed as an exhibit with Judge Bibb's letter:

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"On the morning of the 3rd of February last, I was at Mr. Rowan's in company with Messrs. Barry and Bibb when Major Bullock came there; about an hour or so after Doctor Chambers was carried into town. Major Bullock breakfasted there and talking of the affair, mentioned that it was either the third or fourth of the kind in which he had been engaged as principal or second, but in all his life had never witnessed anything more determinedly brave, gentlemanly and honorable. While we were at Mr. Rowan's the sheriff with a guard came in to the meadow; the Major expressed great indignation at the idea of a prosecution, and instantly mounted and set off for the town, in order, he said, to prevent it getting to the Doctor's ears, which he said he knew would hurt his feelings extremely and also said he thought he could put a stop to it. I have many times since heard Major Bullock express himself to the same purpose both to myself and others."

Signed   "John Crozier."

Bardstown, May 7, 1801.

This duel was like many others which were fought in Kentucky during its early history. What emphasized it more than others, was the prominence of all the parties engaged in it. All of them were young men at that time; Judge Rowan was twenty-eight years old, Judge Bibb was twenty-five, and Doctor Chambers about the same age; Major Bullock was the oldest one of the four and Doctor Chambers was the most prominent professionally and socially. He married the daughter of Judge Benjamin Sebastion of the Kentucky Court of Appeals and he was regarded as the most promising young physician in the State.

Judge John Rowan, the surviving principal was born in 1773, his father was a Revolutionary soldier who moved to Kentucky in 1783 and settled at Louisville, Ky., where Judge Rowan received the chief part of his education, later however he attended Doctor Priestly's classical school at Bardstown, Kentucky.   Judge Rowan was admitted to the

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bar in 1795, and commenced the practice at Elizabethtown, Kentucky. He was a member of the constitutional convention of 1799; removed to Frankfort in 1800 to practice in the Court of Appeals; was appointed Secretary of State by Governor Greenup in 1804, and was elected to Congress in 1805. He served several terms in the Kentucky Legislature from Nelson county and he was the recognized leader of the New Court or Relief party in Kentucky. He was commissioned Judge of the Court of Appeals in 1819 and served one year. He was especially active in the Kentucky Legislature in 1824 and while serving in the House he was elected to the United States Senate for six years. Later he represented the United States in adjustment of some claims against the Mexican Government. He was one of the great criminal lawyers of Kentucky. He defended Isaac B. Desha for assassinating Francis Baker in 1824 and he defended the "Wilkinsons at Harrodsburg on a change of venue, for killing several men at Louisville in 1838. For nearly half a century he was regarded as one of the greatest lawyers in Kentucky. He was one of the most illustrious men Kentucky has produced. He died at Louisville, Kentucky, July 13, 1843.

Judge Geo. M. Bibb was born and educated in Virginia; he came to Kentucky in 1798 and located at Lexington. He was appointed one of the judges of the Court of Appeals in 1808 and was made chief justice the following year. He resigned from the bench in 1810, but was reappointed by Governor Desha in 1827. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1811 and was elected again in 1829 and served until 1835. He was Secretary of the Treasury in the cabinet of President Tyler and he was recognized as one of the very great men of that day.  He died in 1859.

There have been very few Kentuckians more prominent in the law or polities than Judge John Rowan or Judge Geo. M. Bibb.

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The Jackson-Dickinson Duel.

On Red river in Logan county, Kentucky, on the 30th day of May, 1806, was fought the famous and fatal duel between Major General Andrew Jackson, afterwards President of the United States and Charles Dickinson, attorney-at-law, of Nashville, Tennessee.

The trouble which led up to the fatal meeting on " the field of honor " has been " variously " stated. Ill feeling had existed between them for several years. General Jackson was a very high tempered, over-bearing and determined man who had incurred the ill-w