xt7cz8929f3t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cz8929f3t/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1936 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_084_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 084 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 084 1936 1936 2014 true xt7cz8929f3t section xt7cz8929f3t   §
- ..3 Extension Division
§ ’l`H()I\lAS |’. (fO0l’!·ZR, Dean and Director
EE; ‘ ( Revised D
 L _  ; FOR 4-H CLUBS
L ` ~ . - ··°‘. Q .
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` The right. kind with which to begin
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2 Lexington, Ky.
  .r».m1m·y. 1026
 i eml‘uhlisl1ed in connection with the 11;;ri¤·nlt111nl extension work carried on by coop-
i mm;°2f°£_`!lie College of Azrienltnre. Uiiiversity of Kentucky, with the U. S. Depart- ·
. At I grleulture. und distributed in fnrtliernnee of the work provided for in the
} ° D Congress or may 8, 1914.

The objvct of this projcct- is to tcacli Clul> in¤·uilit·i·s in ``·,
t0 raise hogs protitably. Thv oxpt·i·it·iict· gainwil in piupt;.
, ly caring for a sow and littvr until tht- pigs arc 1‘t·;i(ij.· ·
` niarkot will grt·a.tly assist in accninplisliing this cud.
1. Only incinbvis 0f 4-H Clubs arc cligililv. [H
A 2. Timo of c1n·0llmcnt for wintvr and spring pxiiy · m‘m“
August 1 t0 January 1; for sumnu·i· and lall pi·.¤_it·t·t. .1,.;;;. till if
ary 1 t0 June 1. liinjttt
3. Each mcmbvr shall misc a littvr ni pics lo wt·.i;.;;,; $h""]‘I
agc. or t0 niai·kctable= wcight. ht'! lil
ful zu
4. Each incmbcy shall fwd and carc for his sow ;e:~* I I
pigs. and shall d0 all thc work iioccssary during thc pi·c_‘~t· mh I ll
Ht-lp is permitted for wcighing and handling thc pics, (""]‘ '
5. Each incinbcr shall kccp a cnniplctc i·ccni·d af .111
items 0f cxpcnsc lllCll1`l'€‘(t in c0nnccti0n with thc pi·ti_‘·c‘ Th
as indicated in this circular. Thcsc rcc·0i·cls shall bv ui;·:;·;E [ (
in tc the County Agcut 0i· local lcadcr at thc clnsv nt` iliv i::·‘— 0 W"
j€ct. The wcaglits of thc pigs must bv ccrtihcd hy me tife- Wlltntti
interested persons. slitiiiltl
Tilt xii
—is zi llll
than :1
pii»l|l(l slinlx lllis mllziilgll <;l1cliill\. llzll
Sllrlllltl noi sillll nlill 1l1;ll. llc slllI\llll ilcigllllllls \\'lll‘l lll ;lxllill
{ (`1I~ll\ llll\l]Il¤(‘\.
.(l"ll_ llll·l<· ls llll llcsi lll(‘('d lll li·l<·». \\·lli|l(‘\`t'l` tllc lllccil. 1IllllIlill\
u,_y__.. 5
  Olwlllll illlllllllllllllllll nic lll¢ll`(‘ lll\cl\ lliun ;l1ilni;ll- l`mlL_.·_·_t tt _. slum
farrows few pigs amd givvs too >111z1ll at llww of milk my i}l.·H·   ill`]
velopmcnt. 1
l~`EEl)lN(i Tllli SOW BEl·`()Rl·I BRE!-IDlN(; ;::J;j`I
i\t the 1imt·n|` |>1t·t·t·l`1t·<·h<»u|lJI(litl‘ i` ktiowii gu "lliiJ;·;i  Shtui
· ` `hillllll
i uml l
V »t __ _' imiul
· ` v_  ~ piittw
{   { , ; ‘ _. .Y:' 
_V•'”·i;».  ,5 ~ ii I 4   7 · I M
  _ I  ZL _` ’  In "" :;   ·v > il': . °  
»   ‘» *‘ »   ` rbicd s
,   ~ r _ i .   isxuz
 ` "  - V · j  [n1‘111t·t
AZ   _ · ,__   ` i[0ii()\\`
    li I _ grain.
· · bctuk
"A Good Boar 1:, Half tliv llurd." gum].
]iX[>Cl`l1IlClit% show that flushing h;is_ in smiw i11¤t;11lt<‘~. DY": 'l€‘(“*$¢
ul>lcc1‘ol`pi;;s pur liupr, i\ iqitioii nl tttlll Mi if" will ‘l
  pfrlllld ni tziitkugo or (B to 8 l)()llll(i$ (il gkimqiiilk llgiily zilllllii? Eilllllllll
I run ol`;1 goocl [1:1>llll`<·, imizilly limtliitu tho (iL'$il`('ti icslrll. illlliii  mhm
this |>L·t`ir1l`;l`   lljtlttptittttl tltstt lltt· lllltll ht· ptttt·lttt·tl,
will   lltt· gt·st;ttitttt prtitttl is lltt· titttt· ht·lwt·t·tt lttt·t·tlittg tttttl l;tt·- .
tttttittg. lt is usttullt IIB tlatts witlt gills ;ttttl lll tlztts with ttltlct
stttts. Itttl l.tllgt‘s ltttttt {Ht ttt 121 tlnts lt:txt· |tt·t·tt kttttwtt. §ptittg—
lp Pigssllttllltl ltt· Iuttttwtttl itt Xluttlt ntttl l·i;tll-pigs itt Scptetttltqt; ll
HI ly" lllL·t.,tt· is htt·tl l>l'l\\`l'l'll Ntttvtttltvt ll tttttl l)t·tt·tttht·t ll. sht· ttsttgtllt
i ll" ll will l.tttttw itt i\lztttlt. ll sltt· is |nt·tl ltt·twt·t·tt .\l;tt BU gttttl jttttg lll,
Hi__ml_l` l 5l1ytlsllQill\ will lautttw itt \t·ptt·ttt|tt·t_
l Hill " l`stt.tllt i\l.ttth is tltt· ltt·st ttttnttlt Itn pigs ttt ltt· l;tttttwt·tl. Pigs,
l;tttttwt·tl tttt tn ;tltt·t Xlttttlt l t;ttt |tt· shttwtt att tltt· lstits itt tht;
"jttttittt pig tl.lss,H ttht·tt·:ts |l|tts&‘ l;tttttwt·tl |tt#twt·t·tt Scptctttltct l
attttl Xluttlt l tttttst ltt· shttwtt itt tltt· "st·ttitn’ pig tlztss," Pigs lat`-
ttttwtlitt Nlguth tn 5l‘])l(‘lIll)(`l ttt;tt |tt· ttt.ttlt· tt·;ttlt ltn ttt;ttl4t·t wht·tt
lt1’ltt·s:tlcltlgl1csl itt tht; l;tll.
` .\ltt·1‘tltt· sttw h;ts ht·t·tt lnt·tl. it is wt·ll ltt ttllttw ht·t lltt· ttttt ttl
iitgtttttl pttstlltc. ltt tltls \t‘:t} sltt· gvls lltt· c\t·tttst· stt cssctllistl lol
gtztitt. ll tltu sttw sltttws t·titlt·tttt· ttl ltutttttittgt ttttt lxtt. she sltttttltl
 ·bct;tltett ttut ttl tht· stt}l><·;tlt ltt·ltl tttttl gitt·tt ;t sttt;tllt·t’ ttllttwztttttc ttl
gtttitt. .\ ttnttttttnt tttist;tlst· is ttt lt·t·tl tht· sttw ttntt ;tltntt· tltttsittg thc
Jgtstzttttttt pt·titttl. (Qtntt is lttw itt pttnt·itt ;ttttl gtsh, l\\`t> sttltstattttcs
tts. .tlt‘i~Z lt€tt·ss;ttt itt lltt· pttttlttttitttt ttl |ttntt· ;ttttl tttllstlti Sttws lt·tl st txt-
tzttttlltw ‘litttt ttl tttttt ;tltntt· ttstt:tllt‘ pt‘tttltttt· wt·:tL. tttttlttilty pigs. 'l`ltc
{lt gtttllli? lll`l'l(`l[>i¤l ptttt ttl tltt· sttw`s lilllttll shtntltl ltt· ttn‘tt. httt willt il. lcvtls
]l_ lltttzlii  l`lChlIl1Illlst‘lc—zttttl ltttttt·»ltttiltlittg` ttt;ttt·t`i;tl sltttttltl bc lCt·ttnttt· ttttt l;tt. lltc lcctl may bc

11 /{1-11/111/.-y /fx/1·11.11'1111 (4`11111/111 .\llI. 81
1-1-111111-11 111 111111-41x1-1l >1>Il1('\\`lll|| 11111¤!`ll1l1111111_ 11:
1·(`(°(l11lg (111 1111- $1l\\` llllllllg ll11\ 111-111111 1x \l'l§ 111111111141111_1,1_1_\1 llllll
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.\11 41ll1111‘41111‘1- 111 E1 114111x 11I 111111 111 l 114111111 1411111,1;1-_ 1,1  
111- 111 1111-11. 1l1l(l1lll|1g$ 411111 1:111L41g1·. \ll1)I)l(.lll(`ll1(`(l 111 ,1 111.·____ 11
11;1>1111-1-, 511(l1 41x §1ll`Qlll.11. l§l1ll` 111 111- 111 1.111 QII1} 11.1111111 11.1 Shun
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l)1&`1l x1111·x 1111 111111 41111111-. 1x 1111111111-11. 11 \11(}lIl1l 11111 111-11,11 1 I
1111- 1111111- 1114111 11111 1111111111x 41111-1 Il11‘ x1111‘ l141x 111-1-11 I111-11; 1111 11     l
, 1111 xl\1111~1111lL xl11111l1l 111- 4111111-1l 111 \ll1>1>l} 1111- l`l<'I1I1`|1lx 111 11111, 1_ Ullll
1 1x l1)\\'. lllllll
-l`ll(` \1l\\` \l11)l1l1l 111- 11-11 x11 \ll(‘ g41111x :1x Illlllll \\`1'1gl11 1l11111,_1E_; 1111111
g1·x141111111 111-111111 41x xl11- \\`1ll 111x1·1l111111g1111-l41111111i11;.1111E41_,,__; [mm
111-141111lx. »l`l11x 1x11x1111ll1 411111111 T.`1 1111111111x l1)l QI 111.111111- »1.·.. _1;   uml
_ 1)1)llI1(l\ ll1)l` ll 11111. ll-1) 111111l1111- llllx gill!] 1111* x1111‘ x11111111{E _Q 11111111
1141111- 11l)l1l(l I11- 411 1111- 14111- 111 1 1111111111 [1>L'11('(lL1ll1 1111-1.11—11—]~ Mm]!
ing Cl('11lC1ll>. >l1()l1l(l 111- 111-11-1-41x1-11 41x ll11' l`1‘l‘l`l1l`CC 111- f()lllv (lilfs l)C1l()l>(. l·11ll()\\·l1lg 111111- x11I1x1i11111· 11-111.1; 1..:; '1`1
1111- 11111--114111 111 1llQ 11111111 41ll1111‘411111-. l'-111` 1-x;111111l1-. 11 1111-   .4-  0111,11
111-1-11 11-11-11-111g 11111-1- 1)1)llll(l\ 111 Qlllllll il (lilfl. xl11‘ xl11111l1l1111:1:.· 111111-111
11-111- 112 1)()1lll(l\ 111 \\'l1(‘1l1 1114111 411111 I1: 1)1>ll11ll\ 111 Q1.|ll1. 111 ».»1 Y 1111111.1
1114111 x1-1141-x 41x 41 1111111 l41\411111- 411111 11-111lx 111 L1-1-11 (l(}\\-ll 1l11‘11‘.1Zl-ll u1111111g
(()1l(l1ll()ll 111411 111111 ()l`l('1l 111-11111111-x. ()111·-111111111 111 Ll 111111111l11;l;11· 11-11411
x1-1-11 1111 111u41l l·(‘(l l\\`l((T I1 11411- \\`11l1l(l x1-1‘1‘1- 1111- x411111- 11111-111111
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111 ll1L‘ l·i111`1l\\'l11g l11)l15(’ x11 \l1(' will I1:-1111111- lll1)l()1lL:lll\ 411111~111:1‘;1l 1111
_ 111 l1C1` 11t‘\\` x111·1·1111111l111gx, $l11’ \l1()l1l(l 1*(‘(1`l\L' lilllll 111-4111111111.1:11l 1111111*
111- \'l\ll(‘(l lA1`('(1l1(‘11ll1'. S11l((' 11 111211 111- 1l(‘(*(‘\\1I1\ 111 lllll(l('l 1111411- 1111sl1‘4
x1x1411111- (ll11'111g l.ill`1`1l\\'111g. 11 1111- x111v ix lll-111111 111 111-1- 1111|111-11l]1 1111111-.
will 11111 111:111111 111111 111 1141111lI1- 1111- 1)lQ% 111- 41xxix1 1111- 11-1-:11 11111—111 10111111

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1111. 1111.11,11 `imlh W"; $0111111111 111\111|11 111 :1111·111111 111 ;1ss1sl 1111- s111x‘ :11 1:11-
ml *11   w“.:,,g1j,.11·_ i1`»I11· :111111·:11» 111 111- 111-111111s :11111 :111:1111 111 >`()l1,
_. In _i`. H .4 HOUSING
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111I~1i·1..iQ [mm 1],1 g1-111·1;11 lllllIl11lg 111.111- 111 1Il1‘ 1I<‘1(1. *1111: g1-111-1:11 I111g—
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1***111-.} ~i ${111, ,j1111· 11 111;11 I11· |l1'(1‘\\l|I} 1111 1111· (111(‘1il1·1('l 111 :1~»1»1 111c >111x‘
11-11 1.211.2 ;1[1;11111\1‘111Q 1111112
I'I"“I· I` _\11-11· 11;11~ 1l('I>1IlL‘ 1;l111l\\'11lg 111111- 111(' 1I111l\(‘ \111)111(1 111; 1111·1»
"II IU I; 11:11111-1I :11111 1111111I11g111\- 111·:1111·11. 1111111111;; 111 (I111('1>111111(*11111 111 1111*
`II"v°"°_`I` 111‘1·111111~ ~1·:1»1111 \I111l|1<1 111- 1111111111 111 11:11111-1I (7111 1111 ~111111· 111-111 1111
I"i`I`I`  11-111111111)1111!\ :111- 1\('1>1. v11I1‘ 111l1|\(‘ $I1(I111(1 111- 11·11:1111·11. \\'11L‘11
**1* 111]1(]\*111}.1111(11111)11I11:111\ 111\1ll1`(‘1 11·11.
1*11*-*1 ·`-· 11 .11111.111I11\(*\111)111(1 111- 111-11111-11 11:1111 11111} :1 ~111:111 :11111111111 111 \111111
1111   1** O111.511`;1\\-, ~I111·1I111·11 1111-11 $1()\(‘1>, 11-:111-». 111 111111-1 »1111 lI1J11l‘l’1i1I. :11111
1111 11**** 1* [J1`11\’1111‘11 11:1111 :1 ~111111g gl1§ll(1 1:111 N 111(11(`\ :1111111- 111(` 1111111: :11111 S
11111 II-1--it 111C1l1‘> 1111111 11]1‘ \\`(11I, R1-111111x >1111\x` 111:11 1111* g11`l11l'\1 H11111:1111}
1I1<' 11*1*1 11I1111I1Q`11111I]Ql11gx1~11l11* 111 111;1~11111g 11\ 1111- »1111‘. $1111 1)1‘(11111lg 111:1-
1111~1- I
:11111~111111;1I l{11111111 \\`111l11N 1l<11l1` (1)1l1Il11l1l1} 111 l)1Q\. '1`11L'>1' \\'1)1l1l\ 111:11111‘1:
1111111111;:11 1111I1Qs111L1I1 11111·»11111-» :11111. 11 1111-»1·111 111 1:11g1- l11l11l1)1`l`§. 111:11 scri-
111·1 111·1y1<· 1)1lS11` :1111-11 111-:11111. S<)1111‘11l1I1`\ (`i111\1l1g` 111-:1111. 1`\1lil11}>. 111111-1:11111
111.1~11·1~F:1 .1111111: 11111 1111(`11 l)1g\ 1)('1(11111' \1l1l1l1'11 11:111-11 111-:11111: 1111`L‘$11‘(1 111111
’l1I§ 11111—11Z 10111111 \\`1)1`Il1S. I

S ]\'l'III[l(’/{\' IC.l‘!l·ll.l1`llll (ll-}`(l(/(ll` Xl). Bl
l '
'1`lll· llllllllllb ill lllll ll()g`·l()[S llhlllllll lllllluilla lllillilllll l,] lmwl
` eggs. ;\llcr l)L‘l`lU(lS lll illlllllilllllll llllllvl llllllllill lllllllllllm, [lx
l   l)l‘l`l)lllL‘ llll-t‘(’ll\'L'Z lllill lS. slllllll \\'Ulll|S (ll'\'l‘l(>|) lllsllllg [lm Lux lm
\\'l1l*ll lllQ illl`l‘l’li\‘l* cggs ll:l\l‘ l1t'<'ll s\\'1lllU\\'<‘ll ll} lligl, lillll· l·_,,i;H lm
»-·lllll slllllll lll l>l· >l·l·ll lll lllv llillwll <‘}l‘· llilllll lllll lll llll· lllllllm, HI
lL‘\llllL‘ lll](l llu>> illlll llll· lmlllllll \lll'Ll||\. llllv \\' ll>lllllll·ll· llll·ir gl()\\4lll.
i l. \\'Ql\ll lll(‘ l;lllll>\l‘illg llllllw llllllllll \l`llll lllllllllg l·._·;l _ (lm
V lll· ll I)<)llll(l lll Ill) gilll()Il\ \\`1ll('l l. Im
2. \\Yil\ll llll· >llll"» xilllw llll(l llllll£`I \\`lIll ~ll.l]l ullll ll.lll~ 3 wd
xllL‘ lx l>lll llllll lllL‘ lll‘illI l&lllll\\'llIg ll\lillll'l\. lll lllll‘1l3l»’. ,_ mu
A Illllll uml llirl. Il lhllillll (()llllllll\ \\llIIIl lggl uml gl·llll~l
Il. \\`lll·l1 lll(' l>ig¤ ull· u |l·ll‘ (l1ll\ lllll. llulll lllll lllll llllw _
»llll‘ uml lligl lll u (l('llll llu»lllll· u lll·lll lrllilll ll.I\ l>l1l·ll lllQl;x 3 (
\lIl(`C lull 1l»l·ll lll llllgx. lll <>lI(' llll ll‘llilll lll) lll)g\ ll;lll· lll]! ;~ l HHH,
lcurs. will
l. (_;()lllIlll' llll· lligx lll lllil |l1l>lllIl` ulllil IlI<'\ .lll1 lll .l~~; l(‘l'[l
lll()llllI§ lllll. illl(‘l` \\'lll(ll llll·l (ill] lllll ill lllll lll)g lllll llllllllllzlll
lll S(‘l`ll)ll$ illillrl lllI()lll \\'(ll`lll ill|l·»1ulillll. Il
· 3. $01110 IIICII llslr l)()l`lQll)l(‘ ll()ll\(TS lllill ull· lxl‘|)l llll lll·.lll Q1   I
il llc >l»ll‘>. \\'llCl] ill)l)lll l`(‘2lLll lll li|l`ll)\\'. url- l)lll(\'ll ill llll.llll~ 1. 2
lllL‘ lll·ull ICl`l`ll()l`}`, \\'ll(‘l`C llll· llig» ure l§l'l)l lllllil lllulkclcll. 3
l)lll`L'l)l`('(l. xlllls ll\l|2Illl l.JlI`I`<>\\` lurgc lilll·l¤. l)lll llllll lll·l~l 1;-; D
l`<‘(L‘l\(' l)l`<)])(‘l` ulll·lllil>ll ]`lIl-.\l’ llllgf lilll·l>. xl(l\l (ll- llll` ll·~~¤—~v §l`J(ll
lllr ul Illl’ IlIll(‘ lll l2lrl‘l>\l‘illg llr xllllll lll<`l`(‘i|ll('I. ll il \\‘('ll. llilil- Qlllll
lllrc. llll lll(T (2lI`('l1ll·i(‘l` lll |ll· llll llilllll ul lllill lillll· lll gill .I~~[~l.llllC llnill
\\‘llCll ll l~ lll‘l‘ll<‘ the litter'. Yet. this lzntner pointed tu gi guw
lmhi \"'f°l“’ mhjl herd uml suid. "il h<·t<·`s u s<»w thut will gu iutti the lutteuiug
H ""·’l*ttt· . s ·i;iisetl unly eight >i··s in her lust litter/’
I I y pi]]_ lt V .—. l n
un ni·;_i , . .  
lllwwglv ··_\ pretty high stumluttl, tlnnt yon think hir uny snwr usked
lie shit _ _1 the (Zunnty .\g<‘ttt. `
··Y(»`_ hut uiy stltvs nnist ruise lil pigs in the litter or I will mit
rlihis fuirnei spends the nights in his huin uml wutthes the pigs
Z "‘·’l‘ `· (]uu·h [ur twu weelss. lle nnnes the pigs fmni the sows ut feeding
time uml Leeps thern uyvuy tnnil the suws huye hnished their feed
t·tt·t t 1 ·. hill huxe hud tiine puttiully tn digest it. lnnm·diutt·ly ulter eut-
ieitiuwt .. jim tht- suw is sluggish uml niuy lie npun her pigs.
( ·' .
tt w11 lmtlr. \\'ll('ll this ll1l[)|)k`ll\. sh{· s{1·»11ltt~-
{·t>1m·s tl1i11 uml weuk uml {Ines m1t ruise the pigs l)ll1l1l‘Il\_ sf
slimilil liuw ull {lie leetl she will (Ull%l|l|ll' uml it ‘·•llt1lll l`¤1{{1-l1l'{l1s{»l u p1.i.1;,§— llw"
lllL‘(lllill`l. l1llll§1lg(‘1ll)Ulll l.Y1Y1 p<1{{mls. 'l`l1i·s¤»w·»11 lull l't·t·tl tttiiuy .,  mill
lllg`l`1llll(l1llll`lllllllll 2.7 ])(‘l`(`L'lll <1ll{{‘1` live weight. .\{ 1l1i\1.~. .  mlll
. 3(lll~l)()llll&l sow (`()Il5llllll`$ ltl\ltlt‘tl_ il;.    hul
_ will begin {{1 eut ul` the lIl<>lllL'll\ l`1lllt>ll when they 1ll(’Qll1t1l|t{l Ulm
weeks <1l{l. l{ will {hen he ll(`(l'\\Qlll in im{t·usi· thi- g1;{i{i_·f·.  {lm
ume {{1 llllll\L‘ up lor {ht- leetl ({lll\lllll<`(l ln llll' pigs. lll;. · .  until
_ {llings lllill he |`etl us ll slop. mi lv`!
 ttt`. tl
Other \1lll\l`1l(lUl`l gllllll mixtitres ure; (21 {{1111, ll p1{1{—; 
uge. l putt: tilt (<>l`ll. l purl; sLi111r111ilL. Sli putts; {lt g1·»{{i;tE‘ - llli
ley ll purts. {unkuge l purt. (Z<>u{st·l\ QlUllll(l wheut is ~{11·;f lllllll
{{1 the other (`Ullllll()ll gruiiis. l`{1r hugs, \\·ll(‘ll {he p1l{t·p{1{ tm. I I
tl{>es11t1test·eeil tl1u{ nl ({11111. it is Jlll us lllill letl {{1 the stiw. lt iw] V
to suppl} this i11 u Slllilll leeiler l)l` llllllgll plutetl i11 u t1{tip.~‘ ¤Y‘· »(“ll`
tltnsltlt. \1`llcl‘{‘ ll1¢· pigs 111;t\‘ t·;{l {t11111<1lt·slt·tl by nltler hugs {{1 tliltlv _hc lug
<·11s. .·\ simple (ll`U[)-(l<)<)l` utturhetl hy lt-u{l1e1· hinges {t»;1r1·»pt=¥€f`; ll MU
lurgcr <·11{1ttgh l`x·t·r {ht- I)li('lllI\l'\ tlti lt lhcuw
creep shnultl he (`<)\'(`l`(‘(l witl1 I)()lllIl`}' wire, This ;111{l the ~{1‘l1{Lll‘i ”K`
_ (l()()l` {nuke the creep ])()lllll`}'-[)l`()Ol·, The
D0 not l{{r{1 pigs {111 l)ZlSIlll`Q 1111til they girg git legist llll`l‘k' with °XP0l`lc
wld. l)l`($\`lUllS {0 {his. {·l1illi11g, ixiiiseil by ;1llmt·i11g pigs {{1 {M11 lll  m“ll· ll
wet pusture. lowers lll(jll` l`CSlSlZll`l(`C uml mukes them liuhlv l<> `l"*‘lll‘· l`l'll"‘l`1

 .\'1111· llllll /,1.//1·1* I'111j1·1/ [/III 11-II (1/III/.1 II
1· 1,,,,11 1H_ SCOURS
  \Iv §11,111s 1s (IIi|l£|(I<'II/l'(I   ('X(('%\1\'(T I¢N1\(‘|1('\$ 111. IIl(‘ bU\\'(fIs, 1111*
I H. W  11111_11;1·l11·111g \\'IIIII\I| :11111 Ili1\11l_L§ :1 11·11‘ 1-11111 1111111. 11 1111111 11·.
;’I ""'l = u1l1mm“.\1.,111 (;111`1·,_ `111l1 11s 1,y1~1|1·1~1l111g |I11· s1111*. 1(‘(‘(I1ll}%` s<1111’
I"I'I1`II° 11,111111|1s11ILj 1I11· \U\\' :11111 I111¢*1 III (IJ|1ll1J. 1|III1\ (1l111l1(‘ls, <1l‘ [lllll·
IIIIIVIII `I" H,,1]11·111gs 1111 g1:1ss :11 11111 (‘i|lI} :111 :1g1·. ll $(()III\ 1)((l1l`§, 11];1(1·
Im `I Tw  11111111* :11111 1)Ig\ 111 (111. (I<'1|ll 1111:1111·1s. I)l'(l(‘11\(‘ 1Il(‘ I'(‘(‘(II IIl(‘ll .
IMIII`1" · »· 1 · 1 · ·I.11·1·1I111I111*1‘1s1111 (l1I11II1('III-('('(I II Il<‘
 \-1.1111»`1111_1(11s1 11 l.I\\ II S 1 .
[WWI "  1-1,1,1.1 11.111 1(II` s1111*s \\'('1gI111Ig 2'111 111 11111 1111111111s is   111 1
lI11~ 1.1* ~ I 1 1 ·
. 1 · 'I}()III 11*1II *111 11111111· II II1lS 1I111·s 11111
__  1111111. .\1.1I1|<~11<1<»11 111111 s .1 . . _
II UI II` I 111·1L1I11·1I1~1·.1s<‘ 111111111 S1 I1‘\\'  0111.
I *'1·111  2. Keep trough cI1·:111.
I "III" I 3. Keep beds dry.
me ~1.Ifsc0u1‘s :1ppe111*s. give- sow :1 dose 0f L2'; 111 4 01111c1·s 0f liiiseed 011
r111d1‘ed11c1· feed for :1 few days.
11 11  
.   (·Z1\Il`11Il<1l1 I1:1s I111I1· l‘II·l`(I 1111 1I11· <·11111*1I1 :11111 1I1·11·I11 )111(‘11I (111
1‘11, 11 1.. . 5
{,1111111, 1¤1>1g \\`IlC11 1111* l)1)('I§1IIl1l] IN 111·1I1111111*1I 111 1111* III`\I s1\ \\`1‘1*II1()1lI(I 111 1)I.l((`(I 111 111*:111 (11lil1`lCl`S i1\\`1l\' 11*0111 1111111
1 11*11 ~ . . , , . . .‘ · I
111111111. 1111s .1 11.11 111 so 1)1C\1()llS 111 1*:1s11`:1111111. I11S11‘11111C111S SI10l1I(I

I2 l{1*11/111:/ty [‘i.\'It'lI.\I·tHl (iI`}`t`Il/Ill' .\'o. Sl
be [)l§l(`L‘(l in il vessel ftllllilllllllg :1 Elf |>t‘l`tt‘IlI soltttion 111 Mullin
or other good tllSll]li(‘(`I1lll[. :1nd sltottld he l‘t‘tl1¢>\‘t‘tl only wlim the {hi"
ope1·;11o1· is l`t*1Itl\' to use thent. ll»<‘i`<>\`<‘ l><‘;Ll¤\l1ittg` lh1· 1»]111_11g,," UM
theope1·:1tot·sl1o11ldw:1sl1 his hztntls i11 the sztnte solution. {Mm if
jg now })lQl(`(‘(l in I)()Sl[i()Il by the ll<‘l[><‘l"i· 'l`ll<‘ sttotttnt is tljim, iwl
feeted by st.1·e;1ki11g witl1 llll(`Illl`l` of iotlinv ill the p:1tl1 11·l11·imh€ 1(iil
knife is to [l`il\'(‘l. The outer skin illlll then the (t)\'t'li[]u1,g[lyE Hi?
testiele :1t*e split ])ill`1lll(`l to the tliyisiott line. ilihe t1·s1i1l. mai mm
moved simply by p11lli11g out the cottl i11 young pigs, 111 timing T
it i11 two in t)l(lL'l'1lllllIIill$. \\`ll(`l`L' tuttittg it in two \llItlt>llll‘13·1;;ly[ 0[UL
I (`LIUSC heavy bleeding: The wound is now ll`('illl'(l with ti1111;1;1·,,{ Stlfify
t lt)(llllC :111d tl1e pig turned out i11 :1 tle:111 li1·l1l. llo 11111 111;1;1}—1 Skim
pigs into :1 field where they have :1t‘11·ss to the Ublllllltlll i11111{;,_1j. nm
i low. This n1:1y result in the wountls l)<`t`<)llllllQ' llllit‘tlt‘(l illlti wt]. Wl.
ing. St)IllC[lllIL'S pigs never 1‘1·t`1>yt·t‘ lil`<\|ll such i11I1·1ti1»11s_ _11;1§§{ Umm
they do. (`t)lISl(lCl`ill)ll‘ lllll(’ is 1‘e1|11i11·1l for Ill('lll to Qt`l l11.L~~1
l feed. \\v(l[(`ll the pigs closely for ten llil\'S following lllt‘ t1I>tl.!il—Z`_
Pigs should he wezttted :1t eight weeks of :1ge if the sow is Wi
bred for :1 f:1ll litter. .-\ s;11isf:11to1`y ntethod 11li \\`t‘illllllQ is 11:;·
inoye the sow from the pigs. since she 1:1n l`(‘1l(lll}' iltlillll l;1z~ii:1~‘1
new Slll`l`()lll](llIlQ_S. lf the pigs :11‘e lL'lllt)\'('{l to il new l(l(illll'll 1};1= C
beeome more restless thztn if 1lll()\\'l'(l to l`L'IllIlfll i11 1l11·i1·;11111~:l~·~;;ll
` (lll2lI`[CI`SZ l1C11CC it is only 1`t·;1so11;1l>le to espett th;1t tl11·~u·‘—.1L
from weaning would be less seyere if the pigs :111- ;1llo11·11l wx1·
lllitlll in their old (lllill`[Cl`$. 'l`ln`ee or four tlll}`S l)l‘lit)lL' lt‘lll1>\lEiZ NO.
the sow. put her Ull il lllllfll redttced 1lllt)\\'illl((‘ of 111111 ;1l1»111:1Z2i> toseli-
rztpidly reduces the milk flow since coin :1lo11e does not s11111¤l¤ ie 3
elements necessztty to prodtttie il l:1t’ge llow of milk.
lf the pigs hztye l)CL'll (lllt)\\'C(l free il(`(iC$% to il tl`t‘(‘l> illlll wl
pasture previous to weztning time. Ill(‘}' will be (t>ll\llllllllQ .1 nil
feed of grztin, (ll`|(l tl1e 2ll)S(‘ll(`C of the mo1hei·`s Illills will 11··tl>¤"t‘ 44
keenly felt.
Corn is the most widely used :1nd. llillillly. the (llt'ill}t‘ltini·niill< uml lil!llsil}.;<‘. Pigs slroultl be kvpt growing lu],.
um l` ‘ll‘lll· j(]]\·,l, lliqr will lit: l<'J|ll(<'§ in lli<· unl} spring uml curly lull thuii
"ll'l! lll lllt anim ,,lllL·l· time ol lllC }'U¤U`· .
t·slllt· to supply thc iced in a
1 llll(lllllillf stlllt·<·tlt·r sim<· t1n1silt· lul>1»r inur l><· suwtl in this wuy. lll
inn nina llc glii1r—1nill\isust·1l us 1lu· snppIt·rm·nt. tlu· uruin only will bc lctl in
rn lllll