xt7cz8928h5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cz8928h5k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-02-03  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  3, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  3, 1928 1928 1928-02-03 2012 true xt7cz8928h5k section xt7cz8928h5k THE KENTUCKY KERNEL









KY.. FEBRUARY 3, 1928




:- -:


The U. of K. Basketball Squad


:- -:



President McVey Invites Gov- TEAM THIS SEASON
ernor Flem D. Sampson to
Washington and Lee Tilt ;
Jenkins, McGinnis. McBrayer.
Game Begins at 7:30.
Combs and Jeffries Are in

Will Give First Presentation of
Play in Lexington
House About April 1: to
Report Shows Increase of 160
Select Lead.
Over Number Registering

Last February

Plans arc now being made for a

Governor Flem D. Sampson will
visit the university tonight for the
first time since hid inauguration in
December. He will witness the Wash
'aine which will start promptly at
7:.'50 o'clock in order that the team
may leave in time to play Indiana at
Bloomington Saturday.
The governor will arrive in Lexington at 7:20 and will go directly to
President McVey's home where he
will proceed to the game, accompanied by Judge Stoll and Doctor and

tour of five towns for the coming
STUDENTS ENROLLED Stroller production of "Dulcy," to be
presented first at the Lexington
Numerous Changes Are Made Opera House about April 1. Among
in Schedules and in
the cities to be visited are Frankfort,
Ashland, Cynthiann and Middlesboro.
At noon yesterday 2178 students
had registered for the second semester at the university, according to
reports received from the registrar's
office. Of this number approximately
200 are new students who were not
in attendance at the university last
Advanced registration for old students was held on Thursday, January
26, but only 500 students enrolled at
this time. Regular registration was
held Monday, January 30, and at the
end of that day's work only 1846
had found their way through the registration lines.
Improvement Over Last February 1
However, this small amount of enrolled members Monday showed c
slight improvement over that of last
February when students, at the close
of regular registration, astonishec
university officials with an enrollment of only 1484. As late registration last February increased the university roster to a number of 2018
so this year it brought the enrollment
to 2178. This figure approaches thai
of September, 1926, namely 2225, the
largest enrollment in the history of
the university.
Before allowed to classify, freshmen end all new Btadents were giver
physical examinations in the university dispensary, Monday and Tuesday. Students were classified in the
Men's gymnasium, where all colleges
Wednesday and
were represented.
Thursday, students crowded the offices of the deans making various
changes in their schedules and in
their classification.
Class work for the second semester
began Tuesday morning at eight
All students who registered
after Monday, the day for regular
registration, weae required to pay
$1.00 as late registration fee for each
following day.
Tomorrow and any
time next week, late registration fee
will be $5.00.



"School and Society" Magazine
Publishes Article Discussing
Student Movement and Influence on College Education.


In an article published in the January issue of the Schooland Society
Magazine, Dean P. P. Boyd, of the
Arts and Science College, explained
the new movement that has sprung
up in the various universities, and
which is known at the University of
Kentucky as the "Pan Politikon,"
meaning "the Political whole," which
lias as its aim, peace.
"Pan Politikon" is an attempt to fit
the key of education more nicely to
the lock. It assists the students to
become acquainted with the ways and
customs of other people by bringing
speakers and entertainers from various parts of the world.
, The chief endeavor of this society
is to establish peace.
In the concluding paragraphs Dean
Boyd says:
The world Is not yet ripe for unbroken peace nor for complete disIndeed, it will not bo,
while selfishness and ignorance are so
widespread. Idealistic proposals will
continue to be put to the pragmatic
test and practical men of the world
will adopt only so much of the rapturous dreams of poet and seer as are
workable in the world of things as
they are. Some of the peace propo- -

Although the route has not as yet

Three important parts are yet to
be filled, the most notable of which is
the title role of "Dulcy." The selection has been narrowed down to two
young ladies, Miss Mary J. Haily and
Miss Alice Spaulding. The character


"It came to pass?" registered
emotion from the gallery "It came
to pass in Chemistry, in English, in
everything." The bright eyes of the
disillusioned first semester freshmen
mocked inquisitively, demanded

looked dis-

tantly wise; juniors, wisely silent; seniors with bored brows aloft.
"And so it came to pass," repeated
the reader firmly, "that the
rolled "round once more. And
where the seeds of learning, sowed by
professors for a full
generous-bande- d
five months, fell on fertile soil, they
flourished and brought forth a goodly
crop of A's and much joy. And some
seeds fell on soil not so good, but fertile withal, nd tky brpnfbt forty

The hand will have
of showing th? guest
tot its name of the
Dixie" and will also


Above is a group picture of the University of Kentucky Wildcat basketball team which is making a name for
itself in the Southern Conference this year. The team has lost only thre games, one each to Miami,

Navy and Maryland.
Reading left to right are: First row, Hayes Owens, Lawrence McGinnis, Capt. Paul Jenkins, Cecil Combs, Paul
Second row, Freddie McLane, June Lyons,- - Stanley Milward, Clair Dees, Elmer Gilb. Third
row. Coach John Mauer, Andy Torok, Irvine Jeffries, Leonard Miler.

Senior Engineers Will Present
"Justice" in
March; Romany Staff Cooperates to Make Play Success.
The next play to be given

at the

Romany Theater, Galsworthy's "Justice," is scheduled for production during the first week in March. The
senior class of the Engineering College unanimously chose this great
play by a great author when it was
found that Dean Paul Anderson desired the seniors to give a play for
the cultural and executive value to be
derived from such an undertaking.
The cast of the drama has practically been completed," and is composed of men from the senior class
with the exception of one woman, who
will be chosen by vote. The play is a
tremendous undertaking and requires
such a large cast, crew and staff that
very member of the senior class will
be pressed into service. Five large
sets of scenery are called for in the
production, "Justice" being the most
elaborate production at the Romany
since "Lillom."
The regular Romany staff, headed
by Professor Carl Sax, and assisted
by Elsworth Parrin, of the Carnegie
Institute of Technology, will supervise the production, but all of the
actual work will be done by engineers.
Professor Sax, who Is quite enthusiastic about the play, said:, "I believe that remarkable results will be
obtained, due to the 'esprit du corps'
for which the College of Engineering
is famous. Romany was glad to offer its cooperation and is therefore
presenting the Senior Engineering
class in one of the roost ambitious
dramas of its career."

AUDITORIUM AND Fritz Kreisler Will

to Hold Meeting

The Society which has for the past
three or four years given various
oratorios with great success, will
practice for the Messiah, their spring
offering. Besides this, they will study
the opera, "Martha," and give it in
concert form.
The best singers of Lexington,
Georgetown, Paris, Winchester,
Frankfort, and other nearby
towns make up the society. Professor Lampert directs the Choral society and the university orchestra
which plays its accompaniments.
The Messiah will be given some
time in May, probably in the Men's

Be-re- a,

Senior Engineers Will
Give Dance Saturday
What is expected to be ono of the
best dances of the year will be given
in the Men's
gymnasium tomorrow
night by the senior engineers. The
music will be furnished by the

The dance will begin promptly at
it is announced by the committee in charge of the affair. The
admission will be one dollar.
In the past, the senior engineers'
dance has enjoyed the distinction of
being among the best on the campus
and it is said that every effort is being made to make the present dance
as good as its predecessori.
9 o'clock,

University Library

Authors Are on Latest

Helen Shelton, who has been ill at
St. Joseph's hospital for the past
three days, had her tonsils removed
Thursday morning. Her condition
has been reported as satisfactory and
has relieved the anxiey of Miss
many friends.

an abundant harvest of B's and C's.
But unruly winds scattered many of
the seeds of learning, so that they
either fell on barren territory, and
yielded E's or were scattered so widely that they could not be collected.
And thus D's came into being. And
the reapers of the harvest were not
ill pleased with the fruit brought
forth. Nay, verily, they murmured
thanks to the gods, and passionately
exclaimed 'Thank heaven that's over
for another semester.' "
Finds 150 E's
Now that it happened that ono devotee of the press, inspired by her
journalistic muse, wondered concern-5n- g
the harvest of the tribo D'Ang-laiAnd noisily nowsing, she hunt-s- d
up all the English grades, conspicuously posted on familiar yellow
oaper; then proceeded to count the
E's. Nor did the sinner have en- s.

on Page Eight)

The university library has acquired
many interesting books of fiction and
of biography within the past few
months. Among these books are
some written by Kentucky authors;
"Lonesome Road," written by Miss
Lucy Furman, and "My Heart and
My Flesh," by Elizabeth Madox Roberts.
Miss Roberts is considered by many
literary critics as being one of the
best of the young American writers.
She also wrote "Time of Man," one
of the best sellers for 1927. This
book was chosen by the "Book of the
Month Club."
Other worth while
books of fiction are "Men Without
Women," a group of short stories;
"Revolt of Youth," by Lindsey; Montague's "Right Off the Map;" "The
Best Short Stories o 1927," and
"The Best Plays of 1927.
Interesting new biographies are
the following: "Up the Years From
Bloomsbury," by George Arils; "Genghis Khan," written by Lamb; and
Johnson's biography of Andrew Jackson, which bears the title, "An Epic
in Homespun."


Meredith Smith was awarded the
prize given by Professor Grehan,
head of the journalism department,
for the best notebook in the journalism department for the past semester. The prize was $5.00. Mr. Smith
is a member of the Sigma Alpha
soeial fraternity.



The Central Kentucky Choral
ninfv will ImM
wM!tt nf ,
year Monday night in the Art build-

SuKy circle, pep organization of
the university, will hold its annual
election of officers next Tuesday aftNew Books
ernoon, February 7, at the regular
All members arc urged
Two Popular Works of Kentucky
to be present.


the opportunity
of honor how it
"best band in
allow the new
ponsor, 3Iiss Mary L. Marvin, to
ppear with the 'Hooters" for the
first time. The feature number of
'he band will be "The Strength of
a Sampson" dedicated to Governor
Sampson and composed by Professor
Sulzer, director of the band. At the
half, a special exhibition will be given
on the part of the musicians who will
present themselves in full uniform.
It is hoped that the student body will
be well represented at the game ar
this is to be the initial appearance of
Governor Sampson "at the university


Freshmen Heave Sighs of Relief
After Examination Ordeal Is Over
"And so it came to pass," droned
the' sonorous voice, reading from the
big blue book containing the annals
of the University of Kentucky, '27,

military department of the university
will greet Governor Sampson at the
gymnasium and accompany him to his

part of "Mrs. Forbes" is between


(CeatiBHed oh Page Eight)

Mrs. McVey. A special box will be
set aside for the party on the west
side of the gymnasium near the center of the floor. An escort from th

Miss Catherine Friend and Miss Elizabeth Turner, while the role of
"Schuyler Van Dyke" is still to be



Line-u- p




been definitely selected, it is thought
that the play may be taken for a tour
of western Kentucky as well.

tried for.
According to Frank Davidson,
stage manager of the organization,
the settings will be the most elnbor- ite of any in previous productions.
The whole play is said to be the most
imbitious attempt on tho part of the
.trollers in their history as an
Mies Margie McLaughlin
s in charge of publicity and has already started her work, advertising
he play in both the Louisville and
.he Lexington newspapers.


Give Concert




Fritz Kreisler, one of the premier
artists of the world, will give
a concert at the Woodland auditoProposed Building Will Seat rium Wednesday, February 15, according to an announcement by Miss
1,040 and Outdoor Structure
Anna Chandler Goff, director of the
to Have Capacity of 1,100
Lexington College of Music.
Kreisler is considered by musicians
as a standard for the new generation
WILL BE 135 FEET HIGH because of his exquisite taste and
Proposed Building to Be Behind
Kreisler's last appearance in LexAgricultural Building Facington was three years ago when he
was greeted with one of the largest
ing Limestone Street
audiences that has ever attended the
An auditorium seating 1,040 per- auditorium programs.
sons, combined with a natural amphitheater seating 1,100, is planned to
be constructed for the purpose of entertainments, concerts, motion pictures and assemblies, before the end
of the year, it is announced by uniKerPlans for
versity authorities. It will be located nel banquet, the be held for the
at the Phoenix
directly behind the Agricultural build- hotel February 10,
are progressing
ing and will face Limestone street
rapidly. Although the program itself
There will be a main floor and a is kept secret, those who are to atbalcony.
The stage which will be tend are promised many varied and
made to comfortably seat a
interesting talks.
orchestra, will be flanked on both
Delegates to the Kentucky Intersides by an organ loft with space for
collegiate Press Association conferthe future installation of an organ. ence have been invited as guests
In front of the stage will be a small the Kernel staff for the banquet.
organ pit for a console. The stage
Lucille Short, who is in charge of
will be a simple affair with provisions
the program, is adding new topics
for footlights and border lights.
which will be of great interest to
The balcony will have a projection those concerned with college journalroom for a moving picture machine. istic work.
Outdoor Amphitheater
Directly behind in the natural depression is to be built an outdoor Dr.
amphitheater out of natConvocation
stone. There will be no cover
and outdoor assemblies will be held
here. It will seat about 1,100 per- Vassar College Professor Will
sons. The stage will be a
Deliver Three Lectures in
affair with a radius of 20 feet.
Men's Gymnasium
An Interesting feature will be that
both crowds may be addressed by the
The first convocation of this sesame speaker at the same time. This mester will be February 16 at 10
will be possible by the means of a o'clock in the Men's gymnasium, with
large palladian window at the back Dr. Bruno Roselli, of Vassar College,
of the stage which will have a bal- as the chief speaker. Dr. Roselli's
cony ou which the speaker may subject will be "Danger Zones of
Europe." He will also give a lecture
A tower which will rise about 135 in the afternoon at 3 o'clock on
feet above the ground will contain "When Youth Demands Responsibild
clock, connected with the ity'.' The following afternoon at the
clock and bells on the campus and same time he will talk on "Internawill act as a master clock. Above tionalism: Dead or Hibernating?"
will be space for a future installation
Doctor Roselli has built up at Vasof chimes, and above that a space sar the largest language department
for lights for the purpose of flood of Italian in the country, and is reclighting.
ognized as an authority on Italian
Of chief Interest will be the lob- literature. He is an Italian by birth
bies which will contain scrolls on and at 34 was made an Officer of the
which will be carved names of all of Crown of Italy for his services to his
Kentucky's World War dead.
country during the World war. ShortThe contract will be let February 8. ly after this he came to America, and
was attached to the Italian embassy
NEW HAVEN, CONN. (IP) The here. Later he entered the Unitned
Yale Daily News, advertising itself States war and treasury departments
xs the oldest daily college paper in and served there until he was called
the United States, is to celebrate its to Vassar. Doctor Roselli has acquirfiftieth anniversary this week.
ed a wide reputation as a lecturer,
and has lectured in forty-tw- o
He will be brought here by the



Kernel Staff Plans
For Annual Banquet






Miss Carrie Bean, manager of
the University Book Store and
Post Office, requests that all students apply immediately for their
mail boxes for the second semester.
The receipt for the payment of
fees must be presented in order
to secure a box. No mall will be
distributed in any student's former box.
Miss Bean stresses the importance of securing these boxes immediately so that the post office
may be relieved of mail accumulated between semesters,



Delegates From Six Colleger
Exoected to Attend; Featurr
of Meeting Will Be Best College Paper Award.
The second annual meeting of thr
Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Asso
elation will be held at the universit:
next week end. Delegates are ex
pected from at least six other college
according to a statement made ye?
terday by the local committee i:
charge of arrangements.
The convocation will be official!;
opened Friday night, when all of th'
visiting delegates will be guests a

the annual Kernel staff banquet a
the Lafayette hotel. Saturday morn
ing will be devoted to hearing talk
by fiur prominent journalists an
business men.
The committee in charge invite
journalism students to attend th'
morning meeting. In the afternoor
a regular business session will br
conducted, at which time various mat
ters of importance are to be discussed. Charles Walker, of Centre Col
lege, president of the association, wil
preside at the meeting. Saturday
night the visiting delegates will b'
quests of the athletic council at
A feature of the convention will br
the contest for the best college paper
in the state. Last year the prize war
awarded to The Kentucky Kernel
This year in addition to the regular
contest. Alpha Delta Sigma, advertising fraternity, will give a cup to
the paper with the best advertising
lay out.

Blue and White Warriors Are
in Good Condition for
Coach Johnny Mauer and his Wildcat netmen will have their hands full
in an attempt to check
this week-entwo of their toughest opponents of
the season. Tonight at 7:30 o'clock
the Blue and White five will encounter the Generals of Washington and
Lee and as soon as the contest is over
the squad will entrain for Blooming- ton to meet Indiana tomorrow night.
The Generals have a very impressive record thus far this season and
the Wildcats basketeer3 will find the
Virginia tilt one of their hardest
games. This will be the sixth Southern Conference conteset for the Blue
and White.
Team- - Practices Hard
Coach Mauer has sent his charges
at top speed all week in preparation
for the two contests thi3 week-en- d
md has announced them in fair condition. Jeffries has shown his usual
'.peed and deceptive tricks in workouts and his return will add greatly
to the Blue and White's chances of
:n the tournament three weeks from

The Wildcat squad in charge of
Coach Mauer and Trainer Mann will

'eave here Friday nioht after the
with Washington and Lee.
They will spend the night in Louisville, leaving there early Saturday
morning for Bloomington. The tilt
vith the Hoosiers will be a tou;h
one for the Wildcat five as the
are showing the way to many
representatives in the Big Ten.
Four More Games
Following these two contests the
Kentucky squad will have only four
more games before the Southern
Conference tournament.
A southern
trip in which Vandsrbilt and Tennessee will be met in return games
ind two contests at home with Centre and Georgia Tech round out the
Those who will make the trip to
llcomington are: Capt. Paul
Jeffries, Combs, McGinnis.
Owens, Dees, Miller, McLane,
lilb and Milward.
The starting line-u- p
for the game
vith the Generals tonight i3 a
Jeffries and Combs, forwards;
center; Captain Jenkins
and McGinnis, guards.



Kittens Have Game
With Manual Tonight
7reshman Net Team Faces
Strong Falls City Quintet
in Third Game
The Kitten basketball team and the

Crimson five of Louisville
Manual Traininz School will clash in
the Falls City tonight in their annual
The Green and White
;quad, in charge of Coach Freddie

Major, will




in a chartered bus.
From all indications the Crimson3
TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY have the edee over Coach
five, but the Kittens may surprise and
Dr. Henry Sloan Coffin, of the Un-Jo- n tnrow a cog into the Manual machinTheological
Seminary of New ery. Coach Major is faced with the
York, spoke Thursday afternoon at 4 lack of reserve material and the first
o'clock in Patterson Hall to the stu- team is nothing to brag
dents and faculty members. Doctor
The Kittens have shown fair ability
Coffin, who is noted in his Held of in
their scrimmansea asrainst the
work as an outstanding leader, was
brougnt here through the combined
efforts of the Y. W. and Y. M. C. A.
of the university.
His theme was
that spirituality is a part of every
phase of our life and has a place in
every line of work.

varsity but as yet they have not dethe new system of play to
any aavantage.
This will be the
third game for Coach ilajor's yearlings. The Kittens copped their' two
other attempts aeainst the DeMnlav
and Kavanaugh High school.


Engineers Will Present "Justice"
In Order to Save American Drama

Dark clouds may, from time to the Senior Engineering Class of 1928
time, billow and sway overhead, but will present in
the near future John
the watcher looks on with passive Galsworthy'3
famous play, "Justice,"
countenance because he knows that at the Romany
eventually all of the gloom must give
At last, after manv lone wander
" 'h"v'"-- J va Lite auuuui. . ings,, in which she became almost
The legions of night may seem to' lost, the Engineering:
Colleee is about
reign interminably but there comes at to find herself. At least, after having
last the hour when
tor so long been buffeted by the slings
" . . . . The morn, in russet manand arrows of outrageous fortune, the
tle clad,
Engineering Colleee takes uo hsr
out for
Walks o'er the dew of yond high
arms and smites the enemy, succor

Freshmen who want to try
football manager report to Trainer
eastern hill;"
Mann or Laufer in the basement of
So, too, does every season of doubt
the Men's gymnasium any afternoon :ume to an end, and now, just as wc
'rom 3 to 5 o'clock. Eight men are were beginning to despair the future
eligible to try out.
of the American drama, just as the
shrouds of utter and ebon night werr
about to draw their folds about tho
fragils figure of Athena, patroness
Although it is already evident to of the Arts, there comes suddenly ar
some of the students we wish to in- announcement that shoots from undei
form all the students of the university a corner of the horizon like a dazthat, starting with the Washingtcn zling meteor to brighten the stygiar
and Lee game tonight the new stu- blackness like a dash of noonday sun
Thj annouuetwent ,j, n fcritf, that
dent tjekti will be sed

ing tne American Drama and emblazoning her proud name in italics on
the eternal hall of fame.
Just why the engineers have not
before conceived the idea of produc-"n- g
a play we are unable to understand. Why such a
of talent
and dramatic ability has so long been
allowed to smother under the snows,
ve are unable to comprehend. That
he engineering genius, this beautiful
learl, should so long have lain hid- hot-be-

(Cetinfte4 as Page Eight)


fiAflK TWO



Subscribe for
And Help the Association




They Tell Me






And For University Alumni


Edited by



Alumni Assn.

Special Rental Rates to Students


Louisville Alumnus
Featured- - in Article



Opp Courthouse

Phoae 17S2


John II. Kchoe, B. M. E. 1902, is
1907, Is
living in Reno, Nevada, where he is N. Gray Rochester,
Subject of Courier-Journmanager of the Royal Laundry, InTwelve Alumni Present at AnFeature Story
corporated. His address is 457 Lake
nual Banquet Given by York
street. He has been living in Reno
PRESIDENT James Park, '15
Heating and Ventilating
The following feature article was
for more than 14 years.
:aken from the Louisville
Courier- ournal of Saturday, January 28. It
uooeri L,ee urown, jr.,
Mrs. Rodcs Estill, '21
as run under a picture of Mr.
another former student who has r
A letter from Thornton Lewis, B.
who was graduated with the M. E., 1906; M. E. 1909, president of
perfect record in the Alumni Associa
tion. He has been active and paid ur :lass of 1917 with the degree of the York Heating and Ventilating
Raymond L. Kirk, '24
SECRETARY-TREASUREevery year since 1923. He is a min- )achelor of arts.
Corporation of Philadelphia, recently
ing engineer and assistant genera
The letter
N. Gray Rochester, executive, 1887 has reached this office.
manager of the R. L. Brow
inceton drive, celebrates his thirty-int-h gave an account of the annual dinner
Company of Evarts, Kentucky. Hi.
birthday anniversary Saturday. of that company which was held at
home address is Middlesboro, Ky.
Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Ir. Richester was born in Marion, the Manufacturers Club in PhiladelWalter Hillenmeyer, 11
Cy., and was educated in the Marion phia on Tuesday, January 17. NumDr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wayland Rhodes, '15
James Thomas Lowe, B. M. E. 1912 lublic schools, the Marion High bered among those present at the
Wra. H. Townsend, 12
is another Alumnus who has a promW. C. Wilson, '13
.chool, from which he was graduated dinner were 12 graduates of the Uni- inent place on our Roll of Honor. He n 1907, and the University of Ken- - versity of Kentucky who are mem- is an engineer with the American ucky, from which he received the bers of that organization.
Telephone and Telegraph Company of legree of bachelor of arts in 1912.
Mr. Lewis gave an account of the
New York. His business address is Jommg to Louisville, ne was made dinner and furnished us with a list
195 Broadway. New York City. He pecial auditor for the Louisville and of the Kentucky men who are affilives at 312 Mr. Prospect avenue,
ashville railroad here following his liated with that corporation. He also
Newark, N. J.
raduation, and the following year enclosed a picture taken during the
Copies of the biennial report of President Frank L. McVey
vas appointed chief bookkeeper for dinner but lack of space and proper
to the Governor of Kentucky and the members of the General
Mary King Burrier, B. S. 1915 r M v.he Fifth Internal Revenue District facilities of reproducing pictures on
Assembly of Kentucky have been mailed to every active and
S. 1921. has been active in the Asso of Kentucky. In 1919, when all the this page makes it impossible for "us
interested member of the Alumni Association of the University
ciation almost every year since her Kentucky revenue districts were to reproduce that picture even
report contains much that we wish to call
of Kentucky. The
graduation. She is teaching Home combined, he was made chief book- though we would like to do so.
years the University of Kenyour attention to. In the past two
Economics in Richmond, Ky., where keeper for the entire state. Mr. RoThe York Heating and Ventilating
been a
her address is 347 High street. Her chester became stockkeeper for Bra-la- s Corporation has offices in all princi
tucky has made a great deal of progress. There has
home address is R. R. No. 2, Nichol- According to Mr. Lewis
marked increase in the student body and the services that the
& Gheens, candy manufactures, pal cicics.
asville, Ky.
in 1921, left that position and be- the organization has grown very fast
university offers to the state at large have been macame auditor for a lumber company during the five years just passed. He
terially increased and improved. The president has set forth
Martha Frances Kimbrough, A. B, in 1923, and was appointed manager says that it has increased to twenty
this growth and improvement in his report. He also has set
in Art in the of the Brown building when it was times what it was at the beginning
1920, is an instructor
forth some of the greatest needs of the university. The
Teachers College, Miami University, opened in 1925. He has since be- of the five year period just finished.
most pressing need is new class room buildings. There
Oxford. Ohio.
Her address is 127 come manager of all the Graham He also said that Kentucky men have
have been no new class room buildings built at the University
East Collins street, Oxford, Ohio, Brown real estate at Fourth street had much to do with the development
Miss Kimbrough has been teaching and Broadway. He i3 on the boaro and growth of the company of which
of Kentucky for a great many years. During this time there
art ever since her graduation and of trustees of the Union Gospel Mis he is a part.
has been an increase in the student body of hundreds. In other
has held several important places sion and the Wesley Community
Following is a list of the Univer
words the same Epace that was crowded for less than 1,000 stuShe recently sent in her check for House and is a member of the Lions sity of Kentucky men who are a part
dents now is being used to take care of more than 2,500. The
dues for this year.
He- also is a Mason.
attempts to obtain
The of that organization and who were
university has been most unfortunate in its
Courier - Journal extends birthday pi asent at the annual dinner:
money for new buildings and improvements?"
Nancy Belle Buford, A. B. 1904, greetings and best wishes for his
Thornton Lewis, president, 1906.
after being on our lost list for a great continued success.
Air Condi iioning Department: R.
Within the past four or five years hundreds of thousands of
many years, became an active ana
R Taliaferro, chief engineer, 1913;
dollars have been appropriated to build buildings on the campaid up member of the Alumni AsC. E. Scott, research engineer, 1C21.
schools and colleges.
puses of the different
sociation in 1924 and has been active has offices at 452 Starks Building.
Heating Department: C. D. GraThe university did not receive its proportionate part of the
She is assistant He is another Alumnus who has not ham, chief engineer, 1923.
each year since.
money. In fact we received none of it. This year a strenuous
High missed a year since his graduation.
principal of the Newcastle
Sales Department: New York OfSch