xt7cz892bz94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cz892bz94/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1988 1988 1988-10-06 2020 true xt7cz892bz94 section xt7cz892bz94  

Kentucky Kernel

VOL XC". N0. 41 Established 1894 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky' Independent since 1971 Thursday Dumber F t 99.9 .

BOT to hold special meeting Sunday to discuss investigation

Staff and .\l‘ reports

The l'K Board of Trustees has called a
special meeting Sunday to discuss the
ongoing investigation of the school's bas-
ketball program by the NCAA

The meeting, being held in closed ses-
sion, will be UK President David Roselle's
chance to update the board on the investi-
gation, l’iiiversity spokesman Bernie Von-
derheide told the Kernel yesterday. Uni
versity lawyer James Park will be at the
meeting to answer questions about the in

Board member (fap Hershey told WLEXV
'l‘\' in Lexington that l'K President David

Roselle had kept the board in the "dark"
about developments in the investigation.
Hershey said the board wants to examine
Roselle‘s actions up to this point in the in
vestigation. which has been ongoing for
more than a year

Hershey told the Kernel yesterday he
thinks other board members also are con
cerned about the state of the investigation

“I think there‘s some other board mem-
bers that are concerned.“ Hershey said ‘ I
think we all are ver) concerned what the
\\‘holesituation is "

Hut BUT member Larry Forgy told the
Kernel that ltosetle has done his best to

keep the board informed about the \(‘-\\

"That is not fair to President Host-iii“
Forgy said in reference to Hershey‘s com
merits. “I don‘t agree wiihthat “

WKYT-TV in lcxington reported 'l‘iics
day night that the (‘llgll)llll_\ ol one of the
[K players would be discussed at 'he

The television station. quoting unnamed
sources, did not identify the player

Published reports tor \\eeks haw lo
cused on the college entrance exam l‘trlt'
\lanuel took on June 1:t. 1987, at Lafayette
High School

The lrvington Herald leader icporhd


.'\"\'crda_\ 'lia' Manta-1‘s ‘tl‘tll't‘ on ’tu ‘
usciit iroiii llt‘iitM the \t'\.»\ tiiililllillll
dard tor eligibiltt} to stilis'in'iall:
\ltitttiel scored tl
.it lgit'axettc
ported. 'v\.t\ zit
tor \laniicl
porters tes'i-rdaj. rail prayer»
”tollim cligiliilztx x'an‘la, '
'hedatcot the firs' tr cit-cc” :.l' ;‘ mi
Hagan to-
riboiit \iariticl'- i‘sLHtttid'

meeting-Mtg Wit

at cornif '.


\t titr

Utrecht: (it

said had ‘

V-P candida
Quayle, Bentsen
face off in


HEADS UP: Andy Powell goes up ‘or a header against Seaton Center Courts
Eastern Kentucky Unwersrty yesterday afternoon at ’he



The UK soccer team :tSt t

the next opponent is next Saturday against Asbriiv


SGA passes several expenditures
ranging from LCC to alcohol week

\‘tiA to rise the electronic mail s}steiii to
contact stall. administrators (llltt :acult}

This Will really help out \\heii a student

B) lalll \lil‘l I'll \\ \lH‘.~
Stat? \\t'iici‘

The Student (iin‘t'rlllllt’llt :\.’sbt)t'l£ltl(ili
passed ii iiill slate ot hills last night. rang
iiig troni ..illocating money for the liexmg
ton t'oiiiniuiiit) ('ollegc Association of Stu
dents budget. to a survey for food
k'tlllil'tit'liil's \t‘l'\ mg t‘K

' \ hilt \\th passed allocating $2.300 tor
the [lit \ssociatioii of Students. l,t(‘ Sen
ator chris Essid presented the bill and
said the group is planning on having a
newsletter tor 111‘ students, possibly a
battle oi the bands and a neck for Visiting

- SGA litM \\lll be connected to the L'ni
\(‘lslljy t'oiiiputiiig Network because oi a
bill passed spending 3.300 to connect them

to 'hc 'lt‘liHil'K iictiiork \\lll enable

has .i question or ti problem. said \‘(M
President James itose ”We “1” be able to
sll -i(l\\ll .it the tciniiiiai and iccciic .in .lll'
stwr on paper ”

- \ sum of Hi} ‘»\.l.\ gncii ’o the (our
mittec tor Alcohol ltcspoiisibiht} tllltl l~1du
cation tor .-\lcohol Awareness Week. \klllL‘ll
\\lll iaki- place I)ctober to—LE‘.’ The money
hill be used lll'lllttll'll} tor advertising.

.\(i:\ \\l“ sponsor a program iict, iii ill
\\hich (\\lili and the Lexrngton l’olice [)e
partiiient \\lll present information on ltrii-
mg l rider the lntluencc. the law and the
citecis oi alcohol, and \\ill give .i demon

sti‘ation ot the lircathaiizer Isei't-i it, szn-ak
ers \\lll be teaturctt, ‘nciudiitg 1
Police titticer \litcheli \mith.
alcoholrelated accidents and .. l"\ on» mg

Money is peanut sliciis i-tilllmli'ti
strung a lite. said Senator .s' l/(tl'g’t‘ hen-
:ied) James. during debate tillUlll
ot the advertising expenses ilou no. ' \ri
put a price on Me '

(Alili also is xxorkiiig ’~‘\llll 'iic
Hen-rage t‘oiilrol Hoard, local bars.
WKQQ radio station on \arioiis i
'.\lllL'll include .\ti.-\ designated illH’i
cards, signs \iith plioiic rtuiiibiis : 't\i
seriiccs. and it responsible drinking pro

0 NM \\lll tic sending toiii senator ':

\(.\. tip.


it'i ii.‘~

Itic iiist


UK sponsoring student-professor lunch

It} ltl‘i\l‘. \\ \(iiiUNER
contributing Writci

Hcgiiiiiiug in rind-October. L'K students
can take their professors to lunch C0nlpll'
merits oi the Residence Life Office and the
hum of students t lt't'tcc

'l‘hc take it l’rotcssor to Lunch" pro
gram mil be open to all students who lite
in residence halls

\ll iicshiiicn. including commuters. “ill
be tllltmctl to participate.

.-\ssistant Dean of Students Becky Jor
dan. \\ho initiated the program, said, “It
\i as something that was done when l was
in school at l K ’

students \\lio want to take a professor to

lunch mil time to get .i i‘tilIll)lllllt’lll<‘tl} ill
structor meal card {it the front desk «it
then tlttl'lllltttl‘}

(‘oitiiiiuting treshiiicii can pick up the
’ickcts at the ( 'oiiimuting Student Utficc

l‘he students .ind professors can go to
lunch at an) of tlic t'K food set‘xiccs. but
students must use their meal cards to pa)
tor their on it lunches

’thc tic“ progiaiii is designed to increase
tacult} student relations. Jordan said.

"It gives them the studciitsi one more
contact." shc said. 'We think faculty
members are people for them to get to
klltl“ better Plus. it's ii nice gesture on
the student 's part

”WThc program is stilltt'thlllg to really

direct touard treshmen. Madam
shown that good tacult} student 't ltl‘
increase student retention

l)an Fulks. .‘\>Slk‘lillt‘ lleaii
graduate .\d\'ising tor the Husnicss .vi‘ti
Economics department. said hi
participate iii the prograrii

"Many facult) persons \\ouid «cit-unit
the opportunit} to spend lllll‘ tutti i it.
dent.‘~ he said. 'l think it s iiiiportam ioi
students to havc s‘oiiielmih the) (an co m,
on the faculty The program is .i po
tential opportunit) tor students to :texclop
.i relationship Will] the faculty ”

‘So far there is only one limitation to
the program Jordan said "students can
take the same professors to lunch only one
time "

l liiti'i

{mills ‘t

"A “H l l\‘\l \t

\\Uh , 3, it l"'w»

iii lfli

Coaches say Bciiiseii x m:
; debate between araiiuii'iaii-~~

tiii.\ ill \\l

1"!t‘miai. t‘ttitit;

l‘ltl\li l'f-

it .tiiatli ‘ ' it“
:ti':.i,\tii its ’fii .,.if.i.
mu ,‘ltniill'liiictlili‘: an
Fhi lilk'.‘\li\l13|‘t
meztiith t'hot‘m. nit; .
liN‘Il Itisii‘il in it!“ h m


.-'\..s «tiritoi ..:


‘» til. it. tittiihirr

‘3, .t par: ti
~i'~i i‘.l\.=l toalo

'lai llc

winks fir


i ”1 ,1

l . .aitl scc'rzt‘.

I xiii 1H1. ‘ttit. to

‘illllt' .t ttv Ht illt‘

get lost in 'hc sliuttic

debates. t oaie said '\ou iii-T t‘a- 1m

L l‘it‘ti',si‘ti tstooluiidci pic.“ in


tit .‘lt..u t. ...



Three seniors hope to continue the
tennis team's success.





UK theater presents Eugene O'Neill's
"Ah, Wilderness!" this weekend.






See Page 2 See Page i»

Today Sunny
Tomorrow Sunny but cool









 2 - Kentucky Karnai. Thuraday.0ctobaro.10u



UK Theater opens its season
with O’Neill’s ‘Wildemess’

t‘nntributing Writer

The UK theatre department Will
open Ah Wildernessl." Eugene
O'Neill's only comedy. tonight at
the Guignol Theatre in the Fine
Arts building.

“Ah Wilderness?" is set in a Con
necticut town in the early 1900s
where Richard. an adolescent boy
played by Tom Philips. learns
about growing up. it all begins
when the father of his true love.
Muriel, forbids them to see one an
other. probably in response to
Richard's strange poetry

At this. Richard begins to rebel
against anyone in authority. includ
ing his parean After many trying
events. including a drunken fling
With a college “tart." everything
finally comes together for a happy

“It's a play about life and love."
said actress Elizabeth Hammond.





who plays the role of Lily Miller
"It's going great We‘ve really got
it pulled together O'Neill is a fun
playwright to do."

Director Russell Henderson is
also excited about the show “1
have an excellent cast to work

with. and I'm innordinately pleased
with the design of the set and cos-
tumes." Henderson said.

Henderson. in his fourth year at
UK. said that rehearsals have gone
extremely well. despite the short
time they have had to prepare.

“Too much rehearsmg tends to
overwork a play," he said. “I think
that the short rehearsal time has
been an advantage. "

Henderson said that ”.Ah
Wildernessf“ is a good way to get
an introduction to the works of

“O'Neill is an innovator in
theatre. His greatest voice is in
naturalism.“ he said

“lt's familiar to people's own
family experiences The


Andrea Sayre (left) plays Mrs. Miller and Eliza-
beth Hammond plays Lily Miller in Eugene O‘N-

fii «Kip-I

eiil‘s “Ah. Wildernessl.” an affectionate recollec-
tion of the playwright's Connecticut childhood.

Rob tang
Ana Editor

1‘39; . "f


by Berke Breather!



relationships are familiar You can
say ‘my dad says that.‘ or ‘my
mom does that ‘ "
p ‘ ¥_/x(
About tonights performance.
Henderson said. “We‘ll just have to
wait to see what happens. 1 think
that it will go extremely well "




Write for the Kernel —
and Write Your Own Ticket










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Dr. Flanagan


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Donna will be you hostess on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. October
10, 11 and 12 from 9 am. to 5 on (except noon hou't Learn about cosmetic
bonding and it it will help you.
Wilhite Drive runs behind the Nicholaswlle Road K-Mart near New Circle.








The Kentucky Kernel ~
(iUUCI Reading


Editor in Chief
Executive Editor
Associate Editor
Editorial Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Photo Editor

Advertising Director
Assistant Advertising Director

The Kentucky Kernel

Jay Blanton
Thomas J. Sullivan
Jim White

CA. Duane Bonifer
Rob Seng

Torn Spalding
Randal Williamson

Mike Agin
Linda Collins
Jeff Kuerzi



the Best
Pizza Value
on Campus


Production Manager Scott Ward

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer sossron.

Third-class postage paid at Lexmgton, KY 40511. Mailed subscription
rates are $30 per year.

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buck-
man St, Shepherdsvllle. KY 40165.

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel. Room
035 Journalism Budding, Umversrty of Kentucky. Lexmgton. KY
40506-0042 Phone (606) 257-2871






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Unlvaraliy of Kentucky ‘ Coilaga of Fina Arta




Poll: small Bush lead

Associated Press

NEW YORK -— A second na—
tional poll has found Democrat
Michael Dukakis closing on
George Bush in the presidential
race, although a newer survey
released yesterday gave the Re-
publican a slightly better lead.

The newer poll, an ABC News
Washington Post survey con
ducted from Sept. 28 through
Tuesday, put the race at 5144
percent with the Republicans in
the numerical lead. The poll of
1,196 likely voters had an error
margin of about four points.

In the other survey, a Harris
poll conducted last week. the
Republicans won support from
49 percent of 1,235 likely voters.
to 46 percent for the Democrats.
It also was a dead heat, given
the threeepoint margin of error.

A Harris poll early last month
put the race a bit wider, at 5044
with Bush and Quayle ahead,
Similarly, a CBS News«New
York Times poll released Tues
day put the race at 48-46, tight
ened from 49-44 later last

The ABC-Post and Harris
polls were released on the night
of Quayle's debate with Sen.
Lloyd Bentsen of Texas, the
Democratic vice presidential
nominee. Like other polls, both
found doubts about Quayle's
qualifications for office.

In the ABC-Post poll, to per
cent said Quayle was qualified
to be vice president, but 33 per—
cent said not; the rest didn‘t
know. By contrast, 67 pertent
said Bentsen was qualified and
just 7 percent said not

Associated Press

House denied yesterday that intellii
gence authorizations signed by
President Reagan in the mid-19805
gave CIA agents latitude to use as-
sassinations in the fight against

Reagan said he was “quite
upset" about a published report
saying there had been such author
rizations and said his 1981 execv
utive order prohibiting assassina
tions “continues until this day “

White House Spokesman Marlin
Fitzwater acknowledged that lan~
guage in two intelligence findings
in 1984 and 1985 subsequently was
rescinded by the National Security
Council. though he wouldn‘t say

Reagan's spokesman took strong
exception to a Washington Post {er

in the earlier documents amounted
to a “license to kill" for intelli

Fitzwater suggested that the
Post story was aii attempt to em
barrass the administration during
the election campaign But he
stopped short of saying precisely
that, telling reporters to "make
yourown judgment ”

"i think this is an extraordinary
cheap shot It‘s not true." he said

The Post‘s executive editor, Ben
Jallllll (I, Bradlee. deflected the
White House remarks, saying. "We
stand by our story and we hate no
further comment ”

Fitzwatcr's harsh statements at
the daily White House news liriet»
ing mirrored comments he made
Sept 28, 1987 on ti book by Rob
\t’otxlward. assistant managing edi
tor of The Post for iiitestigatiye re

Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, October 6, 1988 — 3

White House issues denial of orders

porting, entitled Hill. The Se

cret Wars of the t ‘l t

The book among other things de
scribed intelligence lindiiigs signed
by Reagan in 1934 and lotto which
contained language interpreted by
some in the administration as pro
\iding a means lot 1 S splt‘.\ to
make an end run around a 1981
Reagan executiu- Ul‘tli‘l tla'l; pro

1‘ llAvtillt‘l. iv
t“.t‘lttl.llll\ Hi

In September 1%?
sponding to litt‘ i
\koodwurils book. we? tt‘igtiti
"was llt‘H‘l tt‘»\illt‘ o1 lieu-i au
thorized Ml". .twaxxiutfior.
Reagan. asked a'wul .U. lln'ul.
illl.’I Ui language ilt m,ll)\t"{itt‘li' tint it"
iiients suggesting Hia‘ xiii ».i viii
\Httlltl be broneh' itsiiii " t .

committing an assassination in a
goodvtaith ettort to curb terrorist
actiyitj. be said. I don't know
what language ‘Jltl tr litlklllt}

’ But I do ktitm that l t‘eatlirtiii-d.
tollowiiig that. i‘ealliiined that our
conduct would be marrow: in 'hc
directne. Read”. -.wi 17‘ :1
to "lll‘l ‘

'llie dillllUliLdll'll -, ’lt't'li.‘t"l .x.‘
iimtu. any ('UH‘l" at!
to; potenhall} '»l‘7tt’lll 'il cs.
1 gtihtl liilll:
.tgitiln' 't"‘

-‘tfltit :.;~ "

ioi. .:.t lull
t. l .' mitt-1:41”.


port yesterday which said phrasing




ts a Marine Officer. you could be in cluugc of a
Vlad] 2 i F’A—lXA atcrtical takeoffllarrieror
one ofmirothtrjetsorlielitopters Midyouuuiltl
do it ht the time tort-n ’% But it takes a mental
commitment on your part We

aimsm lnnnSlsrmit. ti om A
V A ‘ \til t ”minim .I “H: ,
tlmiandltadetsatalllmls iGofamb tgtiiiigfardier lxt‘r {)t
Wl-tuu‘htoutolwonc lfyoun ‘ en" lucielmlurwhaliu twain”:
. ~ taster. -

tlfl\lillw orwphotnon Ask tl‘lli‘l'm!‘ lllflt‘l
U'Kllhllt otfitcr Itllllttl‘\ltllllltj,§pt‘tt'YiL'l llnmz' -
iniiior tllt‘thi)lll :ui gt‘aduati pin-at it; .

Student Government
Polling Places and Times

4:30—6:30 pm.
Lexington Community College (Main Entrance) 10:30 a.m.—2:30 pm.
4:30—6:30 pm.

till llllllllllllllllllllllll

Donovan Cafeteria 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Commons Cafeteria 11 a.m.-1 pm.
10:30 am.

11 a.m.—1 pm.

College of Nursing —2:30 pm.
Blazer Cafeteria
Ml. King Library

Student Center

4:30—6:30 pm.
3—8 pm.

10:30 a.m.~2:30 pm.

Freshmen Senator Polls

Donovan Cafeteria Student Center
Commons Cafeteria

Blazer Hall

Ml. King Library

Lexington Communitv College

College Senator Polls

Nursing ............................... College of Nursing
Social Work ......................... Ml King Librarv

[ ibrarv Science .................... Ml King

Voting Ends Today!

Call 257-3191 for more information

How to stand out
in a crowd.


See Capt. l) Iorio at the Stiidt nt 6 t'lllt r (int :lc‘






"in illl l \1‘tc\\’ t .ll'tl gets ilil 'vlllslillltlillt‘, welcome
’,Ii\\\llt‘t‘t x Itl shut) ulietlieritstora lt‘.llllt'l'1ittl\t‘l

. : l".tlllt‘f lwliiitltlibsit' \\'lietltcr\ou re lll’lilltl tor
ll‘t'tltol'Wt , r .i twitch izi liemiutlit M itiiriiict «liege
tilil .tllt’r 1Y\lllt’l‘t‘flt’t‘l\\;l\ to no lorI th iillttlll
ryemliitig \vui !' wait

How to get the (Lard no“
wu'tli' .lt IN \igiit l\tlL‘Ct’.\.\ \lltl itt’it inst we
wow ttlfl‘tlltlllllli .w o lllltlt .' 0 our
' ' itct tltt' \tilt'flt‘.’lll txpreivl itnl fit‘Jll tum
\tlictlier \oii tr :1 tresliiiitti \‘lllttf' '
:r;it1 ~tiitleiit. look iiito our new .ttitonmm
tllltfll‘xdl ctlen l-or detailsi kit It .t'l
.tpplicatioil on i.llll[‘ll\
tr iitll l Xter'l'lIE (AKlt and Ask t-ir
«student .lltl‘lltdllth‘t
lllt’ American iixprcsst .iru

Mont leave School \titliout l‘ "



ll ill lllllloil ll llllllll llllllllll‘ll llllllfilfi“ l ole}; Iltlll. 'liti: .

lllr” an

R;U.tttr.:::.:acafi...s Wlill‘lllll hill 1 not.--

ltlllll lolllll la tilt

[no-Ethel '1!


(01W Williilliltli ..



mm 0! I00” GUARDIAN



r “Lott-airman ‘1 u- u u»- um





 4 — Kentucky Kornoi. Thursday.0ctobor0.1m


UK alcohol policy
should have room
for a student pub

The prevailing question after receiving UK‘s compre—
hensive alcohol policy Monday was ~ “Why did we have to
wait lw 0 years for this"

After all. we had been operating under the “prohibitive
policy” informally for two years.

We suspected after the first alcohol committee‘s recom-
mendation of a “liberal" alcohol policy was denied that the
administration wanted the prohibitive one.

Those suspicions were all but confirmed when we heard
nothing from the administration after a task force recom-
mended the sanie thing last semester.

The administration. quite simply, was looking, hunting
and searching for some body or committee to give them
what they wanted.

Although an alcohol policy allowing students 21 or over
to drink would not be any harder to enforce and wouldn‘t
necessarily create liability problems, the administration
has stuck to those as primary reasons for implementing
the prohibitive policy

The real reasoning all along has been concern about re-
action across a state that is becoming increasingly conser—
vative in its views toward alcohol.

Nevertheless. the “new” alcohol policy potentially does
allow some leeway to students.

()ne provision of the policy creates the possibility for al»
cohol being allowed on University property, subject to ap-
proval from the appropriate chancellor or vice president.

That‘s all a bunch of fancy administration lingo for say-
ing that a student pub in the Student Center is not out of
the question

Evidently. some students and administrators have al-
ready discussed the idea. judging from comments made to
a Kernel reporter in Tuesday‘s story about the policy.

Student Government Association President James Rose
said the idea has been discussed. and that's a step in the
right direction

The University of Louisville has the very successful Red
Barn. which attracts national music talent and provides
students a place on campus to socialize. This is safer than
driving the streets in search of bars

Similarly. Western Kentucky University has a night
club establishment. Although it does not serve alcohol. the
club does give students a place to dance and socialize.

l' of L's Red Barn is funded out of their student governs
ment's budget. which is sizably larger than ours.

Students at UK. however. probably would be in favor of
increasing SGA's budget through student fees in order to
fund a similar establishment

Whether l'K has a prohibitive or liberal policy is really
pretty irrelevant unless you're strictly arguing principles
and priviliges. because students are going to drink in their
dormitory rooms no matter what the policy is.

That just makes our current policy. no matter what the
motive behind it. purely cosmetic

A campus pub at the Student Center. though. is some
thing substantive and reasonable It would provide stu-
dents with a place to go on campus instead of driving the

Alcohol is the cause
of several tragedies

You aspiring corporate climbers
have. no doubt. Wished to emulate
the sensational entrepreneur. Don
ald Trump. who has amassed a for
tune in the finanCIal world



I had the pleasure of visiting his
beautiful Trump Towers in down-
town New York L‘ity soon after it
opened five years ago

In a recent television interview
the handsome Mr 'l'rump stated
that he does not drink

When he tirst went to New York
t‘ity and attended parties there. he
was astonished to observe his col
leagues drinking excessively and
li.i\ mg to be driven home

lit said when he saw this lll'
'nws knew that he would hayc a
ill\lillt' advantage over his cum

i grew up tus‘ "All miles from a
penitentiai- i' ti county
. llt'lt‘ ll.v latiiri '- a county (ll
Ioiney l llt‘dl’tl tiii“ w. ill in.iiiy
speeches that
il‘llllt‘N t'ti!'-‘
ilriii; ii-lalii-i

Him many renioiseiiii criminals
have mourned ‘I was drinking
and I didn't know what I was

The recent dl'llt‘lt‘ that l

)4” “'uir'qil "Q

illl‘tlill‘l or



regarding the UK alcohol policy
carried a provocative title that 1
did not write The heading that l
had given to it carried a more
somber caption “Will the [K Alr
cohol Policy Result in More
Tombstones" "

You see. l lost someone very
dear to me as a VlCllm of alcohol
and prescription drugs She would
never have used needles or the die-

l cautioned her about the danger
and then said no more She denied
that she had an alcohol problem.
and she laughed when she told
friends that “Barbara says I‘m on
'uppers and downers' ' "

tine Monday. when she didnt
show up for work. the police broke
the lock on her door and found her

I now he awake and wonder if it
would have made any difference ii
I had said more

Barbara Harrison is a bachelor .\
:irts senior


Ky. 40506-0042.


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Letters should be 350 words or loss, while guest opin-
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the author‘s name must appear on all material pub-
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CA. Dunno Ionlfor
Editorial Editor

Joy Blanton
Editor in Chief

“chad Ionian

Jill Whit.
Associate Edllor

"m J. Salmon
Executive Editor

Julio Batman
Spools Protects Writer


i i





‘\ UKE iii A GOOD




Cutting the deficit

Legalizing marijuana would solve many fiscal problems

Did you know that there is a crop
grown in the United States that has
the potential to eliminate the federr
al defiCit'.‘ A crop that can generate
funds for Social Security” One that
can reduce unemployment" And
one with many i-oiiimercial uses in
the areas of fuel. paper. cloth. food
and medicine’ There i~ such a
plant with all of these assets

In fact. it is already thi- \‘o
cash crop iii America and
Kentucky There is only one small
drawback lliii' government has
made what j Methtinits
once called 4 ‘new billion—dollar
crop” illegal

The crop
marijuana. pot

if this country is to movi-
ward iii the years lit come thi
close-minded views oi; marijuana
need to be changed

What is wrong with pot‘ it is
more healthy than alcohol and to
bacco. two legal drugs it has liter
ally thousands ..; iommerical uses
that are far better than the ones
currently used

Also. it it were legai billions of
dollars would ht' saved by the gov

ll marijuana were to be
legalized. regulated and taxed. the
sales would provide the govern
ment with at least $10 billion a
year in new revenue

In 1987. $33.1 billion worth of
marijuana went to market and an
other $10 6 billion was seized by the
government Imagine if all that
money had been taxed We certain?
ly would not be in the financial
trouble the government has put us

Legal cultivation of cannibis. for
personal use alone. would create
800.000 new jobs These jobs would
generate $3.6 billion in income tax
revenue and $24 billion in Social
Security taxes. These figures are
for personal use it does not even
begin to describe the many indus

Fuel is one of the areas for com
merCial use of cannibus The L'SDA
reports that hemp gives tour to to
times the yield oi cellulose. per
acre. compared to corn The cellu
lose can then be turned into metha

Hemp canntbus




nol for fuel. a lower cost, pollution-
frec method of powering cars.
trucks. buses. and farm equipment

Another use for the plant is for
cloth or fiber An article in POthlrI'
Mechanics. before hemp was
illegal. stated that "hemp is the
standard fiber of the world ' It has
great tensile strength and durabili
ty It is used to produce more than
3.000 textile products. ranging from
rope to fine laces, and the woody
"hurds" remaining after the fibei
has been removed contain more
than 25.000 products ranging iron:
dvnamite to Cellophane

Levi's jeans were originally
made from hemp sailcloth because
of its durability In fact. canvas
known for its strength. takes its
name from the Dutch word for can-
nabis icanvassi Even today in
(‘hina most of their garments are
made from a cotton-hemp blend til
legal for sale in the ['S l


Do not get me wrong.
in no way do I
condone smoking
marijuana. its
economical and
industrial uses far
exceed the pleasures
of smoking.


Paper is another great commer-
Clal use of cannabis Four acres of
timber can be replaced by one acre
of hemp. which is harvestable an-
nually It also requires less chemi
cal processing than wood pulp and
therefore pollutes less.

If we were able to reduce the cut-
ting of trees by growing cannabis

Until it was made illegal, cannabis was listed
routinely in all the pharmacopeia in the United
States. It was an accepted sedative/hypnotic

muscle relaxant.


for paper. we could slow. if not
stop. the "Greenhouse Effect “

That is not all. Hempseed oil was
used as a base in almost all paint
and lacquer products before it was
made illegal lt also yields as much
edible oil per acre as sunflower
seeds and the pressed pulp ranks
second only to soybeans as a
soiirci- of protein

tin top of all this. the plant has
many medical uses as well The
known benefits of cannabis in medA
icine include the reduction of mu
sea and vomiting in chemotherapy
patients It also reduces intraocu~
lar pressure and reduces spasms in
patients with multiple sclerosis.
para . and quadraplegia.

tho] it was made illegal. canna»
his was listed routinely in all the
pharmacopeia in the United States.
It was an accepted sedative/hyp-
notic muscle relaxant.

Not only could legalization pro
vide increases in income and Social
Security taxes. and provide jobs
and enhance many industries along
with being environmentally better
than the current methods. it could
save money already being spent.

As of this year at least 20,000
people are in prison for marijuana
offenses Over half a billion dollars
have been spent in prosecution ex-
penses to put them there.

An additional $400 million is
spent annually to keep them there.
More than 400000 additonal cases
could be spent on fighting against
the harmful drugs plaguing our na—
tion Instead. people doing what
has been done since recorded histo

ry are getting their lives ruined by
being jailed Something must be

The government is keeping one
of the most useful plants in the
world from us After all. (‘olumbhs
sailed to America with hemp sail-
cloth Thomas Jefferson wrote the
first draft of the Declaration of
lndependence on paper made of
hemp fiber. Jefferson. as well as
Ben Franklin. grew hemp on their


The laws that outlaw marijuana
originated in a time of prejudice
and segregation. They were made
to oppress certain racial and ethnic
minorities. It is time for a change
Please write to your congressman
and tell him your feelings or. for
more information. write the Na-
tional Organization for the Reform
of Marijuana Laws; 2001 S Street.
NW. Suite 640; Washington I) ('

Do not get me wrong. in no way
do I condone smoking marijuana,
Its economical and industrial uses
far exceed the pleasures of smok~